How To Build a PC – Giveaways + $1800 Build in the GiM MB8 (Intel 11600 K / 6700XT)

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[Music] so [Music] tell me that you wanna stay baby just don't walk away i need you now faded out all the time we spent alone fighting through the fire stone don't let me down i need you now cause don't let me go i need you right now i wanna be next to you you wanna be next to to me you wanna be next to me tell me some you want to be next to me [Music] [Music] oh how we doing how we doing how we doing we're gonna hit record because oh no we're gonna not hit hold on one sec stop i need to switch batteries one sec guys i'm gonna go mute what wait wait what the heck just happened i go away for like two seconds and uh i come back and there's 100 who what who what is what see who who dropped that uh oh ckcc what's up buddy wow he wants to kick off the week off strong dropping 100 subs already wow okay well thank you very much ckcc how are you man it's good to see you uh sorry for it uh for me disappearing like that uh the battery on my uh audio system was about to die so i had to update it and uh i apologize but i am doing very well well there we go guys we're going to kick off may correctly and i did want to let you guys know um just because i promised that you guys would have one more chance i actually did talk to the guy so he is going to elect anybody who gets a gifted sub or enters today the chance to win one of those two 30 70s because i told everybody i'd be giving him one more chance and we didn't end up having a stream on friday we ended up celebrating my mom's birthday so i apologize so today's a good day to get a gifted sub because one of our winners from last month was actually a gifted sub um also if you want to get entry entries on for for that uh doing donations like what uh donating subs just like ckcc did or any one of those things could be a great way for you to potentially walk away with an rtx 3070. i'm waiting for the bluetooth to sync so i can hit record and then we'll we'll be going from there so yeah if you want to get in that you can go we can get from there and go from there two minutes and 41 seconds light let's uh let's see if we can get some more galaxy dominance thank you very much for your two months 803 flawless thank you very much for that game time burke dropping a gifted sub can we get to two or three thousand let's see how high we can go how high can we go today let's just kick it off let's kick may off the way that we want to we got a great stream we're gonna be showing off a cool new product um we've got uh cdk deals today we're gonna be doing a new build i'm gonna talk a little bit about how we've changed our case testing the fact that kevin first time ever playing fortnite in history uh played fortnite today rocked two victory royales while doing his bench testing so that's where things are it is going to be uh it is going to be absolutely awesome and don't worry guys we'll make this condensed and get it going from here we're trying with these are all things that we always are trying to improve to make life better so it's going to be better all our wife thank you very much for the gifted sub let's see what it's going guys it's going and it continues to go oh we can finally hit record so there we go hitting record and hitting record because we're gonna record this one unlike the last one anyway guys welcome to roby tech i am the host of the show justin roby this is a show dedicated to pc building everyone in well every once in a while tech news and tech deals but guys we are continuing to work on ruby tech 2.0 i know it comes into may uh this is the month that we are finally going to have the merch showing up um i finally got to see the final versions of them so you guys will be looking forward to that all of the old branding is disappearing in fact um the the last day of those old monitor icons are going to be going away uh in time for next week um we've got some really incredible things on the horizon both from a build standpoint we're doing our first full stream water cools build uh in the next couple weeks we've got more pc giveaways more gpu giveaways and all that sort of stuff so there's some incredible time it's a great time to be a part of robytech we got one minute left on this we're close to two thousand percent just even kicking it off blue moo uh is kicking again i saw blue moon showing up in there two thousand percent and it hasn't even started yet guys already 137 subs were what 13 subs away from 150 new a gift card we drop that stuff and end it right there we'll be going right towards the 5600 x already and that's the way uh going for going from there so yeah it should be uh we're killing it guys you guys are killing it you guys man kicking it off with so much energy i super appreciate all of this stuff for robey's mom thank you burke i super appreciate that five community subs right there from cal as well we're at 138 literally we're going to be kicking it off with the highest tier gpu with the highest tier um gift card already we haven't even finished uh the stream but there we go 500 bits uh 2100 144 that is it guys boom 145 we're five subs there it is never mind 150. we're already on our way to a 5600 x and we haven't even started the stream not really but let me uh let me update that real quick and then we'll uh we'll keep going you guys are crushing it i appreciate it okay let's go to all widgets sub goal end goal okay here we go we're on our way to the uh 5600x giveaway giveaway okay we have 100 we need 300 we have 150 already because you guys are killer 10 20 21. okay there we go anyway guys i am very excited we are finally starting to get over some humps i uh as we for those of you who don't know the channel is actually um from both the streaming and even as a content channel we're fairly young um and uh we haven't been around as long i mean like comparatively to people like linus uh gamer's nexus i mean greg uh paul even bitwit we are fledglings like literally one i think we like they're five to seven to ten years old and we're just now coming up on our second year that'll be uh coming up uh here fairly well i mean still a number of months away and even on twitch we've only been streaming on twitch for a year and we you know we're averaging you know 2000 you know anywhere between 10 and 14 000 people who tune into the streams every week thank you very much aaron for your generous subs um and uh so uh but one of those things is as we have as we've come in there there's so many things that we're learning and so many things that we're we're trying to do a better job of making these streams not just about our builds but also educating you guys so you can learn so much from them and i i want to give a huge shout out first and foremost to my mods who make sure that this world especially blondie and the mozzer who make sure that this this world this stream is a safe place for you to come and learn that you never feel like you're asking terrible questions outside of how do i enter the giveaway which everybody asks but for the most part you guys this is a great place to come and learn and i really appreciate that the second group i want to thank is our tech specialist and our tech specialists are they're absolutely just fantastic i mean um just today spending time in here as we basically plan the build talking about how we're going to do airflow you know we're having conversations about psus they're checking gpu lengths looking at the stuff ahead of time just to make sure that the experience you guys get when we stream is going to be fantastic you guys are going to get a top quality build stream but at the same time be able to really give you like hey if you're gonna set this up how do you know how does this make it like why did we make the decisions we make and making sure that the things that i'm even saying makes sense because for all of the things that i know like i've actually only been building pcs like realistically for five years and even then like i built up until i started roby tech really i probably built seven or ten which i mean comparatively to most people is not a ton but i have watched religiously like so many of you people like linus and and paul and gamers nexus and jay learning and soaking up so much but now that i've built like what almost 300 almost 400 systems it becomes a whole lot more as i start to learn the decisions as to why i'm making things and all that sort of stuff to make it get better now one of the things that we've heard from you guys so many of you guys um and linus has been here on the channel like you guys have seen them linus has stopped by paul has stopped by we've had uh tech deals stop by these people have all been in our channel commented been a part of it and are becoming a part of our community we are starting to integrate with those guys um and uh getting better from there but one of the things that uh we are doing is one of the things we have heard the feedback on is like as i've done these builds people are like hey roby why like what are the thermals what are the performances what are the things that we could do like on top of these builds that actually give us the the information and we've done a we've kind of i we've done a good job of curating the videos down but now we're going to be taking these streams that you guys are seeing and we're giving you that detail that you've asked for so from now on with every new case starting with the p200a which you guys saw last week you guys will get full thermals both gpu and cpu basically we're going to be releasing a video in the next couple weeks it'll tell you about this testing uh methodology and but you're going to get full thermals gpu cpu you'll also be basically getting uh how the build itself runs because we choose the part specifically so you'll be getting benchmarks on games for nvidia they'll be rtx games for amd they'll be amd games we'll also be playing apex we'll be playing um we'll be playing apex we'll be playing fortnite we'll be playing cod and we'll basically be giving you those those as well but not just those settings settings set by no coco puffs settings set by uh takata and setting set by professional cod players that way these things are basically set to be the best in terms of hey how is this going to run with these settings i'm sorry with this hardware with those games maximizing for fps so if you were going to go and run competitive what would you do and just to give you a hint like we're running for tonight on that p200a system we're getting 300 plus fps in that current configuration which for a sub 2 000 machine is absolutely fantastic so i just want to let you guys know that the builds from now on when you guys see these builds you guys know that we will be following up with a full suite of tests so when you get done and if you decide hey roby i want to build that build and i want to follow this guide or follow any one of your guides you guys will know how that machine will run because and and and making sure that you guys will be happy should you choose that or at least not necessarily happy but be fully informed in terms of what the build actually was capable of so that should be pretty cool um guys also um so yeah that i wanted to take a little bit and just say as a promise we heard your feedback i listened to your feedback i listened to all the comments i read as many of them as i can and i want to let you guys know we heard your stuff we heard what you said and we're improving to make it better i also want you to know that we have new more like we've almost replaced every single one of our twitch um our twitch um emotes so we have new twitch emotes uh we have we have the the the ever mighty um the ever mighty click emote is available obviously we're gonna we're gonna make that one special so it's up at tier three right now for tier three subs but there's the click emote we've got the lull emo that just got released um we so blondie's been busy at work dad jokes is there now so we've been improving all of our jokes to basically make i mean sorry improving all of our emotes to make things better for you guys so we're constantly trying to improve constantly trying to make it better and trying to make this the best community for pc that we possibly can so um if you have questions and i know i'm taking more time here but if you have questions and you want to know about pc builds or stuff like that obviously i won't be able to answer them i know a lot of people have probably given up on that but we have people like our tech specialists who are sitting in the chat on youtube facebook twitch all of them who are willing to go with you and work with you to basically answer some of those tech questions and then always we have an amazing community of over 12 000 people over at discord dot g slash ruby tech we can pop in we have channels set up for that it's a family safe environment nobody's going to make fun of you well they might make fun of you i make fun of people but the only two is what i'm saying is that it'll be clean safe and a great great cohesive community to ask your questions and feel safe about the things you're going to get anyway i wanted to get i wanted to start off because may we're getting close to halfway through 2021 already and i just want to let you know that roby tech 2.0 wasn't just something i said in to in in january that was just with rebranding it's all about improving so much of our stuff and we're constantly trying to evolve and make it better for you so anyway guys that is it i also want to we're going to talk about this little bad boy right here because i'm excited about um oh there's icee yeah icy helped me with uh today's build and we were talking about psus in depth uh we're gonna talk about this we got sweet micah is she in chat sweet micah is here uh who works on the surface team uh surface sent me a couple surfaces we're gonna be showing off uh here in a bit i'm excited about this because of something um that is relatively new that we'll talk a little bit about but first and foremost i got to talk about one of our uh key sponsors um so we're gonna get that going here real quick um who here and i i know i just did this last week but um i on wednesday um but i want you know we do we like we try to do this this weekly so you can go for there one of things that's always crazy um is when you buy a new system if you're able to get a gpu i don't know if you guys saw did you guys see um greg's video about that guy who sold 72 30 60 tis for like was it 21 000 yeah that that made my skin crawl anyway but if you get a gpu and you want to build a pc like you've basically overpaid for a gpu you've probably overpaid for a cpu you may have overpaid for ram and nvme ssds right now just because of crypto miners so the thing is you get to the end and finally that that last stab in the heart is uh that windows 10 key where you're like my gosh i'm gonna buy windows 10 for 119 what the heck are you talking about well luckily your man robitech has taken some time to do some investigation because every tech tuber whether that's greg you know greg jay any of these guys has done well i don't know why it's that small but we'll fix it that's very tiny transform there you go um anyway uh have gone through there and they basically we have these things called uh oh you know what i wonder if i can add my camera back in i'm gonna turn it back on one so guys we're gonna we're gonna make this better um where did it go it just oh there it is okay here we go i can push this over let's click on the right thing you guys are watching things real time there you go okay anyway okay so that's a little bit better i'll make it smaller what is this random thing that's on here i have the sub no that's that's okay that's good oh that thing okay get rid of that okay there we go so now we've got it all to it so anyway uh these guys basically what happens is every tech tuber goes through and they try and find like hey i want to find a great uh i would like i want like i'd like to sorry we get offered from like cdk rece cd key resellers and the thing was is that one of the things that i was doing is i used to work um i used to work for a big corporation of course for me i care about making sure that you guys are getting legit products so when these guys reached out i and this was with every single one of them i was like look i want to i want you to prove to me that you're a legit key manufacturer i want to see the purchase orders that show that you're purchasing the keys from microsoft and all this other stuff and these guys jump through a ton of hoops to verify that what we were getting was actually retail keys of uh microsoft windows and so one thing is i did is i was like okay cool well these guys went through that so i'm willing to basically work with you to basically sell these keys to my audience which is where i'm at now so now what you do instead of spending 119 and 59 cents on windows 10 you're gonna spend 21.64 cents and you guys might be like why is this legit ruby like is this like is this a scam are you trying to scam me number one i would not do that that would completely screw over my entire reputation so that's not going to happen the other thing too is you can ask literally the thousands of people who are here in the channel who have done this and it has worked for them there's a ton of people here who've basically gotten their product keys from this site and even when they've had issues reach out their customer service and have them immediately immediately rectified but the best thing about it is not only is it just 19 but now if i go ahead and hit buy now and it pops up now i'm like oh hey cool check this out now it's 21 dollars but if i use my code rb20 oh it's not working why are you you guys aren't seeing the whole thing what is going on here oh hold on maybe i have to oh there it is so if you use the code oh it's got to be foiled okay so if you use the code rb20 so here it is 21.64 cents if you use the code rb20 and hit apply check it out now it drops by another four dollars and 33 cents and it's down to 17.31 cents now you might be like okay ruby that's great have you ever purchased a key from there and the question is abso freaking lulu i have absolutely purchased keys from here and in fact you can go to user center and check out my purchase orders and you can actually see i have keys that have been used and i have purchased um from this site so again well worth the option instead you're literally spending what ten percent of the overall cost for windows um and uh saving yourself some bucks so yeah worth worth going in there um anyway that's that's that uh if you guys have any questions is it legit edwin r is asking is it legit ask in youtube tons of people use the uh used this before they the people have gotten their key i don't know i don't know if many as many on youtube as on twitch twitch has used it a ton but you can go from there people are asking what do you do with all the pc parts most of my pc parts are actually part of commission builds but i do have a repository of pc parts that are just for doing case reviews and the thing is is that once i'm finished with them they get taken apart and then they go back in the repository so we can use them again so yeah um it's legit lots of people are basically using it uh where's your shirt from i got it from envious directly i used to do a lot of stuff with with them and they basically provided me a shirt with my name on it this is my old gamer tag back when i was basically uh dealing with gaming stuff more than then but now i've i've now changed my branding so there it is but yeah this is from envious um i was not sponsored by envious no i just did some stuff directly for them which was pretty cool um anyway i did want to talk sweet micah are you here in the channel i'm sure i'm going to say hi guys i want to talk about something a little bit different and then we'll go into dad jokes and get started on the bill don't worry this build's not going to be that long um so i'm taking a little bit of time but i'm excited about this right here and this is the new ryzen versions of the microsoft surface laptop this is the microsoft surface laptop for the 13 and a half inch build that we are using and the thing that i'm so excited about is like now that we have ryzen c ryzen p ryzen um basically um laptops which if it you know for a while um yes we've been having them but these are the ones that basically are super super crazy fast this thing has what is it sweet it's a sweet mic it's 18 and a half it's 18 and a half hours of battery life now you might be thinking hey roby you know for for productivity there isn't a whole lot more um that you could get and the other thing too is when you're talking about a price and again if you are down in the description below uh if you're watching on youtube the price for this thing is it's coming in at 9.99 which is absolutely ridiculous for what you're basically getting oops inside of this system and we'll show you a little bit about this but the thing was is that one of the problems that used to be an issue way back in the day when you had one of these um was the fact that um you couldn't like without a discreet graphics card without a discrete graphics card you couldn't basically um play games on it right and so you'd be like oh well you know hey that's great i've now got this really folk game focused or productivity focused laptop here but i don't have like it doesn't play games and the thing that's crazy about the new world so to speak is the um and we used to do we used to give these away a lot is the inclusion of uh xbox game pass and specifically the pc streaming cloud version of xbox game pass and so what you now have what used to be what used to be problematic for a pc like this is where you could sit there and with the productivity that you have with ryzen and you guys know and we'll be we'll be doing a full review of this um here later but one of the reasons that i really asked to check this out was now i have a laptop that's a hundred bucks you know and this is not and to be clear not all laptops can do this right so you can't just go get like a chromebook or whatever it was but with new xbox new x cloud now i only not only do i have like a powerful essentially a very powerful um productivity laptop with crazy fast ram i thought wha michael what was the what was the um what was the speed the ram speed on this it's no it's nine it's not sorry 9.99 not 99.99 9.99 a thousand dollars um but the ram speed on this was actually incredibly fast too it's like and i don't want to i don't want to get this off there but this is the surface laptop for now the thing that's crazy about it and we're going to charge it and we'll basically get it set up but here i mean check it out i mean just overall just a great looking we'll do a top down here but it's got that nice soft basically laptop really really well in terms of their type their true type stuff and all their their keyboards and all that stuff i really love these laptops in fact this laptop is going to be replacing my ipad pro um as the one on the game but one of the things that's uh one of the things that's crazy about this is that now um with xcloud not only can i basically play pc games now that are streamed at quality for like on the equivalent of an xbox series x on this thing and we'll show this here hopefully a little later in the show but stream that quality on the xbox series x but you can now also do all of the other things from a productivity standpoint so with a crazy amount of battery life with a ryzen cpu with up to it's like this has got eight gigs of ram um but um there's a bunch of different options um for literally a thousand dollars which is which is nuts and we're talking nice screen nice quality screen super nice quality screen you've got touch screen so you've got like all of the stuff that usually when you talk about like a greater than a thousand dollar laptop plus the ability to basically play games at 18 and a half hours which is awesome so um yeah it's it yeah frederick barth was basically talking about it um so i wanted to show it off we're gonna be like i said we've actually got two models of this we've got the larger model and then we've got this model um but i wanted to show this off because i want to show you guys a little later on cortana's talking to me um one of the things i want to show you is just even how easy and right here with um things like you want to like if you want to use this for gaming it's here i have an xbox series x controller basically how easy it is to just basically connect this with this and then play xcloud over streaming on a laptop that does not have a great discrete gpu but looks as good as an xbox series x or an xbox one x um with uh on a great screen with great you know basically like at high quality um for literally 18 and a half hours like you could take this plug you know basically not plug it in just take it to your your your your hotel which i'm gonna be testing um and essentially play games on it which is crazy so and i one of the things that just makes me excited about it is that now all of a sudden i've got something where um you don't have to spend you know 15 16 17 1800 which i have like an msi 30 60 laptop that we're basically testing a discrete gpu sorry a sidecar gpu with that like you know that that thing's not going to last that amount of time which is pretty crazy so uh anyway i want to show this off uh sweet micah is actually going to be in the channel all day all night so if you have questions she's over on twitch if you want to just ask questions about the laptop we want to basically have somebody from the surface dev team here um so she can so she's willing to talk the surface team actually hooked me up um but she is just here just as a courtesy so if you guys have questions about the laptop she can basically talk to you guys about it we're gonna be showing off the the power and the productivity of it a little bit later on in the stream if we can get this all set up like we'd like um and uh go from there but i was told i need to plug it in right away um because it needs to charge so that is one thing i'm going to do right now while we basically get to the build uh you know panic that's the stuff that we want to test right so again i do know that you need pretty good wi-fi you know what i mean but uh we're gonna test that and i wanna i wanna do an honest assessment right i am excited understand that some of that is uh maybe maybe uh destroyed with actual real world results but the fact that they're letting me go and give it a go right plus we'll run it through its paces with basically what it can do from a productivity standpoint as well um should be pretty cool so i am i think i think it'll go better or worse than i expected i don't know we'll have to find out so okay so let me plug this in and then we'll uh get it set up throughout the stream and go from there i just realized i don't know the wi-fi password where i'm at so this is going to be interesting but regardless you have questions and you want to know about the specs again the description is there um if one of my uh mods could take a look and find it so you can put it in twitch i did forget about that i didn't build a bot for it but we can uh we can at least show get the information and pop it out so you guys can take a look at what we have and this is the nine the 999 dollar model that you guys have seen here and again i really like how this feels and all that sort of stuff as well and but yeah there it is we're gonna show it off i ordered a case for my new build what was that there you go hidden attribute hooking it up right there and no this will not be part of the hot tub stream we will not be putting we might be playing games but all in all we're going for that next up fans there we go put this away like i love their packaging it makes it really easy to basically put it back it's not this is so again this is the laptop not the pro this is the laptop version but again what one of things you do have an option of now and we'll show this hopefully here on the stream i hope or if not today we will definitely show it on wednesday um what gaming is like on something like this which should be cool so and then we've got our trusty controller here and all that stuff as well okay who's ready to talk about parts i think we've done everything else but actually talk about the builds today i don't know if we have a code for a surface discount guys i'm not i'm not basically i'm just i'm excited because again we're trying to get more into showing off laptops and i really appreciate the surface team uh giving us a chance to show them off we'll we'll be doing in depth again we wanted to do an unboxing here for you guys show it off let you connect with people from the surface team so you can ask questions um and uh and go from there sorry that the thunder stream uh thunder power thunder thunderstorm knocked out your power if you had a surface maybe you'd have 18 hours of battery life there you go um what are you i what's going yeah uh giveaways are gonna be at the end fair so it's gonna be a while so again part is it's the point of the giveaways is not just to basically be like hey thanks for tuning in for three seconds we'll see you later uh it's basically so you can watch the entire stream that's what the component talk is intimate i agree okay well let's start with the case because that's what we're here for and i'll be honest i haven't heard a whole lot about this case um these guys reach out to me this is called gim and apparently they also make fans i don't we have done some investigation for this case um it doesn't like oh you know just truthfully from the outside it's nothing spectacular right the thing that is that intrigued me about this particular case is the fact that the fans which you can buy separately you don't have to buy the case the fans do do something with music but the fans aren't all that great either 33.7 cfm in terms of the power um it's a standard looking micro atx case you're definitely looking at this and you know the first thing that me and my tech specialist basically said was hey uh this isn't going to be the best for airflow even though they talk about high airflow design the stuff they're talking about is here on the side is um here on the side is basically uh apparently it's like like a spiderweb type design for basically pulling in airflow if you were to replace this with high static pressure fans you might be able to pull some pretty standard air but you know these fans are like they're not placed back they're actually placed right up against the edge so these fans are not getting a ton of airflow as it is um one thing that is unique about this case is check this out they've got like this little knob thing and that's how it does the lock and it's like a qual it's a nice quality knob that they have here so there's a nice knob you're into knobs so we're gonna take that off oh great that's a good sign the peg just came right out so there we go but yeah um again so we talked about this so let's let's let's look at the build real quick and let's talk about how we're going to do the build and then i'll talk about parts but we uh when we look at this case and the first thing we want to say is like okay well we know and we're going to be using the stock fan so that was kind of important to us because we wanted to say hey if somebody buys this case they're more likely going to buy it because of the we're probably going to buy it because of the fans and what the fans do it's only you know what is it it's like it's actually the don't go off the new a price uh you can buy directly from them i think you can also get on amazon for like 70 bucks um so it's not an expensive case the newegg price is like i think that's just because it's a marketplace one but it's like 70 bucks right but if somebody's going to do this you're going to do this because of the gym fan the gim fans um and being able to control the um being able to control the fans and so there's a remote in here that we'll play with once we get the build finished that you can apparently do stuff like habit react to music and all that sort of stuff but because of the terrible airflow because of the terrible airflow which we expect to have happen we wanted to set this up for optimal basically optimal cooling so we're gonna leave the stock fans that they are we're gonna have three intake and we're gonna have a single exhaust at the top now we are using a fractal s24 fractal uh basically the fractal design celsius s24 dynamic which you guys have seen we did this in the as a build it's a great aio really great fans and we're going to be putting these we're going to be doing a top mounted aio in the case now the case when you look at the top of it we do have the option for 240 or 280 if you were going to do a 280 aio on the top i don't think that would work very that well because again you wouldn't have you'd have like almost no ram clearance so we're going to do 240. you can see it's pushed up pretty well up front so we're going to see how that is so it shouldn't mean ram clearance is going to be an issue but we're going to be doing 240 millimeter radiator a 240 millimeter aio on the top and we're going to be setting these fans as exhaust so essentially what we're going to create is probably a negative a negative um pressure situation uh inside of the case given that the fit like these fans at the front are going to be getting very little airflow they're they don't even have really good cfm and then we're going to have these really qualities uh fractal fans at the top and then the friend fan at the bottom so again what we'll be doing is we'll be exhausting as much air as we possibly could which is one of the reasons that we were talking to icy sniper about this is that actually uh why this reason like the h1 the h um the nzxt uh case that's behind me the h510 performs so well under negative pressures because again what we're going to do is we're going to focus on getting hot air out of the case and so that and because there is enough cool air coming into the front we should still get gpu basically getting some fresh air but for the most part we're going to focus on getting hot air out um so we're going to create we're going to create a negative pressure case in this in a negative pressure situation in this case just to basically deal with the lack of front air good airflow in the front now we will like i said we will be testing all those thermals all that sort of stuff to make sure it works goes from there but again when we planned our build and we talked about it that's these are the conversations we kind of had when we uh went through it and we talked about it so again exhaust exhaust exhaust and then three intake but three crappy intake two very very good exhaust and then a single kind of crappy well still good airflow in a good airflow situation for exhaust all up um the other two kind of thing weird stuff about this is that um we still do have a lot of room here in the back but again uh pretty inexpensive in terms of the options here these are not screwed in these actually kind of have to basically float and get basically uh like ripped out so you don't like they're they're actually kind of like what are the it's like where you have to like move it back and forth to get it off which is kind of lame um on the back though you're not gonna get it to you know and i think my text called this you're not gonna have a ton of room in the back for um your cable management either so we're popping this off in the back there i was weird that the whole screen went like that so on the back here and this is like couple things that they did which is kind of weird one this is stuck to the case like they stuck it on here like crooked which kind of it irks me so i'm gonna now fix that because now we are but yeah they actually stuck it on here crooked um you do come the the couple things is is that it does come with a fan hub the one thing about the gim fans is that they are the connections are both for rgb and for um the fan or a proprietary connection so again do you your your hub actually will do looks like what 10 fans off of a single hub which is kind of cool um but again we don't have a ton of room in the back here for basically uh cable management we're looking at like what maybe half an inch of cable management room so you uh so really really thick cables we'll have to see how our cable extensions do because um we're going to be kind of smart about cable management the case um so yeah so initial thoughts just given what we've done so far you know just out of blush is that this is definitely a budget case i'm assuming this just pops off right but it didn't come off very easily so i don't need to take the fans off and i know there's probably a way to pull the bottom off this doesn't have any instructions which is the other thing that was kind of weird but it doesn't yeah it comes off it just pops off okay yeah and then this pops off here's your glass and then again this is what they talked about with the airflow but again you've got like kind of this side airflow situation here and then fan wise but again the fans are all the way up and then again the other thing that's pretty crazy about it is that they also have like a plastic insert on it and that plastic insert basically reduces the airflow that this thing can pull from even more it's just like it's just really terrible i do not know how thermals are going to be but we will find out when we go put it through the rigger but there there's your strip case and not much to it so yeah if you're not if you're noticing i'm not speaking very highly of it i don't have high hopes but at the same time you know if somebody's interested in this case we want to make sure we test it and show it off and so we kind of had a lull in terms of the availability of new cases right now we have some pretty crazy ones coming up uh here pretty soon but figured we'd show this one off and get a build in it and go from there and again i think don't go off the new egg price it's like the price is a little high so let's talk about the parts we're putting inside of it got the case already stripped there it is there's like nothing but hey but hey guys listen here's here's the important thing here's the important thing right here here's the important thing right here listen to me the case may be terrible but the fans react to music what else could you want right rgb rgb plus music reaction means that you're getting what a bajillion frames per second i mean that's that's what you want right that's that's why you're here so there you go i will tell them that's what it is regardless of whether the case is regarded regardless of how good the case is doesn't matter the music the fans the fans react to music that's all that's all that matters okay so here we go first and foremost we talked about the cooling because the cooling is going to be pretty important in this case so we're doing the fractal celsius celsius plus s24 from fractal design we actually use this like i said in the uh um in the as a build the as a cast 808 build uh which is crazy um we are i am excited about a couple things because uh this cpu has been getting a lot of love lately and that is the core the intel core i5 11600 k just as a just as an fyi don't put 11 600 k in twitch because apparently it won't let you you have to do it 11 600 space k i don't know why but apparently uh that that thinks that it's basically a bad word and apparently right now intel may potentially be thought of that way but again cpu is getting a lot of love right now coming in at 254 dollars it's actually performing very well um we'll be putting it through our paces as part of our testing in this build um so you guys will be able to see how this particular setup so regardless of whether you choose the case if you were to choose the cpu so case aside this would be sixteen hundred dollars without the case you could even get it down to fifteen hundred bucks if you if you could even get it down to fifteen hundred bucks without the case very easily this this this build itself transfer transplants into any number of cases all you need is an atx case so cool thing about it is regardless of whether you are happy with the case you are going to see that the what the components how the components are going to do in all of the key games plus everything else the other thing too is that one but somebody asked um there are things there are bonuses you know there are people believe it or not who actually do buy amd cards and put them in intel systems so um and the only two is that we're gonna do the same things we're gonna throw a sapphire radeon 6700 xt inside of this system and see how it performs with an intel 11 600k um again uh nice inexpensive card 6700 xt uh overall like we've done our testing on it you'd be surprised at what it was it's kind of like one of those nice weird in-betweeners um the other two is this is a card that you can basically get from amd um for a price at like right out 479 bucks right now um and even less if you can basically get it for less than that um but yeah well worth testing um amd is continuing to make improvements to make the gpu perform better um and again we are seeing things where um with nvidia and what they've kind of pushed we do expect some at some point in time amd will also be releasing its version of the boost so if you are using an intel cpu you will still get the same boost that you're getting out of ryzen cpus uh given that nvidia essentially just basically called called bs on amd um and said hey anybody can do it and uh we'll talk a little bit more about that um for the motherboard we're doing the z590 aorus pro ax um again probably the most expensive part of the build if you wanted to find something to do a little bit less uh you can look at z590 or even like the b560s if you wanted to from an overall motherboard standpoint but these are all all in all great great motherboard i like their aorus motherboards um and the other two is but again one of the things that you could if you want to kind of uh make it a little less expensive you can go with something a little bit less on the z590 standpoint if you wanted to um for ram we're going to be using the spektrix d50 um another one 3600 3600 ram um if you wanted to do another option there um you could definitely do that again it's what we kind of had in stock at the time and then for storage we're using that crucial p5 uh one terabyte for our game drive um which we don't have with us right now because it's currently in use in the uh the fan techs uh we are going to be using the uh the two terabyte sn850 western digital that's going to be our game drive for basically all of our testing so we'll be putting that in later on um so when we get to that point we'll be showing that that off um post the stream obviously when you watch the recap of this build review later on um for cables if they fit we're gonna be using the asia horse black and white uh sleeve cable kit just to make sure it looks pretty um because it's still it's not it's not an unattractive looking case and then uh for power supply which is more than enough headroom and if you wanted to even go to a 750 watt we just were out of 750 like just spare extra 750s um you could use any 750 watt bringing the cost down a little bit more but again i had an 850 we're gonna throw an 850 in this um for no for no apparent reason 750 would be more than off more than enough so if you wanted to throw like an evga 750 g5 or a 750x from corsair um you could definitely do that and bring the cost down even a little bit more so um anyway that's yeah it's more you're right jldg that is more than enough power for what you need you do not need to choose this power supply just want to be transparent this is what we had that is like our spares and so we all of our 750s are actually currently in other systems i do have more coming in you do not need to use 850 watt power supply for that so so anyway that's the build as it is pretty straightforward anyway that's uh that's that's gonna be it that's what we're gonna do this is what we're about to put into this case and see how it runs make sure it looks good all that sort of stuff get it kind of out of the way and clear out the uh and then we'll do a dad joke which everybody kind of wants dad joke time it's been a whole week and you guys haven't had dad jokes i'm surprised you probably all crusty right now there it is right there and then we'll grab our gpu okay let's look at our dad jokes now if you have dad jokes we like to read these out on every show um uh that we have a channel discord gg slash ruby tech pop into our channel um and oh it says is is streamlabs being crazy oh okay cool i was reading through a throwing a note um okay going from here going to dad jokes where are they here we go okay so we're going to our dad jokes oh my gosh okay so i'm going to start with this one i'm going to show this on the top because i think this is great um it's not it's a meme more than anything but here it is it says this is from prince prince odaroo it says german wi-fi i'll see i'll zoom in so you guys can see this german wi-fi is the worst look at that but it's german wi-fi is the worst but w-u-r-s-t and then the worst the german is the the things are in a nice uh that's pretty funny right there so anyway there's your dad joke there's your laugh right before we get in the building right there that's pretty awesome thank you very much prince um [Music] okay i oh so shooter pro i'm gonna do it like a normal dad joke here right queer i'm gonna look through it right there um sorry about the little moment of silence my brain basically broke i guess um i only know 25 of my abcs i don't know why that's your that's your uh that's your little uh your thinker right there i only know 25 of my abcs i don't know why so there it is right there guys okay closing this down and let's go ahead and start building hey kevin hey kevin you may not be able to hear me see if you can get me connected on the wi-fi here okay uh let's grab our motherboard going to top down you're going from there and yeah that was thank g live chat i'm glad has any so sweet mike is anybody asking you any questions any good questions that you've gotten if we have some good questions uh sweet maga that you've gotten if you want to add if you want to ping blondie and let her know what those questions were we can recap them at the end of the stream uh just to basically so we can make sure that we get those those questions like so everybody can have so if you got any if you didn't get any and everybody's terrible um then you know screw them um no i'm just kidding i like this mobile yeah this is a nice looking mobo okay so this is the uh aorus pro ax 750 sorry z590 all in all uh one thing i've been impressed with aorus uh specifically gigabyte because i don't know if you guys know this gigabyte actually oris is gigabyte um is how much better um and actually how much cleaner um their motherboards have been becoming now are many people here anybody here new to pc building like hasn't seen a you're looking at this going what's a motherboard what is this uh what is the uh what is this this thing for and all that sort of stuff um i'd like to sit there and just take you on a quick tour real quick of a motherboard to just kind of get you acquainted so as we're doing our building and as we're doing things on the stream um this stuff will start to make more sense to you and make it a little bit clearer so anyway this is the aorus z590 i don't think we've actually used i don't think we've actually used this on the stream before so this will be a this is a this is a roby tech world premiere right here um so uh starting in the top left hand corner one things i do appreciate about this is that we actually do have a fan header um which i wish more motherboards actually did this is having a fan header specifically for that nice rear exhaust fan right next to the eps this is where most people have exhaust coming out unless it's like one of those weird cases so it's nice to actually have a fan header here but that's what this four pin uh pwm uh uh connection is right here next to us we have two eps power connectors we've got an eight pin and a four pin um if looking at the heat sinks at this rate this is relatively good in terms of motherboard um for vrm and then it looks like quality heatsinks we haven't tested ourselves but it seems like it's going to be a quality board for some overclocking if you wanted to um the only pin that you actually need even to do most regular overclocking is this eight pin right here but they do add a four pin uh just to give the to give the cpu additional power support to ensure that it can basically handle like as you basically push a cpu the overall amount of power that it needs starts to go up uh in a very like almost a crazy amount so that's why you have something like this for the most part this is usually only used for what's called ln2 overclocking or liquid nitrogen overclocking but for most people if you're just going to boot your pc and just do it right you only actually need the eight pin um right here in the center this is actually your new lga 1200 socket this is new with 11th gen uh with new with 11th gen intel um and so uh right yeah yeah new with the 11 gen intel is the yeah the the lga 1200 am i ryan am i did i just blank on that um yes so anyway this is your your um this is your socket right here and i'll end uh going for that oh it wasn't 10th gen that's right okay so lga 12 was i knew my i was like that doesn't sound right kill me with the knife that doesn't sorry lga 1200 was also on 10th gen as well so yes it works with 10th and 11th that's what the lga 1200 was new attention um so anyway this will work with your 10900k your 11900k but nothing earlier than that kill me with the knife the knife is nice there's a rubytek right there over here on the top right is you actually have two more additional fan headers this light gray one here is actually your cpu uh your cpu fan connection uh the cpu fan one is uh the only one that you basically definitely need to plug in or you will throw an error you can turn that error off in the bios but for the most part it's there for your protection you want that error to happen because if it's not getting cooled it's uh it's a bad thing over here we actually have our atx power power connection right here this is what's going to power the other three quarters of this motherboard you got four dimm slots again it's dual channel even though there are four dimms um it's actually only dual channel on this motherboard um and so uh we have channel a and channel b um on some of them yeah even this has been kind of cool on most motherboards it's hard to see with the glare but there's actually a notification up here that's showing you uh the place where you need to plug them in first is a2 and b2 and then afterwards a1 and b1 in terms of if you only had two dimms but we're going to be using four dimm so it doesn't really matter this does have both usbc which is this connection right here and we have a usb 3 uh connection or usb 3.2 in this case an additional fan header right here over here are the two most important connections on the face to planet those are both rgb rgb makes everything faster in fact we're doing a case that has rgb plus music reaction so there we go we got a 12 volt and a 5 volt addressable most people for the most part we use the 5 volts there are a few ones that use 12 volts for the most part this is usually the one that most people will basically connect into we've got six sata connections down to the bottom this is for plugging in like three and a half inch and two and a half inch uh physical hard drives um so that's what those are for um or just to look pretty and bring balance to the way the board looks we've got our front panel connections in the bottom right here we've got additional three fan headers here we've got two usb 2 uh which for the first time we showed that b550 from nzxt last week and that actually had three which physically blew my mind additional rgb uh connections here both the five volt and 12 volt and then we've got our hd audio for like your audio stuff on this side uh in here we've got uh it could be two or three i actually it might be three we'll have to open this up but we have m.2 connections in here uh oh it could be four oh look at this so we've got one at least one here and one here i don't know what's in here we'll have to pop this open and find out and then again we've got one by sixteen and two by eight uh pcie uh uh basically connections right here um pretty cool overall uh quality motherboard and then for io on the other side we've also got a ton of i o options here with a usbc usbc usb 3.2 gen 2 connection and you've got your usb 3.2s you've got some another usb 3.2s and then of course you've got your audio stuff and this also includes wi-fi which is nice so all in all great looking board i think that's a nice little tour uh we're gonna pop this open and see and start plugging everything in i think we've got some peels though i think this has got to get peeled there we go everybody needs peels there we go we're going to amp up the audio by peeling it oh there's another peel right here yeah i had that i will tell you sometimes streaming you know i was talking i was talking to some folks the other day there are the so many times i wish that you know it's one thing to sit up here and like try and remember everything on the fly like with vods like you can edit and change anything out but sometimes yours you'll just have like a brain fart you're like yeah lg 1200 that was uh yeah that was that was the no that doesn't sound right but i appreciate the folks who give me the give me the room to make mistakes uh i do make them i don't know everything i do build a lot of systems but i have a lot of knowledge in my head and sometimes i get them mixed up so thank you for that all right let's put our cpu in that sounds like fun so grabbing our cpu now you know it's funny like sting central you're right we are all human but some people man they do not want to give people like what are you doing get off the stage it's like oh i'm sorry okay so we're gonna do is we're gonna pop this out lift it up like so there's our beautiful socket open this up in that beautiful blue box games do not use 32 flight 32 gigs of ram you're absolutely right you're absolutely true but flight sim there are games that are now requiring it so i'd say that in most cases and i think it will become more of a standard as games get further along so getting 32 gigs is always a good idea i don't think people will need 64 gigs anytime soon so it really comes down to the ocd level in you of whether you basically want to um use all four or just leave some room for expansion so okay popping this out so we're grabbing it from the side like this what we're going to do is we're going to drop it down there's two little nubs there's also a little arrow in the bottom left-hand corner that lines up with a little arrow there and then you go like this pull it down then when you pop it down this little top just pops off you do not need to take it off it just comes off when you actually close the um close the socket like you like i just did oops that doesn't go in there okay so we're gonna pop that back in and we are good to go cool that is ready our intel is let's go and throw our ram in and our aio but i want to just take a second in our m.2 sorry i want i want to take a second it's taking me a little bit to get into the rhythm of this i want to take a second to just open up these things and find out how much connectivity it feels like we have a ton of m.2 stuff which is going to blow my mind okay so we got our top one here let's take this off okay there we go so there's our top one uh cool thing about this check this out it's actually got uh heat basically heat sinks on both sides so both the bottom and the top um which is kind of cool so that's nice uh with this particular motherboard so that's cool let's pop this one off see what's under here we got one m.2 [Music] there oh there we go oh that came off whoa look at that two more there's three boom for m.2 that is crazy i did not know you had oh so i must have i have used this board before there we go four m.2 uh slots with uh this particular board that's nuts that that in of itself man uh is worth the uh yeah i how often do you see that so cool job that one's uh that was a nice little bonus there you go so there there's a there's a nice little surprise there for you good surprise not a bad surprise okay so let's pop this down and what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and take the top slot and peel the top off of this and we're going to put that's we're going to put our our current mdot to and again we're going to have a gate we'll have a game one he can pop that one down at the bottom one here a little bit later we're going to pop these back on real quick though that was a nice light that that's surprising let's keep that in mind okay so we've got that done let's go and grab our mother our m.2 out they're all gen four that's something that's new with z590 so they're all gen four yeah it's nice to like to have that much nvme storage but again that's some of the stuff that like will be added like people can add with their boards there we go so here's our beautiful crucial p5 m.2 pop that in there's a little slot in the pcb just like that we're gonna put that in hold it down there and then we're gonna grab one of our little screws here that i have [Music] here's my knife that's not a knife oh i don't need to use this crud that was a waste um never mind i could have just used this thing right here and then we're just going to pop this down and now i have like a random dangling there we go pop that down and sealed cool just opened a random hole for no reason a random thing for no reason i'm gonna put it inside of a baggie and put it back in the bag okay there we go so m.2 is now installed let's go and grab our ram those of you who are tier three have the special click the new click uh the new click uh emote for those tier three subscribers yeah i like this motherboard it's a nice looking motherboard and if you wanna like why don't we get a link one of the things we're going to try and do is uh provide links so you guys can look at the stuff a little bit more regularly i might work with our mods in terms of hey when we're doing the motherboard it just shows the link from the motherboard um because that stuff is all within there and i can we can send the documentation but that way uh people are curious about individual parts as we're putting them up we are gonna we're working on creating overlays that'll basically come up as well that'll show you the motherboard so you guys can see what it is and stuff like that just doing a better job of helping you guys uh know what's happening on the stream and then where we're kind of at as we go through the flow so okay there we go ram sticks look so yummy what do i think that we got to work on we're going to we're going to work on well blond if you can reach out to sean to see if he can give us some editable overlays for that stuff that's all we need so part of it is now we have a person on retainer to do that stuff so we'll just have to reach out to sean to make it happen yes we're having intel with amd what hi oh my gosh yes people do that too okay again a little slot in the pcb you're just gonna line it up just like that and then go oh that was a good click that was a good click i i think this is the ram i've used before where i really like the click and the way the click sounds let's test it again secondary click oh i just need a moment you know what every once in a while every once in a while every once in a while we just get a really good click and that that is we're celebrating right there that is a quality click and i think some of that is just like being able to do like be able to get it on both sides which is awesome there we go okay going back to top down let's get our click back in there get another get another one in there see if we if can we go three for four i mean three for three here we go hey rated soldier thank you very much for the subs man oh again quality quality click equals faster ram thank you very much that is so true if you get four good clicks it goes from like cl 18 to like cl 14. for sure and then last one what can i say that was good all across the board make sure it's nice and that's good click and that ram looks good with this um this motherboard okay motherboard is good there nice trippy skill says 10 out of 10 would click again okay let's pop out our aio stuff we're just going to make sure uh i get our bracket installed for our celsius here i really like this aio it's got a super low profile um a heat plate which is nice all right give me give me give me give me give me give me give me there we go okay popping this out okay there's all our stuff our stuff okay we're gonna do is take our little back plate here just gonna lift up like so make sure these are all the way to the center lowest setting okay come on get in there okay there it is it is in there we go so now we got our little bracket in and now i'm gonna grab our little where's our last one there it is little pegs get all four of these in screw those in hey bernie thank you very much for the five gifted subs coming up on 200 guys this anders this board is dual channel yes not quad channel do some asmr with that click we'll have to do we'll have to let's find a good way to like jack black of thank you bro hey that's a i'll take that as a compliment um one of the things i need to do is like see if i can get a good click mic that's like maybe that's maybe that's the thing we'll get a click mic we need a click mic right look at ckcc sitting up there with 100 subs crazy okay let's put this stuff in here because we don't need this a little bit later good click mite the bottom in.2 slot is crooked oh it's not even on that's why thank you for pointing that out it's not only crooked it's just not attached at all so good call out let's put it in let's actually put it on not only is it not crooked it's actually installed correctly okay thank you very much for calling it up uh okay so we got that done we'll we'll take that out a little bit later time to get this inside of the case we've already stripped it no this isn't a rated x stream you strip the case you stripped the case not a person this is just strip the case okay get your mind out of the gutter get your mind out of the gooder here it is right here you guys ready to see a naked case done avert your eyes oh my gosh avert your eyes it's innards are showing it's so choked i'm just kidding it's fine you guys can see the innards okay here's this uh here's what the whole case is all about yeah it's a hot tub stream we're working on it guys there is going to be a hot i'm doing a hot tub stream i've hired a i've had a personal trainer hired a personal trainer we're gonna be doing this we're gonna be doing us some crossfit it's gonna be it's gonna be crazy be coming out with uh you know what guys listen i don't call it i don't call it a dad bod i call it a fatherly figure you know what i'm saying that's that's what we're gonna do so it's naked okay so here's that great uh here's that great there's the inside there is there's our remote control oh man okay there we go uh case is down not in a bad way case is down yeah okay so getting this down right now okay here we go let's go ahead and get this prepped this thing there's just just cables everywhere we haven't even started building it okay so we're on a top down grab our our motherboard here this thing has like no room in it like it takes up the whole thing oh whoa am i gonna have to remove the fan to put in the the mobo oh my gosh you have to remove the fan to put in the mobo okay this is already going so well i sometimes i have to ask myself guys literally did you guys build in your own pc case because i'm just did you remove the fan that's a first has anybody ever had to remove the rear fan to put in the mobo before at least at least the wow stick does a good job yeah but the fans work with music that's a good guy that's a good ghastly you're right fans work with the music though so it's gonna be worth it at the end okay here we go will this work now watch i have to remove the back i have to remove the whole case to plug this in okay here we go okay so it's in now i'm gonna have to retake that little thing okay here it is it's in there's our mobo it like look you got like no room at the bottom i'm gonna have to be running my cables off of the side here okay let's grab our case fans here's my w where did i go something just flew out here's my remote control guys it's all you need right here this is the whole thing this is going to be the secret to our success is this some screw flew off i don't know what screw that won't happen on our channel unfortunately like a like a drunk build or anything like that just because of kind of content but i'm pretty sure there are other channels where they do stuff like that a blind might be something or something like that would be something we might do but not not any of the others we have kids watching guys we have kids watching ckcc's daughter watches this show okay i had a screw so i'm gonna screw one screw in oh there's no oh the the standoffs aren't on this for the whole thing either what the what is this okay so really they put everything in they're like they're i think for this they're thinking you're gonna put in micro atx you do have support for atx but this is set up for micro atx because look you got your micro atx things uh all set up from here we're gonna go ahead and get everything you can do atx's i mean e-atx as well um but we're going to go ahead and get our other standoffs put in here for atx wow they have like where what about the fans oh okay and you've got the spare extra one here oh there's that screws like no that's not the screw what is that there's like look at this what is this there's like just a random screw sticking through the k oh yeah that this oh wow that's actually for the uh this like circuit board in the bottom but they have like this k this screw like protruding through the case that's brutal okay um i need a i need a remover wow this is going to go all the way up like you can't like and the other two is check this out you're like you're gonna if you want to install ssds i guess they go on the other side but make sure before you put in your motherboard you install your ssds on these mounts because your motherboard is going to go over so you can't screw these in so remember that weird order of operations as well okay we're gonna grab a i have a i have a micro atx b550 i have a b556 that was going to use for this this one is not going to remove this it's too small okay oh maybe i might be lucky i might have to use my ifixit trying to use a uh standoff remover but let me see what my if my fix it has one oh not that one that one should work okay i fix it okay atx okay so we have all of i think they only gave me enough for what i have here so i'm gonna have to take this extra one they gave me [Laughter] so this case might be better for a mini itx build now one other thing i will let you guys know you're going to see me put in the case let me put in the motherboard and then i'm going to take it out make sure these are in all the way is um you got to make you you are going to have to uh pop out these um slots so we're gonna load this in now we're finally to the point where we can actually put this in it's been quite the journey thus far okay so we're going to need this one the top one's out that was interesting so the top one's out so we need this these two at least so we're going to remove these two okay pop that out again and now we're going to remove don't get these wrong because if you want to put them back in there's no way to do it that's it basically this is these come out and they're permanently out once you do that and your top slot is always going to be open so if we're in our negative pressure situation you are going to have to do dust more frequently you have to do some dust work a little bit more frequently so get your dust blower out okay so now we've got that okay now we can move forward okay cool actually to the point where we're going to put this build in putting in our thing yeah and again uh you would actually never mind you'll be okay you could put your you could screw you could screw those in uh not you don't don't worry about your order of operations never mind i will say that when we do the review but you could actually get your uh your ssd in no problem you wanted to okay there we go now our doesn't look i think we're gonna be okay i know uh i see and those guys were curious about about ram clearance i think we're gonna be okay the one i think we're gonna be okay on ram clearance too we'll find out so far maybe this will be the we've gone through all the kind of questionable stuff at the beginning the rest is gonna go smooth maybe what it's a ruby tech build no way that's never gonna work okay you're just grabbing our last of our little fans here i couldn't imagine putting an eatx build in this case i mean you are yes it is capable of having an eatx but that would be interesting i mean that would fill up like look at where it goes like how do you even run your cables like it's just like okay last one okay and now our motherboard is in okay i'm gonna go ahead and re-put our fan in hoping it fits we're gonna have it as exhaust so looks like it's gonna fit that's good i was a little nervous that would have been that would have been like a hey we're done with this build i will tell you man the wow stick loves this build though these fans putting these fan screws on pretty nice oh this is kind of okay guys you want to see something else that's going to irk me look at what they did so here's your fans like it's just a little little attention to detail thing but here's your fans at the top logo is the same direction logo is the same direction this logo is sideways sorry you guys yeah there you go this logo sideways it's like little things it's like come on okay let's fix that real quick it's like you're i mean that's just that's just to pay attention kind of thing i will say the screw like screwing in the fans is nice like it's like i'm i'm enjoying how easy like it's like the like again you have no rubber or protection in terms of like um like uh vibration or anything like that but like yeah it's actually nice to kind of screw them in i'm gonna check i hope i didn't put that in backwards i don't think i did okay last one wow stick the wow stick is rocking it okay now let's see if our logos are all lined up like they're supposed to be yep look at that hey fix the problem we're all good now okay so our motherboard is ready let's get to our aio this thing is so light oh there's a screws looking for it's like so light it's just a light case like fling it around you know what i mean you're like you know like this would be like this is like a great like dance partner build it's so light so light it's like a light at least i'm not used to being so light it's like crazy light okay everybody's triggered i just i you know every once while i got to do stuff like gotta do stuff to keep you on your toes guys okay let's go and pop this up and uh get this back inside of the dinner and a show that's right okay let's get this uh let's get our aio in a iaio and on the cio you put it in the top oh i gotta put the io together luckily this thing is still like pop it over here okay let's grab our aio now we're going to be doing exhaust on the top of this so uh which is not not my favorite like you'd prefer to pull like nice cold air clean cold air through the radiator to cool your cpu but we're going to be pulling warm air we'll see how it does the thermals like i'm curious right we will have some apples to apples comparisons now with other cases which is cool so we will see how that goes see if it actually makes the effect that in the law in thermodynamics and science it should but yeah we'll see okay so let's grab our there's our stuff stuff and stuff now this does typically come pre-installed with this does come free included with thermal paste um this this aio has been used before so we're going to be doing some bob rossing later on just for your entertainment um because a you love bob ross and b you love it when i bob ross so yeah no you don't have to pay for the game give away jay and all you have to do is be present to win the only one that is pay is if you do the sub only giveaways oh you know what i didn't really you know what guys i completely spaced let me take it let me i'll get this done and then uh let me uh get this out and then i forgot i didn't actually go through the giveaways at all on the stream did i and go through that i got we got so excited that ckcc just dropped the bomb and then took off and i have i forgot to go through the stream what what the giveaways were i got so and everything else we're doing today guys also don't forget we have sweet micah here from the surface to ask questions if you guys have questions about the surface laptop 4 we're going to be showing that off i don't think it's going to be happening because we are still not on the wi-fi but we will be showing off on wednesday but if you have questions about the surface laptop uh please ask them while she is here um okay so uh let's do the quick introduction just give you guys a five minute spiel for those of you who are here my name is jessica roman the host of ruby tech rubi tick is a show that happens every monday wednesday friday starting at 5 30 p.m the focus of the show is mostly on pc building shenanigans we throw some pcs around all that sort of stuff you know you've been watching you know what's going on um we do have some giveaways the same giveaways almost every show um we have a number of builds first and foremost let's go through the builds we have the razer two razer tomahawk pcs that we're giving away in partnership with newegg uh we have the amd build that is also being given away in partnership with amd and with newegg you can check out both of those uh just by going to my socials or the socials over on newegg those are both available so those are pc giveaways we have some more pc giveaways coming up one with intel and one with partnership with cooler master as well those will be happening in the month in this month actually for giveaways we have two that happen uh because of you guys the awesome community the first one that happens is because we hit level five hype train twice on the show we've already done it once uh ckcc just dropped it and got us to like two thousand percent um and so the second one if we hit it the second one which usually happens around the two hour mark so about an hour from now um we'll give away a 500 gig nvme ssd and you just have to be here hanging out in the channel uh to be present to win the second one that we have is also going to be happening uh when we hit 700 likes on the youtube channel on the youtube video we hit 700 likes on the youtube video uh once we do that we'll give away a second at 500 gig nvme ssd so pop on over to rubytech drop a like it's free and then we potentially have a giveaway and then lastly we have down at the bottom you can see that 5600x giveaway right now we're giving away 150 new gift card if it gets to 300 subs becomes a 5600x if it gets to 450 subs becomes a 5800x if it gets to 600 subs it comes with 5900x and then we start giving away gpus like the 3060. um sorry yeah then we start giving away gpus like 36 and you're going to start seeing the list coming out from the from the moderators in terms of the tiers it upgrades as we get more subs all the way up to 30 80 and stuff like that uh for this last month for the month of april we gave away two rtx 3070s those will be announced on wednesday of next week now however because i did not stream on friday and i promise you guys one more chance to get in there we're extending that by one day so today only today any subs that we get today will be entered retroactively into the sub only giveaway for the month of april because i told you guys i would give you guys one more chance so if you sub today uh over uh if you sub today um then you are entered to win a 30 70 from not only the the prize which i'll announce on friday for what we're going to be giving away for the month of may but the prize for the month of april as well um also uh if you want to get in on that if you want to win one of those two 370s all you got to do is if you're over at youtube.comtech or slash newegg pop on over to slash robitec drop your free prime subscription so if you if you're an amazon prime member you get a free subscription and you can drop that and potentially walk away with a gpu now if you want to get extra entries towards those things you can do things like uh gift subs like what you saw ckcc do or you can do things like subscribing to tier two or tier three actually gets you the most in terms of entries um as well now don't worry ckcc i think he's actually already won something so he can't even win anything anyway so don't worry you're not competing against him um so that is uh good now if you want the full rules all of the things in terms of eligibility and stuff go ahead and check our discord dot gg slash ruby tech all of our entry and all of our legal stuff is all there if you want to know how all that stuff works and to make sure that we're on the up and up because we are um we have been sending all of you for those of you who don't know um most of you guys have started getting prizes all of our nvme drives have gone out our gift cards are in the process of going out our gpus from the month of february have all gone out our cpus from that so all of the price distribution has happened all the way through them if you won in the month of february or earlier your price distribution is out and on its way so again that's what that's kind of what's going on that's the thing that's basically happening here today we're building a 17 is a 17 would i say 17 or 18 i don't know which one it was i think it's a 1700 oh 1800 system uh in the uh the uh jim jim gim mb8 atx system that's what we're doing today so anyway that's what's happening for those of you who are here you do not have to be subbed for any of the giveaways that are happening on the stream you just have to be here and be present and we do those at the end there you go there's your formal one i forgot to do that at the beginning but now you're informed okay back to building we're gonna do that i'm gonna do that and these ones specifically a little bit different than what i typically do these are gonna be exhaust now one of the things that i love hey red pyramid thank you very much one of the things i love about this particular aio is that the fan hub and the rgb hub is actually built in to the radiator so you can actually see it right here this is something i absolutely love about this particular aio on top of just having quality fans and it's a it's a good aio even though it's like kind of low profile this little thing such a nice touch and i almost made my own mistake there so we're going to have these be the same way like that so cool thing and then we'll plug our we'll plug our fans right here and then they're plugged in and then from there it basically uh controls through oh it actually controls through oh controls through this single pwm way down here which is neat i think right yeah yeah it does that's pretty rad okay so let's put our fans on so where's my wow stick wow stick where are you wow stick there we go come on there we go and we're just going to make sure our stickers are the right way because that's important stickers have got to be stickered right there you go okay wow stick is coming to the rescue making us screw in so fast that sounds wrong i shouldn't have said it that way making our putting in screws so fast yes amazon prime oh thanks uh no wait dang it you're right roby exhaust not intake no wait yes there's sucking it yeah i wanted yes i want exhaust dang it after all that i did it wrong let's uh let's uh forget that that whole last five minutes uh those last five minutes happened and we're gonna turn this over and do it the right way thank you for catching that [Applause] yeah let's put it right now dang it i'm on a roll today hey thank you did somebody really super chat 20 bucks i don't think so oh i did wait no i did see that didn't i drinking and building yes apparently i am doing that well i'm drinking i'm i'm i'm i'm drunk on stupidity apparently or whatever we did get a 20 super chat didn't we yeah thank you very much what was it what did it say sorry it said i saw that i saw it uh goal thank you very much man appreciate that okay so we're gonna be setting up exhaust so uh we have a link for it the wow stick uh we can show the link for it that wow stick is awesome it doesn't have the best torque but i mean for ninety percent of this stuff it works really really well we'll have a link for you right here there it is right there the wow stick makes all your screwing faster again probably not the right way to say that wow i'm on fire that is true loon but it's it's it needs a little bit more a little bit more it's a little weak yeah phrasing yeah they got rid of that rule as soon as i found out cause i was like whoopsie whoopsie whoopsie um right now i am playing returnal i have been loving it um uh i have been playing uh i am uh i played at like 20 i mean blondie is going to be super proud of me because i i just put all my screws away um blondie's gonna be super proud of me because i played like 20 plus hours of return 20 25 hours of return a loss uh this weekend i actually got to play i actually played games this weekend guys like i know amazing so it was awesome i've actually really enjoyed that um i'm gonna try and play i'll probably end up playing that until mass effect comes out mass effect is the plan is to stream that on saturdays for you guys to watch a hundred dollars ck what are you doing dude um thank you very much for the hundred dollars man that's huge and burke dropping five gifted subs as well thank you man is your is your daughter watching he crossed the stream he crossed the stream um uh so i'm gonna play that until we play uh we're gonna play some uh the plan is to play uh some uh what's what i'm looking for uh mass effect together so i'm gonna play that uh through the entire s uh series on stream is my hope is my expectation not just my hope um so we'll be doing that on the uh the awesome um on the awesome uh rig that we built specifically for mass effect thanks to nzxt and the fine folks at evga so we're gonna be playing that it's gonna be cool uh sham sammy it has everything to do with shipping and uh the tax laws so it doesn't it's just it's not as simple as just saying like hey i want to give away to india i'm giving away internationally is actually very difficult the rgb is all over the place man there's all stealth stealth evita there's a stealth stealth savi satvia i'm saying that name completely wrong but point being there is this not only do we have rgb we have rgb that also works with the music maybe the only saving grace for this case so far don't worry it's coming don't you worry what do you guys think of the new uh thank you old dude gaming what do you guys think of the new uh the new uh emotes are you guys digging them um the build mat is a pc build mat that was specifically built by four newegg four influencers um we actually have our own version which we've shown a couple of times on the stream that will be coming out this month so uh or sorry the build i don't know if the build metal will be out this month the rest of march will be out this month but we're going from there uh hey guys posted somebody else posted a question in uh discord tech that needs some help so they're really desperate to the point where they're letting me know um so yeah if uh if uh one of the tech specialists could take a look at that that would be much appreciated okay guys um we're now ready to mount our aio but we're gonna bob ross it a little bit just for some fun everybody loves the bob ross section everybody i need to get like uh i need to get a um like a beret or something like that so when we do these this feels all like official don't you think putting on thermal paste while wearing a beret is better isn't that like doesn't that make it more official if i wear a beret while putting on thermal paste i think so i think so bob ross didn't ask bob ross didn't ask for bob ross didn't wear a beret though that's okay here we go but everything i i think you agree i know i also owe it like a unicorn onesie stream too there we go got some that on we're gonna we're gonna spread it out with our thermal paste spreader making it soft empty do oh nice even thermal paste on there there we go oh covered the ihs is covered now get it cleaned off there we go okay cool okay now we can zoom out and let's get our aio in now oh that's a light case light light okay so let's go to our side camera it's over here so we can see me mount it i think okay so there is a rgb connection as well to see where it goes does it have no connection there this is an rgb connection that goes to what we've got our fan oh there it is again yeah i got it sorry i realize that i've got i'm missing one connection so i'm gonna get that plugged in real quick i was like where's our rgb connection there it is right there there we go okay rgb connection is in now we can put in our you know what i did guys the fans on backwards i mean i put them on the right direction but i put them in the wrong way so we gotta fix that i'm gonna have our stuff sticking out i'm on fire today mods are going to be mods are going to be a little toasty today a little toasty warm so there we go okay luckily the wow stick you we just you guys really wanted more wow stick while stick demonstration that's really what you wanted yeah there you go at least that was fast one more okay cool that's all in we're gonna have to redo that too even okay there you go poor uh that poor uh zip tie gave its life for nothing okay now we can put it in sad camera okay [Music] oh it fits fits barely but it fits we do have oh man oh oh i may need to put in my eps won't i let me see i'll look here in a sec once i get the second there we go [Music] yep you're definitely oh this is like this is like barely it right like okay so that barely barely fits but uh if you're gonna plug in anything you need to plug it in before you mount your aio you are barely tall enough for this okay so we're gonna hook up our stuff real quick okay [Music] this thing is like almost no room okay here's our cpu right there guys do not forget while you're watching this also don't forget sweet sweet mike is here in the channel if you have questions about the surface laptop four which we showed up a little early on the stream we're gonna be showing off more probably in the week um or for sure in the week to show the gameplay stuff that we talked about with um with uh xbox game pass and specifically xcloud and then also the productivity as part of our stuff you're gonna want to give that a go she's here if you have any questions about the what the specs are or um what they've done or anything about pricing etc if you have questions she's here in the channel on twitch and then if we have at the very end we're gonna see if there's some uh like general questions that a lot of people asked we'll get some of those done for the end okay i'm gonna go ahead and hope actually you know what because you can't even see that i'm gonna be smart and just use it standard cpu connection here grab a standard one and not even bother with the cable extension for that one because you can't you won't even be able to see it okay so again one of those things that you always do with certain builds right like you you'll come to places you're like oh you know i'm gonna need there's just no room or whatever it was so it's little things like this that sometimes you just got to pay attention to as you're doing your build that's just going to save you okay so we're going to take our cpu plug this in up here oh man just okay okay our eight pin is now plugged in pull that tight i'm gonna move this one fan [Music] go okay okay so now all of our cables at the top are hooked up okay make sure this is on the other side okay we're good there okay let's do that again as we can easy fix okay okay so now our thing is in we've got it it's in the right place we can get all our the stuff in for there but at least our top connections are going to be easy so let's go and move this over back to top camera put our other screws in and then we will uh finish hooking things up pretty straightforward so far a couple little surprises but nothing too bad ram clearance in terms of being able to mount an ai oh this is about as high as it goes there would be no more room let's get that in the right hole one thing i will say is it is nice is they gave some nice deep holes uh unlike lee and lee so i mean i i am finding things that are not bad like for instance uh the uh on this the top uh for doing things like uh with your um dust filter is having these nice like deep grooves to put your screws in um versus like the lee and lee one when you put the dust filter on it won't lay flat but this one is actually i was gonna lay flat no problem and uh look quite nice in terms of keeping it flat so there's a pro there's a pro right there about the case not all bad okay so uh let's go and finish hooking up our stuff i'm gonna do kind of a side situation here and pull things up as we do the fractal is going to be this way oh it's kind of a weird um yeah it's gonna have to be that okay okay we should be able to top down for this okay let's go to top down you guys can see this there we go put the bottom one in now there we go here we go and last one there we go okay let's get this done oh well luckily hey well that's not bad one of the cables came undone at least in a place where i can reach it there we go okay okay what i'm working on right now is just to make sure the cables look straight and i want it to be like we're going to do one little zip tie keep it nice and thin here and control so the cable looks clean spin this up like this okay okay so now we've got nice keeping things clean around the pump [Music] here we go here we go so keeping things clean with the pump so it looks nice okay let's turn this over and then get ready to put all our front panel connectors in and all that stuff okay get it get our area a little bit under control here one thing i will say it does help me at least may not be for you but having your like your life organized when you're building makes a massive difference so just taking your time right not rushing putting things away um so you're sure your work space is kind of organized this makes it a lot easier to kind of work through things i'm just doing that real quick make sure that we're good there there we go okay moving on okay we got our building we're gonna flip this over let's hit our front cook all our front panel connections up get our kind of our our cable management started here yeah this thing has got to be like basically right across this and flat okay cool so the question i have is i'm curious and this doesn't have anything about it but if like i plug the rgb in if that would override okay so this is what okay so here's our hd wow look at this hd audio and usb look at that it's in its own it's in this like oh it's like connected uh interesting okay okay well let's run these so reset power ir oh so ir where but i are do they have an ir connection interesting this has like a thing for ir but if where do you plug the ir into i guess you'd need an ir sensor i guess i don't know okay here we go okay so these are all our front panel connections which are terrible but like all kind of stringy and ready to go so we're gonna put those in there there's front panel just for the sake of this i don't i'm i'm worried that how is this going to know i was just going to know how it plugs in but it didn't come with anything else i'm hoping this works this this usb works okay usb 3.2 is on the side in here where where which one do i want i think it's up yeah it's right here there's usb 3.2 take all these off there we go i'm just curious right like it well it's not that i i mean it's like i'm not so far i'm not saying whatever it's just like i'm trying like there's lots of little surprises that i continue to work for right like work through it i'm like trying to make stuff figure stuff out okay this is the fan that goes fan one okay fan one is plugged back in again okay so now i have to do this really weird thing where i'm gonna plug usb right here and hd audio over here it's never seen that before i do not want my fans i do not want my fans to be controlled from a ir or anything like that but i don't see anything i'm gonna look on the front of the case is there an ir sensor or anything there's no button there's an led okay so there's an led button okay so i'm hoping that's what's gonna control this it does have a trying to see where this led button goes there is an led button i'm going to undo this so i can follow it figure out if it's plugged into the case the led oh that's the hard drive what hard drive led you have an led button that literally plugs into the hard drive led that doesn't even make any sense what [Music] that's not going to do anything that's not going to change anything what is this plugged into oh wait wait wait no no okay that makes more sense okay never mind okay it's plugged into here i was like what it's actually plugged into okay so it's plugged in okay so that is gonna control the lights here okay awesome now ir which is great but they don't give you an eye like there's no there's nothing to plug the ir into uh hitting play again uh that's the end of our first round of music there is it okay starting the music again okay i'm looking g i am this was i'm looking at the case here real quick i want to see how it's supposed to work so here's your cases it says music rhythm 5 volt argb addressable motherboard sync rc controller with hub okay so if i look at the case okay so it plays lights change with the beats of the music got three music modes does not show you okay here here it is right here it does not have any downloads it says down oh here it is here's the main okay here i'm looking at the manual i'm looking to see because i want this to work okay here it is in german okay here i'm reading the installation okay turn off your system mount the fans install the hub in the back connect contact the sata power connector okay so motherboard addressable 5 rc switching diy switch favorite mode save favorite mode white continue to press where's the music music mode okay well let's see what happens when we plug it in okay we're not gonna plug it in we're just gonna see what happens it doesn't say i have to plug in anything so i don't have to so i'm not going to okay so all the cables are in the right place now i hope and we'll see what happens no what's that that's our eps that's not that's for later curious if this is going to work okay so now we have this mess of cables over here easy to fix first we're gonna do is take our usb 3.2 90 degree angle pop that in gonna get that squared away okay now we have all our front panel connections here okay reset switch goes right there power switch goes right above it okay we have our hard drive light goes to the left of it and then power plus and minus okay there's that put those down okay usb this is right here last one is our hard hd audio which goes right here i'll zoom in so you guys can see where i plugged everything in okay i'm just gonna push everything down so it looks minimal okay cool there we go all of our cables are plugged in let's zoom in real quick and show you guys what we have plugged in now okay so what we have is we have usb 3.2 right here up here in the top right you guys can't really see it but the fractal um rgb is plugged into the rgb the five volt addressable rgb header up here just right underneath the fan down at the bottom we have our front panel connections which unfortunately like the the gap form is really far to the left so they're going to kind of run across so that's our fan our thing our front panels a hard drive reset power plus and minus and um uh power switch a usb i'm assuming usb to the hub um is right here and then we have hd audio on the far right so that's all of our fan that's all of our connections let's turn over we're going to do a little bit of light cable management to get this looking prettier get things cables off to the side stuff like that and then we'll move into finishing the gpu it's like the build doesn't actually have a whole lot left we'll work on right now is just getting things cleaned up i want my smaller trying to get on my feet there you go there you go okay cool that's really close there we go okay now we have this little thing right here just kind of baby just don't walk away it's getting to me oh hype train what is it really hype train already time is flying when you're trying to make a case work okay cool sata which we'll deal with later okay well let's take a focus on hype train level one hype train okay guys it's your last chance remember we have two more basically two more uh this is the la sorry where this is basically the end sorry um this is two 30 70s rtx 3070s we're giving away for sub only giveaway for the month of uh april this is your basic your last chance so i always like to call this one out because this is going to be the end we have 2 000 on the first one let's see we can get today um nasty gains thank you very much for two gifted subs we got a bunch of a hundred uh basically a hundred uh bits already coming here red pyramid head dropping ten gifted community subs thank you very much for that uh you guys are incredible appreciate that and that's taking us up to the next level a bunch of hundred dollars uh 100 bits thank you for red dragon um uh t god thank you for the follow coldstone 5351 dropping five gifted subs thank you very much for that again guys this is all over happening at tech right now if you're like watching on youtube or watching and you're like what is happening this is what's happening uh gatorade the legend thank you very much for your prime sub if you want to get in on that 30 70 giveaway again dropping your free prime sub is a great way to do that that's amazon prime you can use it over on twitch if you're over at news youtube.comtech pop on over and drop it drafaaz what's up it's good to see you again five gifted subs futile love that name five gifted subs as well so if you want to pop on over and do that and then extra entries come via gifted subs like what people are doing or also uh via um tier 2 and tier 3 subs which give you a ton of extra entries um tier 3 i think gets you like 15 or something like that uh or actually i think it might be more than that um okay end text thank you very much for three months right there i think it's like i think i think tier three i think it's like i forgot what tier three was it's a lot i'll have to figure that out i'll ask him next time so you guys can have that information 146 percent guys already at level five let's see how we can go we're already at 300 so we're on our way to a 5800x uh for the giveaway so we're oh no we're one away from 5800 uh from the 5600x there it is right there helventius thank you very much uh there's shadow 1396 dropping uh 10 gifted subs thank you very much for that uh hell daddy is saved for your one gifted note ckcc dropping 10 more subs 10 tier 3 subs holy crud dude the ghastly kush 5 tier 1 subs dude that was 10 tier 3 subs guys holy crud and there we are again over a thousand percent pivo rock giving out five gifted subs five tier ones man ck is the mvp today that is crazy buddy thank you very much for that that's amazing support um pivorock thank you very much for five gifted subs ohara oharaja thank you for two god two tier one subs uh dark julian one two three four five one community sub appreciate that um guys so far so good at 1500 three minutes left can we get two thousand percent twice we're getting close and we're already we're uh 450 gives away the next giveaway uh tier 450 uh gets us to a 5800x steel great writer thank you much for the one community sub uh trippy thank you very much for the 25 bits come on 14 can we do it guys snoobler one month uh phi bam mazlama uh scribing with prime thank you very much sorry if i i butch your name i really do guys i know sometimes this may seem like uh this may seem like this isn't the most entertaining thing but guys these are people who are supporting so i super appreciate um them doing this so i want to take a moment to acknowledge uh those subs and the people doing that sweet micah uh is it is it mcg a i think i'm if i've been saying it wrong the whole time but anyway thank you for the 100 bits i always call you sweet micah but maybe it's maybe i'm wrong jesse ray 1968 thank you very much for the gifted sub uh to some lucky person two minutes left uh vine glorious gaming three months happy three-month anniversary uh the zebra cakes 100 bits thank you very much for that 1500 guys 500 percent 500 away wolf fighter one community sub thank you burke cg giving out one tier two thank you very much burke for that you do not need to give so you do not need to be subbed to win the things that are on stream these are for the 30 set for the sub only giveaways you do but you get access to specific sub emotes and all sorts of things like that plus hugs for me that's the other thing too is you get lots of hugs hugs are a great thing right everybody wants hugs um but they again guys okay one minute and 20 seconds left guys um you guys are incredible it's super appreciate it everyone type ruby oh that's very nice of you i appreciate that yeah we're getting close guys hey five bamas thank you very much again red dragon dropping five more gifted subs uh toilet tsunami giving out two tier one appreciate you uh alvin amass five gifted subs thank you 100 away from that next from a 5800x and two uh what 190 190 away from 2 000 for both hey skip thank you very much for the six ckcc giving four months at tier one oh four months at tier one oh thank you very much he's having a four month anniversary what's up buddy thank you very much and there it is juniper serosa there it was you guys uh i think we hit 2000 right there at the end so i appreciate you guys and we still got gifted subs coming out here let me set the next goal as we finish this build um where is my thing for this okay it is okay here we go uh all widgets nope that's not what i wanted i don't want themes i want all widgets okay here we go okay so we are on our way to 5800x we have 385 subs we need 450 after this guys zero five after this guys if we make it past this one we're on our way towards giving away 36 30 60 so we're almost to gpu giveaways thanks to ckcc and all those guys thank you very much ck you know what you know i got nothing but love for you my friend okay what we're doing now is we're going to start pulling all these cables taut it's right taut i'm gonna pull this one up i'm gonna pull the rest of these down okay here we go i want these off of i want these out of the middle section here that's what we're working on now [Music] and we got to make sure these cables are flat unfortunately because if pointed up it will not be it will not make it fit within the case okay let's go back to top down so you guys can see because i realized i don't have it there so it was a honest mistake [Music] there okay go oh shoot don't pull that out i don't want to make that anymore it's hot than it is apparently use one right here just to keep the one cable straight okay one more down here okay so there's that now we're going to do is start pushing this stuff over we'll get all the rest of this like kind of figured out here but i want this stuff as over as i can get it okay okay there's that one okay what we're gonna do here is just kind of get these last kind of cables i'm too crazy just in a nice controlled method here there we go hmm okay so again nothing too crazy here what we're doing right now is just all i did was like basically just get cables out of the holes i don't want to crimp them so i don't want them to be too tight i just want them kind of out of the way and controlled here but much cleaner than what we had before that should be fine for getting that drive in okay so now we can put in our gpu see what this how this thing ends up being in the end one more cable i forgot here we go okay so let's turn this over and get our gp in and our extensions and all that stuff okay so let's get our gpu gpu time guys nothing too crazy with this card this card's like not the craziest looking card pretty simple but great for probably a case like this nice and thin i guess i've never used this i've used this gate i feel like i've used this one before maybe i haven't there it is right there so okay let's go back to our thing down here okay [Music] okay this has got like a weird okay interesting it's like a kind of a clip on it kind of a weird holder on it but kind of not i can't tell ooh i was expecting shoot oh okay there you go okay so we got that now okay so that's that there it is there it's in okay let's grab a couple cables here a couple screws these two for specifically the ones for there's one and two okay cool uh okay now pop that back on the little protector thing that they have here hold it down it doesn't really do anything though okay so there you go hey thank you very much asani okay so there we go now our thing is in okay next stop is we're gonna basically put in our our extension cables which i don't know how these are like they're gonna run weird okay well we'll see how this works okay so let's grab our extension cables we're gonna do black i wonder if yeah we're gonna do black and white i think i know the gpu is very red but black and white cables here still will play with the rgb figure out how this is gonna work it's gonna have to like flip up a little bit huh interesting this is gonna be interesting with that like how the cable works i don't even know if cable extension is gonna look all that great with this okay one more cable here people comb okay here we go kind of this weird unique cable comb here i mean it's look terrible but kind of a unique situation here in terms of where to run this i kind of feel like we want to run it down i did up against this it's not too fat like it so it would still work and then you could plug it in let's grab our i need two of my bigger what i'm trying to do is keep the keep the white cables out of the the cable area here i'm gonna keep it straight now that should be okay if i do it right there and that that will be below the okay [Music] might get a little peak of the other side but nothing too bad okay eps we don't have to worry about the only thing we have left is gpu you get a little little peek but nothing it's not as bad and that doesn't look out that bad okay so let's get our gpu here figure we're going to run these okay right here oopsie just dropped the cable nobody died it's fine okay so i'm just going to pop these in just to see where i'm going to run them will not fit there they could go right here that looks like the best bet okay keep dropping them okay now we're just doing is we're getting all of our stuff all we have left after this is psu guys we're cooking with gas i wonder if i think four might be the right number here in terms of cable combs and so it's not so long since i've used like a three pin one there we go okay get our four pin one done hey vega dropping 10 community subs thank you very much vega it's good to see you 415 guys we're almost on our way to a 30-60 [Music] [Music] okay cool there we go so we got that now okay let's turn this over and let's get the rest of our stuff hooked up yes vega we're working on it's uh all the parts it's just now scheduling i think all your parts are now here i just confirmed you and psycho all have all your parts thank you appreciate you liking my nano leaf yup your build is very soon just gotta figure out when now okay here we go get all this put away and then we're just gonna put in our psu at the very end of this whole thing i'm excited okay [Music] flip this over there's not a whole lot left let's grab our psu which i have not smelled yet it's a corsair psu time okay for cables we need need our power we don't need we need a vga which we can use a split one for this so we're fine there we need one sata there we go there's all our cables put that away move this out time for that attract that electric high guys there's our extra okay oh man i can smell that from here whoa that one is strong that is a strong smelling psu i think that's what whew that one is stinky that's a stinky one that was a stinky psu boy way more stinky than i thought it would be okay let's get our parts in you smelt i did what i smelled what couldn't have dealt anything it's a psu oh man i can smell it it's not even plugged in i mean it's not even like like most of the time the smell dissipates this one is like this one's got like a lingering stink none of them smell that way i mean not everybody knows i mean a lot of people know right like the thing is is like we're working on with yankee um on our new uh our new yankee candle new psu smelling it's coming guys you wait who's who's excited it's coming it's coming okay last connection here i miss out of the eps is already plugged in so it's already in the ready to get plugged in anyway okay that's ready i'm gonna grab our grab our cables here there we go oops pull that out here in a minute okay so now flip this over okay there's the eps one let's just get this in plug that into here switch the top down at least that's nice that's that's actually quite nice i was a little worried but the uh i will say one of the things that i have had issues with with a lot of cases is like the you know the psu chamber is nice and tight but this one actually went in very easily which is good appreciate that okay let's get our screwed in real quick okay wow stick there we go one more screw and all the screws are in okay there we go all the screws are in all in all whoa i'm frozen oh no no it looked like i was frozen there for a second that was weird okay put that away um all in all like even though for all of the things i've complained about not a whole lot some some some issues right like i'm not more than i would typically have on pc builds for sure um in terms of just building in the case but um not not the most painful i have that monarch built that monarch case that was brutal to build in and at least this is not that bad um in terms of just buildability that's a word it's a word i've just invented buildability um in terms of build ability it hasn't it's not so bad um i have definitely built in worse um but i mean i have also built in a lot better and so that's not saying it's but i'm just saying like it's lisa's nice like the monarch when i was like did you have you ever built a p has anybody ever built a pc in this case because it was terrible um this one is not as bad i'm not saying the monarch was a monarch was not a high bar either okay now come on don't do this to me okay we're gonna do a couple things here we're gonna shard oh you know it went too fast put away a piece i didn't need yet i still needed there we go okay sharding uh i hate it when it twists like that but that's okay okay now i'm gonna see how i'm gonna get this to work this has got to go around for sure and it would help if it's the other direction okay okay we're gonna have to put one zip tie for sure the last one is not as big of a deal the problem is i need this to stay which i might be able to zip tie this right here keep it flat okay okay take care of that okay last cable which is the easiest just a little bit of sata okay uh there we go [Music] okay i'm gonna go ahead and do one more zip tie okay let's pull these that's to keep this out of this little black space right here okay build's done see in the front how bad it is but okay now guys uh one thing as we get into the end here um how many likes do we have on youtube by the way do we have all of our youtube likes for the community giveaway 670 guys we need 30 more likes on the youtube to basically finish this out actually it's fine good perfect 673 yeah yeah it's done guys okay here we go popping the top back on i have to do some cable pushing pretty sure nope nope actually that went on beautifully and easily for all that cable room i thought i was worried about it actually went on without a problem at all it like just popped in like a dream oh i should still have it's an easy pop okay so we're now we've hit our youtube goal okay let's go ahead and start our first giveaway real quick guys this is for the community giveaway so everybody say thank you youtube and thank you twitch because you guys unlocked this giveaway this is two 500 gig nvme ssds entry for this is going to be exclamation point community we got two minutes on that starting that giveaway right now while i finish this this is for two 500 gig nvme ssds giveaway is starting because i find it where it's one terabyte where's the 500 getting oh there it is starting the giveaway now okay there you go two minutes guys while you guys are doing that i'm going to finish putting this back together okay clean that up yeah there we go oh heavy is it heavy now is it like i'm just curious is it still pretty light well that's not bad that's bad okay guys uh 30 seconds left [Music] okay yeah we're gonna see again i'm gonna see what we can feel from an air standpoint here in a minute okay okay okay there we go looks like oh wait i'm paused oh no i'm not okay it's like it's so funny oh man okay here we go first winner is x chaos x holo x and the second winner was aldrich borg 91 there we go x holo x and uh x chaos holo x sorry xks holo x and alder there you go guys okay congratulations you guys okay now let's see how this build is going to do here and then uh uh blondie let me know if sweet micah had um some converse some questions we can answer because once we can do this we're gonna go right into the other giveaway also as the last bit guys um last bit we are going to be str we have a thousand people here almost 2 000 people on the stream total um we have a thousand people on twitch and one of the things we love to do is to go find uh small streamers who don't have a ton of people to raid them and the only thing i ask guys i know is just to stick around for 10 15 minutes throw them a follow say hi you guys do not understand it is one of my favorite parts of the night to watch people react to putting my community in one of their streams it makes their night and i love making people's nights guys just to do that it blows them away and you are such an incredible community of people who deserves to be shared so i would appreciate that you uh i would appreciate that when we raid post the stream after you've done the giveaway if you could just take a chance just to say hi just to be there for a little bit and really i mean they shake they they some of them cry like it is it's incredible so i appreciate it let's turn on the build here it goes okay lights that's a good sign i was really quiet this build i see nothing from the aio though that might not be is there nothing that power i mean it's plugged in the pump i'm seeing if the the pump got unplugged or anything like that but not seeing anything that's saying the pump's not plugged in i'm not getting any lights off the pump but the pump is there's nothing there's nothing to it that i can tell um so that's the only thing that's missing is the pump i'm looking to see if we've got any post issues the radion's lit up but there it is okay now apparently let's see does this do anything oh wait that oh oh oh it's doing stuff oh man look it's working no look it actually is okay let's turn up the music hold on okay that didn't seem to do okay let's see what music two does oh it goes [Music] it's changing based on the music stuff it's a dj pc okay here we go here's three [Music] it's dj pc see it's all worth it it's sound activated rgb that's pretty actually awesome here we go there it is right there oh yeah we'll get bob in here where's bob okay here we go here we go we'll get bob in here there we go oh it's party bob there it is that's pretty cool that's pretty cool obviously the i o is working fine because it would have shut off so just got to figure out what the light it's probably some lighting stuff with the uh the the lighting might be uh wacky on uh on uh the uh the rgp pin so i think the front the fractals are apparently working i mean obviously because it would have shut off of the power but yeah needs a new song so anyway guys that is the build let's do the last giveaway this came out great that came out great um uh what's the um one thing i do want to see let's see how much air this thing is pulling from the front oh my gosh like oh it's actually getting quite a bit of air here let's uh i'll do the let's put it over the side view real quick and i'll show you guys with a piece of paper it's actually getting more air than i thought so there is some air there okay closing this really awesome i'm i i will get it hooked up i know that sweet mic is going to be like oh you didn't know your wi-fi yes um i'm in the studio and i didn't know we have new wi-fi so i didn't know what this was for okay here we go let me show you um one thing that always drives me nuts about these cases is that i don't want to touch okay here's the case now here grab a piece of paper um here i was actually surprised here we go how much air we're getting out of the k front of the case here you see um here let me use a thinner piece so you can can you see that it's hard to see if i can do it i need a smaller piece of paper hold on i'm failing at this whole thing right now this might work here here we go this might work here we go can you see that it's actually blowing it's actually blowing way more air than i expected to i'm trying to find a good way to visualize it but it's better than i expected um we'll test thermals and all that other stuff but again cfm is only 33. it is pretty it's not it's not guys we're not talking about we're not talking about crazy but uh testing look at that testing we be busting busting busting busting busting busting that that music is that's pretty funny it's so good okay here we go one more time happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear jim pc happy birthday to you there we go they're busting bus and busting oh there you go so anyway guys there's the whole thing let's do the giveaway i super appreciate who had fun today who had a good time today i hope you all had a good time i really uh i appreciate you guys all being here um and having having a lot of fun um i this was a good and i love doing new cases um let's do this last giveaway we're giving away a 5600x we didn't quite make 5800x and we want to drop 30 subs real quick 29 subs and we'll give away a 5800x um but anyway i'm i'm fine you don't really have to do that um we're going to give away this 5600x and then we're going to rate somebody guys it's going to be absolutely absolutely incredible so super super excited about um doing that so please stick around just for 10 15 minutes if you're over at rubytech or um twitchy new egg appreciate you tuning in every week we won't be raiding obviously on your channels but we'll be saying goodnight after this guys it was been absolutely incredible let's do this giveaway now and we will see where it goes okay so uh we're gonna go not to give away history let's not fail like i just did give me a second give me a break get whoa never mind oh we got it so close vegas taking it with okay vega took it to within i'll give away i'll do it i'll give it away nah it's not vegan uh because vegas awesome i'll give it away if somebody still drops four is amazing i appreciate you but uh giveaways i don't want history okay there we go and vega there he goes oh you guys are awesome thank you very much okay well we definitely okay whoa okay we're okay um wow okay you know what because you guys are so incredible i'm gonna surprise you i'm gonna surprise you who's ready to get surprised who's ready to get surprised i'm gonna surprise you but anyway first gosh darn it hit the wrong button uh before we do that um i'm gonna surprise you with the giveaway we're gonna give away next so thank you very much for all your incredible support and everything from there i'm going to surprise you you guys are the best community ever you're the best community ever i want you to know that and i want to say first of all say thank you to newegg say thank you newegg because they're the ones who make this show happen on a week-to-week basis super appreciate them and here we go we're going to give away an rtx 3060. that's right rtx 3060 you guys being incredible thank you to ckcc vega all of you incredible people who support me every every week that's my way of saying thank you to you not even going to 650 just gonna give away 30 60 now exclamation point new egg now um and there you go now one thing that's different guys if you do win the 30 60 you cannot win for a year just you know give away um cards are so hard to come by and we do giveaways like this uh basically you're good for a year when we give away a gpu so just as an fyi okay one minute and 33 seconds left him to check with blondie who's probably got a rave target for me because she's amazing to do okay see what she says here okay so we got a couple questions uh one couple things that came out about specifically while we're waiting about the um surface couple questions came out uh keyboard size is standard there is no 10 key on it um as another thing another question of one is the weight it's 2.8 pounds for the 13 and a half inch and then 3.4 found 3.4 pounds for the uh the 15 inch it comes with a full version of windows 10 home uh as the os was the other question 13 inch amd has 19 and a half hours of battery life and 17.5 on the 15 inch wow 19 and a half i was off by a full hour so there you go right there um it's good for productivity with the answer as hell yes the three and a half inch screen is literally built for multitasking uh the best buy link has all the basic tech specs for people want to check it out down in the below and then uh guys we're gonna be rating one of my favorite people tonight we're gonna be rating remag who is another pc builder but also plays um also plays um uh like uh pub g and stuff like that and i want you guys to say good thing uh big shout out to uh kevin darby who got his two played three games of fortnite today first time ever playing fortnite and two of them were victory royales so that is just how good of a gamer kevin is when you guys just as an fyi so give a shout out to kevin who's our our lead tech guy here uh at rubytech so player of the game for sure okay draw on the winners right now i'm going to pick our winner congratulations to leia ole foot lay all foot congratulations leopold you won an rtx 3060. congratulations my friend you guys are awesome anyway guys let's go raid rem uh for those of you who are at news or thank you very much for being here uh we're gonna be saying goodnight here for the rest of you please stick around say goodbye say hi to rem and let's make life awesome uh please make sure that you reach out uh winner of the 30-60 make sure that you reach out to blondie you got to do that right now i'm going to give you a couple minutes while i search for rem so now's the time to do it here we go he's playing call of duty black ops guys cold war uh starting that raid oh he just signed off never mind okay we're gonna raid somebody else do we have another raid target okay stand by guys we got we got one more raid target he just signed off what a what a what a doofus we're gonna find a different let me find a different uh raid person let me see if i got anybody in here see if i got anybody i'm following oh pallet box you can do yes if you uh gnfx virus again okay uh somebody's saying gnfx virus let's do him uh we've done we've actually rated a pallet box a few well let's do pallet box um let's i like pallet box we'll rate we'll rate pallet box for today um he's awesome he's gonna be on for a while um so uh why am i not finding him it's one of my followers what's the deuce on one side guys i'm gonna get them up here it's not supposed to take this long uh oh pallets not flying pallets not streaming okay we can do g and fx okay we'll do g and fx virus again okay we're gonna do g and fx virus again okay here we go guys he's playing rocket league starting that raid right now thank you very much guys if you're over at newegg or rubytech have a great night for the rest of you let's see 600 people let's go make somebody's day awesome rating him now goodnight guys right now you're gonna do this to me oh my god ball howdy welcome raiders man holy smokes you guys never let me down i love it heck yeah give me the meme modes boy give him the meme modes i see you at the 19 bits thank you thank you holy crap wow robbie how was your stream brother well it's not like i'll be able to see it really i was lurking i was lurking while i was sitting up man you guys have an amazing music red dragon my homie with 100 bits thank you brother thank you guys for all all of the follows man holy cow we're so close to a thousand followers what is happening i
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 19,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robeytech, pc build, how to build a PC, gaming pc, pc building, tech, technology, custom PC, PC, building PC, robytech, robeyetech, gim mb8 atx case, gim mb8, gim mb8 build
Id: 2_F3gEYjgIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 19sec (10699 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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