r/Blursedimages · meat brick

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ah you know one of them days at work you know you're just operating on a giant lizard monster and yeah some days it'd be like this i love how the lizard looks so chill as well he's just like yeah so uh can i get a lollipop after this what's going on you beautiful people welcome back to easy peasy i'm your narrator david the baker and today we're going to be taking a look at our slash blurst images now this is the type of content that's not all the way blessed nor is it all the way cursed really it just makes you uncomfortable i'm sure you guys are ready to get on into the video so without further ado let's go frosty the snowman was eaten by his kids oh god quick grab them guys oh thank you oh thank you you've heard of snoop dogg but today i bring you snoop cat the resemblance is uncanny hey it's peter griffin well if there's ever a live action remake we know who's going to be playing peter griffin and apparently it's peter griffin oh you see this is a cute bed and all but you better hope a giant doesn't mistake this for actual food ah this tis but a scratch uh look at this soldier this man he's missing an arm but he doesn't care he's living his life it's just a scratch bro what you've never seen a scratch before what are you some kind of weirdo oh oh okay so what you're looking at is not a wooden floor no no these are stairs can you see the stairs neither could the nine victims who fell down them ah what a shame oh okay it's a pine cone it's not a very scary mouth no no no it's just a pine cone i gotta say i was like actually terrified for about three seconds now for people who look at this costume and think wow these guys did not do a good job think again because this is what they were going for and i just gotta say that that's pretty impressive you see i look at mugs like this and i'm like oh you broke your van gogh mug but then again van gogh cut off his ear so maybe this is just trying to be accurate so here we have a shirt that's uh made out of glass you gotta be pretty hardcore to rock something like this first off if you walk into a restaurant or like a school wearing any of this you're definitely breaking dress code second if you trip and fall you're probably gonna die all the glass shards gonna be like everywhere it's just gonna be a mess okay so you put the meat in here and you get a meat brick oh god that is that is not right welcome to tombstone's pizza where we have killer prices for pizza that's to die for okay so shaq definitely looks terrified but that seal look at the smile on his face that's probably the happiest seal ever so if you're bringing your trash onto an elevator make sure it doesn't get clipped because once you start going down if it's clipped yeah you get this and uh you you don't want that blind person emoji oh no blind person look out yeah these are two emojis that probably shouldn't be put together on the first day of christmas mcdonald's gave to me a chicken nugget you see the good thing about mcdonald's food is that it just doesn't seem to mold that chicken nugget could have been in there for a whole month and it would be absolutely fine you know i've seen this car before and and mixed with the face it's just a little too accurate i feel like this car is saying hello how are you doing vroom vroom uh it's just so creepy jesus like what is this sleeping in my house how dare you when are people gonna learn how to make comprehensive bathroom walls and doors this poor man is just trying to just trying to do his business but nah nah nah nah we all see what he's doing in there how unfortunate ralph went from i'm in danger to you're in danger my ralph voice isn't all the way there but gosh come on ralph give piccolo a chance what time is it it's waluigi time hey yo why does it look like waluigi is about to steal this woman's purse brah's just lurking over her like it's waluigi time [ __ ] so uh you'll be cruising for a bruising if you mess with one of these guys we got tony and lenny on the left but uh big spatuny on the right here yeah he's the boss you don't want to mess with the boss i mean with a haircut like that he must be using enough hair products to single-handedly be destroying the ozone layer hey it's detective pikachu now where have i seen that face before oh it's dustin from stranger things there we go i figured it out how to reduce the rgb light help oh what did you do it's too powerful you got to get out of your house man just just run just go it's too late to turn back only god can help you now hey aren't you a little too fat to be a storm trooper what how dare you i'm going straight to hr about this now this is how you spend thanksgiving right you know you got your food you got your family well okay not family but you know collection of waifus and you know what everybody's happy now this painting this masterpiece right here this actually is my best work i'll sell it to you for 20 million dollars take it or leave it okay now this is awesome you turned your christmas tree into a portal reference i mean aside from the fact that it's probably gonna be hard to get out of that door this design is pretty stellar what on earth are you looking at human is it the legs didn't anyone tell you it's rude to stare hmm this guy's haircut looks familiar uh reese's cups that's what it is let's just put that there and yep that's perfect all right timmy we're gonna make the insertion now uh oh what's this a candy cane shh don't tell the other surgeons okay that's just weird oh and speaking of weird we have this cartoon hey you hey hey hey shut up you stupid humans hey you know cartoon aside why did they choose to draw steven from steven universe you see these are the questions we're just never gonna get the answer to all right so your setup's not the cleanest but you know what you're saving up on space by not having to buy a chair so if you look at this haircut from the front you might think okay that's a little weird but uh trust me it gets a lot weirder because this man carries eggs on top of his head he's either renting out his head to a pair of pigeons or he's the guy who's always responsible for preparing breakfast either way this guy's haircut is uh it's gonna be a no for me dog brother what have they done to you oh god am i next that moment when you spill a bunch of beer but don't want it to go to waste are you sure your boss isn't gonna be mad at you ah who cares when i show them i spilled all this stuff i'm gonna be fired anyways thanksgiving just got weird ah goodness the furry arrived you're thinking thanksgiving just got weird oh no no no it's just getting started hey babe you're the most beautiful girl in the world oh really yeah absolutely i can now say you look beautiful from all angles except for this one uh what do you mean cat in a plastic trash bin more like a disguise jabba the hutt honestly what a brilliant photoshop isn't it nice to get all your villagers together and share a nice minecraft dinner i mean for real this is beautiful you love to see it okay timmy time to wake up oh gosh hey mom check me out i'm ben 10. yeah we're gonna change your sheets this is a next level motorcycle the whole alien design is done so well it makes the motorcycle blessed because it's so well done but also cursed because you know it's alien here my love a flower oh what do i look like a simp bye oh cupid it didn't work don't worry i'll save the day um cupid did you just kill him problem solved all right let's take a look at the security cam aha i found the rat everyone oh man the mouse is just like and i would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that meddling cat kudos cat hey so this should be a pretty cool movie oh absolutely and uh here she goes slurping away on uh what what's definitely a drink in that cup oh here's a straw ah no that's pain so you take these materials here and you turn them into the flag of the soviet union if this is not added into minecraft soon i will be very upset here's shrek and here's the grinch and then when you combine them you have greck in trench why does shrench look like that one weird kid we all saw in middle school now to a normal person they just see hair clips but for people like us no siree we see a transformer you died click here to respond not gonna lie i haven't played on this texture for minecraft but now that i see this anime girl i gotta give it a try i got 20 miles to my destination and i still can't find where to put the gas in alright boys watch closely you gotta do the splits just right or else the clap of your butt cheeks will alert the guards blurst face swap i feel like this meme will be permanently embedded into blurs images the only thing that could really make this cursed is if this wasn't a face swap and this is just what these people look like yeah that would be creepy oh speaking of creepy oh my goodness can you imagine just exploring the woods and you see this the first thought that comes to mind is oh i'm about to die clearly i disturbed the tree demon and he's about to kill me i mean that's clearly what's about to happen you know this is sweet and all until you realize gordon's probably gonna put that baby in the stew he's probably sitting there like yes this is perfect into the stew you go oh no here i thought we were about to play a nice game of doom but no no we're just pulling up on the playground kids run in the opposite direction blurst reflection i don't know what voodoo magic this guy is using but i i don't like it i don't like it one bit he's like i think i'm gonna record horizontally and his evil clone is like no we're recording vertically just cut that peel this back and draw these on to infinity and beyond we already learned that these teletubbies are basically the among us characters halfway down their body and now we have to deal with this guy being buzz lightyear i'm just so upset for all the people who said that cats aren't hellspawns this is my evidence to combat yours i mean you can't fight this logic this is just pure evil uh is that an enderman tower i don't care what anybody says a super villain definitely lives in that tower we got dasher dancer prancer vixen comet cupid donner and blitzen yep all hanging from my wall all of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names now they live on his wall and that's the real story of rudolph merry christmas yeah i mean even though christmas has already passed you see this is how spaceships should be designed imagine being in a battle the enemy's gonna say oh well i thought that was gonna be an enemy ship but uh apparently it's just an apple pie let's get closer and then boom you're destroying ships left and right oh no this cat's stuck in the 8-bit reality they shall be forever pixelated poor soul ah yes planet of the apes no siree but sophisticated planet of the apes yes look i know we all love christmas and hanging up the christmas tree but if it means you have to break your roof it's probably not worth it oh you guys remember that metal pole that was just sticking out of the world you see it's actually the stand that holds the globe you see this is the stuff scientists won't tell you link you are the light our light that must shine through hyrule once again and then link is just like hank you see i respect whoever made this they might not be able to afford the most expensive computer but you know what they got big dreams sir let go of the cow you'll never take me alive take this and that ah man what a terrible accident oh doggo he's probably sitting in the car like i can't see color how was i supposed to know it was a red light you see rudolph is there suspended in the air but yeah all the other reindeer yeah they weren't so lucky why is it that rudolph lives and all the other reindeers die i don't know something suss about rudolph ayo fellas get yourself a girl that can match your energy this guy knows what's up i mean sure she's animated and you know she's not real but you know what she's real to him oh look at the adorable little lego also known as the footstabber better watch out or he'll stab you in the foot hm is that car carrying a spaceship oh no no no it's just a prop i mean just look at the guy driving he's a totally normal human being nothing suspicious at all okay so instead of you know eating your gummy bears like a normal person you choose to create a genetics tree i mean most people just eat gummy bears but yeah nah you just had to be different look i get it you might not have enough money to buy a soap dispenser but but this is no solution oh that's just sweet i can imagine this snake's grandmother like i'm gonna knit him up something real cozy i love it you remember theodore from alvin and the chipmunks well this is him now yep he's uh he's human sized and he owns his own house you know he quit the band because you know alvin got into drugs and you know he just wants to be on his own right now look i don't know why i'm giving him lore but yeah that that's his story stop right there fellow officer you're not going anywhere can you imagine if this is how cops actually looked like they have the kitty ears on and they will katanas i guarantee you no crimes are going to be committed with officers like this now this is the 4th of july parade we wanted to see some uncle sam and spider-man action beautiful oh you know who this is this is the stereotypical character you hear about in all the cartoons all the kids in the neighborhood are like okay guys whatever you do stay away from old man grant this guy runs the neighborhood junkyard he's like i'm tired of you kids stay out of my lawn and he's like a really grumpy character but throughout the episodes they reveal that he's just a lonely old man who has nobody in his life for him okay maybe i'm going way too deep into this picture maybe it's just a cool throne made out of junk so you have the corona beer and the virus vodka mix it together and you got a world pandemic crap how do you do melliter you guys know the reddit mascot well yeah it's it's actually stewie griffin i'm sorry to break the news to you like this but but you needed to know you know what i'll just say it i don't like this picture one bit like is it a fox or is it a loaf of bread either way it's a crummy photoshop get it like crumb like breadcrumb okay moving on oh okay dog i see how it is the dog doesn't have fingers so he has to improvise they're like yeah you know what this means you know what i'm saying what a mean dog oh no oh no what come on i'm sure the dog is happy being in the mud but but no that that's a little too much mud and it's in their eyes like how is that comfortable they're definitely gonna need a bath later that's for sure you see it's trucks like these that are labeled caution heavy machinery and you know what i respect it alright little chicken i just need to grab some eggs excuse me what stay away from me get your hands off of me oh no it can't be it's the all-powerful hydra us humans stand no chance against his many honking heads well somebody thought this would be a cool design but uh yeah they clearly didn't think this one through or maybe they did maybe they did this on purpose if they did this on purpose i mean come on you gotta give it to this mad lad hippity hoppity this cheez it's my property so stay away from my cheez-its you know i thought frogs like flies but no apparently they like cheez-its you know the sad thing about these two pictures is that because the cat can so realistically look like this train it's only a matter of time before a country like japan designs a bullet train that looks like a cat can you imagine that like like a cat looking creature just traveling at 200 miles an hour gosh that'd be terrifying you'll never take me alive nah come here come on come on we're going geez that dog is long why does it look like they're trying to escape they're looking like quick we can get out the window do you think we have enough time of course we do just open it oh oh uh you weren't supposed to see this well everyone that's our time i hope you enjoyed this episode of r slash blurst images if you did make sure to leave a like down below and don't forget to press the subscribe button and the notification bell to be notified of all our easy peasy uploads i'm your host david the baker and i will see you in the next video peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 95,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages top posts, r/blursedimages best posts, blursed images, reddit blursed, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: eZmMDub1BrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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