How To Build a PC – Giveaways + $6500 Build in the Lian Li o11 (Ryzen 9 5950x / RTX 3090 STRIX)

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edit more actions forever there we go okay we should be on the right video now which is good okay sorry about that youtube got you in the right place now and you are live sorry about that anyway guys um oops i want to before i do that and some just some things i forgot to do happy happy monday roby where roby forgot to do stuff here we go okay okay so now we're back and we're back yeah everything's back i put i put everything's back in where it looks like we're on the right channels now sorry about that guys just making sure everything is good um and all that sort of stuff hold on one second stop there for a second and then we'll go from there um yeah big bill today i think that's the way that i was saying it's like yes it's definitely gonna be a big build today we're talking about sixty five hundred dollars pretty much all of the high-end stuff that you could potentially get everything from uh m.2 invite yeah sorry pcie gen four inbound twos we got i mean this is so close to the ten thousand dollar build obviously subtract the thread ripper but i mean same amount of ram um just basically like just not the like the step over into crazy uh crazy cpu time but um it's going to be absolutely crazy so should be a lot of fun and all that sort of stuff and we'll go through it in just a second we're just gonna wait for it while i'm at it let's go ahead and walk through what's happening today and talk about the giveaway so we'll get that out of the way and then we can go and get get the build started we're not gonna dawdle too long just because i know this is going to take a while but my name is jessica robie i'm the host of roby tech we have a series of giveaways that happen on every show it's it's no different today we've done a couple pc builds we have another one that we're going to be doing uh in mid-may that that'll be a bill that will build and then be giving away but today the giveaways are going to work as normal so basically the first one is if we get two level five hype trains which you guys have not started yet but once we get to level five hype trains i will be giving away a 500 gig nvme ssd the second one is if we get 700 likes on the youtube video that is currently live right now hey look at that venus starting it off right now if we get 700 likes on the youtube video we'll also give away a 500 gig nvme ssd the last one that we have is that that down the bottom where it says 50 new a gift card if it becomes 50 subs which it normally does it'll become a 50 away gift card comes 100 subs it comes 100 new gift card it was 150 subs it comes 150 new a gift card and then it becomes 300 subs becomes a 5600x 450 subs it comes to 5800x and then it upgrades from there the one thing that changed guys is we had to get rid of the 3060 ti because we just have not seen those outside of maybe the strix show up so again it's now it just skips to 30 60 and then 750 it's moving up and all that sort of stuff so just as an fyi the 3060 ti is now a 5900x and some other things like that so little little parts that are basically going on there so those are the way the giveaways work now finally i did want to announce we talked about the winners from last month um from last month's 3070 blue moo was one of them the second one was where's waldo was the second winner we have blomi has that information right there so you'll be seeing that in discord in there but where's waldo was our second winner um and so congratulations to them for the 30-70 now we're doing two 30 70s again this month we're giving 230 78 230 70s away to two lucky subs here on the channel the way that you get in on that basically is that if you're over at newegg sorry or rubytech drop on over drop your free amazon prime subscription if you drop your free prime subscription um you could potentially walk away with a free gpu now if you want to get extra entries and you're already subscribed over here you can you can gift subs like what you've seen right here so gifting subs gets you extra entries subscribing at tier two or tier three gets you a ton of extra entries and then finally subscribing for multiple months just gets you in to all of those sub giveaways in general so uh congratulations to those two winners for last month again we will be announcing we will be announcing those winners the second wednesday of every month so that's when we announce winners from now on we're getting a lot more just controlled about it also all of the prizes for the month of february uh for the month of february uh last one so with all the gpus wow pancho thank you very much for that uh all the gpus all the cpus actually all this a lot of the cpus the 5600 x's went out today uh the 5800 x's we had a couple questions but all of the giveaways for december january and february have all started to go out or will be gone and out by the end of this week so if you won in those months look for your prizes coming in the mail some of those directly shipped from newegg some of them basically shipped from us so pay attention and start looking in your mailboxes if that's stuff that you actually want um for those of you on gift cards and nvme drives also make sure checking your email those are actually coming from blondie now so blondie's taking care of all of that stuff and those things will be a lot a lot faster moving forward so again prize distribution is happening it's that kind of it's that time it's that time and so get ready and be prepared for all that stuff guys so we got a lot of stuff uh coming up uh in terms of giveaway prizes i think you know it's been pretty crazy we went through that i think we've given away close to 15 000 worth of prizes uh just since we started last year so that's how much we've uh we've kind of given away um not even cl not even including all the monster p all not even including the pcs and stuff uh that we partner with uh with new aegon which has been pretty nice so um for those of you who uh so i think okay good we're good so now i can start recording i was waiting for the thing to start setting up and it took a while okay so anyway welcome welcome welcome okay my name is justin roby i'm the host of roby tech ruby tech is a show that happens every monday wednesday and friday starting at 5 30 p.m pacific time uh i'm super happy to have you guys all here there's 710 people and we are building an absolutely bonkers bonkers system today coming in at 6 500 uh and that is with that is pre-tax so i mean with tax what's like closer to seven grand or whatever it is uh yeah a little over seven grand with this whole thing i mean it's got it's dressed to the nines it's got the razer liam lee case the uni so 120 fans it's got an it's asus strix 3090 a 5950x 128 gigs of ram four terabytes of pcie gen4 storage eight terabytes of western digital physical storage it is going to be absolutely nuts but it is going to take a while to build and we'll walk through all those specific parts in just a few minutes um and so uh which would be super cool um also guys we're very we just hit level five hype train i'm gonna call them out as we get through the very end of this this is like the telethon portion that we always have here it's the only time that i kind of hype it up and celebrate the people who subscribe during the show remember if you want to get in on those 230 70s that we're giving away here on the show at the uh just for the month of april right just for the month of april we're down to our last week friday will be your last day to get on that gifted suds get you extra entries and then obviously um obviously uh subscribing tier two and tier three so very much thank you to captain carnage subscribing with prime uh we got little 1998 it looks like little 1990 1988 thank you very much for your subscription and then we've had a ton of other people even before with all the gifts of like red x reagent thank you very much for your prime sub as well we got two minutes and 39 seconds still left on that um we i i want to talk karma r dub five gifted subs thank you very much my friend appreciate that i also want to let you guys know um tsm um i was gonna cover this today jay actually covered it in a video that he posted two days ago tsm did do um their um hey king eater i will get to it here in a minute king eater thank you very much for the five gifted subs guys 511 can we get to a thousand percent and can we lock down that first giveaway already dsm though dsm though thank you very much for your your prime subscription neo the light neolite 911 thank you for your prime subscription there we go little 1988 dropping five gifted subs as well thank you very much we're at 46 already guys and it hasn't even started hawkeye j14 thank you for your prime sub appreciate you my friend um and then here we go uh we got mr sarcastic dude i wonder if he's sarcastic because he just uh he also subworth prime we have a minute 40 seconds left guys vala2 thank you very much for your prime subscription we're at 48 guys two away and then thank you for the follow so he subscribed and followed that's that i like that i like that backwards he's like i am so sure that i'm gonna like you i'm gonna subscribe first um yeah so tsm just got finished with their uh earnings call and the way earnings calls work is that tsm gets on the phone and they basically tell investors you know hey here's the news here's the information you need to know about in terms of why we've done the way we've done is that boof bagwell thank you very much for your one month appreciate it welcome uh marine veteran x thank you very much for also your one month anniversary appreciate you as well um anyway in that call they talked about shortages and obviously shortages given um jagu zero zero zero uh thank you very much for your subscription as well they talked about chip shortages and the thing that's crazy about chip shortages and how long it's going to take now i understand there's two major manufacturers of chips in terms of for pc stuff right now and the first one is intel obviously who does a lot of their own ship manufacturing and then of course the second one being tsm who does all the radeon stuff and things like that um and so uh big thing with that is that they were talking about how the chip shortages are looking like they're gonna continue to happen through and into 2022 which is not good news um and so i saw some people even talking red x reagent thank you very much for your five gifted subs as well um i know i saw some people talking about hey when are prices gonna drop and i don't think i see i don't know if prices if there's a good chance of prices even dropping within this year at all so dirty red panties what a name thank you for your five gifted subs bm awk is it be mocking one gifted sub thank you very much for that and then we got king eater again another five gifted subs and we're at 64 and on our way to the end so um yeah it's you should make him clarify that it's follows and not subs what do you mean humongous kind of getting where you go from there so there we go one thousand percent guys you guys are awesome and thank you sikeridge for six months six month uh six month uh that's incredible six month uh sub anniversary so uh yeah so that's the stuff with tsm again a lot of people asking hey roby when is this stuff gonna go away and it doesn't look like it's gonna happen anytime soon for because people are gifting and subbing uh you should have clarified what from the beginning i'm trying to understand what you guys were not what i wasn't clarifying um guys just so you know you do not need to sub to enter to win the giveaways you only have to sub to enter to win the sub only giveaway which is what most people are basically subbing for no i didn't i said it takes a sub to enter the sub only giveaway so that's what i said so and the rules are all on discord so if there's any confusion um guys i've been doing this for over a year and nobody's had an issue with this hey drafaaz it's good to see you again so i appreciate uh appreciate you guys being here so thank you mr foss it's good to see you there psycho rich again another group drop of subscriptions appreciate it as well so um okay and we got eternal rage dropping it as well that's awesome um okay let's who's ready to start talking about parts because we we got a lot to build who's ready to start talking about parts and then we'll do a dad joke because i know everybody wants to do that stuff as well and honestly guys the thing is the fact of the matter is is that these are like you want to know why i can give away 15 000 worth of stuff it's because you guys are incredible supporters so um for those of you who sit there and like you want to come in and talk about my giveaways and how i do my giveaways but the only thing too is that you if i don't get support then i don't get to do giveaways so that's weird uh is uh nvidia actually going to release the 3080 ti so we have seen the 3080 ti in the wild in a box rumor is may uh nothing has told us that that direction hasn't changed vega 585 thank you much for your 25 gifted subs buddy dropping it like it's hot um and so uh you know i really appreciate uh i really appreciate um that uh they're probably going to do it i have a feeling the reason that they keep moving the date back is they're waiting to have a ton and i do mean a ton of cards that i hope this is my hope that they have a ton of cards that we're only gonna be able to buy and that should relieve some pressure again not sure that's going to happen but i feel like they've learned a lot from the launch of the 30 60 30 60 ti et cetera that if they don't have a ton of cards for people to buy it's just not going to go well but we'll have to see how that goes so shipping issues really the i work for this is the hardest time getting modems yeah it's it's not just that now we have cryptocurrency guys using hard drives as well so it's it's absolutely crazy too um um so it's gonna be it's gonna be yeah tons i'm hoping i again zone gaming i'm hoping this is robie tech hope this may not be um it's may not be uh it may not be uh it may not be true i'm hoping that's why i see this is because i'm hoping that they want to do right by their customers um yes newegg does not so a lot of people ask this question it's like hey why are cards costing as much as they are that's nothing to do with newegg new egg does not set the prices it's set by the companies in fact it was funny i was talking the other day about best buy which is a new which is a new supporter for roby tech um and i went on to best buy and for the first time like the rog strix was like over 2 000 so even best buys prices have now jumped up like they're supposed to the only cards that you can get at the original msrp are the the nvidia founders editions and the radeon founders editions outside of that all the other cards have actually hiked up in price and jay actually had a really good insight as to why that is and that's because the other thing that you guys have to realize is that companies like gigabyte asus etc with the chip shortages haven't been able to sell through the volume that they are typically at and so a lot of times just to keep operational price keep their people employed which is important uh they have to hike the costs up because they're not selling at the volume that they'd like to which is which is tough so um is there a chance of a 30 70 the 30 70's already out i'm trying to understand what you're asking there so yes the sub the prime sub in fact um the prime uh the person who won uh where's waldo was actually a gifted sub and so he's the one who won so even the just gifted subs even if you didn't pay that person who won a 30-70 last month won off of a gifted sub so i appreciate that too so there you go um yes that is that is irie rob yes that is them and i agree i agree with that so yeah um so yeah that's where we are from there okay so who's ready to start talking about it and then we'll talk about dad jokes and i try to spend a little time answering your questions and you know usually when we get to around a thousand wow we're at 110 subs already usually we get to around a thousand uh is usually when i uh i start to like try and get into to build parts and stuff does do i have merch i do have merch it's just taking forever like everything in this world it's ordered it's gonna be here it'll be available at rugby tech care pretty soon we have all sorts of really cool merch so are the prices gonna drop down not anytime soon so uh okay so let's go ahead and uh let's go ahead and fix that giveaway price right giveaway thing because we're moving on to the we're going moving on to the uh we're on our way towards 150 new gift card there's 110 subs they're on our way to 150 new a gift card we have a hundred and we need 150 we have 110 zero four okay so we're definitely on our way towards the next tier which is good hey giovanni thank you i try to look cute i try to look cute okay so who's ready to talk about parts let's talk about spending 6 500 okay so for our cpu we're using the ryzen 9 5950x this is a 16 core 32 thread absolutely behemoth of a cpu uh the current king of the cpu stack um even even over threadripper in some regards uh in terms of just its overall performance game performance wise there's just nothing that really kind of beats it right now again when you're talking about it this is still a i still feel like this is a bit of a flex cpu i feel like a 5900 x given that you know its price point now that you can buy it but if you could um versus a 799 this is a lot like a 30 90 versus a 3080 you're getting like a 10 to 15 game boost but again a lot of times people buy these because they want to flex this is definitely a flex level build for the motherboard we're putting this in it's funny i actually have this motherboard is running our streaming pc right here and that is the rog crosshair 8 formula which is an absolutely incredible incredible motherboard it actually does have the ability to completely custom water cool the vrm this is a great um this is a great motherboard should you want to do overclocking um in terms of uh in terms of because it's got the vrm support you can definitely overclock vrm is a large part of making sure that you can do extreme overclocking and this board has like all the bells and whistles coming in at just shy of 628 620 bucks they can get it on amazon for 5.99 so absolutely crazy motherboard i'm one of the few that seems to be consistently in stock on a constant basis um so there's our motherboard right there gpu because why not we have the rog strix game the rtx 3090 um which is uh uh absolutely um the other king and unicorn of um uh parts right here um this is a great great card um i know the two other cards that have a tendency to trade blows with it is the evga 3090 ftw3 and then of course the msi 3090 supreme um which is the other one that's uh that's kind of up there in terms of uh overall performance and stuff so again uh 2200 bucks i think is what this is basically oh 1749 um i don't think that's the new price i think it's over 2 000 now which is the best buy price but uh hopefully that new egg price is right but 1749 according to newegg um for our ps this is like for our cpu cooling and i think you're going to see a lot of red and black boxes today so throw this up over here for our cpu cooling we've got the rog strix lc 360 rgb i've actually never used this cooler i've used the ryugen and the ryu but this one is one i haven't ever used um so these are uh these have static pressure fans these are like crazy static pressure fans in fact these static pressure fans are five so anywhere between you want anywhere between three and like seven and these are five in terms of the static pressure fans that actually come with this um plus they have an 80.95 cfm rating as well so uh and pretty pretty quiet in terms of their overall stuff so it should be absolutely cool and crazy as well and it's got that rog again lots of rog parts in this um for there um for our power supply because we're still i might as well stick with the rg parts we're using the rog thor 1200 watt platinum um again absolutely crazy it's got that oled um which you can't see obviously in the lienly uh dynamic but it's got an oled that shows you its wattage it basically draws uh it's got rgb support it does with aura sync all that sort of stuff um a very very cool um psu i don't think it's i think it's eol at this point i don't think they actually make it anymore i think right now if you're gonna try and buy it on like um if you're gonna try and buy it both on newegg uh or on amazon it's right around 600 bucks just because of rarity more than anything else so um great psu so there you go there's all our rog parts um all laid out and then we'll go ahead and go through the lighting and cooling as well i've never load i've never done this mobo and we'll talk about the other parts that are going in this as well 3090 there's the motherboard okay so let's talk about the additional parts that are going into this so we've got our uh we've got our storage and cooling and then of course lighting so for fans because you know everybody if you have you apparently if you have an on one you have to have a uni you have to have uni fan so you have the uh lee lee uh uni one sl 120 fans um these are uh okay these are pretty good um these are pretty good um airflow fans sitting at 58.54 cfm they have an okay um they also okay at static pressure at just over 2.5 um millimeter like basically they're they're uh basically their their air pressure um is at 2.2.54 um it's funny because a lot of people as much as they love these fans um they're actually a little less little less powerful than the corsair ml120 pro um in terms of their power so the the actual the court the corsairs are actually a little bit better um in both regards versus uh the uh uni 120s but everybody really likes these they're easy to daisy chain all that sort of stuff we're also continuing the liam lee lighting train we've got the streamer pluses yeah streamers sorry streamer pluses that is how you pronounce this by the way is liam lee streamers um we have both the three pin and the 24 pin streamer plus for storage we're using two two two terabyte samsung ssd 980 pros these are nvme four uh ssds um so they're very incredibly fast um some of the fastest i think um i know we have some from uh basically uh like saverint has a faster one but for the most part these are incredibly fast nvme ssds for ram we have 128 gigs of 4 000 megahertz um 4000 megahertz uh rgb g skill ram not sure um i didn't know understand i did not choose these parts these parts were all sent to me these the individual who uh we did this for i'm actually uh he uh he's the one who chose these parts i'm not sure this will run at 4 000 megahertz i have to find out i did not see these on the what's called the qualified vendor list i don't know if one of the uh when i was basically taking a look for it so we'll have to see uh if this actually runs at 4 000 megahertz it's one of those things you always got to think about when you're doing uh pc builds like this and then finally we've got eight terabytes of a western digital black just regular 7200 rpm drive but it's got the caching and all that sort of stuff so um it's uh it's a crazy build let's just put it that way an absolutely crazy build um and uh is super excited in terms of getting this put together because it's going to definitely have that ooh moment at the very end which is always a lot of fun so yeah eight terabytes so which is going to be crazy there we go there are all your parts it's time for a dad joke and a drink and we'll get we'll get started building right away so yeah we got lots of building coming up 1123 people here as we walk through sixty 665 hundred dollar bill let's bring up our dad jokes let's see we got here dad jokes oops um okay oh there it is uh yeah this is for potastic pit by the way um and so basically oh he said don't i'm definitely not he can't tell me to not sniff the psu uh friend tried to one-up me with his 30-80 so i went he said welp and hold my teeth so this is basically a flex build for him for sure um let's see we got dad jokes okay how were spider monkeys made i don't know if i like this one but this is from mecco assault how were spied how were spider monkeys made a spider bit of monkey oh my gosh nevermind i just got that that was good never mind i like that one it wasn't until i said it out loud i was like oh no wait that's hilarious a spider bit of monkey oh man uh okay here we go i've decided to quit my job as a personal trainer because the weights the weights are too heavy i just handed in my two week notice i just had it in my two week notice oh my gosh that's hilarious oh okay so guys a spider spider monkeys how are spider monkeys made a spider bit a monkey a bit of monkey not a bit so think instead of a spider bit of monkey a spider and a bit of monkey is the way yeah exactly two week notice there we go oh my gosh you guys things are so good you don't get them oh my gosh so here we go there's all the there's all the parts and uh there's your dad jokes as we kick things to get out get things get on i don't have any of those i haven't heard any i haven't heard any of those things two week notice there you go gold leader i'm just underdeveloped for dad jokes there you go uh if you guys want to see the parts we have the parts we'll have those going throughout the entire build but let's go and start let's go and get started 122 subs already and things are getting crazy yeah never mind it's yeah you're out thank you johnny nacho i'm glad you're laughing then okay what do you think of the red what do you think of the red what um okay i'm looking for yeah it's i think it's just how it switches i don't know what that yeah i don't know i don't know what it was why it why uh why it it does that when we switch oh of the red spiderman i don't i don't know i don't think i have a thought right now this pc is for a customer yes okay read before hands-on okay so apparently if you have any problems just saying don't return it you need to return to the manufacturer so here it is here's our motherboard right here crazy motherboard again remember you can custom water cool this one we're gonna do uh we're gonna walk through this ever so briefly um i'm gonna take the whole box out this is gonna be easier yeah this is one of the uh this is one of those like just ridiculous ridiculous pcs okay i'm gonna grab our we do need this because we actually are going to put a physical drive in there and then it doesn't look like it looks like all the m.2s are i don't know maybe oh they're there there's m.2 standoffs okay so we got our m.2 standoffs and we got our all that stuff okay here we go let's get our motherboard out of its case here there it is okay wow this i i forgot how much this motherboard weighs there it is motherboard okay so this is the crosshair a formula again this hasn't actually has and i'll zoom in a little bit let me grab my camera sorry grab my zoom in uh this actually does have an ek water block vrm water block for the top to cool the vrms this does work without actually water cooling though um i've been using this exact board non-water cooled in my streaming system for forever so you don't have to necessarily worry about that um uh and so uh yeah you're basically good there one sec guys i have to do a a dad duty thing um i avery uh my daughter i restrict their their screen time and so she's requesting more there we go got it got it got to be a responsible parent you know what i'm saying okay cool which is good okay so again you do not need to custom water cool this it does not like again you will get better performance obviously if you custom water cool but you do not need to we are going to have to take this stuff off the peel though um which you can and uh obviously custom water cooling is always better um if you do have the opportunity but it's not necessary um i need my little plastic there it is there we go get the peel off there's that one yeah requesting while i'm busy smart yeah i know but luckily uh she wouldn't even be able to request it if mom hadn't approved it so she she luckily i always like i always look for that kind of tacit because she's texting me from mom's phone so which means mom approved it so i think through that stuff the vrm is still cool so the vrm it's still the vrm is cool because it is still a full-blown heat sink again you're still dissipating heat the thing that you would see issues with is that if you were going to do kind of that high end overclocking where you would see issues the water the thing is still empty it's still getting heat and the heat is still being transferred through so it does that's how the vrm's being cooled it's just dual function and it's asus themselves because i talked to them directly who said you do not need to use you don't have to water cool it it's just if you it's like it's kind of like it's kind of like this second connector right here like you don't have to use this but you can so it's an optional okay there's that pulling off all our extra bits here peel bits and another one right here another one right here and one more oh hoping that would peel off with the other one but there we go okay there you go now it is all peeled and we're good to go okay let's get our let's get our cpu installed so again for cpu here we are right here this is a ryzen 9 5950x hmm now we are not this individual unlike what i normally do is actually keeping all of their boxes so so we're not we're not getting rid of the boxes okay so uh we're gonna go and take this to 90 degrees just like that grab our cpu and drop it in just like that there you go and lock it in there it is okay for ram oh i forgot to peel this dang it i hate these there it is okay now let's do our ram 128 gigs 4 000 megahertz here there we go okay so what we're going to do for this is that basically you're just going to lift all of these up don't have to worry too much because we know that they're we're filling all four slots there's a little slot in the dim just right here just going to pop that in and this should be because it's a very thick board you should be able to get a solid click [Laughter] oh did you hear that did you hear that that was a good click that was a good click did you hear that one oh yeah that was a good click okay so here we go right here same thing right there right there oh that one was it that one's near as good that one wasn't near as good there we go still pretty solid same thing with this one that first click was like the best one there we go oh yeah the first click was by far the best click but the the the rest of these that was like that was like that was like an s rank s click and then the rest were like kind of a's and b's okay let's get this off now oh never mind this is using the shared i forgot this is using the shared nvme which is pretty cool i actually like this this this is a single slot that shares both nvme ports okay there it is i like i like these these are always cool okay let's grab our scissors small nvme ssds okay and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna put in our standoffs right here i need to verify i think that's them these aren't labeled i think it goes right in the center actually i have to look okay let's grab our m.2s i don't remember my mind it's not labeled like it normally is and i don't run a i don't want to put these on if i don't so we got two of these 980 pro nvme ssds these are pcie gen4 there's one the prices of these have actually gone up a bit um i think these are like 329 dollars a piece it's like 600 bucks for the two of them there's one there's two two nvme drives yeah um he was pretty clear this is a flex build guys uh some of this stuff is the stuff he knows he doesn't need he's just doing it because he can which is okay i mean there are that is there is nothing wrong with that whatsoever okay a little slot in the nvme a little slot on the pcie on this little slot on the pcb it looks like these are just going to both go in together like i expected i'm going to put in our standoff there it goes okay a little slot in the pcb line that up with the little slot in the m.2 just like that and there you go that one's in same thing on the other side a little slot in the pcb just like that and there you go now both of them are in grab our small screw and this gets to use that magical put them both in and they both get held down there you go four terabytes of m.2 storage a pcie gen4 beautiful thing about a x570 board is that you get to use both of that then we just got to take off our thermal pad tops here there's one there's two pop that on like that and seal it and there we go okay motherboard is almost done i'm gonna throw these in the box give a nice little baggie so they don't get lost that's why we sh so i save these little baggies just for little circumstances like this not that you would need it but there we go okay okay now we're going to grab our aio and we're going to check the back bracket installs for this a little later okay checking the bracket install for this see what we need to do if that how this how this basically mounts is important um there you are hoping it's one of the like nicer ones but yeah yep it's what i thought okay cool easy peasy lemon squeezy it's really funny people are like hey 6 500 let me let me be super clear about something i think this is something interesting if somebody was using these parts if somebody was using these parts these parts and didn't have an aio this pc would be way more than 20 than 2500 than 6500 radiators tubing uh radiators um basically pump uh cpu uh like good um uh water block this thing would be closer to 10 grand i would spend if i was gonna build this these parts and completely water cool it my water cooled parts would be almost two thousand dollars so if you're going to like some don't people like sit there and say like hey if you're gonna spend 6 500 in parts and be like why wouldn't you water cool it because then this build would be 8 500 not 6 500 the only thing too is water cooling is not going to get you from a performance standpoint especially if you like unless you're going to overclock it you're not going to get a ton of extra performance and you're having to drain it every six to twelve months so as cool as that is and as somebody who builds water cool i own three water cooled systems all every system in my game room is water cooled it is not for everybody and it's not for somebody who does not know what the heck they're doing so it's a it is a lot of maintenance and the only two is it is also a pain in the butt to ship so i'm just letting you like i have people who reach out to me and they're like hey will you build me a water cooled system and then they're like super shocked when i'm like yeah i'll build it but by the way the cost is going to go up like vega i think vega is a great example he's like hey roby we have his build coming up and i said hey how much would it cost to water cool the system and it was like it's an extra 17 1800 bucks right because i'm using all optimus water cooled parts the fittings and all that sort of stuff it is not it's just i'm just i want to be super clear water cooling is not for everybody and jay would agree with me any one of us agrees this is not something that everybody should kind of dive into again they're amazing but they are not for the faint of heart so so this is still a flex system all up and it is okay and completely capable and you can overclock this system fine with the current configuration and a 360 aio would be good yeah exactly vega went through this with me because he's like i want a water cool i'm like okay here's what it's costing yeah and you could do the hybrid the hybrid cpu cool the hybrid gpu coolers are interesting um i haven't had a like i'll be honest i haven't had a ton of time to play with like for instance the evga kingpins and stuff like that but the problem is is that at that point in time just the two it's hard to make builds look good with that much aio um so um and then the other thing too is like what you're gonna get like versus an air like if you do a super good air build um super super good airflow build you can you can overclock a gpu a lot um and so uh i i just i feel like there's not i don't i don't know what i'm gonna save this because i'm gonna put this in the thing i don't know if um the hybrid ones are are worth what you have to do that's all uh i would say the evga somebody's asking between msi and evga but i haven't like msi is getting better i'll be i'll just be transparent msi is starting to surprise me like their dragon center used to be really terrible we were talking about that on the the discord today but honestly their control center's gotten better um the supreme is apparently the best in terms of uh just a performance uh 3080. i have all i have is a supreme 3070 so i don't i haven't been able to test the 3080 or 90. um but uh that's what i like that's what i know as of right now yeah i've evga is kind of my evga or strix are kind of my recommendations aorus has kind of had the same problem for me is like the aura software has been really terrible but even that's getting better rt war path yes that is true yeah subrat that's that's the thing that i've been surprised like i built one for i built ones for people and they're like two i've converted back to aios because they didn't want to deal with the maintenance the maintenance on them is is rough so okay guys build is motherboards ready we've added our saw everything for mounting our our uh everything for mounting our aio let's go and get our case stripped and start that process now but before we do that let's read uh let's read a couple uh dad jokes um i don't okay uh i'm gonna we're gonna read this one but i don't know it doesn't make any sense to me okay let me see if you guys get it dad what is the opposite of lady finkers oh my gosh never mind i just got it dad what is the opposite of lady fingers person uh son i have no idea dad mentos [Laughter] okay uh oh my gosh okay uh that's pretty bad uh how is water cooled maintenance different than uh how is water cooled maintenance difference from a water cooled loop um aios are self-contained loops they can they they can go without actually having to modify or change it for up to seven years a water cooled loop you need to change and clean out and you should drain at least once a year at minimum so there are quite a bit more maintenance than an aio ah here it is razer it's our razor system again this one supports chroma it's actually got so it's a couple things that are different between it and the normal on one it's actually got a bar over here um it's got chroma support as well so it's got chroma lights on the bottom which is pretty cool um and yeah so it's a little bit different than the rog version which has like a light bar right there um and you get more chroma support which you know rgb obviously means that this thing runs way faster i mean duh i don't know if there's anything else no that looks like the i'm gonna take the front one off first i'm gonna remove the front first and you've got that etched i think it's etched yet looks like etched razor logo on it there we go yeah get rid of our the one thing that is nice about chroma is that the and i don't know if it's going to be the same thing on this but the chroma controllers have a tendency to use really really thin cables so for rgb a little bit better yeah yeah no the chroma yeah it's the standard chroma stuff um in terms of the rgb uh which is kind of neat so yeah we should be good there let me go ahead and remove our two front our two front drives because we're not gonna use these at all yeah and he wants to we're gonna bottom mount our fans okay and last thing we want to do is let's go and take our back stuff off and then we need to remove our drive as well and go and mount it while we're at it there's that okay let's go to top down hey geo bear thank you very much for the 10 man appreciate it there you go right there put this somewhere where did i put it where is my small blue screwdriver i was gonna do this oh there it is i'm like blind oops you guys can't see that very well let's zoom out a little bit there we go and prepared that's funny as much as this case is one thing it's really rough is we have a very very big very big psu we have to worry about here because it's 1200 watts and it's extremely long so we will not have as much cable management room as i would typically like which is unfortunate but we will make do makes it a little harder to do the build okay here's all our extra bits this is just okay this is just a standard one okay so we're gonna what's first thing we're gonna do let's go and quickly i'm gonna go ahead and mount our hard drive because why not that was just kind of in the system and i don't forget about it it's one of those things that i have a tendency to forget about all the time i'm like i very very rarely ever install these so [Applause] so when i do i want to make sure i remember right at the beginning okay so a beautiful wd black we go like this got those nice little there's looking for right there okay so let's get this screwed on um there we go [Music] okay grabbing our hard drive screws there they are there we go right there and one more keep that nice and sealed [Music] okay i'm gonna take care of that drive is installed we can seal this and never have to think about it again okay so we've got our drive in worry about putting the cable in let's go and put our motherboard well actually yeah let's go and put in our motherboard and then we'll start doing fans now we are going to be side mounting our aio a couple things i'm sorry we are going to be top mounting our aio just so you guys know for optimal placement in there um so that's what we're gonna basically doing there just gonna drop this in oh the wow stick's coming don't worry there we go the wild stick's coming don't worry there we go we got it it's right here i don't have i have a tendency not to use it on motherboards anymore because sometimes it'll it'll slightly over torque the um the screws so uh i want to like in and make it so you have to like you basically have to pull out the um you have to pull out the uh if you need to remove the motherboard or whatever it was you end up pulling out the uh header okay let's get our fans in i mean our screws in there we go this motherboard is going to this motherboard fills up fills up this whole thing [Music] there we go and the one thing about chroma like specifically with this one is that you are going to have to use rgb so in the case of this one like we'd have to use oh you know what we may need one anyway i might have to use a usb hub because i realized this uh luckily i have spares because chroma i think requires a usb a usb 2. so one thing that you won't have to do with like the the razer editions and some of the other ones sorry the not the razer edition but with the um rog edition of this case is that um you don't necessarily need to use uh a usb hub but in this one i think you're going to because the chroma requires a usb and this one is going to the liam lee and the liam lee is going to need one as well so i think we're ended up having to use a usb hub as well okay um what we're going to do now is we're going to install our three fans what i'm going to do is i'm going to quickly just put this down off to the side and put our three all of our fans together real quick so we just have all that stuff done okay so we got a clear table again so there's our boxes of sl 120s uni 120s okay so we'll just need one of these and we'll need one of these the rest these go in here along with the instructions we'll just do all nine at the same time so then they're just all put together it doesn't take that long sounds like he tweaked his back i didn't tweak my back what what i don't i feel like i tweaked my back i didn't i didn't do that okay there we go so there's one packet get these built real quick now the cool thing about these fans again is the ways you daisy chain them is pretty straightforward if you do it yeah you just put them like this and then you slide them you want to make sure they're locked really tight same thing with this one slide it like that we grab our cable there you go there's one ready to go one set next now this one we are going to take these two out we'll need one of these we'll leave the block the stuff in the box here take the fans out there we go oh thanks shikama i'm glad you're my biggest fan 128 on the subs guys we're getting close at 150. okay next group of fans same rinse and repeat from the last one [Music] there we go there we go and then we take our there's next set last box need one of these these go in the box one thing i forgot to take out i need out of here open the wrong side nope nope not gonna be in there forgot about the screws i'm just gonna put all this stuff in there it's just easier so much extra stuff with these builds you only need one hub for all nine fans i forgot you're gonna have to okay these are all of our [Music] screws that i got to open up just for later later for later okay big pile of screws we'll put over here in just a second get these open there we go again slide put together slide put together make sure they're locked super good then we're going to grab our one there we go now we have all of our fans together then what i'm going to do is create our pile of fan screws we'll need it's like opening like mints almost one more okay we got our mints out now [Music] okay now we're ready to install fans put these off to the side because we don't need these for a little while let's get our first set of fans installed we're gonna go right here side camera [Applause] okay there we go that's weird popped right off cool you got to be really careful by the way in the bottom part of this because the ribbon cables for chrome are really thin and so if you um if you end up you just got to be cautious because that cable is easy to get kind of trapped inside of your inside of your screwdriver so just double verify or you start twisting that you don't have your chroma cable trapped in there unfortunately the wow stick gets it started but these require quite a bit of torque to put all the way in so saves me some a little bit of a little bit of twisty attorney though there we go and yes i'm one of those guys is gonna even though it's the fans are all daisy chained i'm still gonna put in all of the screws just to make sure that you know in shipping nothing gets damaged or anything like that or you know it's always safer better for the client you know oh it's locked up sorry guys oh man wow i just noticed that sorry about that we'll fix that there you go all of a sudden now it's built sorry about that i wonder he was like what that seems kind of uh seems kind of abnormal there we go okay all of our fans are in and we're good to go there okay cool okay now let's put together our aio that trying not to pull off our there we go turn this around real quick so i can see [Music] um okay so we we have a couple options in this case and sorry i'm just thinking through this right now so we can do we can do exa so if we do three intake which we're going to do from the rear currently set as intake fans no they're exhaust so i could do int i could do positive i mean ideally the best thing for this is to do is to do a negative pressure situation in this case it's gonna it's going to basically um it's going to basically uh pull out the most hot air so we'll want to do well that way you'll get the most hot air out of the system um and uh but the only two is you're going to want to do intake on the aio because that's going to give you the coolest amount of air you don't want to exhaust through the io because you're basically going to be exhausting hot air which is not going to help you with your cooling so we're going to do intake on our aio fans which are going to be this way we're basically going to pull air into our aio because that's going to give us our best our over cooling and then we'll do exhaust so we'll do exhaust out the back exhaust sorry exhaust out of this the back and exhaust out of the bottom and then intake through the top so the only thing that sucks is we're going to it's going to create this weird situation ideally because if we do it this way if i do it this way then you're going to get well no it'll still no it'll be fine this is the best thing because you still want i want maximum cooling i'm gonna do exhaust out of the bottom exhaust out of the side and then intake on the top because i want the most you want the coldest air to come through over the radiator so what did we say about the pump for the arrow when on the front so if you put the ai on the front which you could but it's not optimal for cooling i mean because again when you think about a pump right and especially in this certain circumstance right when you're using it this way when you're using it this way all of the air is being trapped at the top of the radiator and again that air is actually helping with cooling even though there's a very limited amount of it because again uh the air is being spread out over the entire thing which is actually helping with the cooling situation i was going to do side mount which you could do you're going to do a side mount for your aio um again you're going to get your air is going to be simply get trapped up here at the top none of it's going to get to the pump it's going to be absolutely fine um but the other two is like probably from uh i mean then at this point in time you'd want to do intake off of the you want to do intake out of the back the problem is is that the back is probably the most air restricted area because you'd need really heavy cfm fans for that to basically force air through and the problem is is that there's not there's space between the back of the case and the air flow place so you're not actually going to get a ton of air out of the back uh out of mounting it from the side just sorry thermal dynamics so that's not going to be optimal for cooling with an aio this case is not a great airflow case um and then obviously we're not going to bottom mount our aio so so side mount so dg dg bray a problem this still again the thing is is that the fans that he has are not good cfm fans so if you were going to do side mounted aio with pumps down with tubes down a the tubes on this are not long enough which would be a big problem this isn't actually capable of doing that the other thing too is that he has the wrong fans so that's the other problem so we're going to do intake on the top we're going to do intake on the top um which is going to give you the most cooling the best cooling for your thirty for your 39.50 so we'll do intake on the top not the most attractive um but going to be best for the performance and then we'll do exhaust out of the bottom so this flow one is because of the fan the other thing too is it's just optimal cooling again you could do side mounted but you'd need really like you'd need really good cfm fans so an example might be like um the uh might be like the uh like the noctua like noctua fans but again non-rgb more than likely um just because you want something that's like high like for instance actually the best the ones that would be great are the fans that are actually included with the um case but let me show you guys something about the lee and lee that a lot of people don't think about is when you're pulling air from the back you see this space here there's a space between between this and where the vents are so again you're actually not pulling air directly through the vents that's getting some of it but again you're pulling air from within the system as well so even a cfm fan which is like really made to be right up against the vents right to pull some of that stuff through does is not here and because of the spacing this is what causes the issue with using your side mounting your aio in this case right so again ideally you top mount your aio in your 01. 5000 d is a better airflow case yes than the the 5000 d well bad dog games but the alien too is like again it actually the thing is is that it could be more than that uh for if you when you did a side mount it could be more than that uh depending on all sorts of things can't you do a push well yeah but i don't have if i did six this thing isn't gonna fit six fans uh oh i see by putting the radiator in between yeah but that would uh yeah you could do a push-pull that i mean the let me see the i could do push-pull he actually gave me enough fans for it i have enough things i could do a push-pull on the side for sure you're gonna lose some cable management room um and the only two is like because again you're pushing things all the way to the front that's gonna cause it's gonna be a that that wouldn't work so yes you could do push-pull sorry just thinking through this you could do push-pull but you couldn't use lee and lee streamers because the streamers wouldn't work because they would actually cause pressure against the fans at the back so that's that's the problem and he's using streamers which was important so he couldn't do push pull that would basically because the thing is is like you would have your uh your fans would be all the way up against the edge of the vents so honestly what i'm doing right now is great it's a great airflow situation the problem is is that so yes you could sight you could do you could do uh you want to do intake out of the so he said you want to do intake out of the top for sure you want to do intake through the ai oh um where's my things you want to do intake through the io cause that's going to give you the most cold air which is what you want to cross your radiator fins you don't exhaust hot air into your aio you could do exhaust out of the back which is what i have yeah so i'm exhausting the other side and then exhausting out of the bottom yeah super cooks uh can somebody uh can somebody just uh let him go please because i don't appreciate that kind of tone in my in my channel [Music] it's an education thing yeah this is not the case you'd want to do if you want to do air rule if you want to do air you want to do an air build this is not a case for air for air cooling uh i got i hate this part you have to push it's like these fans are just their spacing is just a little off you have to like kind of there you go yeah it does come with fans but he wanted these fans so no this is the uh this is the uh uh lc 360 from asus the problem is is that because of how the airflow works in this case if you use an air fl if you used an error like for instance a knock to a dh15 or something like that you would be starving your air cooler for air because this case in general doesn't create good air flow across um to wear i mean you'd have to basically do a crap ton of intake and then that fit that air has nowhere to go i'm just saying this is like if you're gonna do an airflow build like if you're gonna do an air cooled build and i just did i have a i have a guide coming out on air flow builds tomorrow an air cooled guide coming out tomorrow um the best case for that would be like a corsair 5000d i like i would say the kraken i mean that's like a staple that's a staple cooler for like uh myself i know steve uses it for all of his reviews um it's just it's a great cooler [Music] so the problem is with that hogway is that you're basically if you do out top through an aio you're blowing warm air through your through your radiator which is then you're like essentially your kit you're hurting the cooling versus pulling cold air from the outside through the radiator fins and it's it's a more effective cooling solution [Music] this case i think a lot of people use this case because it looks good and that's not to say this case isn't bad this case is a great water cooled case and again with high with great cfm fans like hot and the other thing too is what you need to cool if the whole thing's water is a lot lower in terms of what you need but yes the airflow for this case is restricted because of dust filters number one you'd have to remove all the dust filters that would help the second thing too is the slotting um in terms of where the air comes in right like look at things like the the corsair 5000d or the phanteks p500a right where uh the the all mesh and even widen it the width of the mesh actually improves the overall airflow and how much air you can pull through uh with airflow fans if you you would have to switch the build to using what are called heavy cfm fans to to effective to more effectively cool and there are fans like these fans these like the fans these fans right here these vans right here they have a static pressure these things pull 89 80.95 cfm just so you know these pull 80 these pull 56 like just over oh just shy of 60. these have a five uh static pressure of five these have a static pressure of 2.5 so in other words these are great high static pressure airflow fans right like if you put nine of these in this case it'd be great but you're putting the because we're choosing oh we're choosing sl 120s that's where you've got some limitations in terms of what your cooling is and that's where stats the stats for the fans become important i'm not saying it's gonna be like is it gonna be killer no it's not gonna be killer at all i'm just trying to do the best thing for his build okay so we want that out and then we don't need this we will need that okay oh this is for mounting which we're gonna do here in a second what is that that must be the rgb okay okay okay cool so i think we're good here let's go and get this mounted now and i'm gonna have to i'm gonna unfortunately you guys are just gonna see me mount it from the top but it's not gonna be the good thing about these particular fans is just the fans light the same way as the back it's just you have the sticker but you're not going to see it really so and he is right in terms of you know you're like we're we're potentially talking about very small differences in overall airflow here i could have flipped this couldn't i have yeah i probably wanted it i need to put these i need to flip this around because even though well no i don't never mind i did this right i was like freaking out but never mind i did this right uh okay there we go let's go to side view you guys can see what i'm doing oh you know what it would have helped roby i did all of the preparation for everything but actually opening all of my that's not it that's what i needed hey the one thing i do like about this versus the nzxt is that this this particular uh never mind they're still pretty big honestly the best fans the best the best aio for this case is um the um h510 the h150 capellix because the the screws are flat i don't like that certain aio companies oh then that tooling on this is really nice though certain aio companies use really like rounded screws for the aio mounts because like for dust filters specifically in this case like they pop up and then sometimes that'll cause problems with the actual dust filter fitting on the top though i would not put the dust filter on the top here because you're basically screwing yourself this belt this this case is just gonna i mean that's why we have a negative pressure situation in here because we're going to want to exhaust a lot more that'll help minimize dust which is going to be better and negative means that we have more fans exhausting negative pressure means we have more fans exhausting than we have uh intaking and that's better for temps but can be worse for dust because it's going to pull dust it's going to pull in more dust from the other crevices but it's going to be better for cooling i think is what we want especially in a 5950x yeah i wish like it's one of the things i really like if you look at the corsair screws they're crazy flat which is nice and that means that it keeps the dust filters down we're getting there guys [Music] we're using the wow stick now [Music] whoa whoa whoa calm down roby calm down [Music] [Music] father [Music] one more screw guys one more screw okay okay aio is close to mounted now gotta get it on to the uh block the old cpu [Music] got a lot coming into the back now luckily easy to control because of the type of fans one of the things i definitely like about the sl 120s is just how easy they are to work with okay now next stop pop this off [Music] pop this off [Music] put that on nice low profile cooler that's nice wow stick shade they'll give you a link right now i'll get you a link to the wow stick people are asking where to get elastics well here you go there it is right there hidden attribute hooking you up that's how you get a wow stick helps me out too [Music] i'm doing good thank you for asking there we go okay aio is mounted now so far so good cranking we do not need this okay hey thank you for the gifted subs okay now put this down a little bit there we go and the times okay need this we're just gonna be our cabling hooked up i wonder if i actually may not need to use this at all nope i don't okay this is our usb question is which direction does it go to look before i put it in goes down okay [Music] there we go okay now pull this up and this through where's the rgb okay here's our cpu which verify plug this in the right place that's a look okay we have to look at the book real quick okay we gotta look up the book one sec guys i gotta see where the cpu fan is i just i don't want to put it in the right place i've i've done that too much not that i'm like just in terms of crosshair formula eight port manual one in english thank you zooming in cpu fan is the second one okay so this is main reason i'm doing this is just to make sure the boss doesn't throw an error so i always like the look now a couple times i've just assumed that i knew where it was and i was wrong so and every motherboard is a little bit different okay what we're going to do here we're going to run our cables down try and get that to go flat pull this through just this see how long this is this is how long the nzxt one needs to be nzxt if you're watching that's how long your cable needs to be stop giving us those like ones that don't reach all the way around sounds bad when i say it that way but they don't reach like they're too short i'd rather be too long than too short and that's like so often does the cable just that much too short for like builds like this i'd have to like run it down it's kind of the worst okay by the way we got more new look at this dun dun dun when you need cable combs i mean we need tweezers got small ones finally those big ones are kind of killing things here what we're doing here is just going to make sure it looks good so we're going to create some uniformity by zip tying these smaller things together so it stays and looks nice there we go pull the other one from the other side when we do it okay cool and that'll be pulled through there and that's all hidden up top okay cool now let's grab our cutters go and oops again now you rotate this down so you can't see that you push it up so you can't see that and there you go now it looks like a single cable cool looks good there we go okay so now what we have is we have almost all our fans what we're going to work on now is we do we have a couple things we need to turn this over get our front panels plugged in uh hook up hook up our kind of like some of our extra stuff one thing i am going to throw in right now just for the sake of simplicity is bad it's not really simple but this build is complicated but it's going to be easier for you to me to manage if i get this installed already is the streamers not the gpu one just the main one here there we go we're gonna pull this down and through there we go so that way we have that already we can put in the box and all that stuff and have it ready for front panels etc okay let's turn this over and let's start hooking up our front panels and getting everything kind of connected that way now we want to avoid as much as possible when as little in this area as humanly possible just because we're gonna like this is gonna be full of psu in fact let's just go ahead no never mind that's gonna be that's gonna be it's gonna make it hard okay this is all the extra stuff here we have our usb this is for our chroma now one thing we are going to have to add and i'll be right back is we do need i'll go to wide real quick by the way how are we doing on likes on the youtube how are we doing on likes on the youtube channel guys just as an fy i know we haven't talked about this i'm gonna there are three giveaways that are still happening still haven't happened to oh well let me fix that and then we'll go from there then we'll talk about it that makes more sense [Music] there you go okay so we have three giveaways that are gonna happen uh the first one is uh if we hit hype train twice during this the show which we've hit once already so we hit the second hype train which will be in about i'd say probably in about 15-20 minutes we'll get pretty close to that one uh let's say half an hour probably just to be safe second one is if we get 700 likes on the youtube channel uh 700 likes on the youtube channel then you basically we also unlock a 500 gig nvme ssd so both of those unlock these community giveaways which are half a terabyte nvme drives um the other giveaway which is down below is we're going to be giving away at least 150 new gift card if we get to 300 subs that becomes a 5600 x if we get to 450 subs it becomes a 5800x we get to 600 subs that becomes a 30 60 and it grows from there it gets it gets super awesome the last thing is that we have this is the last week to get on the two rtx 3070s that were sub only giveaways for twitch so those are only happening on twitch and uh and uh the way you get on those if you're over at rubytech or pop on over to uh robytech drop your free prime sub and then you may actually end up walking away with the gpu and if you want to get extra interest from that obviously gifting subs is one way to do that the second one is to basically uh is um subscribing to tier two through tier three etc right so we have three more shows today included three more shows before we're gonna announce the winner and that'll be the second win the second wednesday of the month of may that we'll basically announce those winners now we announced the winners for the last one that was blue moo and where's waldo they won the last ones now for all the other giveaways you do not need to be a subscriber just for that one everything else i gotta be is here and present and over 18. that's all it takes i'm gonna go grab some usb hubs i'll be right back but um i just because we're gonna need that for this build i'll be right back guys glad you ordered the usb hub i need one already luckily i just ordered these so or we would be in trouble there we go there we go luckily i just bought some so these are because we have more than we we have more internal usb devices then we actually have room for and that's because of the chroma normally this would not be a problem but because of chroma we actually have to worry about it what the heck man okay there's our some velcro it's like not giving me let me there it goes okay there we go now we got it all okay so we've got our usb hub now which this is actually this is actually magnetic which is nice it's very strong magnet so which is good that's the one that we're going to plug in and we need three there we go first one oops let's go to top down you guys can see these are this is our usb hub from nzxt these are great if you are ever there's that one like i said they're very strong magnets so they'll stick down here no problem um and then it also comes with adhesives to install if you wanted to we want to grab our cable right here and this is going to plug in right here okay now we're going to run as much of this down push this down into the front panel as we possibly can okay there's that and then what the last one we have is this one oops it would help if i actually line that up there we go we also have this one here we go okay so now this is for our fans [Music] there we go okay so there you go fans everything here is ready [Music] what i'm going to do now is just try end okay so this is going to go in here down there actually we probably want to run it all here because that way the i don't have any weirdness here this is going to go right here that's usbc plugging that in [Music] front panel power switch goes right here the front hd audio front here and the bottom okay usb 3. where do you go okay usb 3 goes right here as well okay and there's all of our stuff everything else here is all going to get plugged into this later on oh let's grab our sata cable why hook this up now because now i would have forgotten and then sata me off of here [Music] and right into here okay okay there we go we got all of the stuff plugged in that we need right now we still haven't done but right now what we're doing is we're just getting all of our cabling hooked up so that way it's all ready to go and then we'll turn this over once we have that done um we won't have anything extra because the other streamers will plug into this hub hey did we get yeah this other hub right here that doesn't use usp no that'll go into this other hub right here so we should be good okay okay here's all our crud okay first thing we're gonna do is grab our usbc plug that in there we go next thing we're gonna do is grab our usb 3.2 or usb3 plug that in that looks good we're going to grab our sata or hard drive that's in okay now we have these usb we have a single usb 2 which is awesome you actually have two more because of the hub which is great hd audio is gonna go way down here plug in right here boom plug that down we're gonna take our front panel connection plug that in the right place okay now our front panels are plugged in all of our front panels are plugged in we can go ahead and run our last set of streamer of our uni 120s cover this up because we don't have anything else to plug in the bottom and then we can uh turn over and hook all our fans up and then what we'll probably do is throw in our gpu and then turn it over and do all of our cable management at the same time which is never my favorite but in this case we're gonna have to do something like that um just because of how the build is and remember these are going to be exhaust as well exhaust i actually should i'm actually going to no because that'll fortunately i'm going to have to do them that way okay okay pushing this through the last set of fans and then we'll have all nine fans there we go wow stick now wow stick [Music] [Music] so there we go [Music] okay three more screws there we go two more there we go one more go apparently i missed one somewhere up top right last screw there we go okay so all our fans are in let's put our bottom dust filter back on there you go yep okay bottom dust filters on let us get everybody say no their their exhaust exhaust exhaust intake exhaust exhaust intake we already had this whole conversation so again we want to intake to bring cool air from the inside to cool off the aio which is cooling off the cpu so you want cold air if you were set these to exhaust and these were intake you would be blowing intaking hot air from the entire system through the radiator which isn't going to help with your cooling so i want to pull cool air in these are exhausts these are exhaust and this is going to create a negative pressure situation inside of the case which means most the hot air will be out of the system anyway because there's more exhaust than there is intake so so i'm pulling cold air into the radiator because there's cold air on the outside the temperature outside uh i do top bottom intake in my 011 gpu is going to die why would gp why would the gpu die well i guess here's the deal like which one you're the thing is is that that's the thing that's tough about this case if you're always going to do intake here all i would do is be pulling cold air and then you're you're you're restricting your cpu and again there's still enough airflow that your gpu is going to get air so i want to be up intake down intake and side outtake because well i mean you could but then you have a positive pressure situation inside of the case and you're going to trap heat inside this case in this case does not have a lot of airflow so again positive pressure means that you basically create a situation inside the case where you're actually contentually trapping heat yeah you definitely the radiator is in the right spot the gpu will be fine it's still going to pull it's still pulling out it's still exhausting air out of the front back exhaust is the best top bottom intake back exhaust is the best one for again that is a very positive price that is a very positive pressure setup and again where i don't understand can you i'd like to sit there do you have so again the thing is is that if we did if if we did that then you're trapping heat inside the case positive pressure traps heat because we have two we have six intake fans any three exhaust fans in a situation where the exhaust is blocked so yes less dust with positive pressure that is true but you trap heat and in a case like this you don't want to trap heat yeah i think there's a difference between what looks best and what is what is actually performing best okay we're gonna throw the gpu in and we'll test it where is my there clean this up a little bit okay gpu time guys you know because science science okay that's done these i haven't used it okay guys let's grab our gpu now everybody say gpu time okay here we go that's the wrong one we want the side camera so here it is guys the rg strix rtx 3090 yeah the music just ended so it which means we must be getting close to the uh the hype train let me start the music again boom boom boom yeah there you go oh there we go and here we go and there it is oh looks like he already did his peel oh no no they're still on there okay cool this thing guys just be prepared there's a lot of peeling on this uh there's a lot of peeling on this particular gpu i want the hdmi here we go there we go okay here we go peel time lots of peels one two three four there we go okay now for the ones on the shields there we go there you go there we go okay so there's those peel this now boom okay so there's that one now top there's that then finally the top top oh there's actually oh i forgot about this there's that there's that like i said we're gonna be here it peels so much peeling peel foreign peel and i think we got it all i mean i'm gonna see is there no that was this one too there we go now we got it all all the peels guys all the peels your fingerprints okay now let's go to top down we're gonna pull this one and this one out of there okay now what we're going to do is we're going to grab our gpu there we go boom [Music] there it is okay there we go now we're gonna grab our streamers our eight pin streamers we're gonna replace this box with this box because this box doesn't work because this requires two essential eight pins so to speak um okay okay so here we go getting there oh i love this part this is the part that always like just takes the most time because like there we go okay [Music] like two hours later there we go okay first one started this kind of snowballs from here [Music] these really are sometimes just a pain in the butt to get in there you go okay there we go holding our papers [Music] here we go there we go oh stay in there okay fortunately this is like pulling on me there we go okay and now we've got our cables in and that is pretty much what our build is going to look like from the front so it just looks good okay so this is pretty much what our build is going to look like from the front i just got to turn it over and hook it all up okay that was a fun part guys getting all this stuff into everything it needs to get into and not ruining our razor chroma ribbon tables okay so everything's plugged in now now we're going to do is work on getting all of our cabling and everything all under control so let's get all our let's get all of our fan stuff out of the way and just get this stuff under control first okay let's get this out of the way then we can focus on just the stuff that needs to get plugged in so we're going to first thing we're going to do is we're just going to kind of start cable controlling cable managing all of our the good thing is is like honestly not going to be so bad and all i want to keep as much out of here as humanly possible i'm going to pull this stuff pretty far up because this case this um this um motherboard uh sorry not motherboard this psu takes up a lot of room so cable manager what we're just trying to do is get everything up into the top part of this case right now as much into up here as humanly possible so okay now this is going to get covered by the aio and this is going to get plugged into let's grab our streamer box oh that's right we meet oh no we're not doing oh i have a fan connection okay i got i should be able to find that i don't i can do that off the side okay okay so this goes into vga okay and then this goes into there we go okay so there there's our streamers are plugged in now and then the only thing i care off of this now is the is the there we power okay so power's in and then i want a i want probably this okay we're gonna put this right here that he can control the fans there's our psu stuff okay then we have our liam lee fan stuff i'm gonna use this to kind of control this bit i would not recommend if i like for the streamers i think streamers unless there's like a very specific look you're looking for for our like color you're looking for for rgb honestly you don't you get more control options by using the streamers the control button the controller um i will give him the connect like if he wants to connect his um rgb thing but i just don't think the the options look near as nice as what you can do with just the standard controller okay so what we're doing here is we're just gonna get all of this other stuff this is all the extra usb and what i'm doing here is just getting it controlled grab my other bin that's really big [Applause] bigger cables here all i'm working on right now is just getting all of our all of our cables controlled here again this that lee and lee the 0-1-1 is an interesting case in the fact that like you don't like this whole thing is going to get covered so the big thing i'm trying to do is just to keep things kind of clustered so i have lots of room for the psu cables when they get they get done um which is like my pri like one of the biggest things is just making sure that the psu is a psu is gonna need a ton of room here so that's what i'm working on more than anything and then so we have lots of room to control psu cables okay okay so we've got like one giant like kind of wave right here is one giant like spine of cables we might add some more here in a minute just to get them out of the way there we go now we work on fans this is right here figure out how the links are for this okay this will be three and fan right here we have two more we'll make this two and one there were two there we go and then we have one more this one and then one there we go now the big thing for this particular bit here is that again i'm probably just going to have it kind of stuff down here more than anything else i guess i could stick it off of that i guess let me grab another there we go i'm gonna see where we can get from okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] so there we go it goes out of the way i need to grab my fan cable that one not that one where is it okay i need this and and get power for both the nzxt and the and this there we go this i'm not going to worry about because honestly you're going to use the sl1 you're going to use the uni the app so in the rgb this just gets oh not that one i want this one i don't want this this thing is terrible without the app there we go that's power this i just got to find a fan header for it's the last thing i had to hook up okay there's that get this out of the way another same thing let's get these kind of drapes lots of room up here for it there we go okay there's our one cable rest these are all power there we go power power which will take care of once we get the stuff done that's our usb i'm gonna do one more cable on that that'll take care of that one backbone finish but let's before we do that let's find a plug for this which i think there's one should be right here so should be if i'm not mistaken but i have to name guys by the way i'm pretty sure we've hit hype train so you guys can feel free to start the second hype train we're getting close to having this build done so if you guys want to start the second hype train we can start that now pretty sure we're oh this is up top great that's not where i expected that to be there we go genki bits trying to get it going again all we got to do is just unlock it with bits and all that sort of stuff and then we'll we'll give away that second 500 gig nvme ssd there we go there's a power for that that's the stuff too let me correct i want this to go this way there we go let's do it guys and now we have the power for that ready well that's not plugged in there we go again a lot of this will not be visible because the actual all the psu cables will be on top of this so see if this is in the right place though i need one i was right there's a fan header right here there we go oh hype train has started guys okay let's finish this out and then can we get to okay now let's just last this little backbone done and then essentially at the the home stretch of this build there we go there we go okay so again got that ready that's cleared got plenty of room here finish this thing then all of our stuff is just kind of out of the way okay okay so now we have like the backbone done all of the stuff is hooked up we have level five hype train going all our power is ready to get plugged in our stuff is under control here yep there it is cooking with gas guys the next thing is just to get the the cpu oh we got that gpu in the corner but that's good come on guys let's do level five hype train this is the second part remember if we get two of these now we are giving away two rtx 3070s this is your best chance to get on those uh not only to unlock potential giveaways um no sorry not only yeah to unlock potential giveaways but also just to uh just to hopefully unlock that 3600x which we're super close to so um way this basically works is uh if you uh if you want to get if you're over at or rubytech pop on over to robytech drop your free prime sub you may actually walk away with the gpu now if you want to get extra entries all you got to do is gift subs like a lot of people are doing right now we got uh or uh subscribing at tier two tier three also get you a ton of extra entries all of their all of our rules and stuff are over on discord as well but we like to call this out right now so thank you very much to um juniper sarah for five uh gifted sub we've got x rated uh who just subscribed with prime we got almeria subscribing with prime we got red dragon zombie giving out one community sub oh daddy subscribing with prime justice tv show thank you very much for that and we hit 700 likes on youtube guys so we're rocking it so that means uh now that we've got we're getting super close to the level five hype train and we've unlocked the giveaway on youtube we got uh b still giving out a community sub we got kiff 94 uh dropping out five gifted subs we got winter hacks hat axe tracks uh giving one community sub we got fart pog and the awesomer and lava flow 3000 all doing their their uh prime subscription thank you very much for that guys welcome everybody that guy hasley kush giving out two tier ones got moon rose giving out one tier one we got heron tony happy three month anniversary my friend hey hammy thank you very much for that for using your sign uh your prime sub um all of these guys do follows as well four minutes left we're at level five hype dreams we've unlocked that we are 50 almost just shy of 50 57 over 50 57 away from unlocking that 5600 x we got bit bitrot42 thank you very much for the three months man three month anniversary right there that's huge appreciate it uh and all that sort of stuff oh man guys we're so close tim a 24. thank you very much for three months with prime amazing thank you very much to me appreciate that uh we got fpv hex one month at tier one 245 guys there we are 55 away 54 away now uh 54 away from uh our 5600x oh snap muddy creek 68 dropping five give gifted subs harms 9909 dropping five gifted subs duh bo one month thank you very much for that 469 percent guys can we get a thousand percent two times in a row in a single in a single uh thing in a single stream that'd be incredible 330 000 views whoa muffin man dropping 10 tier 1 subs psy courage thank you much for the five gifted subs hypnotic tones pretty much for the one community sub as well 719 percent uh we got sny master one gifted sub that gasly kush five tier one community subs as well coming up at 839 guys 279 subs out of 300. we're super close to giving away a 5600x uh toilet tsunami two tier one subs thank you very much for that sir appreciate this this is stream killer minecraft this is streamed on youtube twitch uh two twitches and uh facebook uh train wreck thank you french for one gifted uh welcome uh for once uh for subbing a nexus senescence one sub thank you very much for that blue jay dropping 1500 bits thank you very much blue jay one of our 30 80 winners i found out he won the 30 80 in december red x region region 30 tier one subs red x thank you very much 462 percent okay guys we're now moving towards the 5800x moving towards a 5800 x now so again we're on our way to the 5800x so you guys are incredible mugen pdx uh thank you for the follow jd fisher subscribing with prime soul uh we got solaris solaris stixx thank you very much for gifting with prime we got christine michael give me one community sub uh we got phoenix firemen tat three months with prime thank you very much happy three months fifty we're almost there can we make two thousand percent guys can we double what we did at the beginning and potentially unlock a 5800x giveaway let's keep going guys we can do it we got a minute left can we do it uh massive demon thank you very much one community some sin master dropping 2 000 bits thank you very much for that burke gee one community sub thank you very much for that sir we're getting close to the giveaways guys thank you very much for the bits man i super appreciate that guys that's huge too uh red dragon one community sub we're 30 seconds away 321 subs guys uh you guys are incredible amazing amazing support every show pickerel pickle punts one two giving out a community sub thank you very much gun master five months happy five month anniversary dj 100 bits appreciate you we're so close we're getting close and there's the hype train 117 subs guys 64 6432 bits you are incredible thank you very much for all the support let's do the community giveaway right now so everybody say thank you to youtube and thank you to twitch youtube and twitch thank you to youtube and thank you to twitch we're gonna give away two 500 gig nvme drives i'm gonna end this goal though we're at 325 let's run our way to 5800x giveaway there we go it's earning that goal okay going to our clown bots okay giveaways for this again everybody say thank you twitch thank you youtube entry for this is going to be exclamation point community exclamation point community uh this is for two 500 gig nvme ssds and we're starting that giveaway right now two minutes guys while we're doing that i'm gonna go grab our grab our um psu okay nope not that one this one [Music] oh my gosh this is so hefty oh it's like so heavy side camera last bit of this build okay cool thing about this one is it's got two little compartments which is cool first one is the cables there we go and it comes with all the extra bits that comes with it there's our psu cables psu stuff okay now for cables we'll go through that here's our psu power cable which is massive in this case okay two seconds left guys okay picking two winners now first winner is adrienne adrian lankford on youtube and korres core wraith 2010 on twitch adrian lankford on youtube and corey 2010 on twitch congratulations you guys you are the winners of the nvme ssds okay see what i need for here two sata two sata there's a sata that's a molex it's a molex sata there we go okay out of this one we need that two give you three it looks like there you go there's three we'll use the braided ones they're gonna be easier to control to give you the options okay here we go cpu there we go there's all the cables we need this pci cpu yes okay that's all the cables we need okay so all of our cables okay now we need our psu the big boy ugh there we go oh there it is this is sealed in plastic guys sealed in plastic so that way it maximizes that new psu smell we're gonna get to enjoy here very soon there we go okay that is done it's all sealed sealed for maximum smelling pleasure okay it's open it's ready gotta quickly get my nose in there here we go how's this one smell oh this doesn't smell like anything nope that's not so bad definitely the lightest there you go if you're looking for quality smell the rog there it is right there just so you guys know i don't know if you guys saw i don't know if everybody saw this check this out um we're gonna bring it up here i don't know if you guys saw this huh you like find it here home where does it go i just stole this where is this i just i literally just saved it there it is there you go check this out there it is guys the yankee candle psu there it is we're we're working on it guys i reached i i [Laughter] i reached out to a yankee candle there's your yankee candle robitech new psu smell it's a new psu smell for right for uh 2020 your all your rooms if you want that that new psu smell we got you covered let's get our psu uh peeled on here there it is okay next up guys let's get all our stuff installed here [Music] [Music] do okay [Music] okay so we're going to do is we're going to take this one which is our cpu we're going gonna do oh that's not very long uh we'll do that one last sata right there should have two set of there's the other side let's add it right there there we go next up we have vga so i want this to be vga [Music] vga vga there we go the good thing about this particular motherboard i mean this particular psu is just we won't have to worry about the cables just aren't very thick which is nice okay cool so here's our power supply top down here 1200 watts of thor power there we go this thing just went from heavy to very very heavy okay there we go so first thing we're gonna do sata get all these done and then get them clumped up here we go we go all of our sata now is plugged in we've been trying just to make it [Music] okay here's where we start what i call oh i call it sharding which is not the nicest word because but i i want them to be like shards of shards of cables but i know it means something different in the european countries but that's what i call it and it just makes it a little easier so you're going to create shards that you can kind of shove in places start getting cables controlled okay so next one we're gonna do is we're gonna grab our do our gpu which is right here these are pretty easy they're nice and easily braided cables so i'm going to make them easier just kind of pop in here [Music] there's that one and there's three independent cables so this will be you don't have to worry about splitting gonna make sure they go in together oh come on here we go there's that one and then we have one more [Music] now come on [Music] there we go okay there's that again same thing take all these together like a kind of like a shard but i know we have to be able to get to i'd have to use my that's why i have like how many how many different zip ties do you have i have a lot just in case for circumstances just like this where you need really long ones okay okay last one oh we have two i'm gonna use this one real quick run it down below magical i got yeah this will take care of the power for our hard drive there we go this one will just create a little chart up here stick up in the top if you wanted to add a second drive he has the ability to because it's like right here makes it easy and that'll give room for the cpu cable to come down which is great okay last cable sorry outside of i have to hook up our cpu cable real quick but and then this one same thing as the other one grab our really long cables okay now we just have one more cable to plug in that is our cpu fan cable i mean sorry cpu cable side so so you're going to throw a cable comb on it real quick there we go there you go okay okay cable combs on just to keep the spacing looking good there we go and that'll breathe that'll braid that okay top down this is going to go right here and this okay okay so again what i want is just as clean as i can on the outside and you're officially done with the build okay that is it guys the build is done the ram for the system is 128 gigs of 4 000 megahertz ram basically just everything in the system is overkill okay plug this back in there it is entire system is ready okay let's go to top down let's go to the front there it is give it a look real quick just make sure there's nothing wacky no it all looks pretty controlled all the cables are in good shape nothing everything's hidden in the top corner one i can give this a little bit a little bit more love down there there you go okay here we go guys just for the sake of keeping it easy put this on the back just to nothing shows there there we go now what i am gonna do i'm gonna keep the side panel off but i'm gonna put the front razor bit on because it like bleeds there you go so you can see the case mostly put together okay there we go here we go moment of truth okay [Music] see what we see you see anything yet yep i see lights and i see boom there it is [Music] and just like that you do one thing i just realized i wanted to not do that yet hold on to you back to you there we go there it's all rgb now the one thing we're gonna have to do is we're gonna have to the chroma is obviously not on yet um we're gonna have to activate it in chroma so like the chroma for the case and stuff like that oh it's it's lit on the bottom oh never mind it's on no it's on okay the chroma is on as well it's just really light on this case so there is chrome at the bottom as well what the heck and i'll put this all the way no that's why i was like why is this not closing there it is there's also chrome on the bottom as well i'll show you so you guys can see it there's the chrome in the bottom you can see that there's also cycling there and then it's also cycling in the front so there it is lit in the front as well so pretty amazing pretty amazing build oh that would help jeez i don't have the front panel on the back panel on all the way and you've got that razor on the front as well there we go this will have a lot of rgb and it does post it does post it's not why does this not look like it's on it does post i'll show you that here in a second but yeah there's the front logo as well the razer yeah this this build be busting for sure there's the razer logo right there as well it does have does it have some gpu sag look no no that i think that's just like it's not it's definitely uh i think uh by the way the card is actually angled so it looks that way but it's actually like you can see here i cannot lift this any higher that thing is solidly in there so i mean if he wanted to do something to go to have it go in there but he could but all in all the build looks incredible good looking build oh and here you go this is the uh this is the proof there you go here's the here's the capture i see both samsung 92 terabytes and the western digital as well see it'll show up here in a second maybe i think it's always a pain in the butt but we can get rid of the viking goal let's see if i can find it here oh ooh that's no way i wanted i wanted this there it is and there you go as you can see it shows the 5950x we've got all three hard drives in there showing as well and so we are officially done with the build it is busting guys this build is busting for sure for sure thank you very much guys okay so now it's time to do the last giveaway yeah it dude you did you did you see like you know here let's go to capture again you can actually see you can actually see the uh the two two terabyte drives uh one and the first one right underneath it there's m.21 samsung ssd 980 pro 2 terabyte samsung m.2.2 samsung s98 and then there's the eight terabyte uh uh hard drive as well it's a 266 right now because we haven't overclocked the ram remember you got to o'clock the ram but we don't do that until after we uh we don't do that till after we install the os i'm glad you love the build it's uh you know which you should for this kind of uh this kind of awesome all the same one and guys we got it done in record time we got it done at record time but yeah that looks it came out incredible looking and so there it is properly cooled we got intake in the top exhaust and exhaust on the side and the bottom um and you know and over and it looks really good don't forget also uh the uh strix 30 uh the strix will also pull in air from the back so there is intake through the back as well oh no nevermind exhaust through the back so no its intake is only through the bottom so yeah i appreciate it uh so we're gonna do uh we're gonna 335 subs so i think we're gonna give away the rtx the 5600x now which is good uh so we're gonna give away this 5600x and then that is gonna be the last giveaway and then guys here's the deal there's a thousand fifty one seventeen hundred eighty people watching the show right now um so uh a couple things that i just want you to know we're going to raid somebody we always do um so we try to rate folks just to make life a little bit better uh we're gonna find a small streamer it makes their day so if you can just stick around 15 10 15 minutes give them a follow uh give them say hi just really it you'd be amazed at just what a difference it will make um if you just stick around we rate somebody over on twitch uh for those of you on youtube uh or over on again super grateful that you guys were here today again we're gonna do this last giveaway the giveaway is only if you're over at twitter tv newegg you gotta pop over to my channel unfortunately uh to enter this giveaway so here we go gonna do this last giveaway last giveaway this is for a 5600x now this is because of our i hit oh i hit the wrong button sorry guys one sec i'll grab a drink while i wait for this here i'll do it here i'll do this you guys always love it when i do this oh so hefty give it the side cameras you guys like set it up for the side camera while we do the giveaway just kind of look at the build ideally one second okay going back to the giveaways this is on giveaway okay there we go okay here we go whoa almost died [Music] okay so while we're doing that okay here you go so we're gonna do this last giveaway you guys can stare at this stare at this awesome entry with this awesome pc and everybody say thank you new way because without new egg we wouldn't be able to do this show um so this is for a ryzen 5 5600x great cpu starting that giveaway right now guys oh no the cam oh stupid thing is doing it again hold on one second okay here it comes there you go stare at that while you wait [Music] you can even see the you can see the chroma coming through the glass now which is pretty cool two minutes guys and then i'm gonna look at my phone to see who our ray target is tonight ray target tonight is we don't know yet she hasn't said yet [Music] okay we do gnfx virus is our raid target tonight build looks good where is my okay guys time is up we're getting ready to pick our winner getting ready to pick our winner hope you guys enjoyed the build tonight what a great stream and a really really great build tonight i have to say came out beautiful i know our guy is going to be happy there it is right there again so bringing it out so you guys can see it again post error on the mobo yeah that's because it hasn't been the bios hasn't been flashed the bias hasn't been flashed guys this is a 5000 series and a 3000 series thing it's yeah there's a post error because we haven't actually flashed the bios and all that sort of stuff so anyway guys uh picking the winner the winner is ghost sonic four congratulations ghost sonic 4. you guys are the winner you are the winner congratulations ghost sonic 4. okay guys we are going to be raiding somebody uh we are back on wednesday back on wednesday for another incredible stream this way checking out this time checking out the antec d700 flux so it'll be a new case a new enjoyable uh new brand new build nothing crazy but again you're gonna get check out our new case to see if it's something you're interested in really becoming a big fan of antec uh we have a video on air cooling beginner air cooling build uh a step-by-step guide for air cooling uh comes out tomorrow morning so that's gonna be super awesome as well so you got a lot to look forward to guys this has been absolutely incredible get ready for the raid we're going to be raiding somebody please stick around give them a follow give them a watch it makes all the difference for these guys um here we go we're going to raid he's playing a game but chatting about pc stuff uh she says so it should be cool gnfx virus okay here he is he's got 17 people guys here we go starting that oh i don't think he's even there this is going to be even funnier because he's going to come back and there's gonna be a bunch of people there come on how many people can we get 620 639 646 647 here we go raiding now outside of that for those of you with newegg and those of you on youtube thank you very much and we will see you guys wednesday
Channel: Robeytech
Views: 51,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robeytech, pc build, how to build a PC, gaming pc, pc building, tech, technology, custom PC, PC, building PC, robytech, robeyetech, high end gaming pc build 2021, razer o11 dynamic build, razer o11, asus rog strix 3090
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 25sec (11665 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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