AMD PC Giveaway Build – Giveaways + $4500 Build in the Corsair 5000d (Ryzen 5950x / Radeon 6800xt)

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the sub from the sub pool on rubytech if you're over at robytech or pop on over to robytech drop your free amazon prime subscription you may actually walk away with the gpu which you're super hard to get now finally the last thing that you guys need to know as well is that if you want to get extra entries from that you can gift subs like a lot of people have basically been doing right here so gifting subs get you extra entries to potentially walk away with the gpu uh the other thing too is that subscribing at tier two or tier three also gets you extra entry so there's a bunch of ways to get extra entries towards doing that as well you guys crushed it right there level five hype train already just killed that super strong support already over 50 subs and we've only been on for just a few minutes like what for like 15 minutes and we got 38 so way more than it looks like 38 subs and 2 2 000 bits so thank you very much for all that stuff now people are asking how do you enter the giveaways basically all the giveaways are going to be at the end of the show the one for the pc won't be available until gleam on april 21st which is next week so we're gonna finish this build it's gonna have an os on it we're gonna take pictures and then you guys will see it uh basically very our normal giveaway stuff and then on top of that we're giving another we're building another pc we're giving away on monday and then another pc we're giving away on wednesday so we'll have four pcs that you can potentially walk away with just this month alone from here on our channel we've got the intel build the amd build and two razer builds that you guys have to look forward to so tons of giveaways coming up as well so guys it is going to be an incredible night and i super appreciate all the amazing support that you guys have already shown me right now celebrating our one year anniversary on twitch so that is it i've gone through the spiel that's all the stuff so much stuff and today's ice is of course lemon lime it feels like it's cool and crispy when you're celebrating one year so going from there um hurry up and build anthony it's i'm gonna take my time baby we're here for three hours it's gonna be a while it's it's this is not just about me doing what you want anthony you calm down because you're here you're in my world now baby you're in my world this is my world this is my pc building world and we're gonna build an awesome pc and i'm gonna enjoy doing it slowly very very slowly you will be here till midnight if that's what it takes we'll be like that one guy who does like the infinite stream right like every time i get a sub we just add like five minutes or something like that there we go and that's what we going from there oh man thank you very much for all those gifted subs guys let's keep it going i'll uh let me go and update the giveaway bot and then we'll we'll keep it we'll keep it moving uh hold on let me update it here all widgets sub goal ending this one we have 78 we're gonna wait a hundred dollars we're at we need a hundred we're at 78 for 21 20 21 there we go and keeping it moving there we go updated and going from here uh we're gonna build some pcs don't worry we got a lot of stuff going in there a thousand people here already this is gonna be a big stream i can already feel it yeah lug wig that's right we're gonna be like lugwig we're gonna stream for the next 30 days and you guys we're gonna break his sub goal of 269 000 or whatever it was i'm just kidding dad jokes dozer don't worry those are coming oh and for those of you who don't know we have launched the new dad joke tick tock series we'll also be putting it over on youtube so if you are not you're missing the dad jokes don't worry there will be a dad joke every day on youtube shorts and there will also be a dad joke over on tick tock for you to enjoy we did the denim one yesterday in fact let's kick it off right now let's get a dad joke out there into the ether because that's what you guys really want to know and that's going from there okay so this one's from eternal rage now here's the deal if you have a dad joke you'd like to have read here on stream head on over to our discord dot gg slash roby tack that's right we are vanity because we're partners now uh pop on over and uh go to the dad jot section drop your dad joke now if it's super funny i don't give you credit i just pretend like i did it but if it's not very good then i do give you credit and then everybody can make fun of you just kidding that's actually not true but here we go right there um and then there was the time fruit of the loom took haynes to court it was a brief case that one was from eternal rage um uh official coasts i don't know official toasts put this one why did the chicken cross the road why did the chicken cross the road because you didn't cook it you didn't cook it wow that's kind of dark actually uh uh but that's uh there we go um okay okay oh man okay this one's this one's a little this one's a little risque why did the toilet paper fail to cross the road why did the toilet paper feel across the road it got stuck in the crack that one's pretty bad that one's pretty bad that was for dance congratulations dance that was pretty that was uh that was uh that was a good one i liked that one a lot yeah everybody's like oh no so there you go kicking off some dad jokes going from there um and going uh going crazy oh my gosh uh let's see how is everybody doing yes people are surprised it's like wow there's a thursday streak but guys we had to build this amd system so we we have a thursday stream in fact there are three streams again next week on oh there's four streams monday wednesday thursday friday next week as well because we're going to be we're going to be debuting something on thursday so it's going to be pretty funny um so going from there isla thank you very much fawaz i'm sorry abba fawaz i'm sorry for butchering your name but i appreciate that um for the uh just the kindness i appreciate you too um let's see i think i think all in all like we're super close let's get these last 10 subs we'll update the goal and then we'll go ahead and start walking through uh we'll start walking through the parts list after that um and then again with the the goal for this system i think uh we did a really good job i'm really happy with this thing but again whoa booty chatter dropping 10 gifted subs appreciate it my friend um this one it's it's a it's a muscle car themed uh kind of case that we went through with this it's going to be a red and black obviously amd themed system but again we just thought with all the muscle and power behind the 5950x we we kind of did like a mustang-esque kind of uh logo and stuff for this and finally inside it's actually got a little bit of like the same kind of stuff as well um so really like the way that this case came out and i'm really excited for somebody to basically get a chance to uh to win it a little later on yeah i know i thought doesn't that look really good i really like the way the banner looks and stuff i think it came out super crisp and clean so i think i'm pretty excited about that um okay yeah we did this yes this is all this was our work so we did this so we uh we took the time again we had a limited amount of time from this what is this i just i think i just got it oh okay okay good okay cool let me just get that fixed real quick i don't know if i'm gonna be able to but i will try okay um updated titles one sec guys okay uh just got those fixed one thing real quick guys we just have to fix something just because of the whole thing right here uh it'll just be just a second we're we're dooming it but it's gonna be it's gonna be updated in just a moment okay there we go fixed okay cool awesome we just had to update the thing it's a radeon 6800 xt so we didn't want to do it going from there um okay so much yes so much sweet there's a lot of sweet gear in the background and all that sort of stuff is it does it look like it no it didn't phrase again okay okay um let us go we're already past it let me go and update the uh let me go ahead and update let's say one okay yeah so let's go and update the giveaways you guys are on fire today uh thank you you guys are making this anniversary already so awesome and uh it's just starting 150 we are need 150 we're at 120 and starting that one down okay cool oh stabby crab thank you very much for the for the five gifted subs another five gifted subs you guys are crushing it right now and it just continues to grow like a weed so thank you very much for all that stuff guys you guys are super incredible um and going from there um hey do you ever use the thermaltake rgp tough ram i have um and it's uh and it's gone it's uh it's really it's it's good ram um and it's actually it does pretty well with xmp and stuff like that too did it okay okay okay good we're going right now is he oh we don't i don't have it we'll have all the details for that little line sorry guys back into the rhythm okay so we're at 133 subs who's ready to start talking about parts who's ready to start talking about parts and how do you increase fps you increase fps one way and that one way is via um is via rgb so that's going in it yeah it's what's you yeah i know it's pretty cool this is we're going to be playing just so you guys know we will be playing mass effect on this system when it launches the the updated version of mass effect when it launches next month so yeah we're going from there everybody's ready for parts um yes yes that is true downloading downloading ram tomcat dropping that tomcat wait a minute is that cat that's amazing is that who i think it is if it is thank you very much and it's good to see you again um let's see what we're looking for here let's bring up my parts list and we'll start running through the parts of this amazing system uh just you guys know um going from this uh so yeah that's it's i i haven't seen her in a while so it's good to see her okay let's talk about the parts list now by the way if you guys are interested in the parts list the parts list are actually down in the in the description below for uh youtube if you're over on twitch on any of the twitches um the twitches many of the twitches we're gonna be having those parts listed here in the channel in just a second so you can basically check those things out um as well uh and go from there so here we go we're gonna drop it in here and start with this and of course our processor that we're kicking things off with is the ryzen 9 5950x uh the ryzen 9 5950x is absolutely a b16 core 32 threads currently even with the release of the 11th gen intel currently still the king of the intel stack there is nothing that basically goes against it so when we talk about that pure pc muscle and why we basically designed the case it was we want to make sure when you have this at its core um you basically have the best of the best in terms of the overall system right now so there's your ryzen 9 5950x of course for the g the we're going to be putting this in course in an x570 motherboard because you can't put you we're not going to do b550 or anything like this this is pretty much their premium set and we're using the rog strix x570e gaming uh absolutely incredible board these are very hard to get right now um just because x570 has just been something i feel like i feel like there's a new board on in the future obviously with ryzen 4000 series and stuff like that but uh x570 had b550 coming out in 2020 so x570 has just kind of been um even though it's premium it's still a little bit dated but absolutely love these motherboards now we have already breadboarded this we've already got the latest os on it already um and in fact we actually already have an os on the m.2 drive so when we actually finish this build we'll be able to boot it up get it red and black it'll be ready to go so you guys will see it in its full amd glory uh when we're all set and done though which should be uh super super awesome so there's our motherboard right there and then of course uh we got some storage options and i like i wasn't kidding we have 14 terabytes of storage we've got a two terabyte sn850 pcie gen4 western digital black nvme ssd and then of course we're going to pair that also with a 12 terabyte iron wolf oh this is a this is an iron wolf a 12 terabyte iron wolf uh uh 7200 rpm uh uh hard drive as well so you'll have 14 terabytes of storage uh between pcie gen4 and then ironwolf is their nas level so this is like super data protected with um the warranty etc that we'll be using for this as well so this is going to be this is a these are it's really funny to see these two partnered together but we got seagate and wd uh in the same build which is going to be uh crazy awesome uh for ram uh we've got g skill triton z neo this is a 64 kid kit at 3 600 megahertz it's a cl 16 by 19 by 19 so it's great timings as well uh this is the triton z neo so this is the amd specific version of this ram uh absolutely love this ram uh the good thing is is that even though we're using corsair again with asus uh armory crate and corsair iq the armory crate stuff will actually take care of reading um the rgb from this so again you don't need to install the g-skill rgb stuff if you just checked out we just did a whole rgb guide that just went live on youtube um just today so uh one of the things we talked about was specifically uh one thing that's nice about asus uh rog um and their their armory crate rgb stuff is just that it does a good job of controlling this stuff so great amount of ram 64 gigs which is more than enough that's going to make it absolutely awesome and continue to make this beefy system more beefy now we have to cool it and we had a couple options but um we had to cool it and of course the cool thing about cool thing and no pun intended is the nzxt z73 um you know i absolutely love these coolers main reason being is that there's nothing better than actually just having uh the information on the dial that comes with it right away so you can look at your temperatures you can also replace that with animated gifs everything that you want to do and they're just great coolers in fact they're the cooler of choice for our benches we use the x versions of these not the z versions of these i also know gamers nexus also uses their kraken for their test benches um nzxt is just a great standard a gold standard for cooling in general um and uh the one the only other thing that's kind of like an issue with this is just the size of the overall cooling plate and uh like the overall housing that goes over it but we've done this a time this case has more than enough room for it and is going to look really really good with that red and white kind of theme that we'll we'll add to it when we get a little bit uh later on in general so overall really awesome um aio and has more than enough cooling potential uh to keep that uh 5950x nice and uh cool and not toasty which is what we we actually don't want to have happen now uh just so you guys know you might have saw sapphire in this but uh the reason it's called sapphire is that this is the amd radeon sapphire who's the company who makes it nitro radeon 6800 xt um so it's a radeon 6800xt made by sapphire this is a uh overall you only see these cards usually in the amd stack from there so that's why we're using this particular one i really love these cards um i know uh specifically like the 6700 xt they have a very very um almost they look a lot like the reference cards from amd this one however does not this is going to look really good i'm excited about this the 6800 xt is an overall great card amd continues to sit there and try and improve its overall performance and we finally have the the amd version of dlss which is supposed to launch in about five or six months uh which should help with the ray tracing uh capabilities on this but from a raw power performance and cost thing the 6800 xt is an absolutely great card and like one of the things i really appreciate is uh improvements that they've continued to do to drivers and then performance improvements they continue to do um just via updates in general so great cards very hard to get just like 3000 series radio 3000 series nvidia cards but really really like uh this one and excited to put this inside of the build today so um yeah that's going to be great as well and then finally i'm using something a little bit new um of course oh well two things one we're going to be powering this by the evga uh 850 g5 um radeon isn't near as power hungry in a lot of regards as uh the 3000 series so this is gonna be more than enough power for our card and then all in all the g5 is the top-notch evga psu plus smells it smells okay it's not it's not it's not the smelliest um uh power supply but we'll test that a little later when we get to that part then finally we're going to be using new extensions i actually chose these i'm going to start using these a little bit more i use a lot of asian horse but we're checking out these formula mod they have a little bit just more in terms of color options so we're going to be using formula mod the red black and gray kind of cable extensions so pretty excited about giving these a go and showing these off as well so something a little new this is the newest part of the build in general so that is all of the parts ladies and gentlemen i think this is going to be a good build i think you guys would say it'd be a good build and then you guys would also like to uh potentially win it when the giveaway goes live on april 21st so who sniffs the power supply what who doesn't sniff the power supply i should i wonder if jacob's watching if jacob's watching right now he's like i don't think that's the best thing evga not the smelliest i don't think that's really what he wants to what he wants to hear i don't know what about what it the parcels we just went to the parts list blessed joe literally just now we just literally did yeah course therapy i don't know i i have to go back i never remember that we should have like just like we're gonna have a bubble waffle off because bubble waffle ops are gonna be critical to the success of our world the second thing we should do is a psu smell off i feel like that is going to be um we got it we got to work on that stuff so we'll go from there let me update the giveaway stuff because we're already past 150 new gift card all our way to the 5600x so we're going to do the amd ryzen 5 the 5600x giveaway we got to get to let me i forgot to look crud we are at 173 okay all widgets so 5600x giveaway hey we are at we need 300 we're at 178. three four gosh darn it type ruby there we go okay good next goal is up guys and we'll keep going um going from there okay uh yeah and don't forget guys we on top of having the giveaway that we just did for the the five tier and the one for the 5600x we can you guys can still get a chance to get in on those two 370s we're going to give away to two lucky subscribers here on the channel and then finally uh don't forget 700 likes on the youtube uh over at streaming on rubytech just drop over there hit a thumb up and then potentially walk away with uh potentially uh help us give away another one terabyte nvme ssd call me squid thank you for those five gifted subs guys 183 already and go ahead is this is this the airflow or normal 5000d this is the airflow version of the d um and uh going from there that's that's the questions merobi's finger how are my fingers crossed my fingers were not crossed they were green they were they were not crossed is it what's thermal taste tastes best um i would prefer the chromique uh i like the crimi um personally but you should not be eating thermal paste nor are we gonna start anything um nor are we gonna start anything like a thermal paste challenge so please don't eat thermal paste it's not a good idea uh oh so enigma knight's asking did someone when they give it with the the the gift card actually the way this giveaways work is the more subs the better the giveaway get so it started at a 50 new a gift card and then it keeps climbing for the more subs the better the the giveaway it does not stack because i would be poor that's not how this works um not arctic still yet don't drop please don't eat that please don't eat grizzly knot or you know liquid metal you should not do any of that stuff so you should go from there um and so definitely don't there 5600 so yeah going from there um crowd the fractal s2 or the corsair 5000d i feel like those are an even switch the one thing i will say about the 5000d versus the fractal s2 is that um the corsair d is just a bit easier to build in a lot more room for putting in components and it includes a built-in fan hub i don't remember if uh the s2 does or not so i don't remember that uh going from there so yeah you should really not eat thermal place i'm not recommending nora should you can somebody clip this me saying don't eat thermal paste don't edit it and say i'm saying to go there please don't eat thermal paste that's not a good idea so um so going going from there okay guys let's go ahead and uh let's go and start building the build um let's go ahead and start building the build and go from there uh and and like i said we've already got an os on this so and it's already been uh it's already been uh we've already breadboarded it so don't worry there's nothing in terms of uh don't worry it's like hey it's not gonna work in there actually it's all good to go we're good to go so yeah can i use colgate as thermal paste no that is also another option i'm also not i'm also not telling you guys that you should replace your thermal paste with like cheese whiz as cool as that would be it wouldn't be very good for the cpu once you i think what you guys are saying is is that i should put cheese whiz on this giveaway pc that's what would make you happier that's what you i think that's what you're telling me everybody's like yes please put cheese whiz and the iron two is i wanna like i do want to take a moment and say like okay moment with roby here mommy with robey guys real quick here we go let's let's go to white let's go to the wide camera here corn dogs are good stop making for the corn dogs corn dogs are good that's a public service announcement they're not just hot dogs you're going to skate thank you very much yes that you can you can quote me on that one you can quote me on that one they're not just hot dogs the kind of rhetoric that has been going around on my discord channel has just been it's just been crazy so i'm just we're going to go from there um okay going to top down right now let's go and pull this out and get this get this ready to go court thank you very much for all the people who are agreeing that corn dogs are are good because that is true and if you don't agree there is something wrong with you oh i just hit record and i know what i wanted to do okay it's a little bit centered here get this off get you guys a little bit okay so let's talk a little bit about x570 because again i think we haven't done a little tour i think i skipped doing the tour yesterday so i want to walk you guys through an x570 motherboard because i do get a lot of questions uh in general about what's the difference between x570 and b550 so let's take out our rubytech knife here it is right here rubytech our rubytech knife and walk you guys through a motherboard real quick now who you know we have 1300 and almost 1400 people here right now who has never built a pc before who is this like you're like oh my gosh this is like new and the greatest thing i've ever seen in my life and you are a gosh darn hero for showing us this awesome build if that's you can you go and raise a hand i mean i'd love to see that um there you go never never built a pc okay cool and that's that's good so let's walk you guys through this real quick let me talk you guys to a motherboard main reason i do this every show i try to do it every show if i remember but i'm old um is uh just to help you uh as we work through it and as we connect things to kind of understand why we're doing the things that we're doing okay so up here in the top left is what's called the eps cpu power connectors this thing is what gives power to this whole section of the motherboard right here this is called your vrm and your vrm is what controls the power phase that goes into your cpu it's just basically it's how pure the power is and then the number of these is how much redundant power you can have basically this four pin over here is nothing you need to worry about the only thing you really need to worry about is eight pin especially if you're not doing anything like what's called extreme overclocking or ln 2 overclocking which is liquid nitrogen which we're not doing today nor are 99.999 percent of you ever gonna do um right here this is your am4 socket this is uh this is for ryzen this has been around since ryzen first gen we don't know if the next version of it will actually use this we are knowing they're going to a smaller cpu processor more than likely this will probably update at some point in time but this is am4 over here this is your ram uh it's dual channel uh basically you actually some motherboards only have two some other ports have four basically the only reason that you basically have four is that what it does is it allows you to do uh more ram with less memory on each individual stick but there is some cost in terms of what it does to the memory controller but this is basically a dual channel right here and there's actually so just because there's four doesn't mean it's four channel um up here in the top left is what's called your uh fan headers you have one of these that controls your cpu it's the only one we need to plug in to make sure that there is not an error when you first turn the pc on which is what's called a bios your bios is where you're gonna basically see that error but it's the only thing that we're gonna you have to plug in from a fan header standpoint to make this work uh up here you'll see these two little white headers these are the most listen to me listen to me right now those two white connections those two white connections are the single most important headers on the motherboard because they power what is called rgb and let me be super clear about something rgb makes everything run faster if you have the more rgb the more percentage frames goes up we actually have a graph that we showed in the latest video it can increase the overall performance by a million percent so the more light the more boom is essentially what it is this is true so it's like that's what i'm just making sure that you guys know that those are very important headers that we showed you right there is you need to make sure that you worry about your you need to worry about your uh a million percent for sure okay um so down here this is what's called your atx this is your atx cpu power right here this is what powers the other three quarters of this motherboard in general um it's the big 24 pin um it's always the one that looks the most pretty if you do a good job cable managing this is called usbc or usb 3.2 gen2 is what this is right here down here these are the sata we're actually going to use these today guys which is new uh we have we don't get to use these very often these are the static connections this is where we're gonna plug in our our for our 12 terabyte um sata drive so that's what those are uh down here we've got a front panel connection this is your front panel this is where you're gonna put your power switch your reset switch all that sort of stuff again two of the most critical connections right here again two more rgb headers meaning that this board if you plug something into every single one of them could be a four million percent increase just with all the rgb that you could potentially run off of this we got some more fan headers right here is the worst connection on the face of planet this is your usb 3. i've got two usb 2. uh you've also got a hd audio right here and then right here we've got a this is like a basically a digital display um it say it has you it keeps you from doing things like basically having to install what's called a pc speaker so this will throw error codes and then you can also update the bios to do things like show temperatures etc um because this is x570 everything on here this uh the m.2 and all of the pcie are all pcie gen4 so that on b550 only the first slot of m.2 in the first by 16 slot on the pci are our pci gen4 the difference between pcie gen 4 and pci gen 3 is just the bandwidth and the speed um which is new with 11th gen intel and obviously with 5000 and 4000 5000 and 3000 series uh amd um we have two m.2 slots one right here and one right here and then we've got 1 by 16 2 by 8 and then a couple by four or by one whichever you can call me the one but buy four pci um connectors as well now the one thing that's important is that you can actually run like crossfire and sli because this is pcie gen 4 um and it's x 570 um you have more than enough bandwidth but pc but it's pretty much dead so it's not as really a big of a deal so hopefully that's like a tour of your motherboard hopefully that helped and as we plug into things it'll make things a little bit more clear when we get a little further along hopefully did that help anybody uh this motherboard is the uh this is the x570 uh rog strix from amd i'm from asus does using both m.2 uh reduce restrict the pcie slots no not on this board my brain is growing that's what i'm trying to do king kerm oh don't forget the i o good call okay so on the back we also have all the i o here um one thing couple things i do want to point out uh something that's pretty special about these particular boards is this button right here not all amd and not all intel boards have this this is called bios flashback what it allows you to do is if um in many motherboards especially if you got an older one that you like hasn't been updated like in your putting a 5000 series this allows you to update the bios without having a cpu in it it's called bios flashback it has different names depending on the motherboard we've also got usb 3 we've got a 2.5 gig and a one gigabyte ethernet connection we've got a type c you got wi-fi six which is included and then you've also got a bunch of uh your your uh audio connections as well so lots of stuff here really great board um at 300 it's not no surprising this board's fully loaded um for what you get um i don't actually know what the i should have looked up like what the ram support is and stuff like that um but the only two that's nice about this board is these have a board these boards have a tendency to have more support in terms of ram compatibility as well um okay so we've done all the peels now we can actually put in our cpu and move on with our lives everybody's excited did anybody learn anything did you learn i don't get why don't ever it's it honestly it's because it's where they choose to spend uh the money for the board kijita it's not every board is made to do that way uh some do have it i'm trying to see some of you saying i'd like to have a clear cmos button there are x 570 boards that do have clear cmos buttons i don't think this was definitely not one of them i do know that their crosshair ones do so let's go and grab our cpu right here this is a ryzen 9 5950x which is a great cpu can we say great cpu great cpu okay now the way that we're going to install this in this really empty box right here is what we're going to do is we're going to take this and we're going to take it to 90 degrees that's going to open it up like that and then what we're going to do is we're going to take this don't look at that look at how empty like this is how big the box is like there's just like the only thing i need is right here i'm gonna empty this out do that need that anymore uh we are doing that actually uh lincomatic was saying hey you should make a video where you plug in just show plugging in all the cables we are doing that actually we're doing a motherboard guide um so yeah that'll be coming out soon actually okay so what you're gonna do when you put in your uh cpu uh there's a little arrow in the top left-hand corner it's gonna drop it in just like that wiggle it a little bit just because it's fun and then you're gonna push this down and then push this underneath and there you go there you've installed the cpu amd cpus are pretty straightforward and easy to install so there you go cpu is installed next up let's do the ram ram time ram time hey thank you very much for all the subs guys coming up on 200 subs already what a way to celebrate a one-year anniversary you guys are killing it today fourth pin is the p yes is pws that is true fourth tennis p which is allow what it does is it it's basically pwm which is ah i forgot what it stood for but it's basically allows variable wattage and that wattage allows the feet of the the um the speed of the ram to change um versus a three pin which basically runs at full speed and that fourth pin is what allows you to change that okay so we're going to take out our ram like waffles like bubble waffles bubble waffles yeah that's what it is pulse modulation thank you very much psy you are correct i am just i'm i'm on i'm on the i'm on the uh i'm you know i'm like if if this was like who wants to be a millionaire i would have failed they're like roby doesn't need to be a millionaire he sucks there's a lot of 300 acronyms when it comes to pcs so pulse yeah okay there we go right there ram is out like bubble waffles 39 hex is yeah i'd be calling a friend and i'd be calling let's see who i'd call i'd call adam little that's what i'd call adam little because he used the next person to say it right okay here we go right here uh so when you're installing your ram there's a little slot on the pcb called printed circuit board and this guy's this is a moment look at me look at me look at me this is a moment this is this is one of those moments in pc building that everybody should get the chance to enjoy you know what i mean or call ghostbusters thank you very much this is called the ram click and i want you i just want you to get ready for this um you may i hope you're sitting down please be sitting down because this click has been known to make people weak in the knees like myself uh just uh when you're when you're doing your build so what you're gonna do is you're gonna go ahead and line this up uh and you're gonna you're gonna put it in there and then what you're gonna do is uh that little slot you're gonna put your hand your your uh your thumbs on both ends like so and then you're gonna push oh and that wasn't that wasn't as good that was a pretty good click did you hear that click we'll get a little closer in right now and do a little bit more close click but here we go getting a little closer here and then here listen oh oh those those are those are good quality clicks that oh that was a good click right there we don't hear it stop you can hear it you can hear it i'm gonna go closer here we go here we go here he goes right here i'm gonna get really close you ready you'll be able to hear this one i'm all lined up here oop nope i gotta put it right here you go ready i'm gonna get it lined up here we go making sure i'm closing ready here he goes click you do you hear it that time that was a really good click i mean that was that was a quality click right there i i totally could hear that one um so that was like that was yeah so that was there so you heard that one [Laughter] there we go okay there's all your clicks in right there it's not yet that one wasn't even pushed down all the way there we go okay all the clicks are in this the ram is 64 gigs um 64 gigs of i heard that on my second floor there we go we got all the clicks in and we're good to go there um let's go ahead and install our our single m.2 which we're going to grab our i fix it i fix it i've been watching jay's two cents recently so he's like always i fix that that made me giggle good that was that was the point okay what we're gonna do right now is we're gonna remove the top cover here there we go boom boom [Music] there it is right there okay and then what we're going to do is we're going to and we'll keep this off because one of the the holes is going to be covered here now remember i don't know if you guys i've talked about this but i know we have a lot of new people here we're at 1500 people right now um the one thing i want to let you guys know that if you're ever in the zombie apocalypse one of the things that people don't know about motherboards is that they come with what is essentially ships so if you're ever like if you're like in a zombie apocalypse head to your local micro center or you're potentially a new egg warehouse this is assuming that you know the apocalypse and you're not stealing but you can go grab these little things like some of them like the msi ones they look like hand like tomahawks like here you are right here like this is like this is this could save you in the zombie apocalypse is you could just go get a couple of these and there's a ton of them right just open every motherboard you know you're good illumina well come on it's all it's what i got right now you know is it you know we we can't we can't be bakers can't be choosers at the beginning you know what i'm saying but again you've got options you've got options for sure yeah survival car yeah you got survival parts you got thermal paste which you could probably live on for months you know what i mean um so if you really needed to survival i'm sure a thermal i don't eat thermal paste i'm just kidding it does doesn't it debunker [Laughter] don't eat thermal paste [Laughter] please don't do that that's what that's the last thing i need is like just sit there and people like oh man okay there we go right there let's put this aside okay now we're going to do this is a i love these nvme drives by the way uh this is the uh 850 watt the new s 850 watt wow i hope not uh the new sn850 from western digital this is a pcie gen four two terabyte nvme now there's a little slot here in the center there's a little slot here in the center um that you can use oh i'm curious real quick if i have another oh is this no i want to show you guys something because there's something important here we don't get this we don't get this chance very often so i want to i want to i like to i like to i like to bring this up i like to bring this up one second one sec guys one second going to the other room real quick oh okay do we have a okay yeah here we'll just use this this is just for demonstration purposes demonstration purposes real quick okay okay okay we'll take a look at i'll take a look at it okay guys uh one thing we don't we don't get a chance to show very often but every once in a while i want to i want to show you guys something here's something critical here if you have extra m.2 slots you have actually m.2 slots guys um and like for instance like we have an extra one down here you could potentially depending on how fertile your m.2s are potentially just uh potentially ghosts you just impregnate it like this then afterwards go ahead and put it in like i'm doing right here and then you may in six to nine months end up with a baby m.2 in here so it doesn't always happen but there's a chance it's a chance that you could uh maybe walk away with m.2 an extra spare m.2. i'm just saying guys welcome to dad jokes this is dad jokes [Laughter] oh man oh this is fun that was fun i love i love seeing people's reactions to that if that's like if that's all it took to actually make m.2s people be like all right oh man okay we're gonna go and pop that in down there [Laughter] oh man ruby after dark that wasn't that wasn't even risque i'm a tech um okay what you're gonna do is at the bottom right make sure we peel off this m.2 pad down here uh make sure it's nice and easy and open and then we're gonna put this in like that like that just gonna go seal it down [Music] okay getting this down here there we are there's that one and you don't when you put these on just screw them down a little bit on each side before oops see because like sometimes you'll think it's in the hole screw it down a little bit just because sometimes you can over kind of torque it that's always like best and then tighten it down once it's all done okay there we go okay so m.2 is in we're gonna put this off to the side because we're gonna we have to put the uh we have to put this in um who uh we have to put that into the uh into the case here in a second but we have one more thing to prepare for this because we're using a nzxt aio which means we have to prepare and put our um bracket on real quick which is an easy thing so we're gonna pop this open [Music] pop this open real quick thank you very much i'm glad you like the music okay push this off to the side we're gonna grab our little extra stuff here there we go oh we grabbed the wrong z here on one sec guys we grab the wrong one of our aios here there we go one second guys give me a moment um here's this okay we grabbed our sample one not our new one so so that's not a silver egg that is my eggie i got that for my 2020 2020 right yeah 2020 it's my 2020 egg award for my geek of the year from new egg i actually got the 2021 influencer of the year award as well still waiting on my trophy for that but yeah that's what that is back there so okay there we go got the right one now did the cartel show me the gpu yes they did that's that's how i got all my gpus how many people have uh have done my m.2 trick since i uh since i got a geek of the year come on that's a pride that's a good thing being geek of the year that's pretty awesome i like that title okay now let's grab that's what i was looking for okay this is the right one you wish you could be geek in the air everybody's geek of the year you miss people you have to go back and watch a trick for the m.2 trick i'm not going to show it twice it's only showing it once he gave me an offer i couldn't review so it's like here here's a gpu okay here we go right here we're going to grab our wow stick guys grabbing the wow stick here going to go ahead and undo wow stick love the wow stick okay taking off this wow stick wow stick there it is wow stick is off now we're going to do is we're going to grab our am4 and look they say they're literally labeled am4 the am4 right here fully charged wow stick that's right it's ready to go who else has a wow stick i know some people bought wow sticks who else has wow sticks they have a link to the wow sticks we'll have a wow stick link here in just a second uh this is the x570 i think it's the f just verify it's the e sorry it's the e oh there we go see people gotten wow sticks here we go okay so we're going to do is we have these little screws they go in the little corners uh where the uh brackets used to be installed i'm gonna go right here just like that and there we go okay now this motherboard is officially prepared for its entry into the wild wild world of the beautiful case we made so we're gonna get this offside but before we do that let's read a dad joke who's ready for a dad joke guys dad joke time dad joke time who's ready for a dad joke here we go everybody loves the dad jokes okay let's see who we got here um okay uh let's see we got here what generation what generation does forest gump belong to what generation does forest gump belong to jennae [Laughter] i like that one jenae uh okay here's another one right here uh there's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot those are both uh those are great those are from uh those are from super doomsday uh those are good i like that one very much jenna um if you guys are interested again head to my discord discord dot gg slash ruby tech go into the dad joke section after you accept the rules make sure you accept the rules because you if you don't see anything that's the reason you have to accept the rules because we're a family friendly uh family-friendly uh thing but go there uh click on accept the rules drop it in there we'll read if it's a funny joke we'll read it off on the channel and i might even give you credit um which is the whole plan so running low on the dad jokes guys you gotta gotta get some more in there uh thank you for everybody who posts them on a pretty consistent basis okay so next up let me get this out of the way we're gonna strip our case we're gonna strip our case real quick so okay here it is right here this is a custom done one that we did this is a corsair 5000d airflow uh that we customized specifically for the build we're doing today um so this is it right here um we uh we put some uh i think overall it looks very very clean and then we have some we have an additional touch that you'll see here on the inside once we kind of finish the whole build but open that up we'll take this off and then you also have on the inside there as well you have that 4.9 boost clock as well again very very like kind of like wanted like an american muscle type thing in there hey jug thank you very much for that stuff and uh yeah it's pretty cool i love the way this whole this whole case came out we're gonna strip it down to its bare essentials right now and prepare it for the parts the components that are going into it there we go right there and then we're going to take this off there we go grab our tape that's at the top here and also right there okay so we got all that stuff out there we're gonna take this back plate off the back not the back plate but the the back cover there you go that covers off now and then we also have tape back here done and then one last piece on the very back is the cable management guard essentially so we're just going to lift this up like that take that off there we are right there and then we have some extra parts in here that we don't need because of the configuration we're not doing in this case so we're good there we're gonna grab our extra bits and there we go okay case is stripped what we can do right why don't we do this real quick because we can let's go ahead and we'll keep that out and then we'll install our our uh ps our hdr our hard drive here in just a second but now our case is all stripped ready to go and uh we're gonna go ahead and go to this put this down put our top down and there you go there's our case ready to go we're going to strip our cables out in a second but i want to i mean our our fans out in a second but we'll go and get our m.2 in here i mean sorry our motherboard and then get this installed and then we'll move on there we go you very much ryan for the 4.99 you are incredible i appreciate you my friend there we go right there there we go right there and now we're going to do is we're going to grab our other screwdriver and get this screwed in yes the case already came with the risers in it it's set up for atx i don't think that's in yet there we go just getting this screwed in real quick the main reason i don't use the wow stick on this is you can over torque these pretty easily so it's just easier to do it with just a standard magnetic screwdriver so i know some people are like oh roby's back to archaic caveman screwdriving and it's like i was almost saying caveman screwing but that that doesn't sound right um caveman screwdriving um and so uh that's the reason why they don't want to over torque those hey guys don't forget uh i'll go through i'll remind people in just a second let me just get this inside and then once we before we get to fans i'll uh i'll remind people about giveaways and run them through the youtube stuff okay almost done and there we go very cool that's all installed and ready to go okay we're good there now we're gonna grab our little cover that we didn't put in because we want to make sure it lined up and everything was good there pop that down like so it's 64 gigs at cl 16 jpeg new york so it's it's good ram very good ram what's this it's pc building what do you mean short stack that's what it is you're watching pc building live on twitch uh no tomorrow jrr don't download it today download it tomorrow don't download it today we'll download it tomorrow that's where we're going what do the numbers on the left represent oh that's uh yeah so i'll go through that in here a second why don't we take a moment now and then we'll get ready to do the fans but anyway guys for those of you there's there's a well let me let me open this because i think i think the dashboard is wrong again yeah there's uh there's a lot of people here um anyway guys uh welcome my name is jessica roby i'm the host of roby tech roby tech is a show that happens three times a week but for the next couple weeks it's gonna be four times a week uh three times a week every monday wednesday and friday starting at 5 30 p.m i am the host this is a pc building twitch stream we actually do some gaming afterwards as well that'll usually be on fridays but today we're building an amd pc that we're going to be giving away on april 21st in conjunction with amd and newegg um we do pc build commissions we do all sorts of things but the the primary purpose of the show is to build pcs and then also to do some additional gaming like what we're doing tomorrow for raid shadow legends um the other thing too is that we have some giveaways we have three giveaways are gonna happen on the show today first one uh the first half of it's already started that's for the uh if we get the level five hype train twice during the stream uh we'll give away a one terabyte nvme ssd if we get 700 likes on the live stream on youtube right now over at robitech 700 likes will give away another one terabyte nvme ssd now people are asking what about that bar down in this in the corner well that bar is um basically a bar that giveaways increase the more subs that we get here on the stream so we're 221 subs right now if we get to 300 subs we'll give away a 5600 x if we get to 450 it becomes a 50 a 5800x if we get to uh if we get to 600 it becomes a 30 60 and then it keeps growing from there now the question that people are having we also have two uh giveaways that are tapping their off stream the first one is we have uh two 30 70s that we're giving away to two lucky subs for the month of april the way that you get in on that is if you're over at rubytech or pop on over to rubytech drop your free amazon prime subscription and you're going to be entered to win now if you want to get extra entries towards winning one of those gpus all you got to do is either gift subs like a lot of people are doing or you can do things like subscribe at tier two or tier three that also gets you extra entries as well in fact it gives you a bunch of extra entries because those are our highest level tiered um lastly we also have the intel build that is currently being given away we have a giveaway link for that that's going on from there and then we'll have four other three other pc builds we'll be giving away this month as well so that is all the giveaways we also have two pcs that i'm going to be selling at the very end of the show that are just extra pcs that we had for a giveaway that people didn't actually commissions we we built for and then we didn't actually get to use um so anyway that's all the stuff that's going on today that is our that is a recap we're going to get back to pc building if you want to know the specs for the build and again we're giving this build away on the 21st is when the whole giveaway starts you can check those down in the description below on youtube or our mods are going to start putting it in all the different channels you can click on the links and see all the stuff that we're putting inside of this but we did run through the parts a little earlier on so that's it that's a plan we should wrap up around nine o'clock tonight that's usually what happened nine o'clock pst uh sometimes it may be a little bit sooner uh if the build goes smooth so yeah should be good so there you go there's your rundown make sure you pop on over and all that sort of stuff that's the that's the plan okay let's go to side view though we're gonna take out our take out our fans here okay fan time this is always the slowest part oops would help if i put it the right way we're gonna rip our get our fans out rip our fans out rip our fans out not you not you but i love you not you fans you fans are great um it's uh i'm talking about the fans the fans that are in the cage right now now i did i did ask which i thought was pretty funny we're thinking about taking creating an only fan site that is a pictures of only fans hey 9.99 thank you very much ryan i need help with my parts um i don't know if somebody was uh one of my mods was able to see that but if somebody from the tech team could reach out and see what his question was and maybe get the guy some help sorry guys there's 1600 people here and it's gonna grow as the show goes on so it makes it really hard to see it i super appreciate i super appreciate the um the uh super chat though and i wanna get you your help so we do get your help and i i see that's what you're asking for and we'll have to see have one of our tech specialists reach out and see if they can answer your question because they're really good at that stuff too hey thank you very much for saying the nice desk thank you very much for liking and sharing and thank you very much for all the gifted subs guys super awesome we're on a 239 on our way towards that first uh cpu giveaway here we go right there and today is my one year anniversary on twitch can we get some hype in the channel some hype in the channel for one year on twitch guys and it's been a great year it's been so much fun a wonderful community both on youtube twitch across the board and it's so awesome to have all of you guys here with me though really really enjoying it okay now we are going to just because of the limitations we are going to be keeping the black fan in the back i still think it's going to look good which is okay so we're going to keep the back black fan in the back but we are going to be replacing all of the other fans with ql 120s uh instead of ml one instead of the fans that come with the nzxt so these front fans are going to be rgb so let's go and grab them and get them installed and the reason for that is just adding another fan adds a whole level of complexity if you watch my uh you watch my rgb guide you'll know that corsair kind of works in groups of six um their hubs support six and so um if i have a 360 aio and then uh three fans in the front um unfortunately that is filling up all six so once you add seven you have to add a whole another um lighting node etc and uh that that just becomes problematic so that's where we're doing this now unfortunately the other thing too is that with every single ql core ql fan we also have to peel both sides so i have ten okay so that's clunes has ten which means he's got is it ten who are they from clunes four one one i'm just curiosity curious curious what fans are using because again some of them some of them like for instance have used 10 phanteks fans you can or you can uh you could actually uh you could actually uh a daisy chain them all together oh corsair so you have two fan hubs which is okay for 10 fans it makes sense but to have a fan hub for just one additional fan it's kind of weird hey welcome tj tg who's mad somebody's mad the 5600x could be for today if we get more subs there we go one more fan to peel this is all very appealing that's a terrible joke [Music] that's right rgbs are the lamborghinis of the world it's also the ferraris and everything else how do you have seven on one there that doesn't even make sense there's only it only has six slots i know what you meant columns i don't know i don't know if i won the shuffle i'm guessing i didn't usually you know if you won the newegg shuffle because you uh you get the notification right at three o'clock um and i did not get my notification so i'm assuming that i did not win today there's some pretty good options some 3060s 3070s on the on the list today yours came late i haven't i need to look i need to see let me see oh i don't have things over there i'm guessing i did not win i'll definitely have to look before the end of the stream because you only have so much time to purchase let's look did i win the shuffle today i'm guessing no but i i a man can dream i did not so far i did not get a win i did not get a w um there's a company that makes splitter specifically for corsair rgb oh well that's pretty cool i didn't know that i have to look into that can you if you can send me the link that'd be great uh people are asking when will gpus return to normal msrp um so shortages for the the gpus will more than likely last through the entire of entirety of 2021. in terms of when they will go back to their pre-tariff prices that is up to the administration of the united states of the america unfortunately so okay there we go okay all of our fans are finally out and ready to be popped into our thing i did oh i didn't okay good i need to just grab the fan here's all of our screws you're screwed i only need two of these though now luckily this is corsair so we'll use corsair this will be the same the same fan stuff there okay here we go and we'll make sure our and we don't have to we'll make sure our icons are the right way okay so we're gonna pull this stuff through make sure all our icons are the right direction like we're supposed to where's my screwdrivers and i always do the first screw with uh with the with a regular screwdriver because the wow stick doesn't seem to hold it as well then once you have the first one in you can use the wow stick there we go wow stick for the rip for the wind and by the way please don't tell me that icon is upside down because this one spins guys remember okay first fan is in we had some some poor person who forgot that yesterday but i just want to remind somebody they're like oh you did it wrong no no i didn't okay there we go next fan is ready to go in oops it would help if i actually took my screws out here there we go more screws get them all out there we go always like the kind of the slowest part of the build is just getting the screws up there we go once our first one's in we can use the wow stick for the others wow stick make sure our nickel's right correct there we go in like flynn oh oh oh no roby what are you doing i almost put that in backwards we almost had backwards fan pay attention to roby geez roby yeah that no wonder that icon was right because it's in the wrong put it on backwards good job robes there we go now it's right okay let's do this again and the right way this time i went to go spin that i was like wait a minute it's not spinning okay now it's right i can make mistakes too ladies and gentlemen please don't make fun of me i can make mistakes yeah roby the noob thank you very much appreciate it i caught it before it was all done had it before was all done there we go okay last fan let's make sure i don't put this one in backwards okay that's in right the icons the right way okay here we go okay fans in oh no stay on the stay on the screw there we go okay last screw there we go okay screws are in we're good there make sure all our stuff is out and good okay cool okay so that's that now next up let's go ahead and we actually have all our motherboard thank you very much five dollars thank god thanks tnt appreciate the five dollars for putting in the backwards fan really appreciate that okay so we've got uh everything in place right now what we're going to do now is we're going to go ahead and put together our aio which is the next part of this whole thing and then we shall move on once we get the aio mounted we're about halfway through the build at that point guys who's having fun who is having fun a-i-a-i-o and on his a-i-o he had a farm good i'm glad you guys are having a blast everybody's having a good time that's good oh good whoa okay here we go let's get this open ready i'm gonna open it in like a great way ready that was like that's like i'm trying to be like super dramatic there we go okay that was a very dramatic way to open up our aio don't drop it i had too much cereal yeah not enough bubble waffles though that's that's the that's the problem is i i would i would be much more i'd be much more uh subdued if i had more i'd had bubble waffles bubble waffles are the key to my success okay that um there's that the other stuff is over there okay cool we have everything out cables over there too boom [Music] time for a dad joke i gotta look to see if we have any more i'll do one after i get the aio mounted okay this one's going to go in like this like a show which means i want to put the oh i need to get the fans out that's how it goes though fans i need the other fans no i don't need that fan okay next fans i'm down a fan in here i'm gonna have to go get another fan i felt like this one was a little light there's that i'm gonna go grab another fan i'll be back gotta grab one more fan uh [Music] uh last fans i'm a big fan guy that's right there we go okay okay fans are in get these done and then we'll get it put together and get it all in mounted and good to go there we go [Music] you love [Music] i just want this to be longer [Music] one moment come on cool makes it easier to find them when we do the other side let's get these off real quick it's a little bit longer to prep these things okay okay okay cool we're good okay now we're gonna grab our hardware which is right here and there's our top down get this ready and that is done okay now what we're going to do is we're going to use the wow stick get these in you don't want to get too tight we're just going to get them on so we do each corner real quick there we go there we go and next no these are corsair iqs these are not nzxt i just i want to do iq i wanted the iq fans not the nzxt fans yeah and these uh the the aer ones yeah i'm not like they don't have the quite the rgb look i would like with this particular build i want lots of red there we go just getting our screws in now hey pet pres mcrobel well thank you for the welcome from poland getting our stuff in real quick yeah you want a sea of red amd red everywhere uh favorite case company uh i would say it's fantastic so far um though i'm being i'm starting to become a pretty big fan of antec uh really big been uh been digging antex like their d600 flux we're gonna be doing a build in here pretty soon and i love like their dark cube um so yeah 642 likes on youtube yeah baby yeah amd can be red orange that radeon is red so i have a tendency to do red and orange but we did we're gonna do red they do both i'm a phanteks fanboy that's right okay so i'm gonna get all of these laid out like so okay and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna grab my giant case of of uh zip ties or as the verge calls them tweezers this build sponsored by the verge not yeah get this in what we're doing is this just gonna make it a lot easier for us to uh keep think to put it all in here there we go and a little bit further down there we go okay cool there's that it's all in we're ready to go ready to install that what am i looking for looking for where is it oh there it is i was like i was like where's my cutters there they are i'm going to cut these zip ties again what i did guys is i zip tied these together so that way they're like this right here so so what i did is i zip tied these it just makes it easier to run them through the uh the case a little bit easier for just for cable management purposes okay so we got this done so i'm gonna go ahead and open this i need this out i need these this and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to quickly get all of our there you go get all of our stuff kind of prepared here i'm just spending some time making it faster once i get to the point of putting this inside the case but now i've got the io together and i'll go ahead and do a dad joke in just a second what's your favorite gpu oh that's a tough one um i'd say probably at this point in time i really love the light bar on the any of the for the win threes i think a close second is probably the rog strix um i know truth be told um i just now finally got a hold of an aorus 3080 and it's got that little screen on it and they just updated gigabyte um the gigabyte uh software not i mean it was a while ago but being able i want to see what it's like to update that specifically so that's kind of where it's at favorite cpu right now is probably still is probably the 5900x or the 5600x i really like both of those cpus uh 5600x just because of its its value um what it is for what it costs and then the 5900x again is just a great cpu for the price so 5800 is kind of a weird one um but uh there's nothing wrong with it it's just it's kind of in a weird spot that's all okay so i got everything out and ready for our build install shove this extra stuff in here for later it always like again sometimes i like to feel like i'm rushing these builds but like just i will tell you guys this as you're building just taking the time to clean like clean up things as you go is going to help you just stay organized which is critical right like you want to stay organized as you're doing the build um because it's just like you're gonna you're gonna find that you're gonna have an easier time just kind of knowing where things are i'm not i'm gonna still need something out of that but i am just making sure i don't have parts thrown everywhere it just makes it a lot easier to kind of just progress through things okay i only will need this one i'll need that out i can get rid of this there's that i can go in the garbage this is the spare one i think i put this back in didn't it [Music] so just keeping things cleaned up as we go is always just like a a nice like it's a little little little extra tip when you can't there we go okay cool okay we're good there we'll be using that little later on okay now we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and grab our case and prepare to put our aio in it ai aio but before i do this just because i have the case down i'm going to go ahead and mount my hard drive this 14 12 terabyte hard drive we have here that we have there we go and just like that hard drive is mounted and we're good to go okay now we've got everything kind of cleared up you can go ahead and zoom out a little bit so you guys can see a little bit more on this on the table here there it is there we go and let's get our case up here in preparation for our aio installation oh side view okay so what we're going to do now is we're just going to basically grab our connection cables for our aio get these undone it's kind of like your last couple little bits before you just mount it in here i've got everything kind of pre-prepped to put this together okay this is connect all this stuff before turning on yeah yeah yeah it goes like this oops there's that i will put the gpu in when it's time to put the gpu in calm down it's coming but it's not time to put it in yet usually when i get like after i get my front panel connections in my first round of uh of uh cable management done is always when i get to the gpu install okay now luckily this case is actually very tall there's a lot of room to do installations here that to put things in here so it's not it's not as uh problematic a lot like that asus uh case that i did uh just the other day so okay so we need all this stuff done and we're just gonna slightly run it all up here just like that and this is why we cable tie it because it just makes it really easy to pull it through hey flawless thank you very much for all of the gifted subs dude five gifted subs appreciate you my friend okay so now that's why we pre-prep our pre-prep our screws they're ready to go they'll run in here we're gonna stop in the top right hand corner get that screwed in then we go to the opposite side but not quite as far in okay i okay now and now put this down and finish screwing in the tops top down there so you guys can see a little bit better then once we get that one in now we can do the rest with the wow stick makes this a whole lot faster this is why we just pre-prepped them because you can just basically quickly grab them they've already got the washer there we go one thing i wish about the nzxt aios is that um i wish they used flat screws instead of round top screws a lot of top mounted aio's have really nice filters dust filters luckily the corsair one is doesn't sit completely flat so this doesn't keep it but like the lee lee when you use the nzxt one especially if you're going to try and top mount it just can be a little weird so and sometimes you can't even get the case closed because the screws aren't flat there we go okay cool there you go aio all the screws are mounted now we're gonna go to side view one more time bring it up we're gonna hook up one cable we're gonna get our basically our pump ready to mount and run the other cables through and then we'll uh be pretty close to done here in terms of the uh in terms of the bill i mean in terms of the aio stuff anyway not the build the build still got a long way to go [Music] luckily there's still a quite a bit of room in the back here [Music] come on there we go all i'm doing right now is pulling all of our cables [Music] through okay come on there it is okay okay build is progressing quite well got a couple more cables to run up through here and then just a lot of cables for this like the one thing that's nice about the like h510 or the h150 or the h110 or the uh one of the the corsair is like a single cable nzx he hasn't quite gotten there yet okay okay so we now have all of the cables in now we're gonna do is we're gonna lay this down actually i'm gonna go ahead i have to see about something okay i'm going to go ahead and grab a cable extension and see if i can get if i need to mount this this is our eight pen now this thing is okay there it is wow this is like already cable comb like thin okay so we're gonna grab our one here's our cable extensions which are actually kind of nice i like the cable extensions already pre-cable combed which is nice hopefully the right direction nope not the right direction but now so we'll have to switch this over fine not as thick as age of horse [Music] but still very nice looking cables so we're switching the direction on these cable combs because they come pre pre-attached see if i get lucky in all of them i don't even have to do one of them and this is just so we can get our cpu cable plugged in there we go okay there's our cables i'm just installing in the top left here [Music] oh no this has okay there's a way i'm here's how we're gonna have to do this which is i oh it's actually it's an easy thing loosen this there we go now i have enough room okay cool there we go that takes care of that and we're gonna push this back up and our rear quite that high more in the middle there we go okay there we go okay now we're ready to mount our aio but you guys are ready for a dad joke that's what you guys are ready for right dad joke time who's ready for a dad joke okay dad joke time i want the sponsorship okay let's get our ice let's get our chicken drink rice good to go okay let's see we got here that joke okay agent epsilon says i saw someone robbing an apple store the police marked me down as an eyewitness [Laughter] okay this is bad okay this is from my nerd is it meaningverse me nervous what do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft a flat minor that's pretty good that's pretty good okay okay now we're ready for let's go and get to mounting our stuff and then we'll get to the back and get all our stuff hooked up but oh we're gonna lay this down nicely we gotta figure out how to mount this thing there that looks okay i like the way that looks actually top down there's our one cable that we added right there from the side there you guys should be able to see i'm going to make sure we got a good view yes you can see there's our one red and black cable stuff i like the way these look um what we need now is we need this is the part where we figure out how we're going to mount this our cpu fan is going to go right here on the right hand side okay so it never is going to be it's usually going to have to be like down is what it usually has to do is that we end up with like a top and then like this because this doesn't have this will not clear the right side so there we go just like that now i know when we start it it's going to be sideways but it will fix it don't worry and there is thermal paste pre-applied guys so somebody asked a question what about thermal paste thermal face is already on it there we go there we go last one goes right here okay now one more okay cool okay so now all our stuff is done i'm just gonna push this under and then we'll pull it all taut there you go okay and we'll pull it all taut up here okay now we're just gonna go to the side camera so you guys can see this all of our cables tight just because we want to hide everything and then cable control manager this okay okay now i will take a zip tie make sure this is all tight and it looks nice and then where uh we can hook up all of our stuff in the back and get onto some light cable management for the first round okay so we're gonna put this down a little bit so i can get to it a little loose there top down again this is where cable management comes in you just want to make sure it looks extra nice and what we're going to do is we're just going to kind of get all these together what we want to do here make them look as much like a single cable as humanly possible as a little bit of that extra polish that you want here keeps it nice and clean looking keeps it nice and clean looking throughout the entire build which looks good it only takes one there we go and then kind of spin it under and get that ugly plastic thing there there we go there you go now you've got a nice clean group of cables there and it looks good now this is going to be sideways we'll change it in software no big deal there i know everybody like i'm still going to get somebody's going to say hey it's sideways yes i know it's sideways i get it okay okay so aio is pretty much done we're going to turn this over and start doing cable management kind of a down part but at the same time we get to talk and have conversation and get to know each other intimately like we really need to but yeah this shouldn't be so bad uh just because there's not a there's all we have is the six the six rgb fans looks like a mess right now but we'll get it cleaned up okay these we actually do care about the three rgb the three fans here hey stabby thank you very much for that my friend getting close to the first big giveaway for the show that's awesome there we go right there here's our three fans and we want these to be controlled by the aio so we're gonna take these three fans and plug them in up here there we go there we go and there we go oh that's not a fan that's not a fan i was trying to be a fan but it i caught it i caught it now you're a fake fan there we go now we got all the fans [Music] okay so this is all done this is gonna get plugged into here later i don't i do need this and i need the this separate okay this can all be i'm gonna go ahead and unplug this here there we go okay this is gonna go right here this is fan number three it's fine now we're gonna do is we're gonna take all of this right here which we don't care about that i do care about i'm going to bundle it up into a little bundle of joy up here at the top try and make it look as clean possible okay here we go now that is all of our aio stuff which is why it's important to kind of bundle it together [Music] okay and we'll take one more [Music] and this would be like the keep it in place one there we go now the one thing that's kind of sad about this particular case is that we're gonna put a cover down on it and then you won't be able to see any of this but okay i still care there we go now our now our stuff that's our cables for all of our aio stuff right there [Music] nice and cabled up okay next up let's take all these we're gonna run these all through here [Music] uh there we go let's finish it out guys let's get that 5600x because then that means it will be getting towards bigger prizes for uh for the um for when we get to the uh what's called the hype train which is always the good stuff so then we could like maybe potentially i'd love to see if we can get up to a 30 60 again i have a zotac one that we have you know what i mean sorry uh evga one we got some one so let's see if we can get there okay there we go we're going to do here is we get this one tightened see if somebody can give us the last like what are we at like we only need 13 more subs super close there guys okay so this is just to create a channel once i get it nice and tight there create another channel over here if you do it on the other side there you go and then you get a nice tight channel there there we go okay nice tight channel across there now [Music] you can't sing more than that because then i'll get a dc or whatever it is called okay this hopefully has the room to go yeah it should be okay so what we're gonna do right now is we're just gonna simply hook up our fans and our other things there it is right there okay now so this one is going to go right here okay and then these two are going to go up here that's going to take care of all of our fans all our fans are now hooked up now what i'm going to do here is i want to move these into this center part right here but i'm not going to get too crazy on the cable management for this yet until we get everything else hooked up okay so this is going to go up here that's your usb the last thing i need is this just for all our rgb and we'll do our lay our last cable management after we after we uh hook up uh all of our rgb here there it is right there we want this one pointed down there's our rgb hub okay so these will be four five and six and these will be one two and three [Music] okay okay so i want this to actually go like this we'll take this one as well rotate and twist there you go and the big thing you're trying to do right here is you just want all of this stuff to look even so you're just like pulling and kind of moving around until it kind of looks even so you can get it to look kind of like a set bunch like this and then what you do is you can kind of polish it up here by using the same thing on the other side there we go we'll do one more up here as well what you do is once you have this one like you can use this one like this right okay and then nip snip yep there you go it's a nice clean bunch there and then for this one what we're going to do is we're going to kind of look with the hope is to have all these be what we're going to do is we're going to have all these be in this clump down here i kind of want to get this stuff out which i will but this one i really just want to kind of have a single line over that's what i'll do when i'm getting to there but for the most part what we can do now is actually go to front panel connections and then we'll do the other cable management okay now we have all of our cables that we don't need to worry about right now go ahead and that out of the way and let's go ahead and put this we're going to label this one down okay so here's all our cables blah blah blah blah blah cable cable cable so these are our front panels right here these are going to go right in here front panel connectors right here down there this is a fan header i'm hoping there's a fan header right here i'm not sure okay usbc and usb3 usb 3 is down here like so usbc is actually up here so we'll take care of that here in a minute usb 3 is down here usb 2 is down here that takes care of that we have another usb 2 which is one of those things we got to worry about that also goes right here unfortunately i'm not going to be able to run that the right the way i'd like but i can run it under this which is good i'm going to run it into this as well so it's cleaner i just want clean i'm gonna go right there there's usb this is power we don't have anything for that yet okay usb c oh hd audio goes over here and lastly we have our usbc it's actually gonna not be in here it's gonna go i think i need to go up one but we'll see if i need to go right here i think okay that should be everything so everything should be in the right place when we turn this over we're gonna have a lot of cables kind of sticking out no big deal we'll fix that here in a minute we're going to take a drink of our ice and go from there oh okay here we go turn it over okay first one we're gonna hook up is usbc but it doesn't go that way it goes this way there we go easy okay uh we have a fan header down here that's just barely hanging in here so we're gonna hook that up and i'll show you i'll zoom in and show you guys all the stuff i hooked up and where it goes so don't worry i don't know if you guys care but i care and i'm trying to give you the care bear stare no trying to give you the 4-1-1 so if you do this later i mean i know i have some step-by-step guides but you might want to build the same pc so make it a little easier for you if you do unless you win and then you won't have to do this okay that's power plus and minus it seems to be staying in the wrong direction though okay our plus and minus there we go oops can quite get it in this here we go okay now the main reason i pushed all this stuff down is so that way i know i can i need to pull it taut that's what that's for okay usb 3 the worst connection on the planet just make sure you do it at a 90 degree angle or if you don't there we go luckily i did that right okay then we have our two usb 2 right here we're gonna do the shorter one here give ourselves more room there we go other usb right next to it like that push all that through and then last one is hd audio which goes right here okay front panels are all plugged in now okay cool and then i'll walk you guys through what i just did everything else is done okay let's zoom in and show you guys real quick what i did so you guys can see what i hooked up okay so starting up here usb 3.2 gen 2 usbc also known as right underneath here again trying to keep the cable as straight as possible might even be hidden by the hoses down here we've got our front panel connectors hey thank you very much for the two dollars man appreciate that front panel connectors right here this is your power switch your uh your reset switch and then power plus and minus next is we got our fan header which powers the fan hub that's in the back here we have our usb 3 right here which is like just a gnarly looking cable but it is what it is it's just kind of the way it is uh next to us we have uh we have a um the word i'm looking for uh two usb two one is to our aio the other is to the lighting node that controls all of the rgb for the ql fans uh it's and then finally at the far left is our um hd audio which is our front panel connectors so that's all of the front panels hooked up we're just going to turn this over do the rest of our cable management and then we put our gpu in and all of our cables so we're actually in good shape we should be getting pretty close to having the next type trade we're 312. so i should probably update that real quick yeah baby yeah baby okay so we're at 312 we're on our way to a 5800x we need to get to 450 we're at 312. hey guys we're getting close to gpus okay let's zoom out again so you guys can see the rest of this cable management fun we're gonna do because now that all the cables are in the right place we can focus on we can focus on making this look nice which is what i'm going to do now okay so first one we're gonna do is grab our this won't take too long luckily now if you didn't want to care you don't have the option you do have the option in this case main reason being is that this case actually has a cover that goes over the whole thing but because this is an educational show and you guys are learning about science and technology i want you guys to learn the maximum you can and so that means that i'm going to take my time and actually cable manage this the way it should be and some people will enjoy that some people that'll be a genuine treat for others you just want to be like you're like please turn it on roby okay we're gonna run this straight up like that i'm gonna do two again what we're trying to do is just make channels like clean places for stuff to exist kind of making sure that everything is channeled together trying to minimize and make it look like there are far less cables than there actually are just little tricks that make things look nicer there we go and then now what we can do now we've got everything kind of into this little channel here like this now we can take a little bit of time simply zip tie this stuff down and make it look very very nice there we go there we go there's one it's kind of like the beginning of the end for these gnarly looking cables there we go and next up there it is there we go and lastly get down to this now this all looks very very clean and sweet up here which is what we want now i can work on the down below part okay so now we have these which is kind of a more interesting trend here and let me start the music again okay music start again there you go now unfortunately there's only so far i can push these so i'm gonna i'm gonna end up with like almost like a second channel unfortunately just because of how this is going to work so i'm going to try and this i might be able to mush how much can i push this i might be able to push this all the way in here actually then i can i can't do it with this one though i don't think what might look cleaner if i do this yeah there's not really a whole lot i can do here i could actually could potentially this over here maybe [Music] okay i think i'm just gonna have to do one and then the other one further in try and bring it in as best we can okay then this is our hd audio which is just we're just gonna group down here for the other extra stuff here we have some extra cables here after all this stuff is tight nothing got one little cable thing can't fix right here there we go now we still have a sata cable i need to plug in for our hard drive we'll get that done here in a minute again i'm just trying to get cables clean i'm going to do this there we go oh it looks okay okay that's still pretty dang clean okay let's take up all these and then you'll see nice and channeled there we go then you have like a nice clean channel looking build just one little kind of group of cables that i'm not the happiest with but sometimes you just don't have a lot of options you know what i mean what we can do here is all of our power cables unfortunately they're not all going to be able to fit but we can run run down into this oops oh no here we go there we go and then these are going to stay loose but then all of our power cables are all in one like location and we still have our our main one that's still got to go in there this one can go right here too and then we'll be good i wonder if i can get i might be able to pull yeah i might be able to pull that one right there this will go up there okay cool well there at least now all that stuff's done we can turn this over make sure get our front panels in let's go ahead and drop in just because it's going to drop in our hard drive there we go now we are going to push this over here in a minute when we get finished but let me grab the cable we need for it okay and then this is gonna go right in here pretty sure [Music] there we go let's plug this in real quick and then we'll do our aio i mean our gpu there we go okay cool now all of our stuff is hooked up let's go ahead and do our gpu get our cables plugged in and all that fun stuff let's start with let's go ahead and do this first then we'll do our gpu afterwards and again it's backwards yep it's backwards [Music] not quite gpu time guys hold on i'll tell you when i know you guys are excited i'm pretty sure we have i'm pretty sure we've hit the cooldown for the um for uh the hype train does anybody want to give it a go let's go and see if we can get i got let's go and see if we can get hype train um well why don't i why don't i just take a second and real quick and remind people hey guys so we have a couple giveaways that we're about to do um because we're getting close to the we're getting close to where hype train and all that stuff goes in there the first one that's going to happen is we have uh for those who don't know my name is jessica roman the host of ruby tech ruby tech is show dedicated to pc building which you're watching right now the pc we're building is going to be given away on april 21st as part in conjunction with newegg and amd we have two giveaways that are happening on the show well two three total sorry the first is for level high five hype train we already did one really early on for new uh with uh really early on in the stream got level five we get two of those during the stream we give away a one terabyte nvme ssd there it is right there the level five has just started we get a second one then we give away the one terabyte nvme if we get 700 likes on youtube which i think has probably already happened uh then we'll also give away an additional one terabyte nvme as well now down at the bottom left you see that 5800x giveaway if we get to 450 uh if we get to 450 subs we'll give away a 5800x if it gets to 600 subs it becomes if it gets to yeah 600 subs becomes a 30 60 and then 750 becomes a 360 ti so there's some options that are growing there especially if we go stuff like that this is also my one year anniversary we're celebrating one year on twitch so i appreciate all the incredible support as we just hit 324 subs now lastly we're giving away two 30 70s to two lucky subscribers here on twitch all you got to do to get in on that if you're at slash newegg or rubytech pop on over to new robytech drop your amazon prime subscription and you potentially could win a gpu which would be awesome now if you want to get extra interest for that gifting subs like you see blue moo and so many of those other guys do that gets you extra entries subscribing tier two and tier three gets you the most in terms of extra entries and then finally you can subscribe for multiple months all that stuff so anyway guys we're going to do hype train it's going to be awesome blue moon thank you very much for the 10 gifted subs we're going to start calling people out goose cunn 68 thank you very much for one month guys you guys are so incredible thank you again for all your support here on the channel and all you guys do for us uh we got burke cg giving one community sub rebel raven dropping five community subs uh we got uh pixelgamer welcome to prime my friend welcome that's awesome we got uh oh egg dropping the prime subscription dollar 19 dropping a prime subscription description malik's jack four months congratulations my friend andrews won stern 1999 five gifted subs thank you very much for that my friend we got meter square one prime sub thank you very much vega 585 with this 25 subs you are a you hero my friend hero we got elijah who just dropped it hyper two months congratulations welcome uh d-rives to uh subscribing with uh prime as well thank you very much for all those follows guys you guys are all incredible 257 guys come on how high can we get it on my anniversary how high can we get it on my anniversary guys it would be awesome to see how high we can get it you guys are so amazing um and thank you for all the support guys um let's see what else we got 100 bits thank you very much for that vega is the goat this time um jos jose basser thank you very much for uh your gifted sub maji bandido two months thank you very much for that jerry oso9 one month thank you brunch sneaky tv one community sub gift thank you very much blue jay eight months congratulations my friend eight months we're getting really people actually we should have some people have full-blown pcs now uh dragon burst one thank you very much uh uh so many foreign one community sub cryogen three months thank you very much for that my friend uh welcome in there we're on 10 months yeah some people have gotten like 10 months ones but we are at a year like this my first sub was today my first stream was today uh newbie skill unlocked gave one community stuff i i haven't i haven't been a uh uh twitch twitch guy twitch what is it called for that long though but i think we're at 10 months there uh blue jay five community subs what's what's what's saltine 775 communi five community subs thank you very much my friend uh and to us again one more gifted sub we got larry mt two months thank you for too much anniversary uh heavy fire welcome to the channel 50 from tom holy moly tom adney 50 community 50 tier 1 subs that's huge laser 2000 a long term subscriber thank you very much for that 20 uh 10 there sparky tisch five community subs right there guys we're on our way towards a 30 60 at this point in time only uh we're on our way towards the 30 60. sparky thank you very much for those uh jovian well celebrating eight months at tier one you are awesome um oh it's okay chosen i appreciate it that's amazing eighteen hundred percent guys two minutes left how high can we get to five thousand percent that'd be huge i've never we've never made it that high i think the highest american is twenty five hundred dispatchy two three two five sid the soul one community sub right there uh k four m one k z eight thank you for the gifted sub uh gifting community sub that's awesome 1945 laser dropping another community sub thank you very much laser uh do do the drew for one community sub june 26th okay there fuji dropping five community subs hey thank you tom somebody was saying something i missed it sorry psap 35 uh five community subs we're at twenty one hundred twenty one hundred percent dollar nineteen thank you very much for your five gifted community subs we're going guys we're going 2200 percent guys gibbslinger five two community subs guys this is nuts we're on our way this is so awesome cheese ball thank you very much for the follow sn s and cake one prime sub bodacious pie one community gifted sub thank you very much hemp racer one uh gifted sub you guys are so cool thank you very much for all the support guys then helsing five community subs thank you very much dz uh deanzo01 thank you for the follow my friend you're getting just checking my stuff it's just summit joker i ntx five community subs we got j jt sessio one community sub thank you very much for that zoom user zoom is following me 2600 guys 20 seconds left dollar 19 giving another community sub you're incredible 1080 people here to almost 2 000 people across all of my stuff um and going from there pasta sauce to community subs medic and then there's the hype train 210 subs 2150 bits guys we're at 481 subscribers that is incredible thank you very much you guys are so incredible for doing all that um let me go ahead and update the giveaway we are at 527 super naru dropping five gifted sub stills bonnie still dropping subs guys we're at 520 eight 529 okay we'll do it 529 okay this is for a 30-60 now where uh we need 6-5-5-29 here we go here we go guys 3060 is coming up next hype drain you guys were awesome thank you very much for all that stuff and look at that still ckcc 85 going in there guys yeah i have it yes i have incredible i have an incredible community you guys support me so much and i'm so grateful for all the stuff that you guys do oh 5 30 uh let me check did i miss some oh 5 35 actually it's at five okay so it's at 5 35 once okay i'm going to do 5 34. 5 35. oh geez okay 30 60 giveaway or 21 20 21. you guys like i really do i really do appreciate it there we go i think i'm at 5 30 home you see what i have here 5 35 okay what am i have alert box i have five oh whoa whoa i did that backwards hold on hold on that's not right i'm at 5 35 not 5 53 i way over did okay 30 60 giveaway we need 600 we're at 535 and we're zero four okay there we go now we're right okay cool whoo i thought we were at 753 there okay i fixed it okay let's get this in yes i am human i do make mistakes i never promise i never said i know i'm not perfect okay now what we're going to do is we're going to run this into this little thing that drives me nuts this one isn't as thick but it's still popping out yet dude this one rubber grommet man drives me nuts link there we go what the heck is going on here okay much lower this come in what if i want to go down almost if i can go down versus like uh i the i'm where i want this thing to come through we're gonna find the ideal place for it i might put down and then have it be we're gonna figure out what the best place is to run my power cable now i might be able to do something cool and trickery that's what i want to do is where why is this twisted like this i'm trying to get this to do what i want it to do which is just taking some work here but if it does look much better there we go i wonder if actually never mind i might just do it this way realize something hold on i can just run this like this actually i can do until now gotta make sure i took it the right way though okay i got it figured out finally okay okay we'll have to we'll have to figure out the run on the other side still i'm going to work on next because what i had to do to get this to be the way i needed it to be i had to like i think it's almost like my power cable is going to be on the other side but i want the power cable to be that way so a little bit different show you what i'm talking about because i don't want the power cable to be where it's like where it's like where it was coming out wasn't ideal for me i'm gonna do is create a like a place for it like this so it stays straight coming out of here and the big thing i'm trying to do here is this i want to get i want it to look straight that's what i'm working on so yeah there we go and so it looks really nice and clean like that so that's what we're doing right there now i'm gonna do is um and uh get it uh now that i have the right cable stuff here and then now that i have it in the right place i can just i'm gonna have to run that one cable it's gonna be kind of a weird run but it'll look it'll be fine because we'll just run the power down on this side so and then this is already oh yeah let me put these back in okay now i can close this and i can close this and these are going to sit off to the side because these are going to get plugged into the into the i'm power get this back reseeded the rubber grommets these rubber grommets don't do what i'd like them to do there we go once they sit on right then they're fine but there he goes okay there we go okay this is just sitting like this again this will be closed so it'll be clean this is all clean can be down there because it's power so one more cable we'll fix right here but then all the cables themselves will be nice and clean so and like i said this will be plugged we'll have a plug go through the back here so i'll take care of that so all of our stuff is actually in a really good spot the only thing i got to do now is i'm going to go ahead and move my drive over and then we'll do gpu time which i know everybody's excited about there we go and i'm giving myself a lot of room for the psu shroud okay cool everything there looks pretty good but for the most part the build's nice and uh cable managed um it's like you know it looks like the only there's a couple cables i wish i could make a little bit cleaner i could i could probably zip tie this real quick just to give that a little bit more of a clean twinly cleanly look there we go there we go okay cool now it looks a little cleaner okay now we're gonna turn this over and now it's gpu time so these bad boys put that in the floor this right here and there we go so let's grab our gpu okay grabbing our gpu sapphire nitro here it is 6800 xt i am not related to josh gates okay there's all of our extra stuff this is saying oh there's an rgb cable okay that i didn't know about so we have an rgb cable we got a plug in where is the rgb cable okay so there's an rgb cable i gotta i gotta figure that out hmm i wonder if he breadboarded this if he didn't put the cable back in hey kevin what's that guys i got to see if he uh if there's a this is supposed to come with the cable hey kevin hey on the sapphire card when you breadboarded it did you uh did you was there an rgb cable that came with it yeah it says there's supposed to be an rgb cable that comes with it okay it's not in there that's weird and it worked it changed the color okay okay looks like it just we'll work with the software so we'll give it a go if not we'll get an rgb thing okay let's do the peel and stuff like that and go from there though okay let's grab let's peel off the rest of the stuff that's in here definitely a peel there we go there it is right there okay there's our there's our card ready to go let's go and flip this over and get it installed top down here it is grab our screwdriver there we go look at that oh there's a nice little bit right there and now we can screw it in let's use the magnetic one there we go there we go okay now we're gonna grab our two and yep these are also backwards pretty much like all of them on here are backwards but i am going to grab more four pins because i just don't think two is going to be enough for this we can peel this off now cause that's all hooked up there we go okay there we go right there what we're working on right now is just getting our the the the way it's like it's like they installed everything like all of the cable combs are backwards or i don't know if it's like i don't know why but every single cable comb on this thing is backwards so i have to what is usually just me installing them has turned into me removing them and installing them instead of just okay there we go now i'm gonna grab a couple more so we have some more pretty far spaced there we go okay this is gonna go down here and this is gonna go right here there we go one actually i think they want this on this side okay next up same thing got to replace them almost 600 that's right we're getting there guys okay getting the last okay here we go gotta throw a couple more four pins on here and we'll be working with gas on the end here let me just throw in a psu and call it a day okay there we go look good okay cool so cables are in now we're going to turn this over get our psu installed and then we'll turn it on we're getting dangerously close to finishing this build okay so it's psu time guys it's the psu smell test time everybody's favorite time um drink grab a drink almost 600 guys 574 are we gonna get to 750 i sniffed the power supply and others do too okay here we go it's evga sanctioned sniff test come on okay there we go there okay box okay these are those little extra cables we always love here's our screws okay what do i need first thing i need is my power supply right here here it is guys here we go oh that's not bad no one's no one's actually not not too smelly that one's okay no one's okay that one's okay not the not the best but you know it gives it extra power my favorite pastime too oh it gets me a little lightheaded okay uh what do i need out of this i need not that that's molex because that's not gonna work um that is a single oh two singles that's great that's what we need right there boom need that i'll need let me go and do two of these just to be safe there you go two of those that's two sata then i need one cpu one motherboard and that is everything okay that is now complete we use these for something else close this and boom okay cool next up here it is ladies and gentlemen let's get these hooked up first thing is our motherboard power again it's got right there and right there because that is what we need that's for the motherboard next up is cpu look for the part that's not split this is gonna go right here into cpu one there we go next up is sata one we got two we got peripheral inside of one we're gonna put one in there the second one we're gonna put in sata there we go and then finally we've got two vga which is great since we have individual cables it makes me happy i have to hide them okay there's all of our psu stuff is hooked up okay and then what we're going to do is we're going to do this take this there we go okay now next step put that up put this up [Music] me me okay there it is put the fan down fan down fan down i'm just going to basically slide this in like a boss take some finagling but we'll get it in there we go okay rotate it don't hit the button again make sure all your cables are lined up like so get your metal straw screws out guys these are the last screws of the build last screws last one there we go okay all screwed in okay time to put this down just get our last cables hooked up this came out really clean i like clean builds okay here we go top down for you guys first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to grab this one because it's going to go to a weird spot off to the edge here figure out what we're going to run there's that that's in i don't want this okay okay there's that now i'm gonna grab my sata for this [Music] okay okay there we go so okay that takes care of that vga we want cpu that's not that one that's this one okay there's that next one we have is all of our basically power so this one is going to be kind of the thing that i want to do here is i basically want to put this on here there we go 6 15 guys we're now on our way towards that 30 60 ti so that's 700 there we go there we go now here is the last bit what you can do is if you shove these down they can kind of make the rest this look like it's really close to k like see like that and then these should be turned the right way next one mix it on the other side we have lots of movement here there we go okay there we go everything is plugged in now there we go everything is plugged in case looks great okay guys 700 is the next oh sorry 750. sorry 750. okay so let me end this one we're at 619. the 3060 ti there we go next goal is up [Music] that looks so good thank you so much guys thank you again for all your support you guys have basically made you guys have basically made my one year awesome so thank you now we're going to do is we're just going to basically get this all together i might want to go ahead i'm going to do one little trickery sense of trickery here [Music] and then we can turn it on [Music] [Music] [Music] oh and now we've got it fixed okay okay here we go there's the finished build all ready to go lined up clean it looks good we can now just turn this over everything looks great the build looks good not quite the cables are going to take some training this is not these these cables need to come out more there you go there we go there we go okay so now the cables are trained uh what we're gonna do now is we're gonna put it put the back on because the back is done and then all that cable management work i did to make sure it looks nice well that's just going to disappear hey that cable management that's nice it's clean cable management great and we'll just hide it there it is now there's now look at that cable management you got one you can see one cable whoopsie oh that belongs to the other side and that pops on there we go then we pop this [Music] right there put this away [Music] and this goes right here [Music] there it is right there [Music] there we go [Music] there's our rise in front right there our special done rise in front right there there we [Music] and this go right here there it is our system is done we'll show you guys all the finished stuff here in a minute [Music] looks good okay now we've already got an os on this we've breadboarded it all that sort of stuff so um if it doesn't work then i did something wrong but we'll figure that out here in a minute there we go and don't forget yes i know that the the um nzxt will be sideways but that will fix that in software here we go turn it on and it's on look at that now it should just go right to post and we'll make it all red to fix to match okay now we're waiting for the post to come up there it is it is posting i can see it here there's the post okay post is up okay let's get into the os real quick and fix this okay so i'm gonna grab my grab my stuff and i'll show you guys the post here in a minute 1912 people 1180 guys we still have a couple more minutes if we want to get that last giveaway 624 of 750 if we want to unlock it okay here we go bringing up the screen so you guys can see the the capture there you go okay so there it is you guys can see it's up you can read everything everything's good there we're gonna hit f1 it's just gonna we're just gonna let it go okay so escape yes and it should just go right to the os os is up okay hold on this [Music] okay there we go now go to here let's see okay so what we're going to do is we're going to go to dashboard home we're going to go to uh i don't want this want static red okay there we go so there's all the red already there you go we're already red right across the board there uh we got to change the we got to change that in the armory crate okay let's change the sapphire stuff okay let's see let's see said single color okay here we go custom color red okay now that should go red there it is good so far so good okay next up is armory crate our oops rfx static there we go now it should all go red look at that okay last thing we gotta fix is cam there it is right there okay we're gonna do red do white orange there we go and then we'll change this part to and i want where's this thing a little bit brighter and then now i want is fresh i how to rotate um i've done this what is this oh how do i change i forgot how it was oh there it is okay minus 90 degrees right i do it i don't remember if it's minus or plus yep there we go okay i don't think red i don't think orange is the right color blue white there we go okay and there is the build completely done red and white there is a completely done build that we'll be giving away going to shots there pull the peel there and then finally the last part so you can see the finished thing all up here it is right here with the cable stuff on it there it is a hundred percent ready 5950x amd themed that we'll be giving away on the 21st of 21st of april we'll start getting your chance to win this this beautiful system there it is right there all done and ready to go custom themed horizon and uh yeah there you go you got your customers there's the front right there 21st of april guys is when you can enter to win this pc there you can see right there red hot you can see the ryzen on the front too there it is all custom themed out now we're gonna go take super pretty pictures of it there you go you can see the whole front there there it is right there guys completely done so again all the parts for this it's got a ryzen 9 5950x it's got 64 gigs of ram at 3 600 megahertz at cl 16 timing it's got a 2 terabyte sn 850 western digital nvme ssd got a 12 terabyte nas 720 7200 rpm nas drive it's got a uh sapphire nitro plus radeon 6800 xt and then it's inside of an asus rog x570-e uh motherboard uh all powered uh with an nzxt z73 uh aio and all cut all cooled by a uh cool uh all cooled by corsair ql120 fans so it is uh it is pretty dang awesome and ready to go it looks like his new egg in the chat looks like new he's in the chat because they're they're here they're we're on their channel and they're checking it out this is the k yeah nzxt ai aio and all that sort of stuff now we still have the other giveaway to give away as well um it's just a stock case fan yeah it's just a stock case fan again you i wanted to stick i wanted i didn't want to add another uh rgb header and again from the side it won't it won't matter for most of shots but um it's so it's only got six fans and those are the six that were in there so yeah there we are right there okay so we're getting ready to do the giveaway in just a second but i did promise you guys really quick we have two systems that were people who bailed on commission so i had two commission systems uh if you want to know more about those um we actually have uh we actually have uh some details on that inside of our discord system these are rtx 3070s one's got a 10 900k in it the other one's got a 5600x in it um in a p600s and stuff like that uh the back fan is spinning guys it's spinning just fine it just doesn't look like it's spinning no no it's not spinning wait oh you're right let me fix that the back fan is not spinning i'll fix that unless it come loose [Music] that's an easy fix i can't actually no the fan is spinning no it's spinning sorry it just doesn't look like it's spinning it's actually the way that the the way that the uh there's uh there's uh the way that the thing fits it's spinning just fine never mind it actually is spinning [Music] yeah it's spinning i can feel it and and i can see it when you look close it was a it's a it's a it's a visual it's a visual uh what's the word it's a mirage touch it okay wow you guys are nice okay so anyway let's start the giveaway uh right now and then we are going to be rating somebody afterwards there's 1231 people here we're going to start the giveaway in just a second i want to show you optical illusion that's what i was looking for i'm going to shut this down i got a couple systems to show you guys that we have potentially that if you're interested i told people i'd show these if you're interested in picking them up um uh if you're interested in picking them up there you go oh there's there's all the white ooh the red and white looks really good too maybe i'd do red and white and red and white looks really good as well yeah i like i like that i like that one too and then we'll end with that i might go red and white yeah i like the actually i think i'm gonna go red and white i think the red and white looks better yeah i think that's gonna look really good okay so anyway guys i'm gonna shut this off and uh and go from there and then we'll show you a couple other ones we're gonna go red and white for the fan colors but i wanted to show these while we're doing the giveaway in just a second oh and then we'll end with this okay so we have two systems that are for sale the people bailed on commissions the first one i'll bring the first one out bring them both out you guys can take a look at them so the first one right here is a uh in a p600s this one's uh 2500 if people are interested it's a pretty base system so he was just trying to get a good system and then couldn't finish paying for it there's the first one i hear this include all of the stuff includes it's just msrp nothing more it's just msrp for these um we're not charging anything extra these are just systems that we're and plus the commissions so and and some money for shipping is what you get so this is the first system this is for sale i'm going to take a look at it there it is running but it's just a base level system it's got 32 gigs of ram uh a rtx 3070 uh nzht it's got a ryzen 5 5600 x and basically uh this system so if you guys want to pick this one up uh you can just go to my discord all the details are inside for that the very stealth looking build and uh yeah we normally do um but every once while we've had some people where like somebody um one guy got pregnant one wife's guy one guy's wife got pregnant um and then we had some other people where they had just had some stuff happen and so i always let people back out if they can so anyway you can check this one out uh this one's up for sale uh it's 2500 bucks uh it's got a 30 70 32 gigs of ram 1.5 terabytes of storage all the details are up on side up on the discord channel so robitec if you want to check it out if you want to give it give it a go and there it is it's all white right now so it's a white and uh white lit system um and then i will the next one the next one that we have right there and again guys it's all retail there's no i'm not scalping it's just the retail price plus tax plus thing it's just that's what the cards cost right now um let me shut this one down i'll bring you the other one people wanted to see them and they'll go fast but we're not doing anything crazy for these there's that one and then the next one's in an h710 this one's a little bit more crazy [Music] this is purple and white and an h710 it's got an aorus rtx 3070 in it 32 gigs of ram 1.5 terabytes it's a 10 900k build and a nzxt z490 motherboard it's a 10900k with a z73 yeah z73 aio and that beautiful aorus yeah so again all you got to do is head to our discord channel um head to our discord channel both the systems are listed there um and it's uh it's uh there are 33 no dvd burner you're funny either 3 300 bucks for this one um and uh this one the other one was a 5600x this is a 10900k um so yeah and it's this is just basically all you're paying for is parts at msrp uh my commission labor cost and then of course tax and then a hundred dollars goes towards shipping the pc to the right location of course but that's pretty much it there's not much more to that but the systems do work um they're all good to go there um they're all set up and ready and clean and and and nice and go this one's all purple and white in terms of where it was and stuff like that so there is rgb there and all that stuff this is an h s this is an nzxt h710 i don't know why the color is the color is wrong here but we can get that fixed it'll be all white when we finish it so anyway those guys are those are the systems we're going to do the giveaways in just a few seconds um and then yeah it's a 10 300 guys um so it's uh yeah if you guys want to look at it all the specs are there you can you can do the math yourself i didn't do any scalping there's nothing like that it's just all cost plus 11 tax plus a 15 commission that's how it works 11 guys and so um that's where all the stuff goes through there any so yeah anyway if you go to channel if you go to marketplace all the details are basically right there so they'll they'll go pretty quick yeah so yeah and it's an aorus master so the just the gpu alone is like 7.99 yeah so anyway guys that's all the parts for there let's go and do the we're gonna bring the red and white one back up get it set up that'll be the end of the stream um and go from there but yeah i wanted to show these off i said people i would they're clean they look great um and they just need a home i wanna i wanna get them home to uh i want to get them home hey if you're not interested guys you don't have to buy them they will get sold they're not again they were supposed to be time and all that sort of stuff so you don't have to buy them so it's okay the first uh the first one was a uh 30-70 uh evga 3070. okay let's get the amd system back up get it relit up and then let's do the giveaway oh so many computers being moved and all you have to do is just dm me on discord and they're all set up and ready so yeah okay let's get this back to white which i like that color better and then we'll go from there boom and boom i like the white for the fans i like the red for everything else but i think i'm gonna make the fans white i like that look better okay just coming in and then let's start the giveaway guys 638 subs today that was a good day okay uh this is for a 30-60 um oh actually sorry there's two giveaways i forgot about the other one okay everybody first and foremost say thank you twitch and thank you youtube um thank you twitch and thank you youtube uh you are uh you guys are unlocked two one terabyte nvme ssds so yeah this is the basic thing for that so thank you twitch thank you youtube we're gonna give away two one terabyte nvme ssds right now we're gonna start that giveaway in just a second um okay let's go to custom okay so here these are for one terabyte m.2 in one terabyte nvme one terabyte nvme ssds hold on everybody say thank you because you guys will unlock them okay giveaway settings okay so this is going to be exclamation point community okay exclamation point community that giveaway is starting right now two minutes guys exclamation point community two minutes okay let's change the colors i love that white it was like definitely the right call let's get that white i like the white for the iq go static color oh dang it that's all we wanted let's go to static there we go okay there we go that looks better i like that a lot cool that i like the way that looks from the side and from the front i like the white the stark contrast between the red and the white looks really good there you go whoa from the front i think i've got this kind of off the bench a little there we go so there's the red and the white there
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 37,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robeytech, pc build, how to build a PC, gaming pc, pc building, tech, technology, custom PC, PC, building PC, robytech, robeyetech, amd, pc giveaway 2021, live stream pc build, 5950x, 6800 xt, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a pc step by step for beginners, how to build a gaming pc 2021, amd pc build, radeon rx 6800xt
Id: pIWdayW5_Js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 27sec (11487 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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