Real Expandable Falcon Wings + Redwing Drone and HUD Goggles! - Falcon IRL

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so here's how i made the wings from the falcon and the winter soldier i also made the display goggles just to complete the outfit then i made red wings so you know we can actually see stuff with the goggles and then of course i had to make the arm piece to control everything let's start from the beginning just like any video i was scrolling through your comments looking for my next idea do falcon wing make falcon red wing drone make falcon look at the flight you make the out all right all right all right you guys have made yourself very clear kind of like in my last video where i actually made myself clear with an invisibility suit yeah give that a watch if that sounds interesting but yes we're finally doing it we're making everything from the falcon and the winter soldier i'm talking retractable wings red wing drone goggles the arm thing i also eventually want to make a captain america shield have it bounce all around and still actually have it fly back to you just like how it works in the movies kind of looks like it defies physics but i think i've got a pretty clever idea for how we can actually do this let me know down in the comments if you want to see me try and make that next or just comment any other build ideas you'd want to see me make too all right so i think i said previously we're going to make falcon wings like you know we're going to actually try and fly with them so yeah hopefully we can eventually make a version of these wings where we can actually fly with them definitely subscribe for that all right so that's some pretty big game i just talked falcons low-key like strapped i think this might be the most like different pieces of tech on any superhero i'm gonna do my best to make it all happen and if you do end up liking this well you know just remember there's a button for that so i guess i'll start off small with the goggles and eventually work our way up to the wings so if we look at some of the footage you can see that the goggles are kind of like the ones bikers wear full face coverage band around the back tinted orange red but these goggles not any ordinary pair they've got a display built into the eye that gives them real time information and video from red wing all hands free of course displayed right to the eye perfect point is you know putting the hands or i guess the wings on the bad guys luckily for me though this ain't my first rodeo when it comes to uh wearable displays i've already made three types of edith glasses on this i think might actually be a little bit easier than those because uh you know we've got more real estate to fit electronics and goggles rather than tiny little glasses so yeah we could do it pretty much the exact same way we did before but i'm gonna take this opportunity to try something a little different you know if you're not trying new things you're not learning anything i'm using this hdmi heads-up display it's just completely stripped down all it does pipe an hdmi signal right to your eye so i think if we use a low latency hdmi transmitter and receiver then we can get a live video instantly to the glasses from anything that we plug the transmitter into it's actually pretty handy to have a face display that connects to your phone if you ever get bored of the mission you can always watch a movie or play some games maybe play a bit of lords mobile the sponsor of this video oh yup that was seamless now but they really did help us out with this one because now we can afford to make this video way better uh so big shout out to them and they're actually hooking you guys up with a 5 000 cash giveaway so pay attention if you're interested so lords mobile is a strategy game where you get to battle enemies assemble troops and heroes in any formation that you want you can build your own city and form alliances with other players to destroy your enemies or you can also double cross people too if that's more your thing like i'm pretty sure you can capture and sell your friends for ransom in the game if you need some quick cash uh which brings me to the cash giveaway there's actually two ways to win just click the link in the description we'll choose three lucky winners out of the top five players in the might rank section to win 500 each or you can also spin the lucky wheel to win another 3 500 cash and all their awesome prizes too every time you upgrade your castle so all in all it's a fun game that combines strategy rpg mmo and city building all into one game so check it out link below go have fun and go win yourself some money too so for the base i found these pretty cool looking biker goggles they're already pretty close to the tv show um the only thing we got to change though is the color so i got a bit of red like car tint and stuck it on the lens then i ripped apart the display glasses and mounted in the eyepiece of the goggles kind of in the lower corner area so it won't block our view or anything looks like a two foot screen floating about maybe like an arm flanks away from our face then i mounted all the drivers and the electronics in the band that goes around back then just a little bit more aesthetics work and uh they're pretty much done it is a bit tricky though to show you how they work especially on camera but if we turn them on and plug the transmitter into my computer and if we focus it in just right you can see we've got something on the screen oh look at that as you can see we've got my computer screen streaming there's the mouse and here's the channel with all the videos that you should definitely watch after this so this should be pretty adaptable if we can get our redwing drone to stream video to a computer or phone or something we can then pass it right to our goggles all right goggles done that wasn't too hard right but speaking of red wing let's make that next so if you look over the footage again all it is is basically a mini drone that pops out of his backpack and of course this thing is packed full of its own capabilities marvel gadget team really went hard with this one like check this out first it automatically unfolds and deploys itself from the backpack when falcon asks then it's got amazing maneuverability you can fly like a plane but also hover like a drone with some sort of propulsion tech i have no idea how this works i don't even think marvel does they just kind of like slapped a blue glow on the bottom or like ah that's good don't don't question it too much then it has a full array of cameras making it the perfect recon drone it's got optical zoom it records in different spectrums uh so you can see in the dark and through stuff even it's also got some intelligence it can recognize people then if all that wasn't enough this thing's also packing some heat too it's got lasers got rockets it's got like a mini blaster probably a bunch of other things too the best part is it seems to be all autonomous like it's his own personal sidekick basically his name is red wing i'm still not thinking he's cute like i think he control it somewhat with his arm thing but yeah he just tells redwing to do something and it gets it done so i'm gonna do my best to recreate every detail of it so first thing we need to figure out how's this actually gonna fly to answer that question i went and got several different kinds of flying aircrafts first up we got the standard rc wing plane so if the statics are spot on in my opinion i'm sure we could pretty easily make a version of this that looks like red wing i guess what do we do just talk it i don't think this is gonna work maybe a little more angle [Music] oh the big there's the cutest little mouse bro you think it could fit on the plane hi come on hop on oh there it is oh there oh god oh god i had a feeling that might happen so i brought a backup can't exactly hover or turn or slow down like redwing does and i mean i'm not the best pilot as you can see clearly it can't fly itself which brings us to the capability which is also kind of lacking like it can't do anything except fly so we'd have to build all of that in which makes the complexity extremely high here we have a wild christian watch this and make him turn around dude we're doing research man go get it right so next up we have this half drone half plane basically it's a drone that you can clip a wing onto and have it fly like a plane you know it could be the best of both worlds so the aesthetics aren't bad you could see it looking pretty good with just a little bit of tweaking functionality is also pretty good too flies like a plane and hovers like a drone for the most part capability though that's where it's kind of lacking again doesn't have any autonomy no cameras which again makes this a very complex project so i actually have another plane drone hybrid this thing takes off and hovers is like a tricopter and with a push of a button the propellers fold forward and it turns into a plane uh so the aesthetics again not bad i still got those open propellers though but the functionality is pretty good again it flies like a drone transforms into a plane just a little flick of button so it can like whip around it looks like it's kind of like drifting in mid-air it's pretty cool it's super fun to fly too but again we still don't have any autonomy or gps or cameras or anything like that which makes this project pretty complex but i think this is the best version we've seen so far actually i'm gonna put it in play all right oh [Music] oh i swear that was this hair when i started this is a beehive up here but i mean you know we still can't forget the obvious the actual thing we use as a filming tool the standard quadcopter drone the aesthetics though they're not the best because it really doesn't look like red wing at all so we definitely have to do some mods to get looking more on part but the functionality is great i can hover turn go up down forward backward basically everything that redwing can do like drones nowadays are just incredibly high tech and just can have so many cool features depending on which one you get um so i think this is actually going to be the simplest way to go all we really have to do is make it look like red wing maybe add like some lasers and rockets to it because unfortunately you can't really buy that also i should probably mention we're gonna be as safe as we can doing all of this this is just purely for the challenge of trying to recreate this awesome piece of tech from the movies that raises the very important question though of which drone so i did a lot of digging for this obvious place to start is with the dji drones they pretty much rule the space of high-tech consumer drones but from my experience with dji they're almost a little bit too smart especially when you're trying to modify them they have a million sensors all over which makes it really hard when you're trying to like mount anything to it that being said though dji actually does make a programmable drone like that you can actually write code for and like tells it where to fly fortunately though i don't think it's got quite the capability we need for this project but i'm definitely planning on using this in the future but in the meantime i'm actually going to give one of these away to you guys because i really do like getting to help out with your projects i'm very fortunate to be in this position you know because of you guys if you want to win this obviously like and subscribe and hop over to my instagram hit me with a follow there and uh like my picture i'll post for this video now let's go through the likes and follows over there and pick a winner also congratulations to the last videos winner you just won a 4k tv alright so after diving deep down in the drone rabbit hole i think i've found what should be a perfect fit for this red wing drone this is the anaphy by parrot but there's a few reasons why i think this would be better over some of like the dji drones first we can add a thermal camera to this so we can actually get some of that seeing in the dark and through stuff capabilities they have in the show it's also got optical lossless zoom so like a physical lens that can zoom in and out again just like red wing so i went and got myself a powerful one watt blue laser ripped everything apart stripped it all down so we just had the diode in the circuit board because again we need to keep this as lightweight as possible so we don't hinder the performance so then i 3d printed a tiny new housing that we can mount to the bottom of the drone just like how the movies did it then i was able to take apart the drone and actually tap into the power source that we can actually use to run the laser this already would have been impossible with a dji drone then to control everything i used the smallest arduino i could find along with the relay to control the laser we could probably also use the same circuit to launch rockets but as i mentioned though the biggest problem with this drone that we have to change is the aesthetics you know it looks nothing like red wing basically we're trying to cover the propellers to make it look more like a plane but propellers only work if they're exposed to air and we also need to keep everything as lightweight as possible if we still want this to fly well um so i started out with a few foam designs to see how the drone would react when we started adding stuff to it and it actually worked all right but as soon as it actually started to cover the props with this sort of like mesh like material yeah it it didn't like that too much weight not enough airflow so then i did a bit more research you know trying to figure out what's the best material to make this out of foam balsa wood even this aerogel composite i thought would work and also tried 3d printing different structures like a truss um that's actually used in bridges but in the end all that was kind of a little bit too heavy so i ended up going with some good old-fashioned carbon fiber because it's super lightweight very strong you know it's really hard to beat for this application so the plan is to build like a frame using some carbon fiber rods that we can mount all around the drone and then we can add some super thin carbon fiber panels around the outside to make it actually look like red white now all we gotta do is figure out how to actually cover the props basically we need a material that's visible but still lets maximum airflow through i actually tried gauze like the stuff that you put on cuts which kind of worked yeah that's not not what we wanted so i finally switched to some super thin super lightweight fabric it looks a bit cleaner than gauze and works a bit better too then i hit the whole thing with a thin coat of some metallic red paint this way we still get that sweet looking carbon fiber look but it's also got a red tint like red wing then i did a bit of detailing and gave it some silver accents to make it look even cooler then for a final touch i added the wings to the side that swivel out use some servos for that as it takes off the wings slide out just like in the show so i think the last thing we need to make this work is the armband to control it uh this seems pretty straightforward though all we got to do is 3d model a gauntlet piece that can fit a phone then just print it out add a bit of wood filler throw a coat of paint on it add some arm straps and of course do a bit more detailing then we just drop the phone inside and we're good and we can also stream that phone screen to our glasses so we can get the display in both areas all right so let's test this thing out it's actually crazy though it can do so much stuff let's first start off with the autonomous feature which we can actually make even cooler by adding voice control because pretty much every smartphone nowadays comes with some sort of voice control so we can have certain trigger words perform certain gestures basically just have a trigger word tell the drone to take off so we can actually have it fly when we say something like red wing fly we got video to the goggles we also got all the controls right on the arm thing can you see that all we have to do is say something like a red wing fly [Music] check that out damn it's kind of sick huh so dope dude let's have them take off from my back we haven't built the backpack yet so i guess we're just gonna have to do it uh the old school way to help me out you sure yeah red wing fly [Music] no way we've also got full autonomous gps flying too so we can have it perform basic maneuvers or actually advanced flying paths like have fly to specific points that we tell it to on the map again triggered all with our voice check this out all right let's give it a shot red wing search the area oh and there it goes there we are all right so it's going to go to each four corners of the yard i'm gonna pop back to the front yard if i'm not mistaking [Music] wow that's some beautiful footage too look at it look at it oh that's so cool i'm not not controlling it one bit it's just scouting the area red wing land start landing and remember we've also got manual lossless 4k zoom capabilities you can actually also follow us too again if we set the trigger word to red wing follow us and have it activate the follow function also i just gotta say this follow function is much better than dji's i don't know why it works so well uh maybe because it uses data from the thermal camera or something i don't know but speaking of that thermal camera though let's try that out as you can see when we switch cameras it gives us a thermal spectrum allowing us to see heat signatures which we can see in the dark or even through stuff like a smokescreen i don't know if you guys remember that scene but i think everyone was fighting and then the flag smashes through some smoke and the falcon went thermal and he could still see everyone yup this thing can do exactly that seems like we got a guy over there he's looking a little suspicious well turns out he has smoke [Music] clearly he brought the smoke but that's okay we want the smoke i'm trying to make this like cool so notice can't see anything but if we switch to thermal redwing give me thermal engaged boom there he is right on the screen hey get back here you but this thermal camera also makes a great tool for recon too in total darkness all right we're gonna play a little manhunt to test out the thermal we've got the bad guy right here i think we're just gonna run around the area we're gonna chase him down with red wing and uh see if we can find him you won't be able to so we'll see you're very fast i will say that you're suspiciously fast the air dynamics it's the aerodynamics it really is i'm gonna start scanning oh the manhunt is on oh no oh i can see you're in the middle of the yard damn it is that right near the backward left quadrant do you see me laying down dude you're supposed to be trying to get away man you're making this too easy no that's just level one i'm just testing you dude all right we're back we're back i'm gonna go keep looking for you one hour later dude you're inside that's not fair round two baby let's go bro you're by the back door i can clearly see you oh that sucks dude i thought i'd be by the house and it didn't help i see you coming around i hear you why did you come to where i actually am this is like real life call of duty or something like i'm like literally i feel like i'm about to shoot you oh god like some missiles or something hey christian oh what up he's quick i want to switch to um visible just to compare okay that's like the city lights and then nothing i don't know what else to do dude you haven't evaded me invaded you twice you just said it was cheating inside bro come on you're better than that in real life there are inside i would have shot you like 20 times over again and lastly we can't forget the artillery this thing is packing again it's got a one watt blue laser on it definitely packs a punch so we set up some balloon targets all around the yard let's see if redwing can pop [Music] mission complete one last thing though i want to try let's launch a rocket from this thing because i mean they did that in the show too so i 3d printed a little model rocket that we can mount to the bottom of the red wing then i just modified the laser circuit to trigger an electric rocket igniter [Music] oh my god let's go okay wow that actually worked yeah i mean i'd say that's about as close as we can get to a real-life red wing oh is it is that it is that everything oh i gotta make the wings forgot the wings all right how long is this video we're gonna have to speed run this i don't know if we're gonna be able to do the wings justice it's like the main thing to this entire build i think i got a plan and we're definitely gonna need some help luckily though we got a couple talented engineers who can help out actually if you're a talented engineer and you wanna help out with these videos definitely hit us up at join the team just fill out the form and we'll be in touch we also got some new falcon wings inspired merch if you guys are interested and want to help support the channel so here's the plan i'm going to whip up a first version of these wings same time the other guys are going to be working on the final version complex rugged metal expanding crazy cool mechanism and we also got to figure out the actual flying component because again i want to fly with these things but all that we'll do next time so we can actually do the wings justice here's what i'm thinking for version one the goal with these is going to be to keep things light and simple like i want this to start from a tiny backpack form factor and then expand out into some impressive wings just like how they did in the show so i started playing around with some different folding mechanisms i originally just thought of using like metal tubes with springs just kind of bend them all together and have them spring out or like some umbrella design that like unfurls but i think there's a way to do it smaller and simpler than that so i don't know if you guys have ever seen these expandable staffs i've used them in past projects but basically they're coiled up pieces of metal that act like a spring telescope and i think this could be the perfect mechanism to make this first version of the wings happen so then it was as simple as 3d printing a housing to hold the staffs two for each side amount of these to a base plate and the release mechanism is just a pin that locks each staff into place which we can connect all together to trigger them all at once then i cut out the fabric into a wing shape and attached it to the ends then i make it look like the backpack i carved a backplate out of some foam coated with some wood filler and sanded it down gave it a paint job and mounted it to the base plate to make it look somewhat like the wing backpack from the show lastly i did some quick detailing on the wings to make them look a little better too i'm actually pretty happy with how this came out considering it's the first version that i made in a day and like if we can do this in a day definitely stay tuned for the final version real quick though before i show this off in every video i like to show off some projects that you guys made and sent to me like these right here [Music] awesome stuff guys thank you very much for sending these to me uh if you've made anything cool definitely send them my way at jayla the video or email too all right so here it is fully expandable falcon wings 1.0 [Music] uh it does look pretty cool though like the way the fabric catches the light it sort of looks like metal and i think this expandable mechanism is pretty clever not too bad for a first version but next time though we'll make it even better more true to the movie and eventually try to fly with it definitely subscribe for that like this video if you did thank you guys very much for watching and get hyped for the next one peace [Music]
Channel: JLaservideo
Views: 2,928,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jlaservideo, DIY, how to, tutorial, The falcon and the winter soldier, Marvel, mcu, the falcon, redwing, real life falcon, real life redwing, redwing drone, avengers, engineering, the falcon in real life
Id: j-rDuKrZfC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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