Karens Who Went Too Far

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love friends it's me and today we're going karen hunting hey that's my food what my grubhub driver just dropped it off and i have you on camera stealing it give it back what are you doing boomer behavior right here you know this is a real thing with boomer steel and instacart orders a while ago i've been having some issues where i order food my neighbor steals my food and i have to call the cops tell my neighbor to stop stealing my food like isn't that embarrassing y'all can't just dang whatever's in that bag smells good i think i'll just this ain't the wild west y'all can't be taking things that are yours this karen decided to spend her day off fighting with some kids about how they parked parties on there he's on their way for a while jordan who wants to go jordan i understand that no listen it's the principle of it honey dude let's go yeah let's go let's go let's go look ladies we apologize okay it's fine we apologize i'm not leaving ma'am look at the parking lot empty and they decide to park on the line look how that dude's parked in the back parked vertically perpendicular parking and she go fight with them over this we are leaving anywhere they're getting in their car they're leaving she's like we're calling security a lesson will be learned today she's not she's still on the bro and she's making her kids stand behind the car jordan i am so sorry that you are unfortunately birthed by a karen are you serious security is on the internet yes instead of security the cops aren't gonna do anything what are they gonna do give them a little slap on the wrist like probably arrest her for wasting their time even the kid knows how stupid his mom is acting i already know they gonna make a tick tock out of this mother's gonna get exposed all the cops for bad parking two three one one non-emergency and they'll be what is three one one emergency and they're gonna cite you for parking legally oh my kid get your mom out of the way no jordan get away from the hide no jordan jordan you're all over here get away from your son is on our side i feel so bad for him oh my god she's oh my god god are you kidding me right now lady move look are you this is such a joke lady pull out forward get out of there this is what a nice relaxing daily life of a karen looks like wakes up takes a sip of coffee it's a wonderful day to be a i feel so bad for jordan he don't deserve none of this negative energy this dude's on his motorcycle and pulls up to karen defending her road with a stick i'm going home whoa why are you sleeping i have to go that way my house is that way around her [Music] [Applause] she really tried this guy was recording a very harmless prank that went very wrong you think you could help me open this if you can't get it i can't yeah oh my god you're effing hilarious i don't care about it oh cool i'm being honest i didn't even mean first time so he was cool with it at first like yeah he snake come out of pringle can by me walks away wait that was not funny have they made a fool out of me hey you guys are on camera too i'm gonna call the police right now so you wait here while i call the police sir what went wrong have you guys awoken the karen slumbering inside of him he was cool about it a second ago you know brain took a few minutes to process but wait they've made a fool out of me no one makes a fool out of me hey don't touch the dog don't even touch the dog the dog doesn't even like you and by the way i'm recording you too what is the point of recording them when they're recording you like they're not even doing anything what'd it do baby bobby schneider right here let's get in hey let's take a look at your camera hey yo come on you're touching me now let's erase it no it's fine you know if my employer sees this i will be finished my life over dude you're a punk he out of insults that smile just he looks to his dog like the dog is embarrassed to be there they just pulled the harmless prank i don't understand why he's so pressed he got the times for multiplier on how bad he made the situation like i don't get it so this guy was hired to put up a fence around the tree and their neighbor karen has a problem with this so here she comes recording do you ever get the feeling you're being watched the way she just rolls up to him like we got another one too it appears they've multiplied what happened to the wheelchair it's the power of anger that karen just got up out of the wheelchair and just suddenly she's walking around karen's around the world lend me your strength she just walked away she moves pretty fast for a girl in a wheelchair huh she really does she don't even need the wheelchair just got up and walked away all this anger and frustration has fixed my legs this is my karen hello karen ain't nobody home she didn't even look at the camera she just walked away she back at it again that is a psychopath knock like i'm not answering that i feel like if you knock more than three times you are the fbi a psychopath or have very bad intentions she just keeps going karen this is how you get arthritis those knuckles gonna be banging sore at this point oh she's using a can okay two hours later just keep going oh she finally looked at the camera she can't see him though it's tinted i would have just started knocking back play a little game with her what's gonna happen if you open the door hi i've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty so i'm parking here cousin and tell me why this route over here in this car starts harassing me and asking me if i'm handicapped and then i pulled out my wheelchair and i asked her if this is handicap enough and she's flipping me off so a handicapped person parks in a handicapped spot she pulled out a wheelchair actually handicapped don't you feel silly don't you feel stupid don't you feel ashamed you know when an actual handicapped person comes along you all get a 1v1 for the parking spot excuse me were you just about to put that water there i know no i saw you these are my plants i water them every day do you get up at six and do it no i didn't i that's what i mean that's why i'm calling the police very simple very simple very simple he got the face and everything perfect spot on they always got that fake smile that's why i'm calling the police very simple yeah i'm calling the police you know these povs getting too realistic i thought i was one on one with a karen for a sec we got our passport pictures taken today and it took us 15 tries not to laugh and then she laughed and then she is sick and tired of it i have tried to take this dang deadly photo 15 times for you to ruin it every single time do you know how many brain cells boomers have to like put together to hold up a camera and press a button i understand her frustration this karen was accused of smoking in a rental car and if you do that you have to pay a very hefty fee a couple hundred dollars so they can get the stinky smell out i did not smoke in that car you can see the eyeshadow ma'am i had the door open standing there at the door at the car i was not in the car ma'am i'm not i'm not known for life i'm sorry i'm not known for a liar yeah well i don't know you so how do i know you're not known for a liar hold on hold on let me contact every single person on your contact list and ask if you have ever told a lie are you abraham lincoln no i didn't think so you're pissing me off with what because i didn't smoke in the car i mean you can look at it i told you the door was open i was standing right there with my cigarette are you stupid if it went inside that's not my world but i didn't smoke any do you smell cigarette smoke in it no ma'am you do not is the sky blue no ma'am it is not will get keep gaslight girl boss get her out of this one no ma'am you don't it does not smell no we both smoke yeah you both smoke and the car smells like smoke no it does not what i did not smoke in that car you can't tell me otherwise i ain't no liar said every liar ever i'm putting you understand this is a rest for what because look how close you part to me i'm gonna move the car move the car no you're not moving the car the cops no we're gonna move the car no you stay here stop filming me citizens around what is that that makes no sense have they created a fake power who do you think you are spider-man i see somebody parked on the lines i am placing you under citizen's arrest until the police get here so that you can go to jail it's not a real thing you're free to go the only power karen's got is in their vocal cords today karen said i shouldn't be leaving my dog in the car when i came back from cvs is he in a tesla though he is in a tesla i told her the car has dog mode and he's more comfortable in there than outside she didn't believe me and told me that it was cruel i get it if you're leaving your dog in a car and it's a hot day but teslas literally have a dog mode you could set the temperature where it'll be comfy for them look at him so comfortable he's taking a nap clearly he's being abused he doesn't even want to get out of the car takes up the two front seats very cruel i bet she felt stupid after that this is my mom literally five minutes ago hi sweetie we have some cleaners coming in a month okay what what i need to clean the house i need you to clean the house it's messy there's dust okay i need you to clean the house because we have cleaners coming so you need to clean then what's the point of the cleaners coming you're paying somebody to come do what you want me to do for free is that it i'm confused anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button though and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolfpack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 16,115,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, worst, karens, ever, karen, who, went, too, far
Id: jlXXHxWxg08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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