Razer Giveaway Build – Giveaways + $2500 Build in the Razer Tomahawk mini ITX (5600x / 3080FE)

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oh my gosh happy monday happy monday how is it going hi hi hi everybody hi let's go oh you know what it i don't even uh i need to uh get the dad jokes ready how is everybody's monday going hopefully well everybody having a good monday uh this is uh off of soundstripe it's my it's called the electronic playlist and it's the one that i play almost every stream so that is what it is guys welcome to a monday edition of roby tech not mod monday for the first time we've had a couple weeks and now a lot of people were actually like genuinely confused like is it a mod monday it is not it is a razor week for the most part we are doing razer builds three times this week two of which we're going to be giving away starting uh sometime in the future i'll get you the exact time um but yeah it's uh this is going to be a it's going to be a really good stream i'm really excited i love i love new case builds because it's kind of like it's like problem solving i i try very hard not to get too much like mired into my investigation so you guys can see me kind of go at it cold um i there's there's there's some little research i'll always do beforehand just to make it so it's not completely painful experience um but yeah we're trying to uh we're definitely uh we're definitely uh uh going to be um going to be uh i want you i guess i i guess i want you to know like what it would be like if you were to build in this build especially for somebody who's built as many as i had and you just like got this out and you're like okay i'm gonna i'm gonna try and figure it out so uh should be a lot of fun anybody welcome to razer the razer additions for the last for the next week we're building a razor we're building in their micro itx sorry their mini itx um build okay oh the giveaway for this one starts april 30th okay i just got confirmation of that so the giveaway for this will start april 30th uh we're building in their mini itx case today we're building in their atx case on wednesday and then i'm building in the lienly 011 dynamic case on friday so it's like this kind of cool week of uh basically checking out razer and razer accessories which would be a lot of fun we'll actually showcase um on friday also bring in some some accessories some hardware accessories uh keyboard and mouse that racer sent me we'll check those things out when we play some gaming on friday as well um i did want to let you guys know i want to say hey thank you very much for all of you guys for the rage shadow legends support ended up playing that game for almost like i think i've probably played like an additional 20 plus hours maybe even more than that over the weekend and so uh that has been a lot of fun by the way the raid shadow edition stuff is still happening we're trying to get to 300 by friday so if you want to get in on that we'll have a really cool giveaway on friday if we get to 300 so just want to let you guys know exclamation point radar our our mods will hook you up with the info for that if you want to give that a go and play that while you're watching the stream as well so that's going in there uh we are just starting hype training let's talk about all the giveaways here um so you guys can get an update so we have two giveaways we're gonna give away um that are tied to community goals the first one is the hype train that's happening right now so if we get level five hype train on twitch twice during the stream uh we'll give away a 500 gig nvme drive um if we get uh 700 likes on the youtube video the youtube stream we will also give away a 500 gig nvme drive and then down there at the bottom you see where it says 50 new a gift card if we get to 50 uh 50 cards sorry if we get to 50 subs that becomes a 50 new gift card if we get to 100 it becomes a hundred dollar new gift card 150 comes 150 new a gift card and then it starts spreading into pc hardware which is what everybody loves if we get 300 it becomes a 5600x and it grows from there and you guys are seeing uh the tiers show up now in chat etc and stuff like that finally we also have uh the 3070s we're giving away two 30 70s to two lucky twitch subscribers this month um we are uh i know it's been like forever and you guys don't know who the winner is the guy just got back from spring break this weekend um so we will have the he's working on it hopefully we'll get him today if not we'll have him on wednesday we'll announce the winner from last month and then from now on i told blondie we'd always have a date so on the 10th basically the closest to the 10th we wanted to make that safe so it's basically i was looking at the month so now every second week so the two so next one will be on may 12th we'll announce the winner of the april giveaway sorry on may 12th we'll announce the winner of the april giveaway on june 9th we'll announce the winner of the may giveaway so always it'll be the wednesday of the second week that we'll always announce the winners so we're just putting that in there blondie will now have a reminder um i talked with the gentleman today so from now on that's when we'll always pick the winners for when you will get the announcements of if you want it now if you want to win an rtx 3070 one of those two cards all you got to do is if you're over at twitch.tv newegg or youtube.com robytech hop on over to twitch.tv rubytech use your free amazon prime subscription you could potentially walk away with a new gpu which would be absolutely awesome who doesn't want to win a potentially a new gpu and then if you want to get extra entries you can do like laser 2000 just did and give subs or subscribing to tier 2 or tier 3 get you the most in terms of extra entries so anyway guys that's always the best way we're super excited about that we'll announce the winner for the two rtx 3070s hopefully tonight if you can get to it if not it'll be on wednesday and then from now on every second wednesday we will be announcing the winners moving forward again we're trying to get on consistency for schedules i did also want to let you guys know if you are past winner either with gift cards or nvme ssds we've now pushed all that stuff off the blondie blondie will be taking care of the prize distribution which will help tremendously from that stuff so we'll have updates from her she'll directly doing that the only thing i really control is getting out the gpus and the cpu so we got a lot of really great stuff but we are going to be more consistent just as we've grown and we've had some of these growing frames we've we've kind of moved things around from our staff that way we can do a better job of of fulfilling our obligations and making sure people walk away we've given like 15 or 16 000 worth of hardware away on the show so there's always like a really really good stuff but at the same time like as we've done is we've had more viewers and all that stuff it always makes it a little bit hard so i apologize for that um level five hype train already uh there we go thank you very much for all of you guys we're 25 subs as it is um oh nice somebody uh dieguian killer what the giant killer sorry i should have read that right um thank you vega vega is going to break my assistant but hey he's doing a build at the same time that's awesome incredible vega i dare you to try because all it does is it helps us and gives us more giveaways and all that sort of stuff but that's cool to do i'm cool that somebody's building a pc at the same time which is pretty awesome seeing if anything else i missed and here nope everything else looks good i'm going from there so lots and lots of stuff and lots and lots of awesome that's basically happening i'm really excited about this today this should be a pretty straightforward build but i'm excited i always love small form factor cases so for those who don't know mini itx um just to give you guys a little bit of history we have mini itx i'm sorry there's mo there's four form factors there's mini itx micro atx atx and e8x and mini itx is what we more commonly you hear us talk about what's called sff or small form factor in terms of the kind of uh build that we're doing and small form factor just means that uh it comes with its own problems in terms of fitting parts in and all that sort of stuff which is always kind of a unique experience for us so we're going to basically be playing with uh razer's newest one it's got all chroma support we chose as much chrome as we potentially could and we'll be cramming this all in there and making it look good and of course i'm actually excited about how this will come out there and we'll talk a little bit about as we as we sit here and build um but yeah it should be good uh people are asking how we win uh we talked about the giveaways basically most of them happen at the end of the stream uh the stream will happen anywhere between two and a half and three hours which is about what typically it takes um and it's pretty straightforward in terms of when we get there i'll give you a keyword you'll enter and you do not need to be a sub to win the giveaways the only thing you need to be a sub for is the sub only giveaways and those are only drawn off stream at the end of every month so that's hopefully that answers your questions outside of that not going to talk about anything else that will be handled by the mods we're not going to talk about giveaways outside of just updating you on what they are moving through and forward um i'm not i'm having audio issues oh i'm sorry is anybody else having any audio issues it sounds like everybody else is i normally you guys would be screaming at me if you were having audio issues so it doesn't sound like anybody else is having any uh audio issues very quiet audio all good okay i've seen some people say it's fine okay everybody's saying it's fine okay good well i'll leave it alone um but um good okay so some people like i will say for the most part we have a tendency like looking at the looking at my meters and everything everything looks good mixer is right at the right point it's a little it probably could turn up a little bit more just to keep it from peaking um but yeah we it audio seems to be good okay good um and then uh i think i'm planning on but wait for gpu price yeah a lot of people are saying that in terms of the the gp prices um and so that would be i'd love for that stuff to go 30 seconds left guys can we get to 500 we're we're literally just 12 subs away right yeah math 12 subs away from hitting our first goal let's let's somebody can we have somebody hit that first goal so we can move on uh move towards 100 new a gift card and just kick it off right thank you hyun dev for one there we are 39 we got skoda who just did prime thank you very much for that we got some people dropping some bits am i sponsored by mcdonald's no i don't even know why you would say why would i be sponsored by mcdonald's that's kind of weird oh there we go hype train has ended we're 42 though so thank you very much for that a couple more subscriptions there but we're we're eight away i mean going from there i went why why did they say if i'm sponsored by mcdonald's that's kind of a weird one all right yes scott's right i am sponsored by bubble waffles that is definitely true definitely sponsored by bubble waffles yeah because that is like where it always is not many new raid warriors from friday no great garilu we haven't we haven't done more but the the clan actually does have two slots available so if you want to get in on the clan stuff they can um it's going in there and uh and so i'm really enjoying i'm really enjoying the game we uh we have quite the clan i am now level 30. so if you guys know just to give you an idea when i finished on friday it was like level 12 and now i'm level 30 which tells you how much i've played so um and going from there so yeah the clan's good and uh it's been a lot of fun uh we are going to create a discord channel for it because it is a game that i'm probably going to be playing quite a bit um and i know some like icy sniper joined um i saw uh i think we have like uh mostly martinez which hasn't played so mostly martinez get on it but yeah we're going from there uh and uh so if you guys want to get in on that and play with us uh that should be good we'll we'll be we'll be moving people who are not active so there will continually be room and some a couple of people quit so which is kind of weird because we're an amazing family dad joke oh man i had the best one today so i was at a wedding and it guys it was i was at a wedding and it was it was super emotional right like the the the bride was crying the bride's mom was crying like even the people in the crowd were crying in fact i even walked by the wedding cake and it was in tears so there's your first dad joke i really enjoyed that one that one was super good um and then i'm gonna see what other ones we got in there um i'm trying to see if we have any other ones in this one okay a man has been stealing a man has been stealing wheels off of police cars police have been working tirelessly to catch him police have been working tired that's pretty good i like that one a lot [Laughter] [Music] um okay uh i'm trying to see if there's anything okay i like this one it's not really a good dad joke but penguins are cool when i ever fee whenever i feel depressed i use rgb to lighten up my day that's that's not necessarily a dad joke but all in all having rgb it makes anybody's day greater so we'll go from there um yeah so that was that was good um okay so if you guys are interested in wanting to get some dad jokes uh onto our uh if you want to get some dad jokes onto our show um uh all you gotta do is go to um all you gotta do is go to uh discord uh dot gg slash roby tech we have a dad jokes channel if your dad joke is good we'll read it right off of the chat um or if it's yeah yeah just leave it out there yeah it's all good uh if if the dad joke is good uh we'll read it right off the channel if it's not um we'll uh if it's not then uh we won't read it but uh love it we we actually read these right off of our channel we'd love to give people credit and stuff like that so it should be good um uh uh uh yeah so going from there okay so there's her dad jokes and all that sort of stuff rgb does give everybody life um where can i find gpus in stock guys that is the question i mean honestly the best bet that i can say from now i'm sorry athletic is basically uh really honestly at this bet is joining new egg shuffle or joining the long-term evga q uh new egg shuffle seems to be more frequent now we've actually seen saturday new egg shuffles as well but monday tuesday wednesday and friday uh seems to be the best bet so going from there um outside of that it's ebay and you're gonna be paying a lot of a lot of cost so going from there uh yeah and i a micro center if you live near one uh micro center also seems to be a really good option as well so and that's getting there that's getting there on mondays and wednesdays uh before they open it's usually pretty long line but i've known a lot of people have been able to get a micro center so i'm glad i was able to answer them yeah where can i find you you know what's funny i was thinking about doing this uh tick this twitch thing or like this thing of like life goals and like life goals were like it was like hey i'm trying i finally got one off my bucket list and like on that bucket list was like win the stanley cup go to mars like all those things and then like under it was like get a gpu at msrp because it's like almost like winning doing some of these like other impossible things almost seems just as good but uh well i decided not to post that that would be pretty funny i know uh jim's uh 1973 they do yes i would say yes i agree they do bundle a lot of their stuff um i know it's not ideal for some people uh for most people but all in all like at the same time they do do unbundled options as well and i and if you follow me on twitter i have a tendency to let you guys know if they are providing unbundled or only bundled options but yeah it's not necessarily the uh um it's not necessarily if you're wanting to get one just for a gpu not necessarily your best option i have heard the same same thing other people going for that yeah so going from there so uh okay uh let's see i think i think we're in a good spot let's uh we have two subs left before we hit our first goal so we can do that that'd be awesome um and then let's go ahead and let who wants to talk about pc parts let's talk about the parts going into today's build who's ready to start talking about pc parts this is always a little this is always a little bit different we do we do like pc parts and stuff like this but especially for mini i text build there we go thank you very much darius for that one prime thing mobile and there we go right there daniel blue gaming knocking it in there 50 guys okay we've hit that first goal i'm gonna go ahead and update it and then we're gonna start talking through parts always makes me happy always makes me happy love the support from the community um this is what i'm looking for right here okay let's actually hit the right button there robes feel a little bit flustered uh okay um all widgets we are at 50 okay so we're on our way to the hundred dollar new a gift card now we need a hundred we have fifty zero four twenty one twenty twenty one there we go okay let's talk about parts and let's go from there okay so let me bring this up okay starting as our cpu cpu for this build and by the way we have already as an fy uh this build this cpu does not sorry this motherboard does not have bios flashback um so bios flashback means that we already breadboarded this there's already an os on here so we will be able to boot it up and get it all set up right here on stream hey drafaaz what's up buddy it's good to see you welcome haven't seen your fawz in a while it's good to see you thanks buddy good to see you welcome back um so uh we uh we're gonna be using a ryzen 5 5600x and then we're going to be using the x570 asrock x570 phantom gaming itx motherboard um all in all uh thing about this mobo is again we're using mini itx so it's not like i shrunk these parts guys uh we're just talking about very a small form factor build which is always super interesting in fact i think one of the things i really enjoy about small form factor is that you really can almost get all of the parts on and uh you know it not take up you know the whole thing right so like this is the oh sorry i put the backwards this is the power supply it's an sfx so it's a 850 watt power supply we've got a one terabyte nvme ssd there's your 32 gigs of ram i'm not gonna let that fall but all in all like you can like you can start to see like all the parts i think the biggest part that we have is the we've got the flow dx240 from thermaltake is like our largest part in terms of that and then of course we've got uh the unicorn of unicorns uh a 850 sorry a uh nvidia oh pancho thank you very much my friend we've got the geforce rtx 3080 a founder's edition um as well so these are all the parts these are all the parts that are going into the build today so um which is pretty epic i'm gonna update one thing uh as well so hold on one second i'm going to fix it okay yeah it's already good cool so yeah this is all so this is everything going on yeah eight foot yeah 850 watts for a 30 80 is pretty yeah the unicorn of unicorns i think tyler's got it right so yeah so this is like that going to yeah everybody goes over there uh yeah i got a got a little bit of a boo boo but it's yeah right here in the corner but yeah well i mean it's it's unopened so we'll have to see i'm assuming it's going to be fine but yeah that's just sometimes that happens with shipping going from there yeah so this is the best yeah only place here there we have the links for that stuff below but these are all the parts going in this tiny case and i always like this is one of the things i really enjoy about this is one of the things i really enjoy about small four factor cases is like it looks like you kind of shrunk the parts but you really kind of didn't so it's going from there so it should be awesome so anyway that's everything that's going in there that's everything that's going into the build we will actually have it booted up and ready to go tonight uh which should be cool um we've already like i said we've already bread boarded it and if people don't know what bread boarding means what that basically means is we've already kind of taken all the parts out especially the nvme this the motherboard and the cpu have already been put into put into the the thing and then upgraded because it's a ryzen 5. so we just want to make sure that uh want to just make sure it works and we made sure that the os the bios was up to date support 5000 series so anyway that is the plan for tonight should be good uh i like this power supply as in terms of as a sfx power supply it's actually really good so should be good okay i need a pc so i can learn how to type huh i would too i mean ob 1k if you how many times have you entered i'm just curious chromebook game huh wait wait somebody said they would trade their son for a 30 80 fe i don't think that's a good trade so yeah let's not do that yeah i would i would agree all right so let's go and pop this bad boy out let's go and start building can everybody say let's get some build hype in the channel let's go yeah we're gonna go right into it no more no more lollygagging no more no more crazy stuff um so yeah we're just going to keep going i already talked a little bit about somebody was asking what let's talk about stocks for gpus i actually already went through uh that just a little early on the stream but essentially just the short of it is guys you're looking at like uh like just having stock issues through the rest of 2021 so and i think i don't think there's a whole lot of a whole lot of uh a lot more i can say uh outside of like you're gonna just it's just gonna be a pain look at that tiny board and we'll walk through the tiny board in just a second just so you guys can get like a little two a little tour i wonder if did he keep the no he didn't okay there's a so i'm just gonna grab our little psu bits and i'm gonna take this stuff out you already don't have a ton of room there we go okay there we go should have emptied my garbage can guys it's filled with stuff okay there we go this is uh so just you guys know this is a mini itx motherboard it's a very not it's not the biggest board as you can see it's it looks quite a bit different um a couple things you'll notice is that there's only four dim i mean two dimms versus four dimms actually the thing is is every motherboard only actually needs two dimms i know i'm learning this uh shared thoth um it is very addictive um you only you don't only you you don't need four um basically the reason they have four dimms on a lot of motherboards is that that way people can buy like two by eights versus like for 16 gigs versus like a single end and still activate a dual channel in this case if you want to have 16 gigs of ram i'm sorry 32 gigs of ram you'd have to buy two by 16 which is what we did in this case um so a couple things let's let's take you on a little tour of the motherboard um just for the simple fact that like you know these aren't boards that we show all that often on roby tech um small form factor builds um are you know they're they're a little unique so i'd like to show you a little bit a couple of the differences first and foremost um this is the same we got a four pin sorry an eight pen eps cpu power connector you can see the vrm is much much smaller in fact this looks this will be a very different kind of um connectivity than what you're typically used to when you look at most amd you'll see that they'll have um like a like a a mount for amd specifically but if you were gonna try and stick a stock cooler on this it would not work you actually this actually uses the intel method for mounting um which is a little bit different so when we install when we put in our aio you'll actually notice that we'll use our intel mounts for this uh up here in the top left uh we've got a single and yeah we've got one and it's non-addressable we've got a single non-addressable rgb header uh this is a 12 volt we've got our two fan headers the bottom one is the channel fan and it looks like the top one's probably our cpu fan i think is the way it looks yeah so top one cpu and the bottom ones are channeled like just a normal fan header we've got two uh two uh dimm slots for ram um and these are two dual channels so if you only have two slots it's really easy to figure out where it goes oh nevermind here is uh we've actually got our five volt addressable rgb right over here on the right and then we've got a 24 pin this is what powers the other three quarters of this motherboard we've got usb 3.2 we've also got sata connections right here and then believe it or not our front panel connections are right here so this is our front panel hd audio is over here um and then we've got another fan header right here and then our chipset our x570 chipset is actually right underneath this peel right here which i'm gonna peel terribly which didn't peel well at all it was very not good peel okay let's pull that off okay there we go now we've got a single there it is we've got a single by 16 we've got a single by 16 pcie uh slot uh we've also the m.2 is actually on the back on the bottom so here's our piece here's our m.2 right here on the bottom uh right there and then we all of our i o and stuff like that is just over here this has an integrated i o shield which is nice um but like i said it does not as you can see right here it's got a clear cmos button but it does not actually have a bios flashback button so we'll have to that's why we did this earlier we actually flashed the bios and then again you're kind of limited on your options you got what four usb 3.2 you've got a usbc oh actually nevermind this is a thunderbolt so this isn't even usbc it's thunderbolt which is kind of cool if you wanted to do a sidecar and then you've got your hd audio which is one of the things that's pretty unique about this motherboard is it also supports thunderbolt which is rare on non-apple products so to speak so one of things that's unique about this particular board i got to make sure i didn't get any oh and then uh guys oh the one other thing too is that of course uh before we get too far um one thing i did want to show off and i kind of spaced on it let's peel this real quick obviously the other thing that we're going to be doing when we will be walking through this a lot here pretty soon is obviously the the other part that i forgot to show is uh obviously the case right here and here is the case and again something we're used to taking up a ton of room but when you talk about this is the uh tomahawk microatx case mini itx case from razer the one things that you'll notice really clear is the chroma bars at the very bottom which these can be quite bright and we'll have these working here uh very very soon it's a vulcan-esque in terms of the doors they just basically open up from the sides it's dual uh tempered glass from there the one thing i will say uh just looking at the case lightly that we have so far is that very very premium um but obviously it comes with a little bit of a premium price tag coming in at 200 little over 200 uh for the actual case itself but um and then uh two supports a 240 millimeter aio um full gpu it'll go up to like 320 millimeters sorry 320 yeah 320 millimeters and then of course you've got rear exhaust um for fan for um airflow when you want to talk about this because obviously the front and the the sides are pretty uh pretty um um constricted but really what it's expecting you to draw air from the top and then exhaust out of the bottom which is how we'll do it so we'll be doing in tank at the top and exhaust out of the back which should be good um but yeah it should be uh it's going to be pretty cool i'm excited about this and then uh we'll show you obviously on how to build it when we basically get it done here in a little bit so anyway let's continue our build process but i did what i did forget to kind of show off the case this was kind of a key part given that this is a uh sponsored stream and razer is the sponsor so we should have shown that here pretty early on okay so let's go ahead and put in our let's go ahead and start getting our motherboard put together and then we'll get it inside the case here we're going to grab our ryzen 5 5600x yeah it's a nice little case yeah it's perfect for somebody with limited space and it's very attractive one thing i really like about razer is it's you know thematically it just kind of goes with everything so so yeah which is one of the things i really enjoy okay so here we go and pop it in like this uh there's a little there's a little uh arrow in the top right hand corner which is going to line it up like this make sure it's in there wiggle a little bit make sure it pops in and then boom you're good to go and there you go you've installed your uh your cpu and i was talking to you guys a little bit this i might as well show you um just for a little educational purposes we're going to take the things out of this but here is a stock that's telling you the stock cpu for amd you can see that it does not see the way that the like even if you wanted to it does not line up nor will it fit on this uh on this motherboard so if you are going to plan on using this motherboard with mini itx and you're like oh i'll just use the stock cooler in many cases you're going to want to check with mini itx to make sure it will work so just as an fyi okay so there we go there's our motherboard let's go ahead and throw in our ram reason to try and see neo right here and one of the things i got requested is we will go ahead and try and run we'll put x and p on or sorry we'll put docp on this um given this is the this is specifically the triton z neo for ryzen so we'll make sure that we and just see if we can make sure it runs at the right speed um we did update the motherboards and stuff like that but yeah it's just something people wanted to see so we'll show it okay and one thing i will say about like uh you know even though you don't have a ton of m.2 the one thing that razer did do really well with this particular case is a lot of spots to install uh three and a half inch uh env uh three and a half inch ssds if you wanted to which is kind of neat okay okay so there's that okay so what we're gonna do is uh when we install our ram specifically we got two little dip we got a little slot in the dim like that you're just gonna pop it in and then just like a nice little solid click don't be worried about pressing down it's okay same thing with this one line it up just like so pop it in just like that there you go oh not as good not nothing not the quality click i'm used to but i mean a lot of times i've noticed specifically with these smaller boards it doesn't necessarily always seem the case right but yeah and these boards are just so so small i mean right here you can see like over here on the left side i'll zoom out a little bit but you wanted to see like how small this board is versus a mini uh atx board so here's the size of an atx board and this is how small this motherboard is just to give you an idea of like what we're really working with for scale so like your normal board would fit right here and this is where we are from an atx from a mini itx standpoint so just just just giving you some giving you some reference in terms of where we're working with because it's always it's always hard when i when i'm using camera trickery because you're like oh that board is massive no it's really not okay sorry two and a half inch ssd sorry tape okay so now we're gonna grab our nvme ssd real quick [Music] pop this over i really like my i really am a huge fan of micro atx as well micro atx is like that sweet spot right um especially like the evolvex micro atx case um stuff like that which is just a lot of fun in terms of building building width etc okay let's pop this in so again there's also a little slot on the nvme on the nvme ssd right there what you're going to do is just pop it in like that and then we're going to grab our super small screwdriver which is over here it's like where's my screwdriver there it is this is our very tiny screw pop this down like this and boom there we go and just like that we're gonna check our bracketing we're gonna make sure we're gonna go and check our bracketing for our um aio but i mean for the most part a motherboard is all put together guys okay so let's grab our aio real quick pick out our bracketing here there it is yeah the hidden nvme secret nobody can know about it hey thanks for the guys who played the raid that's the rate shuttle edges that's awesome yeah most uh so dequeue the decay night do canine i will say most mini itx nvme drives um sorry mini itx uh uh motherboards are going to have that feature uh where the uh the um the actual uh m.2 is in the back which is always interesting okay so here we're not we're not all i'm worried about right now is specifically our mounts and making sure our mounts and stuff get in here so we're going to need assuming we'll need this which this is going to be a little bit different because we're used to doing intel and in this case we're i mean because we're doing intel we're not doing amd which is always a little unique okay so we'll need that stuff later okay and the pump actually doesn't come pre-applied which is kind of neat okay so just verifying this because that's all the amd stuff i've seen one of these in a while yeah yeah aio is liquid cooling in this case we're doing aiaio which people were kind of bummed at last time because we didn't do ao last time so this time we actually are gonna do aio okay so what we're gonna do on this case is we're gonna grab our little bit here turn it over like so we got to put our bracket on [Music] there it is like that set it down okay next thing we're going to do is grab our oh you guys can't see that would help you need it yeah you're right you needed six thousand good thing is is that because this is razer you know you're getting chroma and because you're getting chroma that means you know that rgb is an integral part of this build what we're doing right now is we're gonna go ahead and we put our little put our little bracket in the back now we're just putting in our um stuff to attach the aio to ever so slightly then we can put this inside of our case oh that's sweet sweet rgb that's right don't worry you will have rgb i love aios that's right a-i-a-i-o i do love aios aios make me happy and oh look at this fresh haircut didn't it look nice it does i got a haircut nobody said anything though actually probably people did notice and i didn't i just didn't pay attention thank you thank you for the haircut the pads are not for sale yet guys we're working on it i'm not going to give you a date because they keep getting moved back but yes we are the pat they're they're in the process of being worked on and they look different ours look different than this so well zero hot he's like oh i noticed live stream i didn't get a haircut until this weekend so i don't know what stream that is too it's a nice fade that's right you already oops failing at putting this bracket in i'm going to rotate it it's a little easier to do it when it's up like this there we go i like you cut g that's oh thanks srt srt balsar says i thought you got your ears lowered that's a very debt that is a very old school dad joke my grandfather whose name was justin also uh used to uh tell me that joke hey i see that you got your ears lowered that's awesome that reminds me he was such a good dude that was a that was a that was a fond memory you just reminded me of so thank you for that um okay cool so that's all good we've got everything installed now oh there's that look at that guys we're talking about this but there it is right there that razor chroma logo ready to go for our aiao aiaio hey thank you very much i i wear this shirt a lot um it gets hot and it's one of my nicer uh esport jerseys to wear this and the um the overwatch league ones a lot and so my wife was telling me one of the reasons i haven't is because we have all of our roby tech um all of our ruby tech merch is coming very soon so i'll be switching to that so i know right now you guys have been used to me wearing that but soon i'll be wearing all of my our merch a lot so that'll go from there uh does this somebody's asking does this combat build cause overheating issues um the way that we will be doing this know that's one of the reasons i chose a ryzen 5 5600x versus a 59 or 5950x was specifically to minimize the overhead eating given uh the small form factor of the case again um way that we're doing the airflow is why i chose uh founders edition um just making sure this case will have more than enough airflow given how we're building uh how we're doing the um how we're doing the fans and the thermaltake fans are actually pretty good for that so no um soon it's coming guys soon it's coming i did i did try to think it out okay so going to cam link here we got everything in there let's go and get the case ready the case is going to be a little bit different here here's our little tiny case everybody say tiny case tiny case it's so tiny um i think everything goes well i don't know if these come off nope these don't look like they do it's kind of surprising they they do come off if i unscrew them no this looks like it pops off come on no maybe not these don't look like this come no that can't be true or do i want me to screw it off these look like they come off yeah it's coming off okay it's just on there nicely there we go just don't want to carry these around if i don't have to there we go there's that one those are on there solidly just so you know same thing with this side here one thing i've always learned flapping like a bird helps loosen up tougher joints you want to be close careful when you get to the end that you have a good grip on the tempered glass there we go okay so that's off the top does pop off just so you guys know we have a lot of wow stepped on my network cable and then i do not believe yeah i don't think the maybe it does yep the front just pops off too so there's our chroma stuff and then there is your strip case so a couple things in terms of when we look at this so we'll zoo so a couple things we look at this i'll go and do top down so you guys can see a little bit better a little bit of a case walk through so stuff that kind of comes with uh zoom out a little bit here so again sff power supply which is going to go right here it actually has the router so we can basically plug it in and then the power routes to the back uh i talked a little bit about all of the mounting brackets for two and a half inch env two and a half inch ssds uh you could put additional fans at the bottom which were we may potentially do but you could put additional fans at the bottom so you get good airflow all the way through and then you also but then you would be limiting your if you wanted to install additional hard drives at the bottom you could you've also got hard drive mounts on the back you've got a hard drive mount on the back as well uh you've got exhaust where you've got an exhaust fan on the back and then on the front uh you've got basically your chroma controls and then at the same time your you've got another filter um if you wanted to basically mount a small fan at the front um as an option as well um but again for us all we're gonna do is be all we really think i all think we'll really need um just to make sure because gpu clearance is gonna be a concern is we're going to be putting fans uh it'll be intake at the top and then exhaust out of the back for how we're doing our setup today so first i'm going to do is click this off and get all our get all of our stuff out and go from there yeah and we should have enough airflow again the one thing i will say guys is that there'll be good airflow from there but there's also a ton of clearance on the bottom um for airflow so you will actually have some airflow from the bottom as well but the bigger thing is is that just having intake from the top and the top actually has a lot of like it's very porous on the top and there's no dust filter on the top so pulling air through the radiator shouldn't be as big of an issue and you actually have quite a bit of uh quite a bit of airflow you can pull through the top there so we should be good but we'll check temps you know um all in all it should be fine there we go okay and that was crazy it's come to zip tied zip tie okay so now what we're going to do is we're going to make all the room for our motherboard kind of pull all our cables through and go from there and i will say you do not i'm not using cable extensions on this one i know wow sacrilege which is something roby always does but this just does not the case doesn't have a ton of room for cable management so i want to be minimalistic in terms of that stuff and luckily the cables are black so it should still look it still will look very clean and very nice okay so let's lay this down now just kind of pull all the cables off the side here for now and things are going to be a little bit different if you're used to watching the show you'll notice i'll go in a little bit of a different order in terms of installing stuff so the one i typically done because again cable management is always something uh that's a little unique to uh small form factor cases the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to grab our motherboard and our extra accessories we have right here pop this little bad boy in there we go just like that we're gonna grab all of our little screws here again the motherboard we only have four screws we got to worry about there we go and let's grab our little small screws we only have four to worry about get our motherboard in and one thing to think about with these rear mounted when you have rear mounted m.2s um like in many of these cases uh like i would avoid using like a pcie gen four uh nvme ssd on the back just given that um you are going to that thing is going to be there's no airflow in the back and those have a tendency to run a little bit warmer um you could do anything like a like an sn750 or a high-end uh pcie gen 3 would be fine but pcie gen4s have a tendency to run warmer because you can look here in the back right like you've got you've got some but it's right up against the back and the air there so you might have some thermal throttling on the m.2 that would just be something to be something to consider but this is a little bit nicer this case is a little bit more a little bit nicer because it does give that airflow sometimes in many cases i've seen like this there's like nothing and it's completely covered so it's a little bit better than what i expected now that i've installed it so that may actually may not be as much of a problem [Music] okay um let's go ahead to just because i don't think i don't see much else i'm going to go ahead and install the aio something that's nice about this particular one is we can actually well i'm going to test it we actually can remove the bracket for the i o stuff and i'm going to go ahead and grab it let's see how i'm hoping this will work the way i want okay okay so our cabling top down but i'm just going to verify here's our fans right there and we have these i don't need to worry about it anymore because you will need these that's for putting stuff and then that i won't worry about this i can put in here here's our little hub okay aside for now okay so what i'm hoping to do think is the right plan whoa crud sorry about that five dollars thank you very much uh the cyberpunk was custom painted so no i don't think there's a way to order that let me get this lid back on uh cyberpunk was custom painted but uh you can do custom builds like if you wanted to do one from us those are you can't order them they're not what i mean we can redo the designs i just know that it's gonna it's gonna cost a bit more okay there we go thank you for the five dollar super chat so what we're doing right now is i just want to see based on thickness i am going to go ahead and unscrew this take our little mount top off and then make sure i can put my i want to do my radiator with my fans below is my expectation here and see what that is from a clearance standpoint [Music] okay cool this just pops out just like this i'm going to do is i'm going to take this and just for now i'm going to just install a single fan to it just to see what my clearance is like and see if i can there's a couple ways that you can do this mount so that's what we're working on right now just to see what our mount clearance is like with my normal screwdriver wow stick time guys wow stick everybody gets excited when i'm bringing the while stick out also helps when i actually get the hole there there we go so again right now we're just going to check our clearance see what it looks like when we do just a clearance test i'll do the rest of it okay that's good enough to test i'm not i'm not worried about it being backwards right now i'm just gonna test to see how much room we have when we do this so i have the fan intentionally backwards so i don't have to worry about cabling or anything like that right now okay so here is i'm just gonna put one screw in so you guys can see it with me i'm not looking at it i'm gonna put a couple screws in here just to see so we can see what our what our clearance is with the i o return it sideways see what it looks like okay what do you guys think here we go oh oh so that's actually pretty good so looking at the side here we actually have quite a bit of room we can get to our itx okay um we got plenty of clearance off the top we can still get to all of the all of the holes so actually quite a bit of room we look at that versus anything else um i am going to just do a test here in a second um just to see oh army veteran sfc thank you for the 20 subs taking us over a hundred one one seven it's a lucky number for me one one seven there we go thank you very much army veteran sfc for the 20 subs that's amazing dude okay so we're gonna go towards 150 new a gift card want to get to 150 we're at 117. you guys are awesome thank you very much okay guys moving on to the next one i've seen a couple of contributors too okay so why don't we do this we've got this prepped we're good there okay so let's go and pull out our gpu guys one of things i will always say never be afraid again we're this is like our first kind of experimentation in the case so we're just trying to make sure is like hey from the parts we've selected do we have room to add a couple more fans at the bottom just to get some additional airflow etc so and again this fan isn't installed the right way right now it's not it would be exhaust we want this intake so none of this stuff is set up correctly i am well aware of that let's go and throw our gpu in here and see what uh see much room will have once we throw the gpu in like i said a little bit different than what you guys are used to but anytime when you play with the new case and especially a small form factor case there's always a little bit of experimentation but so far like just build quality wise premium build quality wise like very very nice parts uh that razer's used and you can definitely see why uh you know just in terms of like screws um the even the even the standoffs and all that sort of stuff just good good parts um premium build quality all up okay so now here's our everybody's favorite and everybody wants to see this is let's go ahead and uh unbox our founders edition 3080. i mean these are like unicorns everybody loves these here it is rtx 3080 brand new unboxed pop out grab our knife where's our rubytech knife right there we'll see the gpu you guys see it a couple times cutting in the back here here we go there it is right there yeah that corner got a little little mash but don't worry just you guys can look here looking at the top down so here's the corner that got mashed here in the corner but you got nothing to worry about here because again nothing around the card the card itself is completely fine look at that i love i love the way these look they're just such pretty cards so we'll put this off to the side then uh take that off like so okay now let's we're gonna again we're just test fitting right now this has got lots of room one of the things i really enjoy about a 3080 yeah so again there's our there's our there's our build in terms of wow another 20 subs jeez buddy thank you very much army veteran sfc thank you very much for that that's incredible okay so if we did i have the other fan right here we wanted to add an additional fan just because yeah that's not really a ton of clearance i mean you get a lot of air if you did exhaust you get some additional air from the bottom which i don't think would be a bad thing again what do you guys i think if we added psycho 10 gifted subs there we are 150 okay okay i feel like adding the bottom fans may not be a bad idea that's going to give that's going to pull more air out of the out of the case i think i might go ahead and add those let's go and add this in here on one sec okay cloud bot next there we are we're at 150 flat to go into cloud sub goal eating this one and we're on our way to our 5600 x giveaway thank you very much sfc that's amazing super appreciate your support dude army veteran right there at the top okay so guys i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go and grab a couple more i gotta hope this will work we've got some more ring plus fans that i got just in case [Music] i gotta see i gotta make sure that these are gonna work well what we could do is if not i could even add just some normal black ones i just need to make sure i don't you don't have a lot of fan support options on the motherboard but we do have some fan splitters so we could potentially just add some just to give it some additional airflow i'm trying to give it some more rgb additional airflow if you know what i'm saying okay so there's all our cable stuff here now these look to be about the same in terms of thickness and stuff and i'm seeing what we have from support so on our support on our yep they should i'm looking at our fan hub here looks like we support up to four so we have so we have one two three we do one two three four five fans these do work with this right yep he's working here yep so we could do five fans i'm trying to see what else i have off of this usb for the pump yeah i could do two more fans and these would go down here and i'd want to do exhaust just to pull air through because we do intake [Music] yeah we could do two more fans down here and there'd be plenty of room and that would give more airflow at the bottom so again you're getting you're basically getting more airflow out of the bottom um which i think is a good thing what do you guys think i think that's probably the right call so that gives us we do we do um intake uh intake exhaust exhaust um and again this is pulling additional error away from the gpu which i think we do well the problem is if i do int the problem is you'd have conflict so somebody's saying i have it it says uh uh i would do intake at the bottom but the problem is if you do intake at the bottom and you've got exhaust you would have conflicting airflow between the gpu and the the uh cpu if you do exhaust out of the bottom then you'd have the exhaust from the gpu being pulled directly out of the case yes but the thing is remember it's the yeah remember yeah so i would do i would do exhaust out of the i would do exhaust out of the here's the problem guys look at the fans if i do intake out of the bottom i'm blowing directly into two fans that are basically pushing i mean i'm blowing directly into fans out of the bottom yeah it pulls into the cards from the top right there are no friend there's no fan mount to the right yeah oh the fan pulls up oh you're right never mind okay yeah so we'll do intake from the bottom okay good thank thank that's why i asked i'm okay with making mistakes so eat gpu pull so we'll pull intake from the we'll do intake from the bottom and then we'll do exhaust we'll do intake from the bottom intake from the bottom and then if we do we probably still want to do intake from the top and then have a single exhaust so you want to do top you would but you want we're out of exhaust out of the back too the one single exhaust out of the back should pull air from the yeah intake from the bottom in the front there is no front fans guys i would do intake in the bottom and get cool air yeah so an intake from the bottom and intake from the top yeah it's gonna be a paint like it's just small right so if i did intake intake exhaust um you pull all the way through yeah it means all yeah it's if you intake top and intake yeah all exhaust that'd be a terrible idea thank you for that there is no front guys oh actually maybe i could do i don't have an i could do i actually could do intake from the front okay so intake intake intake exhaust exhaust exhaust okay we'll just add okay we'll do that thanks for helping where do you intake intake intake exhaust exhaust exhaust top let's do it yeah black hole edition it's being irrigated so if i did intake intake intake i mean you would i mean the thing is the fan would still pull in a ton of air it just means you do not need you do not need more exhaust than intake no for sure i mean like all in all like i've done like only uh so the hub will support i will not be doing i will just do an i'll just do a normal fan for the back so thing army veteran 100 gifted whoa holy crud thank you very much army veteran dropping i'm gonna do so yeah here's what here's my here's my thing okay i'm gonna basically uh i'm gonna talk to my tech specialist again i'm thinking through this tech specialist can somebody write me a discord intake intake intake exhaust exhaust exhaust i really honestly think that i should do intake intake intake intake exhaust i think that would be the most in terms of airflow but um people are saying doing exhaust so all in all yeah dude that's huge thank you very much for that man thank you for your service dude and i super appreciate you uh helping uh just supporting the channel yeah you need like i we want to do yeah more intake usually reduces a dust right that's my thing too uh which is going in and then you have creative portion put so i would say like intake i would do as much intake and then a single exhaust but dude thank you very much for that okay okay i'm gonna let the i'm gonna let my tech specialist one thing i do know is i'll go ahead and add the two fans down to the bottom while they're they're letting me know small form factors are one of those ones that like like i always get i like i'm thinking through as i do this okay taking the gpu out we're gonna add our two fans to the bottom and i want the i don't want these i want these fans yes so we're gonna do intake on the bottom on both of these we're gonna have five fans so i'm looking at discord and seeing what my tech specialists say and guys i'm in your channel you're colliding airflow i'd run the three three since the rad is restricted anyway so you're doing so zeiss and would you say yeah six fan i can get six fans in this case should i run less fans i'm asking you guys and then you guys can basically pull the infrared i think we do two from the bottom into exhaust anyway let me get that set up my overkilling airflow they gave me a lot of fit they they were expecting a lot of fans because you guys should see how many fan fan screws they gave me i'm gonna use this one yeah i'm gonna get six fans in here i'm gonna really help with airflow and with uh with a mini itx build i definitely airflow is the more airflow the better okay so you're saying bottom front intake top back exhaust okay which is what i'm doing [Music] okay so what you what i initially said yes i appreciate chat you guys have all been incredible the psu is gonna go right here i'll show you guys here in a minute but let's just get the fans installed real quick and then we'll uh we'll be cooking with the gas just gonna have six fans we're gonna maximize the fans here and i'm going to use a noctua a noctua fan for the uh where's my other okay there's that one and you have more fans where are they put them oh they're there we're gonna have three rgb fans oh no where's the other oh there it is but three well six five rgb fans and one just normal fan yeah i know it yeah that's what we're doing yep we've got it all sorted now thank you very much chat for the help i will always include chat and i will always bend to the collective wisdom i have very smart people i know i am smart also but sometimes i always like to ask okay so now and the good thing is we have the room for it which is a great thing for this case okay so we have intake on the bottom hey thank you very much for the the super chat and i'm glad i inspired you man uh you guys uh the giveaway will be on april 30th is when the giveaways go active to win this particular build which we now know will have the right airflow okay and the good thing is is just because of the hub nature of these k of these fans that we're using which is pretty awesome a thermaltake we can put in as many fans as we we are right now this wouldn't necessarily be an option but that's one of the things that's nice about when you use things like corsair or um liam lee is that when you have hubs like this especially with aios it makes it a little bit easier okay so we got we got intake we're gonna do intake on the these two okay so that's done so we have bottom intake now we're gonna add one non-rgb fan to the front and we're gonna do a very nice non-rgb fan so to the front we're adding a knock to a pretty much the nicest flat this is a noctua nff12 redo this in the front of the case as an intake as well and we have clearance which is nice we tested we'll make sure the k the eye low goes up so it looks good for pictures we should have enough room here good thing about a small form factor case okay oopsie there we go there we go we're gonna have a good airflow pill this one you would never know as much as i have we got six fans in this bad boy five fans i mean or six fans total actually sorry okay okay so there's all there's our fans oh i put it the wrong way sorry okay so there's that fan so that's those are all set to intake okay let's add our exhaust our exhaust fans now and then we'll redo our aio okay next one is our last fan for the back it is a razor case it's the razer it's the razer tomahawk mini itx case and it's the and we're going to be giving it away uh starting april 30th and we have a lot of fan cables to manage hopefully we'll be able to find room for that okay okay so now i'm doing is putting in our last side fan here let me flip through here and we'll make this look good i'm not worried about it okay put our cam always a fun part about installing small cases but they did think of like they did make it easy with the mechanism for doing the aio at the top which is actually pretty pretty nice we should have quite a bit of room behind the sfx power supply to kind of put things so it should be okay here we'll get it all in here there we go next okay so we've got whoa army thank you very much for all your support dude that was huge thank you very much man that's so incredible for you to do okay that's in okay last fan from the external fans [Music] okay there we go okay so all our fans are in now yeah i love asia horse those are my recommendation asia horse i actually really enjoy those fans okay guys so we now have the three of the fans are three and the fans and what i'm going to do now is we're going to go ahead and finish installing our aio and get those set up as exhaust which the one is already but this the fans on backwards so easy fix okay let's pull this out there we go okay going to top down so you guys can see okay so um fan goes in i'm gonna turn this around and these will all be exhaust so we'll have three exhaust three intake one thing i gotta do to fix this though is turn the and the right way that needs to go like this [Music] this is why i love new cases i love the problem solving that goes with it just solving the new and working with the community and all that sort of stuff is always fun it is pretty big i don't know uh i don't know if a tech specialist could look that up in terms of how big how many leaders are in the thing it should be on the link down in the description below check chaotic or somebody can get them the link for the case you can look yourself i don't know off top of the head you're welcome him it is right there's the chassis right there it is pretty big for i mean it's not like it's not like a danny four or anything like that um but i mean some of that stuff has actually been pretty nice so far like given like how much room we have for like fans etc right like we're getting five we're getting six fans in this case just like the same amount of fans as like a court like what i put into a court out corsair 5000d as an fyi thing has a lot of fans in it [Music] [Music] and the cool thing is one of the things i'm really happy about is like like i said we're going to be able to pull air directly give the gpu lots of direct air which is going to be really nice i just i didn't know i didn't know that the i for some reason i thought that the gpu pulled air um but yeah that's i don't remember based on the graphic for the the gpu i'm gonna i'm gonna look at that real quick because that doesn't again that doesn't compute with what i remember founders edition airflow i just want to watch because the fan looks like it's the right way but i'm looking at optimum tech the video is not playing yet okay while i'm finishing this this is all installed does it actually show like this actually there it is okay yep okay cool is exactly what you guys said there it is right there oops there it is right there you guys can see that's why i just i didn't i didn't remember and i remember this image but there was here i'll bring it up right there but there it is showing how the airflow is so this will definitely help that because basically both fans will be pulling right into it the way i have the fans is that will help that a ton okay this needs to stay on this is ticking me off there we go that'll help okay cool so now what i'm gonna do is put this back in and pull our fans through uh i think i'm gonna pull them on one side so i'm gonna go ahead and do this you have a lot of freaking cables by the way one thing i did not check which is now making me a little nervous but figured out in just a second is do we have multiple usb headers i think there's two all we need is two okay there we go now all of our stuff is in we have five fans in this case six fans in this case sorry i keep saying five but it's actually six fans in this case there it is okay now our so now we'll have pretty much everything all the fans are in now radiators mounted gotta get our aio mounted and then we'll hook all the cables up install our psu and then this thing will be good to go okay so there we go this is all here's our here's our build thus far guys as you can see it's got a lot of stuff in it which it looks okay so one thing i need to check i have one i see a single usb i'm gonna have two okay so i think i have two usb one right there no i think i have one one usb port does this require usb as well i bet you it does i'm gonna check the manual real quick okay so this i might be shy what i need i might be shy a usb port look at my motherboard manual [Music] [Music] 16 is a usb header and 17 is our tpm header i think this only has one usb got a usb 3.2 gen header i think we only have one usb one second guys one second just gonna see something as long as you're as happy as i'm here yep okay i'm gonna need one more part here to make this all happen i think i have one i'll need a usb usb hub usb hub here should have another one here around here i have one more are you sure [Music] [Music] might be in my drawer might be in my drawer because we need a second you will have to do a second usb and i need a usb hub that i have that's what we're looking for real quick that is not one that is one here it is okay cool we have one so this is luckily need something that looks like this so this was what we'll use and this is a lot what this is going to do is it's going to allow me to connect multiple usbs into a single spot so which is good so luckily i have one this is a usb hub so we're good to go okay so let's go ahead and get our aio mounted and then we'll have our one usb that'll come around the other side and plug in and mount to here so put that right there this is why it's always nice to have spare parts that'll go on the other side like this and then you will make sure the gpu hides that okay there's one fun thing about this is the one fun thing about so many freaking having so many uh mini itx right hey ryan thank you very much for the super chat dude okay so let us grab our mount and get this mounted uh it's gonna be kind of hard but what i'm gonna do right now is i'm gonna go ahead and mount our cpu to the top i'm going to throw a light in here you guys can see a little bit better thank you very much man okay there we go so we got we got an extra light in here so you guys can see a little bit more see if i can find a good place to mount it there we go okay so i'm gonna do right now is i'm going to go ahead and up here on the top is the cpu fan connection there we go then what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab my bracket for my i think i think this one i don't need to do anything spectacular but we're going to check real quick yeah you do okay this goes on both okay okay we're gonna do is we're gonna put this like this which it's square so not as big deal like that and then we take this this clips on it like so all right what's it supposed to do right yep this just goes in the four corners okay that's gripped now then we'll take at the bottom okay there you go heaters okay there are coolers on now okay aio is mounted need our screws this is why i don't usually like to really somewhere where are my screws okay always small spaces okay now lock bottom okay last one and tightened [Music] okay now we're gonna pull the we're gonna pull as many cables up as possible you get this kind of finished cable managed here [Music] thank you for the five dollars uh k kev tech it actually had it actually is uh asrock the asrock actually just their way their motherboards are um this particular mini itx ones that's just the way it works but yes it does it does actually use an intel oh the case is very packed welcome to uh this is always the fun with uh using uh mini itx builds now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take a minute because i've got most of this stuff out of the way now i'm gonna put all of my screws away actually clean up my workspace for a second it's a little overwhelming let's get it back under control here and we're going to turn this case over and get everything kind of all of the rgb and stuff hooked up and figured out so that way we can move on with the rest of it because i think that's going to be my biggest struggle is just getting all of the the cabling figured out so that's that's what i'm going to work on next kit because there's a lot of cables in this case to figure out [Music] okay this i don't need anymore where's the button there we are [Music] that out of the way those out of the way i guess i don't need this i don't need [Music] okay for the sake of just safety let's put the gpu back in its box it's getting a little getting a little wild here see put this back for now okay this is all stuff i don't need this i don't need okay now we are more in control here this stuff over here okay that's good okay now we have much more room now we can start putting things back through and getting this the rest of this pc kind of figured out we have a lot of cables guys a lot of cables way more than i would like for a mini itx build one thing i will say about um thermaltake stuff is that um their cabling is very thick okay now there we go this is all the stuff i have to get plugged in on the other side get ready for the rat's nest here but i think we should be okay because a lot of this stuff plugs into the same thing these are all fan cables that is not that's a knock this goes to the noctua and then this is all our front panels so we'll worry about this here in a second so now it's just about kind of separating things out so we can get things figured out so first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to grab my thermaltake hub and get all of my thermaltake fans plugged into them and luckily it's all one connector it's really easy because it's one connector for all fans that's like there's no unlike corsair where you have to like have like each fan each fan has two connections this one it's one fan all connections so making it really easy there we go and there we go okay so there all of those are now connected and i'm gonna stick it the plan is to have the hub be down here because that's like where we have the room for it is right down here luckily right here would be a great place for the hub where it's going to go luckily i have two sticky pads nope we're not going to use those sticky pads because they're like too tall okay so we're gonna grab the velcro that they gave us luckily we had a second hub set okay we're gonna grab our velcro here like that sticky thing like added like almost freaking quarter of an inch to the thickness of this thing okay that will go down and be okay okay so what we're going to do now is we're going to get all of these cables channeled and then clumped okay i need my bag oh goodies this one can go with two dancing yes okay this is gonna go right here there we go now go and get this where it belongs okay let's see if we can get how tight let me get this stuff here and below because this is where we're going to have the most of our room we still have to worry about psu cables too but see how tight we can get this stuff luckily these these these ones are made to like go in and compress quite a bit all in the name of cooling right here ladies and gentlemen so that is pretty dang flat so and again main reason i'm doing this is because you you want to make sure i mean we have super strong magnets for the glass but make sure this stuff stays hecka compressed there we go okay so now last little bit gonna be see how tight we can get these ones and if they can go here into this little corner here we might be able to do some here actually up above this is still gotta get run here so many cables guys we're gonna wrap this thing as much as we can with the cables around it down [Music] we still have a lot of cables to fit in this case but it's pretty close to the sea here um [Music] okay so there's all of our fan cables all in one location okay taking advantage of that hard drive space essentially uh now the test is we have some room up here for our hub actually the hub is yeah the hub is going to need some space the hub might have to go behind the sfs power supply look at that here in a minute this is good because this gotta get plugged into this oh shoot oh it's okay first wait a minute why is this not this is not this is not plugging in the way this is usb plugs in and then if these are not lining up the way i need it to there's no way to get this okay let me figure that out hold on one sec maybe yeah you might be right this might be you too instead of a usb no because this one works just fine just works fine that is usb right this is off of the no it's like this is like what the this is usb but it's pl it's like off of the well mate wait wait wait wait wait wait maybe hold on this maybe not need to plug into the usb this might plug directly into this thing hold on i might just have a proprietary connection yep i bet you this is actually for this yep this plugs into this okay so this plugs into this so i thought that was usb but it's not that plugs into the that plugs into the hub this means i'm gonna have to which means i don't need this which is okay but it does now mean that i have a fan i'm gonna have to change the rear fan to a different fan okay i just miss read that okay so this again we're in good shape i just need to figure this this i don't need i only need one fan hub and i can remove i'm going to remove the rear exhaust and change this to and well yeah change this to an a non rgb fan because we don't have enough i don't have enough uh it has take six take this out this i don't need oh shoot okay take this out there's our fan we don't need the usb hub i'm gonna have to replace this back fan replace this back fan with a non-rgb fan just a black fan or exhaust which is fine easy easy peasy just means some undoing some cable management unfortunately but not the worst thing i've ever had to deal with unfortunately i don't know which one is the which one this fan is plugged into would have been nice but now i'm gonna have to undo all of this you guys want to watch me cable manage twice anyway you know it i was like why is this not plugging in oh because it doesn't belong in this okay there we go okay so the rear exhaust fan we're gonna change no biggie that's out and now we need to figure out what rear exhaust fan we can put in there you want something quality you know we can do a single actually pretty good wonderful i wonder i wish a 140 would fit back there but i don't think it would no it's not gonna be 140. let's see what else we got here [Music] this court i think this corsair would probably be the best just because it's got it's a high static pressure fan that means good for exhaust okay so we're gonna throw this black corsair in the back no rgb rgb is everywhere else all good okay so we're gonna throw this in real quick quick easy fix run it through the we're gonna connect it to the front place which would be nice and then we'll finish our cable management okay and i think the fan here i want is here right there okay look this fan header up at the top and then we'll put the let's figure it out here [Music] oh oh oh small form factor cases where all the fun is actually why don't we just for the sake of safety since i've got this off anyway let's throw our cpu connection in there just to make things a bit safer we're gonna go ahead and throw the cpu connection on the motherboard and then that way we'll have everything that way we won't there won't be i want to take it apart again oh one thing i don't okay let's do this like it's only six screws and it gives me access to the top okay come on i hate the ones that don't the night the troubles there we go okay now that's in i'm just gonna run this real quick that way i can see this i'm gonna run this behind actually in front of there we go okay now i can put this back down okay so now we have our new rear fan we just put down our put down our radiator i went ahead and plugged in our cpu cable for our power for our psu that way i don't have to worry about running that later then we're just gonna quickly get this all sealed up again get that cable management done and then go from there but one thing that i am happy about is i don't have to find a place for that usb hub because the usb i only have a single usb now which is kind of cool it did remove a rgb fan unfortunately but seems like a small price to pay okay so now we're going to do quickly get this back on here and i'm the right way and given how tinted the glass you know it'll still you'll still get a little you get you'll get quite a bit of light from the the rgb we do have but we'll still get our exhaust out of the back which is critical [Music] okay i think that's probably the last like difficult problem to solve guys we've solved all the hard problems well i can't say that because we haven't put in our power supply yet but i feel like there's going to be plenty of room for that so we'll see when i get there okay now we can fix this again okay this i don't think that's the right one i have a cable i just gotta figure out how this hub has a cable assuming it's this looking for the there it is okay let's go ahead and plug oh this requires molex that's awesome that's not awesome i was being facetious that's not awesome at all okay and again they gave us a super thick cable cable management is definitely going to be the solve on this case i mean on this build because of the thermaltake stuff they give you a lot they i mean thermaltake gives you a ton which an atx is great you get a ton of cable room i mean a ton of cable which means you can run it in a lot of ways unfortunately when you're running with a mini itx build like what we're dealing with right now that is not my friend okay here we go again this is gonna get solved later this is gonna get solved later this is this has got to get solved here okay okay let's try this again this goes in here this is the last cable okay this is power for molex yay it's always fun okay i need to get this stuff luckily we don't have that cable anymore so the only one that i really need to worry about is this one i could actually it's probably better to run these through here and then down because it gives me more room we're gonna juncture this right here with a cable comb oh we're at 317 lord gosh you guys wow okay this is like you guys are giving me crazy support here making me feel a whole lot better about not talking to you very much but i am definitely in problem solving mode right now and so i appreciate your guys's patience this case just doesn't have a ton of room in the back there okay there we go okay so that takes that gets all that stuff down now let's see how much of this stuff i can jam down into this little bottom part down here which would be like the ultimate win because then oh great that's like mixed up there okay let's do this i gotta start the music again let go let go there it goes i want this to be as not tangled as possible that is a good grouping right there and there's not a lot of extra if i can get it to go like that okay start the music start changing giveaway okay so we're at 317 the next one is the 5800x which is at 450 we're at 317. there we go and then let's start the music again there we go back at it solving problems getting things taken getting things squared away so we're working on right now you would not know this thing has six fans by the amount of cables i'm going to hide in this freaking case this is actually a nice case it's probably just like it's got a lot of a lot of cables to hide i need you to stay down okay the problem is is that you need to make sure the top closes so that's what i'm working on right now is making sure the top closes you going here there you go i don't know how much room i'm gonna have to see how much room i have there this i think will be okay if i might be able to stick this back because it'll be hidden behind the psu stub this to hide next is another round of cables down here okay hide that as much as possible jam that in there okay now this i'm hoping should be tighten this down got i need two cable ties one right there and one right there just to keep this flat [Music] there we go and this i'll hide in a second there we go one more right here okay so there all of our cables there this one i'm just going to try and jump underneath like that [Applause] more down okay okay all of our cables are now semi okay all of our fans are hooked up better thermaltake i'm going to give this a couple more zip ties just to keep these tables as much as these cables as much as controlled as much as we can there you go okay now let's clip and clip and tuck like plastic surgery right here guys clipping and tucking getting all the cables hidden i think i'm probably going to want to reapply this one or apply there we go okay so fans are in and controlled lots of uh lots of zip ties died in the making of this uh in the making of this cable manage but for a good cause one more right here there we go okay so there's that now we just have our cables to figure out how to plug how to get plugged in but for the most part like most of this stuff is in a good spot we have a little bit of a poke up right here but that won't be able to really test okay this go this needs to get plugged into a fan header and you find a fan header for this this also needs a fan header okay let's get these these are all the front panels and all that sort of stuff that we have to figure out how to get plugged in usb unfortunately like a really big one but we have some room behind the sfx power supply to do some of this stuff so i'm just going to run oh shoot there is another usb okay well guess what we do need that we do need the usb hub there's one in the there's one in the which actually this will probably end up working out better okay okay there's the s though so there's the usbs that's gonna go in there there is no usbc so you don't have to worry about that that's going to go in here hd audio is going to go in here actually hd audio can go over here i don't know if we're going to see if we can fit that in there usb 3 goes there i just have to find out where to put these fans so one fan is going to go in here okay fan hitters i need to find fan headers because i have two fans i got to figure out how to oh that's molex i'll figure that in a minute okay this and this i'm probably going to go behind the psu i just need to find where to plug this [Music] in where's my this is gonna also go in here these are our front panel connectors look like this try and see if i can get this to go someplace in here okay this is all extra stuff okay see here this is gonna go in here all right let's plug this stuff in oh fun oh joy where are we gonna try and figure out how we're gonna plug all this stuff in okay there's a fan header and a right here am i gonna get to it though and they're up there everybody's going to plug this one i'm trying to see where it fan editors i have there's usb 3 okay well let's plug hd audio in because that one's easy that goes right there there's hd audio okay that one's easy front panel connections that's usb where's my usb thing right here usb this is gonna also go here i'm gonna see if i can get this to here's our front fan header and header for the nzx for the not to a fan but just the right length it's just getting my hand the right way to plug this in there we go okay noctua fan is in hdmi i mean usb okay that's gonna go down there too usb 3.2 questions where's our front panel connections okay front panel that's that where's the front panels i think it's this one i'm not sure i gotta look i might zip tie those so they're close i'm gonna look and see where my front panels are i remember i thought they because that one was i think that was a tpm but i'm gonna look real quick front panel where are you front panel where are you chassis address board system panel header 14. okay good it was where i thought it was okay cool okay so front panels are right here in the where i thought they were this stuff would be so hard to show you because of just how crammed this case is a reset switch i will zoom in and show you as best i can with some light so i can show you all the stuff i've just plugged in we're gonna we're gonna basically zip tie that so it'll be cable managed we still want it to look ultra clean off of this whole thing there we go believe it or not guys this will look clean when i'm done that's not the right place i put the power switch in the wrong place you just find a lot of room in these cases i put the reset switch in the wrong place there we go okay now they're in the right place [Music] yay okay so now what we're going to do is we're going to hook up one more cable up here i can with my big fat fingers oh i did it you're helping with the cleanliness of this build there we go that looks good okay so now the build actually looks pretty good at the front you got to pull this cable through but for the most part the build actually looks pretty clean all we have to do on the front side now is just basically put in our gpu and we're in good shape we did a lot to kind of make sure it looked good and the cool thing is is that this bracket for the psu comes out so we'll be able to install the psu without a problem so we'll probably do that i'm probably going to get the psu in why don't we do this let's grab our motherboard cable and put this in so we can see what it's going to hide there we go and that's gonna pull through on the other side okay of course he twisted it [Music] okay now we have a build i think is cable is being weird there we go okay cool okay so we have our power in we have all of our front panels plugged in everything's good now let's see if we can figure out our psu and how much room we have to put things so that's where nope never mind you can't take the psu out okay so let's get our psu in here then we'll figure out this mess in the back to try and make the rest of our room happen and then go from there okay that's where we're at let's get our sfx power supply in it needs a freaking molex unfortunately we'll need two gpu connections separate ones just to make sure we have enough power for it there's the molex all right luckily this thing is tiny this will give us a lot of room behind it this is ours this is our psu right here it's really small it'll give us a lot of room behind it to hook things up which is good it's like everything i ever have with a it's like every problem i ever have with a jeep with a build like this come coming to life every time it's like because i added so many fans and so it's like yay but at the same time like it will be better when it's done okay where is i just took the cables out where did i do it the molex one okay here we need a molex one all right where's the oh there this i was like where's the plug fort okay molex tpu's up here and let's see what we got here oh hype train here it is it's been two hours i'm supposed to get this what they wanted like okay working on getting this psu in oh i know how to do it okay one more time we're gonna remove the top let's do it guys remember level five hype train we got to get two of them to unlock that giveaway guys let's do it come on you guys let's do it we can do it level 5 hype train and remember i did sniff it very briefly you're not blocking the pci slot with the front panel connectors no i'm not no it's above no it's above it should be fine well it should be fine but that's a good question i'll look at it in a sec they're movable okay we just got to get this in oh the fun this is the fun of micro atx builds [Music] i'm going to go ahead and screw it in [Music] though all right okay here's where we get to find out how much room i really have to hide cables now so level four guys come on we can do it oh out of this maximus five tier one subs thank you very much my friend okay psu is mounted i just got to run these cables through here i don't know if this is going to be interesting i might be able to hide some underneath this fan too i had quite a bit of room back here actually i think all right okay now all of our cable fans are through i mean all of our our psu is mounted everything is actually now in it minus the gpu 104 guys thank you very much how many likes do we have on the youtube video do some of you know how high can we go come on guys let's uh celebrate the fact that i'm actually putting this together and it's working 639 i prefer to call it i prefer to call it molex because it's just a it's i don't know it's been called i've called it molex forever okay everything is in here i'm gonna go ahead and put the gpu in so we can get that done and then run that top cable if i can hide it okay so you guys love seeing this gpu now then once the gpu's in it's just about cable managing and getting it all done whoa we got a hundred dollar super chat what give me a hundred dollar super chat you guys are being crazy supportive today crazy supportive thank you very much guys i know i know i know that's i'm sorry guys i'm so sorry i uh i'm in i'm in pure like survival mode who i'm on both i can see youtube and twitch guys if i send my parts can you do a build with a with yes i can that that is something i can do okay yeah that's yeah that's definitely 10 gallons in a 5 gallon bucket you are absolutely right i'm trying guys i'm trying to get it done i'm i'm super sorry we're trying i want this build to not take like 50 hours one minute 30 seconds guys come on let's let's finish out this super chat let's uh let's see can we get 500 can somebody just i'm paying attention i'll call out names now you guys could drop it that would be huge just to make sure that we get you know it's this last little bit oh this is like barely oh who's this hitting no there we go oh no the hd audio no that seems okay okay nevermind it's fine okay there we go thank you very much oh kl 231 five gifted subs maverick mensch trench filled thank you for my space waffle all of you guys thank you very much for all that stuff 630 blue moo dropping the subs there we go justin has tacos one gifted one month of gifted subs i need to go back and look who has the hundred dollars super chat cause that's huge thank you very much come on thank you very much guys 500 that makes me feel a whole lot better about what we're doing right now there we go thank you all of you oh my god waffles four dollars from digital digital boy thank you very much my friend this is awesome thank you for all the support that was a great hype train thank you very very very much we've got our gpu in now somebody's worried if i had done the block the thing i have not what i am going to do real quick though is run the power cables because i knew that was going to be a thing it looks like we'll be okay with this though run the power cable for this and run it up like this i am going to get rid of this thing though there we go and that'll kind of clean up the last little bit i'm gonna run those last two power cables real quick so many cables on the other side i don't like it at all but it is what we have oh my gosh you guys i'm looking at the other side of this going oh my where am i going to put all this stuff we'll figure it out one step at a time i will solve it there is actually a little there's actually quite a bit of room behind the psu so we'll make it fit there and some some lucky player will some lucky winner will enjoy all my hard work okay okay now i want to do what i did on the as a build and stack these so they look like a unified thing what just happened will that even come out it's supposed to come out come on there we go okay okay now okay now i'm going to try and do i have everything in the front is hooked up so now it's just about making the back work looking this nightmare oh man be prepared to be amazed ladies and gentlemen be prepared to be amazed first let's plug in the things that i don't have plugged in yet fill up the slot okay motherboard so there we go oh it goes the other way that's why this isn't working that would help okay now we have everything oops there's one other cable where is it this one actually needs to go around okay i'm glad i remembered that before i got too far okay get that plugged in it's actually not as bad as i think that's still pretty bad oh no gonna have to flip this oh no this doesn't fit this way [Music] no this doesn't fit this way no crud somebody has to flip it i didn't i was hoping to have the it well i guess it's better because then the exhaust will be the right way okay well that's fun that's what i wanted right now [Music] roll with the punches ladies and gentlemen roll with the punches [Music] i just don't know how easy this is going to flip over now gotta roll with the punches not fun if you don't have challenges roll with the punch okay i'm gonna have to unplug [Music] just easier if you unplug it there we go okay now flip it over i don't like because the cooler mast will be upside down but it is what it is okay now it's flipped over that was fun okay and i totally put the wrong screw in there okay now we're gonna put the right screw in here there we go there we go there we go and one more okay that is now fixed again well that fixed for the right way i ever do i have removed this this uh particular uh i've moved this uh radiator and i'm very grateful for razer having a removable radiator because i've probably removed this thing six times but now we know the power supply is in the right direction so and it's exhausting to the exhaust fans which is fine so actually better hindsight being 20 20. when i did it i wanted the cooler master logo the right way but from a set up there we go okay okay now that's all fixed and correct [Music] now let's start fixing this again this brutal this brutal piece of tech called the power supply that has to get fixed slowly working our way through we're making our way downtown making my way downtown walk in fast making it happen so quickly [Music] [Music] pcie pcie cpu and molex okay okay so now all of our cables are connected the front panels are all connected everything is technically in its place now we just need to get it to fit in this very tiny space the one thing we'll have to do first is we'll have to put this usb hub that i have unfortunately it's going to have to get put in here because if we don't then it will gonna have to put it in here okay there we go now if i this also these are also underneath okay [Music] great if i i think what if i do if i climb if i crimp all this i mean clump all this not crimp don't crimp crimping's bad i clump all this together minus this which has to plug into here i think i can fit it all [Music] like this and then the only cable i really need out is this one i don't need a ton of room okay so that should work and then i can hide it in that inside there make sure there's enough for that this will help a lot of the cable issues and i have some room up above here as well luckily there's a lot more room in this thing than i thought okay one more okay okay there we go we're going to store this in here not not on top of this okay that works there see how that looks on the front i took care of a lot of cables you can't see it here which is good cool okay now okay this is okay this is where we're getting closer here where's that one that's not it where's the usb that actually plugs in i still have the sun okay there it is this just need to make sure i keep out okay now these actually have room down at the bottom how much can i get in there as a question just gotta keep it above the [Music] that is just extra okay okay it's still pretty high but i might be able to zip tie some of this stuff closer the problem is is that some of these things are just [Music] thick unfortunately that's in the bad spot so i can push this actually more down give it more room up here trying to see if i can find a place to there we go so this is just going to have to be finding spots to hide cables and i don't know if i'm going to be able [Music] to it's just got to be flat but the thing is like that is that is definitely popping up a lot and i still don't have the power plug in i don't know if i'm gonna there's just not a ton of room back here okay molex i have some room up here but not a ton it's like just going to be super flat there we go okay molex is in some of this you can train by the way like i will say this like by sticking the case on its back like once you like once i get this done by sticking the case on its back you can create like it will push cables down um which will help but like this i like i'm trying to figure out what to do with this because this is like i got this one clump of cables i might i can push this actually i can do this right here this will actually get that at the same height this hd cable i might have to run underneath this i'm gonna have to keep i'm gonna have to just push into here welcome to cable management in a cable management and a micro atx which is called make it fit because we have a lot of stuff in this build i could probably do this for this one let's get that done let's see if i can help but maybe if that 1k that one cable is still going to be too high i think it wants me to okay i'm gonna see guys i gotta see how much this stuff is popping like i don't even think i i'm like i might have to completely refigure how to put this stuff in and i need to see like if there's even a place like to get this stuff in and this might be a separate like i might turn this on and then show you guys can see and then finish cable managing off stream because i might have to redo this like dramatically i don't it's just the way this stuff is i might this is just like not in the right spot and switch this [Music] what matters one we're off our feet i feel so out of place feel so feel so out of place right now [Music] is [Music] that will be all right there we go that'll help now i do this uh there we go there we go uh one sec guys [Music] there we go that's one right there that will help okay okay there we go okay now that helps give that made more room for me okay now hopefully that made more room okay now this is a problem this one cable is just not the right spot come on come on geez there we go there you go okay that'll help with that just trying to get find places where cables can be as flat as possible and then what i'm doing is trying to get the majority of the cable stuff into this cable cavity here we have some room here too the problem is just i've swallowed up so much of this well actually hold on let me try this you might be able to i might be able to do this and give this room here under here okay that gave me a lot of room i still got to figure out what to do with this cable unfortunately it's just like not in a good spot this one is fine i can jam this up there first let's get our skills okay slowly we're actually making it dent here this can go in here this has got to go into this okay i might be able to tie this stuff together to get that a little bit flatter we just do not have guys we just do not have a ton of room and this is where micro atx cases always just take time it's not quite nine so i'm okay there you go what we're going to do is we're just going to get some cables here these cables here get them as flat as possible i got to figure out what to do about this hd audio cable by getting this stuff back flat you [Music] back to you back to you okay now this is an interesting one because there's like a nice little clump here a nice little cavity right there where this stuff could potentially go molex is just so thick [Music] that does work that is like jammed guys that is jammed like jammed that is like as tight as you can get this is like about as tight and as cable tight as you can get here there's like we're like finding every inch of space to get this thing to go in at the same time making it look like a complete garbage this one cable which doesn't hook into anything no i might be able to do that that seems okay actually okay i am going to see now how close we are to be able to close the case on the back because i have like i like this one cable right here is my is my concern because it needs to well actually i'm gonna just solve that never mind just solve that okay there we go the question is is what i do it's not supposed to be there okay what i don't know still is okay let's see out of curiosity how much room because this is actually slightly elevated these panels are slightly elevated it is off trying to see where it's off it's the middle i don't know how i'm gonna fix this guys i could let's do what's called compression it's not it's actually this this if it sits flat it'd be okay all right and that one this needs to go down there we go hey once that guys i'm going to see if compression oh wait we'll fix it oh it does snap okay but the inside of the build looks good oh jeez that's popping like right up yeah so we got some more work to do here this is not in a good spot i might actually hold on one thing that might help actually i'm very close to being able to close the case and turn this bad boy on but what would help real quick is doing this show me what's inside that soul i'll let a little bit more room in the inside [Music] here there we go that looks good okay that gives me a lot more room here okay cool now i need something this like the rest of this actually is in really good shape yeah and i think okay so what i'm going to do guys is i'm going to where we're at is i'm just going to do what's called i'm going to be able to compress the the cables a lot more but we're at a good point where we can turn the case on i mean the pc on and then we just let it flatten itself out and the way that you do that because it's not like the the cables just need to compress and the way you do that is you just basically stick it on its back and then on a flat surface and then you put like a set of heavy books and then that will help push everything down and then the back will close so it should be a nice easy fix and then it'll everything but let's turn the pc on because we're at that point and then we'll put the back on later then you guys will see when we do the beauty shot the fixed product but what you do is just need they just need i just need some cable compression but it's like it's it's super close so what you do is you'll take something like this you'll basically sit it on there and then if with like heavy books you'll like have it lay down and then that'll help flatten it in and then you'll be able to just flip it up and this all be compressed enough that it'll just close so the only thing too i could do might work as well is i might have just pushed yeah i have if i separated this a little bit more maybe if i push this over it's just the only thing that's off is this this little bit in the middle so it might be separating the middle or making it a little thinner if that compression doesn't work but let's get the pc on it's on and ready enough to get it turned up to turn up okay okay i can't believe we got that much in this pc yeah let's grab our top our front there we go and top which i put over there we go clean up our space a little bit oh got to add our baby [Music] a little tiny box down to this here we go and there it is right there the machine just make sure there looks good it's all even yep nothing is hitting the fan anything fans there's room everywhere okay cool here we go hopefully this works okay gpu and psu there we go there we go oh oh i see lights everywhere that's a good sign turn power on in just a second just get my work space cleaned up here we go i see lights which is always a good sign okay spare rgb fan for later here we go oh power button didn't do anything i don't think you ever did it nope i don't know if i have the power switch in the right place there is power to the motherboard and power to the i see power on the motherboard okay let's check my check my uh front panels real quick i may not have plugged him into the right place that's usually my culprit right there because everything else looks the fact that we saw power on everything else is always a good sign okay oh and also make sure that all of our these are plugged in all the way yeah motherboard's plugged in okay let me check my front panels see if i'm plugged in the right space but oh i lost my chat okay checking my front panel connections real quick just to make sure i plug them into the right place this mini itx reset okay it's all right let me just make sure that's what i have plugged into the right place here so hard to work in these that's power um okay there's plugged in verified the right place that is plugged in right okay all right one more time unplug power switch or anything like that it didn't pull something out too tight the chroma's on it's like just the boards not the fact that the board is on is the part that's weird yeah 1 000 years later for sure dude trust me i'm not that's the reset switch it's not let me try i'm gonna pull the cables back out didn't i no i feel like i'm plugging them in the wrong places so it's like it's weird because the board has power yeah okay i'm gonna try and just uh short the switch and figure out the power switch later one sec guys usually the best bet is to get it to turn on one side guys uh [Music] okay we're going to turn this on and see if i can just short it turn it on that's really long well it is not shorting even to turn on uh i'm work hold on one sec guys i think i know is that not plugged it's definitely not shorting it's definitely not the power switch guys so i'm going to check one more thing looks like it's loose in this corner over here which is the art which is the cpu that's usually the only other thing that usually guts it is like when you don't have the cpu stuff or if the cable is not plugged in in the on the psu which could be the other issue so i'm just going to check both of those real quick it's unfortunate but [Music] let's take a ride let's [Music] you're welcome to that looks good troubleshooting that's all fine okay i'm gonna check one more thing we do know that the motherboard ant works because we've actually bread boarded already so something is you know we know all this works so it's something that's there's a connection that's not working and it's like something that i just missed i'm guessing it's i didn't plug in the cpu or something all the way on the psu side so i'm gonna look at that and then i'm gonna re-hook up these front panels real quick [Music] [Music] something that i may never forget yeah it's plugged in again all right i'm just going to check psu see if i unplug something in the psu that's what it more likely is going to be he's lucky because it's just like i'm loosening just taking some stuff out where's this coin and we'll just yeah it's this cable it's actually i'm hoping i didn't all that jamming and damage it's what i'm afraid of okay everything there looks good yeah i'm just going to plug it all in again and just see if it it just doesn't because it still doesn't work like i said we know the motherboard and everything works because we breadboarded it and put the os in it and all that stuff before so we're just gonna do is get this plugged in and see what happens there we go nice solid clicks just gonna turn it on now nope there's definitely and it doesn't short and all the power is plugged in the motherboard worked so flip this bsu switch just try it i did i tried again but i mean it's definitely everything is getting power everything is getting power i'm just going to double i mean like it is it's just not hitting power i already did people are saying i'm gonna verify that i just making sure i'm plugging in the right place again the front panels because that's it just feels like i'm not i'm plugging into the right place yeah and even when i short the board it doesn't work even though like everything is ready to go like it is like there are lights like look you guys can see from the bottom like it is the motherboard is on like the motherboard lights are on but it's not yeah so i mean we and i tried shorting the board via just connecting the front panels using a using a screwdriver and that's not working either i'll try one more time but i try one more time to front short the board these are in the right place tope and i was just like making a giant mistake in terms of i'm plugging this stuff in but i am definitely not okay hold on i'm gonna try and short the board one time oh nope that worked okay well i don't i tried shorting the board before but now it didn't work okay so now it's definitely something with the front panel connector there you go machine works [Music] there it is i don't know what's going on with the front panel connector but there the machine does work it is alive i don't know what the there's maybe something got switched or what was it i i shorted the board again and this time it worked i used a smaller screwdriver this time so um maybe that was just the reason why but i don't know what's the front panel connector was not working so but there it is i'm trying to see if right now what i care about oh is are we getting power on the oh there's the gpu gpu just lit up and it posts there it is so it does post and waiting for the post to finish i tried shorting the board the first time i'm glad somebody told me to do it again i did try it multiple times and it's in windows okay so we are in windows now hold on i'll show you guys [Music] hopefully you guys can see that and there it is there it's in windows can you guys see that not yet let me switch it this does this sometimes now with the pro hold on one sec guys trying to give you guys the so you guys can see there it is don't post it's in just got to figure out what's up with the front panel connection but everything else is in it's working and it posts and the the key the chroma stuff is all up which is awesome there it is the build is done we just got to figure out we got to we just got to figure out why uh what happened i'm just going to make sure all my fans are spinning nope the front fan is not spinning so that's just not plugged in all the way i just try and loosen that oh no dudes are on it okay there we go so all our fans are spinning now there we go okay and here we go let's uh finish it off with just putting putting this on there you go and there is with the glass on i'll turn it on the side here in a sec so you guys can get a little better shot of it there it is three-quarter view it's a beautiful little case nice little small it's got six fans in it somebody's saying i think that thing runs hot it's got six fans in it um so if it runs hot it'd be impressive um we put like we this thing has about the most you could fit in it uh in terms of cooling and everything else we have uh three exhausts uh three exhaust and two uh three intakes there's an intake in the front three exhaust at the top and two so two and three intake at the bottom three uh exhaust to the front yeah you just put in refrigerator that's an option too yeah but there's that there like rgb and then there's rgb at the bottom too i'll show you there you go and there's rgb down at the bottom the case on the bottom as well there's that chroma those are changing throughout it and it's so small yeah again this is a ryzen 5 5600x we also have a we also have a we also have a rtx 3080 in it and uh it's uh rtx 3080 in it 32 gigs of ram uh one terabyte of storage like all in all like all the bells and whistles completely thermal completely liquid cool i mean aio cooler 240 aio cooler six fans and a partridge and a partridge in a pear tree [Music] there it is right there so there it is i've got some cable management stuff to fix to basically get it to close there's some stuff popping and stuff like that but um yeah it's uh it all in all it looks very nice and very clean thank you to cindy and rem who uh dm me during it were like hey just short it i was like i did but then when cindy said it it worked when rem said it it didn't work so that just tells you rim doesn't know what he's talking about but cindy does just kidding no rem's awesome those of you don't know rem shout out to remy g another pc builder who builds here uh not as frequently as i do but does build on uh does build on twitch as well but yeah okay so we got some giveaways does it run to yes this will run diablo 3. uh we got some giveaways uh for sure that we still have going on here today so we are going to give away a 5600x it looks like uh and we're going to be giving away uh two did we get 700 likes guys i'm sorry i have paid zero attention and i apologize i paid almost little to no attention to chat because i was totally focused on the build and i am super grateful for all of the support that you guys gave me regardless of my ignoring you so i did not deserve it for sure no that's what's like what the hell is blocking this it's this there we go so we're gonna have to do some cable management figuring out in here for sure but yeah it'll run counter-strike go yes for sure pull it back a little bit so it gets a little more in focus but oh nearly 800 likes on youtube cool well thank you very much okay let's do the first one first and foremost say thank you youtube and thank you twitch because you guys unlocked the first giveaway thank you youtube thank you twitch because you unlock the first giveaway it doesn't run quick that's the only game it doesn't run every other game it runs yeah i don't know why it's it's it's um the camera is focusing on me guys so it's an auto focus problem not a something here i'll tell you what let's do this let's uh let's put it over here so you guys can take a better look at it my ice drink that i have drank none of on one sec all right i'm going to get you guys a good good close view of it here there you go there we go we're trying to get a good something on one side i'm working on i'm gonna just get you guys your own personal close-up view of the build where we do the giveaways there you go you guys can get it good there you go okay gonna go to the side camera so you guys can see the build there you go there's the build for you right there oh great the side camera's locked up one sec that's a great view of the build before it worked hold on when it doesn't do what it's supposed to [Music] there you go you guys might hear i'll open the i'll open the thing for you there you go [Music] there you go lots of rgb okay let's start that giveaway though first giveaway is going to be for the community because you guys are incredible this is for a ryzen 5 5600x everybody say exca it's going to be entry point for this is going to be exclamation point oh nevermind sorry this is not this is for a 500 gig nvme ssd sorry 500 gig nvme ssd first and this is for uh two of them she's gonna uh blondie will draw two of them starting that giveaway right now exclamation point community guys exclamation point community [Music] my mama told me [Music] my mama told me [Music] [Music] okay okay wow okay that was crazy i just wish uh i i don't know why the front panel wasn't working that's the part that's bumming me out because yeah does this go this goes in here we're gonna be picking our winner in 10 seconds guys 10 seconds thank you for those of you who also played some of the raid shadow engines as well is the front logo rgb it's lit but it's not rgb that sounded funny uh it is uh lit in terms of the color but it you can't change the color it's it's static green it's lit that's right poppy tart congratulations monkey dog mno k-e-d-o-y d-o-g and valkyrie wow these are two people who played on to valkyrie and monkey dog you are the winners of 500 gig nvme ssd okay i'm gonna give you a couple minutes uh like two minutes to make sure you reach out to blondie that way you can get uh you need a dm blondie guys eat a dm blondie so she can get you your uh she can get your code oopsie there we go close this go to that we'll do it like this now and go to wide angle there you go now you guys get a wide view of the whole thing bill just sitting over there looking all pristine and pretty i probably wasted 15 minutes trying to short that you know what i don't think i'm curious i don't think i think there's a peel on the inside guys yep there is here we go here we go guys ready oh you guys can't see this at all i'm feeling all sorts of stuff tonight okay there we go no that's not there you go yeah so here we go a nice little peel for you oh it sounds good too boom now that looks so much better and cleaner that's so much brighter there we go now that's appealing very good okay next giveaway guys this is gonna be obviously a big shout out to newegg who's our primary sponsor for this we're gonna be giving away a 5600x so uh 5600x for this uh uh new egg uh entry point for this is going to be new egg now exclamation point new egg now starting that giveaway right now new egg now guys 386 subs today that's crazy came out pretty just wish the front panel worked i wonder if i just like i don't know why it doesn't work or if it's not connected i should just check hopefully that's just a little short or whatever it was but yeah is everything else oh i wonder if the reset switch works let's see that oh i don't i think i might have unplugged the reset switch i don't want to turn it off i was like oh wait turn off but then again i don't want to hit i don't want to turn off because i can't turn on one minute 35 seconds left guys lots of light in that thing just do exclamation point all you got to do is do exclamation point uh new egg uh exclamation point new egg now you can see people entering it there you go okay guys 50 seconds left see who we could potentially raid tonight uh we do have a we do have an aw an option let's see who else we got here a trump covent playing britney's playing who else we got this is anybody else that i know of please nated nice wig okay so it's like that's pretty much it okay well uh uh we've got a target for tonight we got a target for tonight um and from uh from uh blondie so we're gonna do that now guys one things we always like to do is we like to take a chance on some small streamers who don't have you know 1200 people in there you know on their twitch chat or whatever it was guys so i'm asking you guys to basically you wouldn't mind sticking around when we get finished drawing the winner and all that sort of stuff we're going to draw the winner in just a second but um if you wouldn't mind just sticking around uh and helping like being a part of a small stream or just making somebody's day that much more awesome so congratulations og slabenbro og slavenbro you were on a ryzen 5 5600x um so uh congratulations og slavinbro you are the winner please reach out to blondie we're going to give you a couple minutes now guys we're going to be raiding somebody tonight so og slavin bro you need to reach out to blondie right now um thank you very much for everybody guys we're back on wednesday for another razor build that we're going to be giving away this one in the tomahawk atx case not the micro the mini itx but in the tomahawk atx case um and uh yeah it's gonna be absolutely awesome guys so another giveaway pc on wednesday and then thursday we're doing a special new case reveal and friday another razor build as well but randy stick around please we're going to be raising just me casey who's playing eight right outriders right now so guys please help follow watch all that sort of stuff just to make somebody's day that much awesomer and here we go she's playing he it's he he's playing outriders starting this right now guys let's see can we get like 900 people let's just make his day 600 700 800 eight hundred and thirty eight twenty nine i'll take it eight forty here we go guys outside of that for those of you newegg and for those of youtube thank you very much for being a part of this super enjoyed uh getting to build this with you super appreciate you guys sticking with me and we will see you guys on wednesday bye guys
Channel: Robeytech
Views: 61,767
Rating: 4.8731565 out of 5
Keywords: robeytech, pc build, how to build a PC, gaming pc, pc building, tech, technology, custom PC, PC, building PC, robytech, robeyetech, razer tomahawk mini-itx, razer tomahawk mini itx build, razer tomahawk mini-itx gaming chassis, razer tomahawk mini itx unboxing, small form factor pc build
Id: B0Ule9WpM3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 56sec (13916 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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