Reacting to my fans Rocket League MONTAGES...

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hey gamer today i'm going to be reacting to my fans rock league montages because i've always been curious do you guys suck at rocket league or are some of y'all better than i am so to test this out i made a form where you could submit montages and i posted it to my discord twitter and instagram but with over a thousand responses i wouldn't be able to go through all of them so i used the random number generator and that decided what montages i should watch and all the videos i watch will be linked at the bottom of the description but my favorite two will be linked at the very top and it'll be insane if you guys could support their youtube channels after watching if you did enjoy their content but before we do get any further i wanted to give a big shout out to today's video sponsor over at ray i'm just joking nobody has sponsored but make sure to help me out by subscribing to the channel so you can reach 1 million subscribers we're currently growing really fast and if we can keep up that pace we'll be at a million in early september which would be insane and i've been thinking about what to do for my 1 million subscriber video and a lot of people been saying to play with pewdiepie which i thought would be impossible until this happened yesterday rolling uh play some rocketing musta is a pro okay i'll play with musty yeah for sure i need pro advice so when he was streaming someone brought it up to him and he was actually down so this collab could actually be possible because pewdiepie has been playing a lot of rocky league lately but i need you guys to do me a favor if you would like to see that happen so on this post on my instagram i need everyone to tag pewdiepie in the comments and if you can also like the post and share it with pewdiepie through instagram dm and also without spamming him or anything feel free to mention it to him when he's live streaming because it would just be super cool if we could all band together to get his attention and somehow make this happen because i've been a huge fan of pewdiepie for a while and it will make for a very epic 1 million subscriber video so just help me out if you can but with that being said let's get into today's video okay first montage by geneboy and it's my car well let's get into it let's see three minutes the long so far literally nothing has happened i prefer it was like started a little bit sooner it's a little double tap it's got those nice little edits in there as well okay now it's not my car so he's not he's not a loyal fan unfortunately man notice how he bumps his teammate by rotating your post not a big fan of that [Music] i'm guessing double tap [Music] decent decent okay i'm dominant so he looks like he switches like a lot of this card [Music] you could say so the highlighter he's got some mouse okay so far every shot has been done with that it's actually a pretty tough read though good shot i'm hoping for maybe some more variety here what's he going to do here let's see i'm guessing backward redirect you're just camping right now man good stuff and and the music drop he aligned it really well very good shot as well one thing i would like a little more though is if you just show the clips straight up and not 10 seconds before the clips that would be a little bit more fast space just uh as an editing tip i'm guessing another double tap decent bro decent definitely not 10 out of 10 clips but these are you know six seven out of ten clips hey here we go it's me it's me again it looks like me okay let's see what he's gonna do see like that literally cut the miss out cut to miss out redirect nice that's really decent [Music] oh okay i thought he would have saved you said great pass okay [Music] like he's gonna have to redirect this one man [Music] that'd be speedy it's upper 90 as well james boy is kind of popping off and it's got you know nice little edits and there's nothing like nothing crazy like cinematics i don't even know if you can do that with if you're on console but he's got those nice little edits he put work into this okay decent mind game defender kind of flopped it a little bit thanks for watching there we go like and comment i will bro this guy actually has a lot of views one through ten i'm personally thinking six we could be seeing some better montages today it could be seeing some worse ones and let's get on to someone else 673. that's uh you shouldn't really be doing twitter clips got that tick tock screen recording bro turn it up he's got that irl camera shake going on boys let's go dude let's go oh my god irl camera shake boys let's go if you have to resort to recording your tv with your phone and then posting that to tick tock and then put posting that to twitter and then submitting that to me i think he recorded with flash on too i feel like he could have done something more efficient with this man like i don't think i've ever done this before i'm gonna have to give this one a zero out of ten man unfortunate man one five seven he wants me to watch his montage because he has bad camera settings and bad mechanics all right montage lead by mr emo professional ball chaser spelled wrong okay wait wait i can tell by the first one second this might be my favorite because it just looks cinematic it's not just going to be clips let's see ah no god i thought it was going to be like a lid montage man the camera settings ruin it man at least he knows he has bad camera settings come on bro oh my god [Music] okay i mean it looks like a lot of demos that was decent that was decent it's just the clips even if it's a good clip it's just gonna be a weird clip because the camera okay it's like a demo montage or what literally just a demo it doesn't lead to a gold or anything unless out he's like showing a different way of editing that's a good save though this montage has so much more potential like if you have the same edits on better clips with better camera settings it would be like it would just be so much better but right here weird dunk and then the opponent literally own goals bro like that's not a clip that is not a clip 50 50. and then his teammate bumps him in a lot of bumps going through definitely a different style you know i'm not trying to criticize him too much i like the the speed ramps is pretty cool [Music] okay rumble clip kind of just not really a super like clean clip it's one of those rare clips that we like to see open night opener man it's it's an open head bro it's like that's not super good the edits are better than the clips the edits are better than the clips that's what i'm gonna say my favorite part of this is is the cinematics the slow-mo the speed ramps he's gonna have to save this i think he misses the save but he luckily touches it i don't know what to say good save again good save again teammate misses save just the camera settings though man the camera settings make him look like a bronze you know i think this is uh this reminds me of gibbs old camera settings like the ones like way back it's like that i like this that better i like this zimmer better because he like flicks it past one demos past the other and it gets the goal it's not just a random demo or two with that it's like it's like just the shot so it's like kind of good but at the same time just a shot this on the other hand is really good it's all the way from the other side into the goal no balance oh decent there's a little wall shot he likes his wall shots open that with spikes that's kind of sick i don't think i do not think he meant to do that by any means i was sick that i definitely like the edits what i mean [Music] i don't know if this is like supposed to be a meme or like an outro or like thanks for watching oh no man okay the shots were like a two or three out of ten editing seven or eight out of ten so overall i'm giving this one i'll give this one a 4 out of 10. let's get into the next one all right montage 4 from tracy let's get into it first shot mechanics definitely looking clean he actually genuinely outplayed that guy beginning to err high enough and then getting above it for the double tap good fake really liking this guy's play style his car looks like he's a good player as well like his car and camera settings make him seem like a good player good thank you again very similar to the second shot of thing that is smart bro he fakes going for boost debate the other guy to go for boost gives himself an open net not only is he a mechanically sound player but he's a he's a big brain player as well let's see i'm guessing that's my guess okay okay that is better than an air dribble double tap i probably would not have thought to do that in that situation slippery set and the little little scoop so far these clips are very very good like stuff i personally would put myself let's go let's go let's go musty flick you know you know that's giving it one extra bonus point turtle flick bro i'm loving it i'm loving it i'm loving it all right looks like he's gonna pinch but like it's an open net though that's like i don't know how to cook that but silicon nice very good kind of like a touch to air drips dude this dude's mechanics are like he knows what he's doing for sure one [Music] decent decent it's simple sometimes simple is good not everything has to be fancy nice little passing play again [Music] nice it's just big brain player man air dribble bump i'm telling you if you do it right almost unstoppable very controlled dribbling that is smart man he literally could have done any mechanic he could have done anything he wanted there and he decides to uh slow down and do nothing oh he vibing he's vibing it's a nice little clip man that's a nice little clap very hard to editable backwards it's one of those mechanics that like you don't really need to know but just a really cool thing to do thanks for watching i'm thinking 8 out of 10 on this one by far the best mechanical player we've seen today if it was this guy's mechanics with the other guys editing this would be insane let's get into the next one all right next montage coming from yolo first rock league montage let's watch i recognize this song from somewhere i think i probably used one of my videos go double tap i mean he didn't double tap it yet but i can tell he is going for you good power on that that's what i mean where is it i think i had this in uh movements or something the music good flippy set on that one though yeah really good power double tap that's a solid angle that's a very solid angle dude it's gonna be low boost here that is so efficient bro that's an insane shot he did all that with like 60 boosts the way he jumped that was insane flip reset and the pre-flip pre-flip flip resets are one of my favorite mechanics man that's really really loud security you can tell this dude has a lot of hours in the game good wow dude he did that with like no space usually when you want to set up cuxer pinch you like already have it set up but you have like a tiny bit of space you got so much power on it man a little risky to go for but if you're going to do that that is fine to do that's a really good double tap i'm not sure if he even meant to do that but he he recovered in a good enough way to uh get the touch bro this dude's insane [Music] must be flick let's go i called it i called it we'd like to see dude free flip bro like this the reason i can predict what he's doing is because this is exactly what i would do exactly what like you should be doing at the highest level not the highest level but i like ranching bro i love it like that there are like rare clips in here like that is so rare to happen that has actually happened to me one time ever but where you get bumped into it and the bump gives you a flip reset got the best kickoff pre jumps to the orange goal and scores on his own net i'm guessing there was like two seconds left in the game and uh any own goal with it that was really good though man possibly the best mechanics we've seen all day so overall i'd give this one a 9 out of 10. only thing like i said a little more editing the aspect ratio you could just fix that up 680 unique and matches with the music what the a rocket league montage by team flux rocket like breed like a different umbrella i didn't get this update yeah last montage of the day boys by freeze choosies called a rocket league montage let's check it out four minute mini taj combined enjoy the emoji [Music] freestyle vibes already wave dash on the ceiling did you still have a flip i don't think it does also really really interesting really really far away set up but he pogo's it that's sick dude that's sick with the music drop to you i thought he looked like he's gonna mess it up these mechanics are insane obviously probably an unranked uh freestyling but it's sick that i don't i don't know what to think about that it i'm pretty cool at it but i wish it kind of showed the shot with the 360. the studio goes for the pogo with the back of this car i haven't seen many people do that it's not easy to do transitions are pretty clean though a lot of pre-jumping freestyling stuff like that very clean shots what is like the screen kind of weird it's like four different montages in one it only has 30 boost what is it going to do musty flick double tap 30 boost that's that's not even really a freestyle that's just a really efficient shot to go for ceiling wave dash 360 saw redirect a bit hard to tell that if that went in or not but i mean it probably did it three direct double tap very similar to a few of his other redirect dump taps that's a different shot we haven't seen that type of shot like a backboard redirect why does the music keep ending like that man when a song ends usually like faded out and faded in instead of the abrupt stop that's kind of just and editing today maybe team pinch that's what we like to see on the ceiling here it's not an easy angle he gets it him such a new angle to go for it's like really cool i've never actually thought of the way that's on the scene like that [Music] little stuff you're showing off his mechanics again literally no defense but that's not only the points one of this is just a freestyle uh for this type of long time double tap would be there thanks for watching it was good it was good and he's telling us to have a good day he's keeping keeping positivity oh this is like made for me so like he submitted it just for this i think that's it i give it a 9 out of 10. just because the shots were so good like probably the best mechanical player we've seen today he did so many things that i could not even do at all definitely get freeze to subscribe definitely a great montage man so i'm gonna have to end the video there and make sure to support the creators you like by subbing to their channels in the description of the video but with that being said i'll see you guys in the next video peace [Music] you
Channel: amustycow
Views: 4,382,169
Rating: 4.9301829 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League tutorial, Rocket League, Reacting to my fans Rocket League MONTAGES..., Reacting To Rocket League Videos With 0 VIEWS, reacting to rocket league montages, reacting to rocket league videos, rocket league videos, rocket league youtube, rocket league youtuber, fans montages rocket league, rocket league montage, best rocket league montage, montage rocket league, best montage, musty
Id: k4F6h9S1JeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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