Real Chicken Fried Steak Recipe S1 Ep46

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this wonderful looking dish this is chicken fried steak with cream gravy mashed potatoes that have been fixed up with some sour cream bacon bits and plenty of butter I tell you what this is a Texas favorite if you want to try some of the best food you've ever had in your life give this recipe a shot and it's going to blow your mind welcome back well we're about ready to go ahead and make our chicken-fried steak this is going to be a simple dish and what I have chosen for the meat here is a simple cut of the eye of the round and it's about three quarters of an inch thick I'm actually going to pound this down a little bit and use a tenderizer on it and I'll show you how that's done we'll use a mechanical tenderizer now to flavor this to season it I'm going to use some salt black pepper and a little Cayenne the Cayenne isn't necessary or if you want to keep a type of chili in this to give it that chili flavor without the heat of the Cayenne you could also use paprika and that will tone down the heat a lot while giving you the warm flavors of a nice chili pepper and in the meat now this isn't always done that way in Texas usually when they prepare it cutlet in a restaurant in Texas they'll only use salt and pepper if that much on it maybe sometimes just salt the next time we're going to do is going to be some mashed potatoes I want to take these two potatoes we're going to peel them and we're going to then cube them up boil them up and match them up and I'm going to teach you how to match potatoes there's a couple of different ways that can be done to add to that we're going to add bacon bits some sour cream there and also butter so when I'm doing the match itself I'll incorporate those ingredients then over here I have some milk we're going to make some cream gravy and there's a couple of different ways of making cream gravy or there's one that's not so healthy and one that's a little more healthy and that's the one we're going to do is what's a little more healthy but I'll explain the other method as well as we go and that is just basically where you're using the drippings from cooking the meat you'll frying the meat rather to make your gravy with and in this case I'm going to be deep-frying this so I'm not going to be able to take drippings for that purpose so we'll live on to our next step here we go all right we're going to start our meal by peeling the potatoes and we're going to boil these things first now you can get these vegetable peelers they're very simple little tools they don't cost very much I highly recommend them and you can see why they make quick work of this what we want to do is little away that skin you can do a skin on mash but the way I'm going to match this won't work for a skin on there are a couple of different matching techniques that will work first skin on and we'll go over those as well all right okay at one potato I give it a quick rinse just to wash off any dirt that might have been on my hand for when I was peeling it watch your fingers around a vegetable peeler these things do have a tendency to bite when you don't expect them to you can also use a paring knife for this to gently peel away that skin there's a couple of things you can use there with a paring knife you would just simply go around the potato like so peeling off a thin layer in a rotary fashion or lengthwise if you wish you can remove it that way but I find the knife technique takes just a little bit longer it's not quite as quick as it and frankly using that peeler is much more comfortable way of working now I need to get these peels out of our way let's get a cutting board on here when we're cutting our potatoes for boiling we simply need to cut them down so that they and boil up quick so what I want to do is to quarter the potato lengthwise like so that's the first thing now when you're cutting remember keep the fingers under and the thumb back behind the fingers we're going to cut these into about three-quarters of an inch to an inch long strips depending on whether it is at the tapered part or if it's in the center so I want all the pieces to be roughly the same size so they'll cook about the same speed and that's easy enough stew it one more time remember the cuts will have to be perfect because it's all mashed up later right okay I just need to fill this with some water and we're ready to boil I have just now put that little pot of potatoes on the stove and I turned the burner on high I filled it with water until the potatoes had about an inch above them with water now putting on some of these wonderful blue gloves again we're getting ready to work our meat now what I want to do is I want to take this eye of the round which isn't necessarily a super tender piece of meat and I want to make it a little more tender I have here with me a mechanical tenderizer and these are commonly used in commercial cooking they are illegal in France because people would use them to portray the meat of something it's not they would be taking what choice cuts of meat and then processing them with a meat tenderizer and calling it a prime beef when it wasn't and so the government there just made this thing illegal even though that's where it was invented so the item I want to use and off here this is a meat tenderizer and what we have here if you've never used one of these this has a series of small knives or blades that stick out from the handle and a spring-loaded retractable base now these little knives when they shoot down into the meat they won't leave any noticeable marks but they will tenderize it very very well and that's exactly what we're going to do so I want to take this little guy right across that meet a few times go ahead and turn it now on a chicken-fried steak what this does is it helps to make a the meat more tender by breaking down the fibers in between the individual meat filaments there so it just right by breaking it down that makes it more tender now I'm going to do that a little more but a different method here there we go now the next thing I'm going to do to this we're going to place it inside of a ziploc bag and this just helps to keep things a little cleaner keep the meat from breaking apart as much you can also use a couple of layers of plastic cling wrap or even some foil fold-over with foil take a skillet a small skillet will do fine or pan use the bottom of it in the back edge right along here and we're going to use that to make that more tender but what this does is is also further breaks those meat filaments apart and if you've ever noticed when you cook a piece of meat it'll go from this and it'll shrink right up well we don't want that happening when we're chicken fronting because if it shrinks up then the batter stays one size and the meat inside is a smaller size it has released from the batter oh don't be afraid to be a little rough with it there you'll notice we have a piece is much larger larger in diameter there we are now I have a beautiful new cutlet here that has been processed and that's going to make a wonderful chicken-fried steak now the next thing we need to do is batter this guy up but I'm not in a rush to do that as our potatoes are still cooking so we're going to give them time to go ahead and cook on up I'm just going to set this me to side and as this meat comes up to room temperature and that's fine it doesn't hurt at all that actually helps the cooking process now if you'll notice in the lower left here I have some potatoes boiling and that's what we cut up just a few moments ago before starting our meat now I'm going to go ahead now that has come to a boil and we're just going to add in some salt alright and I had in a healthy amount of salt that was maybe a tablespoon worth in another pan your fry pan you're going to want to go ahead and get some oil in there now I put about a quart of peanut oil in this and what I like to do on my pan bring the oil up to about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch from the bottom of the pan that way when I put my cutlet in there not only is the bottom being fried well but so are the sides and I get a little more even cook now I have some tongs out and ready so I can handle the meat and I'm going to be preparing the batter for the meat next this particular part of the battering is a two-part process and where this type of battery is a two-part process what I'm going to do is first we're going to crack our egg down into the bottom of this bowl and I want to rinse my hand before I get moving because you don't want to spread that egg everywhere now let's quickly scramble that if you notice when I do this I don't know in a circular motion when you're using a whisk you're going to get a faster action of the factor yet mix if you go simply side to side there we go now here I have some buttermilk buttermilk has a very thick consistency to that thick consistency actually adds to the quality of the batter there we go cut a buttermilk one egg will be more than enough for one cutlet in fact this is about enough to do two I have to dry battery techniques like this that I do one that uses buttermilk and the other users regular milk if using regular milk I recommend that you place your meat first in the flour then in the milk mixture then back in the flour then in the milk mixture again back in the flour and then fry it if you want that double v crust and that's what I like is a real thick hearty crust if you're using buttermilk you only have to do that once get your meat in the flour then in the egg mixture back in the flour and then in the oil and that will give you this wonderful thick crust now it's always a good thing before using a liquid batter or before using the egg mixture in a batter to put flour on it first it will help that egg to stick a little bit better and you will get a thicker coating that way so our batter is prepared our potatoes are boiling and pretty soon we're going to be cooking up the meat let's go ahead and take a moment to season our meat first thing let's go with some salt we just want to gently sprinkle the salt down over this and I like to use a kosher salt and I like to apply it by hand I get a more even coating that way the kosher salt also makes it a little easier to see and depending on how strong your palate is for hot things some cayenne and when you're dusting something like this with cayenne you want to go light however I'll say this when it comes to deep frying deep frying cooks a lot of the heat out of in fact any kind of frying will cook a lot of the heat out of this pepper so don't worry about adding just a little bit extra and as you use it you'll get used to how much you need go turn that over and do the back side exactly the same way there we are now my cutlet is seasoned and I'm ready to go ahead and dunk it in some fat the first thing I want to do though before I go any further I want to find out just how far my potatoes have gone along let's test those what we will need is a spoon and a fork down is there you want to push the fork into it if the fork slides in easily in the potato breaks easily then it is fully cooked that was still just a slightly tough one so I'm going to let it just a little bit more I would say this needs no more than maybe 10 minutes more now one of the neat things about preparing your mashed potatoes ahead of time is match holes eat really well so once you've prepared it you can simply cover it and it will be just fine turn our attention back over to our cutlet again now what I want to do here won't take my cut little will place it right down in this flour okay let me get this other plate out of our way now you can either turn this into flour if you wish using some tongs or if you want to be creative about it simply shake that bowl see how the flour will flip up over the sides and it will catch that meat there we go we have it all you have to do to flour out your meat for the meantime I'm just going to let that sit there for just a moment some of that flour is going to bond to it just a little bit better and then we're going to put it down in that egg mixture I'm going to go ahead let's turn on that front burner and I want to get this oil up to a nice comfortable temperature and a good temperature for frying a chicken-fried steak is going to be between about 300 and 350 degrees because your oil is likely to come down and temperature initially it's smarter to start at a higher temperature so I'll probably start this earth between 325 and 350 I want to put a thermometer in this this thermometer is can be used for frying or candy and there's multiple different kinds of thermometers there's a dial thermometer that has a metal rod that comes down from it this one of course is a glass thermometer they're a little more delicate however make sure when you're cooking in your kitchen that you have a couple of thermometers for knowing what you're doing or just an instant-read thermometer is also very good for chefs our oil is still coming up in temperature it is right now about 225 degrees it's only been a few minutes was turned on let's check one of those potatoes again all the fork slides in easily and it breaks in half those are ready to be matched okay that's how you tell go ahead and drop the heat on this and if they stay in there a few minutes longer in that warm water it's not going to hurt anything okay now let's go around the other side we'll drain this pan and prepare them from there's a couple of different ways that we can handle our mashed potatoes as far as removing them from the water I could just spoon these large chunks out with a spoon that would work fine that's a slotted spoon or I can use a strainer like this and just pour them right down into the strainer I could use a colander such as this and that way the colander would catch it or if you're balanced enough and good enough then go ahead take a lid put it over the pan it just slightly like so and then pour the water off there we go that was quite easy now if you're using a lot of potatoes for this it would be smart to have a separate bowl mix this just slightly easier he's often to that because I want to do the match itself right into this one don't worry about those potatoes they're going to hold heat really well there's a couple of different ways I mentioned before of mashing potatoes and one of them is the old-fashioned method which is it looks like a spoon handle but on the end of there's either a zigzag wire or a flat plate with holes in it and you simply match it by doing this while these are in the pan the another method of doing this is to use one of these guys right here this is a hand blender okay and these work great for doing mashed potatoes I recommend them if you have one give it a shot try not to overwork it work it quickly and once it starts getting into the mashed state just stop at that otherwise they will become dense there's something about matches you need to know the less you work them the more flight and fluffy they will be this little device here is called a ricer and what you do is you place an item that's cooked in here lower this handle and it forces that item through a plate in the bottom that has a bunch of small holes in it this one allows you to cut different sized you can do large holes or there's a medium hole size and today we're going to use small holes because I want the smallest size I can get now I'm going to take my potatoes all I have to do simply spin them into this I think one of my potatoes escaped move on me all right now see there if these aren't fit well enough they're not going to push through they're very easy all right this is called a potato ricer or into short just a ricer do a lot more than just potatoes in it you do carrots this way any kind of a root anything that's not too fibrous can be worked through this and even some fibrous items can be worked through from the larger size and you can work it down to the smaller size by processing in more than once potatoes however push them through one time and that makes for a good consistent match truly truly the best way to do mashed potatoes all I have to do now that instant butter and my other ingredients and stir them in now oil has come up to temperature and I just turned the flame off and that's okay you can sit there for a little bit over to the bed let's put some salt in there I'm putting in quite a bit a little over a teaspoon potatoes are salt thirsty now I wanted some these wonderful bacon bits let's put the sour cream in place would be extra tape and now for some butter now I've softened my butter by leading it out for a little while and you put in the amount that you would feel comfortable with you don't like better wanting to cut down on those fats go ahead and don't put butter in this this particular meal I've already mentioned it this is not good for you that's a fact pill mill and we're going to do a few things through there's some of that fat but still as far as being heart healthy this meal is hot I have to stir this lightly don't overwork it gently stir it and then I want to put a lid on it we're going to let that butter melt down just a little bit more and then we'll start one more time but only lightly okay let's turn our attention back to our meat now we've had this sitting down in the flour for a little while let's simply take it place it into our buttermilk give it a good coating now that buttermilk straight back into the flour and shake it just the way we did before there we are now turn to that once while I was shaking it now I've gotten it thoroughly covered I have behind here another pan with a cooling rack on top of it and these make a good Draenor for things pulled out of the fryer to fit into my batter a little bit put that right down in your hot oil I'm turning my burner back on because this is going to bring the temperature that'll down quickly I took the oil right up to 350 degrees that goes just a little bit over turn the oil off it was cooling while we were doing the battery get these bowls out of my way you're going to want fresh set of tongs to pull that out of the oil and on the side over here we're going to start our clean great so while that's cooking let's turn right back over here for our cleaning ready I'm going to do a combination of items a little bit a little bit of peanut oil and what I want in the way of peanut oil is just a little bit about two to three tablespoons and then about a tablespoon the tablespoon and a half of butter and that's just that amount right here I want to turn the front burner on until that butter melts and then we're going to dust it slightly with a little bit of flour that meter sounds good I have here a quarter cup measure that has about an eighth of a cup of flour so about halfway full there goes it that way soon beautiful the hot flips around in the oil exactly what we want but it's beginning to melt now making cream gravy the two different ways that you can as I mentioned before two different methods of making cream and one is using the drifting so if you're only cooking in a slight amount of oil good to meet as well and it makes it crazy in this case lately on oil and it's a little bit of butter so the saturated fats were reduced dramatically and we've increased monoliths actors very effective work that lead over doing real well now I better start repelling a little bit this is flowering there and take a whiff sir now I'm going to let that sit and cook until the flour or the butter mixture takes on the color of a peanut it's the slight tan color now you here's how the meat has quieted down a little bit not frying quite a charge earlier that means it's not it's much you means starting to get to let's take a quick look to see with our temperature fix this mixture the color on it is still a little light system or I'll tell you what if you like really country cooking this is the best good at all now this is going that that setup method works really well okay you see the color of that button taking off sort of a peanut color lightly Brown that's a perfect stage to do our cream gravy from once it's on the fire I'm going to this slide into yeah and pour in my milk we flip this in yeah now I wanna bring this up temperatures as I do it's going to pick it up on you go ahead and add in some salt about a teaspoon black pepper gotta have to be printed that also if you like more add a little more all right let's check that meat again I get a beautiful golden color beautiful this all religion for my temperature does it to be right at 300 degrees now the beautiful thing about a tea buttermilk batter is it stands up the heat really well for you you can do good along cooking starting to come up with temperature if it does it's going to thicken on me it's already started to thick and I started was about two cups of milk there I used about three quarters of a time someone's a point man in it and you don't want to add too much milk at the beginning because you want it to thicken and then if you have to spin it Simpson but wait till you get it thickened up first for adding any more milk I believe that frying and slows dramatically that is almost ready get dissed again looky there it got nice and thick on it good sixteen ready upon saying is you don't want to have that melting soon if you're afraid it's going to be futile you can almost in it if you can't make it pick it about another quarter puck there use my phone through low now remember that butter we had melting give that match one last quick stir and corporate those ingredients no more than that don't want to overwork it wanna keep it light and fluffy right tons of money to come out of that oil there's a truly beautiful speaking price ever our gravy is about ready to see how this came together at the same time it's all about what you start when and the progress that you make with your meat so when you're combining multiple things for dinner you have to figure what's gonna take the longest to cook where it's going to take a certain amount of preparation and figure an order in which to do it that's what you saw me do right here today now turn that burner off my cream gravy is ready to go next thing we have to do is just plate it up okay it's time for us to plate this wonderful Texas meal up start with placing this right on the front here now I want my mashed potatoes want to take those from right in the back now I'm one of those guys that likes to have the gravy in the middle of the mashed potatoes so I'm just going to give it a little opening there so it'll hold just a bit more and of course this would be right at all without a little of that cream gravy we fixed up now that stuff can skin over on your really quick so if you have a problem with that happening go ahead and cover it with a lid and that will reduce the problem we are just until it overflows there we go okay there you have it a real Texas favorite this is a chicken-fried steak cream gravy and mashed potatoes and it is delicious I hope you give this a try okay let's give that a try cut this guy open look at that oh that's just gorgeous crunch of batter oh my you just gotta try it unbelievable thank you for watching Texas cooking today the show where you can get great recipes and the best techniques are taught please subscribe to Texas cooking today where you will always find something on and ready to eat
Channel: Texas Cooking Today
Views: 507,560
Rating: 4.7964311 out of 5
Keywords: Chicken Fried Steak (Food), Cooking (Interest), kitchen, Recipe (Website Category), recipes, culinary art, Mashed Potato (Food), Texas Cooking Today, cream gravy, mashed potato's, Gravy (Food), Real Time, Cook Along Video Show, chicken fried steak, chicken fried steak recipe, how to make chicken fried steak, country fried steak, country fried steak recipe, southern chicken fried steak, how to make country fried steak, chicken fried steak and gravy, chicken steak recipe
Id: IcbRo5hBabA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 04 2014
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