Aunt Lori's Homemade Goulash! (This recipe will bring back Memories)

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hey everybody a hunter Fisher trapper trader guide scout and interpreter and just a country cook Steve Hall here in Nashville Tennessee along with pretty much Sheila running that camera hi today I'm gonna cook up some memories I remember when I was a little kid my dad's sister of course he had a lot of sisters and brothers but my dad's sister Laurie lived in Iowa Sioux City Iowa they lived all over but at the time I'm talking about they lived in Sioux City Iowa no believe it or not I don't know how I remember this Carlin Street I think down by a park and she married a guy by name of Dale groan well great guy drove truck and I used to ride around the truck with him when I was a little kid that's a whole nother show and she used to do a lot of cooking and neither one of our families had very much money so she made goulash about two three days a week and I loved the goulash but it was so simple and so basic didn't have a lot of meat in it and a lot of these big noodles and there was always some salt and pepper on the table and bread to fold over and eat with it and a bottle of ketchup if you wanted to make it a little more tomatoey not this real expensive diced tomatoes and stewed tomatoes but ketchup so it was pretty basic but it was absolutely delicious if you'll come on over here I'm gonna whip up some goulash today and I'll bet you a goulash when you were a little kid so today is aunt Lori's goulash not exactly the way she made it but I am going to keep it kind of basic because I see a lot of goulash recipes online where they got a whole plate full of pasta and a big pile of seared beef and real expensive ingredients and that don't look like goulash when this gets done I'll show you what goulash is supposed to look like supposed to look like aunt Lori's come on over here let's get started alright I got a little bit of olive oil down here in my Dutch oven I'm gonna add some hamburger in fact two pounds of hamburger that I browned up in the other room because you didn't want to sit here and watch me brown up hamburger and I drained all the oil out of it got rid of all the grease and now that that burgers browned up I'm gonna put in one sweet Vidalia Onion in fact it's a pretty big one almost two cups worth and a 1 cup or about a medium green bell pepper and I'm gonna let these veggies kind of soften up in here stir it up a little bit and let me tell you I went with hamburger all both two pounds because I wanted to stay traditional to Laurie's recipe which had hamburger in it but you can mix up the meat and you don't know how bad I wanted to take 1 pound of beef and 1 pound of bison or american buffalo meat and put in there because you can put in italian sausage as the other pound whatever but start with 2 pounds of meat and I'm going with 2 pounds of hamburger because like I said I want to make the goulash that I ate at the grounds house give just a minute and I'll be right back with you as soon as these veggies soften up a little bit all right my little director Sheila had me move this pot a little bit further towards the camera so she could see down in there better and we're gonna start out with a can of diced tomatoes let me go ahead and dump them in there then I can leave the cannelloni is here this is a can of diced tomatoes and I like this because it says basil garlic and oregano on there then we're also gonna put in a can of stewed tomatoes juice and all to give it a little body as a stewed tomatoes they're a little more chunky than the diced tomatoes and let's see if it's got a yeah 14.5 ounce can let me see I'm sure this is the same yes 14.5 ounce can of each can of diced tomatoes and a can of stewed tomatoes in there now remember I'll always put all the ingredients right below the video in fact if you look under the video sometimes you'll see a couple three lines that'll say show more click on it in the entire recipe will drop down for you you never have to go to a blog or a website or anything to get our recipes and I'm not really sure why they do that I mean it's none of my business but when they dump in a whole bunch of ingredients and saying if you'd like to know how much go to our blog or our website and I just I just soon it was right there handy so that's why I put it right underneath our video now we've got a can of each of the dice and two stewed tomatoes and a lot of people put a tomato sauce in here at this point but I'm going to put in some pasta sauce and this is but really I think it's pronounced bar illa and it says Italians or Italy's number one brand of pasta sauce and you can put any pasta sauce you want in there but I'm actually going to pour this in until it gets to the consistency that I want and I'm thinking stir that meat and let it absorb all that yeah it's gonna take the whole jar and this jar pasta sauce I always try to throw the amounts at you let's see here twenty four ounce jar of pasta sauce now at this point they also put in all their seasonings like a tablespoon of Italian seasoning you can have goulash without a tablespoon of Italian seasoning in there we're gonna put in a tablespoon of paprika and I got to show you this I bought this this is McCormick's gourmet smoked paprika boy it just smells and tastes so good and recipes that's what I'm using from now on because it's so good let me get that in there boy this almost looks like you can eat it right now you could actually whip it up to this point and put it over toast or something I don't know cuz it just looks so fantastic now I've got a little planner on the back porch I got all kinds of herbs in there and I went out and chopped up about four or five leaves of basil that I got back there that's going in now a tablespoon of minced garlic and let's see here I got a teaspoon of soy sauce and a teaspoon of we're chefs your sire sauce they're in the description box below but I got a teaspoon of each and they're both in here I just thought no sense dirtying up an extra little cup that was one teaspoon of Worchester Shire and one teaspoon of soy sauce in there the flavors are gonna be so fantastic in here now we're gonna put in a teaspoon of chili powder and that's gonna be pretty much all of our dry ingredients I'm getting ready to put in some water and I see people put in like two cups or three cups of water at this point and what that water's for is after you simmer this for about 25 minutes when we pour in the pasta it's gonna soak up so it's thick now but it needs liquid I'm gonna put in two cups to start with and then I'm gonna see how it looks I might add another cup but I see people put in water and then a beef bouillon cube well I like flavor so by putting in water and a beef bouillon cube you're basically ending up with beef broth so why not use beef broth so that's what I'm doing there's two cups and let's see how that looks because this is gonna simmer for about 25 minutes I might add a little more and this is the box that I took it out of here this is 32 ounces and I used I'm gonna measure it for you because I don't like to just shoot from the hip and you're thinking how much did he put in there let's make a third cup so it's three cups of beef broth and I think that might be okay and here's the thing we can always add more later on to get it to the consistency if it's too dry but I don't think it's gonna be doesn't that look fantastic Sheila it's almost like a chili yeah and you probably could it's just that good so what we're gonna do is we're now going to simmer this for about 25 minutes and then we'll be back to add our pasta we'll see you then now it's starting to simmer but as I move this beef broth out of the way you know what I discovered two bay leaves that are supposed to be in here you know me I forget stuff from time to time where you're gonna pull them out later but we're gonna get men right now just to kind of let them cook in why we simmer so let's get back to simmer and I just had to have Sheila turn the camera back on so I can tell you to add a couple of bay leaves in there boy this just looks terrific and it smells so fantastic we'll see in about 20 more minutes all right let's take a peek looky there man oh man that's been simmering for about 25 minutes now we're gonna put in 1 pound the whole box of cream at large elbow macaroni we're gonna dump that in there stir this around a little bit now that's starting to look like goulash it's got a few extra goodies in there I think maybe there wasn't quite that meat much meat because we didn't have a lot of money back then I don't think it was a lot of fancy stewed tomatoes I think there is maybe a little more ketchup in there than anything else but I'll tell you what it was made with love and it tasted fantastic alright let's simmer this again for another 25 minutes and let our pasta get soft and we'll see you then bye bye and let's take a peek oh yeah looking really good let me kind of push whatever pastas at the top kind of down in there and kind of turn it over just a little bit see that pastas already puffing up nice and big taking on the flavours this is looking so good our little bay leaves are staying right where we can retrieve them later so that's looking good another 10 minutes here well that smells great it looks terrific we got about 10 minutes for this to simmer let me share something with you after we got done eating goulash at Laurie's house all those kids go in the living room to watch scary movies then it was time for some popcorn with that scary movie she had them little Jiffy Pop Pop things where he shook it on the stove and it twisted and puffed up into a big aluminum foil thing or she'd just jump dump it right in a pan and cook up popcorn but we always had a great big huge tub of popcorn on the living-room floor where all the kids sat and everybody got their own little Bowl so you could scoop some popcorn and eat but there was a main one in the middle and I'll never forget it just seemed like back then you guys got high-tech movies now where the graphics are phenomenal but back then was like the Wolfman and you remember when he slowly changed and they did the high-speed photography where he grew more hair on his hands and fingers and he was the scariest thing on TV and sitting behind us was Dale groan and my father and my mom and Laurie after everybody was done eating and those kids were sitting there and as the wolf man's hand was coming around the corner and he was just getting ready to grab the lady who didn't even know he was there and everybody's like the goalie go my dad and Dale would go watch out and the sky would turn white with popcorn and two or three kids and running the other room crying stop man you scared me enough those were the good old days I really miss that kind of thing and I really miss aunt Lori's goulash it'll be done about five more minutes because I've been running my mouth over here but I'll bet you got some memories around goulash when you're a kid if that's what you ate and isn't it something how a meal whether it's a barbecue roast out on the grill that dad used to slice and make sandwiches for us kids or fried fish up at the lakes or goulash at Laurie's house brings back so many memories and we were talking about dishing to something Sheila said I remember when we used to make goulash and mom down south in Alabama make some corn bread and they'd crumble it up and put it in the goulash and food and I think that is a big part of why we love to do cooking with shotgun red it's just so many of these recipes bring back so many great memories anyway let's pop the lid on this in another couple of three minutes and see if we're not just perfect see you then will you look at this man oh man we have goulash that's what it's supposed to look like not a plate of pasta with a big gob of seared meat in the middle of it that's not goulash this is goulash man that is so perfect when you can lift it up like that and it doesn't run through that slotted spoon that is so perfect then three cups of broth we're just right for this recipe I am so thrilled and I got to tell you right up front it probably won't taste as good as aunt Lori's but it sure will bring back a lot of memories and there's probably some extra ingredients in there maybe that she didn't put in or maybe she made it just like this and I just didn't know any better because I was only 10 years old but look at what we have wow I am so thrilled and we got two different spoons here one for me and one for Sheila - the bigger spoon as she likes some little baby spoons and little baby forks I don't know why but she just does let me move our little bay leaf back out of the way here what do you think Sheila it does look fantastic I am so tickled that it turned out this good one thing missing bread buttered up real good fold it over you've got to have a slice or two or three with each plate or bowl of goulash or you just ain't living right excuse me why I travel back about 52 years Laurie I miss your cooking I hope I did you proud today and this is absolutely fantastic Sheila do you have a good time with this recipe today I did - I hope you enjoyed this recipe I hope it brought back some memories for you and your family if you enjoy our recipes we really hope you subscribe to our Channel little shock and rinse face is going to pop up over here in just a little bit when it does click on it and when it says subscribe next to that as a bell if that's a notification bell if you click on that and highlight the box they'll send you every single recipe that we come out with we hope you do that we hope you subscribe to our channel give us a thumbs up and all that kind of stuff and over here we're gonna put another recipe that we really hope you enjoy and this is the best aunt Laurie goulash you ever made in your whole life boy if it ain't it ought to be this is Steve Hall in Nashville Tennessee just kind of truckin down memory lane from when I was a little kid that is what goulash is supposed to look like not a big plate of pasta with a gob of dark meat wadded up in the middle that's some fancy chef that ruined good old goulash the only thing missing is a bottle of ketchup on the table I remember we used to spread that on everything and mix it in with the goulash to make it more ketchup beer if that makes any sense we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun Red say good night Sheila great job time for me to have one more bite of aunt Lori's goulash from Sioux City Iowa
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 503,224
Rating: 4.8989944 out of 5
Keywords: homemade goulash, Steve Hall, Shotgun Red, Shotgunred, goulash, tomatoes, homemade goulash recipe, how to make goulash, goulash recipe, beef goulash, ground beef, goulash (dish), ground beef recipes, dinner ideas, american goulash, how to make, easy goulash recipe, dinner ideas for family, ground beef recipes easy, hungarian goulash, comfort food, hungarian
Id: hofHL6iK-mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 07 2018
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