Build a PC Livestream - Razer Tomahawk Case Review + $3500 Build (Ryzen 5950x / ASROCK 6800 XT)

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don't let me go right now to me uh want to be next to me we got it okay there you go now you can see everything um yeah um it helps when you actually uh forgot to do all this stuff um so anyway sorry guys uh i will get through everything right now let's see how high we can get we can get our uh let's see how high we can get our uh hype train since you guys just decided to go crazy and get all that stuff done we're going to quickly i forgot to wipe these so we i don't know if we did that so we're going to format these and get these ready to record real quick and then we'll get started it's not a ruby stream without tech problems it's also like i didn't have i didn't have the i didn't have the monday stream so it's always a little weird like when you come back from the first time so we'll we'll get this we'll get this going there we go he's gonna format that other one okay i think we're good i think we're okay so guys welcome to roby tech mind i am your host i forget what to hit oh here i'll do it okay so we'll do that one and then that one's oh and i gotta do that one two one two and we'll start the recording i wasted the whole hype train some people are probably like okay oh i'm out yeah okay but it doesn't matter you guys hit you guys hit it anyway media format okay good all the drives you gotta turn your n7 back on i gotta turn my n7 back on okay now we're back now we're done 42 seconds left we already hit 34 subs there we go now we're back okay so anybody welcome everybody to roby tech i'm going to hit record does this work well let me make sure this is okay everything's good we're going to hit record here we're going to hit record here there we go now we are actually doing stuff now we can fi and it's over and hype trains over so there we go anyway guys welcome to roby tech i am your host justin roby uh this is a show dedicated to pc building tech news tech deals and so much more it is a uh it's an exciting day it's an exciting day guys because work is it's exciting because today we're going to build in a new case in fact um over the next four days up through monday we're building in three new cases and uh and so go for that blondie's telling me to turn on slow mode for youtube hold on guys i thought it was but it's not so hold on create go live it's like everything was all not ready like i was hoping okay turning on slow mo edit slow mode live chat low mode there we go 45. okay slow mode is slow mode is now on there we go okay everything is all good to go everybody's in we already have what we have a lot of people for some reason that is not updating today which is also awesome i'm going to close this and reopen this and hopefully see if it updates now nobody's watching yeah apparently according to this nobody's watching but we know that that's not true okay so now we're back we got the wow stick we've got the stream we've got everything going on and everything is is here we got level five hype train already and all that sort of stuff and so we'll go through it anyway guys cool let's start all over again man i do one day of exercise i do i do one day of exercise and this is what i get i basically get punished for uh for working out today um anyway uh welcome to robytech i'm your host justin roby uh we are just working through the technical details today as uh roby remembers how to actually run a stream even though he only took like two streams off so apologies for that um we have a really great show planned for you today in fact we've got a great week um i'm really excited about this week because today we're going to building the razer in the new razer case uh friday we're going to do a commission build and one of my favorites the p500a saturday we're doing the valentine's build so finally doing that we're doing that in the 0-1-1 mini dynamic we're doing uh some some specials with liam lee and deepcool which is super awesome so we got a custom deep cool aio um and then monday we're building we're doing a blackout build there's actually going to be only two pieces of rgb in there and that's just so we get a little lighting inside the case and it's a case that um i've probably a few people have seen but very few so it's gonna be pretty spectacular all black um it should be super neat and we're gonna be showing that off so that's gonna be monday's build and then we're kind of back into a routine and since monday is going to be new case mondays we've got tons of new cases going on now today like i said we're building in the razer tomahawk atx but two weeks from now we'll be building in the razer mini itx we actually have mini atx we actually have both of those cases plus we have new cases from xpg uh new cases from uh liam lee we have a new one from like companies i haven't even heard of um some some cool stuff from fractal so you have a whole lot to look forward to that we're going to be showing off along with doing commissions as well so it's like starting to get into that plus we get into march we've got some really exciting stuff coming up for rocket lake so we're going to be showing you off some rocket lake stuff um and uh you know still showing off cool gpus and all that sort of stuff hopefully maybe even getting one of those galax ones that i did in the news i don't know if you saw those those things are ridiculous well like the screen built in yeah i know they're not cheap but we still need them we still need them all i'm saying it's crazy because i saw that the price for one of them aaron kuk thank you very much for the dollar 99 i super appreciate that not only that but we not only do we have that we also have um i don't know if you guys saw this we have news coming out tomorrow so that's all done we'll have a new episode of news coming out tomorrow um i spaced and forgot to upload a video on tuesday so that was just my bad so we try very hard to make sure we're consistent you guys basically get content five to six days a week here on ruby tekken so i apologize but one of the things i'm very excited about today we're using the b550 tai chi uh motherboard and one of the things that's in the news is that in the new version of the tai chi the new z590 the gears actually move and you can change the variation of the speed in the bios so that is pretty rad and i'm excited about it yeah i'm excited yeah yeah the one that we just used i was like man it'd be so cool if these gears moved yeah so i'm like i'm super stoked about getting like i was like i wrote ass rock as soon as i basically saw it was like hey we need that on the show like like i i like in the i made a joke in the news i was like if this was the only thing we talked about like for the whole news thing i'd be like this is this is totally good enough um so what i'll show you a little bit i'll show you i'll show you the the gears in the one that we're going to do today we're using the the razer chroma version of this um this their tai chi board and you guys will see the gears and i'll talk a little bit about that when we get later on i know um as well i also know that you guys want to know about giveaways because i haven't run through that way because and it's been a little while we actually have finally because things were fluctuating so much we've actually built an official giveaway like tier list and so um for the basically the the gift card stuff i'll talk about the meaning but usually what we have is we have three giveaways that happen during the show um and the way that they basically happened the first one happens uh when we hit uh level five yeah there they are they're going up right there uh first one is when we hit level five hype train two times we give away a 250 gig nvme drive if we get uh if we hit that twice we give away a 250 gigabit me drive that's what twitch unlocks youtube if you get 800 likes on the youtube video which we've hit every it's like basically no matter what we give these away um 800 likes on the youtube video we give away another 250 gig in vme drive now finally oh something randall chill got the uh wow stick that's awesome well i'm sorry i'm getting a little distracted but somebody i just saw in chat and then finally the last one that happens is kind of like our growing giveaway so we start every episode with giving away a 25 new a gift card like we're gonna give one away no matter what now if we get to 50 subs it becomes a 50 new a gift card we give away 200 subs becomes 100 new a gift card we get 250 subs it becomes 150 new a gift card and then at that point in time it then starts to grow into hardware so if we get to 300 subs it becomes a uh 13 sorry a 5600 x if it gets to 400 well so she's got it all basically listed up there in a minute i'm waiting for my ipad to charge so i don't want to read it off but basically every 150 subs um you will unlock a different piece of hardware that will give way all the way up to a 30 80 at a thousand subs so um you the more you sub the the bigger the giveaways and then finally don't forget for the month of february we have the sub only giveaway um which we're announcing the winner for the january one on friday because i wanted to do that as like a big hype thing for friday um but there were some only giveaway for the month of february we're giving away 5 800 x and we're giving away a 30-80 so you're getting two of the most difficult parts we're gonna be giving those away to one lucky sub in the month of february and the way that you get you basically enter to win that is all you have to do is have been subbed either gifted a sub or you can use your free like if you're over at rubytech or uh slash newegg pop on over to our channel use your free prime subscription and then basically get a free entry and maybe walk away with a cpu and a gpu which would be super rad um so uh in if you want to get extra interest to that all you got to do is if you want to donate sub that gets you extra entries if you do tier two or tier three subscriptions that also gets you extra entries um and then finally the last thing is that if you subscribe for multiple months so it's going to be super cool and if you want to get in on that we are we're getting close to uh we're getting close to um what almost halfway through the month now so you still have some time to enter but get in on that but uh that's that's all the giveaways that's the way it's gonna work now they're only gonna run near the end of the stream so there's no stream that basically you gotta stick around if you win anything during the stream you do not have to sub to win during the stream all you gotta do is basically be present but you do have to be over 18. that's important sorry we have legal rules and then finally it's only open to north america so that's canada and new mexico so if you want to get in on that that's the stuff that's all the rules and if you want more information on the rules and all that stuff head over to discord we got all that information there as well all the legal stuff from the lawyers and stuff um so finally the last thing i want to let you guys know about and i talked about this a little bit last week is we have launched on discord we have launched a fitness channel um so those of you who don't know i train every year to climb mountains i climb mountains pretty much every year we're getting into training season i also just honestly i like to work out so i've restarted if you want to be a part of that like joining me on the peloton just talk about your accomplishments get a little push some encouragement join us on the fitness channel there's going to be a bunch of us there just uh just helping support you giving you words of encouragement all that sort of stuff if you want to hang out work out together uh build a kind of community there that is new on discord just launched today you should go check that out i know blondie's got that all set up she was doing some discord work in general so come take it come take it come hang out and uh and maybe even you know lose some lose some poundage um with the rest of us i'd love to basically uh at the end of the year i'm going to kind of try and build these milestones and then what i'll probably try and do is like once we hit certain milestones i might just do really rad giveaways here on the show to celebrate for the whole community that we lost you know 500 pounds or whatever it was we'll find out some really cool stuff and we'll do some cool giveaways here on the channel to celebrate people losing weight together which i think which i think would be neat i'm reaching out to a couple companies to make stuff like that kind of happen so good stuff trying to make our community better trying to make things better for all of us and just kind of i don't know i don't know just continue to grow inward skinnier not grow this way but grow inward and uh make things a little bit awesomer so yeah that's that's the plan and go from there so it should be fun um what did you say canada and new mexico yeah canada and you might not roll mexico only new mexico sorry i meant canada and that's like new no new mexico yeah so um yeah we got some we got a lot of stuff going on there and go ahead what were we what was the fancy bike you were on the workout video clip today um so that was my peloton um peloton it makes an exercise bike really a big fan of that um i've lost a lot of weight originally so for those who don't know like people look at me and they're probably like hey you're still pretty big dude um but i used to weigh almost 400 pounds so i've lost like 190 something pounds all up right and so and then i've gotten all the way down well below because i've summited mount adams and some other ones but a lot of that was because of peloton um and so just losing weight from there so um it's it's uh so yeah i just like riding the bike i do i try to get 10 000 steps a day and then trying to get some lifting in and stuff like that too so it's a lot of work hey thomas man 256 thank you for subbing i appreciate that and then thank you for all the stuff ice ice ruby huh and then uh also yeah but going from there i'm trying to think of i probably had a point at that point but i don't remember what it was um one thing i like to talk about because it is oh and don't and sorry one thing that did you guys are probably like hey shop tagger what happened to shop tiger giveaway you guys do want to turn in tune in friday um we're doing that really awesome chat yeah oh thank you very much five dollars free from vues thank you very much man uh yo we have nine corsair fans do i need two rgb hubs and a commander pro uh so yes if you have nine which is what you when you watch if you watch any of my liam lee builds i have a single commander pro or i use the capellix and then i have two of the rgb lighting nodes um that come with it so yes that's the answer to your question um i have considered mountain biking killer shark is asking if i've ever considered mountain biking but i'd probably die i i'd like to get into more activities like that i'm just a little i'm not i'm i'm a clumsy dude like look how many screws i dropped like during the stream so i'm a little worried like if i add if i added them we had a like i'll take a thing yeah yeah exactly like they're the i don't know if you know this but my uh my actual uh mods drink when i drop things or i say whoopsie so they have gotten drunk off of me saying whoopsie so just to give you an idea of where my clumsiness is for me to do stuff like that um go from there um yeah so far my day has been awesome thank you for asking just jason uh reeve uh asked me he's like hey um what's an ideal spec for a stream build honestly man join our discord we have an incredible community there who helps do stuff like that that's just not something i'll be able to answer in time uh here on stream so appreciate the question but we have really cool people and they'll actually help you hear in chat they'll probably pick it up uh dm you and talk to you and try and help you do that get those those answered questions for the oh man i i think that would that would be a dangerous thing if there actually was um so yeah um one of the things i like to talk about and i try to bring this up once a week and they are a pretty cool sponsor of mine um is you guys have heard me talk about these before don't worry we're gonna get into the build but um everybody knows another five dollar super chat thank you very much i appreciate that boozy for the for the inspiration on the weight loss got more to lose i hope you guys join me for that now cd keys who knows how much an average like windows 10 subscription is okay not you you're you're cheating because you're looking at the notes no a windows 10 subscription so he's not um but windows 10 windows 10 like a windows 10 license can be a couple hundred bucks and sometimes you can find it for 150 bucks and stuff like that but one of the things that i like to use when i actually connect and hook this up the way i'm supposed to that's the national geographic song there it goes okay so now we're going to go to it here it is right here so uh you guys are going to see links to this in here in just a second this is basically going from from uh cdk deals i've used these guys before um so let's check this out here look at looking right here here's windows 10 pro and we'll do oem then we'll wait there it is right there key global look at this here's 120 you can get you can do five for like 250 bucks this price right here is 19.88 if you wanted to basically get the 19.88 now 19 bucks and 88 cents like again i you know i have a i have a business guy named will the way the way that these guys get these keys is because of the oem stuff i've worked with this particular manufacturer to prove that these are legit keys and they're purchased through microsoft all that sort of stuff it's because of where they are and what they're allowed to do is how they can sell these things so inexpensively so when i hit buy now and you can hold on let's uh go from here one real quick i'm like oh did was i'm not on the right screen okay there we go um so if i go from here i'm gonna log into my account real quick you guys can see this i'm gonna hit buy now so i've got here we go i'm gonna go back to the ipad oh it's not working hold on guys it's it's streamlabs does this weird uh sorry the stream deck like i have to redo it there you go i'm going to bring up my stream deck like i said it's not a ruby stream without a tech problem oh my gosh oh no it's no it's just oh man it's okay i'll do it i can do it i can't do it hold on one sec guys this whole thing takes up the whole screen and it's like it just gets weird okay there we go okay so let me do this this way okay so here we go to ipad now we'll go here now you guys should be see the ipad right i hope i don't know if what you guys see no you guys don't see the ipad yet i'm going to do it here wow this thing is being super wacky properties i declared everything yeah it's like well it's like oh what is oh let me get rid of this hold on sorry guys it's just like i don't i don't know why all of a sudden it's just not working okay there it is okay you guys can see it now um okay so here we go okay so now you guys can see it here so here we go right here now check this out it's 19.88 cents if i go here and i do rb 20 and i hit apply you get 20 off and then that takes it down to 15.90 or basically all the way down sorry for the sorry for the delay guys it just was kind of being a pain um so yeah takes it down to 15 and 90 cents um which is incredibly cheap and again we have a lot of people like like thousand plus people who've done this here on the channel if you want to ask the questions about them people who have used this and just to show you guys can basically see um if you guys want to just basically see you can check me here it is right here and you can actually see that i have purchased keys from these guys they have worked they have done before so if you're looking for incredibly inexpensive keys give it a go give it a shot ask questions here in the discord or whatever it was um there it's a great way to save some money and at the same time uh get some inexpensive keys and stuff like that what's what's the difference between oem and then a retail copy so an oem is basically oem is at a different pricing they're able to purchase them at different prices which is why these cut these keys are so cheap so oh there is no difference the thing is is that an oem is like how they purchase them and so that's just how the keys are licensed they still install that like a couple of times on a computer it yeah it basically works as long as only one computer has it active at a time now you buy p you buy you want to buy it a couple if you want to buy like for multiple pcs they have those options too so going from there so anyway worth checking out vegas thank you very much for the five gifted subs if you wanted to basically give that a go and check it out it's all the details are here you're gonna see that stuff listed out via our mods and go from there so yeah that is it let me update our giveaway our giveaway bar so people know where we're at and then we'll uh we'll get going on uh the next the next part here in a second the red and blue panels on the back wall are nano leafs yeah they're they're nano leafs they're the nano leaf shapes they actually have new names now which is oh okay so let's update our let's update our giveaway stuff and then we'll move on to actually walking through our parts i know everybody's ready to talk about parts right yeah yeah i'm so excited about talking about parts i don't know why that's how you guys sound but i've decided that's how you guys sound okay so we need how many people do we have we have got 71 subscriptions so far you're on our way to 100 500 new a gift card we have a hundred and we have 71 100 we have 71. a is we go cool sorry about that guys there it is okay it's all done now okay next goal is up and again we'll uh going from there uh i did want to remind you uh so people are probably asking now that i actually got my uh i've got everything set up let me tell you guys real quick what the tiers are because i didn't i didn't i didn't go through that okay so here's the tiers um at 50 subs 50 gift card at 100 subs 100 150 is 150 300 subs we give away 5600 x 450 subs we give away a 5800 x 600 subs we give away a 5900 x at 700 subs at 30 60 ti 800 subs a 30 70 and a thousand subs we give away a 30 80. now you might be asking uh you might be asking hey do we ever give away a 3080 yes we have gotten over a thousand subs in a single show it has happened and uh people are awesome and you guys are incredible and you support this channel um and because of that we get to do awesome giveaways so i appreciate that okay and so there hey think frag fist and some people answering questions about um keys and stuff who is ready to talk about parts because i just put my screen away so that thanks for watching first we'll talk about parts here in a second that are going into this build we have we have a cool case to talk about today which i'm excited about the only two is don't worry today um i know i might be dragging on a little don't worry we will be done today um by 8 30. same deal as last time my daughter has asked me to pick her up today so i'm going to be picking her up so we will be uh finished by at 8 30. so we will don't worry you don't have to worry about this taking longer than typical because i want to make sure i get her she she she loves me she pretends to be phagus man it's on fire today with all those gifted subs so i appreciate it man okay so who's ready to talk about parts let me see it let me see some hype in the channel as we get ready to talk about parts for this razer chroma beast of a pc man this is a beast of a pc i saw this posting i was like oh i can't wait ooh okay we'll start with dad joke though somebody's like yes reminder dad joke i still like i did did you watch them on monday yet okay so there are four guy there are three guys in a three guys in a boat with four cigarettes no lighter and so they want to basically what do they do they throw one cigarette out and the boat is now a cigarette lighter [Laughter] i really like that one i really like that one that one was a good one i like that one a lot so yeah that was a good that was a good dad joke um so i appreciate that one i'll get i'll get another dad joke up in here in just a second in the dad jokes okay um i did that one um okay i don't know about you but i find pressing f5 refreshing that's that's pretty good oh i don't know thank you very much that's from evita okay did you hear about the new kansas city vaccine yes apparently if you get it you won't catch anything super bowl joke [Laughter] that one was uh that was from kilik kilik dropping the super bowl jokes therefore and so that was uh that was a pretty good one i appreciated that okay that's i know it's kansas city fans man we had a uh we had a hardcore tom brady fan who i was doing with with problem and uh yeah man people were definitely salty uh about uh that whole game so who who watched who watches who role we have any super bowl watchers here too yeah i i just i like i did not watch it i i don't yeah uh trey is behind it new yeah trey is hanging out uh hanging out with us today yeah couple people watch it i will tell you i i was flying i landed um when the first half was over i turned it on and the half time was so bad i just turned it off and i was like i'm not watching this and then i just didn't even bother after that i think i ended up watching i think i ended up watching one division instead which is fan freaking tastic by the way juan division okay let's talk about parts you guys are like shut up robey let's talk about pc parts and stuff give me the parts stop talking about your your comic book stuff and things were there okay uh so first and foremost starting at the core can you say court we're working on our course we're exercising exercising this is how you do this is this is sit-ups these are standing setups with an amd 5950x field to burn build a burn okay so anyway uh 5950x this is a 12 core 24 thread processor is it the best deal no this is kind of a flux cpu i'll be honest we're using it just because it is the top really the better but the better bargain is the 5900x uh just a little bit less powerful but much much better price uh coming in there but love the cpu if you really like it's a workhorse not really a game horse it's about on par in terms of the 5900x but um you know you get what you you're basically just paying like a 30 90 for just that little extra 12 so anyway there's our cpu right there amd ryzen 5950x absolutely love it now this i am excited about yeah this is the azerok razer edition b550 tai chi basically what comes what does it come with when you buy razer a higher price tag number one because that's what always happens when you go for that but it has chroma support um although it's b550 this is 299 that is a very like like this i like the k like for a b550 this is pricey um like the um like the uh case itself which is 199 i do not know if i could say that this was necessarily worth it though i do love azeroth boards and this is a really nice board so this might like this versus the case i'd say is more worth it like i'm really i'm actually very excited about this i don't know if i'm necessarily excited about the case this is a really great motherboard lots of chroma support it's going to be looking really good so i'm really i'm excited to to pop it open and get them the other thing too that's really nice about this this is a 5000 series this is third gen ryzen ready so this one i don't need to update it actually comes in the box 5000 series ready so right third gen yeah third gen ryzen ready so yeah this is basically you don't have to worry about flashing it this is something you can you can basically pick up and go for there somebody's asking what is good about it um uh usually uh they have really good pcbs good vrm um the other thing too is it usually has a lot of little extra bonuses and i'll talk about those when i do the little motherboard tour but that is it is a premium motherboard and you look at this you'll see i'll talk about why it's 299 bucks it does have a lot of the 299 dollar motherboard features um that you don't get on like less expensive boards um it also comes in a really big box and you can also use it to beat down your enemies and we're doing and we're doing more workouts yeah let's feel it feel it oh it's so heavy okay here we go there's our there's our motherboard so is it it's azerok and not asrock it's it's whatever what's whatever i'm just i just i call it asrock i call azeroth i call it asrock but i don't know i could be wrong i'll ask him um we are using uh the wd black uh sn850 um i might go get a different one this one actually has the heatsink on it i'll probably end up grabbing a different can you grab another one terabyte one of these or just another it doesn't matter it's just we're just putting one in to put one in um so this is the wd black sn850 uh given that we're using a b550 given we're using a b550 motherboard i want to use a pcie gen 4 m.2 drive um you know if you're thinking about options you want to build this and pick this up yourself you do not have to go off of what i've chosen um again i chose stuff that i know like the parts that i would recommend going through this is obviously the motherboard given that it has chroma um uh the motherboard given that it has chroma this is fine perfect thank you uh yeah there we go give this one back this is now an sn750 but it's fine um it's fine it's okay uh chroma i'm looking everything i tried to choose i tried to choose it had chroma support um when we got to ram that becomes a little bit harder thermaltake is kind of the only one that really does have out of the box chroma support so then i went with something i just wanted to use and that's the xpg spectrex d60g this is 3600 at cl 14. so this is when you want to talk about ram this is really good ram because this is 3600 at cass lake 14. so when you're talking about latency this thing would basically mop the floor with the 4000 kid at cl18 um and so this is cl 14 1515 ram so i was like i was excited about using it i also like the rgb on this so i'm super super excited for xpg for sending me this because this is just nice nice ram so there we go uh that's our ram for the build right there i'm glad that works because that's the only terabyte you have yeah i am yeah now uh people have talked about this for aio i have not i have not had the best luck with these guys uh this is the ekaio240d rgb um don't buy this from newegg uh buy this from amazon if you are going to buy it because it's literally a hundred dollars less on amazon um a lot of people really like these aios i have had two of them leak on me i was gonna say i did yeah i including one that ruined the build right here on the stream um so um but i still i would decide given how many customers and like it on amazon it actually has quite a few positive customer reviews um the thing is is that the hosing specifically uh that seems like you can get liquid depending on how much you bend it like so this i would not recommend eka ios or anything where you have to do heavy bending of the cables in the case that we're doing today there's a lot of room odds of something like that happening not as big of a deal but their hose their hose tech whatever they're doing there does allow actual liquid to get through it and so if you're yeah you you definitely don't that's just something to be aware of um but people really like it for the cooling capacity and stuff like that so i figured i'd give it a go i'm not going to be using these fans um mainers and being they're not chroma compatible i mean they're they're they still work with the rgb header that's on the mobo um which is fine but i wanted to do something that was chroma compatible and so i'm going to be using my good old friends the cool they're mf 120 gts which actually do support chroma um in general i also like the way these look we're going to be sticking we're going to be replacing all the fans in the case with these um i like these because the rgb actually comes off of the little x and given it's like very razor and very edgy and why not put it on an x you know why not i think this will look good in there in general my oh i'm on water i'm on water yeah i'm on water sorry um so um so yeah we're going to basically be using these um these the thing that i really like about these is a they're pretty inexpensive in terms of getting three fans they also come with a fan hub and they come with an rgb hub which is actually pretty crazy um so good value i also like the cooling capacity from them um the rgb is kind of it's not the best but where it comes from actually ends up making it look nice if you want to see what these look like and you're just curious before purchasing them you can check out my step-by-step mac cube 110 build that i just got finished doing we use those in there um deepcool's actually a pretty long-term sponsor for here on the channel so it's nice for them to send us us we want to show some of their stuff off so there it is right there these are going to be the color fans we're going to be doing another part another part roby is very excited there's more there's more roby there's more and that's right i am so excited to get to use this again big boy and this is the azeroth uh rx 6800 xt tai chi also going with the tai chi that we have here from razer um this card is just ridiculous looking um i'll see you get the top down here so you guys you see like um uh obviously uh if we uh if we basically uh uh vertically mounted it you could basically have that really neat fan i don't know if this it probably does support it i just don't have a vertical mount for it but really really cool lighting thing it's got it's great lighting all around very rgb which means it does over it's 200 000 times better than any other card because of the amount of rgb this will run cyberpunk and a million frames per second just because of um the amount of rgb in general a340 says uh you should use that aio on that nzxt h1 case to put the fire out yeah there you go there you go yeah you that's the one you mix together it's like because between it leaking and then obviously the fire hazard from the h1 um you don't have to worry about anything from so that is all of the parts the psu we're actually going to be using is the nzxt c850 um the c850 is a great great psu um i don't have the box for it but i got everything nzxt sent me another sample but obviously it's just a bulk sample so we're just gonna be using that you can feel free to use any 850 psu for that that could be evga you see sonic the only one that i don't recommend which is unfortunate because i have like 9 000 of them because newegg likes to bundle them with everything is the gigabyte 850 watt psus so um i might just be making a whole video or a whole stream one day of just making igloos out of um uh out of bundled psus and see what we can do from that so uh that is what's going on here that is uh that is the plan wow we're already at 117 and we're at 117 subs so yeah i missed that so we're going to update that and then uh that much rgb just isn't enough no yeah we need more rgb i'm just gonna throw nan lights in there and all that sort of stuff we're gonna make it the most ridiculous build ever so yeah questions thoughts on the build anything you would change what do you is there anything you're crazy excited about we're at 117 okay so now we're on our way 150 new a gift card we need 150. okay so the next goal is up can you sell just sell you know honestly ma morton i'm gonna see if i can find like a organization that does like pcs or a computer science comp uh computer science uh um comp sci um program or maybe like a tech institute and donate a bunch of them i think that would probably be the best um so go from there but yeah 6800 xt is to be somebody excited about and it keeps getting faster like i don't know if you know this but amd has actually been doing firmware and driver updates that have been increased in overall speed of the 6800 xd so it's like one of those things that like i don't know man amd is just they're on fire right now not the nzxt kind of fire like the actual good fire um oh so people are asking what's the case well we can talk about the case because we'll start from there let's do a tear down and talk about this um so the case that we're actually using is the new razer tomahawk atx so this is their newest one you can actually as far as i can tell oh my gosh this is heavy yeah holy crud i pulled it out of the cage yeah so this is the razer tomahawk um atx uh case uh in case you're wondering this is just essentially a leanly landcool 2 case it is it is a land cool too in fact it actually has land cool two parts inside of it you can't find land cool two labeling um it is not the mesh version obviously it is a land cool two mesh but differences is that it has two tempered side glass panels which uh which is different and they've completely cut off air flow at the beginning at the top i mean at the front in general and then finally it also has chroma support in rgb underglow which is what you're kind of getting here from a razor standpoint um so airflow i don't think this is gonna be the best case in terms of airflow but aesthetically it's just a really pretty case and and razer knows it the razer knows it looks good because you know obviously the the naga symbol at the front open lights up really well the chrome looks really good and it just looks really sick on your desk so you're paying for razer and its aesthetic looks it is not it is kind of like the h510 in terms of you don't buy an h510 because you know it's great airflow case you buy an h510 because you like the way an h510 looks like this one right here this is a terrible airflow case but you guys can't see it because the case is blocking it but point being is that i'm pointing at the uh the h510 and uh it still looks it's just a great looking case so this is uh what's well as we tear it down we'll talk through it and and go from here but this is the case we're gonna be using and this is a new case from razer it's a hundred and fifty it's 199 dollars just so you know it is not a cheap case so it is the land cool 2 i think is 99 so it's literally a hundred dollars more than just the same case but it includes rgb and on both sides yeah and it weighs a million pounds not as heavy as that thermal tank no but that thermal taste case was like twice as big okay so if you want to if you want to get ripped like you get ripped with this case like you know you could do like do something curls do some curls do something i'm going to pump you i'm doing some squats with this case i feel the i feel the i feel the burn and my flectoids though okay oh man that is actually heavy what is happening okay there we go it drops and breaks the case um get to the choppa so yeah that's what's going on from here uh what thermal tape case did you use uh we're talking about the thermaltake aht600 um which is looks like an attack helicopter um and it weighs as much as an attack helicopter as well um so yeah i'm going from there um what is better fourteen three thousand megahertz or knight cl-19 at 44. uh the 3000 megahertz is actually probably going to perform better given that the latency and timings then the the cl 19 400. so um it's just some k in in in amd's sense you also have to take into account the infinity fabric and how it works at certain speed so there could be some some benefits there but the 400 you're not necessarily getting anything from there power supply is the uh we already talked about it's the c850 from nzxt and we'll show that a little bit later who's ready to build who's ready to build who's ready i know you guys are excited let's go let's do it let's do it we're going to get some building we're going to choose your train huh gotta get your steps in you got to get my get my steps in everybody's ready let's let's do a numbers check real quick let's see who's who's hanging out today we got 607 on twitch 603 on youtube four on facebook and we got a hundred hundred over there so we got 1300 people hanging out right now so this is going to be gonna be everybody's ready to build let's get started um so let's grab our motherboard and begin the tour as you say as so we say toward the motherboard toward the motherboard and going from there okay we're gonna open this bad boy up right here this is our b550 tai chi i'm excited about this asrock sent this to us by the way so that's why it has like that all that does this include like yes we have some paid stuff and free stuff and things like that so it's always i always try to mark that stuff so you guys are aware when we have parts from companies versus parts i purchased okay so there is our give your honest opinion on it yeah i yeah i can't they don't pay me no they don't pay me like obviously razer sent me the case and i'm always like i'm already like please just you know this is way too expensive so yeah you can obviously tell i i'm not necessarily uh not i'm not holding this i'm not pulling any punches okay so here is our board now one thing is it's sad is that this part where it says razer chrome rgb this is where you typically see the gears for the tai chi but because this this doesn't have it you can't see the gears here because it's using the chroma stuff instead so i couldn't show you the gear i don't we might you can go check and i can show you the difference between those okay so uh let's just take a quick tour of this so you guys can kind of understand who is new to pc building i don't know if you guys are if you are i'd like to like to walk you guys through and talk to you a little bit about why this board is this expensive it is because honestly the chrome is not uh inflating the cost of this board actually it's just it really is a premium board um so this is obviously the am4 socket up here in the top left one things you'll see is this actually has two eight pin eps connectors uh that's because this is a freaking hefty vrm uh which means you have a lot of you have a lot of stuff that's helping phased power for potential overclocking for this motherboard this would be a great motherboard for overclocking and the the reason you see eight pit is because this thing can shove a lot of power in it and it has the vrm to support it which means you can do a lot in terms of getting clean power to your cpu this is your am4 socket this is where you're gonna stick your cpu if you're amd if your intel it won't look like this at all but all in all this this particular socket has been around since ryzen in general um and then it we're expecting some hope is that with the new fifth of the new 4th gen ryzen we actually probably will end up with the am5 socket this is the rumor um over here in the top left we actually oh here we go here i can show you the difference here's here's the exact here's the b50 b550 tai chi i'll show you real quick so you guys can see the difference between the chroma version and wow yeah yeah so here's the chroma version and here is the regular p550 tai chi you can see that right there see so where we have the chroma stuff and then like this is what i was talking about in the new version the z590 version these gears do move and you can change the speed in the bios but these are the exact same board this is just the tai chi version non-chroma and then this is the typical version so you can see they're very very close to the same yeah they're both they're they're both they're beautiful motherboards and asrock makes beautiful motherboards so um really happy with that thank you very much for bringing that in i appreciate that um okay so uh like i said up here in the top corner don't run it into walls sorry so top corner up here uh we've got uh these are fan headers this is where you're gonna plug in most of your fans uh this one actually has one two three four five six six fan headers so it's got six fan headers so you can sport up to six fans just off the motherboard in general we're gonna have a fan hub so we won't have to necessarily worry about that these right here are the rgb headers you've got a 12-volt non-addressable and a five-volt addressable rgb not a lot of products use the 12 volt but most of the time when you're hooking up rgb this is where most people hook that stuff up this is your ram right here um you actually see that it's dual channel i don't know what this board supports up to i'm guessing uh one of the things that you get when you spend this kind of premium on a motherboard is a higher capacity ram um and the other two that you get when you spend 299 dollars is you usually get more support for more ram so what's called your qualified vendor list has a tendency to be larger on more expensive boards because it is more compatible with ram at different speeds i do not break all the parts right here this is your uh this is your um basically your 24 pin uh power or the rest of the motherboard this controls the other three quarters of the power these these eight pin comport uh power the cpu this right here is usb3 we've got usbc right here uh then down here we've got another usb 3. this one in a 90 degree angle so you've actually got two options to support usb 3 in two places something else a little bit more pricey there we've got support for eight sata this is where you're gonna plug in hard drives et cetera now down here this is another thing that's new on 299 dollar boards and usually you'll see stuff like this this has a separate power and reset button so if you get something wrong here uh then you can like you haven't connected your front panels right you can actually use these buttons to do things like troubleshoot etc reset stuff and then it's also got a clear cmos button which is another benefit the other thing here is this right here is a little notification dial that does things like tells you like if what an error is you can also change it in the bios to do things like tell you cpu temperatures etc like that again something you're going to get on a more premium board that you wouldn't see on a less expensive board we've now got two usb 2. uh then we've got more rgb which is again something else you've got support for four rgb on this board something you wouldn't get on a less expensive board and then finally over here you've got hd audio and then you've got one by 16 and then two by eight pci remember this is b550 so only the top one is actually pcie gen four the rest of this stuff down here is gen three and then you've got support for it looks like three m.2 drives which is pretty crazy so um so there you go right there i got a five dollar tip so thank you very much for that i appreciate that um thank you very much so that is our motherboard and uh thank you for the five dollar tip man that's huge let's go and get this out one thing that asrock always does is they literally zip tie their motherboard into the box here so we're gonna use our little clippers like everybody throws it in plastic goes in the box they like yeah it's like they zip tie it to the foam and it's like it's legit in there okay so there is outside of the case you guys can see it now and then we're gonna kind of we have to we're because this build is going to get taken apart um we're not going to be too crazy we're going to be putting your boxes at me yeah i'm not going to be throwing boxes because we actually have to put it all back together okay so now inside of here i'm going to quickly grab our extra stuff so inside here we also get extra flip flab things like there's our standoff we probably need and then screw we're only going to need one the other thing you got in here is it also comes with wi-fi some sata cables we don't need and then look at this it comes with a screwdriver oh you need i need this screwdriver because this actually has this has a hex screws uh luckily i got my ifixit kit but if you didn't it actually comes with a screwdriver which is kind of nice so that's kind of annoying that's nice of them and annoying and annoying that you just didn't use phillips screwdrivers they were trying to be too fancy now one thing i don't know if anybody did anybody see this i i put it up on on twitter as uh asus is actually replacing the m.2 screw they've actually got a finger like you can twist it and close it so you don't lose this tiny screw so i'm really excited about that the nice little like change for pc builders a little celebration is uh that change which is going to be pretty cool so that's that's that's uh just a nice little distraction as we we continue to move forward there and go from there okay so let's go ahead and grab our let's go and grab our cpu our 5950x and get that going we're going to use our rubytech knife ready to go okay enough rubytech knife let's go and teal our peel our mobo here mobo peel oh and say oh yeah feeling the paint here we go taking off that hair wait no that's not that kind of yo whoa okay and then finally we got down here we've got oh and this has also got like bios flashback and clear cmos and all that stuff on the back as well this has got a lot of freaking i o on the back which is another thing that you get and i'll show you that just so you guys can see um i did not show this and i should have um so you can see ton of i o you've got a bios flashback um usbc and then you've also got like seven dot spit if you've got a digital port um and then i don't know what i'm guessing this is a one gbe um ethernet port okay so there's our chroma there then we're gonna go down here and do this peel ooh grazer chroma like literally just a label in there so that'd be kind of cool if it's like a screen or something but it's not okay we're good there let's go ahead and get our uh our cpu in and go from there oh is this a 5900x oh it is okay well we're going to use a 5900x because i have a 5900x i have a 5950x too okay fine guys can you go get a 5950x so people will not be mad we're going to put a 5950x one second ram i guess i just grabbed the wrong one you're upset don't be upset i'm upset i'm quality reported wow thank you very much guys okay we're just going to grab a 5950x i go to the next room okay we'll just go to the next room here we go look now you guys can see it's actually a 5950x it's a 16 core 32 thread thanks for catching it blah blah blah now we're going to open this one there we go now we're using a 5950x you guys don't have to get so mad too late they're already mad yeah they're they're oh you're welcome dv2 it is the 59800x is better for games but i just people just want to get mad so there you go here's our 5950x right here you guys are like genuinely like worried don't you know what honestly guys i don't i don't i don't think i don't think you guys should get mad like like here's the deal you should not get mad at this i mean these these are great cpus in general in a 5958 don't get mad at using a 5950x 5950xs are great these are these are indestructible you're not going to have any problems at all you got to go from there you just you know this is going to be fine you don't have to lick it it's all fine you got it it's just like they're indestructible they're going to be fine so you don't have anything to worry about and yeah the pins are fine i mean it's like it is like it's just like and it's good it's like really good for getting uh getting the beard and all that sort of stuff so yeah it's just like you don't have anything to worry about you guys brought it upon yourselves you brought it upon yourselves the 59 now let's see if when we put this in here if it just works i mean that's the thing that you really want to know is like is this 5950x gonna work like that's the question so here we will just make sure i mean i'm sure it's i'm sure it's gonna be absolutely fine uh i think i feel like i feel like the pens are fine like it looks it looks completely fine here like it looks okay i don't i think it'll be okay i think i think we'll be fine we'll we'll find out who wants to bet we got bets we got bets on if it boots when we're done here we go there we go gonna pop it in there it's gonna be good just gonna make sure it all make sure it all works it'll be fine okay um so there's that okay so 5950x is in there let's grab our ram kit now and our and our our other stuff okay uh oh i broke a little bit of the plastic off that's okay i'm sure it's gonna be i'm sure it's gonna be fine okay now we're gonna open up our ram here oh wolf we'll get we'll get it out we'll get it uh we'll get it out to you oh look at this look at this ram this ram is just gorgeous super chat oh no 4.99 uh how good is an rtx 3070 with the 3700x absolutely fine you have no problem with that whatsoever those are great that's a great combination okay here we go getting our ram out we're dropping it like waffles here mad raw folder wait why are people why are people why are people why are people uh triggered i don't understand everything's fine why are you guys getting mad it's fine like there was no hair in it at all like it was okay i licked it clean guys i wiped it off it's gonna be fine i would not i would not worry about it it's just it's gonna be fine not fine not okay what's wrong misty i don't understand it's gonna look here's the deal if it boots will you still be mad that's the question i mean if it boots it's fine right like then you have nothing to worry about okay all right here we go just oh yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna stop you guys you gotta come down i wanna be super clear the k this thing that i'm throwing around this is not a 5950x this is an old ryzen cpu that some dude broke a long time ago and i use for just these kind of things i did not throw away the 5950x there was nothing i did i totally was messing with you guys and triggering with you to play a joke i'm down i did not break a cpu okay she sees you guys wow i totally did the old switcheroo and uh going from there this is the broken one as you can see is now miscolored from all the licking and everything like that so it's fine you guys are like wow it was a stunt double oh man okay so going down to the top down and going from here okay so guys we have uh what we're gonna do is you see there's a little slot in the pcb right here wow you can see like the whole pcb here we're gonna basically gonna take this little slot and look and line it up just like that and then oh that's a good click such a good click yeah we're gonna do the same thing with this one this one a little bit more fancy that was a good click that was that was a fancy click okay here we go this is this is a this is a this is a scottish click no he doesn't clean it after he licks it oh clack that's a good click right there and then finally you've got the uh you've got the tree click here it is right here there you go this is how you do click and tree there you go so there you go got all the clicks in everything's in going from there um and going from there so um okay we're good there let's go and open up we have to grab our fancy ifixit screwdriver angel z lopez says i'm a minimum of 400 pounds dude you need to learn to math because if you think i look 400 pounds then you have something wrong with your eyes and you may want to get your eyes checked i am nowhere near that much near when you're weighing that much so i am sorry camera adds 200. yeah apparently the camera adds way more than that 200 pounds wow that guy is like a lot of he has a lot of like that guy's like wow he must really he must be really fun at parties you know what game you know what you know what job he should get is the guess the weight job uh you weigh at least 580 pounds what he's like just losing money left and right for the carnies i hope you become a cardi uh i'm gonna use it i'm gonna use their screw because i know i don't wanna spend the time finding the right screwdriver nope not the right one nope nope not the right one nope not the right one we're just gonna use theirs we're gonna put not that the ifixit doesn't have the right size we're just gonna go from there i'll do my i'll do my best next time cole martin there we go i've opened the asrock screwdriver which is actually you know this is like it's got the little top on it so it makes it actually really easy here we go now we've got the right one it's it's almost like i fixed it's not a smooth clack click okay so we're popping this is like is this one piece like a fancy it's like a super fancy motherboard here there we go okay cool so we've got that out now looks like we don't actually have to worry about using the standoffs because we've the standoff actually is held in by the oh i have an open one right here i'm just going to use this one use that one i'm just going to use this one here you position that one i'm just going to use this blue you don't have to use that whatever it was but this one might have an os on it so i'm going to use this one instead which is fine okay so here we go we got a little slot in the pcb we're just going to put that in just like that and then there we go oopsie i almost shot this trey do this try to do that straight do this away oh there's i was like where's the screw oh don't forget to see don't forget to peel the blue right there at the bottom oh there we go let's see that uh yeah we're gonna take was that a retailer in pakistan started selling the or early yeah yeah he actually like because he was just out of stock and all the crypto because like most of the crypto current like the big cryptocurrency um miners are based out of iran because they can get uh power for super cheap so they were like and so a bunch of them got like 30 60s early and you're like oh okay so yeah that's pretty weird okay just popping that in now okay i didn't read the story i just saw okay so m.2 is installed now we got our cpu installed we got our ram installed um let us look because i have those my real name i haven't done an ek aio i do every once in a while see what the mount is like for this you want to figure that out look at our ek mount real quick do play rocker league okay so we're just gonna take a look at this every once in a while there we go i'm not a flyer if i'm on your team i'm not a flyer so duke i would wait unless you need it like unless you have like no gpu um the problem is is that people are selling last gen bla people are selling last gen hardware was that he was basically the question he had was he's like should i wait i just like i'm i'm having a hard time getting a 30-60 should i wait and just buy like go buy an older hardware the problem is this older hardware is selling for as much as um last year as next-gen stuff and so it's almost like you're gonna get ripped off there too so unless you absolutely need to i would just wait until you can get the car that you want um so yeah that would be my thing uh you can't or yeah have you ever done a water build before have i ever done yes i've done custom water cool we've done them here on the channel we the first one we ever did we did a soft tube one we haven't done a hard tube like full hardtube build on the channel but i have filled we did the twi the twitch one where we we did all of the building uh right here on the show so which is pretty crazy okay this wow this is kamikaze is buried this is complicated um i have done this before okay so we have a10 those are not what we need these are for amd screws i'm assuming we need that i'm going to have to look at the book i forgot i forgot how to do this i haven't done this in a while that's right this has got that really weird amd bracket that goes in there i've done this we did this last time we did this is when we did the uh the phanteks etho 2 build and then it like ended up being wacky okay so i need to put in the i don't need the lg black plate where's the am4 this was looking for it is uh 6 35 okay it's not not bad okay so this is all i got to do is remove these which is good using the wow stick wow stick i love the wow stick yeah you can get help in the discord okay very well you're not turning on wow stick yeah i'm not gonna be able to help you troubleshoot like do you imagine that just in the middle of every stream okay guys we gotta help this uh we gotta help this poor gentleman get his pc on like nobody gets to watch the rest of the build the best place to go i've had i've had friends go to the discord and get get the help they need we have some incredible incredible tech folks right like who literally just take the time to do it i i'm gonna be able to super grateful for them because they really do make our lives better to finish this pc an hour and a half oh yeah yeah i uh i have two hours i said hour and a half well i have two hours challenge that's okay still have two hours nope not by my calculations put these in real quick what we're doing is right now what we're doing is we're just we're getting the uh getting the socket ready so when we put the motherboard in we don't have to worry about doing any of this stuff afterwards i like to do this on the outside motherboard where's the father board over there with the baby board i have multiple i don't know i thought some second this runescape okay here we go that's screwed in got one more to pop in here real quick this has got that this has got like it's actually a pretty easy installation the only thing we need for this is this and this everything else we do not need because we're going to use we're going to use different we're going to need those there's our screws the rest of this stuff is all intel i thought nvidia was coming out with crypto minor gpus that is a rumor but the thing is is that it even regardless right like they still take from the same card thing right like still same semiconductors all that sort of stuff so it's not really going to save you stop taking the gps this is the card that you want yeah it's going to be a it's going to be a it's just going to be a pain in general i still don't understand the whole crypto mining well bitcoin is worth uh you know a bunch of money so i i i know yeah so if you bought like a thousand dollars in if you bought a thousand dollars of bitcoin in 2013 you'd have 2.2 million dollars today what's my favorite soda my favorite soda is ice which i really enjoy second one is diet coke i drink a lot of diet but i don't know why i got addicted to diet coke but that's what it was okay let's go to our wide one and let's strip this my new favorite mountain dew watermelon i haven't even made your melon okay here we go hefty boy that's the that's the flavor of the month for me okay first thing we're going to do is pepsi y'all does this come whoa this is like legit does this not come out oh wow these do not come off these do not look like they come off so we've got a big it does not look that way we got a big is this a this is going to be an interesting build for us to build in if we can't do it that way um oh click it's got a click for the hold look at this side these do not come off you literally cannot take these off oh you cannot okay well we now know something that we did not know you literally have to keep these on you can't even strip this case down that much that's kind of interesting never seen that before that's a first um let's see if you can take you should be able to pull the front off though okay so that comes off wow that is that is hefty so that's the chroma for that i mean that thing weighs nothing weighs a lot but that's going to be kind of annoying so we'll have to walk the work around you can't unscrew it yeah you can't you yeah you like this thing is like genuinely like like built like a brick okay so we'll do some side let's go to side camera here you guys can see me take here from the front i'm going to take this down and we're going to grab our extra hardware out of here hardware yeah that's the first time i've ever seen that someone's saying they do pop off oh oh never mind yes they do they pop off from the front okay thank you all right you got it i'm a dummy yes they pop off they don't pop off from the hinge okay cool learn something i i make mistakes you don't have to okay there you go and they actually pop off from the side but they do come off gotta be careful here not bend it there it goes okay cool that's kind of a funky design thank you chat thanks chad okay you come to the rescue now we gotta figure out how to get this thing out which i'm assuming got a little brick thing in here it doesn't it's just like i think it's because this is in i'm going to drip this down okay so in the back and this is just like this is just like the landcool two these like i said this is the landcool 2. this has covers to hide all of your cable management mistakes how many likes do we need again 800 800 800 likes yeah okay there we go there's all of our stuff 115 away like we're okay so we've got that undone now now the last thing we want to do is we're just going to quickly undo this real quick and we're just going to move this forward 800 likes on youtube we get to the giveaway yes sorry it was more of a statement than a question all right interesting this block i think you can i think you can trying to figure out how to take this block out it looks like this case lots of little there's lots of ribbon cables by the way for like doing the uh there's a screw there's nothing done oh there's another one down them i'm going to look at the bottom here real quick just figure out how to strip this down and i'll talk to you guys about what i did when i look through in the center there's our dust filter take the dust filter off it's a dust filter okay i don't need to take the dust filter off what i want to do i'm trying to figure out now there's a way to move this at the bottom because i want it to scoot over so i can take this brick out i know you can move it question is how do you move it oh there you go okay gotta push push harder ruby there we go okay now you can get the brick out okay so i'll talk you guys through this real quick what i had let's see what i had to do to kind of get this undone let me go to top down view and walk you guys through this real quick okay so uh a couple things that are different about this versus the land cool 2 i want to walk you guys through first i'm going to zoom out so you guys can see it a little bit better so again you do have the covers you do have the covers that go over everything so you can hide all your stuff this is your chroma module as you can see the one thing that's kind of creepy about they're crazy is that this thing uses super thin ribbon cables so when you are building make sure that you take extra care here in terms of not breaking this because then you'll basically break your under glow support and stuff like that um when i talked about taking the glass off i was looking at taking the glass off via just all up but basically the glass panel actually goes into these little holes right here and then slides down so that's how you get basically get the glass panel off and then all of your cable management the other thing too is that in order to get there's a like there's like a filled brick in here the only way to do that is there's a little screw on this drive tray that allows you to actually move the drive tray around which is kind of cool something i like about the land cool but you have to push it all the way in to be able to open this up and pull it out so those are the things i kind of did to strip i also took the front panel off one thing that's really nice about this we're going to throw our mf 120s in this real quick um in just a second uh remember this actually comes out i'll show you that from the side here um there are two there we go go in the side view there are two screws actually i'll show you top down first two screws that hold it at one screw sorry one screw that holds it in right here and then there's one on the other side that'll allow you to take this out here we go if you wanted to can you take the bay out yes and you can take this out too oh you can take the bay i don't think so i can look i don't think you can take the bay out there's that one we're gonna do the other side real quick and now what i'm doing this for is this allows me to remove the tray to put our fans in which is kind of cool so then now our tray is out we put our fans in we're gonna do that and install our mf 120s real quick that's this case is still not a whole lot lighter with everything else okay so now we're gonna do is grab our mf-120s and get these installed now these are pro like again i don't know if these are necessarily the well they're probably fine i mean we'll have to see what the airflow is you might if my recommendation being is giving this case needs a lot of may potentially need a lot of airflow if you might be working in some place that has like is unusually hot and you wanted to use this build i might suggest using something specifically high static pressure fans um that are gonna pull more pull more air in because you're gonna need a lot of air sucked in from the sides to basically make this work really well okay well it just has any this is how many it does okay there's one two wow we're getting really close to 150 already three okay there we go and then these are all need for the can i have this pc no thanks for asking but no hey you missed 100 per shot oh my god hundred percent now the shots you don't intend you don't take okay so we're just gonna get this in it'll be announced uh friday yeah friday is when we're going to win they announce the winner of the january one okay there we go i did it just for you cole martin okay so what we're going to do now is we're just going to get these not stuck in like this we're just going to get them in so they can get them mounted real quick we want them to be about even okay get them even out actually it'll probably be better i'm actually it might be better given that we won't be able to see them i'm actually going to push them mostly to the top so they get most of the airflow is at the top of the case and not at the bottom so i'm not going to actually do these even because that's where most of the components you want cooled are spoofer wants me to wants you to make sure all the x's on the back are the same way okay i'll check yeah they should be but i will check we'll do the first one and then verify from there because we'll use this one as the one to set like i said i want mostly airflow at the top these have a tendency to be very hard fans to bring they don't work very well with our the wow stick though powerful not the uh and this has a tendency straight oop all right we'll go that high right there is where we're going to go highest we're going to be able to go right there you do there we go okay cool these other fans in then we'll check make sure they're in the right way [Music] okay next one so we'll make verify that the x's are the right way that was important to you guys oh i can see why you said that yeah not that anybody can see them because they're blocked out by the razer logo but we'll make sure okay they are all the right they're all the same direction i think this is gonna have to go a little bit lower just because i'm not gonna be able to push this one high i'll see real quick make sure this is gonna fit barely using the b550 because uh that's what that's what that's what asrock sent this and we wanted there is an x 570 version of that motherboard yes but i'm using b550 because asrock sent us a b550 and we wanted to use chroma though and i wanted to use it with the razer case the x570 version of the motherboard is 3.99 so it's quite a bit more expensive go one more okay now we won't be focusing too much on cable management because like i said hey the case doesn't give us we don't need to do it a lot the other thing too is that this k this pc is getting taken apart so we're not going to be keeping it yeah big boy screws you're gonna make sure all the screw holes are in because those that'll that'll pretty much hold this down here anyway okay now i can tighten it there we go okay there we go all of our screws are in and now in our in our nice little case here i do one little quick zip tie to get these kind of keeping these grouped together i want to make sure it stays that one that we don't necessarily have to worry about okay fans are done well at least those fans let me get the motherboard put in and move on this on this side holds it in okay cool now let's get this back in the case side view for you we're just going to basically take this you didn't you got your fan connectors and then your rgb connectors yep i got fan connectors and rgb connectors that's why there's so many cables yeah that's why this is like this is why this is kind of overloaded you got a 10 tip from spoofer hey spoofer thank you very much for the 10 tip man that's amazing thank you we're gonna run these into their little hole here the other thing too is this this case 199 dollars comes with one fan and it's not even rgb uh you get your gpus at all the same sites that everybody else does except for you just got to be on it 24 7. yeah i don't i don't get my gpus i get my gpus from adorama b h best buy new egg and then uh and then i like i like the only two is i have people who are on my community who also like when their shuffles they enter the shuffles in mine you know and uh for me and stuff like that and then i have people who go to micro centers too who also help me get gpus it's not just robin as a whole team yeah because a lot of people want to help want to help me create content so this is their inner you know a lot of people get entertainment for this so they help me buy cards so we can continue to stream which is awesome and i appreciate it this is not we don't have a micro center in washington no we we ask them tigger i bug them i don't know once a month why is this oh does it go down here sorry i went over my head you know there it is there it is okay so we got the fan thing is in now we're just going to quickly uh screw that back in it's even more painful because fries used to be so great now it's just a place where you can go get duct tape and zip ties and tweezers can't even really get anything there anymore okay so we're just quickly mounting our fans back in and then we'll put our but our begins okay so there we go fans are in you can see that now and we're going to do is we're going to drop our go ahead and put in our motherboard luckily the cool thing about this case and this is just land cool is that you can it has a lot of friends that's all managed already so it makes it really easy let's go to top down we know fry's is dead we know yeah we're well nothing but duct tape zip ties and dj equipment yeah not even good dj equipment i don't even know i don't know anything about dj equipment so maybe it is good okay here we go popping our crazy razor chroma there we go it's in look at that looks good i guess what i could do i'm guessing i'm actually going to go over for the cable extension so i won't have to worry about that this is a 90 degree so it should be fine the next thing we're going to do and they probably thought about this stuff right like knowing that this is going more people are going to buy this to go with the razer case so they probably i'm guessing that's probably one of the reasons they have with a 90 degree on here i'm just it's a gas i'm not sure that that's true but it'll be kind of cool this comes with a bunch of razor stickers another reason it costs 99 199 dollars there's at least 50 right there yeah right here like right here guys this is what this is why you get paid this is why you pay like these right here this is what you wanted you know it there you go at least best buy has started to step up their pc game yeah actually i would say best buys is getting pretty good like they partnered with the right people um they partnered with like asus uh msi and corsair right so it's like i thought i've seen a lot of logic tech stuff yeah well but they also they have a lot of pc components now like i buy i probably buy aios i probably buy aios from them at least once or twice a month it's not it's been a while since i've been in one that's it's i mean online is obviously way better right yeah okay here we go so now we've got we got that ready to go let they get our screws in we want to grab the little lippy ones that's usually the ones that are always the motherboard ones lippies there we go everything in canada is so expensive well not everything games and pc components are trying to find our little yeah you're lucky just keep rubbing it in chat you guys live near micro center yeah meanwhile we are not well luckily okay so luckily i get to go to l.a like once or twice a month so yes i like i was at micro center i was at micro center yesterday uh monday i can't wait to go to mecca and so but they had nothing like that i wanted but i could i had the option if they had anything i could have done it but like the problem is is that right now like there's just like it's only going to get worse 3080s are going to get worse with the chinese new year the semiconductor short i mean sorry there's a ton of shortages right now even though there's another shortage yep um big reason was that the reason that there's a big shortage is because car manufacturers expected because of kovid they expected um uh not people they didn't expect as many car sales and the problem was is that so all of the plants ramped down and then car sales went through the roof and at the same time you also had like xboxes and everything else parcels went through the roof because then they start dropping all the prices yeah i don't know but anyway the point was is that so just a lot of things have just continued to wreck our fun and wreck our fun in general okay so we got that all done the uh the mobo is now in and ready to uh go let's add our last we're gonna remove this fan and put in our next mf 120 gt over our side camera real quick that's what i hear i can't wait to go to one monday there we go let's not drop the fan there we forgot to screw up our left corner oh okay throw that in real quick i see it i will add that screw real quick not that it matters because this build's getting taken apart but will be thorough i'd drive two hours for a there we go micro center okay now it's in screws in okay let's add our next fan that here your fit rate's so constant is because is it because you're not streaming a game my bitrate is constant because we also have one gig internet yeah makes a big difference like we actually in the other thing too at my house like we i have two one gig internet coming in and one of them went down so like now the other one's just managing so it's just like we're like we have redundancy because we just want to make sure that we don't have a problem like if both went down that'd be kind of funny but like we actually run like i run i have comcast and i have uh i have comcast and i have centurylink at the same time so if internet goes down i can still work still switch the other one and then i i actually link them so we have two gigan but just as network traffic dude you gotta your life is making content you just want to make sure that you're not doing anything okay we're going to make sure well okay we're going to do this x on this one it won't matter well all those are like this i'd have to uh it's not going to have to it's going to this one's not going to be the same they don't want that cable one is not like the other well this one you you this one you can actually see the other ones you can okay here we go we'll make sure the aio ones match the front ones because the other ones you won't be able to see ooh wow good job robes five dollars thank you very much too thank you very much baylor for the for the super chat like i have to do it like this how long is this yeah okay put these in real quick says yo i'm from washington too i've been trying to get pc parts once all my parts come in can you help me build my first pc ll my 5800x comes tomorrow nice congratulations on the 5800x did you get that via the raffle or how did you get that unfortunately the only way i do builds now buddy is unfortunately is all via is all via um emissions i wish i could sit there and help everybody build all the pcs but don't have i don't have the time okay so that is in we've got our fan in we got it routed now we're just going to put in our ai put our aio together sorry spoofer i didn't see your message what was it we still have a radio shack we saw a radio shack here in washington okay so now we're going to put our aio together okay top down radiator top down view i can't see the tip anymore when there's too much chat i couldn't see it okay so now we're going to open this up we got to put our bracket on as well this does not this does have thermal face okay i don't know okay we're gonna be putting this in like that so we want this to go like that now we need to grab our last two mf1 mfpt's fans those x's match what was that that was the wow stick oh the wow stick fell still work okay it still works everything's fine the wow sticks fine okay now if you use these fans one thing i will tell you mf-120 gts because they are higher actually are taller they require they actually come with their own radiator screws because they are longer so do not use the screws that come with your aio use the ones that come with emf 120s let's get this up so you guys can see a little bit better little bit of a better view i'm gonna be entertained there we are okay the other thing that's nice about these is that these are not as long as they they just have they're like just tipped just gotta put the tip in i wonder if these are the right screws these may not be the right ones these may be the shorter ones these might be the ones that came with the other decool this is these might be this might need its own these might be really long it's the same length oh see that's what i'm talking about see so luckily you look at this i don't know why i got pixelated but you can see how much longer that is these are the ones that come with the old one i like i had i had both so you want to use the ones that come with the mf 120 gts not these you see the switch i did not superchat 569 i was uh baylor i was just looking on the amd website one day and it was available got really lucky oh nice congratulations dude there we go okay now see there's plenty of room there for these to go in you just want to do one in each corner like that and then you can do the other ones because then it's all set they all come with they come with different setups barney said why trey so awesome he's not oh yeah i'm a slacker okay yeah tree is awesome okay getting close yeah it's supposed to snow to not tomorrow now it's supposed to snow tomorrow but now it's not supposed to snow tomorrow we like at one point time was like really supposed to be a lot of snow and now i don't know what's actually gonna happen like i will just take it as it comes but we are supposed to be getting snow maybe but i don't actually know what is yeah spoofer i didn't i didn't see what you said either i think chat just moved by real fast and i didn't i didn't catch it well you can just type it again because you can read it yeah just type it again i'll read it to roby okay we have all our fans in now and now our mf120 gts are in they're not wrong put our aio in our [Music] a-i-o-a-i-a-i-o okay this is all in good shape bernie says it's negative 20 and he has like two feet of snow yikes that's not us right now okay now let's go to side cam and get our aio mounted oh first thing i'm gonna do though is to make things a little easier and you guys have seen me do this before is grab so we can run it a little bit nicer is grab a zip tie and spoofer said tip was for actually paying attention to your chat the best you can i do i try very hard and then we have people like trey who come and then i miss it and then yeah and then you miss no it's like we we do like i try very hard to to pay attention and trey i think the plan is trey will be here on wednesdays i think almost went every wednesday moving forward so you guys will see him pretty consistently on wednesdays that's why i am more focused on building today and he is paying attention to chat we're getting super close to our 150 i think we're at 148 is that what that is we're at 142 guys we're eight away from 150 that 150 new egg 150 dollar new a gift card we're going to start getting into gpus i mean into cpus we're 300 away from 300 likes away on youtube and 300 likes away from youtube on youtube for the next giveaway i have a i have a full-time job so i can't be here for every stream and and uh family okay he also lives quite a ways away yeah but it's awesome that he is here as much as he is so take it um i do okay so this is where again i was talking about this material this material like this is what leaked on me i'm working now is just to get the to get the bracket installed for the amd or putting it on the amd okay so the tubes go out the back so i need these brackets and then you need how did i put them in the box yeah we're going to take our little silver screws which we do need we got a 10 tip another 10 tip geez you guys from thank you very much btn wesley thank you very much for the tips guys you guys are super supportive yeah the the tips don't don't pop up like super chats do thank you very much for the tip super appreciate it it's on on our uh the program we use it's very easy for me to miss that because super chats pop up real big on the program that we use and tips do not okay so the back this is going to be in the back yeah our program doesn't show the gifted subs yeah it just tells you yeah i can see them here okay so this has got a lot of freaking thermal paste on it okay so this is going towards the back these are going to go like this just i'm going to put our brackets on i'm uh i'm reading chat on it on a chromebook if it gets too much traffic it crashed yeah working on it okay we're just putting our bracket in now there we go another bracket here there's some like thick thermal paste on this e k i o like thick boy thick yeah the laptop i have is really old and is slower than this chromebook that i'm using which is sad okay so now aio is ready to be installed everything is good to go there get just got to mount it here in a minute and some people want a dad joke when you have a moment to pause i will yes when i get the i o installed we will we will do a dad joke i promise let's get our aio in there a-i-a-i-o never gets old right now yeah for me okay here we go going to side camera here in a second no problem so you know that's why i'm here i'm i'm the voice of the people you are we're screwed uh voice of chat you okay that's true okay getting this off to the side here oh we have an extra little screw here we're gonna put in here so we don't lose that okay pushing this over we can get it in top mount in this bad boy now we have to be really careful because this one does not have the the cover on it i'm gonna be really careful not to get the thermal paste all this it looks like it's just not going to go well i'll be honest uh maybe six more steps for the next tier yeah it goes yeah it goes the next tier and then we then we do the next giveaway and i'll do i'll do a little break and do a dad joke as we get our aio and i'll go through the giveaways again because we probably have a lot more people here even though our thing doesn't show us right now looks like restream's kind of struggling okay so now that okay cool that is all up how much room do we have when we push this pretty far forward a little bit i wanna i'm gonna go ahead just to be safe because this one is gonna be the hardest thing to install and i'm gonna go ahead and mount our rgb header oh that went in really easy sniper and then this one no we just build pcs and leave them off okay there we go okay cool we got all that stuff mounted we're gonna get it mounted into the frame now luckily the thing is being cpu is a ryzen 9 uh 5950. yeah don't worry they all reminded me that it was had to be a 5950 i accidentally grabbed a 5900 from the uh from the storeroom and people were like that's not a 5950 so we definitely know it's a 5950 it is it's great lots lots of room for so many activities okay get our last in our aio up here light level mounted we can put the rest of this in you guys a top down view here there we go okay now there's some time asked how stable is the 15 5950x i've heard some people say they have to undervolt it in lower core clocks uh i haven't had that problem i think i wonder i wonder why they're having to do that i have not had any issues with any of the 5950xs i've put in so that sounds like you some of that could be people putting people putting 5950xs and super cheap motherboards that's usually a cost for that any like 250 likes on youtube and would be good for a giveaway okay i am going to there is a the unfortunately or fortunately the um i'm gonna have to take this off because i have to hook up the the cpu uh eps power connector it's just it's blocked so put this down like this i'm gonna hook this up real quick and this is our eps power we have to plug it in what's your uh here we go zan asks the best e550 board the best b550 i mean honestly this is probably way up there the i'd say some of the high-end b550s from at like the rog ones are also really good um but this one is like in terms of just uh uh the other one is the msi i really like the b550 um as well this is like in terms of just fully loaded board this is a really fully loaded board okay i'd say roby's go to aio is probably the capellax right now yeah the capelex from the for a value standpoint 140 bucks comes with a freaking a hub um it also looks really nice like it's not and the other like some of the best like rgb control software is iq yes it's kind of a bit overhead but in terms of options this really does a great job there we go okay now we can finish okay all these best parts can probably be answered better on the discord does actually i and the only two is if you want to look on we have a video best of 2020 which you can check as well okay now we go we're gonna do our top down now this is like so you guys can see the rest of these get no memory card and i'll play oh i hit a button i hit the wrong button hold on uh hold on one sec dude um i have this in a different setting must have hit a button that i wasn't supposed to do hold on one sec guys we're gonna have to switch our camera real quick i'm gonna have to use i'm gonna have to use that the chair oh sorry sorry thank you it's so music it's so high the camera is so high it's stuck in it it's stuck in a in the sky stuck in it weird oh what's that guys if it shows up there there you go yeah when it first you don't succeed just turn it off and turn it back on again okay now you guys can see there you go now that's a top-down camera yeah it's a top down cam sorry about that guys now i'm not going to push this sideways main reason being is that i don't want to i don't want to um how i don't want to jostle the head or the um aio pump right now it's the reason it's i'm just gonna i'm not gonna you're not gonna be able to see all eight screws go in but that is why so i will be putting them all in don't worry shut up siri shut up shut up siri siri's listening to everything we say shut up siri okay last screw cut my finger on work at work i don't know if it was a bone or one of my knives okay screws are in side cameras set up sub goal reached thank you blondie oh sub goal 156 on our way to the next one now that i get once i get this mounted i'll switch the one to we're not on our way to a 5600 x is the next giveaway so we gotta get to two uh 300 so and i'll read a dad joke and all that stuff too trying to stay on top of all of this stuff that's happening so much happening right now so much happening okay these i can put in here bruh this i don't need these i do need kind of standstill likes it's not nobody's liking huh we have 683 hanging out on youtube 705 on twitch right now 108 over on on uh on twitch uh for uh 108 over on twitch at newegg right now so okay so here we're gonna do we're gonna be really careful here and set this down nicely the new house is great shut this down thank you wandy it's uh it's great okay everything's pretty much set up i finally got my game room slash board game room done it's almost it's needs some tidying up but uh yeah okay just putting this in real quick there you go get these to go like this this is not a commission this is uh showing off a new case build yeah this is like a new case yeah i have a stream room but i i don't call that call it a stream room in front of my wife it's the game room what's that i should i could there we go i'll uh i'll do that tomorrow okay there we go there's that on we're going to just get it mounted real quick and then basically be able to do our our dad joke it depends somebody's division's asking division it's div qsn it's asking is rg is is it good for gaming that particular brand uh it's good for gaming again ram is about to timing so obviously lower latency and faster speeds like if you get like 4 000 megahertz at like cl 14 that would be incredible but that would be incredibly also incredibly expensive so um yes vengeance is a is a perfectly good ram uh perfectly good ram for gaming um it's just that's the stuff you want to keep keeping is pay attention to you want to pay attention to what a how what speed b what uh cast latency and then uh from there find the best highest speed at lowest latency that you can afford so and then make sure that it's also on the preferred vendor list for your motherboard i uh made the mistake of calling this the game room my room oh and she's like oh it's like not what i meant to say but those are the words that left my mouth that's funny right there okay we're getting super close guys that's funny right there okay now what we're gonna do we're just gonna simply tighten this all the way down a little bit at a time on each side i just had to remember the rest of the day be like yeah it's the game room not my room it's okay the couch is pretty comfortable i picked it out myself oh geez seems like a bad conversation no it's a nice little section all that she wanted to have like no part okay so it was great like this is too much for me all right okay so everything is now set up on the aio we're gonna get this put away then we'll do a dad joke and keep moving forward it's just random maybe they announce on twitter but you just save the that page and you hit refresh every two seconds there we go okay let's uh change the goal here real quick so we're at 156. we're going to one we're on our way to a 5600x giveaway we need uh 200 more likes on youtube i need 300 there we go next goal is up i'll do a dad joke in just a second uh run this one little cable up and then we'll know our aio is done these little that's probably the best way socials and uh email isn't that nvidia did you sign up for email to hold your spot or something like that it's evga that's what i meant to say evga yeah the only one is the evga and basically um new egg the new egg shuffler kind of like your best bets for getting gpus right now if you if that's what you're trying to do those are your those are your top options i would say do you do you like that like you know putting your email in and securing your spot i don't know yeah i have it i just haven't been chosen yet no i'm just saying like like if everybody did that would that be like a better way rather than just i i don't i i maybe i mean here's the problem is you just have no you just have no chance to know right like i mean of like you have no way of knowing how close you are right which is the hardest part yeah but it's like do i think that there is no i think there is no really good way to do it outside of just make more dang cards so we can all buy what we want right and the problem is is that that's just you know that's just not gonna happen right so there's just a lot of things kind of going against all this stuff right now okay like nobody probably thought gave me dc gaming was gonna take off again like where you don't actually use all the cards it's crypto mining and enterprise and what enterprise enterprises use those cards too for computation and all that sort of stuff there is enterprises like i mean like yeah like big data centers i mean cloud like uh you know who like xcloud is a great example of that's gaming in the cloud those need gpus they buy a lot of gpus yes you're competing against those guys too okay let us do the dad joke bad joke for today another dad joke because people are doing it we are half over halfway through the build at this point in time next dad joke is from call me zero music oh yes anyone have oh does anyone have advice to help me remove ice from my windshield does anyone have advice for helping me remove ice from my windshield i just tried with a discount card in my pocket but i only got 20 off that was a good one that was a good one um uh oh yeah the covent test nurse asked me have i had a sudden loss of taste the coveted nurse asked me have i had a sudden loss of taste i said no i've dressed like this for quite a while [Laughter] okay so all of our ai like uh basically the front of our board like our aio was in um our aio is in we're gonna quickly do some cable management in the back we're not gonna be too crazy just given that um given that we're we this case is gonna get this pc is gonna get taken apart um the only thing too that's really nice about deep cool specifically is that they have hubs that come with it and so it's just really easy to use their hub so it makes it actually pretty easy to just kind of get their stuff hooked up make sure you pour hot water on your ice that windshield i'm sorry don't do that yeah don't do that too many people do that don't do that okay here we go okay so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna go ahead and undo all of our cables here that we have and get these run and then uh also just get our fans hooked up yeah these really nice things but i'll worry about those later okay one more we need 173 more likes on youtube for another for a giveaway yeah if you guys want we've we've never not unlocked the giveaway before it's like genuinely like it's just an easy thing just pop on over well actually hold on let me just do this real quick because it's like something yeah we seven hours um okay so i just want to get do a quick second um welcome everybody to roby tech my name is jessica remi the host of the show if you if this is your first time here we are pc building show we build pcs every monday wednesday and friday usually starting at 5 30 p.m um we have some giveaways that are happening right now the first one we've already kind of unlocked the first tier the second tier is going to unlock actually any moment and that is if we get to level five hype train we get that twice we give away a 250 gig nvme the second one is if we get 800 likes on the youtube video right now we have how many well i'm sorry how many likes do you have on youtube right now 658 so we have 658 likes on youtube if you want to pop on over to rubytech just drop a like there as soon as we get over 800 we'll drop another 250 gig nvme drive and we'll give that away as well and finally we have the giveaway that's down the bottom it's a 5600x giveaway right now the way it works is once we get to uh 300 subs right now we're 150 subs we're going to give away 150 new a gift card we get to 300 subs that becomes a 5600x if we get to 450 subs it becomes a 5800x we get to 600 subs it becomes a 5900x we get to uh sorry we're gonna post that up there i don't remember off the number all the numbers on the top of my head so we'll get that post up there but we all the way up to a thousand subs we'll give away a thirty eighty which we have given away thirty eighties here on the show uh lastly uh we have the sub only giveaway which is happening for the month of february uh that we're gonna give away a 5800 x and a 3080 to one lucky subscriber the way you get in on that if you're over at newegg or rubytech come over to rubytech drop your free amazon prime subscription if you have amazon prime you get a free subscription then you might actually walk away with a cpu and gpu and have the hardest things you need to actually build your build now if you want to get extra entries from that all you got to do is donate subs is one way to do that so if you donate subs each one of those gives you an extra entry if you subscribe to tier two or tier three that also gets you extra entries which is super awesome and then finally if you subscribe for multiple months we have people who subscribe for like a year at a time that also gets you extra entries plus you're entered into every sub only giveaway from here moving forward so really awesome things that are happening want to get those things those giveaways going up the t the uh the level five hype training the second one is going to be happening here pretty soon uh which usually does a pretty good job of driving up uh driving up the subs now people are asking the 150 the way it works is it upgrades so we're not going to give away a 50 100 and 150 yard new gift card right now if we don't hit 300 subs we'll give 150 a gift card if we get 300 subs then it'll become a 5600x we don't stack they grow over time so that's the way that that basically works so that's what's happening right now we're going to get back to building if you have any questions obviously all that stuff is going to be happening let's get those likes and let's get those subscriptions what music and i'm going to restart the music right now because we hit the end of the playlist dw for life ass hey roby did my ram come in yet uh i have to check we i we did do the mailing uh the thing was is that there's something about there was some issue with that your particular your 4000 kit for 3200 megahertz that the first time i ordered it basically they responded and said they didn't have it in stock and then i think we've ordered it from a second vendor and then they're supposed to deliver it but that particular ram and 32 gig kit at that speed is actually really hard to get right now so like i said continue to use the pc as soon as we get it we will get it out to you but he when he ordered the pc he meant to do two sticks of 32 kicks two sticks of 16 and he got four sticks of eight so we're just going to replace it and give them the other ones okay so what are we doing now we're going to run all of our cables here real quick this one is for the chroma right here let's go to the top down so you guys can see this ezra tai yeah all right asrock razor b550 tai chi okay so for this one this is our uh usb that's for the chroma that's for your chroma control and all that stuff so we're gonna throw that down there this one right here is hd audio this is gonna go right over here in the far corner man these cables are really long um then we've got our front panel connectors which we're gonna grab right here and right here i don't like that front panel someone said you should french braid the cables one time why that's probably management i'm okay okay uh then we're gonna put our front panel connections right there's our front panel those are gonna go right here and then our usb 3 and our usbc are going to go right in here that's going to take care of those now so we have all of our cables routed that makes it easy for me to go ahead and take these which is all of our just all of our fans we're gonna run and connect these real quick so the first one we're gonna do we have three here and then we have another one so we're gonna grab one of our rgb hubs and we want these all to be daisy chained together so we've got one our this is our rgb we have a total of six here and we've got some more up here so we're gonna try and see how high i can get this to go okay so this is rgb right here this is our lowest one so this one we can put right here what rgb hub is that this is the deep cool this actually comes with the mf 120 gt uh fans so this is specifically for deep cool uh deep cool accessories it works with like their deep cool um uh um castle 240 or 360. so it's just like it's kind of like fantex also has the same thing it's proprietary unfortunately but it makes it really easy to just hook all this stuff up so there we go there's the three right there okay and then we're going to want to daisy chain this but we're going to go ahead and grab how many of these can we get will grab one of these there's four and then there it is welcome number five and on this we actually have another rgb i've never worked in the phanteks info 719 span text e3 719 i have to look that does that's is that the really big one okay so we're gonna put this right here right here okay so there's that and then now what we're going to do is we're going to grab this our fan hub oops it's not sticking you might have to put it back uh yes it's a really big one yes we have done that and actually we've done it on the show okay so we're gonna grab this and then this is gonna be our fans i'm gonna hook all our fans up to this okay so here's our fan hub and this also comes with the mf 120 gts you would not only do you get not only do you get a rgb hub but you also get a fan hub as well so you get both okay and we need one more fan right there and there we go and then we'll take i don't know how long these are these are probably that one might be okay we're gonna take this one put this in and then we'll leave that one alone okay so there's our fans put this right here then we'll take these okay cool now got that done in our gonna do one quick one right here 74 more likes there you go i saw a nice jump that was a great jump come on google is your friend orbee i use bing because you get rewards for sure i started using gaming because that fact i'm like and you get like i like because of how like i use it on my phone and because of how much like i probably end up getting like i don't know probably like every like five or six months i get a ton of like uh like xbox points because i just use that thing all the time okay so this is this is this right here is going to be this is for this is for our hub and our other this is our hub our fan hub and our rgb for our fan hub make sure that's long enough now i have three more two more fans need to go can you get worked in here they have i don't remember where the fan connections are there's one there there's one there there's a bunch at the bottom okay for the sake of just speed we're gonna use this one in this fan hub and then we'll have two up here and again i'm not gonna be as anal as i typically am for cable management in this case because i want to we this build is getting taken apart but it'll still look like perfect cable management because you can cover it so if you can cover it it's cable managed that's what i think zeiss dances okay this one is it was a zeiss stand or it might have been icy one of those two said that and i was like that's pretty true um this one we can run up here actually we'll see if we can get that into that hole up here actually i might i'm going just for the sake of speed what mics are he using is the fan of the mics that we use this is the name of the mics there's fan one we're actually gonna use a fan hub for the plus thing okay so there's our second fan hub right there alfonso says hey robbie how you been i've been good thank you for asking okay so we want this to go i want this to go here middle fan okay so now all we have left is a single we have one more rgb that has to get hooked up and that is four and then we will have all of our rgb hooked up and everything is ready good to go so we're gonna put that and then this the last one is for this one rgb we had a whole hub just for a single rgb unfortunately we should be ready for a hydrogen yeah hype train should be any like it might actually be ready now we're at 7 43 so yeah it should be so if somebody wants to test we probably are good to go okay there you go all of our stuff is hooked up you now turn this over and hook it all up where it needs to where it belongs what model of tesla do you have i have a model three i'm gonna go ahead and just for the sake of after we hook all this up we're gonna get one of those china built those are those they're cheaper oh okay okay there we go we're just undoing this so we can get all of our okay so this is now all ready to go we get it all wire managed as soon as we get done we're just going to run all of our cables now and turn this over and hook up our front panels okay we're almost done guys build this coming along it's called a wow stick yeah it's the wow actually we have a link to it you'll see a link here pretty soon like we like to link it okay look at this mess of cables up here okay we will make it not look like a mess of cables okay so starting from the top let's grab our usb 3 here dump that back in we're gonna grab this this is our fan fan header we go right here i'm actually going to take our usbc most likely asian horse yeah these aren't your horse cables what did you use on monday age horse as well yep doesn't go that way there you go okay i will walk you guys through all the cables i hooked up here in just a few minutes okay and then this i think i'm gonna yeah let's go and do it this way let's do it let's use the use the right angle one just because it'll look nicer glad we could help five foot giant i don't know if this is gonna go well i fix it versus wow uh i fix it as like they kind of serve different purposes um i use my ifixit when i want control the wow stick is just for things like if you you don't necessarily need the control but you want to do it fast that's where the wow stick comes in really nice which just ends up being really nice 50 likes away on youtube on the youtubes come on if you're ruby yet if you're wrong you need both yes hold on he's being oh no that's why it was like twisted in with i don't think they really made this board uh is this or is this as rock made the board it's just a razor theme yeah sorry i we ended up like the way the cable was twisted it just made it really hard to get this one usb 3 at a 90 degree angle so i'm just gonna that's what i'm working on right now it's a little bit easier to do this way yeah like a part there we go okay got it in okay now i think all of this stuff yeah but the ifix it comes with so many bits it does kind of makes up for how expensive it is if you think about it on a individual bit purchase okay that's in now we're going to do is we're going to hook up our usb 2. i think there's stuff in here that's just like this should not go in there okay so that'll go back out the power switch goes right there don't worry i'll zoom in and tell you guys all the stuff i hooked up yes michael the razer software the chroma software will control all the rgb yep that is why we're well it'll control yeah it'll control the yes it's just i chose stuff that was specifically chroma controlled some what and what doesn't get controlled from that will get controlled uh sh should get control from the board hopefully the board is chroma capable so it's like if it the board rgb should change with that that's what we're with the with the with chroma we're going to find out now i'll report back to you and the closer when we do the the um the edited version of this vod okay so we've got everything almost done this cable and this cable right here need to go one more over that's what we're dealing with here this goes right here and this goes right here okay then all our front panels will be hooked up um we should be in hype train guys so if somebody wants to start the hype train we can do that last oops we do this last little giveaway thing you guys can do that as well all we got to do is start that you guys know what to do i don't know if ck is here this time but we can you guys can get it let's get it going guys this is reset switch goes underneath power switch there we go resets which goes on top power switch goes on top there we go okay next up is our rgb quite that freaking thank you for the bits there we go there it is hype train is up and going let's see how high we can get it guys first stream back of the week inside of the inside of the studio how high can we go how many people can we get entries into our sub giveaways there we go and we'll go and start reading here so ckcc chris dropping those 10 subs right there kicking it off one of our biggest supporters as of late super appreciate him okay let's read these we got red dragon dropping 10 bits ravenwing 50 bits thank you very much for that norman zolberg thank you for the three month at tier one man that's awesome three months uh three months support right there um let's see what else is going on big man thank you very much for the follow dude we can do hype train i think we're at level five already right 38 people from twitch go to youtube hit the like button yo thanks uh slushy thank you very much for the slushie el slushie elgato thank you very much for the tier one sub appreciate that don't forget guys you can use your prime subs this will also get you in towards those extra entries as well um and get you in towards the giveaway um if you want to get in on that the theoretical dragon is dropping 10 bits right there we got sin on twitch dropping a prime sub thank you very much for that my friend look at all this stuff 180 guys we're cr we're creeping up on that 5600 let's see how i can go 164. we've seen 4 000 we've seen 4 000 let's see how really oh yeah we have which is crazy um again dropping those tens dropping all those bits guys thank you very much for all that support you guys have been incredible what happened to the 2018 that was behind you ruby there's no nothing there's nothing wrong with it 20 there's no issue with anything in this back behind me hey sho enough 88 thank you very much for the gifted sub appreciate that my friend three minutes left come on guys let's see what we can do matt bisley is thank you for the 100 bits man thank you very much for that we're at tier v 773 likes on youtube we're 25 away let's see how much hype we can get come on guys thank you for the cheer red pyramid head giving out five gifted subs appreciate that man my friend five gifted sub from red pyramid head oh thank you hey death 2307 for hanging out i know you got to be up at 8 a.m but i appreciate you we're getting close to the end this is still life dark drac yeah we're at 280 percent it is a live show we're going to finish the build here pretty quick we're actually really close so we're going to put in our gpu and we got to do our psu i mean it's a little bit of cable management on the other side so thank you very much johnny for the gustav drop in uh two month with prime thank you very much for that man appreciate it codeman65 another gifted sub thank you very much red dragon still dropping those like 10 bits at a time 325 percent hype train is going in there keep going guys thank you very much for all that stuff you form 10 bits more more little bits from here and there 189 subs i won't forget to pick her up i still have 30 minutes i'm good don't worry seven more likes seven more likes and we'll give away the the giveaway on the other one thank you very much for all those followers 65 194 follows today yeah 1500 people here right now which is awesome sleepy gary thank you very much three months at tier one appreciate it buddy welcome thank you for the youtube like man appreciate that korean 367 we have a minute and 30 seconds come on guys can we get 500 at least let's see we can do yeah you're it just feels like we you guys are a little sleepy this midweek 800 likes on youtube so there we'll do that giveaway and once we do this we'll be able to do that we'll do both giveaways at the same time guys oh no we do yes spoofer thank you very much for the 500 bits appreciate that my friend it's not it's on twitch and it's on youtube it's everywhere guys we streamed to all of this yeah we streamed to all of them all those bits steven rich thank you for the bits oh it's okay chief crazy who's our appreciation we do care about you ryan36 we can see you guys just fine we're just getting tired this is always the this is like the end 50 seconds left there we go ckcc five subs again taking us to 475 we're so close to five 500 480 42 i'll take it 500 but that's all good 195 subs that's good i'll take i'll take i'll take 200 that's great everybody would be like that's huge so close 15 emery dropping the four month thank you 500 there we go that's awesome you guys are incredible thank you very much for all the support for supporting the channel for supporting the giveaways and all that stuff don't worry oh and artful dropping in five toe tom tommendy dropping uh six months man at tier three red dragon zombie giving out five tier one subs wow all of a sudden it like went to like crazy now we're there we go 760 thank you very much guys hype train is completed let's just see what the total numbers were at the very end you guys are awesome uh i super appreciate you guys and all this stuff and calling you guys out uh codeman thank you very much for the tiered the sub as well where do we get let's see it's waiting for it to end 33 subs 2 987 bits that's amazing okay let's do this giveaway and then uh we're gonna we're gonna pick two winners out of this so everybody say thank you twitch and thank you youtube because you guys are the ones who unlock this we're gonna give away two 250 gig nvme drives so thank you twitch thank you youtube uh and we'll get that giveaway set up right now okay so giveaway settings for this you can see twitch and youtube at the same time yeah i can see everybody when everybody starts talking at once it gets real fast okay guys so uh entry for this is gonna be exclamation point community because you guys are awesome so that's the entry for this i'm gonna turn this over quickly cable manage it and then uh exclamation point community two minutes uh blondie will draw two winners and then let me know when the winners show up on that screen so i can see it you'll you'll know because they'll pop up in the middle okay i'll let you know because this is yeah yeah that's going to crash yeah here we go we're going to be now or just because of time we're not going to be crazy about what we're going to do from cable management we're just going to get this to the point where it's nice and clean-ish because remember this build is going to get kind of torn apart at the end but you want to still look pretty now that everything's hooked up it becomes easy a lot of this stuff will be hidden underneath the shroud of darkness that's what i call it do we have any uh cool cases coming up well yeah we have the 0-1 mini dynamic i think this one i mean this is still a pretty cool case i think um we have the 0-1-1 coming up the o-1 mini um which that'll be on that'll be on the 14th that'll be that's that's their airflow for me we already did that one i know 5 000. i don't think anything will beat that oh yeah that was a good build though i agree beautiful that case yeah before that we did the 5000 d um we've got this really crazy case that monday case that you saw the one that opens weird we got that case coming up that's the blackout build so that should be cool i mean i don't i don't think anybody's seen something like that so that'll be i'm excited about that build i think it's going to come out clean wait was that can you take did we take a picture of that yesterday yeah we took pictures of you oh that's right you weren't here yeah so you haven't seen it yet no that'd be a surprise that'll be a surprise yeah that that building pretty i'm looking forward to hey again we're just we're it's just the point where it's kind of together because we get we're gonna all this stuff is gonna be sitting underneath a xpg yeah we're doing it next we have an xpg case i forgot what it's called um but yeah we have an xpg case build that's coming up as well the one that we're doing are they a newer ish company i don't think so i have a new contact there though i guess i just i've never heard of them until i started working here okay longer cable here for this one what i'm working on right now is just enough to kind of get it under control here oh winner okay first winner congratulations to mujo 19 199 mujo 199 you are the winner of the first the first 250 gig nvme she's going to draw a second winner here in just a minute and again guys what i'm just doing here is just enough to get it pretty ish not my this is not going to be a typical ruby tech um cable management job which is usually very anal and i want to get it enough to look it's controlled okay there you go all right there's some really long excess cables here and what i'm looking for what i when i have a tendency to do this what i'm looking for here is just to create tracks and by like uh like tracks of cables and these tracks are like really where kind of cables get stuck together so they're all in like paths okay second winner is oh we haven't drawn the second winner yet let me uh i'm gonna close this and she's gonna draw the second winner in just a second okay gonna go ahead mujo 9199 second winner oh second winner was dave torrescano dave torrescano on youtube mojo199 from youtube and dave torrescano from youtube you guys were the winners youtube yeah youtube with the sweep on that one and we still have the big giveaway that's happening at the very end of the show so don't don't leave up here i know i'm getting there we only have a couple more little things to throw in here real quick and then yeah i'm i'm like i'm rushing on the on the cable management for this one i wish i should because like i said this build's just gonna get it's just like there's only so much i'm willing to let go i don't care if it's getting torn apart it's still pulling up you guys killed my chromebook did if we did we okay community not the prettiest but it'll it'll work for it'll work for what i need it to for this build we still got to be we're going to be able to close the the trap on it and that's that's all we really need because remember we're going to have these little traps on it and this little covers and those little covers are going to cover most of this doing because this is not a commission or a giveaway this is just yeah this is just to show the case yep just showing off the case so these parts will get recycled for another build at a later time actually a lot of the parts that you're seeing here came from the deep cool macabre the mac cube 110 build that we built so okay next up guys is gpu time everything is here is just kind of at a state where i'm okay with it got room for our our psu and all that stuff so we're just gonna next step is we're gonna do our because remember we're just gonna pop that cover on it and it's all going to be all going to be done it's good enough i drive is it driving me nuts yes i wish i could do a nicer job but it looks fine it's better than what i have okay cool let's turn this over get our gpu installed everybody say gpu time gpu time everybody loves gpu time that goes in the aio okay this away real quick and then move on to our gpu you have to make sure all the pieces stay together so we can okay here's our gpu the asrock tai chi he's a beefy boy gotta pick up some ice cream tomorrow sad about that ice cream's good buy one get one free until muck nice it never happens okay do this real quick old enough but tillmark i don't know i know i don't really care for their white chocolate raspberry it's just a little too rich for me my wife likes rocky road or anything chocolate there we go i like like a homemade vanilla just because i don't okay next up we're going to grab our cookies and cream oh that is no no we're going to have to use our i fix it the best brand of ice cream oh stomach is pretty good you're a big one i don't know if i have a best friend dairy queen that's the best brand this is something i do not appreciate about this is when cases do this stuff like you have to like like the world's smallest not going to luckily get it somewhat from an angle there we go that's annoying you have these like screw holes that block you from being able to get to the like screw it in correctly so you have to like come from the side which is like what is that okay no it is almost the same case as the leon it is a lienly lanco it is like basically it's the land cool to non-mesh like it even has like the same components it is the land cool ii mesh i mean land cool two case everything about it is almost exactly is exactly the same the only thing that's different is the front okay here we go getting our gpu in luckily all the cable comes already installed i've heard about turkey hill but i haven't tried it okay here we go side camera let's get our take a look at this bad boy you want to try that cole martin 6800 xt call call sir one more time you're gonna lose your life here it comes guys asrock and there it is oh man wow this thing is really in there oh a sick boy now you can do some curls with that thing yeah you can do you definitely do some curls with this thing amd or nvidia this is uh whatever you can whatever you can get your hands on oh gosh i think the right answer is whatever you can get your hands on at this point in time wait why am i going to get hit with the with the cane okay i didn't say that okay there it is look at that bad boy look at that that is a beefy card okay there we go i don't know what i said to get hit with a cane you sorry is is cole trying to hit you with a cane hey thank you wow you really made you did something you made her mad dude she doesn't just hit anybody with a cane only people she really dislikes our bringer said that i was gonna get hit with the cane from eternal and i don't know why okay i don't know what i said here we go here we go peeling time let's get this peeled here there's a lot of peel on this it's very appealing i know i said call her sir one more time and she's gonna eat you up wow this got a lot of look at that this thing is metal like a boss oh wow this is like not too cold look this took some of the this the peel took some of the paint off what that is not good peel literally took some of the paint off of the card that is legit not good they uh put the peel on too soon yeah i was like i don't know what happened but yeah some of the peel like some of the peel came off of the literally the paint came off of the peel okay um this whole top part comes off oh yeah okay and then i think i'm mistaken this also has a peel there we go oh pretty peel three great this is actually trash it's garbage just throw it away in my mailbox that's very good um i need crud this actually has oh good this is a three awesome no it's not oh this only has one power keyboard okay i need more power cables you need another box i need a black yeah okay we got the thing out this has got two this does not this is shy black shout out to the dungeon of parts yeah see what you can find there okay so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna get our power in and then we're gonna put in our gpu our gpu in real quick dungeon of parts this is a big card by the way stick card we may have to worry about i might have to use that fancy um msi supreme sag bracelet sag bracket where is my at the end here keep this from sagging too much there we go get that clean i think we'll definitely have to use a sag bracket for this card i don't think this is going to fold all the way whoa i don't know where that went red i lost i need a i'll be right back guys i need to get a thinner screwdriver one second i don't know who case is making me mad a little bit actually if you don't have a special screwdriver basically going to be stuck with is this one going to be too thick this will probably be fine okay okay what if i told you you don't have any more black what do i have what do i have white white and black white and black purple purple black they're actually maybe in one of the other case in the other the blackout build there might be a different black one i'm gonna grab that one okay yeah see like you have to have a the standard screwdriver here you use this the right way if you don't have a standard screwdriver you're kind of sol it's like what is that i'm thinking this is this is double black stuff yeah this is like an actual real black one okay now i gotta find the screw i dropped let's see yeah exactly where did it go i dropped a screw where did the screw go i heard it gotta find the screw now there it is okay luckily i'm strong okay got the screw in the msi supreme gpu is a sag bracket it is it is a eel it's it is unique but we do need it yeah it's like this it's like things like this like i if this this is not a magnetic screwdriver so because it's not magnetic getting this placed is a pain in the butt and because they have these screw hole guards it's like the worst these case case case companies please don't do this please don't make it impossible to get here like this isn't even important okay got it in just annoying that was annoying okay here we go okay let's get our okay pull that through there you go nice okay so we've got that now last thing we got to do is literally just run the cables the power cable for this which luckily you order more cable extensions here you just have msi trails it's it's not a trio it's a supreme msi 3070 supreme it's a 30-70 trio no we took it apart okay it's in a white box okay oh oh there that's why because i was looking for the logo okay we're gonna get this guys okay okay there's our cables oh this okay yeah i want that you got all of it yeah perfect thank you the four ninja that says to prim on it but it will make a big difference in terms of it not looking wacky okay we got one more cable to put in there and it and then we'll make it look um there we go so uh so far based on what i've done and i mean this is kind of like a this i have a similar complaint with the landcool 2. it's like um i mean the case is fine to work with i mean the ribbon cable we'll have to see what it looks like all lit up then which we're getting very close to at this point in time okay and so it's funny because uh i was watching another youtuber um who has a similar um has a similar uh sag bracelet um for but it's like it doesn't go all the way the length that it's not it's not as high as this one um which i mean this one i guess it gives you a little bit more variation if you wanted it but um i'm not i don't know if i'm like the biggest fan of these he doesn't like the ones that like take um pcie slots but those i have a tendency i think look a little bit better this card is definitely i can already tell right now this card is definitely going to need a a sag bracket like pretty obvious okay let's get this last these last cable combs on it yeah it's sagging like a bit second bad not that the case isn't level no it's just the cables that's why i had him grab that because as soon as i saw this k this this this um this gpu is definitely uh gpu is definitely hefty there we go okay we're closed need one more he will come there we go okay cool okay here we go run these down here for now fine and we'll just run this do i have a fourth one i do one more cable comb i'm gonna make all the difference in this looking good we've started 3d printing these we're going to 3d print these 24-pin ones oh nice because we just we end up needing them a lot and they don't it's just cheaper than basically than buying them yeah because you got you can't buy them in like like just the big ones either there we go okay there we go that looks a lot better okay now okay there's our there's our everything there now we're just gonna pop it over and put in our psu and then we'll put in our sag bracket and basically be good to go okay grab one more of these really long i want these really long ones table manage this down i wish there was no i don't want to do it that side no i don't believe this bracket came with it no it did not no we grabbed one there you go okay get our psu in and we will be cooking with gas okay [Music] psu time which is pretty straightforward here gonna go down here there we go here's the yeah okay 215 subs today that's awesome not know if i have or they did not give me any need for psu or psu screws there's a lot of like discoveries i've been doing this build okay there we go for this build what we need is we need no actually i don't think we need a single sata it's only power there's not a single sata power at all how is this getting oh it's getting power via usb yeah there's all that needs is a single sata i mean no single sata it's basically we need our psu power we need a cpu pci power there we go that's two there's another one right there there's three two [Music] and then we need a cpu there we go that's all we need for power everything else we don't actually need which is pretty cool okay okay there's our motherboard power done next is cpu okay cpu goes right here there's our one cpu cable and we need our pci we have two of them there's one and one more after this there we go okay we have 781 hanging out on twitch 632 on youtube and then 103 still hanging out on on uh over on newegg okay there we go this good just very simply this has got a lot of room the one thing i do like about this case is just the amount of room to drop the psu in okay nah this thing will play runescape so well okay cool now we're just gonna quickly get our yes you screwed in three cables to plug in last screws of the build no sniff or stream ever well this one isn't a new one though not in psu okay there we go okay that is done you got three minutes yeah i know well okay cool that's that here we go now i'm gonna hook up our cpu first this one's easy because it goes right in the corner here here we go he used the sc that's got to smell worse you think so i don't know i don't think so i think they smell better used ones yeah doesn't have that locked in probably doesn't smell like anything at this point i'm sure you can get as well if you sniff hard enough okay there we go that's done last part is just grabbing these and hooking these up hello there's that one next one is gonna be one more after this there we go two one more one more cable because it's not for anything other than showing off the case was it what would they ask why please remind us why he's disney yeah it's just for showing off the case so you can use the parts for other builds at some point time we are supposed to do one of these razor ones that we're gonna give away just not this one okay there we go build is done oh let us then watch this it's like it's all going to get managed in just a second maybe not oh this is like the deep core is down actually where there we go now that first okay there we go that is this is how you all of a sudden it looks like the build is like ultra cable managed okay there we go now put the build back together oh this goes as we'll get all the screws back in don't lose screws okay good yeah now it probably is built okay and this goes on done and this goes on and the build is back together you are not going to be able to see one thing you are not going to be able to see is obviously is the um is with if you have the glass on you can't be able to see a whole lot of this build so obviously we're not gonna be putting that on but you're gonna put our sag bracket in real quick it goes right there and hey sag bracket [Music] even though it says msi supreme on it wait i guess i could put it backwards like this put it backwards okay i don't do you do this like that and then yeah there's no way to do it yeah there's only the only way it's no matter what it's going to be the right way it's fine this says msi well this is msi you want to go to side view oh well i will trying to get that that seems easier to see this way okay there you go okay and the build is now done okay here we go pull these down top there we go let's go to damn link yeah ruby has all control of that so that does that again okay which cable is there we go okay here we go guys the end of the build right here okay stay up oh man there we go there we go done okay so now we turn it on getting her that goes along here okay wow stick okay pulling this out and this and there we go there we go turning on and turning on boom wow there it is and it does have underglow you can actually see the underglow from the razor thing but there it is boom we'll get a side camera view here in just a second and see it a little bit closer but it is lit it's light it's lit up at the bottom as well which is cool there's light at the bottom i can turn on the lights a little bit so you guys can see it a little bit better okay let's see here get it over and see a little bit better then you guys can also see that there you go and then you can also see the oh yeah there is nothing in the front you can't really see anything in the front but yeah there's the whole thing it does have let me turn down the lights a little bit with what i can so here is the lights down so you guys can see a little bit in terms of the lighting the block supposed to light up what block it is it was oh yeah it's oh is it not it was on the fans are yeah it's it's controlled via the rgb but to see you might that might have just gotten loose up here but yeah no the block should light up this blocks just run by a pump yeah i think the only thing that's not lit up right now is oh and you can see a little bit from the front it looks like the block isn't lit up we'll have to look investigate that and get that working might just be a little bit loose from the thing but overall i love the way the build looks with the and then like i said you can there is like a little bit of under glow down here you can see it a little bit on the thing oh let me do the side view so you guys can see it a little bit better hold on there you go there you go and like i said the only thing that's not lit up right now is the block for some reason i'm gonna figure out what's going on there with the block um it could just be a loose rgb cable but yeah just shut off yeah oh the pump may not no maybe the pump's not working that would be awesome because that would now be the second time i've had one of these pumps fail third time yeah it's overheating yeah so something is uh so again the aio isn't lit it's run via the io is only run let me just check the i o is only run i'm just making sure this i didn't miss a cable pretty sure i didn't yep and this would now be the third time i have used one of these and it has failed i'm just making sure there's not something i missed in terms of there's rgb power yeah the pump's not working yeah the pump's not working so again guys we have this is the third time i have done an aio i the third time i have now used this aio and now the third time that this is the third time that it's failed on me so yeah i like and it's funny because so many people have told me so many people have told me pump cables yeah they are i know pump cables and rgb are separate check the connections the rgb is but the pump cable plugs into the fan header the fan oh let me just make sure the fan header is plugged in it maybe it got unplugged hold on no it's not unplugged the rgb the fan head of the fan cable is plugged in i'm gonna check my cables real quick yeah there's two cables that come off of the pump one goes to the fan which is plugged in and working and the second goes the rgb which is also plugged in and it is not working and the pump runs off of only fan and rgb it doesn't have to go into the pump slot it can be it's fine going into the cpu slot so that that it should it's it's actually it's hooked up and we'll verify it later but like again this is the third time all right the third time i've now used this so yeah so this is now the third time i've used this aio third time that has failed on me i've used three different ones as here when you use the second one it started leaking yeah so i'll try it on another pen guys but i'm telling you it is not it's not the pin but okay i'll try it anyway my my freaking table like this table is not dealing with i think it's like especially cables do not do well with our independent power home yeah let's see cable's not working oh jeez resetting the tables yep but you unplugged the wrong one i unplugged them both yeah i plugged them both they both don't work waiting for the table to see if we can get it to work yeah i'm sorry guys i don't have time to fix the thing i will try it on a different pump and we will get back to you on that i can't get to it because i have to remove the io and unscrew it and then i can basically get to it and switch the pump but because my table's not working right now i can't get it to work um yeah the aio broke my studio it's like i send again i'm 99 app i have built 290 something systems and uh i built 290 something systems and i'm just telling you that uh this is now the second time that i like i know how to do this the third time sorry third time that we've had this problem with these particular aios um so we will uh we will uh give it a test we'll switch we'll switch to a different a different header not that that would matter but because again they all work um and then uh we'll give it a go if not if that doesn't work we'll replace the i o and then you guys will see we'll talk about that we do the wrap up video for this we'll definitely be showing this next week so don't worry uh we'll show it off on friday so that way you guys can see that it works let's do the last giveaway because i need to go get my daughter uh let's do the last giveaway um which is for 150 new a gift card and uh go from there okay so let's start that everybody say thank you nua because newegg is obviously the primary sponsor for this so everybody say thank you newegg and uh we'll go from uh we'll uh do that giveaway so while we're doing that okay so this is for a hundred dollar nif new egg gift card the entry for this is gonna be egg now we're going to start that giveaway right now try that giveaway right now guys new egg now at least it's not leaking it just doesn't work um i thought i saw like the move when like it just died what did it started no it's like literally the the whole thing is like i need to i mean wouldn't it like shut off like like i lost the circulation yeah this is like it it's just like the the pump is i mean it's the pump has power it just it's not yeah and i can't it's just at a height that i like i can't my hands are not it's like you need like carny hands to get to it i'll have carny hands it's just because even though i can move it up one but it won't it's just like but the thing is is like why it should work that's the part that bothers me like this is the second time i just i don't everybody's like ek ek ios are underrated and i can't get them to work and it's like what it's annoying yeah that's the other thing too is you might be right srt it could be a banned fent a bad fan header but let me tell you that would be annoying if the cpu fan header is bad but it could be a band a bad fan header as well and so that's that's definitely worth checking but i can't it's annoying because i want to check it but i can't get to it it's just like in an awkward spot my hands aren't big enough aren't big enough or are too big they're too big i wonder if i'm gonna try this while this giveaway is running if i did this maybe i'll do it if i'll pick the ram out i can get to it basically i want to quit that that was great come on let go of the dang ding okay 30 seconds left guys and moving this header up one see if it works can you give me light sorry yep you want like this i need to you want from the from the bottom and actually let me see the light real quick okay it's plugged into a new header we'll try this again real quick fast change winner is being drawn congratulations to ashrae tank it looks like can you read that ashra mark the t-a-r-i-k q p-i-r-i-q congratulations asher tarek hey guys we're we are going to do that it's switched i switched it to a different fan header i'm gonna put one more ram kit in and then we'll end on that come on there it is okay ram is in and reseeded here we go different fan header this works great was a bad fan header oh okay here's the chest yep hey it worked it was a bad fan hitter there we go and now it works it was a bad fan header it was actually a mobo problem and it posts by the way there you go guys we actually got it fixed got it working and there you go i still wouldn't take back anything i said yeah i still like it could be like i'm just surprised like it could be like i would like i literally i wanted to i wanted to switch it right because i wanted to test at least that but there you go it does work so there and it looks great like yeah i don't know if i want i will ever buy i still don't know if i buy an ek away i go but there you go not unless like the performance is really there okay guys well i'm gonna end it i gotta go get my daughter i appreciate you guys i'm gonna start heating up my tesla um we are back on friday uh for another build uh this one is a commission build hopefully it goes well i mean this one went fine because we actually got it we actually got it up and running um i super appreciate i super appreciate you guys hanging out all the support all of the uh all of the um uh subs and everything guys you guys have been so incredible uh supporting me here on the channel and uh yeah ek is on probation but this is makes me feel better yeah ek's on probation but it does make me feel better i wanted this i what i like the way this aio looks um and like i said it becomes it's very highly recommended but i've just had such bad luck with these aios like everything has a like ish yeah yeah so i like the the good thing yeah it all goes really well this is not quite there you go there you go why is that not i'll fix this okay these are like the most awkward there we go so there you go build done it does post we're good to go i want to say thank you so much guys we will be back on friday have a great night you guys were all uh you guys were all super awesome and uh oh did we pick yes we did pick a winner the winner we did announce it was asha tarik uh asha tarek uh tarik from uh was the winner of the 150 new a gift card so yeah that is it guys have a great day and we will see you guys tomorrow bye guys i mean on friday bye you
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 32,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5950x, 5950x build, 6800 xt build, 6800 xt taichi, bios flashback, custom PC, gaming pc, gaming pc build 2021, how to build a computer for beginners, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a high end gaming pc 2021, how to build a pc, how to build a pc step by step, how to build a pc step by step 2021, how to build a pc step by step amd, how to build a pc step by step for beginners, pc build, pc building, razer tomahawk atx, razer tomahawk atx build, robeytech, technology
Id: NH0A3GfcfyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 44sec (11924 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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