Real News You Didn't Believe After Waking up From a Coma

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people over indeed who have been in a coma for a long period of time what news really shocked you when you found out what happened i was in a coma for 2.5 months in 2015 when i was 27 following a serious car accident when i woke up i still had a tracheotomy and couldn't speak i don't remember a dang thing from the time i was in a coma but what blew my mind is when i woke up my new boyfriend at the time was standing there with my parents and they were chatting to each other like they knew each other i am a super private and had made every effort for them to not even know of him so i found this disturbing i also had no recollection of the accident for months and for a week or two after waking up i had to be retold where i was and what had happened every time i dosed off and woke up i had no idea where i was and i thought i was 23 not 27 for months i also had a really hard time recognizing faces like i would see people i knew that i knew but i couldn't remember why or their names or anything they would just look familiar one time a while about a month after i had woken up my parents took me in my hospital bed for a walk in the courtyard of the hospital we passed a large mirror in the lobby and i freaked out i saw my reflection and i knew it was me because i recognized my parents pushing the bed but i didn't recognize my own face there were no injuries to my face or anything i just didn't recognize myself it also blew my mind that i had gone into the coma in late winter and there was quite a bit of snow on the ground and when i woke up it was spring and there was no snow i had a large window in my hospital room the news that shocked me the most was the fact that my parents had gone in and packed up my entire apartment like i mentioned i was super private and the idea that they went in there and boxed up all my stuff and gave up my lease was hard to grasp obviously it made sense but i was troubled by it open to questions i don't know if this counts because it was only three weeks but i was so shaken when someone put on the tv and it was a newsreel about a festival in a town over i wasn't even going to go i just felt so weird because this was still like three weeks away you know this can't be on tv did i just miss three whole weeks oh crap wtf happened i was in a coma oh oh yes something bad happened to me what happened explosion i'm not going into the details of the accident but it was an explosion on the work floor that threw a piece of metal straight towards me tried to catch it my arms and then my face didn't catch it it the wall did though and it had a huge hole in it still don't get how i didn't die that day i destroyed my upper and lower jaw my arm pinky and burned most of my limps mostly second degree so that wasn't really the problem the problem was the jaws and the arm my jaws were completely shattered into more than a hundred pieces the doctor told me he had to put pieces of bone in random places because he couldn't find the right spot they came from lost most of my teeth about three stroke four of them my lower lip was ripped off and was just hanging by one blood vessel and a few nerves after 10 years i still don't have all feeling back but that's the new normal so i don't really notice anymore and the arm was broken on the lower half both bones snapped like little trees and one of the bones sticking out of a gaping wound fun times holy crap dude hope the company paid for it when i was a kid i was messing around in our house that was under construction i fell through the open floor to the floor below my brother saw me land on my head and called 9-1-1 i woke up the next day watching tv and eating teddy grahams in the hospital then i don't remember anything until a few days later when i was at home my parents said i was never unconscious because i was complaining the entire time and i was able to eat and use the restroom on my own but i don't remember a thing i'm colorblind where i have a hard time seeing green it comes across as blue gray or brown most of the time yellow and purple are also hard for me i didn't actually realize i was color blind for a few years i found out that the type i have can be caused by head injury wife was in a medically induced coma which is really just heavy sedatives and paralytics for 13 days she had complications from a bilateral lung transplant the hardest part for her was she had very realistic dreams during where she went home and came back to the hospital so the first few times they woke her up reducing the medications to check for neurological function she was fairly panicked so i got in the habit of telling her the day time and location each time they woke her letting her know she was safe it was extra hard on her as she was on a ventilator and restrained so she couldn't communicate what she wanted to know interestingly we were able to often tell what part of the dream responded to different events of her stay in the aiku that was in february she still sometimes has to ask if things she remembers really happened or if they were part of the dreams good news she's home now nearly fully recovered with just some mild kidney problems that are getting better and some neuropathy in her left leg she's able to walk with a walker and do a lot of things on her own again your wife is a tough cookie bilateral lung transplants are tough keep on keeping on i'm not one but when my husband came out of a long period of unconsciousness in the hospice he thought that the footstool was a dog and kept patting it we all played along and called it a good boy for the rest of the time there not me but my niece was in a medically induced coma for three weeks after doing em and frying her heart she says that she could remember hearing her mom and dad in the room during a couple points and that her anesthesia was lightened at about one weekend as an attempt to wake her up she was aware of it but didn't become conscious she said that it was like being underwater so you can sort of hear what people are saying but not fully understand she was extremely surprised and confused when she finally came to and couldn't believe that she was out for so long the last thing she remembers was snorting what she thought was cook and then her boyfriend calling 911. she is insanely lucky to be alive but will live with consequences of this for the rest of her life she has permanent damage to her heart and will likely die if she does anything like that again interesting never knew what too much m could do i did a stupid crazy amount of m in one go once was during an argument and we had no idea what it was going to do to me qh to bring me down and down down down it brought me does three weeks count as a long time i was in a motorcycle accident was out for three weeks woke up as the person i am today not really as the person before although i have a few of his memories and found out that my hippocampus was damaged so that accounted for the memory loss i woke up remember a lot of school stuff and things i read before but had a very hard time remembering knowing people didn't totally recognize my dad had no idea who my mom was i was apparently dating a really pretty girl but i have no idea who she was no memory of her we tried to make it work but it was too weird the old me was too different from the new me and i felt no connection to her i did become really good at philosophy and logic after i woke up ended up going to college to study it got a year left before i can lecture in it as well so i guess that's a plus it's still weird sometimes people will approach me and greet me they know so much about me but i have no idea who they are i usually have to explain to them what happened and things gets a little weird sometimes but usually end up making remaking a friend i was in a coma for three or four-ish days after an intentional od on ambien regulin antidepressants mixed with some alcohol i was more or less just unconscious but i remember the first time i woke up it was exactly like those movies where you're flashing in and out and there are disembodied voices everywhere and people working on you it was very weird i remember waking up a few times once i was out of critical condition mainly to throw up from the narcan apparently i had a seizure i had cyanosis blood was coming from my mouth and nose my blood sugar dropped below survivable and then shot up into diabetic coma zone after a glycerine shot i was civilly underweight and i guess they didn't take that into account and i had a breathing tube for most of the time when i woke up all i knew was that my throat was very sore and my entire body felt like actual chewed up garbage other than that i had no clue what happened i just remember taking everything and falling asleep and that was it stories like this are why even at my darkest moments i haven't been all that tempted to od any other way sure but od nope frick that what a horrible freaking thing to come back to that it isn't like you see in movies nothing happens when you're in a coma your brain just shuts off you know when you're little and you stay the night at a friend's house when you wake up you can't remember where you're at and get nervous for a second until you remember that's exactly what it feels like to wake up from a coma but it never finally clicks i woke up from a two-month coma after a bad wreck where i broke my neck hip couldn't walk etc i could tell i was in the hospital but didn't know why or what happened for some reason i thought i was 60 and i had been comatose for 30 years in fact i had been in a coma for two months and was in my late twenties doctors are amazed i survived a two-month coma which is very unlikely so this may be the longest period of time you'll get a legit answer but of course people always have stories that are like my cousin was in a three-year coma and said however it's insanely rare that people will wake up after even months i'm an open book so any other questions ask two weeks because of swine flu during this time oprah announced she was ending the oprah winfrey show i was very upset to learn this after the fact mostly because the tv running in my room and the drugs they gave me to keep me under gave the most cinematic dreams i've ever experienced somehow the news of oprah retiring filtered into my brain as dreaming about saving the whales with her in a submerged chicago we had champagne brunch it was excellent i was also a superhero who could fly and fort my enemies on the rims of volcanoes and then i woke up and not only could i not fly but my buddy oprah had betrayed me into retirement i was crushed my dad also got swine flu they put him in an induced coma but after 33 days and complete organ system failures he never woke up i'll leave the traumatic stuff out the last thing he said before he was put under was a frantic please don't i'll never wake up he was right i'm so glad you made it out okay not coma but an anesthesia experience i remember waking up with a really hard direction tried standing up almost fell over the girl tried to catch me and i said i got this then i stumbled into the hallway and passed out i wasn't in a coma but i had a to me serious concussion i woke up with no memory of anything at all when things finally started coming back to me a dog ran up to me and i started petting it i looked at my dad and asked when we got this dog because i didn't remember ever getting him long story short it wasn't our dog my dad tells this story to his friends and says that's when i knew you were fricked up i have epilepsy and have been in a brief coma due to dropping and knocking i don't recall how long it was or anything about it really just what i'm told i woke up really confused and for some reason the first thing i did was try to leave so i could and i quote go home and smoke a j the nurses explained what happened while stifling laughter i tried to walk out even though i had all sorts of crap hooked up to me didn't even notice it though i pulled all nighters when i was 15 or so and i decided to see how long i could go while on spring break i stayed up around five days but the fifth day i crashed i don't know when and i slept on the couch woke up feeling kinda groggy mostly hungry and thirsty wasn't surprised though as all-nighters do that to you just one will and according to my family i slept for about 32 hours and got up to pee two times that i don't remember after the 24-hour mark my mom almost took me to the hospital but she knew what i did so she left me be you end up so confused about the time and day of the week also i didn't realize how hungry i was till i ate then it hurt like i was starving drank a lot of gatorade to rehydrate after that anyone asking about hallucinations or sharing your own stories and holy crap are they weird i had conversations that didn't actually happen and all sorts of crap just out of sight and auditory was heck considering i also have tinnitus and the constant ringing along with all of it is not fun around the fourth day i was getting it and from there it got worse probably didn't help my diet during this was canned beans and iced tea i don't even want to think about how that probably hurt my insides like my liver all the things i thought i heard or seen helps me understand a little bit what my uncle goes through with his severe schizophrenia voices shadow people and stuff like that i don't make many posts or comments and this is the highest amount of upvotes i have ever gotten thank you guys granted it was not a coma only a trip to albania it is quite similar i was there for six months in 2013 and when i returned i was told there had been three australian prime ministers while i was gone only five more prime ministers till christmas remember to change your smoke alarm battery at least once every prime minister it wasn't a long time because realistically people who go into long comas usually don't recover or fully arise into consciousness i had an appendectomy on my 11th birthday i had gone sepsis because when i started getting ill three weeks earlier i didn't tell my parents our sewage pipes had burst in the basement and i didn't want to bother them with another thing gone wrong around the start of week two they caught on that i had the flu in the third week my mom was concerned because i couldn't walk and was starting to fade in and out of consciousness and was rapidly declining to the are with me lived in the children's hospital for several months well because so much time had gone by a lot of the tissue in my abdomen had died and i was severely dehydrated so when they cut me open they severed an artery this made a simple procedure a lot more complicated and they had to up my anesthesia to give them more time to fix me it's kind of like in the movies where you catch glimpses of things and fade in and out without any time in the middle i was out for two three days i remember hearing crying me and a blurry bright light when i came to i was scared because i was in a hospital room that was clearly lived in but the last thing i remembered was being in the waiting area to be rolled back into surgery there was nothing in between i remember i was hysterical when i woke up because of how scary the feeling was they actually put me back to sleep for the rest of the day and woke me up slowly because of how hard it was to wake up instantly as i woke up slowly i could hear my parents and siblings and i was able to realize that the surgery was over and that i was okay my surgeon came and talked to me about anesthesia and what i was feeling i was okay after that and made a quick full recovery glad you made a full recovery and thanks for sharing what it was like was not for a long time i was overdosed on anastasia after an ingrown toenail operation i slept for over 24 hours was just gone but as i first passed out in the way home from the operation my parents decided to just carry me to my room and let me sleep came up and checked on me as i seemed fine they just let me be got drugged for the operation before lunch the first day fell asleep in the car home was gone that full day till the next day late at night so maybe 30 36 hours or so but yeah waking up not remembering anything and thinking you just have been gone for like a few minutes but it's dark when you wake up and as you get downstairs they tell you you have been out for pretty much two days like you felt fine but everything just felt wrong as well your body and mind is just confused it was weird not something i hope to experience again in 2003 i was in a high-speed rollover and as a result spent a few days in a coma when i woke i was shocked to find myself in a hospital i called my mom and asked her if she could bring me a cigarette she told me that she couldn't i had totaled our van i asked if she could just walk over we lived close to our local hospital but she told me that i was in denver that they'd had to flight for life me there it was very distressing to me both my location and that i'd rolled our van she told me that she'd be there as soon as my dad got back to the house even after talking to my folks at the doctors it was very hard to process what had happened to this day i only have extremely faint memories of looking at the clock on the dashboard and zero recollection of roughly a week's worth of time preceding it literally just a blank spot in my memory that is still very uncomfortable to me apparently i had actually woken up a day or two earlier than i can remember had already seen my folks and answered questions for both the doctors and police officers i can't remember any of that either i wanted to add that a week or so later i had one more scary experience related to the incident we went to the junkyard where the destroyed van was and seeing just how completely totaled it was broke me i sobbed and shook and couldn't believe i'd lived through it it was absolutely mangled well i'm glad you did make it i woke up after a three-day coma to my dad sitting at the edge of the bed the first thing he said was oh thank god you're awake i didn't know when you were going to come around oh you're finally awake our pun resistance i got you half my family and a few friends legitimately thought i passed away due to a poorly worded facebook post day after the hospital discharged me i found my instagram and facebook flooded with people mourning or apologizing ellen page came out as a lesbian i was in a three-week coma but that was about the only interesting thing that happened i had a sedate head injury i don't quite recall the specifics of the swelling but i was out for a little over five days they said i woke up as if someone had turned a light back on i immediately tried to get up i thought i was still on the mountain i was skiing my dad got in a really bad car accident about 20 years ago and when he woke up from being in a coma he thought my mother had had a second child and that his last name was moon neither of which were true obviously i was in a coma for two weeks after i fell from a car and hit my head on the road a few days after i woke up they done some tests on me and were asking me general knowledge questions that i was having no issues with then the doctor asks me who is the current prime minister this was easy because a few months before my incident kevin rudd had just become elected i got the question wrong because whilst i was in a coma there had been a re-election australian btw i was in hospital for around two months in 2016 in the event of a car accident i had no working internet connection or tv for the longest time as i came home everybody was speaking of pokemon go and on my way home i saw big chunks of people young and old pointing their faces towards their phones and having a blast running around instead of a very long coma i've been unconscious coma for half a night when i woke up my parents were right beside my bed in the ic i asked them what has happened even though i sort of knew what happened really weird experience i was in a coma for two months the year the patriots went undefeated but lost to the giants in the super bowl and that blew me away lol it also was super emotional because watching football was something i did with my dad and when we watched the game together he broke down telling me how he thought we were never gonna get to see another game together not as long as some other people but three days after a motorcycle accident when i was in middle school i've told this story a few times but i'll repeat it because it is relevant when i was unconscious i dreamed i dreamed i had a life and lived a full life it was as though the accident never happened i finished school graduated high school went to college dated people graduated college met my future wife got married changed jobs had kids those kids graduated college and had kids of their own and my wife and i lived until she died of cancer when i woke up it was devastating i had have these memories of this other life that was completely unreal i have love for these people that were never real i can see my kids faces my grandchildren's faces and they never existed i've never been able to remember my wife's face i remember everything else about her but her face i'll have dreams or memories of this other life even today 17 years later i can recall with perfect clarity this other life nearly every single detail and they haunt me they are never altered or i should say until relatively recently they were never changed i met my current girlfriend a couple of years ago but we started dating only about six months ago a few months ago my dreams changed but only slightly i could see my wife's face and they are my current girlfriend's face nothing else has changed but it is her i cannot explain it nothing else has changed the person in my dreams has always been her i sound like a crazy person but that is the truth as i know it if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 492,909
Rating: 4.9414949 out of 5
Keywords: waking up from a coma, waking up, coma patients, shocking news, shocking news stories, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2020
Id: swylVJfYYRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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