Best TIKTOK PRANKS That Went Too Far | SSSniperWolf

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Hello friends it's me and today we're going to be checking out some more Tick Tock pranks this dude was at Lowe's got a bucket now watch the dude's head takes his hat runs into the next aisle takes his jacket off and while this dude is looking around like hey yo who did that where did he go oh he took off his jacket [Music] and put a bucket on his head what in the world I'm not going crazy I swear world if someone just put a bucket on your head too bro where did he go the nerve of him to do it a second time bro I thought the first time it was already like no way this is gonna work the way he Uno reverse card line he put a bucket on his own head like who did it who could it be when I tell you this was slick oh man that's my favorite thing to do as a kid like pop those bad boys in the fridge take them out when they are ice cold and then just down Eminem's they Shake y'all don't shake the thing and be like where the M M's no M M's just amazing absolutely foul that was a violation pranking Mexican mom oh this is terrifying you can't do this he put a mirror on her bed so when she wake up yeah I I will be terrified too like there was no mirror there like why am I looking at myself when I woke up Mom chill you ain't even that ugly he almost caught me bruh I've almost found my soul leave my body Ascend what did he do they just like kicked the shower curtain I'm terrified of these you know every time I go to my friend's house they got one in their bathroom I always gotta check behind it just in case you never know what be chilling behind there like especially if you've got siblings zero trust texting my boyfriend she's busy bro to see his reaction my God bro what the heck he's crazy bro he drives a 370s oh my God no [Applause] fear the fight sure oh that's all it takes three words to get your beer for GF to come over I ain't talking about no one's home I'm talking about she's busy bro they be there I put an egg inside the orange juice no ma'am that is you can't even see it vile even and she gave it to her mom like you can't even tell is that I guess you don't like her orange juice sunny side up I ain't never getting my vitamin C again after this so I put talcum powder in my wife's hair dryer for April Fool's Day I don't even know what happened hey was that baby powder smell kind of good the way it just came out top tier prank as long as you didn't get a mouthful of it my husband told me to stop online shopping so I've been saving boxes and tonight he's coming home to this I told him about the baby something I had to buy some stuff for the baby's room some stuff the baby needed some things just some things some things yes she needed some things the right the perfect moment UPS guy shows up uh yeah I'm going back to work this was quite crafty you know all the packages I've been saving for the past few months have somehow reappeared at my doorstep how much would everything on both menus be or one of everything what do you mean like one of everything 500 dollars dude half the taxes 500 million dollars one of everything that's about what it will be okay um can I get a large ice water I mean what did you expect oh man he said one of everything's gonna be 500 million dollars like clearly cannot afford this place I think we'll just go with a large ice water thank you got backfired so I saw someone on Tick Tock stuff a cutie with chocolate and blindfold with their boyfriend so I'm doing it defensive all right Vincent wrap this around your head yes nope do it he's like no you guys still ended up doing it right here what do you mean stick your finger here oh no this is stick it in what is that okay oh no she brought the dog she put the dog there there's no way there's no way you're stupid bro you know it's bad when he caught his girlfriend bro what am I doing with this on my hands I don't know maybe you should smell it or is that weird usually when there's something on my finger that I don't know what it is the first instinct I have is to smell and the scent of Nutella is quite distinctive it took our manager it's just a second she ain't fall for it though so this dude pretend that he was hiding someone in the closet so as soon as his girlfriend walked in he was just like don't even who the [ __ ] is here don't don't go there don't oh I hate you interesting so um if you actually have somebody that you're hiding in the closet just set up your phone like you're recording a prank suddenly she forgot all about checking the closet this dude literally annihilates his girlfriend on FaceTime take a screenshot of see down it's gonna be for memories so hold on so make like a funny pose or whatever all right someone you're ready ready all right ready sir he's not funny our beds hold on let me look at the photos see how it came out not cute all right man I got you oh the photo looks really good you wanna see it I got you hold on so he says the response of the whole page right and her name is contacts is Mega [Music] oh my gosh it's so cute I know why is my name Megamind what I'm talking about nervous laughter why is it megalind what do you mean oh no bless her soul she's getting concerned girl that's why I got the Hat no more girlfriends this dude used the speaker to pretend he was in the other room right and sneaks up on his girlfriend like and she's like wait he's in the other room behind me that's scary bro y'all can't be playing games like that so she went on random people's live on Instagram and told them she lived next door to them okay then come inside come inside and then like this is the invitation our challenge let's do like I was looking to make gonna make friends live live to hear they're like now how did you know how did you find me bro you know my neighbor's family see me on your for you page keep scrolling mind your business someone in here is possessed by now hey [Applause] hey Mom someone in here is possessed by an owl what are you talking about someone in here is possessed by now [Applause] bro you took a couple years off their lifespan doing that bring a stuffed animal to a groomer all right can I just give my dog groomed please yeah for sure yeah I don't think so she really said I don't think so sir are you aware that is a stuffed animal we only groom animals stuffed with organs convincing my fiance that it is Christmas to trip him out there is no way this could work but look at the amount of effort she put in this she decorated the whole entire house some of y'all really take advantage of your days off changing his lock screen to say it is December 24th that's smart I'm getting worried about you like bro what you mean it's Christmas hey Merry Christmas bro where are you going go to my mom's so bye have fun I even even dinner's on me the roommate isn't on it and he really questioned himself like bro we're in May Christmas was months ago like what what do you do like no phone screen says it's so it is December 25th it's Christmas we open in presents so there's this filter on Tick Tock when you like record outside you see this in the sky some Shenanigans about this is what the naked eye can't see watching my Dad's reaction to this video after we told him it was real are you guys seeing what what's going on outside yes two for my bedroom window our little pizza is this outside he goes outside that you see what I'm talking about daddy do you see what I'm talking about I say is it cloudy the purple circle with me Daddy are you serious right now Daddy stop playing around like do you see it yeah so you see it yes you see what the purple circle you see it okay y'all really convinced about this filter was real he ain't got Tick Tock he doesn't know any better hello hello hey Dad it's me hey princess how does us yes I'm good how are you I'm not distressed I'll have to talk to you about something okay so I just decided that college just isn't for me and I'm dropping out I'm starting in only fans and I don't care what you think dad I I'm sick I'm sick I'm thick the lights will be kept on I promise ma'am first of all your father the last person who cares if you think or not my dad would tell me yeah you think all right thick in the head that means stupid poor guy he already at work he already stressed I'm just trying to feed my family while my daughter trying to feed the Sims um the good old Nutella prank one hand goes into the Nutella that would look like he did a free wipe no toilet paper he asked his mom to come bring in some toilet paper she gives it to him and then he just all over her hands and the roll literally beat the phone out of here I can't believe he was doing this in a Walmart dick people get knocked out of the head with a ball of yarn oh nobody suspected a thing you know that's honestly perfect you dress up as a bear and hide with a stuffed animal who's gonna notice actually looks like it would be so much fun my voice what do you think I look like Michael white dude yeah what else um maybe a black dude okay yo what though I don't know what I was imagining but it wasn't that I am impressed replacing chapstick with lipstick prank on my husband oh that looks convincing they even got the red one too let me do some Chopstick what all right you're good to go now all right I love you love you too he didn't even check just a hundred percent trust in my wife that she will moisturize my lips all right you're good to go now you know I wonder how long he walked around that day before somebody told him you got a little thumb crank in my Mortuary staff [Applause] for the dead body they thought it was dead that is terrifying literally traumatizing they thought they were transporting a dead body nothing possibly would go wrong and then rise from the dead somebody quit that day double tap them next time make sure they actually dead yo I wonder how much cotton candy I can dissolve in a bowl of water how many times do you all scare this guy you won't scare the head off of his head that's exactly what he did just everyone knows that one person that's just way too easy to jump scare this is the worst kind of terrorizing somebody that constantly jump screams you you know in every gas station they got two-way fridges because they restocked them from the back that means there is a room where people can hide and make your beverages speak bro really looked at his drink like almost like it's trying to communicate with me oh no it's been out of the fridge for exactly five seconds undrinkable here you go right here friends so instead of delivering her food to her he starts eating it like oh you're not gonna give me a tip I'll just dip myself with a few fries not a bad deal I'm playing with you oh she was about to fight him all of those are my fries that'd be a different story honestly what would you do somebody deliver you a pizza oh wait hold on let me grab a slice real quick sir if you do not pull out another slice from your pocket or John Quinones doesn't show up in the next three seconds we don't have a problem I would have gave him some if they asked but just taking them and just no it's the fact that they're touching my food that irks me just four pieces of bacon there's nothing that's fine I just buy it like individually okay what's the price I was 25 cents a piece sound no what do you think is fair there is no bad food how food I did it what's this bacon um what did you get it from the packs coming eight and I just like one of four you know uh show me where you got it from you can't just bacon and be like this is too much I just want four slices pop them on the conveyor belt be like I'll only buy these four slices yeah if I wanted to sample two Doritos usually and I could open the bag and y'all can charge me like three cents a chip I wish life worked like this but it doesn't I'm just messing with you I bought it earlier it's a joke yeah oh it's a joke so you bought bacon just like slap it on the conveyor belt you know joke's on you try to pay for it twice personally I would not be bagging that up putting Mentos in my parents Ice Cube what's this gonna do oh unless they use their ice cubes to drink Coke oh you can't even see them okay first of all what kind of animal puts Coke in their Hydro Flask that's for water okay you know whatever's gonna happen to you you probably deserve it it fizzed a little bit I was expecting a full-on explosion like cap to like bust off [Music] and no way you didn't see that nah there's something out there that is so terrifying you know I always thought having a window in my kitchen would be so nice does somebody want to put on a Momo mask and jump scare me absolutely not they left the car unlocked so I taught him to go oh no you didn't he sat in the back it could get tragic that would be terrifying like imagine just hop into a random unlocked car that's one way to teach somebody a lesson like I'm a double triple check that my car beeps before I leave eating my hand for my husband's reaction you guessed it oh that's cake definitely I'm going to watch a cannibalism documentary to really play it up what girl whatever where's the hand pull out the hand I want to see you take a bite [Applause] I'll go grab the kids they next no you next that's a snack what about when she actually hungry you know munch it on your own Paws that's like dog behavior oh why'd you do that to poor grandma oh it's one of them trick glasses it looks like it's filled with liquid but the liquid is just around the rim oh Grandma's gonna try it out but she doesn't know there's water in it [Laughter] [Music] the best part is she didn't even hit her not him in the face oh he dodged it I'm sorry that's gonna hit I'm gonna hit somebody in the face oh no that's one way to do your sit-ups should have let him do his sit-ups he got a head full of flour and smacked by the water bottle we got a double tap for real bro really set up a toilet in the middle of an elevator I'm coming with you how are you what a horrible place to take a dump you've read this book The Social Struggle No I know he ain't actually doing it because he's still got his undies on you no it's not me yeah I would not be getting in we taking the stairs imagine if somebody was actually on the toilet in an elevator do you have any idea how quickly it would stink up the entire elevator dude's four parallel universes ahead he planned this step one squeeze her drink and then when she goes to squeeze your drink got him he gonna be sleeping on the couch for a week my friend went to the bathroom foreign like that it definitely looks like you're stealing oh the receptionist knows that is still nothing prove it to you prove it open your backpack what you got inside there oh at least he's honest man I would have been like I didn't steal anything and just kept walking [Music] oh what you stealing baby clothes for I would have been so embarrassed nah whenever I start beeping I just walk out like I didn't do anything wrong I know I'm not a criminal laughs what did you put on her face she thought she was washing her face did you just like pour ink in her hand as she was washing her face and that's messed up how she gonna get that off she gonna get canceled too I really hope she did something horrible how does he not notice there's a whole entire person behind you just turn around the ground is right there [Applause] I'm pushing you oh the one's a little touchy today I feel like he didn't even look at his face it kind of glimpse of him things aren't just not as scary during the day everybody knows Monsters can't legally hurt you when the sun's out but at night it's a different story oh no that bush is alive that's a good one I feel like stuff like this is gonna cause permanent trauma like you ain't never gonna trust another Bush again but you see this one move oh I didn't grab them too at least he was a good good sport about it I would have kicked it what's up man well he didn't even notice he was he talking to me it's the tree what's up you looked them straight in the eyes Victor actually leaves what's up man so confused like who said that that's a treat what's up [Music] oh dang they so friendly here and the trees say hi to you this dude's son is gonna pull off his fake finger I got another one test all of these first pull it harder where's where's the fake finger they ain't coming off it must be real that kid gonna be talking about that in therapy I ain't never pulling another finger again like I pulled it off and it actually came off scaring my partner with items around the house dang that was pretty good I was like that is not convincing if you leave that in a room that ain't gonna scare nobody oh but she got it on a string [Music] she got him good uh could we appreciate how convenient it was that she waited for him to die before she put the spider on can your gaming chair do this sir you are a menace to society and the reason that I can't peacefully fall asleep in a public place he took bread just started stacking it on this random dude sleeping Red Hat oh how many slices did it take he really grabbed it like oh where did all this bread come from a gift has fallen from the heavens until the seagulls start attacking you there's no way you can get that egg through there ah no there is no amount of magic we'll get that egg through that hole it's simply too large uh rookie mistake rookie mistake bless her she was so intrigued like Yay magic we're gonna let a magic trick today the only thing that got tricked was her I asked my clients to close their eyes they trust me too much with that w-40 this is pretty I got something in my throat the way this guy's mouth just like that Blitz is weak Boy I can literally blow them open she got a remote controlled snake to scare her husband and look that is very convincing that's scary I don't even know such a device existed you'll see a slithering 20 miles per hour I didn't even got a rope or anything is this a kid's toy y'all gotta put a warning on this warning may cause cardiac arrest heart palpitations and or death for kids six and older yeah I'm muted my girl real quick I'm in big trouble I left I left the dog at the house and I told her that I brought the dog with me can you please bark before I get in trouble here here hey baby yeah I'm here right now the dogs with me he's with me I'm not even kidding hey hush popper hush yeah no baby he's fine yeah I'll see you later okay I love you all right bye I like how this guy didn't even ask any questions he was like yeah man I got you that's a real one not even like what kind of bark is it we talking about like a chihuahua like a that's the one I do as strangers so people think I'm insane and don't talk to me time to prank my co-workers oh so if you've ever made coffee with one of these machines before that thing nothing coffee and they dressed it all up made it look like a fancy dessert and so when she takes a bite ah no I'm out I'm out of syrup we'll disguise The Taste jokes on you I would have ate the whole thing you swallow that you gonna be cracked out the rest of the week we ain't sleeping I've been seeing this prank a lot where you take a straw and bend it uh is she spinning in it I think she's spitting it she put warm orange juice in it that is disgusting well that escalated quickly which is where it's getting spit on we're getting drink dunked on this is absolutely genius testing my fiance to see if he's honest about my cooking she took a spoonful of salt and just at least a little bit of soup what is that broccoli soup baby can you try this that face looked very honest to me spit it out okay you know what it's better than like yes baby it tastes great you fake for that you know if you don't tell somebody that they're cooking is bad they will never improve and people who cook take criticism okay this is horrible they put a doll head on a stick I put it up to her window [Music] that scream came straight from the gut like when they put it up hello it's me your Widow friend I'm gonna ruin my whole night I can't even imagine what I would do like that's what neighbors is calling the cops scream testing to see who's my mom's favorite child so they bought a balloon in her hoodie and that is quite convincing good leave me alone you want to stop making noise go away oh come my favorite child my favorite Italian oh well I guess we know who the favorite Child is now did you pop her you got nothing he stayed down the whole time once you pop you drop personally I think she loves both of them equally because if she was the favorite they both would have been on the ground look at himerson I've seen a lot of people do this with their dog where it looks like the balloons are lifting them up nah they're too heavy for that so the trick is to do it alongside a door frame and hide the hands [Music] she really thought her baby was flying away she probably stuck on the ceiling this dude decided to do an acupuncture on his baby prank I don't think that you're supposed to use those types yeah you you can't do that to a baby this is so elaborate he cut the legs off of a big feet and everything photoshopping my friend and seeing what she says ah you see the difference right this took it there is no way she will not notice right should I post that good picture of us when you come to Seoul LOL I look kind of weird in that pic what do you mean you look so good that was the good one you could post it if you wanted to okay I'll post it early like now the shape of my jaw looks weird to me you look normal to me Quasimodo come into Soul suit where he did her filthy tell me you're confident without telling me you confident like I know I look just a bad picture whatever I can't relate but there's this Tick Tock prank where you can have a fake message show up so she gave her mom her phone and the message that popped up did you tell your mom that you're pregnant Babe and that we're keeping it thinking she was looking at a filter is it supposed to be doing something or do I just like oh no this is like a bomb [Music] it's because you're um what who's pregnant oh my God what uh Instagram a hot second quick grab the shoe my parents would have thought it was an ad they're hot moms two minutes away from you I noticed this guy checking out my girlfriend so I decided to do this bro you don't back pull that though I bet you 100 bucks right now bro okay yeah that's embarrassing that is already his girlfriend yeah I'm gonna hit you up real soon can I get a kiss yeah all right dang he sealed it off with a kiss get my money I ain't playing that's gotta be the easiest hundred dollars somebody has ever made this guy was so confident like no you can't pull that that dude punch in the air after watching this Tick Tock this dude has a five dollar bill on the ground attached to a straight so he can pull at any time and they were waiting for their first victim to pick it up yoink smashed it back she did the Walker shame real quick like this wasn't worth it so they were doing an elevator prank on this girl she's the only one in the elevator and then wait a ton of people got in and then so the elevator is overloaded last person get off and then they aren't to look at her and she like I wasn't the last person but oh they dead serious they real serious right now okay you know what I'm gonna get the next elevator can y'all move uh we just doing a prank they didn't even let her get off I would have left immediately smell too musty in here for my liking I get very nervous in a packed elevator what if somebody farts what if they shark messing with my clients and I gotta make sure they got a sense of humor first so this is how they get the tattoo ready okay it's gonna go right here that's good right there yeah put on the little stencil tattoo they do temporary tattoos and then do the real tattoo on it out with SpongeBob they do that get that too at least he got the joke I know there'd be a Karen somewhere like a refund also refund me for my time that you wasted pulling this little Tick Tock prank moments earlier they emptied out all of the candy out of these tubes all the good old Glizzy in the tube you gotta try and pull as many in your mouth or catch as many in your mouth yeah as possible like this ready I never get sick of seeing these the challenge you guys are gonna be blindfolded good here he goes come on you want the money here yeah okay blindfold and try to get as many as you can in your mouth wait where's the candy no candy only Lindsay oh it took a hot second for him to realize wait wait did you know this is fine I love uncooked room temperature Glizzy especially down my throat this is the combo y'all been asking for so he got short scented spray reverse Febreze and a whoopee cushion the double whammy there are two people in there oh oh that is vile they are wheezing so they are literally on the floor rolling around in agony are they okay no that's got a lung full of sharp Febreze I would not be okay after that we put scary pictures on our manager's backup camera is that Michael can you go into reverse and see this no thanks y'all trying to get fired or something we decided to prank our friend by giving him tacos with nothing in them to see if he'd noticed everything except the moistness of the beans and this is I'm like what what's wrong he is like yeah it tastes good my dude is just grateful to have some food like what are you guys laughing at these soggy tortillas slap jokes I knew I got free food out of it fake rat prank on my boss let's hope I don't get fired she got a pink gamer chair in her workplace that's so cute and she opened the box no we ain't doing this today how to get fired bye Hello friends it's me and today we're gonna be checking out some pranks happy birthday to you oh okay what has that I was like dang that looks good props a moose cake either into it one of the better five minute crafts hacks by the way that was that was your surprise did that bush really just grow some legs I did not photosynthesis could make you this powerful he's gonna go back into my pot just a plant in practice you know it's all fun and games until Karen decides to make paper out of you do you sell Mojitos m-o-j-i-t-o magito what else is you mean edamame yeah eat a mammy how do they know he met and instantly you know where I can find the bologna you say bologna we don't pronounce the gene she took that personally we say baloney we as in the people who descended from the baloney ancestry no it's a tree oh my God it's still scared me what it is a person who looks on a pile of leaves is that a person no it's perennial hey Sue me hey Miss um I think it's really beautiful um can I get the number I have a boyfriend oh you got a boyfriend oh well when is the wedding oh so it's not serious he actually did it did it and made it made it you're supposed to be a prank and that actually got her number oh wait wait I really just pulled that me oh I guess I still got it the things people do for a PS5 make invisible drivers oh so that's how they do it they're literally hiding behind the seat she basically just dressed as a chair interesting I throw the food in there don't put food in there they're already paid are you serious the car really be moving on its own oh snap this happened okay if this was in a Tesla it'd be a different story I set my Tesla through the drive-through pick me up some mcnuggies just throw it in here I'm a ghost let's do what he says thank you go eat too I put a speaker in my friend's trunk and played honking sounds laughs bro you're seriously hungry at me I'm literally doing nothing wrong and I'm the only car like what am I doing it's a red light what do you want for me I'm literally three three seconds away from just like jump Kyle it's a joke why are you honking that would have driven me insane I am obeying all of the traffic laws what more do you want you want me to go with this red light I'll do it no I won't officer of the other cars are bullying me to come to crimes he dressed up as a mannequin and left five dollars on the ground but he dressed normal with the mannequacles under him you know you put the mask on when you get in the store how you doing today I like your shoes bro I'm trying to get some myself for Christmas ooh five bucks not convincing enough because how do they know so I'm guessing you'll have a Dutch shoe huddle yet no oh my God you just scared me I was gonna pick it up and give it to somebody else don't be doing that that's so scary oh here comes Karen hey buddy manager's here can you not I need you to go ahead and go uh what do you mean I'm literally a mannequin hard Line's four oh let's see oh he brought security hmm well I'm sorry where's the guy we're looking for I don't see him you want to leave I just see a mannequin right here all right well I'll give you about 20 seconds he works there so what's the name for that order uh it's just Finn yeah look at my ass look cold when he's ready okay thank you order for a finger in my eyes he really didn't realize until he said it and I realized so you want me to do what now this guy's doing a fake temperature prank so the people that walk into the store let me see your head hey wait why you guys take a picture I gotta scam it okay looking good are you healthy all right your temperature is uh 39 plus tax all right man yeah it's a good so chaotic let me see ahead take a picture uh 39 plus tax all right all right man there's this trend where girls will call their boyfriend or their brother be like I paid for premium air I paid a hundred dollars for washer fluid is it a good price no those things should be free they just charged me like only like 150 for fluid like wipers or wiper fluid so that's actually like a super cheap I know it's gonna be way more expensive wait what what you said 150 for what fluid for the wiper fluid like the water that comes out of the wipers 150 is not bad I thought it was gonna be like 300 150 you know I wonder if people have actually fell for this scam like yeah it's gonna be 150 to change your wiper fluid which usually should be free no we get enough money back right wait why because you still I mean you a girl my father you're a girl you stupid you are stupid if you pay 150 for wiper fluid I have a question Mom and Dad aren't answering because they're at this thing but I'm at the mechanic and he is putting air in my tires and he's charging me a hundred dollars per tire for premium air is that a good price foreign air you know let me fill up these tires with premium air for a hundred dollars per tire better make me fly I'm not talking about a little hover off the ground no we're going to the Moon he ain't even gonna answer her because it sounds so stupid no it was a funny joke he didn't fall for this one this dude dropped some slime and the stall next to him the way he slightly disappointed it's a five second rule bro Integrity of the snack if you can call it that surprising my long distance boyfriend for his birthday disguised as an Amazon delivery person so she gave him a package gave him a piece of paper that says sign here [Music] recording in the car did he not even like notice and nervously twirled the package is he gonna say something is he gonna hug her [Music] [Applause] what is happening what's happening that took a painfully long time before he realized wow it's my girlfriend I feel like you should have recognized her immediately it's like a good hot moment copying people's exercises [Music] next to somebody and like start doing whatever they're doing cool guy though he didn't say nothing with his bottom detached from the top he walking himself on Bluetooth so I know this looks insane when you look at it this way but there's actually a very logical explanation how he's doing it from the front it looks like this and from the back he looks like this that's why he gotta walk all funny he's just with a stuffed pair of pants that attach to his pants we got another Target mannequin God back up back up back up that one's real good they even got a platform for him to stand on of course some good old one two three go melt some chocolate dip it into some soap animal bam that looks very convincing it's scary how convincing that looks there's no ice cream in that at least it's dairy free give it to the vegan teacher mmm strawberry flavored soap nope no I'm gonna be like why is ice cream so hard and tastes like squeaky clean I told my friend my TV was a touch screen oh my bro and so he's scrolling through it how much was it how much like dang I never seen a touchscreen TV like that way cool right it's not a touch screen he's just scrolling through it while his friend is touching it to make it look like a touch screen you know when you can't find what you're looking for in the store it's when you start shopping from people's carts oh yes sir I was looking for this huh are you gonna really just no these are bought already yes these are my legs are weak my legs are weak could not expect me to walk across the store and grab my own when there was a perfectly good one right here yeah he do got a point did you pay for it yet no then shouldn't it be fair game square up over the last gingerbread house I think so thank you sir yes sir [Music] you go with my chips dude what are you talking about what are you talking about take it out of my car are you sure this is your cart I sure am I sure hope this is all my stuff at least it was a good sport about it like Karen like yeah you can't do that control thank you you need I'll find you bro no I just I found it now how do I say because I can tell you where they're at oh no it's fine you can go there yourself appreciate it you take it easy it's like ah yes you want it out of my cart go for it Merry Christmas I'm in a merry giving mood today did that really just happen you mean I was going to different aisles getting what I needed when I could have just been grabbing at people's cars the whole time is it free for all until you got a receipt so I got to witness a prank war this morning and wanted to share so Pepsi versus Pepsi truck I thought y'all were friends I thought y'all worked together he went from one Pepsi truck to plastic wrap the other Pepsi truck there could only be one Pepsi truck Pepsi Battle Royale hey yeah let me just we got a little some a whole plant did you know did you know you need the sauce on your hair no no you did you surely did ma'am that I feel it no no so why was it on your hair it was just like look like put it back no that That's Heavy I I can't feel it is it yeah are you Magic I'm a magician yeah I'm a magician yeah yeah I'm a magician I see this on television poor grandma didn't see it coming Grandma plant spawns on your head what don't you understand no you can't explain something it's magic oh Babe come here because we're really proud baby what is that these days wait wait okay sick prank bro but like I was on Tick Tock and look at this baby look at this baby it has nothing to do with the prank but look the baby the really bad mistake was bringing that haunted fetus into your house all right you see the stools not just any stool right it pops down there's a section where it goes in okay so he can sit on it but it's like a soft spring so what are you guys thinking for uh for dinner or whatever um oh oh my goodness oh they're really inspecting it like did it go all the way in and make its way out I'ma just sit on the couch I ain't never trusting one of these stools again imagine losing your virginity to a stool so this dude got rid of the whole entire bed or replaced it with a kiddie pool even put the fitted sheet on it the blanket oh no it looks very convincing made a pool looked just like a bed it's even got water in it so his girlfriend gets home oh that's straight up disrespectful I don't know who wouldn't have fell for this so she did an ice cream prank pretending to be blind eating her ice cream making direct the eye contact with other people at the McDonald's bro this takes some big courage and he thought she was making eye contact with him and get all excited you know let me get a make a napkin to wipe this sweat and then puts on her glasses gets the cane and he's Lush like oh man I thought this whole time she could see me we were making eye contact like we had a moment like I really thought she was into me bro cappuccino no okay the waiter was just like hey nice outfit but I came here for a coffee not some trauma this is next level messed up this pilot an actual pilot and a helicopter cranks his passengers like bro I passed out I'm alive but I'm dead and she started panicking we're gonna die we're gonna die like is it like bro wake up you gotta land us be going down it's like nah that was maybe taking it a tad bit too far I imagine you on a plane and the pie looks like ah yeah yeah oh don't worry just a prank oh my God Captain America what are you doing with Thor's hammer and this dude thought he could just like take it try to pick it up how embarrassing he's like why is it so heavy [Music] and they picked it up like it's nothing and he's like wow better hit the gym when I go home it's not even your why are you even like trying to pick it up in the first place let's just get a magnet in there that made it like very hard to look get it off the escalator put her prank on my dad water prank no that's a piss prank okay let's go oh my God oh my God that was the real prank you see what he did he grabbed no handle and just popped oh my God the water didn't even do anything then after all that pain and suffering You better drive home on a wet seat the cherry on top go to Taco Bell and ask if they sell tacos there um do you sell tacos here vampire do you sell tacos here do we sell tacos is that what you said yes ma'am water you on the ice water yes can you make sure the ice is cold okay we're going for ice you know I really wonder if Taco Bell got tacos I'll let you know in three to five business days this dude did a mirror prank [Music] it took me a hot second to realize like that's his twin there's no mirror there but still I would have been like wait wait wait what it's like tripping me out [Music] like that dude just walked through the mirror [Music] it's like brain don't register until mirror man makes a move my parents are going to kill Mega I'm kidding nothing from the garage they cut it out hit it in the closet bro you can't be doing this you can't be scaring people like this the last thing somebody want to walk home and see this stare from the closet like you gonna pay for my therapist this dude's been going viral for making videos in this mask as you can see he's wearing a mask that looks like he doesn't have his mask on properly pretty genius I know so he walks into a car dealership hello sorry my mask it's up sir it's over my nose oh wow that is too cool so you're telling me that's not his actual face it's funny when people actually wear that mask like this hey bunny could you go take out the trash please shut up mom Dad we're just joking it's just a prank it's just a prank joke it's okay the way he stood up so quick triggered my fight or flight like you can't be talking to your mom like that Dad was up and ready to shut you up here's a prank I would all ran knowing I was gonna have to dodge a flying shoe is a prank but still would have been scared like I would have just at the very least flinched me trying to scare my boss so she really did the mostest took the whole entire mannequin down and becomes the mannequin [Music] oh no [Music] and it's like they ain't gonna suspect the thing we're so used to seeing it Jesus I was so used to see if a mannequin here trying to get fired or get a raise you sick and tired of your boyfriend playing your drums blow up a balloon surgically attach it via tape oh well bam you got some nice juicy buns Hey Mickey that you wait he didn't do it this time oh wait forget this prank at the same haircut is Humpty Dumpty I keep going double cheeked up literally what he thought it was big but it was just a balloon so this girl took a picture of her and her bestie and made her forehead slightly larger a little more than slight we went from four to six head let's see if she notices I found the cute pic of us I want to post it tomorrow are you serious what am I freaking Megamind huh what's wrong with it it's screenshot it knows right away I know what it looks like this ain't it clearly knows what her forehead looks like hiding underneath my step Rose bed and scaring him he asleep she throw that shoe out no why do you seem so scared all I wanted to do was play with you please come and play with me I'm so lonely you're not afraid of the dog are you yes like you can hear it coming out of your bed you know it's all fun and games until your ankle gets Yang throw my achilles this guy snuck into the back of his friend's car chilling in the back seat just wait for it I wait for it will have to go so where are we going to scared me y'all don't sense a presence behind you the same right right so they're just sitting on the couch he kissed her hand and it's still there the hands are still there I would have been like wait hold up hold up hold up this whole time they were detachable try my drink finger Edition that try this flavor bro that's a real sauce you put your finger in my mouth yeah before I give this a try it's pretty good I mean we could be friends anymore I can't just be putting a finger in the homie's mouth this guy works at a gas station and when you buy something he puts it on a little spinny thing and Spins it to you and you have it going and you gotta get it what you mean what you mean what's your problem you want to grab it like you bought this stuff take it you don't want it fine so she saw her boss at a gas station got in her car oh there's my boss she filling up gas you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna just hop right in I would scream too y'all took this Christmas wrapping prank way too far the entire room the table the chairs y'all got two sets of bunk beds why is this bedroom built like an orphanage is that a sink I got just as much time as I got wrapping paper Merry Christmas found my friend's car so I'm going to scare him it's the wrong car my dude really got into somebody's unlocked car and it wasn't his car so is this like a reverse kidnapping I don't know who who's gonna be more terrified the random person driving the car who you got into or the dude recording going to an unknown location do you just like wait until the stoplight and just be like sir every time I get into my car at night I always have to check the back seat like I am terrified of these Shenanigans watch what this guy does 500 IQ play right here he really threw his sandwich down like he was gonna do something you try to throw hands in the middle of the candy aisle that that was just smooth I would hit my head too like where did it come from just fell from the ceiling or something don't look at me I got hurt too this is my little brother poured water on me I'm going to take his PS4 oh you're gonna upgrade it oh you'll be doing him a favor This Means War no this means love besides the rhinestones on a controller grip ugh I think it looks nice you did him a favor I've been seeing these tick tocks where people will say something with their mask on excuse me can I get your number can I get your number my number yeah where's the Cucumber wait what do you say about oh no I'm sorry I mean I wouldn't mind having your number but it's just done straight on the right oh I was gonna say that was really smooth did you ask for my number where's the Cucumber either way what an awkward thing to ask my dude in the decor Department asking for cucumbers you guys are sexy where's the Pepsi why'd you make that face that was funny y'all aren't even dare repeat what he just said he's sexy where's the peps are you okay um you watch porn is that it you watch porn oh what is it where's the popcorn popcorn he's like what we're really trying to get into my search history right now I would feel horrible like I misheard this man yeah they must hear anything so she went on Omegle and she had her friend like pop up in the background like she didn't know what was going on she's like what what are you talking about there's somebody behind you oh that was like a 10 out of 10 hiding spot right there she could just like stick her head out and as soon as she turned around like what are you talking about ain't nobody in this room but be in my bed sheets see look I gotta try this smash like if you guys want me to try this messing around with my Arab dad let's say this is my clothes hahaha I like to cut G no he grabbed her now you can't be messing with him like that my daughter wearing my clothes did you go crazy yeah why can't y'all just like give us a thumbs up and go on about your day hitting the brakes when she isn't expecting oh yo she like you like you reasons why you should probably wear your seatbelt Nobody's Gonna Know nobody's gonna know they're gonna know that's on her little brother how'd she get this little dude and then just that was a whole entire man in her bed really get the group chat going everybody like who is he so she was bringing her parents tea I pretended to like drop the kettle of them oh man I would have had a mini heart attack there was nothing in it the whole time that would have been boiling hot water like I've been seeing a bunch of these where girls will send their boyfriends to get them a feminine product that doesn't actually exist oh no oh no I don't need to talk to her why we're leaving did you get it did I get it yeah did you get it you're itchy coochie wipes how did you get it no I did not get that because they don't exist wife I don't even know how you could say that with a straight face like it's like boyfriend can you get me some itchy coochie wipe talk to a manager they exist I walked around every single feminine aisle there didn't find them got an employee she radioed the manager swear to God so can I get a can I get a check for someone in the femin aisle I don't think someone came and they said they don't exist if you wipes this girl also sent her husband to buy a product that didn't exist am I an idiot why are you an Indian you sent me in there to get the magic friend from fresh 2000. they looked at me like I was a kraken you know what happened the cashier was like sorry what yo Tanisha Tanisha come and listen to this evening I'm not an idiot don't you know what the fuel flam flesh ish how are y'all's man's falling for this spraying my daughter's butt prank mom what what are you doing it says spray on flat surfaces oh right here mother this is not funny especially when you got a whole entire dump truck behind you she really says spray on flat surfaces like it's gonna grow or something I don't know how you're gonna let your mother get away with being this Savage so she sold half her closet and her favorite shoes to buy her boyfriend's Christmas gift and then he texts her babe I don't know how to say this but I couldn't tell you in person what do you mean you could tell me anything I'm so sorry what did you do you're never gonna forgive me for this and I don't expect you to I know I can never say sorry enough but I'm in love with another girl and it's been for a couple months now I didn't know how to tell you but she came over last night and she kissed me are you kidding me who you sold your favorite shoes for this and he got the audacity to say I hope we can still be friends she was like are you kidding me right now and then he sends her a video wow her as in the dog he'd be talking about the dog he loves the dog I got doggies off the Zan y'all gotta be real good with that plot twist fake head in a jar prank I've done this before I still have the head the mother opens what foreign just slam the fridge door it can't hurt you no more don't leave me alone with Grandma I decided to dye her hair blue blue she looking like Grandma Smurf the funny thing is though we told her y'all could be playing with Grandma like sheer toy so when she found out this helmet she was like like look look at that she's so mad what do you say Grandma we have this yeah so pure we have to do something Grandma done ran out of patience to beat your ass it's my mom's birthday and I got her an iPhone 12. but let's add a little bit of spice I use my old box you wish and put like a rotten apple in there put it into your box and then gives it to her mom to open she's like wow she got me Dior say no more oh but it keeps going on but I blinked them we unwrapping a burrito now it's the iPhone yay opens it up it's Apple yay she took a bite a humble Queen right here you know you children are the gift so my girlfriend decides to prank me while I was at work she dressed up in a disguise wig makeup different outfit and then came and asked me out foreign how do you not recognize your own girlfriend I don't know you could walk up to random people and be like hey can I get your number like to be friends is that weird or am I just like hella anti-social like my name is no you freaking scared me pretty sure that's not a brain freeze I know it's fake buzz like imagine having a Caesar did I say Caesar like Caesar salad and they just be like stop you violated the law how all the problems in the world can be solved countries going to war stop yo it's just a jug Bush what's the problem what's the problem my dude took his phone through no washing machine or something the way is spun my dude really got up like an NPC who has just been Disturbed and now he wanna fight calling my boyfriend by a different name prank do one of y'all just like straight up wrestle with your boyfriend because [Music] nobody [Music] said no baby who's Noah yes you did I said baby oh yeah imposter level 500 she's so good at convincing him oh no I know I know I came I'm kidding no I'm seriously I'm kidding I'm kidding he ain't buying it he was so gentle like who who's Noah but you said this I like how these people could be doing this without like laughing ruining the joke foreign [Applause] thank you
Channel: SSSniperWolf Top Videos
Views: 2,587,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, reactions, reactor, SSSniperWolf, sniperwolf
Id: 02o7upa66fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 53sec (3953 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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