Delicious Texas Chili (Known as a Bowl of Red)

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hey everybody hunter Fisher trapper trader guide scout interpreter and just a country cook Steve Hall here in Nashville Tennessee along with pretty miss Sheila always doing a great job with that camera hi Shelly terrific job today we're gonna make Texas chili better known in Texas as a bola red it's just affectionately known as a bowl of red down there and to get started we already browned up and drained two pounds of ground chuck then we chucked in about seven strips of bacon cut up in little teeny pieces and we've been cooking it in here to get us a little bacon grease which we are gonna leave in there and we're going to throw some other goodies in with it come on over let's get started before we even get started I got to tell you I love this thing it's called a precision induction cooking cooktop something like that and you can put your hands wherever the pot isn't and it's nice and cool but underneath boy it really cooks I like this thing it's hotter than any hot plate we've ever used here in the kitchen look at this bacon looking good we got her down where it's generated quite a bit a bacon grease and in here now we're gonna dump in celery red and green bell peppers and sweet white onions affectionately known down south as the Holy Trinity turn this down in fact it's really kicking here I'll turn it to medium high and we're gonna soften this stuff up with this bacon in this bacon grease boy that smells good coming to father then we're gonna add some other goodies be back in just a couple of minutes every time I do a recipe where it calls for bell pepper I like to put green and red in there because it's pretty in the pot and when you serve it to people and they eat it it just gives a lot more color to the dish instead of just using green I like using green and red now let me tell you what I'm doing today because this chili has tomatoes in it I took diced tomatoes just two cans of diced tomatoes and so I could get three levels of texture I took one can and I put it in the blender and I blended it smooth then I took another can and just poured it in this cup here there's the diced tomatoes and I left the juice in there because we're gonna need some then I took these little guys right here what are these Sheila I love these little roma tomatoes because they cut up so nice without producing juice and I'm gonna dump about half of them in there right now with the peppers to kind of soften them a little bit then instead of just dumping in a can of tomato juice or tomato sauce our Chili's gonna have three levels of texture that blended diced tomatoes a can of diced tomatoes and these Roma's and then we're gonna add some other goodies too so let me get this mixing and again I hate to say by for a little bit but I like to cook this off-camera so you don't have to sit here and watch it cook up see in a minute why this is getting soft over here I kind of want to explain something I'm getting ready to put in in fact I'm gonna do it right now one entire jalapeno pepper diced up we put that in there and I was talking to the produce manager over at Kroger's let me stir this in first beautiful boy that looks good and he says because so many people are making these jalapeno poppers the growers have actually softened the heat well cut the tip off of this and we'll cut the cap off then here's what I do I cut this thing in half and then I cut these little halves in half lengthwise then it makes it so easy for me to just shear off the little seeds both directions like that then I can end up with my product seedless and you don't handle it too much now even though these things are not very hot anymore so to speak you do want to remove the seeds and you do not want to rub your face or your eyes or anything with your hands because they still hold that capability to burn you up but let me show you something this is that pepper okay check this out it's like eaten green pepper or something it doesn't have a lot of heat now if you're buying your jalapeno peppers from safe like a farmers market be careful because some of those growers grow the hot stuff or if you get them in a jar where they're already cut them are really hot but these guys right here I can eat them just like eating green peppers and they're just not that hot so let me move this back front center and we'll get back to our little business here like I said we just put the whole jalapeno in there - the seeds and the end caps because it's just not that hot these days and I did run in the kitchen and wash up this I'll forget and rub my eye or something and then that still does burn no matter how spicy the pepper is it still has that ability now we're gonna dump in our two pounds of ground beef back in there because those veggies are just looking terrific we're gonna add our blended diced tomatoes in there that whole can get that happen boy that's looking good ready you'd almost eat the way it is but there's too many other goodies out here that got to go in there then we're going to put in our regular diced tomatoes and I'm going to put about half of these in to start with and I may change the recipe because I don't want this to get so many tomatoes that you don't enjoy the beef in there as well what that's looking really good like that then I'm going to add some more of these tomatoes that we diced up fresh boy that's a good mix right there this will cook down a little bit too so we might be able to add some more a little bit later on and what we're also going to do right now is just add about I'll say Oh about two thirds of a cup a little over half a cup of beef broth in there now I see so many recipes out there where they add water why water has absolutely no taste to it use beef broth and add flavor whenever you can and again this is going to cook down some now it's time for some goodies like minced garlic 1 tablespoon of that that's kind of funny but I'm gonna put in about a half a tablespoon of brown sugar follow me on this trust me on this 1/2 a tablespoon because I put a tablespoon in that little dish and when I got to looking at it I didn't really care for how much was in there compared to how much is in this bowl because I do everything on the fly but I will share all the ingredients below in the descriptions below the video put the whole recipe and the cooking procedure and everything and you never have to go to a website to get our recipes now here we do want to put in a good healthy rounded tablespoon if not two tablespoons of chili powder because what good is chili without chili powder in it now this Texas chili or better known as a bola red down there I love this recipe why because I don't really care for beans Sheila loves him we go to Cracker Barrel she gets the beans and greens good as a pinto beans she loves that kind of stuff and I grew up where my dad cooked lima beans and split pea soup almost three to five days a week I hate it so when I found out that a bowl of red or Texas chili and those guys down in Texas say the easiest way to ruin a great bowl of chili is to put beans in it they had my vote all right now we're going to put in a tablespoon of paprika that gives it kind of a nutty flavor delicious and we're going to put in a half a teaspoon of cumin in there does that look good she'll or what Wow fantastic we're going to put in a teaspoon of red pepper flakes just because I want to see a couple of them float by when I'm eating chili from time to time this is this is just really turning out absolutely delicious they have a little serving technique down there too and I'll share it with you in a little bit now this part of it is in memory of my Uncle Bob I'll never forget my Uncle Bob sand you know these guys that win all these chili cook-offs they've got a secret ingredient some of them used coffee grounds but other people use just regular brewed coffee so I'm gonna put just about a quart there's a half a cup here but I'm gonna put about a quarter of a cup of coffee in there and my Uncle Bob says coffee separates the flavors in your mouth you don't taste the coffee but you taste everything you taste the onions you taste them the beef you taste the peppers you taste all that stuff that's in there all them flavors hit your mouth independently now I don't know how much truth there is to that but I'll tell you the chili is fantastic we've made it in the past and we've used coffee and wow it is terrific now we're gonna put this on medium heat we're going to cover it and we are going to cook this for about a half hour we'll see you in a bit this has been simmering in here and I turned it off because it's been simmering in there for about 50 minutes and I can't wait no more now we're gonna add between a half and a teaspoon of salt and you do that to taste I know how much I want in there no pepper cause it's got plenty of spice a little bit of salt to go with it now I will tell you that I'm going to go ahead and dump the rest of these little fresh tomatoes in there at the last second just so you get a bite of fresh tomato with it and our diced tomatoes over here I'm going to go ahead and drain them and I'm gonna plunk them in as well so we did use all of our tomatoes all three levels look at that Wow one can and I here's something I was upset with I can't find on here it says serving size 1/2 cup servings per container three and a half so three and a half 1/2 cups whatever that comes to but it doesn't say anywhere on the label here how many ounce can it is but that's how big it is a diced onions or diced tomatoes one can blended one can drained and dumped in here and then about four or five of these beautiful little Tomatoes right here cut up and put in and we're looking absolutely terrific now let me show you what they do down in Texas when they plate this up they take a corn tortilla and lay in the bottom of the bowl then they put the chili on top of that tortilla and we're going to take it a step further let me go ahead and get one over here for Sheila you notice we're going with the big spoon little spoon thing put that corn tortilla down in there dishing up our bowl of red as they call it in Texas or Texas chili now I'm gonna give it my little twist I found these at the store the other day because I was going to put in some little corn chips and darn if I didn't run across some spicy jalapeno corn chips hey we're going Texas let's do it all the way so I'm gonna put a few of these little spicy corn chips around the outside edge of this chili then we're gonna take two types of shredded cheese you want your same medium shredded cheddar and you want to use especially if Sheila shredded it for you in the kitchen shredded pepperjack on top of there oh we're not done just wait a second let me get this one doctored up as well put our little chips around the hitch she lay one of these little chips and said boy they are spicy I said yes they are that's the idea this whole dish a little bit of our cheese a little bit of the shredded cheese I couldn't find any shredded pepperjack in the store and that I don't know I checked all over and I couldn't find a Kroger or at Food Lion so I just bought a brick of it and then I asked Sheila to shred it for me now let's get our sour cream and we'll be right back that's what we do when we forget something we say we'll be right back then we turn the camera off and run to get you can get the sour cream and the chives we put some sour cream and some chives on top and man this bowl of red looks fantastic well the corn chips came from frito-lay who knows who produced the sour cream the cheese came from somebody but all this recipe stuff come from those wonderful folks down in Texas and any time I watch any of their videos on YouTube and pick up a tip here or a tip there I always watch their commercials at the beginning so they get a couple of pennies it'll help them buy some more ingredients we hope you do the same thing the only ingredient in here that didn't come from Texas is the coffee it came from my uncle Bob up in Minnesota thank you Robert what a great recipe we hope you enjoy Texas chili or a bowl of red as they call it down there and we also hope that you subscribe to our Channel little shocked and Reds face will pop over here in just a second you just slide your little mouse pointer up there and click on it then you can subscribe and you'll know especially if you put in there there's something that you do on YouTube where you can say I want to be notified when a new recipe comes out that would be the best then we'll add another recipe over here should be popping up momentarily that we think you might enjoy and is this the best Texas chili better known as a bowl of red you ever ate if it ain't it ought to be this is Steve Hall in Nashville Tennessee along with pretty miss Sheila great job Sheila everything but the sour cream it's gonna work we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red bye bye for now
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 442,471
Rating: 4.784678 out of 5
Keywords: Steve Hall, Shotgun Red, Shotgunred, chili, texas chili, a bowl of red, red chili, chili and beans, hot chili, spicy chili, texas style chili
Id: 3UmvkZkDt20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2017
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