Minecraft But You Can Trade Your Hearts

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i am literally gambling away my life my goal is to have a million hearts by the end of this video but trading my hearts is the only way to get there just looking down from this tree literally gives me a heart attack all right bad joke sorry thank god there's water down here all right let's figure out how to make our first heart oh my gosh i just got hearts i can literally make hearts by just breaking blocks i was going to try to kill the sheep yeah you get three hearts for killing a sheep we actually can summon this heart villager and buy different things but it does cost our hearts so look at this a fishing rod fish for the hearts of others but it costs five hearts oh my god he literally took five of my hearts away you savage what has happened let's see what this does if you leave a like on this video i would definitely heart you even catching fish gives us hearts but what if we're not supposed to use the fishing rod this way what if instead we're supposed to use the fishing rod on live creatures all right let's just go ahead and make ourselves a little bit of a crafting table a little bit of sticks get a couple of blocks of stone you know now i keep hearing all these mobs down here and i've gotta test the fishing rod on them mining iron gives you ten hearts what about mining diamonds i heart diamonds do listen if you hurt diamonds as much as me please put the blue hearts in the comments we found them oh my god there's so many of them oh it worked [Applause] oh my gosh oh my god i don't know if i'm okay with what just happened i just fished the mob and they flip upside down all right well i'm a terrible person let's go ahead and spawn the heart person again the heart shield use this and you'll be invincible for five hits pineapple pizza anytime you take damage you gain hearts oh i hear some water oh my god oh we would be so dead right now okay the heart shield worked what if we eat the pineapple pizza and then jump in the lava i want to just go and make a statement right now ladies and gentlemen that pineapple does belong on pizza and if anybody disagrees with me you're probably still a beautiful human being but you're wrong also mobs have now gotten stronger look at my hearts but the effect only lasts for like a few seconds so we gotta get out get out get it out oh my dear i literally can't even see anything on my screen is there anything i can buy for that heart counter makes your hearts a lot easier to count but it costs 99 hearts oh but it's so worth it yeah that's going to make an iron pickaxe dude 22 hearts we just lost from that creeper imagine if we didn't have this many hearts we would be dead having an iron pickaxe is gonna be such a big advantage especially we're gonna find a diamond oh oh it doesn't work on the bat it just sticks to him oh we're not gonna talk about that that bats gonna come back and be like vengeance whoa whoa whoa oh my god oh what wither three there's gotta be something to heal this mine's a five by five radius for even more hearts oh i'm gonna die oh we're getting so many hearts this is good but this is not good because i i think we need milk oh i need a cow i think it's because the mobs grew stronger and when they grew stronger creepers now give you the wither effect no no mobs have gotten even stronger dude i'm still withered from the last creeper oh there's gotta be a cow up here oh i'm literally having a cow right now okay where would i find a cow no no you're not a cow you're not a cow but i am gonna take your life i'm taking yours as well oh finally oh we got cows ladies and gentlemen we've got him okay i'm keeping a water bucket on me but that was actually insane all right we're back in a cave i really wanted to see how much hearts you get when you mine diamonds but i do see a little bit of gold i'm gonna grab it real quick oh 20 hearts well don't mind if i do honestly i don't even care i'm going straight for it i'll take all the damage 50 hearts i thought we would get so much more we're not gonna get a million hearts at this pace now this is interesting eat for a helpful companion and the reason why it's a waffle is because everybody knows waffles are better than pancakes all right again if you disagree you're still a beautiful human being you're just wrong so do i eat it wrapped you're so cool wait did i just hear that right i think it talked to me do not walk in the lava stay away from my waffle oh my god even damage is multiplied 250 hearts though we were literally getting 10 times for everything but we were also taking i believe ten times damage tier three mobs have apparently gotten even stronger and my waffle's about to burn waffle come this way oh my god you're so cool is that true can people let me know in the comments am i really that cool oh diamonds oh that's oh my gosh 40 000 hearts from that yes this is dangerous dude because like what if we could fall through bedrock there's a good chance we might die here oh i didn't mean for that to happen i swear i swear i swear i can't believe i killed the waffle i feel so bad yeah do you have any more of those waffles in stock how many waffles can you have i love me some waffles i love these things we need to buy this it's 10 000 hearts is this going to be on youtube yay we got eating waffles and waffles asking me if this video is going to be on youtube yes it's going to be on youtube okay i'm going to buy the heart launcher and figure out what this thing is i don't like the sound of this it's going to be fine okay oh my three how am i getting so many hearts i i genuinely don't know a llama just killed my waffle you think i'm gonna let you survive for the insubordination ladies and gentlemen we need to end waffle hate so please subscribe you wanna spit on my waffles i'm gonna spit on you no these waffles are so delicate man i keep killing them tier four mobs have gotten even stronger oh no oh dude without the waffles around we don't get any hearts we gotta bring the waffles back here's what we're gonna do we're gonna buy three more waffles we're gonna buy a lot of pineapple pizza we're gonna spawn these waffles in we're gonna jump in this we're gonna eat oh my god i'm gaining like 15 000 hearts every tick of damage and to combine this watch this and then we just shoot this out i think we just found a way to get to a million hearts i've got 150 000 hearts but the mobs have gotten even stronger oh crap all right let's take a little bit of a dip all right i love you guys i'm going to name this one meshack shadow rack and a bendigo totally not names from the bible so now that we've got 170 000 hearts we are literally 17 of the way there but we can afford some of the most expensive items from the heart by 10 000 hearts to the heart hospital this thing is a whopping hundred thousand hearts but apparently it generates a thousand hearts per minute but if you do the math and you have three waffles which multiply it by times 30. it would be 30 000 hearts per minute and now it's clicking in my head oh my god my waffles wait our hammer can shoot since when can our hammers shoot all right think about this for a second heart hospital oh my god we're back down to 840 hearts but it had to be done oh my good what is this i love it look at what we got going on ladies and gentlemen there's heart villagers sleeping in the bed oh that's weird this is what i'm talking about passive heart income okay even if we leave the heart hospital we still keep gaining more hearts there's two things we haven't purchased yet an ambulance and then there's also the reaper scythe but we need 200 000 hearts to get this all right waffles do not burn to the lava stay alive i don't like the sound of this we've got this dude this is like without a doubt the best way to make hearts it's like i'm in a a hot tub did i say heart stop it dude these waffles are adorable but they're just not the smartest waffles mobs have gotten even stronger when does it end they just keep going up more and more all right this should be good this is sufficient all right now let's think about this dude do we even want to have this responsibility are we are we ready for this are we ready to call 9-1-1 i think we are oh my gosh dude um look at my waffles getting into my ambulance passenger seat what a bunch of good little waffles you guys are okay you can just run over mobs this is like the best place we could have ever gone to run over all these sheep dude [Applause] there's gotta be more to this ambulance surely it's gotta have something else i'm just gonna start pressing buttons wow it's gonna dig straight down i'm at 600 000 hearts i don't even know what just happened this is unparalleled oh but i've been wanting this right look at this man the grim reaper's scythe half the million hearts for this but i'm gonna purchase it all right my little waffles you need to be very careful bounty hunt find and kill a zombie oh my dear what did i just do okay i have to kill a zombie i found zombies oh oh now let's kill a spider [Music] oh my god you got 50 000 hearts okay what's next kill a skeleton i love this dude look it highlights it for you oh come here skeleton any mob that you just right click on they're magnetized to you it just gets evaporate look at this poor rabbit [Music] all right now watch this okay you thought that was pretty amazing if you hold shift and right click you can destroy every mob inside watch this this is how we get to a million hearts in style all right the only way we could end this video is by reaping the entire end including the ender dragon i want you guys to see just how grim this scythe really is look at this you went right into my trap this is our moment he's done
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 8,790,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: RFuI9LIyvmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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