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Hello friends it's me and today we're checking out some very creative people I was so scared to mess this up whoa wait a second how did you do that the drawing was done then you just like wipe it away and there's a whole other drawing under it oh that's crazy and you only have one chance to just like swipe over and just whoa bam it came out perfect me and the voice inside my head telling me to drink more water I've seen this pen before and I'm still like amazed how does this work you press a button and then texturize it and then it just goes back to normal like it crinkles and uncrinkles itself it's magical the ultimate fidget toy they took their MacBooks sketched out some stuff of Spider-Man what kind of Juicy markers are those oh they look so delicious they're like paint markers that really pops and why'd you put Superman on it got the Marvel logo oh that came out so good wait am I like insane or did I see uh Superman there's too many s's Spider-Man Superman Sniper Wolf we can't all be in one room sorry wait why did you just cut to it it's not it's not part of the picture okay this is like the definition of trust the process because some of these lines did not look too clean but then like you see the finished product then you're like whoa looks like a comic book now MacBook no no no comic book yes they put in these stairs that fold into the wall so if you wake up one day and I'm like okay these stairs are taking up too much space I don't want stairs anymore just push them back into the wall retractable stairs that's actually crazy like imagine going upstairs to go to sleep wake up in the morning oh darn forgot to unwrap my stairs it's a cool idea but also like why oh that is a juicy pen I love me some gel pens I used to have one of these in Middle School oh what what and it's going too fast you're going way too fast for me they just made stars out of stars out of stars it was just so sad satisfying I love making the little stars but who knew you could do it and like connect all of them without picking the pen off the paper anime versus realism step one draw a circle oh shape out the face I can never do this right oh we are drawing Itachi on one side and then oh what he would look like in real life but forget the lashes oh he's kind of cute I mean he is the best character in Naruto and add some details I don't know how y'all can draw lashes on guys and not make them look like girls because I cannot oh and then you got the realistic side and the anime side they both look so good I don't know what's more impressive this or the fact that they did it with a blue pen how do you even do that how do you cut your watermelon to just like expand without actually cutting it whatever witchcraft you did here is probably illegal how do they do that this is making my head hurt you made like a cage out of a watermelon put a string on it carry it around like it's a dang tote bag watermelon is a prisoner in its own body okay is that Fiona it is a photo but it is moving and wouldn't you give her some oxygen oh y'all put her to sleep the opposite of oxygen oh oh they're giving her surgery hey that's a whole new person what did y'all injector with oh what was that that shrunk her neck they got a surgery for that hold on a sec hold on a sec they about to give her a whole brand new face oh they made her face even smaller and I thought surgery was supposed to make things bigger we just getting rid of everything where are all the stitches is that an Alchemy book are you practicing witchcraft now making her juice what kind of juice is this pretty sure they Blended a pumpkin in there oh they made a mask out of it okay I'm assuming this is going to heal everything oh it's crumbled and suddenly she's human now she at the dentist and they gave her braces why did y'all give her braces her teeth were fine okay now we're doing her skin care Oh her makeup too so the person doing this as a professional plastic surgeon dentist and celebrity makeup artist wow you must be talented put some lashes on mascara oh she gonna wake up a brand new person oh she still has the braces oh yeah because braces totally work like that like we're just gonna put these on do your makeup an hour later congratulations you have perfect teeth oh the lips I'll get rid of everything she turned into like five different people throughout this it's like watching somebody do surgery on an app game except this is all hand drawn that's like a whole entire whole entire transformation oh I love it when they shave the wood like that oh they're making a mushroom oh it's so cute I like the textures in this video and when they painted the hats he has a very nice orange hat there's a whole family of the fungi how cute I would love to have these like laying around my house and then if somebody ever like breaks in I could just like honk them on the head with a mushroom how'd you stay awake no oh you know nothing keeps me awake like Mentos erected from my forehead and it's like you sleep you go into Coke bottle boom Mentos Coke activation someone tells me I can still sleep through this they started painting their hand and already it looks like a trunk is missing out of their hands because you know you got the black background you got the black paint and start adding some more detail oh no honestly that's what it feels like when I have a hair tie on my wrist for too long oh and the finished product that looks so weird like it actually looks like it's being choked strangled and skinny oh when they Twisted it I know it's not painful but it looks so painful and she tried to pick up her puzzle that she just completed no don't do it no it's ruined how many hours did this take to just pick it up and ruin it no oh even worse that would just disintegrated crumbled like a Hidden Valley nature bar I at least hope you took the time to admire it before you picked it up destroyed it come on I have hope in this one no oh oh that one lasted longer but still not long enough how many puzzles is this woman going to complete for them to just keep crumbling I see people on Tick Tock like hold them pick it up and it just like stays in place when will she have her turn to feel that Joy I want to try drawing something like this because I've been seeing so much art where they take a piece of paper with lines in it and make it part of the drawing like the cat is climbing up the blinds do not do that very naughty it seems simple enough right it's just like draw on every other line and then the lines that you didn't draw on are like the front of the picture so you can draw a 2d picture you know with like Dimensions straight this guy I know this guy he makes signs big big oh oh big booty Boulevard I was close I want to see who lives there I would also like to visit oh there's the metal that's the metal piece you're telling me it's basically a sticker on metal the stop signs big booty Boulevard yeah nice Nikki lives there actually my best rug yet I love seeing them do this not so much like the tracing oh there's so much yarn look at all the colors start filling it in oh it's a Pokemon rug oh that is detail is that like one of the OG games what is all that Gunk wait they take plaster is it plaster I don't know what it is they put it on the back of a rug wow just slam me in the face with the rod start mowing the lawn make sure it is perfect okay I don't know why I thought I could do this and then there's all this other like trimming and making it perfect and then roll it out Pokemon gay boy game that actually looks sick you know it's so cool that they make such Neato rugs but like the point of a rug is like to walk on and I would not want to walk on Art I remember reacting to this guy make this insane art out of cutting paper and I was just like so amazed and impressed and then I saw that he actually made one of me oh there's me wait there it is me cut out a paper you see the image light it still blows my mind how somebody can just take like scissors no pencil no writing new pencil just scissors and paper made this I can see my face in it very cool she had such fluffy hair she's making herself into a house It's gotta be a house oh wait no what are you doing oh it's the chimney just shape it a little more pop that piece out oh yes my favorite hairstyle house head complete with a chimney if you had lice they would now have a home oh that is some nice frosting and it's a rainbow too oh they're gonna write happy birthday that is the fanciest H and B I have ever seen those letters went to private school you cannot mess up what happens when you mess up you gotta start over you can't just like wipe it away or can you where is the camera it's like moving with the icing is the camera attached to the icing tube I mean you can stick a GoPro anywhere but I mean y'all really said anywhere oh that is fancy yeah happy birthday Matthew I bet Matthew can't even read she's just like ooh pretty swirly colors also there's too much extra space at the top what are you gonna put there oh if you want to put candles you put the candles there excellent wait he's drawing a vase kind of looks like a bowling pin without the Hat wait this started out as a painting and how everything's like blending with the background and suddenly the pole that they were painting on is gone disappeared just blended into the surroundings but only if you're standing in that one spot facing it straight on otherwise you stand anywhere else it's not gonna look like that it's gonna look kind of funky I am obsessed with these cups I see them on Tick Tock making cups out of crystals this one is rose quartz oh it's beautiful until I read that there aren't actually for drinking and just for sitting and looking pretty a shame I will quickly show you why I have a green screen today what green screen so that's why there's a green screen but it's so clean like I would have never knew there was a green screen if she hadn't said you know why I'm using a green screen today like green screen where what are you green screening a less messy background okay you know what that's actually kind of Genius like it looks so real I can't believe that was a green screen even the cat is a paid actor you thought I was asleep nope just chilling a sombrero for chips and dip and it plays the song too oh where do I buy one of these there is a switch to flip the hat on and off and also to protect your queso if I got the time and the money I'll do this that's cement we're gonna make a walkway with a bunch of pebbled cement and we're gonna wait till it dries should take how long then we burn it burn the plastic there's no way this would actually works like instead of getting rocks which are expensive you take cement wrap it up in plastic okay ain't nobody got time for this but like burn off the plastic wouldn't there be like pieces of plastic I still left under like they decompose or is that a problem for another day it looks good for the time being it was like this piece of art in the desert it's cool from far away and then you like get closer take closer look and it's made entirely out of shopping carts Walmart if you've been wondering where the carts where the good wheels are they're here trapped inside this Hello friends it's me today we're checking out some really creative people after having fake nails for over 10 years I finally got so annoyed with them that I ripped half of them off this is what eye drops feel like they're zooming out of a photo how much can you possibly zoom out we were just in like a tree house and now we are on a pirate ship that world that we just saw is on fire oh wait it was just a painting it's okay we're on a wall with many other paintings wait you could zoom into every single painting there's a whole story of a world inside every painting I wanna know how big this file is that you could zoom in this much actually insane I cannot believe this guy if drawing one image didn't take enough skill he joined all of BTS at the same time how is this even possible I don't know I feel like you have to have a certain brain that works a certain way to be able to do this because how do you do six different images by controlling one pen that is wild I did seven oh this just made my brain hurt all I wanna know is how they drew Lloyd and then wait y'all made them a little too white I had some really dark shadows you know you really gotta trust the process for this one and then start shading everything in bro what color pencils did that that came that came smooth I've been using colored pencils wrong my whole life like when I'm done it kind of look like that right but wait you're supposed to use a lighter color and blend everything together it doesn't even look like pencil anymore it's so smooth oh gorgeous I think she got some long hairs don't tell me you're cutting it they did not they turned her into a princess she looked expensive how you make hair curve like a pringle oh man that's beautiful I know she annoyed she been sitting in that chair for hours oh I love the sound it sounds like it's scratching my brain they're like coloring but it's felt oh everything is made of felt even the Apple crazy things going on in the felt Community like y'all drawing things out of felt picking them off the page and eating them this is a modern day witchcraft [Music] they have a bunch of string oh they're making a face oh say my name I was about to say Heinz but that's the ketchup Heisenberg why does that still sound like a condiment this is not a toilet it's actually a cake that I was asking to make to prove that I could make no that's a toilet toilet don't give me that in return I was going to get the real estate for a very big video and get paid a lot of money and instead I was not hired and this video was shown to another decorator on how to make a toilet cake and long story short I'm never making a toilet cake again and you should always have a contract before you make something wait that's a realistic Choice camera was like wow look how great she made a toilet cake goes to another toilet Cake Maker hey can you do this yeah I could do this but half the price all right bet that stuff but look on the bright side now you get to eat your own toilet cake they got a bunch of Q-tips just little faces on them put them on a speaker and it's Q-tip time it's like a little party before you sacrifice them to your filthy ear canal a customer asked for something truly impossible she wanted me to put the scene from Coco on a nail I had to find a way to make five low colors look Brown and daylight it felt like a huge mess oh so the dog has to look Brown in daylight and then colorful under a black light how is this possible those are so insanely detailed I don't understand how you could put that much effort into a nail and then people could just like wear it and then take them off and then under a black light look how cool it looks she really understood the assignment ma'am you have a talent they took some white paint on a black canvas oh I already know they draw on Pikachu clearly with a bottom that thick oh he's gonna look neon he's gonna look lit it's crazy how that's all it takes no fill in his eyes they gotta be black otherwise he looks lifeless there is not a solo or a thought in that body never seen anybody paint with a frosting tube oh they let it dry and it's still thick do you ever just have like the urge to just or poke it while it's in the middle of drawing because I know this is going to take days to dry let's make a Kirby rug you know it's not a creative video without a custom rug it's just so satisfying seeing this and I know that they do this really cool thing where they like trim around all of the lines so it kind of gives it like a more 3d effect oh look at all that shedding I thought Kirby was nice and smooth so perfect no foot is allowed to ever be placed upon Him turning my insecurity into art I have a scar from open heart surgery I mean that is nothing to be insecure about it's like a battle scar you fought for that and you survived it but I mean if you want it to look pretty you do that and sometimes I forget you can actually just like draw on yourself free tattoo some Pikachu bread you look a little burnt on the outside and the inside is perfect they probably thought it was a fail until they cut it open like oh no it's a good old Pikachu head nah this is trippy this relationship isn't gonna work I'm sorry what do you mean put the chef hat down pick the weight up no I'm the only thing he cooking up are these games and she still went for the wrap they 3D printed a Yoshi egg and then you just pop the pieces in oh it holds your games oh that is so cute and there's so many different colors I don't know why I don't have a 3D printer yet you could literally print out anything I don't even have a regular printer yeah I want to talk about 3D so they make realistic mermaid tails some of these even light up Ariel had the seashells but not only making like octopus tops honestly somebody wearing that they like hand paint these each individual scale the amount of work that goes into this is insane oh I love the one that lights up you know mermaid is an expensive lifestyle and the fish do it for free kiwi matching I want to see that piece of paper disappear no the green is too dark you must trust the process keep on blending oh it's starting to disappear here it comes you missed a little spot I hope you go back in for that be gone nothing to see here but a kiwi 100 edible very juicy oh she's gorgeous if you can blow up this balloon without putting your mouth on it without blowing on it without using no air pumps no Machinery filling it up with water or anything like that then I'll give you a hundred dollars all right I already know she's gonna get that hundred dollars but how do you blow up a balloon without blowing up a balloon no math no Machinery no Shin digs no witchcraft no hoo-ha uh she put her glasses on that's how you know things about to go down balloon blowing will happen without any blowing she put vinegar in a water bottle a funnel put some baking powder in oh I already know it's gonna blow up expand not explosion hopefully [Music] I don't see no Coke and Mentos it's not working it's not just kidding I'm gonna dump the baking soda and then there you go balloon blowed no lips necessary no lungs necessary that was the most expensive balloon ever blowed dice with Pokemon trapped inside Pikachu in there free him what's the point of dice with no numbers so it does have the slots for the numbers you just have to paint them I can't tell you how fast I would mess that up look how cool this is how did you extra Snorlax and put them in there do they like open up like a Pokeball I think they put the tiny little Pokemon in a mold and they pour resin over it and then pop out the resin and you make these little dice they're making a table take a bunch of wood some rocks a lot of Pebbles and some resin I've seen so many people sell this on Etsy and they're expensive they sell them for like ten thousand dollars pour some resin pour some more make it look like water like several layers of resin bust out the heat gun oh it actually looks way cooler than I thought it would the price not so cool also I have this thing where I I like eating on a wood table it has to be wood I don't like glass I don't like resin I don't like plastic like I like eating my food on like wood Hello friends it's me and today we're checking out some creative people on Tick Tock a foot wait why are you taking a knife it's cake it's cake isn't it you know this is why I got trust issues like it looked like a foot at first and then I'm like wait these toes look too much like toes something sassy about this of course it's cake oh but it's green what flavor is green cake pistachio oh even the jeans the edible denim should pull that off dibs on the little piggy they broke a glass bottle look what they make out of it because this is actually insane filed it down keep in mind this is Green Glass from a bottle and then shaped it to look like a diamond you're not gonna do that no put it in a necklace and it looks like a big fat green emerald no way you a camera a second of bottle how do you take that and it's so shiny looks like it's worth thousands of dollars right can't trust nobody on this app take a trip with me okay we are going in the painting we are literally inside the drawing whoa this is trippy and this filter is something else like I was there inside it crazy they were at a restaurant before they left let me write out in rice the food is bad so instead of going into the kitchen and literally yelling at the chef they're writing it on the plate because the plate is gonna go back into the kitchen and then the chef is gonna look at it like they did not love my yellow sushi roll also like what is that it looks spicy it's so disrespectful and respectful at the same time it's like you're not yelling at the server the food sucks there's quietly letting them know on the plate that it was served upon so this is an invisible sculpture you got two modes on and off now you see the lady now you don't and it's just made of like vertical metal plates whoa so like when you see her at an angle it's like she disappears for a hot second she makes custom candles and did a Disney princess inspired candle I have never seen a star-shaped candle like it's so magical and then she dipped it in multiple colors of wax oh my goodness there are so many layers and it's just so satisfying to watch and then look at all the drippings at the end makes it look Sinister kind of make it look like an evil Disney princess you know cut it in half oh what she carved it and it looks so fancy and then you can see all the layers inside I was gonna say I want to see this like cut in half I bet it's gonna look like a jawbreaker honestly that 100 layer wax challenge oh no this guy too I don't know why I thought it was a screenshot from SpongeBob like looks so realistic and then they bring out the knife y'all should have had me stare at it for a few seconds longer like oh my God what is that they remaking SpongeBob at 4K no it's a cake okay do the hash slingy slasher next they took some heart molds threw some chocolate on there airbrushed the hearts red and then poured some chocolate in the molds emptied it oh so this is how they do it so you can fill it with something oh I think I know what they're making oh and then to close it they melt it so the chocolate like sticks together oh it's one of those hot cocoa bombs and then you pour hot milk over it and then it like dissolves and becomes the drink extremely fancy hot cocoa I came across this on Tick Tock and it is like the cutest thing ever so she hand makes these things out of felt look it's a boyga with tomatoes and swiss cheese avocado slices and they all have the Funny Mouth the burger patty is hilarious the egg is blowing me a kiss the lettuce looks like existing is painful and the pickles look Sinister I am obsessed with these and then there are fries which look at them they all got a different expression these just make me so insanely happy oh and then there's fruit stuff everything has a face on it who is a different expression I am absolutely obsessed what is that shoes oh it's Barbie shoes and then they poured resin on it and it all stayed in place I found it on my glasses on I thought it was like chewed up gum I just popped it all over the canvas every piece of gum that I've chewed in the past six months into art that's a lot of shoes they're also colorful okay I like it Picasso she took off her old toilet seat took a bunch of colorful dice made a mold out of the toilet seat poured resin oh peel it off no way you made a diced toilet seat cover that is sick it's so colorful you know I would have never thought so like DIY a toilet seat okay this door looks suspicious oh as soon as they bring out the knife I already know it's cake oh but the actual door itself you know cut me a slice y'all always get me every single time maybe it's just a really sharp knife you could literally cut a door handle and started cutting the door I can't believe this okay but what flavor is the door it's pink it's kind of like the Forbidden cotton candy in your walls but this time it's cake and you can actually eat it somebody commented you could literally style a trash bag and it'll still look good so she's gonna take a trash bag how do you style a trash bag what you made that out of a trash bag she really ate and left no crumbs like was this a bet well I could barely make an outfit with regular clothes and yeah she took a trash bag made it into pink fashion Balenciaga taking notes they took a peanut at this point I am convinced that you can put anything on your nail and it will become your nail a peanut shell make sure you remove the peanuts so you don't got a nail nut filed it down oh where did the red come from did you hide red in there so the nutshell make you bleed or something okay I'm very confused and concerned where the red came from personally I would have done a nude like the texture of the peanut actually came out really nice under the nail when you don't have a coin to throw in the pond just take your credit card swipe hey hey it doesn't count the pond is not getting money therefore will not accept your wish no this is not a wishing well this is a business and we in the business of taking your money you know what's funny and really embarrassing me and my brothers were children and we went to a public place that had a wishing well and I'm almost embarrassed to say this but we were like whoa free money like Hooligans jumped into the pond and started grabbing the money only the quarters before my parents started yelling at us like you can't do that why not whoa when you are angry but you must make art it has a lot of paint literally through bucketfuls and now she's slinging handfuls of paint on the canvas oh all just to wipe it away let me take a paint roller add some texture oh that is some creamy yogurt it's pain I started dabbing up some stuff this is a long process oh now she's on some trees finally decided to get it together what and that's the finished product it's beautiful oh you just gotta trust the process and throw a few paint buckets at the canvas she really had to beat the art onto it how not to draw hair don't draw individual strands you'll be here all day and it ain't gonna come out good so basically this tutorial is supposed to explain like do the shape you want to draw the shape of the hair first in one flat color and start adding highlights and shadows and mid-tones and then they are doing the strands oh they're so shiny hey it was a cheap brunette a second ago I blinked and now she's a blonde and then add finer details to it oh my goodness I can't believe this was like a brown blob five seconds ago how does it get so detailed I need to just like sit here and just try to do this myself one day because I'm convinced it does not work it's the brushes it is all in the brushes when I open my drawing app how am I supposed to know what brush to use I've been using like the same brush somebody help me with this brush dilemma oh that is a lot of chocolate what is my favorite chocolatier making today an egg wait it's got a whole entire body that's not an egg is it a frog oh no that's that's not a frog that's a dog a dog no that's not a dog it's a mouse Ratatouille uh no it's not it's not it was the ears and the tail I can't be the only one okay it's a lioness oh sorry to airbrushing it oh this is fancy I can't believe we made this from scratch and somebody paid a lot of money for that I wonder how much one of these goes for I would say ten thousand at least for some very intricate handmade custom chocolate I only say they're that expensive because he's wearing a very expensive watch this is taking pancake art to the next level like look at these little squeezy bottles I put my food coloring in one of those and here they are they are making pancake art like I refuse to believe this is edible so first they do the outline and then they start filling it in I didn't even realize the Instagram logo has so many colors on it kind of looks like glue he told me that's pancake batter okay wait a hot second let it cook oh the final flip let's see it oh it's perfect Instagram app does not look like that anymore send this to someone why why would you do that oh to annoy them you spent how long on this piece of art all to just take this and then just okay but artists will do that these days and call it oh my goodness not the colored pencils no no I'm already annoyed the fact that they're doing it with the side of the markers too and they're just like completely ruining them oh hate wasting oh man the coffee stain oh you did this on purpose sorry I couldn't find a coaster oh it's rainbow no why this was deeply unsatisfy satisfied and do a satisfying version congratulations all of these piss me off this is blowing my mind right now because there is no child sitting on these stairs and I know it looks like it I know it looks like he's like camouflage but he's not even there it's literally a drawing of a child so don't feel bad when you step on him on the way up I'ma still walk on the other side I'm hungry what's for dinner not carrots not mushrooms as this is going by too fast I can't even tell what's real and what's a drawing the food the pan even the knife is the knife fake I can't tell if it's a drawing or not and then the egg the egg the eggs mix it all up we got a carrot and mushroom omelette a bone Apple teeth I guess zone out and watch me paint straight lines oh that is free handed oh oh my goodness all of these are so pretty and then the lines are so perfect oh wait a second oh that black one ruined it sorry brush ran out of paint okay but it still made the line do it again anything rainbow and or gradient is just so satisfying to me I don't want to go paint something now try the Dyson air wrap on the dog I know this Dyson curler is like blowing up on the internet and I've had mine for like two years now and haven't been able to like figure it out but basically they curled the dog's hair oh so luscious oh it looks like a fine Colonial gentleman very fancy do not speak to me don't even look at me he looks expensive my dad punched a hole in the cupboard so I got creative and put the Colossal Titan right in the crack perfect it's okay he's only watching you at all hours of the day okay but imagine going to the kitchen at night for some water and you see this I believe this is one of those charcoal pencils so they drew a line filled it in and then took the little crumbs and then like smoothed them into eyelashes draw some finer hairs in there oh you've taken the eye drawing to a whole new level see when I used to sit in class all I used to do was draw an eye but this is like taking it to a whole new level the pencil strips are so fine oh the eyebrows this is very aesthetic oh [Applause]
Channel: SSSniperWolf Top Videos
Views: 3,938,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, reactions, reactor, SSSniperWolf, sniperwolf
Id: 2NOrEmrzfOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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