All Your WORST PAINS In One Video [MUST SEE!] | SSSniperWolf

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Hello friends it's me and today we're checking out some things that will make you say ouch [Music] when you're so tall every time you go back to your room you gotta watch out for the light [Music] shattered the time I put a mask on without waiting the label what kind of mask is it feeling this for a hot second I thought it was blue oh it's just a peel-off mask some brands have a face mask that's like a peel off mask but it's not like the satisfying lift up peel it's like attaches to every single hair on your face kind of mask and it's like a very painful to peel it off but can you do it in one foul swoop oh it could have came off nicely mother gonna send you this and be like clean your room or else at least make sure you can see the path that you're walking especially when your little piggies are naked and vulnerable that's why I don't walk around the house Barefoot anymore behold sulk plugged in but the foot ain't got no electricity you can't snap your fingers in your mouth what do you mean what are we doing Caitlyn why does it hurt oh wait oh I know you want to do it but don't do it it's going to hurt me keeps pulling that little piece of skin on my finger oh mom walks in gosh darn it the Colossal Titan did it again this is how the Titans transform so they do it really really fast it all starts with that piece of skin on your finger and just how it feels smashing your fingers at the gym no rookie rookie mistake can you put the weights on the bar you gotta put it on and then no fingers inside the gaps this has got to be one of the most painful things that can happen to a girl right after try child's birth we got if you got fake nails you know oh you hit it against Sumner when it breaks in the middle of the nail when it starts bleeding no Band-Aid is gonna help you a boo-boo that will make you boo hoo how you're supposed to cut an apple oh nice she got the seeds oh got the inside the middle got the middle I'm sorry what ah I didn't think it was going to get any worse but it did it takes one Tick Tock to ruin my day and this was it so this happened when I was in a pool I tried everything a lot of conditioner and everything but it wasn't working so like when you don't braid your hair like put it up or something and then go swimming and you have curly hair it gets extremely knotted so bad that she had to go cut it that's why I hate getting my hair wet in the pool so the woman who burned my legs during laser hair removal Oh I thought she was wearing pants Oh did it scar that's horrible but did the hair grow back though help WTF oh I don't know what it is bro I think you got another eyeball growing because it's emerging how did this happen I ain't a doctor I don't know what's wrong let me Google it real quick you know when doctors step out of the room that's what they do to Google it [Music] that One's Gonna Hurt first and last time I remember ever again oh man that One's Gonna Knock some brain cells out of you this life had changed my life are you sick and tired of being an idiot and pouring your milk over the glass well just stop being an idiot and flip it over why pour milk on glass one can pour in glass [Music] what kind of Witchcraft is this [Music] I need somebody with long lung hair immediately all you gotta do is rub it and then you got these little knots that you can just pull them off Oh Devious things I could do with this men don't piss me off oh no they were delivering a food order and it literally fell out of the box and the McDonald's box ain't gonna hold the McDonald's that's literally not your fault it's not his fault was he supposed to carry it from the bottom how long have you had those shoes I just got them can you turn around for me okay are those the Doc Martens I thought it was me and my ankles I wore thick socks I thought I had fat ankles or something but it's not just me because they did this to mine and for this reason I can't wear them no matter how thick the socks I wear I cannot wear such cute boots oh see the waxing this guy's chest oh foreign the whole thing it's like a plate of armor a plate of wax I thought girls had it bad but when a guy decides to wax his entire front half including the nips that's a lot of hair it's like imagine thousands of hairs being ripped all at the same time just Beauty do be hurting though hey guys just got my tongue tie cut I don't hold my mouth I'm sorry what does she have a piercing there or something I don't know why she got it cut you got a piercing and then mother finds out oh no no no no no you won't have to get rid of that doctor would be like well I don't know how to get it out so let's just now you got a hole inside of your mouth hole that car is way too low to go over a speed bump oh no is it fun I thought it was gonna be a fever like the whole back bumper just popped off it wasn't even a big speed bump actually you know these are the worst ones small but deadly they make the biggest oof ah okay this happened to me yesterday but on the corner and it was a solid wood Locker you know an anime when they get bumped on the head I wish you guys can feel it it's huge and it feels gross it feels like a golf ball on my head my sister asked me if it filled in the dent on my skull foreign I know there's so many tick tocks of this but when somebody does this for real like on accident and it just the back of your ankle nothing but pain and suffering girl I don't know what you bit into or what happened that happened too disconnected just literal braces y'all had one job hold the teeth together nope it's time to jump rope isn't this painful you know when your teeth are really sensitive and you drink ice cold water take that pain and multiply it times ten that's what I imagine this to feel like they pulled out their headphones from their cabinet and found a pin just right in the ear hole imagine somebody put this in the air like people who like listening to metal I rather do this than listen to anything on the top 20. y'all ever hard-boiled egg go to peel it and don't just peel the shell just go through wasting precious egg whites here mildly infuriating and then like dumpster diving out of Dunkin Donuts it is painful to see how much food companies throw away y'all could literally solve world hunger there's enough food for everybody but companies just decide to throw it away they took this 700 000 Ferrari and put it through a three dollar car wash why would you do that it was painful for a lot of people but honestly if I had that car and I needed a car wash really fast I would do the same I just don't care there it's convenient why you put the bread in this way it's cutting the bread vertically you can't even do nothing with that I thought you were gonna slice them into like little croissantes what can you do with vertical Bread Long sandwich me chicken the wax it's set oh it's not I can't tell if the wax is uncomfortably hot or nice and warm this has happened to my figure with hot wax and it's like it burns it burns and it stays hot for a hot minute you can't just remove it the pain that keeps on hurting well I found my name tag that I lost she was recording a tick tock and just stepped on the sharp side until I just well here I am Hello friends it's me and today I've compiled all of your pain in one video Let's see if you can make it to the end of this video what's in there it moved there's a bug in there there's the bug there's a bug there's a bug in her ear I don't know how she's so calm I'm not calm maybe because she can't see it but can't you feel it feel it there's a bug like swimming around in the canal of your ear hear this is that a hair dryer no I thought you were gonna blow it away maybe they'll suck it up come on hurry up get it out somebody could have just like pulled it out you couldn't have taken a Q-tip I'm so nervous watching this she's so calm like you ain't Country if you ain't have bugs in every single hole in your body so big it's big it's huge why is it so big how dare you enter a human's ear hole without consent are you getting the death penalty by death penalty I mean smoosh him and maybe shove something in one of his holes I did not like that one bit watch my family slip on icy steps first my daughter oh she got up and walked up like a champ you know nobody's gonna warn the next person like oh the stairs are slippery oh she grabbed on smart not as bad as the rest so it's probably gonna hurt more tomorrow the one time I tried to wax my BF head no what's it look like clean wax man his roots are just long I gotta feel real silky smooth after that that scared me I thought she ripped off some skin with it but them hair follicles are just thick oh that's the wax I'm stupid I'm used to the wax being blue but the wax looks like it's skin colored no we're good this dude stepped into an ant hill are you gonna take it out take it out sir your foot has invaded their home now they will invade your foot you know with the pain of all the bites I don't even think you can even feel them creepy crawling on you anymore she found the new way to cut off her nails the amount of nope in this video it's like a Russian Roulette are you not worried about not having fingers anymore amount of nope in this video just hammered the nail off I'm sick and tired of having long nails I mean she snapped them off perfectly however I could never is that a cramp like in your wrist can you fix it it's like a little prune wiggle it out I didn't think you could actually see it would anybody like a cat anybody don't all speak at once does anybody want a cat please I like the cat I don't know if I would like that one and he's swinging by her braid while munching on it bro you just vibing no kitty Tower to play on foreign [Music] try a whole garage oh man my fingers have been through it between tiles a car window collapsing in between the seams of a garage probably the worst pain I've ever felt in my life oh no no no no no no I got pizza from this because it's like a cactus and when you walk by it I feel like it jumped At Me Maybe I touched it very gently but it basically like the needles sink into your skin like a spiky Bowl you can't just pull it off so you have to like wait till you get home until you have like the proper tools to yank it off I can't even explain how painful this was and then I had a huge bruise for weeks dastardly little balls of pain oh why is that he knew it was gonna was gonna frame like it fling open at any given moment and smack you across the face I mean when I go on a subway I try not to like touch anything I will not be sitting I will be standing I will not be holding any bars holy smokes dude my cut is insane shout out to my barber dog I was wondering how did that happen I have seen nothing but Misfortune come out of these stretchy what are these called hello Miss take my hand up ow no she's crying at least she looked cute running into the pole does somebody throw the toy at him oh somebody whipping around Grandpa's head firmly grasp Grandpa's bald head holy smokes dude my cut is insane shout out to my barber gave a Jolly Rancher to a gen Z did they try biting it did it pull their tooth out I think it pulls the tooth out with the Jolly Rancher it got stuck you're supposed to suck on them when it dissolves into a tiny little thing you may bite into it but now they just bit into it and it got stuck in their teeth I don't even know what could do that is this why they don't give candy to babies they don't give a lot of things to babies Oh no that's choking hazard because a baby's first instinct is to swallow it I guess I don't have any experience with kids so don't at me the reason I don't train biceps anymore oh I don't want to see this I don't want to see this I don't oh he pulled the muscle I think he did a little more than that it just like shriveled up out out out bicep broke time to make triceps strong I patient goes to the doctor with a dumbbell shoved up there can I say it or do you understand how does that even happen I don't know doctor just I slipped the Bell and the dumbbell just forced this way through my booty hole tragic I don't even want to know my GF stepped on my earrings ow pull him out come on one Fell Swoop then apply pressure why do you have earrings on the ground that has to hurt more than a Lego girls want to be talking about period pain have you ever rolled your ankle over like this I'm so glad girls don't have ankles so they don't have to ever experience this pain I don't think I've ever like sprained my ankle but this happens to me way too often that I feel like one day I'm just gonna like a little too hard and I might be limping for weeks speak in the nails if you know you know how painful it is when your fake nails Bend like they Bend back very painful I have done it many times but like what happened here did they like melt and then they just bent the back like imagine doing it with your real nail like when you bend it back it's even more painful with a fake nail because it's attached to your real nail that is one big fat juicy no wow you know you have to secure the weights oh there you only need one one on each side bro and you know we're not taking any chances with five whole pounds showing my private Story how they should shake the Boba yeah you should always shake it when you get it right so it mixes up the drink oh no how did that even happen at least the floor be eating good better safe than sorry make sure your memory card's in place this is just a hammer in I don't know if that's gonna work after that this dude was on the runway oh there was no wet floor sign oh he gonna get up and act like nothing happened I gotta finish this walk I don't know if this would be more painful or more embarrassing probably more embarrassing they hand painted this custom charizard MacBook and wait just like that get rid of it delete it why I got the art was forever you have beef with Charizard or something y'all break up not your favorite Pokemon anymore friendship ended with Charizard Lee chunk is my new best friend the elite Pokemon Hello friends it's me today we're gonna try not to cringe [Music] oh at no point did this video get better yeah we don't have any water in the house it's okay use monsters and then the sticker why the sticker extra seasoning you got covered no taste buds pretty sure animals can't have monster furry's included this might actually be your last meal they were at a game let's go boys and she cheers ew imagine being offended by how somebody cheers you guys are cheering for the same team Call them men disrespectful female somebody said why his voice sounds so dry after drinking the neckbeard nectar I can turn into a werewolf and if you don't believe me this video is proof y'all hear that he can turn into a werewolf we're gonna watch the transformation right now and it's not a joke he's a shape-shifter oh I don't think the transformation was successful yeah there's a werewolf and then there's this my dude going insane probably because Tick Tock doesn't have a proper werewolf filter I hate this trend a dinosaur this is a grown adult if you were a dinosaur you'd be a cringesaurus dinosaur I don't even know what to say no words just why these girls twerk at parties illegal and yucky let me just drink my purple monster monster kicks in shakes big booty sexy Vamp Queen bro what just happened Shake big booty to activate Vamp Queen yeah Red Bull gives you wings this is what monster does I can't even be mad about that that was actually pretty good look no come on let's go what is this is this this isn't public they are on a public Street and just taking my dog for a walk why that's all I want to know she made her song called I am proud to be a millennial I'm proud to be a Millennials and I won't be told what to wear or how to use emojis there's more she keeps going like she really sitting there with her hand on her heart she dead serious would you Connie shut up ain't nobody asked you for your opinion anyway because I'm not allowed to have an opinion on this I will just girl do your thing here's a message [Music] girl nobody cares what you wear have your side part have your skinny jeans have your student debt you don't have to make a whole Anthem about it recently I read a comment suspected gen Zer roasted me saying I look like I was stuck in 2006. I don't know it's the chokers the glasses I haven't been able to find other glasses that like frame my face better it hurt actually I'm still recovering so please be kind you know it's been way too long when [Music] I'm sorry what the actual is her kitty meowing hey yo that's gross I did not need to see that I don't want to be awake anymore I'm going back to bed do people post this on Tick Tock in hopes that somebody will come do something about it why do people post these things imagine you scrolling on your for you page and your mom post this like this is tick tock not Craigslist hookups oh my God what is that oh what is that is it Venom in real life so people were saying that is like a kind of parasite I mean Venom was a parasite it's just chilling on the kitchen floor like it's some forbidden raw meat that's gross sitting at the bath time surprise for my 16 year old son we've got a bath bomb and it goes all yellow we've got his best Minion toys something to watch a drink yay yay that's pretty cool for a six-year-old but a 16 year old son set up an entire bath why is the bath bomb yellow that is the most unsavory color for a bath and who doesn't love a yellow bathtub like swimming in a tub of my own piss she brought his entire gaming setup to the bathtub you know what I'm kind of jealous you got all your minion friends around you playing Battlefield with the boys straight from the tub you already know his mother's gonna be sitting on the side hand feeding him Doritos like this kid's spoiled what did you just say car has been inside of you at one time to exit I don't know some people are just more comfortable speaking to their parents like this but mine would not be having it I would be the uncomfortable child but I mean it is true everybody in this car was at one point inside you surprising my teen at the door from her movie date hi hi how was your day good thank you thanks for bringing her to the door have a good day have a good night actually well why does the mall making a tick tock like you just got home and the fact that she posted it too I would be so uncomfortable this is the kind of stuff that you record for yourself to keep and show them when they're older I know I'm reacting to it we did it again they put their phone on an escalator and started doing a tick tock dance the guy has to go up the escalator oh my God I would be so embarrassed why they act like they did something like wow congratulations we put our phone on a filthy escalator floor to film a tick tock I can't imagine this would like look that good also like you're blocking off an escalator at a busy mall I would be so embarrassed [Music] why you buying ice cream from this guy and he really said handmade handmade ice cream Gourmet [Music] I don't like that sound I don't like that sound I don't like it stop oh perfect after watching as I got the pop-ups time to close Instagram yeah it is at least she's not talking about having a baby no uh you are not cannibal you are a girl it clearly says girl on your forehead therefore that is what you are y'all forget to shave your tongue just blowing in the wind and a very violent urge to just stab it I don't like it hold up one minute hold up one minute why oh there's just something about adults doing baby voices or kid voices that just rub me the wrong way it's not cute it's unsettling do people think this is cute if I did a goo goo gaga voice right now would you think it's cute no I'm not doing it I'm not doing that you know to be able to recognize cringe you yourself must also be cringe [Music] foreign of that video of her sliding down the stairs and then turning around like what feeling is this supposed to entice you know when you're on Tick Tock for too long and they ask you like was this video helpful useful entertaining like what was this what was it is in an introduction hello Tina the tweaker here can i bark of course I can bark [Applause] whoa down boy bad dog we gotta put the dog down you shouldn't call her and it's literally the dollar store color Unleashed but um it's electric green and I don't know none of those stores actually have this color so I'm just like hyped it's I actually love the way it looks she bought herself a leash a collar and a leash who gonna walk you you gonna walk yourself sugar will tie herself to a pole she gonna mess up the other dogs if she runs into them on the streets which black pink member do I look like thank you Lisa of course there's got to be a joke and then I looked at the name it's the guy that got surgery to make him look Korean this whole Tick Tock was an insult to blackpink stop a girl walked in on me what are you doing oh my God I'm so embarrassed I would have just stayed up there I hope she didn't notice mind your business like I'm mine's in mind foreign [Applause]
Channel: SSSniperWolf Top Videos
Views: 4,899,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, reactions, reactor, SSSniperWolf, sniperwolf
Id: 5bHgiUFoDKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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