What's The Craziest Thing Your Siblings Did Growing Up? (r/AskReddit)

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serious people who have twin siblings but are not a twin themselves how is your relationship with your twin brothers or sisters I'm 18 and have twin sisters that are 4 I love them so much and they look up to me like I'm almost a third parent I don't feel jealous of their bond or anything since it's such a large age gap I wouldn't trade them for anything I'm 22 and have twin sisters that are 6 it really is like being an extra parent but you always get to be the fun one and can always make the real parents play bad guy I love them more than anything and they look up to me more than I thought it was possible for anyone to do older twin sisters it's fine I don't think them being twins has had any effect on our relationship except when they would come to my school to help out people would feel the need to come up to me and be like wow your sisters are hot and theater wins but why are you telling me this go tell them if you feel that way but seriously it is more of a big deal between them than it is for me it's not like they're Siamese twins my older brother and sister are twins I'd say my relationship with em is fine growing up I think they largely shut me out of their lives as adults I think that aspect has diminished but is present in other ways we don't talk a lot but when we do we can talk about most things it's a much better relationship than when we were kids I have younger twin brothers 19 em there are four years younger than me 23 F we don't have a bad relationship but we aren't super close it doesn't help that they are extremely quiet and soft-spoken around family regardless I am very proud of them and all their accomplishments I hope that as we get older we will become closer regardless I am very proud of them and all their accomplishments I hope that as we get older we will become closer aaww my twin little brothers they're three years younger than me were born on the same day as me different year they interrupted my Batman birthday party so they can go freak themselves my twin brothers were born 15 months before me people thought growing up we were triplets because we all looked a lot alike the main thing was I was huge tomboy growing up because of them but it was me versus them growing up they did this thing where they would match shoulders and hug with the other arm and gleefully say twins as kids it bugged the Frick out of me because it was a bad club I wasn't him I ended up moving in with one of them after high school one time we got drunk together and my brother got up and put his shoulder on mine and hugged me and said twins in a child's voice I finally felt included or that's really sweet my twin sisters are eight years younger than me so I have a typical elder brother relationship with them I've always adored them and tried to be a good brother one has kids now and both have moved far away in their own lives so we don't see each other very often but they still seem to respect my opinion on stuff it's not very different than my relationship with my other younger siblings to be honest the fact that they are twins stopped being important a long long time ago the fact that they are twins stopped being important a long long time ago as a twin this made me smile I have younger sisters who are twins we are 6 years apart and they are freakishly close so it might have been weird however I think part of their closeness actually stems from the way my other sister 4 years younger than me and I were inseparable during early childhood now that we're all at least in our teens the groups have merged and all four of us are pretty solid the twins still kind of have their special connection but we all have our own relationship with each sister it helps that we're all a slightly different kind of nerd so we can share what we're into and still form a sort of separate identity my brothers are twins and are two years older than me growing up they would gang up on me a lot lots of teasing and getting pushed around I guess it was mostly normal sibling interactions but it was pretty rough for me at the time now that we are all adults I have a much better relationship with them but they are still much closer to each other than to me I still tend to feel left out since they do so much together and rarely invite me but I try not to take it to purse I have younger twin brothers they early younger by three years we went through phases of getting along and not as all siblings do but they would team up against me constantly and it felt unfair a lot but I'm an extrovert and had a lot of friends so even though they have a much closer relationship with each other than me I don't really feel left out I'm living on my own now and they are still at home so we're not super close right now but I would still say fairly close I have an older brother by almost three years and twin younger brothers by five years they're best friends played lacrosse and did math competitions together through high school I try to relate with them as much as I can now that they're starting college when I'm two years out but a lot of it just wouldn't translate because of the age difference something I think about a lot is that there isn't much I could say to one that I wouldn't say to the other as much as I can acknowledge their individuality they are kinda just two recipients of the same conversations and jokes but we all team up on the oldest because he's a freaking weeb that last sentence made me chuckle out loud I have younger twin brother and sister my sister's is the carbon copy of me so we're really close my brother just recently started liking me congratulations unfortunately my teenage sister is still in the process of hating me but I'm sure she'll get better once she goes to college at least I have two older twin brothers growing up I was very left out because I was younger and therefore we were into different things around when I turned 13 I became really close with one of my older brothers and I always copied him I played the same video games played the same sports like the same colors and we always talked about school and stuff though I couldn't relate to him because I was younger and our schools were a lot different right now I am pretty close with both my brothers and often visit them sounds like a normal relationship with non twin siblings to me kinda nice when we get closer to our siblings as we age I am from a family of three sets of twins and one sister I don't know if I fit into this but I am 23 and my twin just passed away due to a boat accident well life jacket but I could not imagine either my elder brother or my younger brother losing their twin I can't believe I won't see him aged with me and I don't think I've got past that fact of his passing hopefully time and the good memories keep me going but my relationship with my family is and will always be strong I have no clue how I would be functioning if I lost my twin I don't know how you are but I give you major props I'm very sorry for your loss I'm the older sibling of triplets I always have felt left out it seems like my mom and dad are a group the triplets are their own group and I'm by myself family vacations are fun but even when I try to include myself I feel excluded but the three of them seem to share the same brain one of them says something the others finish the sentence and/or now instantly what they are talking about they are 18 and I'm 20 nothing has changed and every time I try to talk about it something gets in the way my parents are wonderful but they are soul mates they understand each other in every way anyway I stand out like a sore thumb mum and dad triplets me I have older three years twin sisters and they're as close as can be one year they bought each other the exact same birthday card anyway they've never made me or any of my other siblings feel left out or made us feel as if they were too good for us I've got a pretty cool family something I can contribute to so I'm currently 18 and my brother and sister are 15 my brother has basically been my best friend since he was old enough to play hang out with me we used to still do spend all day sitting next to each other playing co-op video games my sister is a love pretend to hate each other relationship she is someone I can always laugh with no matter what the subject we also hate on each other to each other's faces I suppose it would be way different if they were the same sex they would probably be best friends and I'd be the outsider but they don't hang out together much at all they talk and stuff but all their friend groups are different from each others etc I'm extremely happy with our relationships my siblings are triplets they're seven years younger I'm 21 which has put some tension on our relationship throughout the years as I've got to mother hand complex I always tried to mother them and still did frankly they often gang up on me especially in recent years they're growing into individuals but still see themselves as a team and I hope they never ever lose that friendship that being said they look up to me like nobody else and even when I say it drives me crazy I absolutely love it they take my advice and they want me to be a part of everything they do we lost how dad's suddenly back in April and ever since I've really been trying to step up into that parent role and be there for them in these years of critical awkwardness it's hard for all of us but now I'm seeing that big age gap is a real blessing they stick together and hold each other up and I can be that other Payton figure for them I don't know what I would do without them I don't know what you would do if they weren't triplets I love them dilly my heart is in thirds you're pretty awesome good on you for being there for your siblings it's okay now but pretty bad when I was a kid my twin sisters are five years older than me and whenever I would get in a fight with one of them they would gang up on me and beat me up and my mum got P if I hit them back it ended when I turned 12 and we had our final battle it was like something out of a movie they were both coming at me usually I ran to try to get out of the way but this time I was tired of it I ran that one of them picked her up and threw her at a couch I pick the other one up and threw her on top of my other sister then I held them down until they cried and stopped struggling we've maintained an uneasy they taunt for almost 20 years now they're not twins but my younger siblings are triplets I usually say Oh yet it's hectic and crazy lol but really I don't imagine it's all word too different from a family with four kids of different ages sure it's gonna suck when they all go off to college at the same time and everyone goes well triplets that's crazy but really it's not that amazing thirty-eight year old male with younger twin brothers younger by four years I have always gotten on well with the elder of the two he's super smart and a really nice guy but ever since I can remember I fought with the younger twin I live on the other side of the world to them now but when we do meet up which is usually only once every two or three years it's not long before another argument kicks off I guess we bring out the worst in each other about eight years ago both of my brothers came out as gay it took me back a little but I wasn't completely surprised I guess there were plenty of signs I just didn't pick up on them when I was younger my brothers used to have this secret language only they could understand I remember being so upset and so left out that it was an inside joke and I'm on the outside now their secret language is more like a trust I'll never be able to penetrate I have two older brothers who are two years older than I am we are close and growing up with them was easy since we are all into the same things like sports video games etc one thing that made our relationship different from others is that one of them was born deaf and has apraxia which has made communication with him difficult at times my brothers are twins and I'm five years older I think we all get along really well but they're definitely closer to each other than they are to me they go to the same school and have the same friends and I don't think they've ever been separated for more than one or two days I don't spend nearly as much time around either of em my twin sisters are three years younger than I am or some things somehow we've always been the same height so we are regularly mistaken for triplets and it's a fun joke we all play along with whenever people ask about it sharing shoes and clothes our combined wardrobe is huge we always have each other for girls nights out not so awesome things when I get into an argument with one twin the other nearly always takes her side this was particularly maddening when we were younger because they'd gang up against me confiding in one twin means the other twin will hear about it guaranteed even though we get along well these days sometimes I feel like a third wheel when I hang out with them because of that inevitable super twins connection effect I am 23 and have older twin brothers 25 and younger twin sisters 13 they are both identical sets I am also going to mention that my family has eight kids in total living with two sets was definitely an awesome experience the one thing I've noticed is that most rumors are true about twins both sets of twins definitely have a strong bond and can feel each other's vibes if a is upset B will know why without even asking same with C and D it's definitely common for them to finish each other's sentences and it's happened a couple of times where they laugh for no reason and then will agree and walk away elaborate prank maybe they very much have their own personalities one twin is friendlier the other more shy one twin sister is more girly the other twin is more tomboy as far as the relationship since there were eight kids we are all pretty close no one is excluded in our family because of how we were raised individually I have great relationships with both sets sometimes I forget they are twins for the simple fact that I notice all of the differences between them I can tell read their moods and can tell when something is going on both good and bad there are other times where I genuinely mix them up especially when they pull crap like calling the other twin their name who even does that oldest siblings I've read it what do you hate about being the oldest sibling we had rules of when you get to X age you'll get X single allowed to do like stay up later watch worst rated movies etc but I was the oldest kid of three and the second I was allowed to do anything my little bras were instantly allowed to do it too I paved the way for you guys having to beat hard bosses and levels from my younger siblings learn to play you scrub opposite here I've been kicking my older brothers are said anything from Mario Kart to Halo for 20 years my older brother told me his whole life he hated the fact that whenever he made a mistake he was a big disappointment to our parents but when the rest of us made the same mistake later our parents were already pretty much over it I just bought a motorcycle and my parents went out of their goddamn minds my brother said he had been waiting a long term for one of us to get a bike first so he didn't have to be the disappointment I passed all my a-levels but got crap grades and it was like the world was ending my brother failed everything twice and it wasn't a big deal at all hearing the frickin you are his heroes speech from your parents idk why I hate that so much am I the only one number I'm the younger sibling and I hated - she idolizes her brother no I don't mum when things go wrong of your parents Aaron able to be there for you it's usually the eldest sibling that has to step up my mom got sick when I was in high school and college and everything then became my job I'd go buy the groceries after school I'd get home early to cook for everyone I would take my brother out to buy clothes supplies I had to do the majority of the cleaning it has left me a little bitter I was 16 17 and trying to raise my sibling because my mom couldn't I had all the house mom duties and none of the perks basically having to be kind of a parent for them I always learn with my little brother make him food and tell him not to eat that snail right now when my parents aren't around he also usually gets stuff earlier than I did I got my first phone when I was 13 he got it this year he's 11 but he had to do chores earlier as I did so it kind of evens out a little my brother got every privilege at a younger age than I did we are four years apart I had to wait until I was 12 to listen to the parental advisory music my brother then complained about how it wasn't fair and my mom caved a few months later that same with having my own phone line watching PG - 13 movies you name it man I had to go to bed at 8 until I was 12 because my sister would kick up so much fuss that we went to bed at different times three years apart the leniency given to the younger siblings as the eldest you're basically the guinea pig for your parents so it's usually easier for the younger ones exactly and your parents getting mad at you for things that years later your siblings do without punishment I'm the oldest of six and we're all in our 30s and 40s now but back about 15 years ago when I was in my twenties and my parents were getting divorced I was the one they both wanted to vinter because they were too immature to talk rationally to each other so as the oldest I was stuck with a lot of go-between tasks which I did not enjoy it all while my parents are having money problems it's been going on for a year and is semi fueled by alcohol and pot they've been borrowing from all us kids there's seven of us for a year only none of us knew it was every sibling nor the extent of the abuse we recently realized this and have had big discussions amongst ourselves on how to handle it but since I'm the oldest I've been nominated to have a serious talk with them tonight so there's that wish me luck guys wishing you the best of luck from one eldest to another I am old enough to remember how things really were but my sister and brother believe the rewritten version you have to be a good role model and I have to babysit my sister's often I was the eldest of all my cousins so at every family gathering I was the go-to babba sitter bearing the brunt of parents stress and being an unpaid therapist until you move out and then you just hope the next youngest can make it through those next few years relatively unscathed being the executor of our parents wills as the youngest I'm kind of glad I am NOT the oldest or middle they are both on the list for medical decisions not me I am not the one to say pull the plug that would be hard responsibilities being constantly snitched on you didn't raise your siblings well my siblings and I used to fight but we never snitched on each other I had to buy both of my first cars but my younger sister had both her first cars bought for her oh the car balls my brother has totaled three cars by now has been driving for three years has more speeding tickets than I could count and had to go to court for driving 110 kilometres per hour over the speed limit on two separate occasions all of this has been paid for by my parents but I get yelled at for wanting to get a college degree because apparently that is a waste of money the pressure to always be fine always be okay there was very little room for me to ever not be anything but put together and composed I've had to have my crap together since I was like eight I learned long ago to not ask for help siblings can ask heck one can get more financial help from parents as an adult in her thirties then was even possible for me as a college student it is what it is everything was always my fault always even if it wasn't me that did it it was still somehow my fault I even moved away to live with my dad and when my sibling did something bad my mom would call to yell at me about how it's my fault if I were more clever and more stupid at the same time I might have responded with something like so you're telling me I can control my sibling better than you can I had this - whenever I protested it it always get the well she learned that behavior from somewhere like yay she learnt it from you and dad goddamn I hated being treated a lot elder than I actually was had so much more responsibility was treated like a parent and rarely felt like I was a child well to be honest I miss the way my little sister used to look up to me like I was the coolest person alive now I'm just her older brother you pretend to hate it as a kid but she has her own life friends and Rohde models now and I miss the little toddler who used to follow me around everywhere I do love seeing her and her fiance doing well though I'm proud of her knowing more about my parents than my siblings ever will or understand the differences in upbringing is astronomical I'm 33 and my mom has four younger boys and my dad has three younger boys that I will never have someone to watch my back or defend me against our parents the way I do for them being the protector is innate when you're the eldest you feel it naturally or it's drilled into you I still do it as adults quit harrassing ex over his veggie nism hey I heard you had a tough week in med school are you okay etc and those instincts don't come naturally to youngest siblings not that they're buttholes bitter guys and hard work ardan to the way they interact with me like it is the other way around or they have no empathy for the problems I'm going through because they haven't gone through them yet I wish I had that blamed for everything you're required to always be the responsible one you're the one who takes the blame if anything goes wrong because you know better I freaked out once on my parents when they were standing there berating me in the kitchen for not doing your chores were your chores included my brothers they were only facing me only pointing at me only talking yelling at me while over their shoulder I can see my two year younger brother looking bored so I snapped what about him why are you just yelling at Emmy and so it goes all the responsibility without the authority or privileges that should come with that responsibility there were a lot of time so when it wasn't explicitly said but the general attitude of Frick you you're the eldest I also remember having to help my younger siblings with their homework which really meant doing it for them I stood my ground on that one comma all the responsibility without the authority or privileges that should come with that responsibility was always amazing watch your brother and make sure he does his homework okay sure dude go to your homework don't tell your brother want to do well flick you to the fact that I a fifteen year old have to share a room with an eight year old and the five year old gets his own goddamn room parents got to make all their parenting mistakes on me also parents never had money with three kids until after I left the house parents also learned that being super ridiculously strict didn't work well either so my brothers got to do whatever they wanted sometimes I think my brothers have a skewed sense of what their parenting was actually like because they lived quite different childhoods than I did now they act like I was some kind of evil teenager because I rebelled and they don't realize the living heck their childhood would have been if I didn't break them WTH my um pondless yeah I got to watch The Simpsons listen to rock music and be able to leave the house ever without having to check in every 30 minutes like you guys did maybe I wouldn't have rebelled so hard more on the crap you caught when the middle sibling gets engaged buys a house and has a baby before you do weird I don't remember making a second account I had to fight for every little thing staying up late staying home when sick getting my first phone even though I paid joining social media going out with friends having to get a job at 15 and especially what I took in college despite paying every single penny of it myself son loans I love my little brother more than anything but he will never know how hard I had to work for everything I have when my dad had a mental breakdown and didn't work for almost a decade I was the one who picked up the slack and took care of us when we came on better times he got everything he could ever want I was happy for him that it's really hard living with so much responsibility and so little love from your family maybe I'm just an entitled big sister I don't know if I deserve to feel this way whenever they do something wrong blame is on me and my father says if the engine is bad the rest of train cabins are bad too I'm the youngest of five kids but growing up it always p me of that I'd get better gifts than my brothers I'd get like a full set of baby doll clothes and toys and my brother Sam would get like one Bionicle I get there's an age gap but I want him to be happy too my parents always blamed this on me being too hard to shop for and so I got clothes for the most part not something I think I realized as a child but as an adult the realization that my younger sibling was loved in a completely different way than I was he was always my mom's baby her own words and when he got sick I realized that his death was going to hurt my mom way more than mine ever would I guess not having someone to turn to for help that will always be there when my younger brother started in high school he had no friends and so hung out with me and my friends until he made some of his own when I started high school I had no one for the longest time lots of things I'm 11 months in 19 days older than my brother I had to share a room with my brother from age 5 to age 14 I always be the first up and had to wake him up in the morning for school when I got to high school he would always be late for school because I wasn't there to wake him up now that he's in high school with me I have to wake him up again being responsible for my brother's mistakes and being snitched on being the test dummy for rules in my teenage years and even as I'm already rounding the 17 year mark it's still like this watching my brother get taller than me over the years because of my mom's short games I don't necessarily hate this but it seems like my parents have a lot more office sense on how to parent my brother but like he has his Sat prep and potential college plans laid out already as a sophomore in high school when I didn't even know what I was doing yet but being the third parent I have to take a lot from my parents about my siblings and give a ton of advice having to learn everything the hard way I had nobody to tell me what was what my parents were both abusive narcissistic and he intellectuals most of my friends and early childhood were the same I was like 19 before I felt truly happy for the first time when I realized it I also realize just how crappy my life had been up to that point instead of learning how to do things like date make friends and cultivate self-respect I got bullied and fed bad advice by the [ __ ] I grew up with one of the very few silver linings of the first two stroke three of my life so far is that I was able to help my a younger brother avoid that crap he's now why happier and way more successful than me but he still looks up to me parents offered it with identical twins what experiments are you secretly running I have 15 year-old identical twin girls and the only weird incident that ever happened with them was when they were in fifth grade separate classes they were asked to make a picture for art class off something to do with winter they had made the almost the exact same picture a snowman kids sliding in the house same amount of clouds and the sky with one bird and a bright Sun they had a choice to draw anything they wanted I thought it was pretty neat they ended up coming home with the same drawing twins are on their way now any day now I plan to name them both Christopher to see the confusion between many people over the course of theirs lives our twins are mirror image which makes them interesting to watch as they grow up one is right-handed the other is left they naturally gravitate to the same places in the car at the table when they walk et cetera one is farsighted in the right and nearsighted in the left the other is the opposite they have different personalities and swear the other one is the ugly one even though most people can't tell them apart for a while I constantly call their names wrong but they are used to it and answer unless it's for a chore then I get the sigh every so often Oh pinch one to see if the other will scream I'm an identical twin and my brother is 15 minutes older than me when we were 20 our mom told us that we were part of an experiment well we were told the wrong birth order at first neither of us believed her but she showed us a document detailing the experiment but I laughed at it but I didn't really care being the younger twin does not really matter to me my brother on the other hand got irate during our lives he has been the one to take the lead on things this experiment completely undermined his role in our relationship turns out there was no experiment our mom just wanted to see how we would react my brother started seriously questioning some of his attitudes huh I'm the older twin by about 15 minutes the only thing that gets me is being able to say stupid jokes some of my favorites include respect your elders said with a crappy tin grin when I was your age proceeded to tell him what I was doing 20 minutes ago you'll understand when you get older once again crap eating grin accompanying this statement I'm an identical twin and my dad liked to play baby wrestling he'd lay out a blanket put each other's in a corner and place a bottle in the center we then had to wrestle and to the victor went the bottle no secret experiments they are adults now but it was obvious there were 99.9% to like as little kids so experiments didn't occur to us they're still very alike with the major difference of having married women who couldn't be more different from one another they're still very alike with the major difference of having married women who couldn't be more different from one another mother-in-law talk for one of them is a bee as someone with an identical twin brother I can confirm that my parents were very curious to see if we would develop similar personalities and interests and for the most part we did we are both somewhat introverted my brother Maurizio than me will have basically the same interest and are essentially as smart as each other although in slightly different areas but I think that they are more introverted partially because we actually got along and didn't have to find friends as much because we always had one who wasn't going anywhere also my name starts with an A and his liver Zed and who wouldn't believe how many people asked if that was intentional it wasn't they just liked those names also the constant dong sais question which we've never tested and never will cause that's weird guys you wouldn't ask your non-identical brother how big his dong was would you twin brother here measured dongs when little we generally dressed our boys with one in blue and the other in red this was done mainly so there was a differentiator at a glance and so photos would be somewhat easier to tell apart 10 years in the future now I'm trying to figure out if any of their individual personality quirks are related to that early decision easygoing versus discount etc probably not but I'm discovering parents worry about the stupidest stuff when my brothers-in-law were young their father told them they had been a mix-up in the hospital so Fred was Dave and dave was Fred a crisis of self ensued including switching personalities until he revealed the truth he's not red I am honestly woman you call yourself our mother none yet but I'll take suggestions tell them that every person has a twin one good one evil normally the evil twin is identified and taken away two evil twin island Australia obviously yours are still together because you haven't been able to figure out which one is the evil one yet identical twin hair up until two years ago my brother and I were part of our parents not-so-secret experiment the plan was to not tell either of us who was the older twin in this case by 45 mins until our 21st birthday the idea being that growing up one guy didn't think he was the elder brother so should call the shots all the time and that by the time we reached 21 we would be mature enough to not care about it the experiment completely backfired they just managed to build it up to yours I still bring it up all the time that I won out and was officially crowned twin number one from my experience they are all running the experiment how much harder can I make it's to keep the two straight by naming them Braden and Brandon instead of just giving them two distinct names like a rational freaking adult one of my best friends as twins I asked him in jest one day which one got the soul he faint laughter with a hacker that is so funny and then followed it up with a dead serious Sarah when my twin brothers were little my dad convinced them they have to share a brain they each got half he still likes to walk into whatever room they're in and loudly proclaimed two boys one brain Sonny gets Gatorade Sun B gets Powerade whoever dominates the other in academics and athletics by age 18 will go on to become the favorite son I'm a woman who has a twin brother so while not what Opie was going for my parents did various gender studies so to speak not really deliberately just stuff like if your boy and girl twins share a room and that room is stocked with dolls and guns who's going to go for what answer neither of us went for the dolls but bro went for the toy weapons and I just obsessed over the legis the funniest one my mom remembers though was getting passports for both of us and sending in the pictures for us both with Bax labeled my brother was in a yellow on Ishii and I was in a turquoise blue one because it matched my eyes or somesuch but the passport office called to confirm with her that she labeled the pictures correctly because surely the girl was the one dressed in yellow because blue is a boy color anyway perhaps not what you wanted Opie but you looked like you were lacking answers so thought I'd provide one as the youngest girl would four older brothers my mom didn't bother buying me any girl toys until she found me playing house with a couple of cars I have a twin brother our parents decided to name us the closet as possible our names are a letter difference and pronounced the same in certain cultures needless to say the experiment wasn't so secret in high school I wasn't in the yearbook for three years because I was thought to be a duplicate we shared the same glasses some years which allowed for some free cups when comes to grading he would have never passed algebra 2 without my grades we now work at the same place but different departments I get emails from his coworkers as he does mine so thanks mom and dad you have perfected the troll we refuse to tell anyone who was born first because we don't want anyone including them to make any assumptions about them based on their age like this one is older so she's a leader or that one is younger so she's more laid-back etc not even their grandparents know oh and they're mirror identical twins which is just an experiment in and of itself they're calyx spin opposite directions one favors her left hand she still writes with her right hand but will paint and draw with her left hand fun times I don't dress my twins 22 month old identical boys alike and their personalities are as different as they could be twin A's are cuddle bunny with twin B aka el hey fur is not one to freak with last night we knocked over a block tower that my hobby was building with twin a threw his hands up and said what now it's funny and a little scary at the same time I've always wanted to switch families for a day just to see how long it would take for them to notice but narew my brothers are be probably scared you would freak his wife not a twin but my brother and I look very similar except for his facial hair as I am a lady without facial hair but we have the same coloring same big curly hair same face same kind of shape vocal tones laughs etc every time I visit his baby son gets very confused and looks back and forth to both of us trying to figure out why he has two daddies it's very cute my dad's brother looked a lot like him my nephew was about two when my uncle came to visit the first time my dad had stepped out so when my nephew arrived it was just my uncle there well my nephew assumed it was his grandpa and climbed right up in his lap he was as happy as could be until my dad walked in he was freaked out to say the least mine are adults now and one of them even has her own twins but they are fraternal anyway just last year our identical twins told us that one of the things we did as parents actually worked we tried not to raise them as twins we said they were sisters who had the same birthday we didn't let other family members call them the twins we insisted on individual names we did not dress them alike they were in different classrooms whenever the school had two classes for the same grade so last year they told us that they did not realize they were twins until sometime around third grade they both remember sitting in their bunk beds in second grade and talking about how it would be fun to have a twin I'll call that a parenting success my mum had an identical twin who is my aunt obviously my aunt is taller maybe five feet six inches my mom is about two inches shorter my mum told me this experience that they had the same dream about your dark tall figure standing over them in their bedroom when they were nine it didn't say oh nothing just stood there in the same spot in both of their dreams they both woke up at the same time and just stared at the spot all night definitely kinda scary but that's the only thing like that that has happened to them pretty sure there was just a dude in their room we have fraternal twins only my wife and I know which one was born first we want to see what happens when neither can claim to be the older sibling they just turned to good luck with that our fraternal twins are six and have recently started having screaming matches with each other over who is oldest when not telling I had to separate them the other day before it got bloody good times when we were little babies our parents would put special socks on our feet to tell us apart our older brothers liked to switch the socks to confuse our parents there's a 50 stroke 50 chance I'm actually my sister a friend of mine has twins with the same issue she has no idea which baby was named what at the hospital but says I'm pretty sure I haven't switched them since maybe five months identical twin hair when I was learning to write my uncle was living with us and becoming a neurologist at the same time at my high school graduation he asked me if I was still left-handed little did I know when I was a toddler he would color with us and move the crayon I was drawing with from my right hand to my left I'm still left-handed bTW I have an identical twin brother we are so similar it's stupid we shared a room played all the same sports have the same group of friends roomed together in college have an apartment together and work in similar fields my parents didn't even need to do anything to enjoy observing any nature versus nurture between us they told us we didn't have to do everything together if we didn't want it but we didn't care we would occasionally dress the same for fun and switched places on more than one occasion it's a fun time finding ways to see if there is some weird connection between them I have identical three-year-old girls the girls had a couple small stuffed bunnies from Easter they were obsessed with during this time one of them was in the hospital a while back for a respiratory illness one night she was saying her sister wanted her bunny very adamantly her sister was staying with my mom an hour away and out of sheer curiosity I called and asked my mom if that twin was looking for her stuffed bunny at the time she was now it is likely pure Cohen's since they both love the bunnies at this time but I like looking for any weird connections between them that just make me go WTF how do you know that my twins are but 3.5 years old but one of the biggest trip up I have is their will shift personalities I call it body swapping as a joke and now I know I am not confusing them just randomly one day the quirks one hired latest was sniffing armpits to fall asleep will just transfer to the other and the first one that was oh so obsessed now could care less it happens approximately every four months and at this point I feel like my husband and I should start placing bets on what habit or obsession is going to be transferred next time winner gets a spa day show won the office us show the other the office UK then let's nurture do its thing while the one with the UK version will be done a lot sooner we actually had boy-girl twins and looked very much alike as babies people would ask us are they identical we would say no it's a boy and a girl people more often than not genuinely would say yeah but they look an awful lot alike how do you know they are not identical dange twins run in my family not in my generation but I'm told it sometimes skips one and this thread is giving me horrible or some ideas in case I ever end up with them I have fraternal twin boys I always thought it would be hilarious to circumcised one but not the other wife did not agree foreskin for everyone eeny meeny miny when Asst one of you will lose some penis children in multi sibling households what lessons did you learn that the only child might never get it's all fun and games till you hurts your sibling then you have to convince them that they are fine and suggesting to them that they can't hit you back but just don't tell mom or just act like you got hurt too Oh WWE hurt together when you are an only child the parents know who did it that's parenting on easy mode if you don't want your older brothers to eat your food you've saved for later ensure that they witness you licking the food all over before putting it in the fridge also you need to make sure that they care when you can hit me back is not effective you have gone too far and actually owe an apology or you've created a manipulative psychopath in which case you owe an apology to the world you actually won't know which it is for yours I'm pretty sure every sibling has a pan excited and hit you that hard stop crying or mom will hear story and offering punch backs were sometimes your last resort if it didn't work you went way too far how to brush off insults yeah I feel like my large family had a big part in shaping my sense of humor I rarely get truly offended all resources are limited the only reward for second place is a cold shower and starvation that it is a lawless world where it doesn't matter whose turn it is on the Xbox and you better save frequently because inevitably one of your siblings is going to get mad and just unplug it from the wall it's not really a lesson but having someone to commiserate with have your back when your parents aren't being reasonable leftovers what leftovers you would have to fight for and hide them like water in the apocalypse when you're getting food in the middle of a show carry the TV remote with you but you have to accept that you will lose the favored share no way around that one asterisk when the WWE says don't try these moves at home they don't actually mean it kids are light squishy and weak it's a lot harder for them to accidentally do real damage that my brother did it there's no proof it was me hand-me-down clothing is often a practical necessity in multi sibling households ty still at 30 get more excited about hand-me-down to the new clothes if my brother got a cool jacket I would think I'm gonna look good in that in two years we better look after it heated now or it won't be there when you want it later it doesn't matter what happened it only matters that you can't convince people what happened ah the skills of persuasion that will be useful in sales and law the opposite gender is no great mystery when you've got mixed sips bathrooms the horrors one can't unsee if one of your siblings is getting in trouble just keep your mouth shut so you don't get sucked in the art of borrowing clothes and avoiding the sibling all day of the school until you can get home how to act completely ignorant of what happened where was your sister mama asks I say I don't know I was asleep in my room the whole night in reality I was awake playing video games with a walkie-talkie keeping tabs on her the whole time and letting her know when I hear anything downstairs and I told her to come home when I heard our mom go to the bathroom so she'll be in the yard when mom went looking the art of blackmail comradery and having tons of time to hatch plans and build stuff learning to deal with and enjoy people you don't choose to be around because you don't pick your siblings or their personalities my sister got kicked out one night because she snuck out you bet your butt I'll let her back in and woke her up before my mom so she could leave again ohayo as the oldest child because you get there first for everything you may be punished more or less severely than your siblings for the same offense this will pay off every other sibling also there is an unspoken code of if the parents weren't home with dollar sign object broke nobody saw it break they'll try to prison with dilemma all other kids the more expensive and or difficult to replace the object the less any of the kids saw anything even if it could be proved that everyone was in the room when the item broke nobody saw it happen why because this time you're covering for your sibling next time they will cover for you it is a bond that will only be broken once because if it does break the next time the kids are alone the snitch is gonna get beat on real good parents always make their worst mistakes with their oldest children that's when parents know the least and care the most so they're more likely to be wrong and also more likely to insist that they're right Orson Scott Card Xenocide pizza is not a meal it's a race ain't this the truth I'm almost 40 and I still eat pizza too fast and I don't have a fresh to jested system that'll handle it okay as the youngest sibling I will always and forever be player 2 when it comes to any multiplayer video game hey at least you weren't given on unplugged controller your parents can look right at you and call you someone else's name and expect you to respond law my parents couldn't keep the names straight between us so I got cooled my sister's name the dog's name the neighbor's kid's name if they'd also combine our names so when they called us there were some what right all the time god bless they are good parents yeah it's pretty cliche but how much fun it can be to pick on your siblings while wanting to kill anyone else who does it my brother and his friends used to pin me down and spit in my eyes yet one time a random dude at school slapped me and my brother witnessed it he punched out one of his teeth and threw him down a set of steps a sibling relationship is a conflicting one at times that your parents can have a favorite child teamwork I have a bunch of brothers my dad early on would punish you if caught in the wrong but if you were tattling you got double so instead of telling on each other we work together to stay out of trouble it made my mom mad when she demanded who did something she would threaten to punish all of us if one of us didn't confess we all maintained our silence and accepted mass punishment afterwards me and my brothers would talk over how we got caught what mistakes were made and how to avoid it in the future to this day we are all very close and though we are all scattered around the world we still talk 3-4 times a week this is my favorite my kids have their moments where they argue over anything and everything but dang do they team up with fantastic attitudes to keep the AR and fist away there are times I am aware of their scheming and I let it go cause teamwork is important and they are learning so many things that can be applied later in life in less devious applications your younger sister might be physically much weaker but if she has been dancing since she was 5 her legs are SuperDuper strong don't put yourself in their range when fighting when my sister and I fight we have one rule no kicking my years of soccer and her years of gymnastics make it so that odds are whoever gets the first kick will likely win that fight negotiation nothing like rallying your siblings to your side when you have a common enemy normally mum and then negotiating the distribution of the result of your efforts and the only girl in the baby set me up well for my career negotiating with angry dudes all the time only girl with two older brothers get along great with my colleagues and the male-dominated field of mechanical engineering I'm positive having two big brothers helped set me up for this dynamic that not me is in battle and does everything my mom would say it was freaking Casper doing everything in our house because no one did it if it's snowing you will get some put down your shirt if you're lucky like me you learn what true camera Torey is my brother is one of my best friends and I would do anything for him you can develop that bond with people you aren't related to sure but to have that bond with someone you lived with and grew up with most every day for nearly the first two decades of your life it's something else of course I'd never say that to his face because I'd get crap for it for yours I never had a really awful awkward phase still had one it just wasn't as bad as most people's because my older brother already had isn't ride really hard to make sure I didn't have one sharing is not just for when your friends come over it is all the time every day of every minute then there is the great realization that if you buy something and don't want to share it with someone else you hide it sometimes you're just going to get sat on for no reason the weakest link belongs in the backseat how to argue without going for the jugular I'm oldest of four and we could argue scrap and wrestle without causing much damage no matter how angry we were even now we of us agree but get over it immediately without being hurtful you need that skill to survive in a family and indeed the world my ex was an only child without cousins and was horrified by fighting of any kind but when he did get into it he was the nastiest cruelest most vicious person he'd say some truly awful things without seeming to realize he'd have to live with these people or in that community after the dust settled he never learned to play fight or about boundaries and was unable to understand our son's rough-and-tumble he'd wade into any kind of light-hearted laughing wrestling and stamp it out it took me forever to teach him that all children need to learn how to argue and even physically scrap in order to learn boundaries and respect for each other and themselves sharing isn't about caring it's about not getting in trouble with parents always be prepared to be bothered when the other is bored bored siblings will literally stir the pot for shoots and giggles you'll spend hours taking turns trying to beat at one level and when one of you does it you'll be ecstatic for the other person I beat the last boss in Kingdom Hearts while my brother was out of the room we had played the whole game together I still feel bad the squeaky wheel gets the oil two quarters is more than one dollar because two is more than one thank you for the dollar you made a good fair trade today we used to pay off my brother in pennies it was great when you want a soda in the fridge you put two in one at the front meant to be stolen and one in the vegetable drol for yourself being a younger sibling is a blessing first of all your parents have hopefully refined their parenting skills by the time you're born and secondly older siblings are a great example and what not to do as you grow up how to share something fairly one dough not left but two kids one cuts it and the other picks is piece first redditors who are married to someone with an identical twin what are your feelings towards the twin my boyfriend's twin is like a brother to me it's nice to be able to talk to him when I'm concerned about my soul since he knows how he thinks when his twin says I have nothing to worry about I know there isn't finally a nice response everything above so far was my SOSE twin as evil this was nice I'm an identical twin and the deme and my husband are getting married my mother says to me hey did you know in high school that husband really had the hots for my twin sister weird how apparently he had told my mother this in confidence when he went and bought my wedding present and she felt the need to tell me this on my wedding day I bring it up constantly now because it crushed me on my wedding day and now I find it hilarious - what a horrible thing to say to you on your wedding day I'm married to an identical twin I always say I married the hot one there are more personality differences than you think I hope you're not my wife's twins husband because I married the hot one I married an identical twin they have a very similar personality so I get along with my wife's twin very well when her twin comes to visit they will exchange clothes sometimes I saw my wife come out and go back to the room then saw my wife's twin come out with a different outfit thought it was my wife she went back in another time and changed shirts again I was getting annoyed because I figured it was my wife changing for the third time nope just the twin trying on two shirts when we got married my mom was helping my wife put together her bouquet of flowers she had to get her makeup done so she left the room and my wife's twin stepped in without missing a beat my mom went on to have a 20-minute heart-to-heart with who she thought was her future daughter-in-law I finally overheard something and told my mom it was a twin poor mom just mark your wife's hand with a sharpie not married but an ex relationship let's call the twins Chad and Charles I had maybe one class with Charles and we never spoke then I started to have classes with Chad and we were inseparable he wasn't only my boyfriend but also my best friend anyways he broke up with me out of nowhere every time I saw him after that he would act like a supreme butthole towards me I never knew what I did to deserve that but it hurts a lot when high school ended Chad went to an out-of-state College and Charles ended up going to the same College as me fast forward to the first day of sophomore year of college Charles and I had the same class together it's a huge lecture hall he could sit wherever he wants but he chooses to sit next to me I didn't even notice until he said hi to me I just responded hey back then he proceeded to apologize for being mean to me in high school I was super confused but I figured he felt bad that he stopped talking to me after Chad and I broke up I said oh don't worry about that it was so long ago if anything it's your brother who should apologize my brother he asked yep Chad was such a dong after we broke up seriously Frick that guy now I knew that I was saying this to his brother but the two of them weren't that close I doubted that he would ever tell Chad that I said that even if he did I wouldn't have cared Charles just responded with oh right Chad then class began we started taking notes Charles was writing with his left hand I thought it was odd and told him wait I never knew you were left hander - I thought it was just Chad he just gave me a little nod and we went back to taking notes because I can be kind of slow sometimes things didn't click in my brain until after class I rushed to Facebook and looked at Chad's profile he had just transferred to the same college as me I was talking to him the entire time edit I'm making this edit after almost two weeks I was going to do it before but I didn't think anyone else would read it anyways there were a few comments telling me to reach out to him ask him what went wrong so I went to Facebook and looked him up turns out I'm blocked then I remembered that he blocked me right after he broke up with me not only on Facebook but on all social media on our colleges student portal there's a tab where you can look at the list of all the students in your class that's how I ended up finding out that it was Chad I was talking to the entire time so yeah I basically have no way to communicate with him unless I see him in person if I do see him and start talking hopefully it won't be Charles and I end up making a fool out of myself again however I thought you were gonna say that chad was actually a nickname for Charles and that it turns out they weren't twins at all but the same person the entire time married to an identical twin it's funny I met my husband on tinder and both him and his twin had profiles I often think what if I would have swiped right on his twin first it most definitely wouldn't have worked not because I disliked my husband's twin but because our personalities simply don't click that way regardless I have a very close relationship with my husband's to win I think of him as my protector and I hope he thinks the same of me when he moved to our town for a job he actually lived with us for six mas despite the fact that my husband and I were newly married I look back on that time very fondly we grew really close I feel very lucky to have such a great relationship with him my dad is an identical twin so I have an uncle dad that's weird to type and say out loud my grandfather who lived in a different state was an identical twin I met his brother for the first time at my grandfather's funeral he looked and sounded just like my grandpa it was pretty difficult to process in that moment all I can say is that I'm definitely married to the nice one married to an identical twin going on eight years when I first found out I thought it would be wacky and entertaining like a movie but it sucks but her twin is a psycho and one of the worst people I've ever met she wants to be the alpha twin they are so competitive about everything being married to a twin for going on 80 years and dating several years in high school before that to her sister was a bit crazy but she's mellowed out a lot now I have a friend who's married to an identical triplet one time he was visiting his SIL and she asked him to leave the room because she was going to nurse her baby his reply I've already seen everything you have so no need for me to leave the SIL wasn't too happy with that response I'm not identical but I am a triplet where my brother and I look very similar all of my brother's ex gfs bond with me afterwards even if we didn't like each other before I think it's because we both know that my brother's a complete butthole I'm an identical twin my twin is dead wife has no feelings as far as I can tell kamo I'm an identical twin my twin is dead same here sorry for your loss I dated a twin her sister's boyfriend had the same car as me sounds like a lie so that you could bone both for them law my sister-in-law's ex-husband is a twin he left her and it took her a long time to move on because she would keep hanging out with the twin and his wife twin is my wife's evil copy wouldn't touch that mess if my life depended on it not much of anything he's my brother-in-law and honestly they look less alike than some fraternal twins I know they have very different personalities and his brother is totally not my type that didn't stop me from asking some curious questions though one if we were to find my husband was infertile will he agree to using his brother as a donor not in the ID have sex with him way because you I mean it's literally the exact same DNA javi said definitely no - if we have kids and he has kids they're cousins but are they also technically half siblings since they're half identical DNA half other mothers how he called me weird I think these are legitimate questions my twin brother and I had this conversation when he found out his cancer treatments were going to leave him sterile without a doubt I'd have donated for him but considering he was single at the time and sadly didn't win that fight it wasn't ever something I had to do but I would have in a heartbeat same DNA I don't know it wouldn't have been weird to me I am married to one of inseparable identical twins my wife and her sister are two peas in a pod and extremely dependent on each other I knew when I married one I was marrying half of the other 1/2 d but I love my wife so much including her sister in the picture - my wife's sister is always loud place as much as my wife is at her sister's place we do have a good dynamic understanding about the relationships and we have no boundaries broken way late to the party but I know a woman whose husband cheated on her with her identical twin then got her twin pregnant divorced her and married her twin I guess you could say he liked her better Thanksgivings just don't happen anymore these are the kind of stories we came here for I'm one of triplets two girls and a boy my sister and I are identical but our brother doesn't look anything like us most people don't believe us when we tell them who our brother is we're not married but my boyfriend also has a twin brother they look a lot alike but it was easier telling them apart early on my boyfriend is more social and relaxed with people while his brother is more introverted and sometimes even socially awkward because I myself have a twin it's not weird to me so I treat his brother the same way as if they weren't twins yes alow you've summoned me Satan I mean me your twin sister my husband is an identical twin it's weird because sometimes especially when walking around or doing something I really have to watch out not to mix them up then when sitting down or whenever it is absolutely clear who is who I find the twin looks nothing like my husband and I find him kind of unattractive dee I went to school with three sets of identical twins after getting to know them you noticed the small differences people got freaked out that I could easily tell the difference between them I am an identical twin and all my brothers ex GFS always distanced themselves from me even if we were friends prior to them dating but his current G and I are very close I really hope they get married they have my seal of approval not quite what you were asking but I dated a twin at high school we were both very reserved quiet people his twin brother was much more outgoing and happened to have a girlfriend that looked a lot like me same hair color and build at least they would make out everywhere with absolutely no shame one day my boyfriend and I got pulled into the principal's office to talk about our inappropriate behavior at school it was humiliating when were finally able to stammer through our explanation that no you've got the wrong couple the principal was very kind about it and we had a good laugh but I'm sure I was tomato red for the whole conversation that sounds like a good side play Tillett eeen movie I'm a twin but despite being identical we don't really look alike I had some birth defects that stunted my growth and she's six inches taller my husband was friends with my sister before we started dating they met while doing a play together and we didn't meet until a few months later but they actually played a couple and had kissing scenes so he's one of probably few people who can say he's kissed twins while he thinks my sister looks nice and she is objectively pretty he's never been attracted to her holy crap I think your my boyfriend's female counterpart he's also got an identical twin who six inches taller thanks to birth defects stunting his growth and I also kissed his twin in a non romantic context before we started dating my husband was born with a mostly absorbed identical twin the doctors removed it in all he has is a tiny scar but I crap you not he has two personalities sometimes I think that half of his brain is one twin and the other half as the other he also refers to himself as we a lot without much thought have an upvote for some Stephen King crap okay story time I met a guy on a dating app we'll call em T we talked for a bit and then met up at a bar for a few drinks as far as dates go it was pretty awkward T was pretty cute but he was a bit of a disaster at one point he mentioned he had a brother who he thought I'd get along with pretty well and I jokingly asked him for his brothers number I mean the date was going terribly what did I have to lose he didn't give me the number the date ended we went our separate ways then months later I meet another guy through the same dating app we start talking come to find out he is T's brother not just any brother he is his identical twin we hit it off his personality is basically the opposite of T's we are still together today life is weird plot twist what if T never really had a twin but pretended to be his brother and switched personalities to get a second chance with you I dated twin brothers and sixth grade one asked me out one day and then the other asked me out later that week I didn't realize what a boyfriend was then I also didn't realize you can't have two at the same time even if they are twins they were both arrested for hate crimes as adults I guess I dodged two bullets honestly that caught me off guard haha glad you were able to avoid that bad news I'm married to an identical twin they are very dependent of each other but fight like you Weldon believe I have tons of funny stories because I lived with Biff of em for a little while when they get angry they kinda black out and call each other nasty stuff that makes no sense for example they will call each other ugly cows they are 100% identical also they both sleepwalk a lot like every night I woke up once to my wife then girl friend putting her roller blades on at night while her sister was walking around the apartment with a stove atop like a tray and a wooden spoon she was dreaming of being a waitress I guess I just went back to bed also you know that scene in Paranormal Activity where the wife stands by the bed staring at her husband for yep that's just a Tuesday for me as for my feelings toward her twin she's like a sister only nothing more oMG I couldn't handle that happening while I sleep my dad is a twin my mom actually dated his twin first and when they broke up my dad asked her out my uncle is now married to a nice woman with the same first name as my mom my sister-in-law is married to an identical twin the only noticeable difference between the two is the twin stands up straighter from what I understand she is incredibly attracted to the twin obviously right and doesn't allow herself to be drunk around him it causes me anxiety to think about that edit I'm not the twin Cilla's my wife's sister my auntie lost her husband and father of her child in the war she married his twin brother afterwards not married but my girlfriend has an identical twin and she is her complete polar opposite and a giant see I always tell her it's easier to know which of them is the evil twin as you were I love my husband's twin like he's my brother too he even calls me sis they look so different that I haven't had any and conflicting feelings and would never mistake them unless their backs were turned to me my husband wears his hair a little longer and his clean-shaven and is typically dressed for the office his brother keeps his hair buzzed short and wears a long beard and dresses to work outside they sound like the property brothers not married but I'm in a long-term relationship with an identical twin and as far as I know and the only person who has kissed both of them I actually was friends with both twins for years before I started dating one of them I met my current bf first and had a huge crush on him but he was very reserved and hard to get close to when I met his twin I had a small crush on him just because he reminded me of my crush but was more outgoing and easier to befriend his twin is super flirty too and ended up kissing me while I was working at a kissing booth it's a weird Valentine's Day party that ended up being slightly awkward when my bf and I finally got to after four years of friendship but he knows about it and doesn't really care and now that I've got the real thing I don't have any attraction to his brother and just see him as a good friend sure he's got the same facial structure and mannerisms as my boyfriend but they have very different styles the twin is a cool guy and cute enough but my boyfriend has been through hardships satis twin has not and he's developed a unique depth of character and humility from his experiences that makes him a very sexy magnetic person waiting for the exciting plot twists in which someone dating an identical twin also pretends to be an identical twin to be able to have a relationship with both of the twins my husband is actually a triplet his brother is okay hey on my nerves their personalities are completely different his sister is cool but I don't see that going anywhere either I'm actually quite fond of him but my husband's twin is gained my husband is not so I imagine that changes the dynamics quite a bit we talk about guys and relationships and watch a lot of Real Housewives together the three of us lived together for a while before my husband and I got married and it was fun sometimes I'll look at him and think hard so that's what my husband would look like if he showered and shaved and cared about his wardrobe good to know ha so that's what my husband would look like if he showered and shaved and cared about his wardrobe good to know this made me laugh as I'm trying to decide if I should shave this month my wife has a twin sister who was my ex during our teen years I treasure the moments that I had with her in the past and being able to grow together now that she's my sister-in-law fun fact her twin sister is married to my buddy who was the ex to my wife we sometimes joke about it wondering how life would be if we didn't swap partners I'm married to a twin and she asked me if I found her sister attractive I said of course I do you're twins if I find you attractive then it would be illogical for me not to find her attractive to thankfully she laughed and agreed with me went out with a twin back in the day their nickname for each other was ugly flora can be in all seriousness this has been the case for some couples where the twins partner ends up developing fertility issues whilst their twin has not the fertile twin Plan B can offer their sperm or eggs for in vitro fertilization or if female just select to be the birth mother herself resulting in a child who is in every way genetically the offspring of the couple it's pretty cool this mouse is looking for friends in the comments comment mouseboy to the friendly if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 80,182
Rating: 4.765893 out of 5
Keywords: reddit 1 hour, 1 hour, compilation, siblings, brother, sister, twins, twin, only child, sibling, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: w8WgwPonWmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 27sec (4467 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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