Me & Jon Sandman ran into the #1 RANKED Rocket League player | 2’s Until I Lose Ep. 14

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yeah look literally number one in the world that's 2400 MMR on Tues yeah and we got paired against that like how is that even possible wouldn't be being a champ - what's up gamer today we're back with another episode of choose until I lose and we're currently on episode 14 and got something special planned for today's episode we're gonna be playing with the biggest Rockler YouTube for himself John Sandman alright Game one man healed many times one of a thousand playing against do with the nice profile picture they you got someone pay someone a lot of money for go bro good good that's some good paint work I know I'm gonna kick it right do you want it right there you go yeah I like you on the ceiling sort of deadly double flip reset oh my god that's like one of my first double flip resets I've called it back so now you can now you got your title I mean if you don't want to put me in the title like dude there it is well I mean I didn't kinda score it or anything beside his house okay or fake okay he's gonna try him up breezy flick on me I got it he did it's so proud of it I knew I should have gone earlier like but I knew he was gonna do it okay so we're playing that kind of rank yeah bro where I like 1890 100 I know I'm not gonna be that fun my season two would you know Trump that but I guess not you get season 2 grand champ for now I mean I'm sorry sorry sorry my champion - well ok bring us down a little bit but I guess not yeah no I got it I got it go I'll be yeah that's horrible if you need me oh you're trying to get them back yeah cheyanne guys what good players do homage Steve trying to get each other back yeah the thing is I just can't set it up though touch-a touch-a i shouldn't the worst kala whatever just touch it like you weren't gonna do that I'll hit it man ready that's all I can do I don't know if they're ready or not that's it yes let's go buddy that's perfect listen the goal of today isn't really not to win it's just to win your community over you know like make them be like yeah John's John's honestly really bad but like he played pretty well today yeah they're gonna be a few comments literally John is better than Massey like III actually I wouldn't be sad you know what I mean if you pop off like you dude I'm down to Popov especially with this series like this like we got a rocket let's go dude that's what it means high five right now right now I've never actually intentionally like been in columns and tried to do high five ever no no I tried it once with so much for a video the bingo video we did backlash let's do it absolutely without a doubt we'll get a quick goal right here just give us a no no careful careful okay it works away so I'm gonna push yeah yeah it's good good good stuff I'm scoring it's gonna go down and I'm gonna swim in it yeah yeah you got it let's go with you let's go we read those how it's meant to be man exactly oh my god says dude who's gonna have to update that profile I'll be left oh I'm so sorry it's fine you didn't phone me can you hit that again yeah but he'll be quick Oh open open open oh he's fast he's fast I'm getting okay got the boosts it's gonna be the weirdest read of my life you got a preset yo you got your shopping oh wait craziest flip preset ever dude blew him up okay I'll take like so much time you got full time and I got full booster I'll go again okay I see you got a good pic got a good pick okay I got i'll save it I'll save it I got oh no it's coming down oh no oh no John Oh Batman no doubt sir that I had that on but then it was coming but the velocity was way quicker than I yeah yeah yeah that's true touch it I mean he just got the better fit are you want it right right yeah yeah that's why good - oh yeah I had a candidate I saw I got it long as you know he used the counterspell yeah it's gotta let everybody Magic the Gathering oh no no I haven't oh no that's not good Oh God okay Lance I'll save it Gary please oh I I mean I did I did save it I didn't save it fun and a passive I - we're not losing the first one yeah did we have to win this we have a watch that guy that guy yeah that great it works it works up already else I'll take one mid boost you can double I'm in a Miss I'll wait for shot boom nights I'm gonna be love you so I'm cheating from mid boosts which I didn't get I bumped him and you're okay no no no I think the baby's gonna dream nice I have 12 boost in a dream okay blow in one up nice okay wannabe I got this okay that's right oh I was about to go okay nice boat a nice boat they're messing each other up good that's what I like to see on oh god oh god my poor life I'll be behind you you gotta go I got it easy almost hit him oh my god that went so fast I got I got the hundred boost just get behind me it's get back brake brake J I'm on nice you got a bump it's such a bit it's hard anywhere if you can that's fine yep oh wait he's gonna hate me oh wait what the heck is that going ooh a little senator yourself I was about to go I was afraid you I was afraid you were gonna go no no I'm like okay you gotta go go go nice I was in the awkward spot every nice I'll let me pass it to me okay not you this morning okay I'll say everybody hey Claire solid man yeah the other smart Oh tried to push them and did not pay off no no no no no okay I mean that Mommy to me one more one more that's all I got sorry oh my god oh my god that was actually one of the best passing plays I've ever done oh my god I can't even take credit for that man like bro not I need to do that that's going on Instagram the day this video comes out I'll tag you oh yeah preciate that all right this would be left well they're counting it every time so maybe we should just go the way they want us to go he's faking he if you shot that I Crawley what a gun scored on the mic and away I really love this okay you ready men I'm thinking man I'm thinking man you wouldn't do my finger yeah you go oh wow like throwing each other off oh I should have gone okay nice he'll be me I'm not gonna commit that's all you have tagged outside I got any minute again okay okay oh wait hi bad I got okay are pinched and me wait for three like I beat one I'd be one I got the beasts oh please restore that begging for you faking for you and bumping oh you just go I'm behind you just go I got it don't worry Inori oh my god want to do this is one boost 13 seconds this is a good jump or put some fat no no yes I go on the roof or not or not other words that's done the double baby shouldn't touch that you should not I forgot who you're playing here must be I'm very sorry okay okay we got the land thank God dude if we lose the next game like great hanging out with you guys but like I'm just happy we got the first place yeah seriously dude yes these guys are insane we actually won we actually want my the five just vibing I'm vibing a mammoth yeah game - all right doctor dr. ruja is that the inventor of the fire this is that is a squeezy oh no dude it's squeezy mushrooms Oh God are you the real squid mushrooms oh yeah yeah yep and hold on I'll have it again yeah you feeling kind of kind of zero boost about its weight I feel it I thought okay I took your mid just say now I can pinch it here I like that oh my god that's kind of going almost straight in I miss rebase straight to you okay I'll take 200 beats for no reason there ya go I thought I thought oh you John I trust you I will be fine only in 1808 more player on the ceiling come flying again wait let's go baby here to play here to win all the games to the left you yeah free test-retest a fake preface there we go right that's what you say hey yeah exactly zero boosts but I knew that dream oh wow squeezy Andrew let you grope me out there free flip that I got in coop got over one he's gonna have to do yeah you actually control that really well that's the way to well I'll take that because I'm pretty sure you thing I'll just I think there we go I'll push shove it yeah behind you trying to control it pinching I was not again I'm getting up move on back pass that's a little bit risky that's really because I'm gonna do I'm gonna do this to him and you're gonna score it right there well I was I went too far back your boots uh I go now there we go there we go that perfect age must be perfect buddy it was all coming to get like I saw it in my head you know yeah yeah that's good chasing pretty hard there they just didn't okay back back a feeling like oh hey mean if you can absolutely whoa look that I did honestly did not expect that out of well I'm if he gets a bad scene no big deal now I got it yeah you got it again yo nice hurry mom we'll get there boost back here I bumped them watch how he says everything okay I'll be back I'll be back it's on me that was the hardest read of my entire life dude okay man if you can't got it over room 15 boots say I'm Sam Sam dang it I should not have no we're done ah dude the thing is like if he didn't bump me I would have been up for past you know yeah he bought me so the nice thing up is the exact wrong thing in that situation without yep like as the most unfortunate thing happened no he didn't he did the kickoff baby from my tutorial oh my god wow he got me good right there did oh my god yeah he did it Oh learned that from you yeah I knew I shouldn't have put up that video dude I knew it you could have had people for so long and I know I think they were gonna guess in four months like what the heck is going on okay nice is uh can you go maybe yeah and you I'm gonna try and push them yeah push it yeah nice I got it bro why am I so bad what the heck was that I don't even know that was your fault he just somehow double touched it in actually gotten to better 50 I jumped a little bit too late I know baby yeah it's one thing you gotta make this exciting this is how you get oh okay that I will do dumb stuff like that every once in a while right no happens once per episode that's my one time all right that's like I get one hey what are you doing you dumb champ yeah I actually have no these so it's gonna be fine just get mid and I'll push I'm dead I'm dead yeah I'm still pushing him he's dead how much weight on this booze for sick and I'm gonna push this guy where's the booze okay then we good fun you got the boost over there go get it wash for final more fun okay one minute 44 seconds two goals nuts possibly already I have zero boost what can be done yeah yeah that's like actually a thing that happens like so much I have a guy like all the time dude it happens all the time especially when you have like you know a champion on your team oh my god fire what is happening Oh rocket League why do you hate me today control it just fell off no no totally not recording right now yeah kicking it right kicking right there you go let's start it off of that let's get one of those cool kick off goals so what I do I'm trying to make a name for myself right oh my that was a key so close oh my wit how did he blow me up I'm not sure I am on say knows him does not make them you're good you coming in now hey it's open wait I'm gonna blow him up let's go let's go let's go nicely you try to blow up I got the fake I was like the perfect teamwork exactly blocked him or I almost blocked the block dog oh yeah there we go what I got this you got I'll be right happy right yeah let's see a minute yeah way no way oh I almost got a pass them that's not good down I'm an idiot I'll be back oh no he's gone for the bumper so it's hard to say nice wait okay yeah he's gonna get back I have to wait here girl ma I'll just keep waiting yes pass it to me nice 24 seconds we got this oh my god yo that was actually insane what did you do look I got I got it like a weird flip reset hammer yeah the jackhammer the jackhammer are you gonna add your name though the must hammer yeah the must-see jackhammer reset training bags doing the must hammer alright and the sand sand corner right yeah the kicker I'm intelligent like an idiot okay I just felt like there would be a good reward from that okay come on here we got it okay you ready one touch back to me back to me or I'll pop a bump oh my god no way no we're actually gonna go on a win streak oh my god I die I'll be honest I thought we were only getting it two games and yeah that was insane okay back left this is a this is a look at chat he says well this might be YouTube thing one more room where I'm ready see you that's not hard enough who got the free flip yeah yeah I didn't go in there high bumps are you gotta go quick you gotta go quick yeah that's what we like that's what we like he's like is there an on the will part I got shot though nevermind I bumped him again I won't go I'll get behind you it's coz it's you okay go go back okay we're good weekend for good you got booze I'm well picking up little minis okay I think it first no no no I'll try John got it to such into such a nice perfume a be there we go okay just hold it down man I haven't been vacuumed I hate you launch that I'll be your defender oh my god there's not touch I'll touch it oh no he's got to go eyes dude I've let you into so many bad situation fine fine I'm gonna hold this down we're gonna get some goddamn likes on this video rusty yeah yeah sure you're new to the channel don't forget to subscribe only 60% of you guys like the subscribe come on guys we need more subscribers I'm trying to be number two yeah numbers see 2 million do you think I can do John or no I think so man what do you alright now like or 494 90 fish you guys for that I'm 0 device oh that's scary okay I don't spawn right now yes get it go get closer wish I see you it to you perfect perfect yes I'm gonna beat him you comedian I die it's all me leave it leave it leave it guys what I backflipped bro that was it that was game I'm scoring I'll make up for it let's go let's go let's go oh my god what we are popping off John oh my god it doesn't make sense must be let's go dude this shouldn't be legal 3 P 3 P game 3 yes let's go yeah oh it's giving us all of it Albert the season 3 grand champ and an ESL monthly elite so let's go man but they have both that's like never you ping though so I think this could give us an advantage do you know anything I missed that booth I saw you got it where you miss it I missed it I don't know how thing yes I got enough though I got it knowing I'll fake riding for no renege cuz it's okay there we go actually work it working on that did work that's so risky there oh oh oh it's awesome pretty hard oh my god turn to watch this turn that's the best part right there you got it right on your car Albert was like would ya Albert Einstein bro he wasn't very smart there okay opening wait how did you do that what the heck we've been we've been like playing back together for so long I've never heard you do that oh yeah man I got I'll sleep in you go wait how did you do that like actually how I'm it's just yeah okay yeah the mixer can do a bunch of fun little sass I like that it tripped you guys so much yeah what the heck that's like second fuse oh look at that clear I might not be amazing you can go then nice I blame it okay it's you free shot no no I rotated out like an idiot it's fine fine I'm behind you just go oh okay Oh max he's dead and all I wanted to bump the other guy out of I mean I made him jump okay time center you pushing it it's up in scores coursework okay let's go me and my 40 points are gonna go to a dive bar man you have fun I know I think you're underage you're not allowed to drink yeah I got my water over here I'll take it they said water got your water I'll take my whiskey yeah it's an apple juice later you know get real crazy oh my god don't push you did I don't want this video getting g-minor time let's go dude I'm poppin dude oh yeah you really wanna you wanna do want to do what you could I so many other things to get to musty it's ridiculous like ya know dude we're playing we're playing bro I don't care about your videos I don't care got kids or anything we're going on a venture the most the best thing you've ever said okay I'll get back oh yeah I'm not there I went all the way back guys might like flu there's my best food impression let's go all the way back there booth she does that a lot yeah yeah I don't know he does it that much anymore okay you know what also Maloof impression guys also a flipper impression there we go you're going full flip yeah I didn't think I'd be roasting Flint this way I'll be left get ready here I wish you was gonna give it back to ya oh dang it that's you there piti piti nice okay now right now I got it I'll say yeah I'm just gonna play d4 safety nice job he has that he'll pass it to you you go I got a real cut I'm gonna risk it oh god I miss I missed okay we miss oh we're fine no we're not fun - no we're not dang it yeah me dude in it it's all good hey you gotta make it again yeah yeah it's fine exactly the own goal and then you know we're kind of showing here well it was it three to zero yeah damn that was so much more chill all right I'm gonna kick it right let's do it let's do that there you go yeah okay I'm gonna get he's pushing it yeah you're gonna pass it right to me and pass it left okay I don't know what this dude is doing you go you guys talking I I don't I don't know it may be in Morse code or something what is shy okay we got it we got to stop messing we got to start trying trying come on let's go yeah all right yeah you're right where I should really pep it up here we go yeah you're right okay I'll do a quick goal right here blip reset you know my normal kind of okay you know I was just level you know putting it over there around the wall for you you know swallows Dan yeah that was nice of you yes okay hey I can move all right demo job bro like so bad you're gonna oh no good job of waiting there thank the save there I'll be standing Feeny me oh wow I like what the heck okay I gave up he was yeah I just did the must-see flick the most average must-see ever and he just gave up cuz he's like okay he does mechanic and now it's time for him to score you think you do yeah why do you wait what the hell I don't know what happened i hey we'll take one thing it uh yeah just do whatever let's do it every yeah it's trying to win I'll save it best goalie in North America right here hopefully I didn't all that did tore you off yeah was gonna say it didn't throw you off you much great play oh my gosh I that's sad and we got we did we got this we got this it's like we're honestly not playing that bad at all no I feel good and I feel good I'll kick your left what's Oh bro how how are we getting so lucky what the hey that's not luck that's good vibes man that's what I call it yeah maybe that's what it's causing him but like it's 2 times that was trying to counter me no yeah so I'm gonna go the other way next time wait Sankar yeah I got you got you I know then that you gotta you gotta you gotta go quick thank you I've ever made it yeah I read that brother nice I need boosts second yeah you do that I'm involved there we go before you go gotta go quick good stuff I'll take over him yes please he's gonna touch it to you I think yeah I'm behind you you have time go time I'll rush thank you okay booth and he's all the way back here no booth I'm Center quick go go go go let's go dude six four we finally got that cushion back we're all in it yeah we need that Christian yeah I'm gonna kick it left okay turn my counter yep I'll just switch it up on him and I got his boost so he's long boost Oh a little I'm gonna be none other or tie him hmm I'll save it are you finding that boosts yeah a buddy flip it oh my god I actually touched it I got it I'm just gonna leave he has no boosts it's what I like to hear man when I strike oh wait I'll stop I'll save it it'll save it if we're actually gonna like win so many games I know this is disgusting pinched ready Oh close close close line I'm going up I'm just gonna drop off [Music] sorry I'm leaving you alone a lot no it's fine I can handle it I've like I just got good all of a sudden like instantly got a little tip of it it's the flick of a wrist right I mean Emily's gone I'm up and home do you bump him I was kind of pre jumping like la pre flip ding oh ok dang it's like one goal okay this not be stupid John and we can know that right a game for easy I'm hoping yeah okay back right cuz I don't think this guy knows so I think the other guy yeah perfect and hold on yeah just go do an insane cliff oh okay I'm a pretty good we got a perfect deal that's three in a row dude now we go to game forward all right I'm literally happy like I'm I'm not gonna throw her anything but like I'm good you know yeah I did I honestly thought we were like lose like wait with your shorts I swear for you go against pros dude I don't want to go against pros I'm down I'm down man that's the way no like dude wait knows the with achill dude yeah I think he's the number one player in the entire world right now you're if it's difficult then I don't know if it's acting cyclical or not okay well he just he just whipped me yeah it's difficult in gaming he's literally like with them the highest ranked player I got a check a steam profile I really hope it's like does he change his name I hope it's him bro what do you mean we do do not I don't did you can't take him down you can't take this dude down bro boy I got a check advance profile one second let's see yes Space Station it's him dude literally the number one player in the world if we if we beat him yeah it's really insane let's see let's see it I'm kicking alright even if we lose like at least we're losing to like the top player in the world you know I mean left you ready yeah I keep in Japan Japan's ready yeah we're a little too far away to do it again I'll chase you left my little Locker yeah maybe not maybe okay I'm back now nice oh nice oh dude okay miss what the heck his name does check out I'm just friend and unfortunate I'm fortunate it's all good it's all good yeah it's fine D listen I know I know you're nervous right now Massey but we've won three already yeah another win yeah just another one it's crazy good but how good can you really be you know good where does that a pre flip turned out no of course not okay oh why is he whipping his name that acting checks out no that was bacon oh no what no I wasn't yeah names wiggle yes the whip a little that's like yeah that's what I'm saying fine probably recording a video where he wished like every other shot that's like his thing yeah he's that good why sort of pick them out you turn on that after waiting I got it okay I'm sorry I'm not back my name er oh you don't you jump can you push I didn't read that yeah it's keep pushing but he didn't get a good time to keep on keep on I got it now oh god it's oozing so I got dreams nice oh you pushy you ain't gonna beat that I think yep definitely I have 22 here in a good position okay you got anything yep that's high in time get it over me nobody does okay I got it I got it ha dude I would have flicked the second guy I guarantee you dang it Phoebus no bacon hang it dude I thought he would hit it past me I've had that position hey you know would be even cooler than beating them is being down three two zero I thought you were about to say losing to them all like no no you know I'm going there dude every time every time we didn't we didn't even have to say boo all my stuff show them what there we go God you know that was a pretty scary stuff but reciprocal looks like a normal shot like yeah I got it I got another you call me mother no I said I got another I was like I've been called dad before never mother it's sort of sick okay got it and that's fine sorry I'll save it I'll save it okay nice keep pushing take this I'm Liam you against this number one player see okay he tried them sleep reset Musti flick I think I chilled on that I was very laid-back very calm cool collected okay here they come no calm cool collected yeah of course right - yes enemy damn yes it is ends it lets go what the heck dude what is this dude how would he do that bro like that with a name like with achill I bumped up okay double slash John Sandman double touch I still had a highlight in five and a half years bro that was some laggy how did I not be okay bumper gonna bump but who does he know he voided it so well I don't know how you didn't get him though he's healing yeah he has like a different version of the game where he just doesn't get bumped I'm a little guy I'll take vo place yeah I'll push I gotta get you go yeah okay he's gonna score okay he's actually missing way more than I would think he's gonna miss it's definitely cuz his name is whistle I'm telling you do this his vibe I miss boosts keep going okay we gotta get a go on him all right at least ago that's the new game they're gonna be the ones taking us out we got to get a goal yeah yeah dude he's gonna hit another touch from the ceiling of course of course okay that's easy I got this blow them up sorry I turned it okay I got it oh come on bacon you're not supposed to be good to one good player one bad player that's okay what do you want one one here we go I got very good dang it knows what instantly I was honestly kind of smart from do that he's on the ceiling of course he is okay I'll take it okay I'll be I'll be an edge on it you know okay dang it we eat any good story I gotta see we're super close that right now in the later ones yeah look literally number one in the world that's 2400 MMR on twos yeah and we got paired against that like how is that even possible that's not selling you to me at me and summits that happen to us so many times yeah dude that's if we want to lose to someone and you know if we wanted to be the number one player in the world man we won three games in a row that's stupid yeah does insane all right so it's super fun playing with a John you know we actually made it pretty far and we ended up losing to the number one player in the world right now so I guess we didn't do too bad so if you guys enjoyed this one make sure to subscribe and like and also go to John Channel we're gonna have a separate video over there sometime so yeah check it out peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: amustycow
Views: 3,845,960
Rating: 4.9279666 out of 5
Keywords: amustycow, rocket league, 2's until i lose, 2's until i lose musty, 2s until i lose, 2s until i lose musty, twos until i lose, rocket league 2s until i lose, 2s till i lose, 2s until i lose 14, 2s until i lose ep. 14, 2's until i lose 14, 2's until i lose ep. 14, musty rocket league, amustycow rocket league, Me & Jon Sandman ran into the #1 RANKED Rocket League player | 2’s Until I Lose Ep. 14, #1 RANKED Rocket League player, best rocket league player, #1 player, jon sandman
Id: NnuzJnqneOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 16sec (1996 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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