Reacting to 6 Bros vs 1 Secret PewDiePie - Jubilee React #17

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Allmix05 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
the time has finally come the pewdiepie you really collab is out six bros versus one secret pewdiepie i am so excited to finally watch this [Music] december 1st they posted yeah all right let's skip the interim six bros versus one secret pewdiepie that's kind of fudge yeah we reached out to pewdiepie they did i for the record i reached out to you but they didn't see my email i don't know how but we made it work regardless because we both wanted it to happen and this is what happened let's go we brought together six pewdiepie fans also yeah also the most attractive best looking most intelligent people on the planet i am a bro i am a bro i am a bro i am a bro i am a bro i am a bro technically you're a 19 year old but i understand it's a secret pewdiepie i am bearded if the group discovers who pewdiepie is they'll win a cash prize if pewdiepie survives he wins the cash prize get that money the bros vote out the real pewdiepie no way this no way they came no spoilers all right the game played i don't have a plan i'm screwed to be honest i didn't understand what we were doing though i should have come in with a better game plan yes maybe i shouldn't but i didn't okay a game plan is to just honestly look for what the most stereotypical pewdiepie fan would be that's pretty smart actually because that was basically my plane dna i am from croydon in uk i watched pewdiepie since i was 16. i watched his amnesia let's plays that's usually what i hear people say whenever they're send me a message they're like i watch you since i was blah blah blah amnesia true and i went for the most stereotypical damning wait did he think i was going to get voted out on the first i honestly the future might get voted out of the first round i'm not gonna lie we're gonna no way i'm getting voted out on the first one get out of here yeah pewdiepie like let's be honest here i know he's a bad liar maybe that clip hey you're absolutely right it's like a weird game of among us we'll see how this goes nice okay a little bit of background here or maybe i'll show i'll share it later but yeah we were all talking in the chat obviously we only had the avatars i didn't create my avatar which i think was a mistake and i also didn't pick my name which i think was a mistake and i didn't think about the location i was like yeah i guess i know london a little bit uh pick london uh sweden is too obvious but i should have picked sweden because it is too obvious i didn't get to do the big breaks right okay but anyway yo greetings everyone so i'm like yo and tyler look at that hey guys i'm brendan the only thing alex has said so far i was a little suspicious of i just said yo i was that suspicious what was i supposed to say kp said yo too tyler mind reader okay where's the gun emoji that's not vegan i wanted to type like oh if you know hey if you're pewdiepie named amber pewdiepie video that's what i wanted to do tonight if you're pewdiepie name every video he made if you're pewdiepie named every video he's made we got the states india we got vegas i'm from london i'm in check it's from jacksepticeye yeah it was funny they were all funny i'm from london damn it why did you say i was from what i don't know any places greenland alex says he's from london london alex is looking suspicious damn it i'm so timmy by the way because future's always like a little timmy whenever [Laughter] see i knew i had to keep kp as an ally because he was sussing to me we have to get timmy out it's true he does come on little timmy what's happening surprisingly it is they know more about pewdiepie than i do go to he's not very creative is that too much of a giveaway it was it was yeah i'm glad i didn't write that he looks like fat good point but i'm thinking alice because he looks like fat i like that beauty why that's so mean it does look like me there it is correct brendan going out alex jeez what if that wasn't no what the hell dude got a point and then i'm like well brendan looks most like pewdiepie though huh london voice us i'll happily be fat pewdiepie okay they're not dead on uh help me get over a breakup in 2017. oh friend babe okay i trust brendan dammit he snuck in with a good lineup brendan seems legit to be so cool so cool so cool you know when you type something and you immediately as you hit enter like that is not how i wanted to say that brendan seemed legit to be cause everyone was like oh that's so nice that's like so cool you're right how do you do it shut up shut up i'm 90 sure it's alex hey bro fist of the chat i'll give you bro fist alex as i vote you out damn you brendan oh my god i'm a little bit nervous now i'm trying to distract them with a broken legit it's so weird being in a jubilee video excuse me jubilee what do you mean it's so weird being in a you you believe you billy jubilee jubilee that makes no sense get out of here jubilee jupiter jupiter it's not humble when i called alex out i called him fat pewdiepie which alex if you're not pewdiepie i'm so sorry okay i'm glad he addressed that as he said was cassidy suss to me so cassidy you're out i think i'll vote for cassidy because see i was right can't be my bro real bro right there that's the only thing of suspicion i really have i am gonna vote off nikki because i had a bad feeling about her right off the start right now i'm kind of suspicious damn it why nikki damn it you could have saved me the lmao and him saying yo i'm gonna i said yo what am i not allowed to say y'all you're a goddamn psychic tyler yo i'm gonna vote alex i'm gonna vote off alex because i think other people are voting alex i don't know why pewdiepie would say that he was from london because i would immediately like i don't know i'm gonna vote for alex but you voted me anyway nikki the votes are in for round one and the person eliminated this round is look at me there's still hope i was like damn this would really suck if i get voted out in the first round i really don't want to get forwarded out in the first round [Laughter] alex [Music] [Laughter] maybe picking london was too obvious i should have gone to la or something well done okay now i can explain so i thought for sure i had thrown the whole competition right away i was so confident that it was over before i even said anything because when they asked everyone to type ready before we start recording they would ask us to type ready so he was like timmy type ready tyler type ready nicky type ready and then he was like alex type ready and i'm over here like alex and then he goes again like alex type ready oh ready alex that's me of course so i thought that was a dead giveaway and i thought for sure they would pick up on that but no one just seemed to discuss it so i'm just bad at lying about clearly terrible at lying but the gamers go on they don't know that they're gonna get played out now sex location what youtubers do you watch other than pewds that should be none yes i laugh at my own jokes thank you city i'm lowkey sauce of you why didn't they vote on cassidy then who said that who said cassidy i'm sort of you nikki nikki you wanted you could have gone to cassidy we couldn't get a cassidy why didn't they vote on cassidy then cassidy's 22 female missouri no way pewdiepie has any idea what missouri is brendan you sure you got their mouth all right i know it's in the center of america somewhat thank you very much brandon has no chelsea you believe in you i like the mvc minecraft my favorite series is three free games bring it back i've never heard anyone say that yeah it's funny seeing like very individual opinions about stuff it's also really fun seeing my audience super dope american spell color color what a good i would say with an oh you i don't know if that would be a giveaway that's a great question oh i think cassidy is safe i think pewds spell color like the european way are any of you in the pewdiepie discord not generally i just talked to friends on there they're not on my discord what is this cassidy is a mod there and created the banner for the prophetic for the server that's awesome by the way or are you the admin i like how they're all just vibing they're like yeah what they're not yeah exactly they're not even voting anyone out they're like oh yeah this is cool we got them they went from cassidy to nikki nikki going down hard on me but i get it nikki counter with the most strong argument you can make it's not me that's really the only thing i've said in there i like this guy three pieces i think we're not pewds i think we're not pewds that's enough for me i guess it's not cassidy cassidy says i know it ain't timmy because peter doesn't have an iphone these guys are playing 40 chests over here like damn how do they even know i don't because we use this uh phone service to chat right damn cassidy well playing i faced my entire strategy in round one it was alex and we had to get him out and now that he's out i have no idea what to do i'm still gonna go with brendan because he really didn't put a lot of input in this round so nikki i'm sorry but i think you're gonna have to go gosh i guess i'm okay so i was really really really hoping they would just vote someone out at this point which i know make doesn't make sense because that means that person doesn't get any money but i just didn't want to look bad okay the votes are in and we have a tie no oh we have a tie the tie is between nikki and brendan brendan oh man nikki and brendan that means we're going to tie breaker each person will get to state one reason saying why they like pewdiepie this is a nice eco boost okay so pewdiepie is the perfect mix of not taking yourself too seriously while still knowing how to tackle life with self-respect that's why i really like them brendan give brendan money [Music] yeah brady you're all right yeah all right because that's actually true growing up girls couldn't play games in my house so watching ps was the only way i could participate in gaming moment oh what i should have typed so cool that's really nice that's so cool to hear these stories that's a really really good reason give nicki minaj can't be gamers everyone knows this keep gaming nikki i think brendan is toast oh no i don't feel like any of them are pewds maybe he's doing big brain strats and actually going for like a different gender in a different race the votes are in for the tiebreaker and the person i can't do that tyler i'm pretty sure certain people would have a field day if i did that and eliminated this round is nikki hey they wrote a nicky yeah i thought for sure they were voting sweet answer how could you brendan's out you're done you're done brendan how dare you call me fat pewdiepie i guess i don't have much to say this is a fun video to watch i found pierce when i was going through a breakup since then he's made me laugh and think differently almost on a weekly basis brendan give brendan money come on they think that's us i'm from ohio that's where i'm from i feel like it could be tyler because i feel like pewds would say eleanor a lot not gonna lie he's right i would say that a lot they're getting into see they know all this stuff i'm super impressed now i specifically remember being at like a dance duty when i was like seven and seeing appears to be back when he had duck profile picture the dance studio introduced you to pewdiepie sticking to the story tyler only 14. i think it's tyler get him out why did i say that makes no sense for me to say what the [ __ ] it's tyler am i forgotten what i'm doing i don't know i have no idea i have no clue it's funny seeing them interact it feels like i'm not supposed to see this almost i really guess kp that's really all i can think of i think i might go with red because the breakup thing i mean you could definitely make that up i think i'm going to vote for brendan i'm going to vote for tyler it's got to be i knew brendan was out pewdiepie would try to pretend he was a young kid that would be kind of weird i still think it's better the votes are in for round three and the person eliminated this brendan knows brendan i knew it yeah oh my god i knew it was coming i should have been a little bit more personable in the chat if everyone feels confident that you already voted out pewdiepie you can end the game now if the majority has doubt the game will continue they're going to end the game for sure i think we got him i think we should everything yeah we've got to vote one more time there's no one else suspicious we went another round i would get eliminated majority has voted no we will end the game oh my god no guys i'm sorry nikki i'm sorry brendan if the color that shows up is green you all win if it's red pewdiepie is still in the game and you all lost whatever happens i'm happy i made it to the end in three two [Applause] well one the game is over and the bros have won now the moment of truth let's find out who is pewdiepie please turn on your cameras in three two one this is the moment where i have to reveal myself and be awkward in front of people here we go it's fat pewdiepie [Applause] okay props to the editor here to make sense out of everyone yelling because when it was happening it was completely incoherent everyone was losing it it was so funny [Applause] was so stereotypical on the headphones and the phone i didn't make that big emoji honestly also props to tyler for getting it literally straight away i genuinely cannot believe this right now i'm not surprised you guys got it to be honest so well done to everyone sorry there was a few casualties on the way oh you had fun as well last question for you pewdiepie if you were to call out another celebrity or influencer to be part of odd man out who would it be um mr beast i don't know why i said mr beast i wanted to say jack but i was also like i don't know if i want to put jack on the spot he is my favorite youtuber and he has inspired me so much cassidy was so sweet also we're in the merch i see you cassidy very nice i wonder how i inspired him i'd love to hear more brennan super funny biggest takeaway from this experience it's just that we have such a great community you know the nine year olds the 19 year olds called the pro army yeah this is like the most wholesome jubilee video i've ever watched everyone is always i mean they grab random people right so it's obvious and competing for money but this is just wholesome like people just wanted to play for the fun of it and everyone was just so nice except brendan of course be humble i think i think that's one of pewdiepie's most shining quality being a bro means family brofist shout out to period seven please include that editors that's cool editor we're back with the new season of and they're back one now yes what is the makeup artist off the top of your head that you like did you look up i'm so excited yeah harry potter they mentioned that yeah she does it in the first one and the second one yeah this actress well she's drama club yeah i need to tell you something and she's like what and i'm like i like girls what do you guys do i'm a makeup artist i am a cheerleader i'm a high schooler i'm bisexual i'm a harry potter and they have a lot of stuff stay tuned for odd one out hell yeah uh they killed it jubilee did such a great job on this uh setting it all up and the edit was great as well kid your videos helped me through depression feedback so cool so cool but i didn't say that pewdiepie's among us skills are really shining here thank you when pewdiepie has the lowest quality camera of ever yeah okay all right yeah here it is i've never seen the less toxic group of individuals on you believe this brother just holds them pewdiepie types yo brandon we know it's sambuda matt well it was tyler but yeah maybe picking london was too obvious maybe picking alex was too obvious damn it technically i didn't pick my name but i can't blame you but either yeah shout out to all uh all the participants as well you guys were fantastic super fun video loved it go subscribe to you building show them support tell them pewdiepie sent you oh shout out to paulo as well great guy all right that's it oh we got new merch 110 million club here's me wearing it here's me not flexing at all here's the hoodie very cool and here's the zero death hoodie check it out link in the description that's it bro fish [Music] feeling lonely with all the crew and you can't go to the just download it for free for freebies oh yeah gonna go with it i got something for you [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 3,940,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: G-fRWPmr2RA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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