Do all GAMERS THINK the Same? - Jubilee React #1

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When that girl went from somewhat agree to disagree just because she didn't want to be the odd one out, it reminded me of that Vsauce/Mindfield video on conformity. First time she went to her true beliefs but the second time her mind was like, no-no, be social human.
She wanted to be part of the group and accepted even though it went against her first instinct.

Humans are so interesting.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Borky_ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 24 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

โ€œNot gonna lie, I need a definition for thatโ€

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/whereisthemoneyjohn ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Honestly that quote from ninja when he said, โ€œ when you donโ€™t get mad at a game you have lost twiceโ€ it is a mentality like that that ruins gaming. Itโ€™s perfectly fine to play games competitively, but it is also important to just have fun especially if nothing important happens if you win or lose.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ScoutCreed ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 29 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
do all gamers think the same well today we find out when they just said the phrase it's just a game it's such a weak mindset I also fully free Jubilee uploaded this video do all gamers think the same the premise is that you have a bunch of gamers and they go to the left or to the right depending on how much they agree on an issue regarding to gaming I'm a gamer so let's freakin do this I don't think gaming is anti-women like no guy is saying oh you can't play online today because you're a woman I don't think it's anti that's because she's never played with me it's a joke but I think there's just a lot more Sam Sam you don't understand you have it really bad all right I'm joking by the way these are not my real opinions I am just making jokes spectrum that's what all gamers are on get it that's one thing gamers have in common as a joke another joke why do I keep making them I'm Ariana Gamboa I'm 19 years old and I play Halo competitively it is my passion and the girls can also game girls can also game I play Halo compatibly also shows runescape and overwatch nice well done Jubilee are you really sure oh god one misconception is how much work people actually put in there's a lot that goes into it a lot of people you know how to negative stigmas playing games do nothing with his life rather it can be a quite a healthy outlet and people really build in the future stop again don't do that don't point at me all right so here we go finally let's play along okay I like energy drinks you guys can play along alright so left side is agreed sorry right side is agree left side is disagree I would probably put myself here because I drink energy drinks all the freakin time check out G fuel enter the code P D pipe back keep jumping he's definitely gonna go for it wait I'm sorry can can you give me a second to think about this this is not a tough question God Oh guys I please maybe drink an energy drink I'll help you figure it out okay damn 50/50 I only like energy drinks with alcohol and easy drink with alcohol isn't that super unhealthy is that really bad many people actually die from that I definitely acknowledge the health risk that some energy drinks have but for me I mean not if you're drinking G fuel no health risks entered the code PewDiePie I don't know if I can say that yes sure I am sure anxious non-stop having to play at the top of my game and it helps out a lot culture not colliding the definition that I what it's like what's a woman I needed a definition of that what's a woman tell me right now alright this will be interesting okay left or right I agree or disagree we can already see oh I don't know where I would go I probably go somewhere here just so so I can now I'll go here because any time I see a girl play a video game and they say they play Halo competitively in reality I just imagine that they're really just playing runescape and overwatch so I don't really believe it Oh everyone has that experience when they're in a Gaming Lobby and well probably us females probably experience this more why she said it everyone everyone struggles with it good redic did can have a definition of everyone like what does that mean as soon as we speak we get called fat we get called all these ugly names it happens to me all the time as soon as I speak fat I get her point I get her point she plays runescape okay I understand it happens the line and that is still something I deal with today as I did 10-15 years ago it is definitely a terrible thing to experience I have a girlfriend that dreams though sorry I feel like I've gotten more open mind not gonna lie I needed I need a definition of what a girlfriend is I need about it and understanding and I can definitely understand those it's a funny night females have to go through it's pretty tough from people just saying dumb [ __ ] or saying you're bad saying you shouldn't compete or I think that's a fair thing you don't really notice how much girls get the same kind of dumb jokes over and over it's like oh why do you care but it's like it's so run to the ground a lot of that people say to girls online that it's just like it just stopped being funny years ago basically hear those things too but they don't hear it because they're men you're right right right they hear it because of whatever like the internet wants to hate on some manager I disagree though cuz I think in general people are much harsher on men because oh it's like oh you can take it I'm a competitor like I don't care about what my gender is what how much I weigh I don't care about any of that like if I'm good enough like that I'm good enough I just don't really believe in that I think that's a fair argument too and it's like you don't want to be put in a box just because people say oh well it's tough for you that doesn't mean that you want to be in that and acknowledge that in a way it's like how do we fix these issues well maybe just don't bring it up all the time I don't know no guy is saying yeah you cannot get on your computer because you're a woman like no guy is saying like she's like no I agree with that and like I do agree that the skills speaks for itself I agree with the skills speaks for itself also disagrees with the whole argument what the hell anyone can typically play any game they want and become good the environment makes it so that it's much harder to succeed as a woman than it is as a man there's no doubt that the experience will be different oh yeah this is different but I don't think gaming is anti-women I don't know I don't think it's anti women but I don't think that way that way then what are you doing over there I think there there's just a lot more they have to deal with um so like back then you know arcades in the first like home consoles girls and video games just weren't a thing you know it was like a boys only Club anytime a girl was like interested video games guys would be like oh no just go play make over go back to the kitchen or something about what the hell no sounds like you did that you did that if any in my experience whenever girls wonder place like wait yeah hell yeah no please come join the hell don't project your ideas don't project your misogynistic history and upper compensate for it by government over there gaming culture has advanced right and it's become more accessible and diverse unfortunately there's still you know some people out there that still treat it like it's the nineties oh-oh-oh someone agreed Oh take your because there's proof Wow I just want to like kind of not be the odd one out the only reason I want to say a little bit here is because anyone remembers Columbine like they were inspired by video games but like it's just all mental health at the end of the day I just think anyone who who has those kinds of issues is gonna find that inspiration from any kind of medium including movies including games including books that's why I'm saying we need to censor all of it all media it's not kind of going against the argument though you're basically saying that all of these things are encouraging it it's kind of disingenuous to say that video games doesn't and at least some way encourage it hear me out hear me out I finish thought because any medium will inspire you in a way doesn't mean it encourages it I think that key word is encourage inspire it could inspire violence I would say I just think it's disingenuous to say that because we all know they do these things that you can't argue against that but I think the argument that putting video games in a specific box saying okay well it's their fault that's completely pointless and doesn't solve any issue whatsoever does that make sense I don't think there would be such controversial topics Jesus Christ there's so many of us that play video games that don't have those kind of thoughts how would it it's like your site it's just a scapegoat what oh okay good for traditional sports you have to push your body to such lengths to be able to do those physical feats to be them yes whatever I just don't think that it's as hard I agree I'm usually like sitting on my computer for almost 10 to 12 hours a day that's physically demanding alright I'm not doing anything near and NFL NBA players do anything I don't play basketball but I don't think that they're working on like frames-per-second kinds of levels of reaction and speed yeah in basketball players they will never understand the frames per second he strongly agrees then you know not all sports are as intensive as like football and like soccer and you probably all thinking basketball for me yeah what are you talking about right bio chefs it's a sport too and that's equally physically demanding imagine a pro Matta and video game player meeting them up with a real football player be like yeah we're pretty much the same we're pretty much we pretty much put out the same amount of physical work I met a lot of people that are professional eSport and I know it's highly demanding but I don't think physically it's that it's the same thing because it's like it's the mainstream stuff you know because there's also but there's also golf there's also arts in bowling darts almost a question competitive gaming is just demanding as a physical sport a physical sport when people say physical sport they generally not talking about bowling are they or darts trash talk it's part of the fun [Music] damn it's hella fun it's competition you know you trying to get everyone riled up you turned out to throw everyone off their game he's waiting for this one yeah you know once we will start taking like life problems and wait and try to like find stuff up on you that's where it gets petty and it's childish but um trash-talking is super fun I do it a lot on stream you know I'd yeah I mean I love I love trash-talking people it's so fun I never seen people bond so much of our topic Jesus Christ Chuck you know brings people together I only say it on the mic because then you can tell like you can understand my tone is women calling us virgins all the time it's not fair it's or not being a woman also virgin family's skeptical about career okay let's see their varied them I'll start wait I don't understand why does it say oh it's the Instagram poll oh okay I was wondering why that was different all the time damn so this is kind of like what you guys would say I mean my parents did a very similar thing and after I graduated high school I asked for a chance I was like hey could I have just a year I want to really see if I can make this work you know I want to pursue - pretty fair he asked your parents won the tournament the course shot of him yeah if this was three years ago I'd say I'd be over there saying baby they'd be skeptical dead I don't know but my dad's always been supportive of me and I'm thankful for that they understand it when they see the money yeah you have to make money for people to realize it's actually a career yeah you sure well that's the definition of the career it's so fun judging people that are just throwing away sentence that's not thinking about it and then I can go what a bunch of idiots I've never said anything stupid in my life YouTube is great to be fair I had the same struggle by the way like my parents when I talked about youth it was like no no you're not doing this to be fair it wasn't even a thing then that's right I helped out gamers now when kids go and say but parents will be like now no even more you're welcome oh great actually I'll probably put disagree because generally my gaming videos don't do that well anymore so yes probably strongly disagree so it depends on what you guys to find us good living god this guy can you stop being contrarian in every point depends on what you guys to find us good living I live in Silicon Valley in the Bay Area the highest cost of living ever this competitive gaming career I have is it's a side hustle but then move it somewhere else I'm poor it's not a good job because I live in expensive area what if I just did any one of those by itself I would not make it I used to live in a trailer with my dad in Ohio so I understand the struggle you know I used to sleep on the mattress on a floor you know gaming I started streaming I started you know getting a lot of attention in tournaments I was making a lot of money there I mean now I live in like in the really nice part of California like rent free with my girlfriend and there's a lot of money to be made in gaming whether it's streaming YouTube tournaments sponsorships the World Cup that was like 30 million like there's just the reason why I'm not on stream strongly agree is because it's so unreliable and inconsistent in my opinion which is something that's pretty fair ya know if we're gonna place topic i'm i agree with Ariana comment payouts can take months i i'd say i make a really good living i think that fortnight has given me a lot of opportunities I mean the viewership and the tournament prize winnings alone is ridiculous I mean even for me I've always just looked at YouTube like oh yeah it's pretty on a reliable job I probably shouldn't take it seriously [Music] we guess all of them because they only play video games all day big surprise like sure and we just have the time of our life I just met them online through gaming or at a tournament I agree with you guys I mean gaming has led me to a bunch of events like twitchcon all these things even this where I meet people and that's built those hey remember when gaming wasn't cool I remember okay I brought my D Estes class and people were like oh that's a cute little console while you played games I went to real struggle so you don't understand how times have changed huh have times have changed you're welcome gamers I walked so you could run why am i complaining well this was interesting do all pro gamers think the same OS pro gamers I don't even think about that guess I can yeah I'm a pro gamer I make a living out of it it's my career so that's the definition thank you guys for watching this video if you enjoyed smash like sixty eight percent of you aren't subscribed what the heck subscribe right now and I see you guys tomorrow and hopefully there will be some meaningful content coming out at some point bye bye hey door hey hey
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 9,903,258
Rating: 4.9494591 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE, Do all GAMERS think the same?, gamers think the same, gamers, esport, esports, video games, games 2020, game 2020, jubilee, pewdiepie, pewds, pewdie, pdp, pewdiepie lwiay, game, education, discussion
Id: F3Xm8c1gtRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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