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[Music] hi guys welcome to Cheryl's home cooking so let's get started welcome to Cheryl's home cooking and today what I'm going to show you is my chili it's SuperDuper good so let's get started around 2 pounds of ground beef while I'm waiting for my ground beef to brown I'll chop up 1 large onion it's a fairly large onion now I'll dice it up I place it in with my ground beef you so so both chop now place this in with my ground beef you'll drain off any excess we see how you can see a little bit right here just bring it off before you place your onions in now place my onions in [Applause] looks handsome [Applause] once the onions are soft and the hamburger is fully browned that's and I'll add it into the crock-pot i minced up three garlic cloves that I'll place in my frying pan with my ground beef and onion and you can give it a few minutes and then I'll add this to the crock-pot I want to chop it up the ground beef so if you're not long that looks about done now I'll turn my burner off and place this in my crock pot I'll add in one 28-ounce can of the diced tomatoes with green chilies so I'll open this up and place it in my crock pot so into the crock pot ago along with that one 28-ounce can of diced tomatoes with green chilies and when add in 1 quart of my homemade tomato sauce I'll mix it around to the 28 ounce can of diced tomatoes and green chilies and my 1/4 homemade tomato sauce I'm going to add in 2 cups of beef broth I'll mix that around I'm just waiting on my ground beef and onion now for my spices I'll add in two and a half tablespoons of chili powder - you know I bought a fan but two and a half tablespoons of the chili powder two tablespoons of the cocoa powder there's one to one teaspoon of sugar two teaspoons of paprika here's one to two and a half teaspoons of cumin ground cumin this one too and 1/2 teaspoon of salt teaspoon of black pepper and that's it for my spices now I'll add all this into my crock pot mix it all in I have my crock pot on low once I place the ground beef and onion in I'll place it on high now put the lid on go into the crock pot it goes oh yeah doesn't it look good can the garlic now I'll mix it in I put my crock pot on high oh yeah that looks good I have two cans of the chili beans and it's a 15 point 5 ounce canned I'll open that up and then place that in my crock pot I'll drain the beans now I'll add the other can so now I drained both cans I'll place them in my crock pot mix it in and I like to let this simmer for a couple of hours oh yeah that's going to be nice and thick yummy so now I'll put the lid back on and just let it simmer for a couple of hours I usually let it cook on high for about three hours total for some added heat I place pin pepperonis on my cutting board I'll cut it up and place it in my car pot so I cut the tips off you don't have to add these in oh this is optional now place them in my crock pot and into the crock pot they go mix it in now let my peplum sitting is a mixed in it on top so I put some chili in a bowl doesn't that look good so now I'll give it a try a little bit hot really good dessert second bite mmm really really good nothing like homemade chili this recipe is super good give it a try in my chili I use these a con Hamburg and it really tastes good so I'll leave the link below then you can check out Vikon in your area just put in your zip code so thanks so much for tuning in to another episode of Cheryl's home cooking and watch me make my homemade chili it's super good give it a try I'll see you guys next video bye bye well thanks so much for tuning in to another episode of Cheryl film cooking please hit the like button subscribe and I'll see you guys next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: Cheryl K
Views: 1,566,446
Rating: 4.6957703 out of 5
Keywords: CherylsHomeCooking, Princess200847, Italian food, polish food, entertainment, educational, cooking, baking, desserts, treats, snacks, kitchen, chocolate, meat, pork, turkey, ham, funny, dinner, recipes, veggies, meals, home, made, people, blog, Baking, comedy, beef, stove top, crock pot, quick, breakfast, lunch, canning, chili, hom made, suace, chefs, episode, best, mexican, beans, worlds
Id: YuoMuWmNqeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2017
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