r/CrappyDesign · can i walk through that?

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got bees don't get hurt call the experts at affordable b well that has got to be the biggest bee i've ever seen he's probably up in the hive like buzz buzz everybody what's going on everyone welcome back to easy peasy i'm your host david the baker and today we're going to be looking at r crappy designs they're the type of designs that make you think really somebody thought this was a good idea but without further ado let's go oh yeah this looks totally real absolutely not photoshopped okay a equals c b equals b c equals d and d equals a oh it's like they want me to fail handheld air condition why are they looking at me like that i'm not a fan i support all cancer oh this is a mess 90 degrees and 90 degrees did you notice how the one on the right is not actually 90 degrees or maybe it is i always sucked at geometry hey piglet i hate to break it to you but you're not listening to anything man oh come on apple you're so good at designs and yet you're so bad at designs what you're telling me you don't do your morning routine outside what do you mean how else are the neighbors gonna watch you what your neighbors don't watch you what are you some kind of weirdo ah yes beautiful alablons bank of america oh it looks like somebody went buck wild with a sharpie they do know that they're supposed to repaint it not just get rid of the grass right okay okay okay only a psychopath is gonna use this hey bro can you open up my drink i really love the aftertaste of the ground and dirt from your shoe let me get a sip of that y x m v n i can just imagine the principles like i don't understand the kids can't read we put the letters in front of them i don't know what's their problem best bab ever i love you bab okay kid learn to spell office chair ergonomic desk chair mesh computer chair lumbar oh my gosh it's a chair note comfortable chair suitable for ordinary person wow shots fired uh not only do i hate ads like this but look at how tiny this person's hand is compared to the phone is woody from toy story trying to hack into andy's phone right here what kind of bike rack is this it's so big i used to hop over these bike racks when i was little i i'd have to be an olympic jumper to try and get over this one blue crab juicy seafood and bar hey wait a second that crab's not blue old bridge diner okay who made this menu i want to speak to a manager welcome everyone to the x games of bicycling i'm your host now how are you feeling today oh man i just want to ride my bike but now i got to avoid all the obstacles that's too bad oh this little thing looks so sad it doesn't even say love it says low v but i kind of feel like that's a meaningful message miami a candy bar inside of a rapper inside of a rapper inside of another rapper there are so many rappers here it's like the bet awards haha that's a dad joke high five i just high-five myself the placement of the exit arrow is right next to the call buttons on snapchat hey did you call me nope i was trying to leave ah why did you have to put the chain through the armrest charge warding charger is incompatibility ah but i need the charger that is compatibility uh who's gonna tell him your hand can't be above the capo it won't sound good closed sorry weir oh yes the store that's run by yoda open up we can't before your wardrobe was messy with not enough space after we destroyed half your clothes and now you have all this room boy do i love me a fresh cold light oak hey guys it's the narrator here you know the guy who's meant to read all the stuff well i can't do my job because of this terrible font hey boss what do we do with this poll yeah just build over it and that sir is how we got here is this corner curved this isn't a crappy design this is cursed caught has anyone told you you're perfect unlike this sign wait a second let's zoom in here 100 cotton if these are oven mitts i definitely don't want them to be percent cotton yeah so you see we put the cabinet here and then we put in the light a couple days later we realized our mistake only pan delta americans fly to all six continents world's most experienced airline delta wow do they really need to slap delta everywhere the baltimore ravens it's in my dna as in i'm part birdman and i need you to respect that also uh fun fact that's not how dna works cancel transfers do you want to cancel download transfers uh if i press cancel will it cancel and if i press ok will it cancel oh i'm trapped oh i see the cup holder doesn't fit the cup all right what you do you pour it into the cup holder grab your straw and sip it directly from there boom problem solved you know i wouldn't be surprised if they overfilled that coffee just so it will burn your hand all i'm saying is that some people want to see the world burn or in this case just your hand oh boy the allergy eye drops are identical to the earwax removal drops you know if this was me i'd get him mixed up and i'd go back to my doctor he'd be like oh my god what did you do hey there's no earwax in my eyes so i think we're good ah yes herbs be one or should i say g herms me one hey well the good thing is you got hand sanitizer cause lord knows we need it when the multi-billion dollar company 711 pays the graphic designer in exposure hey you get what you pay for oh my gosh your living room is so nice oh thank you we spent a lot of time on it hey quick question why is your fan the size of godzilla favorite music artist post malone 25 and uh this whole graph is illogical that moment when you thought you made a deck for your friends but you really made him for the fishes help foreskin oh i can just imagine it's like a spray can you're like okay i need some foreskin real quick tree and frank's landscaping ah you know frank always carrying around his pet tree oh yeah that gamer moment where you have a big monitor and you're not even paying attention to it because you're watching a stream and and what is going on oh yeah you know just a perfectly good dent you know just here no reason don't worry about it pole sees a car and it's like you shall not pass oh man talk about privacy you know you got the little faded background and then and then you have a whole frame for everybody to see you pooping oh speaking of frames glitter frame over here oh it just looks messy and i would never buy this grace is in a little prayer you say before receiving a meal it's a way to live oh okay well thank you for that very confusing message and is this a divider why the ultra air cooler great for living rooms offices kitchens bathrooms bedrooms basements and more okay but you photoshop the air cooler into every frame like it's just photoshop oh i see you thought you were gonna be able to put your key in yeah no that's not gonna work here oh i could attempt this but you really don't want me to try cause dude harbor pin fright are your my your mind okay i told you i sound stupid that was right hershey's creamy milk chocolate play colorize mini wait uh play colorize mini what am am i reading this wrong i'm so confused all right don't forget to sign the sign up sheet but i swear if you draw on the hippo you're getting kicked out high tech we do all these things and okay that's a lot of stuff apparently none of it's graphic design because sheesh hogwarts house test your harry potter houses are 54 gryffindor 50 ravenclaw 79 hufflepuff and 4 slytherin okay you must be using some type of wizardry math because that does not add up in the muggle world that moment when you and the shaolin monks play basketball ah the metal it's so bright i can't see ah yes the queen air bed seems like it'd be great for camping uh oh what for indoor use only household use ah come on hey grandma i got the best gift for you a sharp knife for cooking fun why what did you think four different kinds of people no job yes time no travel or money nine to five job no time no travel but you do have money self-employed no time but you can travel and you do have money business owner you got time you can travel and you got all the money you want not only is this not true but why did you make both the chex and the x's green it's very confusing oh thank goodness the street light is on i'm so afraid of the dark i don't see why this is a crappy design at all they're socks they look like half a face you put them together they make a big face it looks good to me so we got anna and elsa up here and then we have their sleep paralysis demons down here oh i spoke too soon this is the real sleep paralysis demon hi how you doing please get away from me and my children oh it's maraudi or maybe luigio [Music] i don't like it enjoy a massage anytime anywhere in the office in the car wait a second in the car lady get out of there meal deal three pounds selected maine plus drink plus snack unleaded wait a second it's the drink gasoline are you poisoning me when i said i needed my gamer fuel this is not what i meant me cheeses nailed it mini wii menu available are take away only open guys i am just rocking these signs wow how informative if only there was a way i could see how much is actually in there oh i wanted to buy this gravity falls mug but i i can't see the design for the life of me are vip floor ready you uh maybe before they were all grown up oh my gosh ariel you have legs i don't remember this from the movie one key operation design yeah but uh what is it huh oven temperature you see i kinda need to know exactly what it's at you see there's a big difference between 350 and 450 and everything in between can be confused then you're gonna make the baker sad is that what you want you want the baker to be sad he's gonna be crying mamma mia all night the wheels on the bus go oh my gosh the driver's driving sideways somebody do something call a scientist you know that meme upgrades people upgrades yeah well after seeing this i'm kind of hoping that there's an undo button to the upgrades hey what should we do for this advertisement yeah just photoshop the dog in it'll look fine is that a foot pedal for the elevator so you don't have to push the buttons that's actually kind of cool i mean really i don't know how to feel about this it's weird but it's really cool at the same time you know i hate to be that guy but i really don't think that's gonna work it was made with a purpose but it'll live the rest of its life useless kinda like me [Laughter] pizza map of germany in the shape of pizza germany map uh is it just me or does that not look like germany at all we planet earth uh yeah i sure hope we are uh is this platypus hitting on me and why is it farting hearts this is a message for all the gamer boys don't help me are tick tocks doing ads on youtube now oh no uh popeye is that you you look different man prevent acid erosion by brushing your teeth unless you're kyle kyle please just stop ah sweet purex my favorite don't pull push only or is it don't push pull only you know what i'm just going home you see our hdmi cable only gets better somehow i feel like this building is so bright it might just start a fire oh is this a game is it a book whatever it is it's definitely falling apart oh boy i can just hear the number of unfortunate souls who ran into this pole oh no my brain can't take this level of complexity you know what screw it i'm just gonna crash you know i really don't know what's so crappy about this is it the fact that it's undone i mean that gets me too but it's not that bad oh my goodness yes this this was annoying in college we had to use all these microsoft office apps and they all look like this and i absolutely hated it all right basil seafood okay that's actually a little a little hard to read let's go to garlic shrimp ah dang it hey let me in i'm not home i can see you through the window sell kids for zero dollars ah come on if i'm selling my kids i want to get at least a buck oh this looks delicious raspberry cream oh that is shower gel i'd eat that what you wouldn't eat that yes you would i can almost see how much water is gonna spill onto the countertop you know any vehicle with low suspension is just gonna get destroyed by this garage guys this is not appropriate for christmas time society for gar herb din anning sure i don't know what this club is but i want to be a part of it ah of course the solar panel bent you might be wondering what is powering well you see it's actually powering the birds whenever they land on it the birds charge their batteries you see the birds are controlled by the bourgeoisie freshly soluble coffee instructions one insert money two enter selection three enter extras before selection okay well they should be swapped around don't fall behind see the movies you missed uh spider-man how are you doing that oh it's just off by a little bit if they had just fixed that last part it would have been great does anybody else want a skateboarder to trick off the stairs and onto the car is that just me is that my tony hawk spirit speaking out who did this who did this to the stairs i want to speak to a manager rest in peace to every shin that's been victimized by this poll s flamingo m uh what is this trying to say slaphamingo emer all right i tried santa are you pregnant is this because of the snowman elon musk more like elon muscular dude you're a hunk weather alert emergency thunderstorm warning if you hear it roar don't ignore there's so much on the screen it's really jarring usa usa puerto rico puerto rico is this how to tell the best watermelon and are there genders of watermelon i had no idea welcome oh that's so odd some of these animals have two or three tails and that poor cat has a tail like an e to a now eligible kid not the most comprehensive sign but you got the right idea wouldn't line up four you know i bet they'd be sued if they called it connect four so i'ma give them a pass yummy inspired by the music of justin bieber gosh how long are they gonna push this song well everybody we've made it to the end of crappy design if you like this video make sure to leave a like down below as it really does help out our channel and it brightens up our day if you're new to the channel don't forget to press the subscribe button and the notification bell to be notified of all our easy peasy uploads i'm your host david the baker and i hope you guys have a great day peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 75,410
Rating: 4.9276981 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/crappydesign, crappy design, reddit crappy design, reddit design, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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