Real Texas Red Chili Recipe Tutorial S2 Ep279

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Wow folks look at this this is what we're making today this is Texas red chile now this is a Chile that you can serve and impress anyone [Music] is [Music] [Music] howdy folks welcome back to Texas cooking today on this episode as you've seen we're going to be making up a batch of my Texas red chili I wanted to do this video because well have a past failure so I'm going to give you a little background information on this back when I first started my channel it was early on I produced a Texas red chili recipe now my recipe is it's fantastic I've been making it for decades but I didn't do such a good job in producing the video I didn't have a very good camera and I didn't have a good sound system you know now I use a separate mic system that sucked up to me and you know far better camera well I wanted to remake that video because the old video irritated people in so many ways it was unbelievable the biggest problem was I put background music in the track and I embedded it in the video and it wasn't like I could take it out afterwards well my Texas red chillies now garnered eighty-seven thousand plus views and I figured well if it's done that well then I need to improve it so that it is a much better quality video with the same recipe and that's exactly what we're going to do today the recipe that sort of kind of pushed me forward and got a lot of my subscribers it's about to get a makeover so guys let's get in the kitchen and make the most delicious tasting chili that you'll ever have the pleasure of eating this is Texas red Chili's now let's go there we are now guys I've already given you the background on why I'm making this video there's a lot of mistakes in the original and though it's done well I need to replace it because it's I just feel it'd be better to have something that's a little more enjoyable for my viewers anyway I told you the background on why I'm making this but I didn't tell you the background on the chili recipe look I started developing chili late 70s and I'm good at it in the 80s and I developed this recipe back then I have been making it ever since and it is a fantastic recipe guys so when I say I've been making chili for decades I mean it and I've made more recipes for chili than you can believe [Music] truly this recipe is the one that stands out amongst the others it's really really good so let's go over these fantastic goodies that I've got here and let's get busy cutting grinding and making the best chili ever come on now guys let's discuss all of these wonderful goodies that we have gone into this if you have seen the video I made before the beef I used was a combination of sirloin and a New York Strip it was a pound and a half of sirloin - one pound of New York Strip and that is a beautiful grind combination well guys I couldn't get a New York Strip this time so I got two and a half pounds of sirloin and that's the total amount of ground meat you're going to need about two and a half pounds the sirloin I chose because of its beefy flavor and it wasn't too fatty Chuck could have been a little more fatty than I preferred but it does have a good flavor so if you get Chuck and you do your own grind you might want to go ahead and clean up some of the fact that's in it now over here our other ingredients three poblanos now poblano is a wonderful tasting chili okay it's it has about half of the heat of a jalapeno but it has a very very similar flavor profile you can use more of these if you can't find this but if there's any way you can get that poblano do it because the flavor in it is remarkable it's delicious it's a meaty chili and there's not much inside in a way of seeds or heat or problems so it's a cool chili to use we're going to be using three of the poblanos five jalapenos the jalapenos are going to give us that extra flavor boost as well as just a slight heat boost but not much I want to show you how to remove 90% of the heat of a jalapeno and it is not hard to do the other ingredients we need two medium onions you can use any kind of onion you want for the skies white yellow or red I want to use white this time a lot of times I'll use yellow it doesn't really matter it's going to be good three of these cloves of garlic and that's how an average sized clove is what you're looking for basically once I have it minced I'm looking for about a tablespoon and a half of minced garlic the other ingredients that you'll see here back here you see I have this beautiful bottle and that bottle is filled with bourbon Canadian whisky works well for this also guys it's a little milder and it's a bit less of a shock when you first have chili made with Canadian whiskey than bourbon because bourbon has a much more robust and deep flavor than most Canadian whiskeys we'll be using about a quarter of a cup of the olive oil and if you'll notice here you're going to see some tomato paste now you may be saying hey hang on chili con carne does not have tomato paste so what is the deal here why do you have tomato paste well this isn't chili con carne guys this is Texas red chili in Texas red chili yes has tomato paste in it the acid in the tomato paste plus the fea flavor that it gives is very important in the flavor profile of this dish now on my other ingredients that I have there those spices we're going to be using of my chili powder three tablespoons two tablespoons of paprika and one tablespoon each of cayenne and cumin as far as salt we're going to salt it to taste okay guys so don't sweat the salt too much the chili powders something I want to say about that read the labels on your chili powder and try to find one that doesn't have a bunch of extra junk in it if your chili powder says stuff like you know allspice and garlic and onion powder well that's not chili powder look for one that's mostly chilies that one has chilies and slight amount of cumin in it and it really is a standout good one I get it at a Hispanic market here in Dallas so I like going that way now let's get into processing all of our vegetables cutting them and getting it all ready remember I teach the setup method so that's what we do here okay guys it's time for us to get on processing our vegetables first we're going to chop up the garlic onions and then we'll move on to our chilies and meat now guys if you are watching the cooking tutorial something I like to teach whenever I'm teaching how to handle foods is what they call the setup method setup method is really really important in the kitchen and the reason it's important is when you're busy trying to brown meat or trying to keep something from burning or trying to attend to the cooking itself you don't have time to be chopping and making prep work so what you want to do is to make sure that you have everything cut diced chopped sliced ground or whatever and ready to go before any heat is applied to anything so basically we call that the set up method and it works like a charm let's start with this garlic getting into garlic sometimes you just got to peel back the top and push your thumb into the top of these and usually they will pop down I want to show you a trick to getting that paper off the outside of a clove of garlic now guys when it comes to taking paper off of garlic let me show you something all you have to do there's so many different ways people try and so let me show you a trick that I learned decades ago and this works like a charm take that little clove of garlic between the thumb and first finger in each hand and give it a gentle twist like a twisting motion back and forth like this and if you don't twist hard enough to break the clove inside but just enough to flex it slightly you'll hear the paper crack and when it does it's breaking loose from the clove like this now I can pull back on that paper and it comes right off then I get a whole clove that way I don't have to worry about getting garlic oils on my hands and if I want to let the clove set up for you know an hour or so before I process it that'll be fine there we go this is a bunch of little clothes that grew together so I'm going to process them as one and sometimes that happens you know move those onions out of my way and I want to show you real quick what we do to mince our garlic now first thing I like to do is to remove the scab off of the end of this just like so I will do that on each one of these and I just don't like that showing up in someone's food that's the reason I remove it it's not like some major thing some people leave it in I just find it a little less than Pleasant so instead of having that distasteful mess I do it a different way now I want to get this camera to a little better angle here so that you can see exactly what I'm going to do the way I'm going to teach you to mint on this tutorial guys is simple most of the time when you see me teach you how to handle knives I tell you to pinch the blade here and wrap your fingers around that handle and it gives you good control and that will work for this technique also because we're going to use a rocking technical when you rock it up and down however I like doing a little faster than that so let me show you a little technique that works we're going to grab the back of the handle back here like this and on the bowl almost end of that knife I'm going to put my fingers on top and I'm going to tuck my thumb underneath thumb goes under fingers go on top of that bowl note and that gives me come like a spring action so I can mix whatever rate I want to okay and that's what I want to do here first crush the garlic the reason it keeps it from bouncing around while you're trying to mince it okay it's just a simple there was a little bit of green in the middle of one of those garlic cloves I usually that'll bitter things but in a pot with this much chili it won't matter [Music] now what I want to teach you here if you want you could just go to hacking at this and chop it up into little pieces and and yeah they'll cook but here's the thing when you just go blindly hacking up an onion it doesn't cook up properly guys what you've got to do on an onion is cut it so all of the pieces are about the same or equal sizes and I'm about to teach you a technique that works good for that here's my original cut up the side of the knife I'm just going to follow that straight down for my first cut not straight down from the root to where this stalk was that's on one side there's a third of the onion I'm going to do this on the other side also there's another third of that onion so three parts okay let's look at this from the way it grows onions grow in the shape of a bowl so if I were to let's say make cut I'm going to use this one as an example and put them right up here if I make cuts on my onion running this way and then cuts running this way then I'm going to have uneven pieces and the reason is the cuts going down this way and this way are going to leave large pieces on the sides here what I need to do is to cut sideways this way to cut through the sides so I get even uniform pieces remember when you're dealing with three dimensions two angles of cutting won't give even cut it takes three angles of cutting to get even cuts on a three-dimensional item let me show you the center I'm just going to cut right up through the middle of it all the way to the root just like so turn the other side around just like so now some of those layers so we've got the side layers so that our pieces won't be any thicker than that is wide now this center piece here I want to fix it because see it's kind of wide so I don't want when I'm cutting this way to make long cuts right there they only to prevent that is to make some cuts down so I'll cut from the center straight down and one cut on the side of it just like that so all of those pieces that we're running crosswise get cut down to the right size now I can cross cut and guys I'm going to tell you what all my pieces are going to be uniform that's the beautiful thing about this and when I'm finished the only thing I have left is just this little piece of root when I have a piece sticking out there not a big deal but just a little chunk of roof and that's it the pieces are uniform now the advantage hey they look better in the dish be they cook up better in the dish I cook evenly this way now how do I apply that to one of these ends let's do it again I want to make that cross cut right here so you will know if you're right-handed and you cut this way they call that a suicide cut guys if you want to do it safe turn that knife around and cut this way if you're right-handed or this way if you're left-handed that way you're being a little safer so let me show you that from that angle now I'm not going to cut all the way through that I'm going to leave a little material on the backside holding it together okay I'm going to cut lengthwise cut when I put my finger on the other side I'm not touching the blade I'm touching the food and holding it in place as the blade comes back alright and I always keep the blade in contact with the board when I do that so it can't come up and cut me see that technique push my onion against my blade and turn that evens it up so when I make this cross cut I get good good even cut doing this from an angle I'm not used to there's a piece of got you step down there we go so again even even pieces even-steven that great this is the right way to cut up your onion guys so please give this a try it's not that hard once you get used to it you will get quite accustomed to cutting your onions this way there we go that's one of them I'll get the other one cut up guys and if you would once you cut ketchup we'll move right on to the next part okay okay guys let's get busy scorching these off if you got a gas stove you can put your chilies directly on the flame and scorch them that way if you have a torch you can use that if you don't have any form of gas you don't have a grill nothing you can put these things in the oven heat them up in the oven good and hot under a broiler and then slide them into a plastic back and seal them let them sit there for about 20 minutes and when you pull them out you will have sweated the skin off of these and have come right off okay so multiple ways of doing this today I'm just going to cook it off with an open flame the jalapenos don't cook off as well this way but they will scorch some of the skin off and crackling you hear that is the skin of the poblano blistering and popping it's snapping the odors that is coming up from this is just remarkable that's a beautiful beautiful odor so as you see there some that blistering now I like to finish mine up with a torch so any bits and pieces that don't get hit on one of my Chili's I just finish up with a propane torch I keep a torch in the kitchen for many things it's very handy item guys you can't scorch off the top of your Baked Alaska without a torch okay you can't crisp off the top of your creme brulee without a torch so let me show you what I mean alright guys we're going to be washing these Chili's off now something I want to say on the jalapenos just wash the outside of them off and then don't worry about the seeds the poblanos I'm going to use my finger and I'm going to open it up I'm going to decrease EADS and everything I'll show you how that's done that's very simple it's already starting to open up on me as you can see there's the seed pod in the top just peel back that crown guys watch the seeds out watch the skin off you don't have to get everything the little bit of it effect good enough just do all of your chilies that same way and we'll get busy slicing them up here in just a moment okay now guys as I mentioned earlier I was going to show you a way to remove a lot of the heat of a jalapeno so let me tell you some little truths about jalapenos and the capsaicin that they contain jalapenos are if you've ever eaten one or just bitten into one you know they're fairly hot little chillies they're not unbelievably hot but they are fairly warm when you get them pickled the heat that is in the middle of the jalapeno has washed out and into the meat the green meat of the chili so the heat runs evenly throughout on pickled jalapeno however when it's fresh the majority of the heat is still trapped right there in that little white layer on the inside of our chilies so if I remove this with its seeds then what I'm doing is taking out the vast majority of the heat of a jalapeno now I've had people say to me in the past look you're not removing you're taking out something good there and I'm like well not really it's kind of disgusting first of all I don't want to see that the seeds I don't want to see the light meat of the jalapeno in my dish so no it's nothing wrong with removing this and like I say you're going to take out a lot of heat what I'll do the extra seeds here I will simply give those a nice rinse to remove any additional seeds before I go to dicing these up pretty simple isn't it so if y'all would do the exact same thing to yours and we will get on with fixing these up well guys at this point we have them rinsed and ready to go all I need to do is to find dice fees if you'll notice the way I'm holding my hand I got my fingertips curled under and I allow that knife side to glide along that finger there with the tip turns under now I'm over accentuating it right now so you can see it a little more easily but that's exactly what I'm doing when I hold my food so I get them turned under like that my knife comes down on that knuckle if you see I'll turn that over so it'll lay flat and that's what you want to do now I'm cutting these at about a quarter of an inch wide and then I'm going to cut dice a quarter of an inch and length so if y'all would do the exact same thing that beautiful yummy now if it looks like some of my cutting isn't perfectly precise guys you're right this doesn't have to be dead-on perfect but you want your pieces to be close enough in size so that they all cook evenly in other words you don't want somebody getting some big honking chunk of chili in one of their bites you want them to each have an eating individual sizes or pieces that are all the same size and when we're cutting up our poblanos it's the same basic pain guys I you generally half the pepper first this one's coming apart so I can do this and I'm going to cut some strips these are going to be about 3/8 of an inch wide so just a little bit lighter than my other ones but I'm going to add them to the same bowl after all they get put in the same chili right so if you would cut all of your poblanos up the same way one thing we're sure when it comes to safe knife dull knife a sharp knife is safer than a dull knife let me explain why dull knives will send you to the hospital sharp knives will cut you the difference a sharp knife cuts the flesh you bleed a little bit and guess what it's not going to be such a bad deal because you didn't have a lot of force behind it so you didn't stab yourself or anything like that but when you're using the dull knife you have to put a lot more force behind it to make the same cut and if there's a if you slip that cut certainly the knife comes loose quickly with a lot of power behind it and the next thing you know you're in the hospital with a knife through your arm or through your gut or whatever and not a good thing okay so good sharp knives are good safe knives now another thing if you see me take food and push it off of the knife lengthwise I do that pretty quick so people don't notice what I'm doing but I'm not being willy-nilly with my knife if I do that my hand is curled up like this so it doesn't come in contact with the blade okay I push food off like that alright and sometimes if the knife is facing the other way I'll do it like this but if you notice fingers pulled up and away from that edge to do that and that way I do not get cut it's a dangerous technique guys that right there is a dangerous technique be very very careful learning it and take your time don't try to get too fast speed comes in time if you try to rush it you end up injured guys we need to grind up our meat now let me not let you know why I like to do this some years back I would go to the grocery store and purchase pre ground meat that I would break it open the outside of the meat was beautiful in red but the middle of the meat was brown and ugly and then I learned what they do in grocery stores and in meat markets to get that very effect it's a matter of dipping the meat in blood and then repackaging it and remarketing it and it's a dirty and deceitful business so I do this to avoid that I recommend that you cut your own meat if you can if not then at least ask for the meat that you get from the butchers would be a pre ground cut something he wouldn't normally cut up and that way he won't mind doing that for you because you're paying the cost of the higher beef on some of this fat if you would like to remove some of it that's okay not going to hurt a thing usually I wouldn't tell somebody to do that but when it comes to chili Chili's a little different than making hamburgers okay so I'm just going to cut all this meat up into strips that's so I can feed it through the tube at the top of this and trust me this is definitely not a waste of time I really like doing my own ground meat once you've tried it you realize the quality of meat you can get this way and how smooth and delicate the grind can be you'll get sold on a pretty quick now on your cook alone tutorial this is so very important when it comes to grinders get yourself positioned right do not stand in front of this nozzle guys if you do you're going to be receiving something you don't want these things have a tendency to spit they will spit meat they will spit meat juices and they don't discriminate what's in front of them and multiple times when grinding I have seen stuff come shooting right out of their land over there in my sink or whatever and so you want to be wary of that don't and in front of it stand to the side meat grinders don't take very long even inexpensive ones the hand grinders will grind beautiful grind for you so I've got my meat ground we have our vegetables cut up all we got to do now guys is focus on cooking there it is guys we've got all the ingredients set up our chilies onions our tomato paste the garlic spices we have a cup and a quarter of bourbon I'm using one and a quarter cup and I told you earlier one to one and a half go however you want but I would say start on the light side add more if you want that's the best way to approach this now we're going to need a pot to cook this up in and of course we're also going to be needing to get our meat over here so there right there we go boy look at that beautiful fresh ground beef you don't have to wonder what's in that now go ahead and get it started up I've got a high flame underneath this pot and I'm going to do what I mentioned earlier put in about a quarter of a cup of olive oil in this I like to use a good quality extra virgin a lot of that flavor on the extra virgin is going to cook out and some people would say oh you've just wasted good olive oil Oh bull honky I put good olive oil in my dish because I want a good dish and I use good ingredients and that's the way it works as this is cooking up I want to cook my onions with it so once this starts to brown just slightly I'm going to put the onions in there and get them going up with it so at this point guys and this is the reason we do the setup method when you're dealing with a one-pot dish like this is not so hard to maybe cut something while you're tossing something in here or you know got something that'll toss it in while you're cooking but often let's say I started this meat and then started to cut my onions by the time I get my onions cut up my meats cooked more than I want so I want the onions to go in earlier I want the onions to sweat into the meat for those juices to intermingle as the meat at the beginning to brown we're starting to hear little sizzle the onions go in so it's a matter of timing on a lot of cooking guides and this is such an important lesson right here this one thing having that setup method gives you a few extra dirty bowls big deal that is a lot is it's not a lot of extra work when you compare it to the trouble of having a bad dish now what I want to do is I want to mix these onions mix them into that meat real well as it's browning as you see we're starting to get a little bit of gray browning on the meat I said that's exactly what we were looking for dice very simply this has to start cooking down a bit and once I have about half of the meat turned from this beautiful pinkish red color to the gray color then I'm going to add in my chilies again it's a matter of timing you want to cook things a certain way and get a certain release flavoring the meat as it's browning is essential and if you think it's not you're crazy because you can make this chili both different ways and I've done it both different ways and it's a distinctly different chili to cook the meat first and add the vegetables later than it is to cook the meat and vegetables into each other you want to give this just a moment more and I want to cover it so it has a sweating action on those onions all right guys it is time for us to check this stir it and add in our chilies remember lid to get hot so be careful how you lift them see that color change let's pour in those chilies oh yes I want to stir that in we'll keep cooking those two together until the meat is fully browned now let me explain the kind of browning that's going on on that meat right now this is steaming basically guys okay it's heating with a lot of steam in it and as a result excuse me as a result there's not much carmelization that's going on so the brown color you're seeing is called the Maillard effect that's the change or the maelard reaction that's the changes it's happening on the meat right now and what that is is it as a reaction that's caused by heat and the reaction is between amino acids and reducing sugars and that that reaction causes that brown color so it's turning the myoglobin in the meat brown through a reaction between reducing sugars and amino acids now isn't that just too cool to know and you're only going to find out stuff like that here okay we keep cooking it you see there's some little balls of pink still lift but I'm wanting those onions to go from this white looking color that we have right here where they're very distinct and very noticeable I want them to become more translucent a little more clear colored lose some of that white color in other words that way I know they get cooked down just right before I hit it with the other stuff but at the same time I also know I get the right amount of flavor release from both the onions and from the chilies imparting their flavor into the meat and the meat sharing its flavor with them this is what makes for great chili geyser this in the processes now guys as that is sweating down and it's been about 10 minutes of sweating now so kind of be patient with it something I wanted to mention to you I've had multiple questions that came up in the past on my chili can I substitute something other than bourbon I don't use alcohol in my diet I understand folks I understand for those of you who do not use alcohol in your diet so let me tell you the ugly truth right now water itself boils at 212 degrees we all know that alcohol boils at 173 degrees so here's the thing is you're bringing alcohol up in temperature it's the first thing that's going to steam out of this liquid is going to be that alcohol this is how they build stills guys what they do is they take fermented alcohol and put it in the bottom of the still and then as the still comes up in temperature it causes the alcohol in the fermented beverage like beer or wine to then boil and release in the form of a vapor it goes up into a cone and then into a drip tube and that's how they get distilled alcohol okay that's distilling now what we're doing here is basically open distilling except we're not catching the alcohol we're just releasing it to keep the remaining liquid you see that's not 100% alcohol this is an 80 proof product that means it is less than 50% alcohol guys all right that's only 40% right there so what I'm looking for is the remaining half cup or slightly more of liquid in this that's going to be water that's flavored as the Bourbon was flavored in that barrel over time and it's only way to get that flavor so the alcohol 100% of it every bit of it steams out after we put that in we're going to be simmering this dish for 45 minutes to an hour frankly guys there's no alcohol that survives simmering that long okay it's just that simple so don't worry about alcohol we're going for flavor not for alcohol the alcohol won't be there when we go to eating our meal okay let's take a look in our pot down here it is now I have a timer set so you'll know it's been 13 minutes and well going on 14 minutes we'll just say that I've had this cooking and I've started a couple of times so remember guys what we're doing we're trying to make these onions a little more translucent look at they are a little more white than they were before that's going to keep cooking just a little more and what's happening here is we got a couple of things going on we got some of the water that's steaming out of the onions and the chilies and the meat and and so that moisture is it steams out helps to make a thicker chili for us at the same time while that water is coming out right now in the form of steam we're keeping flavor right down where it belongs right now it is over a medium heat it's not on a high heat guys so kind of just take your time with this process guys the meat has now been 20 minutes at this point those onions as you've noticed have turned quite translucent they've gotten rather soft got this beautiful flavor going on in here the odor I think you know the odors are remarkable guys so this is at the beginning that's sort of all that bass goodness that we looking for in a really really good quality Texas red chili next thing let's go ahead and get that tomato-paste in and what I want to do is just kind of work that tomato paste down a little bit incorporating some of the moisture that I'm adding here and that's that bourbon and this just keeps me from getting any lumps of tomato paste in there they should all work out in time so you know what hey what kind of a rush are we in right now anyway you're going to need some additional water guys so go ahead let's get that in there some of that's going to be for steaming out let's get that garlic that we had right down in there okay so I'll tell you what let's get the rest of these seasonings in there and I'm going to show you something about measuring seasonings I learned this a long time ago from this old man that used to do a show on television occasion cooking show but anyway he would measure into his hands and I said to myself I have to learn how to do that so I took measuring spoons and measure that different ingredient and put those ingredients in my hand and over time learned exact measurements in my hand or so darn close it's unbelievable and we need one more there we go so three tablespoons on that chili powder two tablespoons of the paprika now this one is going to heat it up and trust me Cayenne is hot I mean hot hot okay so be prepared for this if you're going to put it in there if you don't want hot hot leave that out okay I love the flavor of it I don't mind the heat of it so it goes in my text is read and don't worry it doesn't turn it into a three-alarm chili one tablespoon of cumin this provides a beautiful dry earthy flavor to your chili that is wonderful guys as I mentioned before we're going to add salt to taste and I'm going to start with about eighty a teaspoon to a teaspoon and a half just let that cook in for a little while some more water we're going to go ahead and give this a simmer time and this is going to take 45 minutes to an hour so I'll tell you what just go ahead give it some plenty of time to do its thing you're going to come in you're going to stir this about once every 10 to 15 minutes okay so anywhere from four to five times through the simmer on this you want to stir it I want to add a little more water I put in about two cups of water so far this is 1/3 cup so you see they're slightly watery don't worry about that guys this long simmer time is going to cook that nice down to a nice thick consistency to exactly what it should be it's a matter of given this plenty of time I'm going to let it come up to a boil when it does I'll reduce the temperature to low and cover it and just let it sit there and simmer once I cover it that's when it begins it's sim time guys so it's a matter of just be patient there we go guys come up to that little simmer give it a final stir cover it and let it simmer I'll lower that temperature now guys it's time to fix up some of my toppings for my chili I'll tell you what normally I do this with a red onion however I didn't have a red onion today but I did have a shallot so guess what today I'm going to put a shallot now generally when I'm slicing onion or shallot or whatever for a dish like this as a garnish I want it to be a really nice thin sliced item and that's what I'm going to do with this frankly the shallot by itself is just a little bit thicker and I want from my slices in other words the slices would be too big so I'm going to split it in half just like so and then I can make my thin slices now as I've told you before pinch wrap the hand around the blade and in this case we're going to establish a rhythm with our knife and on this hand I'm going to have my fingers where they're supposed to be and then I will slowly very slowly pull them back just like this not as fast as you just saw me do it'll be slow and I'll make some very thin slices on this shallot so let's do it like that okay doesn't have to be anything fancy guys just get at it and get you some thin slices so there we go we got some slices ready to put on top of that chili oh yeah guys we are at the end of the cooking okay my Texas red chili is cooked up and ready to go over here I have some pasta that I cook if you like doing an additive a filler with your chili you can do beans you can do pasta it makes nice chili mac that's what I'm going to do I love a little bit of a filler and I like pasta in my chili and just that way you can use macaroni you can use spiral pasta you can use anything you want I used this time what's called pipe regarding it's great because it's got these big open cavities that will hold a lot of chili so they work in well to it now that Texas red let's get some of that I want to stir it just a little bit because you know it separates that meat likes to hit the bottom so always give a bit of a stir just before labeling it up here we go with our Texas red I see guys how it's a bit viscous but not completely break down it okay in other words it doesn't turn into a soup on you that's chilly okay it needs to have some sort of a bit of a thickness to it add a little chili on the edge of here now remember guys even if it's a bowl of chili plating matters we eat with our eyes first okay if the dish is ugly it's not something you're going to want to eat is it now I've got a couple of little sides to put on this and some garnish to put on there I like to put a little bit of onion and cheese on mine in this case we're using shallot which is hey that's a relative of our onion right put some shallot on there oh yes some cheese there we go Texas red chili ladies and gentlemen that that right there is the way it should be done that is the delicious stuff now folks as I said fabulous chili this the real thing Texas red chili will you try it oh man hmm okay guys there's this hmm there is this complex harmony this balance of flavors that's absolutely fantastic on this chili when you try it when you taste it you're going to be like oh yeah now I understand what he means it's chili which is chili is chili gets and it is delicious will you try it and folks I want to say thank you thank you first of all to my subscribers guys I appreciate you more than you can imagine you really helped to my viewers all of you thank you for watching I really appreciate it if you would please share my videos if you would please click the like button that helps me a lot in the ranking okay so soy it works if you leave a comment if you have a question I want to do my best to answer you I can't promise to get around to everybody but I will do my best to cover every topic of questions that are asked ok guys so thank you very much for watching Texas cooking today you guys have a good day I'll see you later [Music] dude [Music] you
Channel: Texas Cooking Today
Views: 289,223
Rating: 4.6884079 out of 5
Keywords: Texas Red Chili, chili, red chili, texas chili, beef chili, chili con carne, recipe, cooking, cooking tutorial, Chef Trotter, chili recipe, red chili recipe, texas chili recipe, texas red chili recipe, how to make chili, how to make red chili, how to make texas chili, how to make texas red chili, Texas Cooking Today, Stuart Trotter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 59sec (2879 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2017
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