Wendy's Chili - How to make

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[Music] [Laughter] today we're back in the kitchen and I want to make chili it's cold out I said in my other video that the weather in Indiana has kind of gone down the crapper and it's continually maintained that crappiness so today it's mid to upper 30s the Sun has peaked out a couple times but it's cold so I want to make chilly my lovely bride does she's a schoolteacher and she does after-school programs so she's not going to get home for another let me see it's 4:30 another hour and a half or so so I'm gonna make her a big old pot of chili I think it would be good on a cool evening like this evening and the really cool thing is that when I was growing up my mom always made chili that was soupy with elbow macaroni Anna and her mom always made real thick heavy chili and it's been an ongoing argument in our marriage for the last 25 years whose chili is better now we all know that my mom's chili was better but her mom's chili was pretty good too just different so my bride has always made chili the way that I like it well this time I'm gonna make it the way that she like it likes it and what I'm gonna do is I am going to replicate the restaurant Wendy's I'm gonna replicate their chili and I'm gonna show you how to do it it's got a lot of meat in it which is really good it doesn't have any pasta in it and it's a blend between soupy and thick it's not real soupy but it's not real thick it's a good it's a good balance between the two so today we're gonna replicate Wendy's chili that way my lovely bride when she gets home from school today she can have an awesome supper on a nice cool evening here in Indiana so let's get started hey what do you think of my overhead camera thing that's pretty fantastic in it if you could only see how I rigged this up you would be incredibly impressed in fact I'm gonna grab my GoPro and take a quick picture of this you're gonna love this I don't have the means for this big fancy overhead camera so I've got this idolan thing in our kitchen that rolls around and I rolled it up against one of our cabinets and on the top cabinet I there's a something inside that's holding down my tripod and holding my camera and directly overhead and I've got this really cool view it almost looks professional pretty cool huh it's all about in your videos overcoming and adapting to what we have now I've got shadows and I can't do anything about that that's just the lights and the kitchen and I haven't gotten fancy lights yet but one of these days pretty cool so today we're making the Wendy's the restaurant windy style chili and this thing is one of my favorite tools it's made by pampered chef but it allows me to do dry good measurements on one end and that slides and you can do liquids here so what I need to start with let me find the dry side is about a half a cup of onion now I assume that most of this stuff you can choose your own style I am NOT a big onion lover so this is just a sweet onion and my wife doesn't care for onions either all I'm looking for is a little bit of flavor from the onions into the chili so let's chop this thing up [Music] all right so I cut up my onion it looks like about half of a medium sized onion will work I'm gonna take all of my ingredients I'm just gonna throw them in the bowl together because they all end up in the pot together anyways so half a cup is about half an onion I don't have much left over so we are definitely not going to waste it and as you could see I'm not one of those professional cooks that can slice and dice and all that kind of stuff like the fancy people I just kind of go through it however I can and not real pretty but effective and I left the the pieces kind of large I don't know they'll cook down it'll be good it'll be good okay the next thing that we need to get all the onion out of my little thingy here so the next thing that we're going to need is about a quarter cup of a diced green pepper so we have a green pepper and a quarter cups not going to be a whole lot so now you people that actually know how to cook you're probably going to get onto me pretty hard about doing all this stuff wrong but I think cooking is supposed to be an adventure it's an experience and it I'll tell you why there may be easier ways to do things but I don't care I just want to get it completed and if the goal is to chop up an onion or chop up a green pepper who cares how you get there just so you chop it up right so I'm gonna get all the seeds and all the junk out of this and try not to slice my finger and all that good stuff and then we need a quarter cup roughly of this here green pepper now prank I'll get comments like you're not even using the right knife that's all if you'd use a paring knife for a feud use a butcher knife or if you'd use a pocket knife or if you'd use a switchblade it would work so much better I don't care the goal is just simply to get this in the pot of those chopper things you put all the stuff in and you put it in there and you just bam bam am on top of it and that worked pretty good but at some point I banged on way too hard and tore it up and it quit working and now it's back to the old-fashioned way with a kunai and a little cutting board I don't have a cutting board so I got these little plastic things that I bought it Walmart or somewhere like that and again not real pretty but effective please don't laugh at me the way I'm doing this just go with it maybe it's supposed to be a comedy channel I don't know but just go with it and I don't have a big selection of knives either I have a handful of kitchen style knives that aren't the greatest but they work they're sharp the kitchen finger so we need about a quarter cup so let's move that to a quarter and I'll actually probably put more in it because I kind of like green pepper that's surely not enough no well put it in the bowl with the rest of it with the onion so we have our onion and our green pepper sliced and diced and ready to go into the Wendy's chili we also add and this one's kind of strange for me I've never added this particular product to a Bullock or a pot of chili but this works and it adds some pretty cool seasoning and it it works out well so the magic product is celery so we need about 1/2 a cup of diced celery so we get our handy dandy little thing here go to 1/2 cup and we will dang let's kind of step we will add the celery I'm going to go wash this [Music] you [Music] half cup diced celery in bowl so now we got our veggies cut up and what we have here is we have 1/2 cup diced celery a quarter cup of diced green pepper or bell pepper depending on what you want to call it and a about half of a medium to large onion it's about half a cup so that's that's the veggies we got right there now we got our big orange pot and we're going to put the other ingredients in and it's gonna start with tomato juice so this recipe calls for one quart of tomato juice so one big can quart sized tomato juice yep one quart and I don't have a can opener and I don't have a bottle opener so well I do have a can opener I got one in my hand I don't have an electric one for no reason other than I just don't have one so one quart of tomato juice and on this tabletop here it's actually an island that's got black finish top it's like a marble top but the glare is so bad it makes it real bad so I'm just working off of dish towels here so 1 quart tomato juice this is 28 ounces of [Music] the tomato puree I'm holding that upside down and I should sew tomato puree cameras over my head so I don't know if that stuff's upside isn't it not from your perspective so 28 ounces of tomato Puri with your spoon one can of pinto beans and one 15-ounce can of kidney beans is that focused focus and I do plan on I'll put this entire recipe I'll probably print it out or not print it out but I'll put it on the screen somewhere maybe at the end I'll put the whole thing and leave it up there so you have time to pause your video and write it down if you're interested in this style of chili now what I'm going to do is I'm going to drain and wash these that way we get all the oils and things off of it so I'll be right back so our beans have been drained and rinsed so that is kidney beans pinto beans and then we'll also add all of our veggies twying it kind of like chili throw it all together and cook it in pop starting to look good now it's time for our spices first up on the spices chili powder and this recipe calls for a quarter cup man that's a lot and I don't want that much in it so I am going to put about half as much just because I don't want that much in it so that's a little over 1/8 and that's what I'm going with next up garlic powder calls for one and a half tablespoons the tablespoon one and a half teaspoons so I've got teaspoon here 1/2 teaspoon so there's 1/2 1 yeah next oregano so we are going to put a half teaspoon of oregano and oddly enough it has sugar in it so this is my big thing for my sweet tea so it's calling for a half teaspoon of sugar also sure a half teaspoon of pepper that's just dried pepper table salt one teaspoon of table salt table salt so there's half one now this is what is that cumin cumin cumin cumin so 1 teaspoon 1 teaspoon of this stuff stars 1/2 one and this is this if I can get it to focus on it cayenne pepper so alright refocus there you go I haven't even opened this room yet this is calling for an eighth of a teaspoon so not much I don't have an eighth of a teaspoon but I have a quarter of a teaspoon so I'm gonna get that about half full and do that so that's all of our spices all of our veggies and everything else now the main ingredient meat and this recipe calls for two pounds of ground beef [Music] [Music] I've already brown that on the stove so it's ready to go now it's time to add that to the pot [Music] so there is all of our ingredients so two pounds of fresh ground beef one quart of tomato juice we've got 1 28 ounce can of tomato puree 15 ounce can of kidney beans 15 ounce can of pinto beans 1/2 a cup of medium onion medium to large onion 1/2 cup of diced celery 1/4 cup of diced green pepper 1/4 cup of chili powder which I didn't put that much in it 1 teaspoon of ground cumin 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of garlic powder 1 teaspoon of salt 1/2 teaspoon of ground black pepper 1/2 teaspoon of dried oregano 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and I didn't put I probably put about that much in it so that is the ingredients for a replica of the restaurant Wendy's chili now it's time to put this baby on the stove and let it cook down what I'll end up doing is bringing the heat up to where it's at a probably a quick simmer and then I'll turn it down to low heat and just with a lid on and let it simmer for 30 minutes or so and just let all of those ingredients cook down and it ought to be pretty good so let's get this baby on the stove [Music] all right so I got my chili done now again the idea was to replicate Wendy's restaurant chili and I'll have a list of all the ingredients at the end of the video and at that point you can pause and write them down or change them or do whatever you want so again like the last video presentation is everything so here's what we have now for some reason my wife and I we soup a lot out of a cup rather than a bowl is that weird but aren't cups cool in here in the Midwest we do BAM PB sandwiches with our chili so you can like dunk your sandwich in the chili it's super good some people do crackers and whatever and but we do peanut butter sandwiches so are you ready to try your chili all right well grab a cup and let's see what we got I don't know that I can hold this camera and eat chili at the same time so you're gonna have to be the determining factor we can watch her watch her eat so it is kind of hot but I scooped it a minute ago so to cool down have you ever had Wendy's chili so we have nothing to she's never had Wendy's chili how are we supposed to know whether it tastes like Wendy's chili if she's never had Wendy's chili to know if this tastes like Wendy's chili you eat it there's no comparison I don't know how to do it what do we do I've had Wendy's chili in fact it's pretty good I don't know it tastes like chili I need to go buy some Wendy's chili so I have a comparison that's pretty good so anyways that's the recipe that I found to replicate Wendy's chili in your own kitchen and that's the way I made it so again recipe the list of the ingredients will follow this video and the worst part about this chili is is that it doesn't have the pasta in it because real soupy pasta chili is the best chili in the world no it's not see I told you she thinks that that hard like thick gnarly chili is the best yes and she's wrong so comment below who's right cuz I think I'm right you know a nice soup and elbow macaroni with all the stuff in it that chili hasn't it that's the way it's supposed to be made right all right so Wendy's chili enjoy it's pretty good [Music]
Channel: Midwest Outdoor Adventures
Views: 897,970
Rating: 4.672123 out of 5
Keywords: Wendy's chili, chili, best chili ever, midwest outdoor adventures, indiana adventures, cooking video, cooking, new recipe, chili recipe, wendy's chili recipe, midwest cooking, chili made easy
Id: QItP39WYy-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2018
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