How to Build a PC - Giveaways + $2200 Lian Li LANCOOL II MESH Review - Ryzen 7 3800XT /2080 Super

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[Music] oh foreign do so 30 second hype 15 second height all second hype you know what honestly at this point time everybody it's like we might as well just go live because you know what it's like there's no point in pretending like there's hype when you know i've already started chatting guys quit teasing us oh i'm sorry that's right trey's here trey's here everybody's saying yeah what's up guys welcome to roby tech it's like we're getting back to normal trade like we took we had that like break i was so sad during that week i'm sorry we had to get stuff done but i was like it wasn't it wasn't just about getting stuff done it's like all of those commissions were like yeah so that whole 2000 series thing maybe we should upgrade you know i thought you know i didn't think it was going to be that big of a big of a jump and so i was like oh never mind it was so yeah i got my ice it's a it's a good friday it's a good friday a little smoky but you know yeah it's a little smoky like i was just like it was really funny because like my wife when i was chatting with my wife she was like i don't know man you want to walk over to the studio and i was like i was like man i've cancelled so many streams like there's no way i'm going to do this so walk a few houses yeah and then i die on the way you just find my dead we don't want to do that we don't want to do that um hey what's up guys welcome my name is justin ruby welcome to roby tech ruby tech is a show dedicated to pc building pc tech tech deals dad jokes hashtag tech dad like all of the things that you love and it's also dedicated to kicking your week on your weekend dedicated to kicking your weekend off right that's right guys welcome to the show we are live every wednesday thursday friday starting at six o'clock unless it's smoky or unless justin's gotta you know unless all the people decide to not build the pcs that week but outside of that a it's it's all fine but you know who can blame them though yeah yeah who can blame them yeah um so uh people are asking like let's people want to know and let me just tell you this um this dad joke channel in in the uh in the discord is like now my favorite channel uh in the discord um dad can you tell me what a solar eclipse is no sun it took me half a second you have a second there you go starting out with no sun yeah we're starting off starting off with a dad joke anyway guys going in there and starting it off right i really appreciate the i really appreciate all of you folks who are going in there um for those of you who don't know uh and you're watching this for the first time this is a live show we live build pcs we live talk to you the entire time and that means you know we make mistakes that means we play jokes on you and sometimes good jokes you missed did you watch it yesterday i i was driving when the when the stream started oh man yesterday i had them so angry they were so angry so i have a prop cpu and so i pretended to put it in and i started licking it and banging it and saying like don't and like all this stuff and people were like like genuinely angry at like what was happening in the channel and uh and so uh they were they got so mad so we do play jokes that's the kind of stuff that we do we have a really great time on the show i'm really glad that all of you guys join me every week we have a lot of fun and at the same time we like to show you um we like to show you some some good times and while you learn in pc build eric once a week trey comes and joins us so joyce he's here to bring a little pizzazz except for when he falls asleep during the stream sometimes when he's too tired it's one yeah but i mean like we're we're still counting so uh the team is the team is keeping track um so anyway because this is a live show by the way i stream not only to youtube but i also stream to twitch and people jump between the two audiences all the time so uh because of that there's only certain ways i can get information for youtube if you're here watching it all the parts lists all of the tech deals all of the things i talk about are down in the description below so if you're looking for any of that information just look at that description for twitch we have a bot the bot sometimes works it was the bots down again oh my gosh anyway the bot will come back hopefully we've seen it like it seems to recover apparently like just now the skate this the scope and scale of this stream is just too much for cloudbot but um anyway the bot we have the bot and we also have the mods we'll drop links for you guys and all that sort of stuff i have updated all of the links i went through i double checked i spent over an hour and a half just making sure everything was good for today's stream i wanted it to go great for you to kick off the weekend and just have a really great time so because of that if you're watching this on a vod then you're like what the heck is going on that is why you know when people like linus or people like uh people like i don't know so many other people often with tech it's like i watched their video and it took them 20 minutes to build a full pc bullcrap i call you it does not it's not that short for us to do the quality work you're looking at it live baby this is what it really takes uncut unedited unfiltered this is what's happening and we got hyped just for that like i got so jazzed up like people got the hype going speaking of hype because this is going in there this is september and because of september we have an awesome giveaway for the month of september for september wow i'm so used to seeing something a month of september for subs subs on twitch only because of them thank you to capital one for this but basically uh we are giving away an rtx 3080 to one lucky sub here on the channel and the way that that works is if you basically sub you can get a free amazon sub is all you got to do is sub to the channel to get your entry in if you gift subs that gives you extra interest if you're tier two or tier three sub you get extra entries so as long as you are subbed during the month of september on twitch at slash robby tech you are entered to win so if you want to get more entries all it is about supporting it capital one has made all of these cheaper for you so if you go and use them um and oh and the other one is multi-month sub so all of those things will help you get additional entries now if we just blow it off like go crazy i will actually give away two rtx 20 30 80s so we may give away two but it just depends on how high we get in subs um so in other words it's right yesterday was 177 it was crazy wow it continues to go nuts so it's up to you guys now also with the hype train if we get two of those if we fill both of these and this is up to twitch because we're talking about giveaways now if we get both hype trains we get them both the level five we're gonna give away on the show a seagate four terabyte expansion drive this is the last one then we'll go back to the m.2 drives but we're giving away a seagate four terabyte big shout out to seagate for hooking us up with this so we're giving that away for this time if we get two hype trains at level five then we'll give this away if you're over on youtube if we get to 500 likes on youtube we're actually gonna give away one year of xbox game pass ultimate that gives you access to 100 games on pc as well as 100 games on xbox i mean we'll be giving one of those away not only that what not only that you get and there's more plus huh ea plus oh yeah and you get ea plus that's right yeah you get ea yeah ea play or whatever it was so yeah you also get a bunch of yeah so that's that's something else we just got added to game pass on not only that but also when we get halfway through the build which is round the time we put the cooler we give away three months of xbox game pass ultimate for that and we give away three months of xbox game pass ultimate um when we finish the build now lastly down at the bottom you see this fifty dollar new gift card if we fill that up we give away a fifty dollar new gift card if we get to sixty subs we give away a hundred dollar new a gift card if we get to a hundred subs we give away thirty two gigs of ram your choice up to 150 value so those are all the giveaways of which there's many it's bonkers it's so crazy all the things that happens though let's give away a giveapalooza along with september so we have a lot of stuff that's going on there um and uh so it's it's pretty bonkers we have a good time and uh it's it's a lot of fun um what is happening on the show today because that's the question so we're gonna start off i'm actually gonna save all the questions for the beginning we're going to start the build because this is kind of a bigger build um but we're going to be looking a look taking a look at the lean lead lancool 2 mesh so the series that we're doing right now and for first time we're doing a series on the show i feel so official trey like we're so official now uh we're doing a series on the show okay fine so i'm official but i'm i'm more official because we have a series now it's like it's cool when you start to see when you start a series give it oh i like that give a geddon give a geddon um we're on a series now and during this series what we're doing is we're reviewing a bunch of new cases because i know a lot of people preparing for 4 000 series amd builds which we get the announcement on october 2nd and also new 3000 series nvidia build anticipations yeah a lot of people are pretty excited like i wet my pants earlier this is my third pair of shorts just today it's crazy um but yeah we got a lot going on so uh we're gonna be uh we're gonna be uh showing off that case doing a build in there pretty cool build about 2 200 bucks using all the cool stuff making it nice and arctic should look pretty sweet by the end by the way i'm gonna take a moment we are three minutes left we're still at level three it's september guys like yesterday you killed it we were like 35 subs in like no second and then like here we are what is going on because everybody subbed yesterday yeah somebody no we we need to like i want to see this like this is not a thing we're not just gonna we're not just gonna go crazy at the uh at the beginning and stop like we need to see september go crazy so if you're over on twit if you're on youtube you got an amazon prime just go over use your free amazon prime like it's a free sub like you can come over it's pretty much and you might win a 30 80. like maybe that seems like that seems like you could when you think about nvidia so nvidia is giving away like they're giving away a series of 30 80s and there's like 10 bajillion people literally every person on the planet has entered five times like that's how many entries there are or you know on our little channel little-ish our little channel though yeah you have a like it's you have like a one in probably a thousand maybe one in two thousand chance that's a pretty good chance for you actually to walk away when you think about what we're getting and maybe probably double that smaller yeah yeah actually you're right yeah it's even smaller than that or the more more subs yeah the more yeah so they get bonus and all that sort of stuff so there's woody's there you go woody darts woody darts yeah woody darts just went crazy dropping some subs they're a sick sick striker dropping some dropping it like it's hot so there we go we got it we got a couple people like hey let's go back in there and go there please come back i promise to play nice from now on yeah you guys are making fun of the bot now the bot's angry so thank you very much for all the subs that's what that's what i'm talking about right there ai's it's taking over man it just it just sits there and does its thing and goes five come play pre-orders are not available oh there we go another one right there we'll we'll change the we'll change the when's the pre-order for the there are no pre-artists so i will let you guys know right now it is you if so let's start there let's start at the start right there hold on everybody take a moment right now let's talk about pre-orders on rtx 3000. here's the deal you can't pre-order it's that simple it's just if you want one i'm not so i have a video going live on monday monday morning which will give you all the hints and tips on what you need to do to try and get a 3000 series card for work yeah call in sick you just need to be real like i'm trying to get the details so i'm talking to manufacturer i'm talking to retailers right now about what the deal is and where you need to do to be so basically i just here's my thing plan on not going to bed that night or plan on getting up at like 11 and being awake because as soon as those pre-orders hit because the question that we don't know is if it's 9 p.m if it's 9 p.m est or it's midnight pst so there's a lot of stuff so we're just basically telling people at this point in time depending on what we can find out whether they need to be ready at nine o'clock that night so it's basically eight o'clock and the moment it goes on because i'm gonna tell you these cards are gonna sell out quick right yeah and nvidia is not letting people pre-order in fact i know some people like wrote me and said oh b h actually had two asus it was complete accident it did not mean for that to do that they could have gotten in a lot of trouble nvidia is very clear that they are not allowing pre-orders so if you want to know um who if you want to know and you want to get one of those cards you need to be ready on 9 16 and then again on 9 22 when the xbox one x because the xbox series x because that's another one that's just going to it's just going to go 17th is the 30-80 the 22nd is what i think the 17th was the premiere for xbox one because that's when the series no series x is the 22nd so we have a lot it's going to be an expensive week next week very expensive for a lot of people uh so just be ready i just want to make sure that you guys are good i'm trying to give you guys the update now we've done all that i'm trying to make sure i've gone through everything else i talked about the giveaways i've talked about what's happening on the show i introduced trey because he's he hasn't been here for a little while that's mostly my fault but yeah wow 492 we're 8 away from the highest we've ever gotten 8 guys 8 percent can we get the last 8 percent can can we can we get another 640 subs just right now to get that 940 go in there there we go there's another there we're 500 and say 8 that's the highest we've ever gotten at a hype dream you guys are amazing incredible and going from there okay so let's get this built let's get this build started let's talk about the parts who's ready who's ready you know for that guys we're just going to take out our let's just let's let's start the gavel we're going to get the gavel the ryzen 7 30 700 x gavel come on the session is in order the session's in order guys time to get started here we go we're getting this we're getting that going yeah there we go sessions in order getting for uh getting started here so let's talk about what's in the build let's get let's talk about what's going in the build today i don't know why i keep uh getting the page okay so i'm pretty excited about today's build because this is an arctic building you know what i'll tell you man arctic builds always make people happy our last so our last our last arctic build was a lean lean it was in the um dynamic zero one one xl the rog edition the white one that's i think that just crested 160 000 views and it's it's growing like wildfire it's like it's like not gonna do any fire jokes because those are bad right now so it's just like it's doing very especially around us yeah especially around us let's not let's not tempt things and going from there so like we'll keep it oh six hundred percent uh somebody's asking what state i live in um the state is uh i live in washington state the other state that's on fire that's not california yeah yeah oregon yeah oregon's on fire too yeah are you kidding me my my brother literally drove up from portland because he like that's so bad so he's here now because it's better here so it's pretty crazy thank you very much for all those subs guys what are we are we really at like 48 let me uh let me set the next goal dang dang dude you guys are just crazy like i throw one challenge i just call you weak one time and all of a sudden yeah they're out in spades i'll show you who's i'll show you who's weak roby oh so you're back to wearing game jerseys again huh just one come on oh my gosh you guys are so mean i do i like come on like i i will get more shirts i got you chat i got you oh so brutal so brutal i think you need to go home i liked it better when i liked it better when i would have fun talking to yourself i liked it better when i had no idea what they were saying because there's so many of them no i love you guys i'm just kidding uh where the heck is the sub goal which where is it all widgets okay i'm trying to get this thing going let me first off how many how many subs do we have cause we verify 50. okay well we're 10 away already um you guys are just killing it uh sub goal okay so we're changing the next one we're going towards that hundred dollar new gift card how fast can we just hit all the goals before i even get like the build that'd be terrible um because we gift card we're at 50 so oh we need to get to 60 subs we're at 50 subs and this is going 0 9 20 20 20. there we go okay so hopefully this works i don't know what's up with the freaking cloud bot but um we're gonna turn it off and turn it back on again and see if that helps uh we might never ever get to the build at this rate we're gonna get to the build right now okay shush your mouth okay so let's talk about what's going in the build are you paying attention are you paying attention we're gonna talk about what's going on so what we're going to do is i'm pretty excited about this we're going to use the ryzen 7 3 800 xt this is the eight core i'm not hitting this one on the table this is an eight core 16 thread um this of like the thing that's super impressive about this particular cpu which honestly ryzen 8 the 3700x sorry the 3800xt has kind of been like the red-headed stepchild of like people like why does the cpu exist but this particular one um boost clocks and overclocking has been the best like in terms of it keeping its boost clock and keeping it for the longest and stable is the 3800 xt so silicon on this bad boy is actually pretty impressive so i'm excited to get to use this this is new um this is new and uh we haven't got to use this so this is the cpu we're going to use today in this amazing build to go with it we're using the uh always popular very favorite when it for our arctic builds the x570 pro um the x570 pro is uh the asus it's part of their prime series this is the top end of their prime we've used the z490 version of this and uh they don't have a b550 but um probably the most the most used white arctic looking um motherboard in arctic builds the other choice is usually from asrock they've got some silver looking ones but all in all very good looking build um i think uh you know in the other it's pretty stacked what's the difference between the prime and strings so uh the strict stuff is it has more gaming centric it's it's a higher end more rgb um a lot of stuff like that so it's really basically it's more gamer-esque it's also got like built-in wi-fi this does not unless you're getting like the gaming app um and then it's just it's aesthetics mostly and what about that versus tough uh tough is like tough is like tough was actually built around military so it was like an ode to the military so i think i don't believe this used to be true but every time you bought a tough build money that some of that money was donated to uh veterans and that was pretty cool um the only two is tough is still an entry level in terms of when you talk about it's like that's why i was wondering yeah is it like their entry level yeah they're top tiers like yeah entry for their like top budget levels yeah it's like and it's not entirely like they're not bad like the other two is they also have a tendency to they have they have a black and yellow scheme they also have a look um in terms of that stuff so it's been pretty cool i don't know if they still do that but that was one of the things again should i use thermal pads or k5 pro on my laptop um you should use water no don't do that uh i don't know yeah the vision boards are stuff like that yeah that's another one the gigabyte but that i don't vision does do they have an x570 vision i think they just announced that right so yeah um yeah you you people okay i'm sorry i started that joke i apologize hey what's up everybody what's up razer yes this is a nice motherboard we're gonna be using this nice arctic look it should look good inside of it i have a treat for you guys today i have a tree a little treat everybody loves this tree everybody loves this street we're gonna use we're gonna use some special rams special ram that's right guys we're using the g skill trident royal z the royal z for the king i don't know we have no king but you know it's like there it is right there shiny it needs some cleaning because some of them have been oh it's some of it's been used but um i love this ram a lot of fun um looks really good it's all nice and shiny um and we always like we always have fun when we use this one but this is 32 gigs of 3200 megahertz trident royal z uh from g skill uh just a fun little over-the-top aesthetically looking um aesthetically looking um kit um and the only two is super sharp so you can cut your hands on it and then it's silver and silver and red which is always nice so you can you can always bleed oh the bait yeah don't worry guys that will be sexy ram for sure we're going to try and make baby ram with this one this thing it's hard to keep this ram speaking of another dad joke what is the difference between snowmen and snow women snowballs just thought of that because of the sexier i thought that snowballs there we go a couple people go in there oh man another another good dad joke going from there oh my god so is there anything special about fe cards uh founders edition so the founders so actually jay's jay did a really good video on this i pretend like i know like jay you know jay he's we're super chummy more he's coming over he's coming over next week we're gonna have barbecue we eat brisket i'm just kidding i've i've met jay once um anyway jason's actually had a really great video on this um and uh basically uh the founders edition so the way that it used to work and this was pre uh turing which was 20 the 2000 series but um they used to only make like a couple uh founders edition cards and then they never made any now they're a full-on board partner so the difference is that usually the rumor like the thing is is like what'll happen is uh nvidia will release what's called a reference version of their card and those reference versions are what manufacturers can go to use to go make their own uh gpu designs and gpu boards and that's where you always say like hey what's a reference pcb that's a reference printed circuit board and in most cases nvidia has used that reference reference printed circuit board for their their founders edition cards and there's some changes that they'll do like they'll upgrade memory and they use like people think that they save the dies like the best dies were for nvidia but nvidia has said that that's not true that you used to think founders edition cards worked better or performed better than other cards i was under the assumption that they did and that's and so they have they have they have said that they do not do that so like that's a big thing so when you think about a founder's edition card really you're just looking at the manufacturer building what they believe is the best version or best cooling for their particular card that being said if the 2080 like the 2000 series is any indication that isn't true like the asus rog strix the evgas they had a tendency to be better than the founders edition cards and so um in this case like for the 3000s for ampere um the big thing about this is like their pcb the printed circuit board that they're using is like super tiny it looks nothing like the reference version that everybody else is doing in fact i feel super bad for all of the water block manufacturers right now because water block manufacturers are going to be like what the heck right because the nobody actually i guess the reference version of the ampere is so expensive that nobody's actually using the reference one and so like asus and all of these guys are making their own circuit boards which means water cooling them is going to be pretty crazy um and so we don't know that's why a lot of us don't know what the deal is with water blocks so i talked like i had a phone call with optimus water cooling which is the guys who i use all the time and they're trying to figure it out they're trying to like i have a good feeling i have a feeling like optimus is going to be pretty fast just given how their tool chain is so at least i i believe there will be water blocks from optimus pretty quick um so if i missed out on the founders edition i should you you shouldn't feel bad again you can think of when you think about founders edition yeah came out with the founders that has come out yeah so the founders edition but the thing is yeah so the the some partners like ek and those guys but the founders edition again and this is where water block manufacturers are having a tough time again and i had these conversations with a couple water block manufacturers is that you know getting a fountain like founders editions are going to be the hardest ones to get so for what used to be safe is like you they could go make a water block for a 2080 ti founders edition and know that that also works on a strix or an evga or all these other ones so they were only only making two or three different block combinations for ampere they could be playing uh yeah yeah so uh the ampere could be pretty pretty crazy for them because they might be making three four five six different blocks and people now have to go and be like oh i need the evga ftw 3 block because that board is different than the board for the rog strix and different than the board for the uh that thing so it's it's an interesting thing for that stuff and that's the that's the things get crazy uh salazar did a good video on the 39 being relatively pointless in context of mini with lots of gaming lingo i i i am not sure about that so we'll have to see we'll have to see i am i think you guys will be surprised about what's coming out with the 30 90. so that's i'm not i can't say more than that just that's that's what i think um okay so we talked about the ram now we got distracted we got distracted okay sorry i had questions it's okay you can ask questions i think people have questions okay here we go next up for the cooler we're using the deep cool castle 240 240 yeah 240 ex um i like this cooler uh i like the way it looks aesthetically it's very pleasing another really great white cooler there's not a lot of options for white coolers like this or the h100i platinum or i think asus rog actually has one but i don't really much care for the look of it so looks cool like the way it looks you can replace with rgb fans fairly straightforward in terms of hooking it up uh so pretty nice like i like this i like this this particular one uh deepcool sent this as a sample so we'll be using this one from there so that will be uh that will be the uh the cooler we use um we talked about the cpu uh for storage i think i forgot to grab storage i'm gonna grab this one right here actually i'm gonna take the storage out of this right behind me for storage what are we using it's gonna be a surprise we're gonna we're gonna take it out of this right back here i did forget one thing i forgot to take the storage out of this how did i not work out you didn't you didn't ask the stream but this is this is not this is not this is unique i don't do this very often like need uh storage out of a uh out of my this is the reason i'm grabbing this storage is because i know it has an os on it so if we end up getting the point where we're done and we can actually like test this thing then we can it's not coming is it why is this not oh there it goes okay cool we're using a western digital blue lefty lucy ready type yeah i know we're using a western digital blue m.2 because i have it right here because i can see it oop there we go or take this out real quick here it is right here and this one has an os this is a western digital blue one terabyte that's what we're using western digital blue one terabyte there it is there we go so i took it out of the test bench i know this has an os on it so i want it just to be ready to go uh when we're done so should this get done if we if we have time to do thermals that hasn't happened very often because i have a tendency to talk a lot and you know if i don't if it's gonna be at worst today it is it always is and that's okay we'll uh what are you saying by that oh geez okay i'm not i'm gonna get this i'm gonna get this in because i need to not lose this very tiny screw yeah yeah don't don't lose i'm gonna be p guys i'm gonna be i'm gonna let trey entertain you with a song from um his favorite oh gosh i'm gonna really like this is not working well at all this i need you to breathe please oh did i get it i got it did you get it trey i accomplished something today okay by the way you just saw building you i built something started building on the wrong yeah i built i built stuff on where you guys can't see it okay so that's uh open so we're gonna use it right yeah we're done we've built pc's built thank you for hanging out um that was that was fun you guys had a good time so anyway we're gonna use a western digital blue uh the sn 550 um nvme one terabyte drive that's what we're gonna be using for our our uh drive right there i um for our gpu we're using did i not grab the gpu either wow okay let's talk about power supply first for the power supply we're using the sea sonic focus we're using the sea sonic focus px750 this is a platinum uh platinum wah 80 plus platinum uh rated uh power supply nice and small which is nice and compact i know we should be using a white psu um i don't have any available that i don't think that actually i think all the white ones i have are actually belong to commission build so i couldn't take one out i actually have a bunch on back order but they haven't come in yet so i'm still waiting for those so there is our psu and then i'm going to go grab oh and then of course we're using asia horse white cable extensions a big supporter of the show asia horses and i'm going to go grab our gpu which in this case we're gonna use the 2080 super founders edition um which is in the other room guys i told them that do you have everything you said yes i have everything but are you sure you said yes welcome to tray tech by the way i'm just kidding i have all these founders edition cards obviously for testing right because these are all the stuff that we're using for testing for 30 80 and 30 70 and 30 90 so these are all our testing cards so there's our 2080 super right there since our gpu i remember a day when you guys used to get really excited when they're like oh you're using a toy look at the founders edition now people like garbage like throw that stuff away and they're just like you know you're just like used to toss it this is actually full so i wouldn't i should have grabbed an empty box and like smashed it again can't you throw that one behind you oh i could yeah i could have just where is one i don't have one oh yeah let's hey would you guys you want me to just throw the titan that's sitting here i just just toss that bad boy yeah let's let's go from there it's not that's a 2060 no it's a 2060 super crap i grabbed the wrong one i grabbed the wrong one oh man trey what what why do i even have you on the show you're not even helping anymore [Music] okay here we go here's a 2080 super okay welcome to trey tech by the way i have taken over from ruby oh my gosh i thought trey was keeping i thought trey was keeping us that would have been funny because i would open this thing and been like there we go now this is my shoulder welcome welcome to yeah you've been floated off the island there we go there we go there's a 2080 super the 2080 super so this is the actual gpu we're going to put in here that's enough out of you mcmouth anyway there we go that's all of our that's all of our components for today and that is it let us let us get to building who's ready who's ready to do some building now whoa want subs jeez 62 we're on the way the third one terry trey is the brains and roby is the face i don't think wow wow friscomar 88 is is timed out i would never do that i'd be so terrible you banned you said something bad about me you said how dare you talk bad about my me okay sorry okay this one is 32 gigabytes uh ram uh 32 gigabyte ram kit is up next we need uh we have 62 subs we're at uh so we need 100 two zero nine twenty twenty twenty there we go subscriber goal and it's up there we go thirty two gig gram kid is the last one my ninety seven is forty or wild but the gaming around so i'm wondering if i need to do something about it or it's fine 55c seems fine i don't know what's up okay so everybody's like ready to see the case okay we'll see the case here in a minute agent oh you know what honestly this whole case is why did you forget now no i didn't forget anything i should show the case because that's what the whole point of this build is okay so here's the case ladies and gentlemen and a big shout out to liam lee for sending me this they also sent me those awesome fans i showed out yesterday yeah i know it's like i should like start flashing i need to get all this stuff in no no no no no you should be not flashing like that wow you i don't want to get your hopes up trey okay so here we go this is the land cool 2 mesh um one thing i will let you guys know if you um a lot of people are like hey um if you want to get the land cool mesh they actually sell them la the mesh front separately so if you want to get the land cool too and then get the mesh front you can do that the landcool 2 has been in stock while the mesh has not um so there is an option there for you to go buy the lanco tool and buy the mesh separately uh yeah so the mesh kit is uh is available now check this out like this is the thing another kind of tool-less like vulcan vulcan-esque doors here from the sides there and then again you've also got like the almost the kona seg ask um like front like you know what i mean like it's like this is like side doors yeah it's like suicide it's super yeah for cars yeah suicide yeah these are suicide doors yeah you're more right yeah so so you got suicide type doors for the uh for the for the thing and then on top of that the other thing that's really sick about this is like if you suck at cable management so we'll show you the back side here if you suck at cable management check this out so like the whole which is like okay well grabbing this from the side i should have just left it down but i didn't want to move it so you do this and then you go like this check this this out like you you will not have any issue in terms of showing this uh yeah in terms of showing your cable management because this whole it's got a giant shroud that basically hides all your cable stuff which is crazy i've seen him play yeah nice not that shroud oh yeah that's a good joke that's a good joke and you say i'm the br you say he's the brains come on my dad jokes are just as good okay so yeah that's the and then from the inside of the case if you want to see the inside here so we'll open this up that's a nice sound so popping this open then again pop that open uh you get a nice view on the inside in terms of what's going on there turn up the lights i'll turn up the lights you guys can see a little better that's a good call so you guys can see the inside because it's just really dark right now we'll pop don't worry we'll strip the case all the way down but let's turn up the lights and i'll just go blind here we go wow that's really bright there you go there's the that's that's it a little bit more lit we'll turn on this this this one right here too there you go so you guys might you might need to tilt it yeah i'm going to tilt it up so you got here whoa ooh and almost knocked over the my ice luck lids on so there you go there's the inside right there and then you can whoa there you go so you got you basically got the inside i'm gonna take this door off start there and then we'll uh i'll show you the back so you guys can see the back a little bit better uh as well so open that up take the back off i think it was it was kind of hard to see with um there we go it's really easy let's get the tempered glass off and then here on the back side is those panels i was telling you about so you can see all that stuff so it's like again you you just have everything hidden you can make it look very nice which is pretty cool as well so um and then you and then you can uh you can change i'll check let me check somebody asked if you can remove the hard drive tray which i think you can so yes and the hard drive tray is completely removable from the bottom so i mean you can end up having like a really massive shroud and all that sort of stuff so pretty cool case i think the big thing that people want to know also check this out for water cooling so it's also got a removable so you can like remove this area right here this is actually removable as well the only thing i don't see in here the front come off is this is um it does not have it does not have the little hole for um running your um gpu cables through so gpu cable management is going to go through the back through the back ones versus having the little separate hole like fan tax like the deep cool case okay stuff like that um which is pretty cool i mean just i mean i i don't i don't i like that i mean a lot of people have a sense to make sure it really does a lot in terms of aesthetically bringing the quality of the build look up but it is a pretty big hole back here for the atx and then also there's just a lack of rubber um for up at the top so a lot of times you'll see the rubber to protect like holes etc stuff like that none of that stuff is actually here um so it's all just basically um general holes so yeah the front pop off the front pops off and it does it does not slide off though there's oh it does it looks like it might come off i don't know i didn't i mean where the fans are oh yes the front does come off so we're going to take all that we're going to take this apart now i'm going to turn the lights down because i can't see uh they're really bright so we'll turn this down and let's go ahead and get to the build part of it here in a second yeah it's significantly brighter and then this how does this come off i'm assuming it's just the pull yep it is it's just a pull just pull that there you go and there's the front right there there's the ice and there's the ice again luckily this is why you put a lid on your drinks ladies and gentlemen that's why you put a lid on your drinks okay whoa you should not have done that wow i just shot that everywhere um hold on one second guys that just shot on me luckily it didn't go anywhere else for fizz i didn't think that was gonna happen it just fell off the table no but it doesn't i don't know i don't know oh i have paper towels in here what am i doing i'm blind yeah we're going to fix that my fizz huh i do have paper towels right here it does it smells like strawberries now yeah luckily i didn't get it on me i didn't get in on any pc parts but i did get it on our very nice the good this is what's nice about this flooring but it's okay because you have the clorox wipes yeah i do have clorox wipes too to go over it too so we're gonna quickly clean up this mess use our corpse wipes liquid cooling you guys yeah you guys said you wanted you guys wanted to see me liquid cool i don't think he met you you would you didn't mean with uh you didn't mean with uh an ice drink that's not what you meant see this is i love this floor it's like anti-static floor it's really easy to clean yeah our lego lego anti-static floor okay there we go man this show this this stream's on off the fire fire huh obviously they say like off the camera okay we got it all cleaned up now now it smells like bleach in here well that's good i i did it for you it's off the fire it's off the rails it's off of all sorts of things can i drink out of this now looks like i'm good okay next time it drops maybe open yeah there we go okay everything's fine everything's fine we're all okay now hold on [Laughter] oh man good times okay so we got the front cover off here so the case is stripped we're gonna go and take these back covers off um so we can see the back what happened to my screw there it is my screwdriver and then we'll uh start building the pc ah this is why we started this is why i started these this is why i've started streaming at six o'clock instead of 6 30 because it's like you just need 30 30 minutes now to just deal with ruby shenanigans like what is roby gonna do now i don't know who knows okay wow those are nice those are easy to pull off so i'll show you guys that uh from the side as you can see these how these shrouds come off um there you go so uh yeah that's a pretty smell so the way these side these side panels work i'm gonna bring the camera up a little bit there we go is that yeah if you could frame that that'd be awesome so he's gonna freak yeah just frame it there we go so yeah again big thing for this is it just basically it's just these little so just slides on there's these little capture areas right here that slides in on and then that's how it holds and then it screws right there and then that covers that one and then this one just goes like this it just slides down like that and then this covers this side and it screws on right there so lots of coverage and you know your your pc is going to look incredible and then there's really big holes to do your cable management which is nice so so there we go that's the uh that's that's the side panels that's the case that's what we're building in today pretty excited about it it's been a very popular case um which i think is true i know a lot of people have been trying to get a hold of it it's been hard to get a hold of i just want to give you that little tip if you're looking for the land cool too you can pick up the line cool too which is on sale um which is uh uh which you can buy now and then not have to worry about uh and then just replace it with the mesh front a little bit more i'm noticing some more i just went a little crazy here with this fizz everywhere is the floor sticky still no no that's good there we go i feel like i'm ice skating it's just fun yeah just kidding sorry there we go okay okay so let's get the build started now we've done all of the we've actually gotten all the actually gotten all the uh bring my dog to see chat again and go from there i painted the shroud in black white oh nice that came up pretty cool uh are those the cables that come in the case what are the cables that come in the case those are your front panel connectors i'll talk a little bit about those when i get to that part of the build but i walk you through all that stuff so don't worry the super cool water wetter was getting paid by the letter super cool water wetter uh you know this is a good streamer when there's comedy and not just the pc build yeah there we go duh that's what we want comedy comedy i just said we're just we're going for them okay let's get our motherboard out enough out of you yeah the dad board what's that oh the motherboard and the dad board okay i get i get what you're saying here i wasn't ready i wasn't ready i wasn't mentally prepared for that joke okay here we go x570 pro oh i love this board it always looks so good we've used it a lot on the show it's a popular board on the show um we've i used both the intel version and we've used the um amd version so it's like all versions of this motherboard have shown shown themselves we'll have to see if there's an x670 motherboard at some point in time i guess is what we're waiting to find out um what i will need is i will need the little screw and it's in here somewhere oh there it is we can kind of keep things in here like this grab our little screw put that back and there we go got our little screw and given this is this is just this is not a build we're keeping this build will get taken apart so we're just gonna we're not gonna be we're gonna be storing everything back away because i gotta take apart this and the deep cool build after pictures on tuesday so that's when we take all our photos for the instagram um which is uh which is fun and i hope you're following me instagram rubytech there we go a little pitch there for the uh for the instagram and our new our new our new head of uh our new social media manager chanel who's been taking all those pictures and all that sort of stuff so which has been pretty awesome so you should check him out why oh nice i'm excited i'd like to see it for scott tag me on twitter and and link it so i'd like to see him and i call it a father board dad board yeah people are still going to joke about that okay let's put it the right way though that's a good idea okay so what i'm gonna do real quick is i'm gonna go ahead and take these out and uh have those ready but let's do our cpu installation because i know that's always a but almost forgot we got a tour the motherboard what should we oh let's use a tweezer we're gonna use a tweezer let's have a little fun with this we're gonna use a tweezer thank you this one by the way the tweezers that i have on the show are sponsored by the verge so if you want to get these you can go to and pick up the pick up your very own verge tweezers um if you want to if you want to get these that's where i get these ones uh this is a verge tweezers you can see it's a little bendy like they're like their use of uh like they're used to the truth so where's your lips yeah my lipstrom bracelet isn't on there and i'm still i'm still saving up for that [Laughter] oh man oh for scummer then i did see that one yeah there we i did see that built it did look good okay i didn't i'm sorry i just you have to understand i didn't connect i didn't connect all those things um i like how you insert in hey your insert is perfectly framed in the orange squares one insert oh up there oh yeah i don't think that's on purpose because i think i can unframe it if i just zoom out yeah see now it's not but now it's like now i'm gonna have to think about that oh no it's never okay there we go okay so we're reinserted okay so let's uh let's do a little tour of the motherboard here take me around digging around the motherboard were you going to use this tweezer to walk you around today um so starting at the center this is your am4 oh by the way before we do this who is new who's new to the show who's new we have any new folks here um who are on the show this is your first time doing this i like to do this because um uh i like to see who's new okay we got a couple people raise this hand nice nice welcome welcome me okay cool so yeah one of the things i like to do is i like to uh i like to uh give you guys a tour talk to you guys a little about the little parts and give you guys like some education a little education education as they say in france that's what they that's exactly how they see somebody in france is like super mad um okay so starting here in the center this is actually the am4 bracket i'm going to zoom in even more so that way we can like really really walk around the board and really have a moment to get them this is the am4 this is your cpu cpu installation this is where you're going to put your socket uh m4 is also going to be used for ryzen 4000 series um so and the rumor is like we don't know for sure but there may not be an x670 uh you may still they may still use x570 that would be great because then we won't have to worry about that but uh this is uh this is what we're uh um uh this is what we're using here uh so these right here these are the brackets that you can use them for doing things like in some cases you'll use them for installing coolers let's see that's a smoke man use them for using coolers like for instance the h100 i platinum uses these but in certain cases sometimes you have to take these off uh the stock like the ryzen 6 the ryzen 5 stock coolers don't use it but like the wraith prism does so again that's what these are here for they're they're unique to amd boards in general up here in the top left we've actually got the eps power connector we've got an eight pin and a four pin the only one you need for this is the actually the eight pin this provides the power to the cpu directly um obviously the more like you eight pin is more than enough and then it also does things like for powering the phase array which this one i think is like a 12 as well um so 12 uh 12 vrm phase with uh with also uh active cooling uh via the heat sinks the second one here is a four pin this is for what's called uh high end overclocking usually ln overclocking which stands for liquid nitrogen that's what this is used for in some cases some boards you do actually have to use both eps connectors it is a gamble so one of the things if you try and boot it up and it doesn't work it's always a good idea to plug that in and see if it does work afterwards it's just like it's not supposed to be required but some it actually does and if you do a bios update you might be able to take that away later uh over here we're talking about these are fanned uh fan headers right here we've got our aio we've got our cpu optional and our cpu fan header here this right here is an rgb header we have another one over here which is a three pin no they're both four pins so we have two four pin rgb headers uh this is your dimm slots for your ram um these are paired together so this is one pair this is two pairs giving you dual channel ram uh this is pair a and this is pair b uh when you install if you were only going to install a certain number of kits like savings you weren't going to fill every slot you were only going to do two they go in these pairs the way that you work you work this out specifically on asus boards is they have a tendency to give them different colors so the light gray you is the primary and then the dark is the secondary so if you're only going to put in two two sticks of ram you put it in a2 and b2 and you put the third and fourth stick in a1 and b1 so hopefully that makes it'll make sense if you have questions just go look at your board uh your instruction manual that comes with your motherboard uh don't be afraid to read instructions that's not a bad thing watching youtube videos and reading instructions these are like adult legos you wouldn't build legos without instructions well maybe you would but then you're a monster um down here we have the usb we have the usbc uh this is your usbc this is usb 3.2 gen not two this is oh yeah this is usb 3.2 gen 2 not 10 gen 2x2 which is even faster um in terms of that stuff right here we've got our sata power connector asada sorry sata hard drive connectors we've actually got six of them on this board down here at the bottom these are your front panel connectors um this one here this is your three pin rgb header you've got three more fan headers here uh this is a i don't actually know what this is i need to look this up this says node i don't know what the node is i don't know on this particular board this is usb 3.2 you've got two usb2 um you've got a temperature sensor header right here this is your uh this should be a com yeah that's your com so this is where like nobody uses this but it should you need to this is for comment uh interface and then right here is your hd audio one thing this does not have so say for instance you were working in a corporate environment you were like hey i wanted to use this pc for work this does not would have have what's called a tpm header and that tpm header is what lets you do things like bit lock and secure lock your pc um so this board would not does not have a tpm header for hooking up a tpm chip the other things we got to point in here is we've got m.2 slots we've got two of them a single one here and then one here this is an x570 board so both of these are pcie gen4 and then uh we've got one pci by 16 2x8 and then three by one pci slots so that is the motherboard oh we got one more fan header over here so that's the motherboard at a glance hopefully that helps you in terms of uh in terms of understanding kind of what's going on here and giving you a kind of like an understanding of the terms we're gonna use while here on the show and i hope that our little uh tweezer helped you helped you uh helped you clearly understand i think with the power of the verge you actually lost intelligence tweezers yeah tweezers tweezers brought to you by uh the verge so yeah there you go that's that's the tour let's talk about a dad joke get another jag in the corn maze i felt like i was being stalked it was eerie by the way i have to say eternally you're killing with the dad jokes thank you very much that for those i love the way the earth rotates it really makes my day you don't okay there's a couple ones right there well what the desk am my building on top of um i do let me get the name of it it's from costco and it's a it's a uh it's a uh sit stand desk you get it at costco and that's where it's from you might need to explain the tweezer oh and for the if i need to explain the tweezer just just go to just look up verge pc build on youtube and you will understand why so going going from there so that's what it is um so there we go uh those are that's the thing let's build let's actually put some we're actually at the point we're going to start building now maybe maybe next time use a brighter color of tweezer if you have any oh i have some white tweezers so we'll use white better idea use my white tweezers instead of my dark tweezers the dark tweezers they're from the dark side okay so let's open up our let's open up our side in the dark side um okay popping this open wow this box is like so the thing that's interesting is like when you used to get the 3800 xt and you used to do the 3800 x uh they come with a cooler but neither the 3800xt or the 3900xt they recommend using a stock cooler for so this box um we're very used to having a cooler inside of it is literally just like here's here's your here's your cpu um right here which is like in a big thick boy like the ryzen 9 3900 and then your uh just you know your certificate of authentic authentic uh authentic authenticity your certificate of authenticity which you could not photoshop mind you it is impossible to photoshop said certificate of authenticity because it's made of paper that you cannot like black and white who can photoshop that and you have to write in your own serial number so just look out guys if anybody's going make sure that they show you your certificate of authenticity or uh you're not gonna you're not gonna go in there i never understood why there are such big boxes for such a small cpu no because it looks i don't know we're going with it there so anyway that's uh that's what's going on there okay here's our here's our cpu right here um let's get this out of your system real quick it's out of your system just so you guys know so when you look at your cpu i mean look at your cpus here we go we got our cpu right here um a couple things about the cpu so looking at the top down here you want to grab it from the sides here you don't want you try not try try very hard not to touch the top uh you don't want to touch the pins you don't do stuff like lick the pens that's not a good idea you don't want to lick you don't want to lick the pins this is okay you know what i mean you don't want to you don't do things like brush like brush your beard with the pens you know what i mean like that's that's not a good idea um you know you don't want to do the other thing you don't want to do is you don't want to take like a knife and like bend the pins like that's that's not a thing you want to do either like you should not you should not bend the pins like that's not a thing you know jabbing it with a knife also not a good thing um and then also like don't do shock mounting or like it's like it's not also the other thing i want to add to this is also you don't really want to uh you don't want to do like the nintendo thing it's like oh my cpu's not working and then you know put it in the socket these are all things you don't want to do when when you uh when you have this uh when you have this thing so i just want to get that going in there just like you guys letting you guys know uh what not to do now let's take our real cpu here let's take our real cpu i just said it's a different cpu guys so here's our real cpu so like i said uh the one thing is about the 3800xt uh there's a little arrow here in the bottom right uh bottom corner yeah obviously people didn't see this last year last year last night last night uh in the bottom corner right here is the little arrow that lines with a little arrow here uh on the socket what you're going to do when you take this is uh the way the ryzen works is it goes in a vertical sorry a vertical orientation not a horizontal like intel that means that the language on it is actually vertically oriented it's going to drop it in just like this and then it's good to go and then you just put that tension arm back down and boom your cpu is installed so oh man people were just like people were just like uh people were just like they get super triggered every time i do i use that that props gpu it's just like it's a real 3700x it just doesn't work like we know that it's i bought it off a guy for 50 bucks so i could basically do whatever the heck i wanted to it and it's been well worth it like however like i don't care it was the best fifty dollars ever spent because these guys get so mad they're like what is going on okay let's install our ram real quick get the beauty wait a way to insult the audience i'm not insulting them we're having a good time you guys are in here for jokes uh yeah if you if you do not spit on it do not download more ram all of these things are not true not a thing it's it's how you get viruses is all that's good for what did i do okay here we go let's grab our thrill a royal z here oh man so pretty it's uh it's a little smudged i'll tell you i think some of these oh yeah this one's new so we'll do that look at this here we go guys here we are ready for the peel like it's like uh like taking it's like taking skin off a sunburn it's just it's so beautiful oh are you gonna can you hear that because you can oh you could like it just the peel sounds good let's see if we can get let's see if we get the sound a little bit here we go oh yeah that's so good that's so good right there that was precious uh how are we gonna okay so what we're gonna do now is uh there's a little slot in the pcb that lines up the little slot right here uh what is it called am arms or whatever aesmr to do that yeah of all your appeals of all the peeled cuts yeah and just do an asmr oh that's actually a good idea i knew we had you here for a reason um that's a good that's actually good that's it that's good you earn your your your pay i keep for today yeah you you earn your and your you're on your your free uh spicy nugs from wendy's one of these days i'm gonna show up with spicy now uh one of the things is is that i wanna i wanna let you guys know and this is only with certain beautiful ram like only with certain beautiful ram if you've only got like two dims uh one of things you can do is you can just take the other dim and then uh if you just connect them together they have to be beautiful dims you just you just you just connect it together a couple times like this and there's you know move it in and out then you might be able to get an extra bit of ram like sometimes baby ram will show up and so uh it'll go it'll it'll sometimes show up and you'll end up with uh baby ram so you just keep it in the dark just keep it in the dark and you might come back in and find like baby ram in uh in in one in some of the extra slots so sometimes they're probably too shy we should have turned down those i should have turned down the lights but uh if you i i know i'm like doing this like in the public but uh the one thing that is nice is that you might end up like uh it only it only works in the dark so always only put two slot uh two dimms in because you might be able to make some extra dimms uh if you if you do that yeah it's because he ate the thermal paste yeah it's because i ate the thermal paste that's what it was okay so let's get this in here i thought this was a family channel though oh oh that was a that was a nice click like that was a loud click okay so we're gonna get the other the other two dims in here there we go it's so sharp wow i want to put it in because it hurts my hand okay this one now here we go this one i think is also needs appeal flicking with coffee here we go here we go appealing guys here we go appealing ready do it slowly there we go there we go there you go you got you got your peels for the day that was super appealing that was not a good one is there a peel on the back of the on the i o shield um yes there is there's a this one is definitely this one has definitely not yet peeled we got peels all over the place on this motherboard i think that's in yeah okay everything's in okay so all of our ram is in look at that you know how shiny that ram is right like it's expensive it looks expensive that's it's it was free i'm just kidding it wasn't free um yeah it looks it looks expensive everything for free and charge everybody lots of money that's a terrible just kidding no that is not true at all that is not true that is a bad joke okay and i'm now lost i've lost all my clients um okay so we got all that stuff in um we're good here ruby tech so we do have some peels on the motherboard so we got we should have one on the i o shield but it doesn't look like this actually does have one that's actually already peeled i think there is a peel on here i can see it can you yeah i can okay here we go here we go another peel oh let's make sure you guys can see it really well because everybody likes to watch the peels oh it burns burns oh it burns that one that one is like painful there we go yeah ouch in terms of that one and then i think we have one more down here i can see that one yeah there you go really here we go relax oh so there you go it's like wax by the way there is no more hair there's no hair on that one like a baby now it's smooth as a baby's bottom there you go it's nice in there okay um there we go uh we're good there uh let's see what else okay so the motherboard oh we got to install our mdot our stray m.2 drive over here there we go we got our stray m.2 right here we're gonna pop this uh first thing we're gonna do is if you look here we'll zoom in um there's a couple little little spots here we've got uh 2242 2260 2280 and 22 110. these are millimeter measurements um and then these are lengths and this that's the length of the m.2 given that most m.2s are 2280 and this one is two we're going to put it in 2280. um but we're not actually going to put our m.2 there because it's blue we're actually going to put it down in this other one but i am going to put go ahead and put the this in here so i don't lose it because it didn't come with a ziploc bag a zippy bag it came with a like a chew it and then do it and toss that bag yeah chew it and toss it bag we're gonna seal this like that so we don't lose it and then we're gonna open this one down here down here gonna open it up down here there we go open this one and this one we gotta don't forget the peel we got one more peel oh you guys can't see there we go zoom in a little bit there you go a little ago there we go am i a quick band-aid peeler i don't know if i classify myself as that i don't wanna i don't wanna class of myself i don't wanna put myself in a class when it comes to band-aid peeling okay uh going to 2280 on this one as well there we go and then uh and then what we're gonna do as you can see there's a little slot on the pcb right here and then you just want to slide that in just like so and then it's like a little diving board and we're not going to do that anymore but if you did have a little guy you could you know you jump off the diving board and you know have a good time so there we go we're good there we're going to grab our little uh our little screw the tiny screw kind of screw a single song for you know tie the screw that you can screw tiny in my m.2 makes me happy whoops didn't get it in at all missed the hole missed okay missed the hole i didn't get the screw in the hole no screws definitely did not screw with confidence i did i'm screwing with confidence now there we go there we go tiny screw is in the hole man so many bad jokes for the oh i almost forgot the peel but don't worry i remembered last minute and this one will do the slow peel [Laughter] dracula okay uh and then this goes like this and we're in the hole okay there we go screw that in screwing with confidence i'm confident that that's in the hole okay it's going in is it yeah it's in for sure nope and that one's in thermal paste is on we're good to go good to go everything is good to go okay there we go everything's in in like flynn we got our g skill sticker we're gonna stick our g steel sticker right here because that's don't do that don't take your g skill sticker and put it on here it is not thermally active that's not a good idea don't do that that's not a good idea okay um i think our motherboard oh we're gonna go ahead and do our bracket so uh this one requires a separate bracket so we're going to install our aio bracket um for our aio because this one requires it so we're going to put that over there grab this zoom out touch please your camera focus keeps okay i zoomed out a bit and got it back in sorry if it was wonky where is the camera the camera is in the sky in the sky in the sky so it's like it's magical it's like our nfl sky cam except yeah if you actually do i do i don't know if people know this if you actually want to get a tour of said roby tech studio what robytech we just released one on wednesday did we really yeah so if you want to go take a tour a tour of the zone that we have here this is you actually can see the corner i sit in did i show it because people were like where does trace sit and i was like i don't i don't know if we showed it didn't really show the chair like i when when i watched it no we didn't show where trey said i thought you're gonna be like and this is where trey gets to sit i know i should have said that yeah so i didn't i didn't say that i should have showed where i should have shown where you sat because where you sad is important a lot of people actually like really miss you when you're not here and i'm like why they don't they do that people are saying like you should take over yeah so check out there you go there's a rubik's cube are you mounting the hoses down or up they will be uh it'll be top mounted so that the well i think it'll be top mounted if not we'll host we'll mount the hoses down i did we did do a studio tech to a studio tour so if you want to check that out it's pretty cool it came out really i think it came out awesome yeah yeah so um what do we need for this we don't need a whole lot i think we just need a little shaky it's just me i think it's just me though oh no it was a little shaky it was a little shaky i agree we uh we it was our first vlog studio style our first vlog style complaint it just it for like when i watch like music videos and stuff and they have the movement with the oh yeah i just i i i a little much a little much a little much movement yeah we got we got i don't think anybody gave us that feedback but i agreed like we we um when we did that um the other thing too is that stay tuned next week because we have the streaming studio that i've been working on um as well i haven't seen that one no it's not out yet no i'm just oh yeah i mean you haven't actually been there so yeah we're gonna let's get this off and i saw that before yeah you've seen them before but you haven't you haven't seen it now i've only seen the previews yeah you've only you're gonna you're gonna get surprised like everybody else uh first giveaway where are we at 500 likes yet did we do we already had 500 likes i i haven't checked oh my gosh what am i good for absolutely nothing what is it good for absolutely nothing stick it again sing it again uh man i love that thing we're at 291 so giveaway is happening but we got to get to 500 likes or we got to get the aio in uh that's basically we have some giveaways coming up for sure there are multiple giveaways happening on the show today um we just don't have unlocked we have not unlocked any of them yet okay so we're getting the we're gonna just make sure you guys hit that sub button yeah and don't we have you guys have been hitting the sub button let's i'm i'm just saying yeah i i'm not trying to see i was more saying you know the youtube sub button oh yeah yeah 70. yeah we're getting dude we're getting crazy like it's like getting closer like 67 i'm still i'm still just like blown away by how fast we got there fast like you i mean what what what did he say what did he say out loud 353 come on guys 500 likes and we'll do our first giveaway um and then we have multiple other giveaways we're at least giving away 100 new a gift card i'm guessing we'll be giving away the 32 gig ram kit though that's probably what's gonna go so uh ruby's popping off player of the game that's right um okay so we got that open up we took the we oh man i totally didn't capture that so oh never mind he can still capture that i forgot he's got he's got access to all the angles so it's whether you guys did okay so let's get the uh let's get the uh the brackets in so if you're installing the deep castle 240 ex all you're going to need is in this bag it says amd uh-huh you're going to take out these because you don't need them you're going to take these out that's like a video game it's like a video game now uh these things screw in like so there's a they look like these little uh these little brackets and they just screw right in they're like tornado they're like tops dreidel dreidel dreidel i made you out of clay they look like dreidels you know what i mean a little bit so you we're going to put in our dreidels like that they're not called dreidels they're brackets whatever they are i don't know where i get that um and so you put these all in here is that a bracket right there it's it's i don't know what it's like i don't know what is it wouldn't that be like more like a screw no because it's like it's actually for mounting it it's actually like four mounting the aio on so there we go and then uh there we go put that in like that i'm sure they have like some specific something something screw or something screw yep oh standoff it's good oh standoff that might be a good name yeah there we go stand up that's a good one okay and it goes like this tag i am tagging him oh five dollars from trevor mullins pair character lying on his side raising his arms saying how's it going what's up trevor it's good to see you good to see you i i i i like how i'm reading that out loud where's your brother's your brother in the shot today making fun of you no he has friends over when did when did i didn't i don't remember us approving him getting friends on days that we're streaming like he needs to be here to to be your club your fan club where's trevor why does it where's he she's like he's like my biggest hater yeah i know he he does tell trevor shut up tell him just showed up he's ruining the thing hey ella is llx saint your brother yeah oh he's oh he is here see c is here to tell you how much you suck make sure you let him know how much he sucks llx i'm cheering on robie there we go okay we're good there let's get this in the staging area let's get our case up here uh everything's ready to go for the next phase of the operation operation put the motherboard in said case that is what's happening now boom okay let's grab our case up here everything's kind of already stripped this thing this the one thing i will say unlike a lot of the other cases that um i use um this one is definitely heavy um heavier compared than um uh like when they're fully stripped because this is just a hefty case um but i am excited to build on this first thing we're gonna do pull down our first suicide door and we're gonna get our not out of that drawer than this one nope it's like secret door oh there it is there it is there it is and cool two mesh there's the trash there's the tray there's the there's the there's what i needed okay getting that undone we're gonna open this bad boy up and there is our egg whoa look this must be sponsored by the verge as well because it comes with tweezers no way wow i wonder if any of your they've infiltrated they've infiltrated they've infiltrated every level of computer manufacturers those guys tweezers tweezers yeah the doors are super cool okay uh what we're gonna need out of this trevor mullins that's a good name trevor's a big name it is a good name it is a good name i know i know i i just i'm agreeing with you i don't do that very often so i just want to i want to i want to tell you like this is a moment that we've we've we've actually had an agreement um so what's inside of this we got uh we got we actually got uh uh um zip ties which is awesome uh we've also got some velcro you've got some velcro ties as well um they give you rubber grommets for installing your ssds you've actually got some fan uh some longer fan for installing uh fans on to if you wanted to install these fans onto a radiator which is pretty neat that doesn't come and then you've got your whole packet of motherboard screws shut up as well so um going from there and then in here they just have all of the different screw types that you need so we're going to open this up and get our youtube there's like 600 of you watching just hit the like button we have a oh yeah it's actually wow that's not like we haven't hit our we haven't hit our normal numbers today been a little little lower than normal hit that like we get we do a giveaway oh yeah there's only yeah usually we have like well over like we're on our way but it's friday night people are people are out having a good time deciding you know what i've decided that roby tech is not where it is you know you can change the distance of fans from the front of the case it has three different slots yes i did see that that's right you can change the distance um if you move this slot so uh one of the things he's talking about that's a good thing to to update is that up here in the front you can actually change like if you're like hey i'm worried about how much and this was more for the landcool 2 but it's you know given this is the same case you can actually move how far the fans are from the front and move them more so you can have more room in the front tilt oh somebody have to tilt this you guys can see this so up here in the front these fans can actually move uh further back or further forward um because the land cool 2 had limitations but the other thing too is you it's so you can actually stick like a fatter rad uh as well and then have your fans on the inside or outside so pretty cool in terms of some additional stuff that you go in there it's yeah there is no friday night in the times of corona well that's a good that's that's i'll give you some time yeah yeah yeah like you know some places they don't believe in corona um okay so getting that down uh there we go we're putting that like that where i do not i'm hoping that we can top mount raio we'll have to see i've not seen i was i wasn't looking at builds or one thing i am going to do let's go youtube 50 more likes there we go there we go got that up let's go and go to top down now and then we're going to move our table down so we get our our motherboard installed now we do not have an i o shield to install in this one because the i o shield is integrated into the motherboard we're just going to take this like so like what three or four trevor's here wow so many trevors i know it's such a great name that's a great name for great great great men and you um here we go we got we got our we got our we're ready to put in our motherboard now oh let's let's uh zoom in a little that's a little a little far away you want to get maximum coverage of said screwing that did not sound right you should not that's not what you want to say okay so what we're going to do is we're going to start at the top right and go ahead and screw the motherboard onto the did i choose the right screws or is that in there oh it's not it's not there that would help i definitely chose the right screws uh do i have the optional i don't know i i i think i don't know what lien lee sent me okay there we go that's in we'll see what they gave us um nope that's not the screw there we go gotta get the right screws this board does look good in this case i need to find a rear fan to put in this screw with a hundred percent i'm screwed i'm screwing with mad confidence right now there's so much 150 percent screwed confidence right here there you go i'm like a little too much i'm screwing with so much confidence that the people are excited squirrely dan okay that's enough confidence roby we're 25 likes away you should give the pc away no we're not gonna 666 viewers wow we already have a giveaway going yeah yeah we we will have a giveaway here very soon right oh by the way yes there i forgot about that there's six days left to get in on that intel pc giveaway we're giving away a five thousand dollar pc right now in partnership with new egg we give away a pc every month uh can we get a link to there it is right there uh the intel asus 10 900k rog z490 i do not i did not name it that was not my name so there's six days left and then you can get the link to on how to enter it's a pretty ridiculous that is a build that i built uh it's in the other water cold it is custom water cooled uh unlike the stuff that i did with the uh ice like that that's not water it's not water cooled like that it's not ice cooled we will be showing that off because we'll be giving away that the winner for that we're six days away we will announce the winner next week so we'll announce the winner here on the show which is awesome and we'll show off the pc oh that's cool that they'd let you announce the winner yeah yeah i get to announce the winner it's my pc well i know it's i i'm just i mean i paid for it no i didn't hi i just like to see your face i didn't pay for it it's always no new egg paid for it and then they let me build it and then i let me give it away which is they let me give away i get to that's one of my my partnership with newegg um my partnership a lot of people ask me what does a sponsorship get you is that i get to build a pc every month would they pay for and then i get to give it away and then uh so which is pretty awesome and then they do they do some other things like when uh like uh when i do tech deals and stuff like that they're the ones who give us a lot of the giveaways that we do on the show so uh they're amazing i'm super they're they're an awesome partner and they've been super super big supporters of the show um they do not oh there's another js thank you very much twitch sent me nice thank you very much for the five dollars man appreciate it um i'm looking forward they also like they let me say what i want they let me review what i want like i can you like i have complete creative control of my channel they don't tell you like you have to like this and give us a positive review no they do not do that they just say like what do you think yeah he's just like i'm just yeah i'm told to say that that's what i'm saying okay so we got our motherboard is all in now we gotta find a fan to put in the back i gotta figure out oh i have a white fan oh you know what i'll do i'll use a deep cool fan the same fans i'm using in the castle 240 ex we'll use here and it's white and black so it'll fit it'll continue to work with our with our with our theme eight more likes youtube smash that like button smash that like button i think it works better when i say it that way i feel like it's more hype you feel like that's true yes when i say it that way hype [Music] it's either i'm having like a coronary [Music] yes not how msi reacts yes i do actually have so i actually have on monday sorry on wednesday we have the msi we're we're looking at some pre-built msi paid me to look at them it is not a review it is like i was like yeah you can pay me but it's not a review i will just go through hey here's what it is here's what you get like here's some things i saw when during setup but it is not review and i'm transparent with my thing i got paid this is not a review i do not get paid for reviews what send it back yeah i send it back yeah yeah so it's so they just wanna what do you think about this they don't even say i don't it's just like hey this is what you get here's like here's here's how it performs because i'm doing it yeah so it's like i show here's me gaming on it and ten bucks what was the ten dollar one what did they say pc ten dollars would love to learn more about about entertaining in the p or entering in the pc giveaways fantastic build videos man you are my sensei awesome thank you very much dude if you want to enter their their their links for that stuff shroud in the orientation or turning it around so it's not you leaving the 24 pin shroud orientation oh i'll probably push it can i move it back i think you can move this about 500 we have we have 500. awesome uh i will probably rotate it that's a good point i'll rotate it so we get more room that's a good thing i'll fix that here in a second um okay going to let's do our giveaway though giveaway giveaway oh does cloudbot work yes it looks like cloudbot does work okay we're gonna try this giveaway here we go um what seems to happen is i log out and i log back in and then cloud box starts working in so we're gonna try this here in a second this is for 500 likes on youtube um giveaways where is giveaways oh there it is okay giveaways uh so going to custom this is for one year of game pass just making sure you do uh unlike every other every other giveaway uh twitch folks do not get extra entries to this one because this is specifically specifically from the youtube folks so entry for this is youtube and we're starting that giveaway right now hopefully okay uh exclamation point youtube i don't see any winners no no entries oh no entries are working okay so it is working the giveaway is working do exclamation point youtube i'm seeing entries okay there you go that's going now i'm gonna grab my drink some strawberry watermelon what are you playing right now uh currently i am playing uh horizon zero dawn on pc cool okay so what we're going to do real quick guys is we're going to rotate this because somebody reminded me that we want more orient we want the better orientation so something else you can do with the leanly landcool 2 is we want to have a little bit more room for the case we're going to rotate this around you unscrew this and then this pops up like so oh and everything's zip tied to it so that's the problem we're gonna undo these oh man this is not as easy there you go okay there you go get those out one more there we go and come on there we go okay so we got this out like so so what is that this allows me to uh you can rotate the orientation and i'll show you guys here from the top down so because what he's saying what you have is like hey you see how close this is to the um you see how close this is to the 24 pin what i can do is actually rotate this like this rotate this like no there's a way to rotate this you can rotate this and it goes up yeah it goes the opposite direction so then this goes like this and now you rotate this and now you have a lot more room so your now your cables are having less room um so you just i wanted to show that and then the thing is like that means that you actually can have a wider bend and uh more room for your stuff so which looks kind of cool and given i'm not doing water cooling or anything like that we'll just give that a little bit more room the question is what did i do over there there's the screws so yeah that's what we just did there giving ourselves a little bit more room for that and then we'll screw this back in and we're good to go now last thing we're going to do real quick actually i need to see i can i can top mount i can top mount the radiator okay so i'm good there now if i was going to not be able to top mount i was going to front mount the radiator because this is then i'd care a little bit more but because i'm on a top mounted i should be okay um what do i need now is i need to we're going to work on the radiator here in a second there's something i was going to do and i forgot what it was about screws no everything else is this is all stuff that we'll use later okay let's go ahead and work on our oh put in our back back fan that's what it's going to do the back fan the back fan and we're going to use our deep cool our deep cool fan for the deep cooling how much time is left uh we can pick our winner now picking our winner our winner is sunday 25 sunday 25 you are the winner of uh one year of xbox game pass ultimate so make sure that you reach out to blondie she's got to get you got to reach out to blondie before the end of the show actually somebody not claim yes last uh not claim uh yesterday so that means that that price is forfeit and therefore goes into prize oblivion okay so let's grab some oblivion into oblivion okay let's grab some fans here real quick some fan screws oops with the shorter ones just need four hey i was looking for you i'm right here so okay here we go get some put our knife back i was like for some reason down there um okay we got one two three four okay there's our four fan screws okay get that done there's a way okay so what we're gonna do real quick is install our fan screws install our fan um up here it's a little bit it's not quite the same white but it will work okay so let's go like this put our side camera and pull this up like this there we go make sure that's rotated the right way and let's get our fan in real quick okay you actually have enough clearance barely if the front mounted like a build but that's when the front flan slots come into play i am going to top mount it because i like top mounted more than i like and that is totally fine as well in terms of installing your aio so you can top mount or you can front mount with with with hoses down but because of how all that if we top mount it then all of the air is at the top of the radiator which means it's not going to the pump so yeah these are triton royal zs yep hey welcome back catblox how are you i'm glad to see you back how many people are just like is this their second one thank you very much for all those subs guys by the way lots of subs we're getting close do not forget oh for all the people who don't know this is september uh september is uh a special discounted month sponsored by capital one the sub only giveaway so we are giving away for the month of september only for any sub on twitch so all you got to use your free amazon sub and like that we are going to we're giving away a 3080 an rtx 3080. if you want to get in on that um if you want to get it on that you got to go over to rubytech just enter a sub if you do a tier 2 or tier 3 sub you get extra entries and if you gift subs you also get extra entries so all of those things are going up uh all of those things are going into uh doing that in a big shout out and also if you subscribe for consecutive months so like you can subscribe for five months for six months those all go towards uh giving uh giving you extra entries and they're discounted right now thanks to the fine folks at uh capital one um this is a this is a my this is a mid-tower case okay so there we go now we're all ready for the aio we're gonna get our aio set up and then we'll move on from there so grab our aio top down should the fans blow inside the case the fan that is an exhaust fan so it blows out okay there we go there's our castle right there and then we're gonna pull out all of our stuff we don't need a ton out of this we what we need is the basically we need this and the stuff that's at the bottom of here and then that is it which bear is the most condescending which bear what is the which bear is the most condescending shirt panda [Laughter] that's funny um i don't i might need that so i'm just making sure i get all the stuff that i need it's brown and sticky a stick dang it i know that one okay so we'll need this bracket two guys walked into a bar third guy ducked oh no that one's pretty good um okay so we got that we don't need this we don't need that what we do need out of here are the four screws to mount this oops let's zoom out a little bit because you guys can see okay so i'm just getting all the pieces out and showing you all the pieces that you need if you were going to do this same in same build obviously not with a 2000 series gpu but with um you know a 4000 series 4000 series amd card or anything like that these all still these steps are all the same okay so put these back don't need that don't need this don't need this and do not need this okay that's everything that we don't need we don't need this because that will go back okay seal that back up put that back in the box because again these builds are being taken apart so we'll need these is our two fans and we'll of course need our aio and what i'm going to do real quick is i'm going to quickly remove that and remove this so there we go be soft with that do it softly then we're gonna take out our fans our fan boxes oh come on man it's fighting me it's like stuck fan stuck thing stuck fern fan is out there's one stuck fan out stuck get a second stop fan out here we go okay fans are not stuck anymore and we're good there okay so there we go there's only one giveaway on youtube right yeah there's only one giveaway the next one is on two there's one giveaway for youtube one giveaway for twitch and then um and then yeah i didn't know if you changed it someone said that next giveaway at 700 likes oh well you can get 700 likes there is not a giveaway a couple of jumper cables walk into a bar the bartender warns them as they answer you better not start anything that's pretty good okay let's zoom in so i'll walk you guys through the parts that you do need uh when you are installing a deep cat a deep cool castle 240 ex so these right here these are the caps that you're going to screw said pump onto the cpu this is your amd bracket that you're going to use you're going to actually mount this onto the pump here in just a few minutes and then these four screws right here that look like this are actually the screws that are used to mount said bracket in and i grab yeah there you go and i grabbed all four okay and then right here these are the fans that we're going to use to install onto the um radiator um so what i'm going to do right now is what i do is i pretend like how i'm going to place it i'm going to be doing it at the top so what i do is when i place these things is i say hey if i'm gonna put the if i'm gonna put the thing in like this and the and this uh the pump is going to sit on i'm gonna try and find the reflection there i can't see the reflection so i'm assuming this is fine okay so it's gonna if the pump's gonna go like this then i want the fans fan cables to go out and then what i do is i then put it down and then that's how i know that i have the fans in the right orientation so there you go now our fans are ready and then in all of my haste i forgot to grab the fan kate the brackets but i think now we're going to want to use the ones that come with this i'm going to grab the fan the fan screws i forgot to grab the fan screws sorry i got everything else but said fan screws awesome gosh dang it what i am lost so if i'll show you what somebody was asking i'm lost what i'm showing you so here when i put i'm gonna i'm trying to think of a easy way to show you this let me let me grab the fan screws here real quick the uh the the bracket screw the mounting screws for the um fans onto the cooler and then i'll show you that one more time there the bags are actually labeled yeah they are this is the one that i need right here okay so here's our these are all our mounting screws right here i just forgot to grab this out okay so people are asking again they're like oh i'm confused as to what you're doing and i'll tell i'll walk you through it one more time it's trying i'm trying to say like trying to save you a little time so this is my time saving for when you mount an aio into a case so okay so we go to the side view i'll bring up the case real quick i'm making i'm making trey get out i gotta make sure that uh okay so here is the case like so and i'm going to front mount i'm going to top mount my aio so i'm going to say if my if this is the orientation i'm sticking in my mount and i'm visualizing then my fan cables need to be towards the back so i'll put them in and say okay my fans need to be oriented like that so this is how i'm screwing in my fans and i'll put this away like so go back to top down and now i know my fans are not going to be backwards when i try and put in my aio so that's what i was doing but i can do that in my head just by looking at the case that's what i was doing that's that's that was me walking through it i hope that was i hope that that made sense this time i am having fun no we're having a great time so much fun okay yeah now one thing i like about the deep cool castle 240 ex is just how easy the screws are to get in like i'm like i do uh the court like for instance the corsair like this the uh corsair uh h110 and stuff like that are tough to actually get the screws in so yeah i do read chat i just have tre trey when trey is here uh trey's helping me uh look at it and keeping me in the know about what is happening in the chat pick and choose what questions he picks and choose what questions he wants and all that sort of stuff so it's fun we have somebody to help for that yeah we i know there's no streamlines yeah all white baby that's right we're trying to make sure it looks well it's more stormtrooper it's not completely arctic all arctic but it is very it's stormtrooper i like storm trooper-esque yeah i like it i think yeah they are for sure whatever version of star wars you've been watching keep watching it yes the one that the good guys win yeah there we go okay getting this back up just quickly getting this in and then we're getting really close to our next giveaway which is pretty soon which we're going to do the halfway point of the build i mean you know only sith and deal in absolutes right but yoda was do or do not there is no try so he's a sith oh no saying oh my gosh we're gonna we're gonna start dropping like blowing people's brains here i've never built a pc but i really want one and all the videos are confusing where do i start i actually have a really great step-by-step guide that literally has helped one point like 1.1 million views and a lot of people say it does a really great job of making it very easy to do a pc it's a very nice step-by-step it's a very nice step-by-step so we can get you a link to that if you want to do if you're really interested in building a pc on your own or actually uh any or you can uh or if you want to you can also uh commission me i do build commissions as well i have a buddy there you go built you see or he bought pc parts based off your recommend one of your videos nice and i know he's angry he followed that step wanted that video and it didn't work ah no it worked it worked that's awesome perfect okay let's get our aio mounted we got everything in so we're gonna get our ao and put in uh you did the chicken cross the playground oh why did the chicken cross the playground to get to the other slide that one's pretty good too yeah okay uh let's get our aio mounted side view coming up we got our we got our secondary camera person here which is a bonus like we didn't i know we're going to get that but here we go yeah we're on the side camera here so we're gonna get this frame for you guys so you guys can get watch me put the uh mount the uh the uh the awesome here i'm just undoing the zip ties here oh sorry the twisty ties those are different than zip ties different same same same same different okay here we go so you always want to just kind of be really careful i kept this actually has pre-applied thermal paste showing that i keep the plastic on just to protect it one more time so there's there's the thermal paste you can see it's actually pre-applied and then i keep this little plastic sheet on the one thing i want to do is just be really careful um you want to be careful you don't want to ding up your case so you just want to be slow movements is the key here like slow steady movements intentional movements to just kind of keep things uh where they need to be so i put it up like this um actually i'm just gonna have to do it the old-fashioned way okay so we're gonna put this and then using my weird other hand your weird other hand yeah it's weird that's like i always think like you have to like the the multiple positions you have to get sometimes to install things is just kind of strange like you're like okay now you got to hold this like this and then not drop it while you hold it the other way i'm going to put the thing down come on oh it's locked get myself a little bit more room here at the top there we go i'm gonna do is place my and the thing is this actually has a lot of room so i'm gonna i still have a ton of room in the back here it's got a superchat oh another one ten dollars ah hey love the channel my new pc just arrived 3950x nice congratulations dude love to like i said my favorite thing i love it when people um tag me on twitter and show me their builds like i love that so do not be afraid i do not take offense most the time i try and say congratulations at least and comment on it so if once you're done please reach out and i'd love to love to give you some kudos on getting your pc built okay so we're gonna do a weird hand thing here and then when you screw in i'm gonna go top camera here um real quick uh when you screw in you want to screw towards the middle and the main reason for that is because once you get that screw in um you you don't have to worry about um it doesn't like it doesn't have bad leverage so you want to screw towards these middle screws right here so i'm hoping yeah you guys can see good okay cool so just do these two middle screws and then if you're having issues but the one thing with the deep coil you will not have issues getting the the screws in be going pretty quickly and then you don't want to tighten it all the way a lot of times you want to just get it tight enough so it holds and the reason you don't want to tighten it all the way is so you have some some movement to kind of make sure that you have it where you want it in terms of the placement the movement you have the movement there we go there we go and then i'll give it some movement there and now i now can move the move the aio where i want wanted to what did you get a good one my wife asked me to stop singing wonder wall to her i said maybe i said maybe that's pretty good if you're an oasis fan that makes a whole lot more sense yes i wence went to the ps5 launch party uh sorry the p a ps a playstation party at gamescom in germany um and uh they like they played wonderwall and like i mean like it was a i mean it's like a bunch of nerds but like i dude like everybody was singing it was like it was so cool it was probably like a three year hunt two or three hundred people there on the floor and everybody is singing oasis wonder wall my my before i die i want to go to e3 at least once well hopefully they have it man well if they ever have it again yeah yeah that's the problem right it's like i don't know we'll have to see what it's like in the post covered the post-human malware world pax is already kind of weird yeah isn't it it's going to be happening right now right online accident i'm just like i don't know what's happening anymore yeah pretty big that's that's that's like one of my favorite times of the year okay this screw is not quite real okay that not using that screw it's like not quite manufactured all the way it's like it's like you can't get your you can't get your phillips in okay so now let's just get this in and now we can tighten it down after this okay and i think that should be i'm gonna give myself enough room here to be able to get to the how did you get into building pcs um i uh it started it started with a thing called extra life and extra life is a a charity for kids and um one of the things that i thought like hey what would raise a lot of money is if we built some custom pcs so i had reached out to corsair and phil spencer had introduced me to amd and had asked if these companies could help us build some custom pcs and i'd only built at that point in time and this was like five years ago five six years ago maybe five years that long ago no it wasn't that long ago um i had only built one custom pc i've done one and so i said hey i'm gonna do one i'm gonna do these live on stream we're gonna build them on stream and then we're gonna give them away uh for charity like we as a raffle so people could raffle and give the get these pcs so um started there and then what happened was is that um mixer was had just been purchased at the time for beam we were doing our second extra life and they were like you know what honestly i think people seem to enjoy you building pcs what if we did a show that was just dedicated to pc building and uh so we got okay so that's all installed um and now let's move to getting our mount our stuff on our mount here so we're going to put this down softly so plenty of room there for that so what happened next is they started a show called power builds with a with a person called brennan duffett she was my co-host um let me see how i want to do this okay it goes like this okay um and so uh and then i can't i still can't see the shield in there but i'm assuming that's the right way it's usually you can see the shield but okay good okay let's just make sure this is the right direction so um so we started a show called power builds newegg sponsored it um and then uh they canceled uh official programming after two after a year and a half uh they canceled it and that's when ninja came on and then newegg was like hey you're doing really well um what if we just continue continue to sponsor you and uh you do the show and that was about that was july of last year and then i was doing on a mixer and now i've gone to twitch and that is how that is how i got to here it's pretty cool nice yeah so yeah there we go that is the history of roby tech it used to be power builds i don't we have a lot of people who watched who watched all that stuff back in the day and so yeah i used to do a show completely separate with jez corden we did a show called the morning mixer on mixer um and it was just game streaming i haven't done pc building with separate and then yeah that's like we launched the youtube channel it'll be a year next we launched it a year uh we're coming up on a year in october will be a year so we've only been on youtube for a year and that's we've gotten to 67 000 subscribers in less than in less than almost 68 000 in a year so um it's been crazy so i'm just mounting the gpu right now guys but yeah that's uh we're going to yeah blondie has one of my builds bernie gatis has one of my builds um we so two mods actually have my builds that i've built for them i hope that was the right one i put that on the bottom i might have done this backwards i might have done the top one that should be the bottom and it should be sorry you got to keep looking i got to make sure the orientation's right and you got the way you do it is you got to look inside to see if the shot the shield is in the right place i think it is here is the shield there it is okay yep i got it the right way okay cool so now the last one that we're doing here is the bottom and so this goes right here and you make the way that you do this is you make sure that these are turned this way on the on the bracket there's a little uh it's it's uh it's almost like it's screwed to make sure the screw stays flush you want to make sure you have it the right direction just pop it on like that and then you uh just choose this and then pop it in the hole which you can find it there you go now i will tell you this i will say this a lot of people ask like hey what's this this you know why why have you been so successful like what has been so like how do i how do i replicate what you did and i'll just tell you man i've been lucky it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't uh i don't know if there's a way to replicate it i'm i'm blessed i'm very lucky i continue i don't take what i do for granted um and so i'm really grateful that people hang out and do this and watch this every week like literally thousand plus and i mean we had four thousand watch us on that on uh that um dang it i really okay good i didn't oh i did i put this on upside down after all that don't do what i just did which is yep i totally did this backwards okay so what i just did do it the opposite uh so i just got lucky that's all i can't believe you're messing up i know i messed up that's what that but that's why we do it live you try very hard to do it right and you think oh i did it right i double checked and then i didn't do it right and that's the problem the shield logo is rotatable yes but i still like i need the hoses in the right way so it's like i know i i had it wasn't just the rotation of the logo i also want the hoses a certain way so how it's oriented in here is how i want it oriented on the motherboard so i don't want to rotate it um so that is what i'm doing i like the orientation that it's supposed to be at because it looks to me aesthetically the most appealing that is why i'm now redoing it and i won't do it wrong again so is it so there's like there's water in there yeah there's water in here it's actually the cycle some of the hoses and glycol it's a it's i forgot the full chemical name it has glycol on the other end is what is actually and it's not really water but then it cycles this pumps and then one of the reasons they talk about is one of the orientations for here is there's also a small amount of air about anywhere between two and three percent of the somewhere like they're less than two percent is how much air is in here one of the reasons they talk about the orientation is that you don't want the air to go through the pump because that hurts the um lifetime of the pump and so when you do things like you have it top mounted because air is now settled at the top that means there's now air being cycled through but up here all the air is up here which means it's not it's like if the two percent would be below the water line and so there's not getting it's not getting cycled through the pump when you top mount it so that's why top mounting but if you're going to front mount the radiator you want the hoses down because then the air is up here and then it again it's not going to does it it cycles through the hoses and it cycles through what you you are holding that area and sometimes the pump is actually here sometimes it like it depends not all pumps are actually on the here but in this case the pump is i'm holding the pump right here um and there's multi there's only a few manufacturers of the pumps uh it's like ram like people are buying the manufacturers from like ace attack and then i forgot what the other one is but there's i forgot the name of the other slap their sticker and they slap their sticker on it and they buy different versions and then um then uh you know so the tech for that there can be some unique stuff in terms of where the pump placement is and stuff like that but in terms of the uh brackets and things like that those are all done those are all owned by the companies who they license the license the designs from it's like amd it's like you know the gpus are all amd gpus but that they still can have performance differences because of the what they do for the pcbs and all sorts of stuff so there is proprietary tech as well okay so okay so there we go now we have it the right way i'm learning and now we're gonna do is we're just gonna first okay that's off i was like oh we're gonna first make sure that it's peeled okay so you're gonna stick this down like this now one of the things that's interesting about this particular brand of aio is that you have to worry about you have to apply some pressure underneath the motherboard because the um the so what you do is i stick it on the side like this i'm gonna hit side camera you guys can see this and then what you do is you basically want to push the bracket i got a super chat for five dollars i'm gonna push the bracket up so that way you can at least get one screw on and then that'll hold the rest in there but i've got this weird hand thing going on here right now okay so now that's screwed in i've pushed it up just want to make sure to get one started whoops don't do that drop it drop it in the fan drop it drop it on the fan so now we're gonna find another one of those where are they oh they're there yeah okay and then you're gonna just get all you gotta do is get one on there you go and then now that one is on the the thing will be stuck up so it'll stay stuck up there we go now i can put it back down ugh and finish the finish the process and then actually i might do this one with a screwdriver okay go to top down there you go really and this is why you keep the sticker on here and then you screw that down there we go okay now let's put on the other ones real quick there we go and then one more and then you just kind of rotate around from here but this this one isn't so much you have to worry about pcb bending because the the pressure is actually on the back bracket not on the pcb you don't have to worry as much about rotating left and right around um it's still a good idea to make sure that you have all four kind of started before you uh finish screwing it down just so you get even pressure on the motherboard and there you go now our our our aio is mounted i'm going to put these things in here and then we'll all we got to do is run our one little cable here and then we'll do our half point or halfway giveaway so we're halfway and then we gotta be coming up on we gotta be coming pretty close while trey paying attention we gotta get getting pretty close to the um the expiration of the hype train so it'll be a blue bar that shows up at the top 78 subs you guys thank you there we go there we go do you always top mount your aios i like the way top mounted works more i like the way top mounted looks more than i like the way front mounted looks i only front mount when i only front mount when i don't have an option um so most of the time i will top mount because i just like the way it looks it's an aesthetic choice oh thanks frisk appreciate it yeah that's what i'm trying to explain like when people ask like well why do i need to front mount why do i have to have tubes up for front mounting that's why it's because of where air sits and the air cycling through the pump i want some more leanly pc with 910 fans i know sub dragon i've done that one look at that let's uh let's take a minute and show off our three month badges who's got a three munch badge let's go ahead and get let's do some shout outs real quick since we're halfway through the build let's give some shout outs to some three-monthers i see miss karma rdub thank you very much for three months who else has got her three months one there we go we got toad elk van heel cosmic jordan tigger mcgee uh harbinger uh lac queue congratulations ichigotek awesome thank you very much for that eternal i think has gotten in there misfit zystan uh my my phanax cab 218 look at that crash override 02 big daddy blondie but geeky look at that all those three month subs mostly martinez awesome chemic oh it should show if you have it it's your first display so it's fine friscomar there we go um look at that jag jagar02 rob wants revenge look at all those look at all those look at all those things man that's awesome one day away don't worry we'll do shout outs again i love the new three month ones you guys are getting closer and closer to building a pc um okay the cpu fan is the top one there you guys can't see this and i'm sorry but i'm going to plug this into the cpu fan which is up here at the top like this so we're going to get that in do our weird like hand thing there i'm actually going to have to remove my ram real quick to get up there this is the one thing did you put thermal paste on the cpu the thermal paste is pre-applied guys i showed you guys that on the side cam i know some people may not have seen that but yes the thermal paste was pre-applied it's on the aio and this is i did not apply separate thermal paste because it's the other thing too is that i don't need um the pc like if i wanted to like throw like thermal grizzly knot or something like that the pc is getting taken apart so this isn't a pc we're keeping okay so we're just gonna get our fan header installed here real quick up here at the top i should have installed usually i installed this before but okay there we go cpu fan headers hooked up and then now we're just going to run our one our cable's behind real quick and then we can do our midpoint giveaway because after this we're doing front panel connectors then gpu and then psu and then we're done actually super close to having this build done or so you say okay listen there mr sad pants sad pants yeah like trying to trying to make the build worse than shorts sad shorts okay we're just gonna pull our cables through in real life okay that's enough out of you mcmahon okay i'm just going to grab a zip tie real quick and zip tie these cables in the back just to make sure that they stay together and the build continues to look clean which is what you want i know a lot of people are like well you're going to take the build away why why worry about it because it's going to get photos it's got to be a rubytech quality build yeah you know what i mean you still can just be sloppy you can't be sloppy there we go tweezers front mount is not but the front mount is not better for airflow the thing is is that understanding the laws of static pressure and blue fluid dynamics the pump that whether it's up or down it is literally just about air is literally just about oh wait a minute i see what you're saying sorry g-dog you're talking about front you're talking about airflow in terms of let me let me be super clear whether you do the front or the top whether it's pull or push and you're pulling from the front or pulling from your difference in temps are actually pretty or not that much because it's laterally you're still dissipating heat you have the amount of speed that you're going from there it's actually fan speed that would actually make a bigger difference so sorry about that you are right if you did the front you could actually get lower thermals um from an airflow standpoint you are correct but in terms of looks and in terms of performance doing it top mounted is totally okay and you're only you're talking about the difference in terms of maybe one to two degrees which isn't going to make that difference make that much of a difference in terms of lifespan of your cpu so if you want to top mount your aio you can completely do it you're not killing anything so um okay so we got our fans hooked up let's do our halfway giveaway what do you guys say yes tech jesus also approves of this config yes okay let's do our first this is for the halfway giveaway this is for three months of xbox game pass now this one subs you do get extra entries twitch subs you get extra entries this is for halfway saving that and starting that giveaway now i think our music just stopped so we'll start that again boom okay that giveaway is going halfway guys if you uh keep spamming it uh yeah exclamation point halfway exclamation point halfway guys uh it's not working yes it is oh it is okay there goes okay no the entries are going okay good oh i was getting nervous okay while we're doing that let's get our ram reinstalled because we had to take it out because of weirdness but it's not a big deal uh oh uh oh he's getting yawning i've been yonni my middle name is yani live at the acropolis live at the roby tech okay one end biblioteca by the way welcome everybody to the robyverse we uh we did settle on that for the name of the aerobie bird the roby verse uh we still haven't figured out a community like what we call people though i think we'd call them tech heads um but i don't know if people were atlanta that they wanted something with roby so still struggling to figure out what that is but roby versus the name is the community and the robbie the versace the versations there we go okay ram is back in we're good there we'll do the peel after we get all that stuff okay let's turn this over and let's get our front panel connectors connected and we're good there okay this is looking good guys this is looking very good okay continue our build in the back now the one thing too is that now that we've switched the direction here now these right here go on the other side like this there we go now you can control all the cables again and then you gotta bend this up a little bit this is these are always the weird thing about these little uh i think it might be better let's actually run it the opposite way it's gonna be better if i do it this way a little hint do it the other way to go from this direction just given the bend here there we go then this one will be easier to get through here there you go okay there's that one so go from this side you can you'll get clearance better there we go okay cool now we're gonna take our cables here which we have our fan cables and all that sort of stuff we're gonna disconnect all this real quick this is all connected but we're gonna pull this stuff through here figure that here in a minute oh that's all it's fan stuff what is this rgb okay this goes up here metal that separately and go like this there we go there's that one and then pull this down here a little bit of cable management in my life a little bit of something that i gotta say halfway okay uh by the way the uh stop doing the giveaway it's done so we're gonna pick our winner congratulations to joshua hudson over on youtube joshua hudson you are the winner of the uh three months of xbox game pass congratulations joshua what are you gonna do with all that awesomeness i don't know that's what he said that's what he's that's what he's saying right now he's like oh my gosh i'm so lucky i can't believe it i'm also russian i don't know if you knew that but josh was russian i don't know he's not really russian i don't think i said i don't think i've met him you haven't met joshua joshua uh they only sent the case i did i did not get anything else i did not get any accessories or anything i just got the case as far as i yeah i don't think i got i don't remember getting anything else they sent me the leanly fans that i showed off yesterday that are in the deep cool build and then that's it okay there we go okay so what i'm gonna do with these because these are all our where's all you know what that was terrible i'm not gonna do this i'm gonna do i'm trying to figure out what i'm i have three fans here that i'm gonna have to hook up so these are gonna get hooked up i gotta find places for this and then once i hook all this stuff up i'll figure it out okay so we're gonna pull this down so we're gonna figure out where we're gonna hook our fans up i'm i'm kind of i'm kind of frustrated that they didn't give you a splitter they gave you an rgb splitter but they didn't give you a splitter for the fans um like deepcool like all the other like the like having something that you don't have to worry as much about the fan stuff is actually pretty nice because now you have to worry about finding plugs for all your fans okay let's grab these because i know the deep cool the io actually did give you does give you a fan splitter just right here and allow you to connect two into one so i have but now i have four fans i got to figure out where i'm gonna put headers for okay there we go twisty tie off okay and this will do two and there is our one header so we're gonna grab these two there we go here's that and then we also have our rgb which is right here and this is going to this is going to allow us to we're just going to use the header on the motherboard and then we just i don't care about this let's put these up here and then this is the header i care about so this hooks up to our aio is there there's a fan of behind the big black panel in the back in the middle there is a fan hub in the back in the okay i'll look for that here in a minute i didn't know that he says there's a fan hub in the middle of the black panel in the back where is that i mean look at what he said here could any of those uh where is it cool there is a fan hub behind the big black panel in the back in the middle this right here right here so right under your hand where i don't see a fan hub where does this do you see a fan huh that'd be awesome oopsie i do not see a fan hub well there wasn't one in mine okay well there wasn't one there's not one in this one i do not see any fan hubs i see fans uh but i don't see any fan hubs and i've got now i've got three fans but no fan hub um so i'm gonna figure that stuff out here in a minute so these are all the fans i got four wait a minute why do i have more fans i have more fan headers than i have it feels like this is okay this is to the ai i was like why do i have more fan hubs okay okay i'm gonna look on the other side real quick first thing i'm gonna do is let's go ahead and uh uh let's run so this is oh it's got two rgb headers too okay so this is our front panels yeah isn't it in no there's nothing there's nothing yeah this is empty all right hold on real quick guys i'm going to look at my case my it i got where where how many do i have any fit do i have a fan header up there now i have two here i have two there so i got two fan editors there i have any more fan headers oh i've got three here so i got three at the bottom which is good i can take one at the top i got one at the top so i have a total of five fans and so i'm gonna you have to do two at the top and then three at the bottom usb 3 is at the bottom usbc okay so i have i know where everything is now okay oh three pin i have one three pin there i have to do a four pin in the three pin okay okay cool we'll have to use a four pin of course there on our rgb stuff okay so here we go let's go ahead and hook up now we're gonna figure out where all our cabling goes which is always the fun part a fan header would have been nice a fan hub would have been nice okay this is fans we're gonna hook this one up here we're gonna take this one and hook this one up here that'll take care of those two fans these three fans are gonna go down here along with our hd audio hd audio is going to go over here there we go usb 3.2 is going to go right here we got our rgb right here front pant uh all the fans go right here most of these cables are gonna fall out i'm pretty sure when i turn this over and then front panel connectors are gonna go right here too okay i think all that stuff is here come on get in there ugh that's annoying okay i need all of you to go in this hole on the hole there we go okay and then hd audio front panel okay all of these are in the right place now um and then this i'm gonna have to use the four pin which i don't actually know if i have another four pin i might have to use the controller for this i'm gonna see if i can find one more three pin um because the case needs the three pin okay but i have a controller if i need one and then we can figure that out okay that's most of the front panels let's see how this turns out on the other side which now looks like a mess of cables okay start with our front panel connectors here we've got powers reset switch which is easy so i'll have if you're watching this vod well josiah show a a diaphragm here when you're watching the vod for this um but i'll show you guys zoomed in here in a minute so you guys can see where these are i'm just cooking them up real quick and i'll zoom in around the board and show you where all of these things are plugged in i like to walk you through that stuff right now i'm just going to hook it up real quick though it's easier for me to just look and hook it up oh i do have a no i only have one dang it i was hoping i had two three pins i have one three pin rgb header i wish there was two but there's only one it might be is that three no that's four it's kind of a biscuit i keep having hopes and dreams getting crushed okay uh this one goes right here this is your three pin rgb header for our fans i mean for our addressable rgb fans for and lee oh come on baby what i can do and i know what i'm going to do something cool so you guys will see come on did announce the winner for the yes i did okay joshua yes yes you did come on this is always the slowest i hate these rgb headers because like you got you got three holes just gotta go in there come on get in there get in your home in your home come on it's not bent sorry guys you're getting a great view of the back of my head okay first thing i'm gonna do before i do that i'm actually gonna hook up these three three stupid fans they can let go of these and then focus on this header come on there we go come on baby okay those are hooked up okay now i don't have to hold that anymore i can just focus on getting this header in gosh darn it man it's gonna be two hours of roby trying to get this freaking rgb header on this is dumb come on rgb header you keep looking like is there something blocking it like what's going on but it clearly is just i'm missing the holes okay now i'm gonna do these other cables just to give myself a break okay let's put usb 3.2 in there's a little nipple on the usb 3.2 it only goes one way i'll show you that here it's keyed one way guys so there's a little nipple on it all you got to do is get that nipple down at the bottom go at a 90 degree angle on this you want to go straight up and down like you want to make sure that you're going straight up and down or you that way you don't bend it and then hd audio goes on the far left it also has a filled in pin like this a filled in pin so it's only keyed one way for that i'm gonna plug that in like that okay there's all our front panels there and then now back to the original programming of just trying to get this stupid one rgb fan rgb cable in oh my gosh it's brutal brutal not supposed to be this hard at one one cable one cable is keeping me from doing this whole thing and i i gotta get it in that one use the verge's swiss army knife yeah i'm trying to insert cable with confidence it keeps like trying like it's actually going in but it's not dude you're in this much trouble with a freaking one cable okay i'm gonna put this up see if i can see it better this way sorry guys i'm gonna try and see if i can see it better this way and make sure it goes in these definitely have it in the right way one freaking cable man over an hour of me getting a cable in the best footage this is the best footage i feel like it is in but it's like it's not going all the way in okay it's in okay finally geez that was a lot of work okay so all of those are now in i have all the front panels so let me walk you guys through what i've just connected so you guys can see i'm gonna zoom in so you guys can see it sorry about that that was super entertaining and we lost like a hundred viewers just because of that it's it is what it is you gotta make the pc work um okay so what we had connected over here in the far right let's grab a tweezer so we can point it out we gotta use oh you can't really see what the tweezer pointer let's use oh we'll use the white white white tweezer pointer here we go white tweezer pointer yeah okay here we go white tweezer pointer there's our white tweezer pointer okay right here this is your front panel connectors right here this is your power plus and minus that's your power underneath it on the left is sorry underneath this one is the reset switch this is your freaking addressable rgb that i was trying to plug in for three hours here's our three front panel fans right here this is our usb 3.2 that i talked about like making sure look at the orientation there's a little nipple on it there's only really one way to plug it in over here is hd audio and then up here at the top we're gonna plug in our last two fan cables which is what we're gonna take care of in just a second and that'll be all of the front panel connectors we have so we're going to take our we're going to take our ram out again one more time so we can plug in these last two bands because this is the one thing about top mounting your io and sometimes you sometimes it's nice and low like the p500 you want to talk about the best orientation for top mounting an aio the p500a from fantex is like takes the takes the cake in terms of just ease of of installing um your install ease of installing your uh aio it's got so much room at the top that you you can basically hit everything okay so what i'm gonna do right now is hook up these last two fans that are up here and these are our rear fan and our aio fans i'm going to do like that weird angle thing where i'm going to grip these things there we are okay so we're going to grab first one right here and you can't see this at all and i'm sorry but they're up there there you go there's one and another one go okay oh there it is like where's our other fan over here there we go and it goes like this i like it better when like one of things that i like on certain motherboards and it's like usually the higher end ones that they actually stick a fan header over by the eps connector which is far over here on the left you can easily plug in your rear fan right there what are you trying to say your rear fanny trying to hook up your rear fanny okay there we go all the way the left note like your fat fingers my fat fingers are just causing problems here you don't say that there we go okay here we go all of our fans are connected now okay cool there we go okay now let's get our ram in one more time and now we can install our gpu one more time one more time we're gonna celebrate oh yeah okay that's in our front panels were in that was a little bit longer than i want by the way we have unlocked hype train we have unlocked it uh the hype train i think it unlocked because it's like 8 30 so it should have been way unlocked so by the way we've unlocked our hype train so we want to get to our second hype train and unlock that seagate giveaway and we got to get it started remember guys one more level five we could give away a four terabyte seagate um in the uh seagate uh uh here it is right here expansion drive so we're gonna we've done half of it we got one more to go and we'll give this away um so yeah let's get the hype going the way hype works is that uh subscriptions and uh bits uh to start it up and then you have to get to level five guys and then remember we're going to september so you can get enter to win a if you're a sub on twitch you get entered to win a uh you could potentially win a rtx 3080 that we'll be giving away here on uh at the first on the first week of october so yeah if you want to get in on that remember that's the bonus for thing i broke the bot how did you break the bot again not bringing the bot in i didn't break it people blamed me yesterday okay let's get those subscriptions going and uh going from there and let's get it unlocked guys okay all of that stuff is done we can install let's let's install our gpu which is always fun and then we'll fix all the stuff in the back when we get to that stuff we'll get our gpu in and get our cables in and then we can move on from there okay gpu time let's get that oh not yet not yet i will i will i always do that near the end hi train hi train all right train come on guys we got to do the job we got to drop the you got to drop the uh there's some bits but we got to drop those subs guys if you want to unlock that giveaway and then remember you get bonuses for uh entries on extras if you do don't stub sub donations all that stuff all goes towards bonus entries and don't forget we still have that hot we stop it we still have that um we still have the uh we still have the 100 the 32 gig giveaway too right so let's see if we can do it come on guys we can do it there's the hype train there it is yeah i i don't know how i miss that cuz i've been looking at the screen for a hype train okay guys getting to level five let's do it while we're doing that let's uh let's open up our our brand new this brand new 2080 super just dropped it there we go level three already come on let's finish it let's get to 100 guys crazy how like to see the different manufacturers like what they do with theirs so it's cool to see you here we go pop in the pop in that peel ready oh yeah oh baby hello he peeled oh that just kind of came off oh that was that was anticlimactic there there we go there's the hype train right there level four peelgasm another peelgasm okay you need a peelgasm emote i people are saying like we need the uh which i actually like that idea like a tweezers remote a tweezers emote like it's just like zip ties i don't know what that would look like but we could maybe we could figure something out i think eternal could do it we gotta take the ties like zip ties there we go six subs keep it going guys oh 102 there we go well we're doing that we're definitely doing that ram giveaway pho show ram giveaway unlocked bonus there we go level five complete wow that was fast okay well yesterday throwing it down but yeah don't forget guys we also like just because we've hit the goals we still want to see how much if we crush it then instead of giving away one uh 2080 3080 rtx 3080 if we hit the goals and blow them out of the water from overall subs we may give away two so don't just think hey i don't know a number of nope nope that's the thing right it's like it's just like i want to see how like you guys become if you guys are generous then i will be generous and i've never like that has never not been a thing right i have always been generous so it's not you give away multiple things every stream yeah so i'm just saying like i'm not saying the bar is impossibly high odds are you guys will hit it but it's up to you guys like you guys just gotta keep the keep the trains going keep like trying to hit those like crush those goals every time and we might give away two and that means that doubles your chances of winning you peeled everything right i did i did peel everything there's only one peel i just forgot to take these out now they're out don't panic don't panic are you panicking don't panic don't panic don't panic don't panic don't panic uh don't panic there we go don't panic don't panic okay getting our gpu in here it is this is gonna look good in this i'm case to miss i'm going to miss the way these cards look they were good-looking cards and like the one thing is like i think a lot of people i'm hoping but a lot of people are going to struggle who have arctic builds they're like oh look i got the uh i got the 3080 and it's like it's not light gray like this it's more like a like a gray tungsten like a a darker gray color what did i do with my screwdriver oh cool right here on the outside thank you so it doesn't it like it's a little harder to match so like a tungsten yeah it's like a darker tungsten and it's got a little bit of a an orange tinge like a sorry almost like a bronze tinge to it it's it's not it's not as it's not as it's not as neutral as the um as the 20s yeah it's going to stand out for sure and it's like a brick it's like here i am empowering your pc yeah it's like it's like it's like look at me look at me ma look at me look at me mom i'm the favorite i'm the favorite now that's it oh nice thanks eiston okay you don't want me to tell you where the screwdriver is next time yeah they want me to just struggle where did i put it like we're here okay chat next time i won't i won't tell him there we go okay um what do i need now i need to put our cable extensions on and we got some cable management then we put in our psu and then we're done did you ever find your light no it's gone did you take it trey took it and you guys are not going to tell me guys calm down i'll peel the pump when would you make this oh dude that would be i'd be like what legit okay i'll peel it right now ready peeling the pump here we go oh we're gonna zoom way in on the pump there we go zoom in on the pump here we go blast peel i'm just kidding i'm not gonna peel i'm just kidding no i'll peel it there we go peeling the pump there's the pumps peeled i need to save that because i'm gonna use that put that back on later okay pump is peeled let's zoom back in and let's get our 217 guys 218 let's finish it can we hit it at 300 can we drop the 300 guys oh that's awesome banana slug obsidian it's fine it's not a big deal that's that's that's okay i'll push him over a little bit later why are you gonna push me over a little bit later i'm gonna push trey over a little bit later there we go 27 subs guys plus we got that additional giveaway so we're going to be doing that choo-choo train congratulations guys there's all your remotes your level 5 emotes there you go some bonus emotes from you from twitch okay let's uh let's get our cables in here real quick thanks fuzz appreciate that choo choo pick a winner for for the ram we haven't done the ram we do that at the end of the stream that's always those are always at the end guys okay so we need a six pin a three pin there's a three pin we need a four pin there's a four pin i mean their cpu they choose the right one i did not that's this one there you go okay there we go those are the cables we need for today the cables we need for today trey what are people saying what's going on in chat tray uh trey craig what do they say trey let me try choking i'm out you know i'm done uh people are asking if they can have it okay um also that it's very beautiful okay good good these are all these are all good things so far good things good good don't tell me into the bad i don't want to know i don't want to know don't tell them that they don't like me calm down bernie i'm getting there what's bernie saying told me to read the chat oh he's worried he's reading the chat uh the motherboard is the uh x570 prime thanks doc i appreciate the the compliment on the streaming do your job trey that's right shut up i can save it it's my brother uh the pop the list is uh they'll link the list out guys they link the list pretty regularly i'm sorry the bots have been so weak sauce is that a streamlabs thing or i don't know what it is i think it's a tray thing no i don't think trey why are you breaking the bot for people so i'm trying to win everything okay yeah trey's trying to win it all okay we are just putting out right now what we're doing is we're putting in our cable extensions is what we're doing right now this is always like a time to chat with wow and except for when you fail roby who's for uh we discussed that earlier but he's wondering any idea when third party 30 80s so we will know more we should know pretty close to uh sometime next week in terms of when the 30 80 partner cards that is what i have heard i cannot confirm i do not know for sure i've just heard the same things you've heard that we will see announcements um they are showing up on website so like b h put all of their placeholders up uh today so that is usually a good sign that they're going to be set on sale very close or the same day as the founders edition cards so can you get me an xbox reason who said that oh i was like what yeah yeah yeah there are placeholders lots of placeholders are up they all say auto notify um there at this point in time though guys it's like um there is nothing there's no pre-orders it's just gonna be for sale we don't know if it's midnight est or midnight pst hopefully we'll have more of that data next week i will be releasing a video as soon as we have information we'll just give you all the info of like hey if you want to get a 3000 series here's what you do so we're gonna be prepared for that what's your favorite premix for water cooler uh i like i like the uh i like the prema primochill and evgas uh sorry the ek stuff um i don't have any of it i think i do have it here right so i use this like the ek oh x the xspc stuff is pretty good too so i've used actually quite a few different ones um the stuff i don't use is the thermaltake stuff so yeah i don't think i don't think when you talk about uh aftermarket like you're talking about poor board partners i don't think at this point time getting a card from a board partner is any different and in fact maybe better than the founders edition cards that you get from nvidia so i would not be afraid to get a card from a board partner we are not bench marking these before release no we are not benchmarking before release we we we uh we are not allowed to so nor do we have any yeah at this point in time anyone renting out a pc aib yeah the one thing that i will say yeah the the the doing another board partner versus doing the oh my gosh ruby really what are you doing i put it on backwards son of a biscuit um one of the things i will say is that's the big thing is like none of the board partners are going to use a 12 pin like i talked to cooler master i've talked to a couple of the other ones like some some even some psu manufacturers are waiting to find out if anybody even adopts it like evga made one but not all board part not all psu partners are making the 12 pin cables because they don't know if people are going to uh they don't know if people are going if a lot of card manufacturers are going to pick a 12-pin uh connector right now it's only nvidia um and so uh so that's the thing is like one thing that is nice about um like if you get asus or zotac or msi is that it will be a standard 12-pin connection um that you can just plug in normally so if you have like cable sleeves like what i'm using here for the asia horse stuff like that is going to be you're only going to be able to do that with the third party cards and not the um not the uh nvidia cards and i'm not and if not a lot of people adopt it that's only going to make it worse because right now the cable that it comes with is super short um it doesn't look good um and in fact like i'm just i'm i'm kind of like i've been trying to figure out like what i'm gonna do to try and make it look good in builds um unless you buy like one of those those cable extensions which which reminds me i need to reach out to i need to reach out to um some psu manufacturers and make sure i have the cables on hand so when we do our first builds we do have a lot of that you can't use those with the new nvidia cards no because they're they're uh they have a 12 pin connector single 12 pin connector and these are all eight pin and stuff like that okay so that is why you can't use these yeah msi the other thing too is like when you look at like for instance if you look at the uh b h like site um like b h's site uh there like the msi gaming trio 3080 is 900 so i do expect some third-party cards to be more expensive and the the rumor is that the reference pcb that nvidia released was incredibly expensive to manufacturer um so i know that a lot of uh third-party manufa third-party board makers are making their own custom pcbs which is way more than what we got for them yeah it does it is ugly you're right friscamar i you know i'm hoping so but the other thing too that's interesting is if you look in the box for the 3080 there's actually something that says if you use third-party connectors it can void your warranty yep so we don't know if that'll be in the retail ones but in the ones that journalists and review units the samples all have that in there so i don't know that's going to be that's going to be the interesting thing some people are like function is better than form i agree but uh when you're going to spend the kind of money you're going to spend on these custom pcs like you can have both right now and so i'm hoping that like you can have both later on too okay here we go first cable extension is in and done the one thing i like about these versus the the thermaltake ones i use is just how easy these are to manipulate here so how would they know if they you don't i have no idea that's the same thing that's that's the same thing i said that jay said jay was like i don't know how they'd know but um uh i don't know that's a good question we don't know because there's like it's not hard right like in terms of making the cuts like if you made it you can like if you can get the other thing too is like there will be people hopefully there's a way to just buy them and you can make your own custom sleeve ones oh god that looks good sorry that just looks really good that looks super clean that is nice priced yourself i did surprise myself with like how good that looked i was like oh right i like it okay you're gonna grab a couple of these i do build custom pcs if you're interested in commissions i will tell you i'm not taking commissions until uh middle of october though i have i'm booked solid for i'm booked solid at this point in time all of my slots are full um until and even if you in middle october i'll start taking commissions again um and then those builds will happen uh end end of october some of the last week of october and in uh middle of november that's how far booked i'm really booked out yep all my slots are full and then dude i am on fire with putting all these cables on backwards oh maybe i didn't put this on back with me no i did some of them i hope so i hope so cable mobs i'm sure they will too so price if you guys wanted to have me do a build it's 15 i don't do standard builds anymore it's 15 and they get streamed um i only do stream builds now so it's 15 of the total cost of the pc is what i is what i charge which actually i've been told is not enough but i'm fine with it it's not i don't do it to make a ton of money that's not what i do it for i do it so i always i want to make it so it's affordable it's still worth my time um and at the same time it provides content for you guys to watch you know i build in a bunch like i'm really excited the ones that we have so yeah i hope so too man but yeah mine are all completely booked there we go yeah we have a lot i think i don't know how many people that are here i think usually a lot of my like i know people uh a lot of my people who are watching i have a lot of people like they're they're watching today i don't know if any of my my upcoming commissions are watching now but yeah it was not as bad but then a lot of my commissions that were supposed to be um completed by now were like uh can i please get it 3080 instead and so there was a lot of that stuff they kind of have there that goes in there so you got three so far oh yeah so people have commissions yeah oh booty chatter yeah booty chatter uh building his pc red ripper build we're doing his pc uh yeah he's doing a threadripper one for bernie uh bernie's i'm not doing a new one for bernie he maybe he misunderstood oh no bernie had one built right but yeah yeah no i have i'm not doing a new one for him um yeah booty chatter uh we're building a threadripper build for him his build is a third with a 30 90. so he's good that's gonna be nice that's going to be nice 128 gigs of ram um yeah that's going to be a super sick build um so and then uh we see if we have a couple other people yeah yeah nice name yes but he's still he's still i'm excited about his build i was on the phone with him today chatting with him today um but yeah i know i have we have a nice thing uh giveaways will you'll see we're gonna do um i have a zeistan build there you go well that's okay man that not everybody wants me to build a pc and i'm okay with that too i like helping people build pcs i've helped i can't even imagine at this point in time how many people i've helped build pcs like when you have videos now i have like three videos the 500 000 the 500 000 the 1000 um the 750 and now a new two new step-by-step guides that both all combined are two plus million views you got any lego builds yeah so i i'd say i mean believe it or not like i you know what it might be there you go there's a lot of people who who i've gotten to help and that that more than anything is awesome like that that makes me smile a lot thanks very much i misspoke on that 500 000 build oh 500 yeah i haven't done a 500 000 build i do have probably one of the most that's awesome prider that's great you're welcome friscomar man all you guys like i love that i get to help people build pcs and that's why i love that you guys so many of you guys just hang out uh and with me every week man it's it's like it's it's so humbling pc step by step one million views yeah one point one point one almost wouldn't say that it's at one it was pretty crazy like uh my friend one our friend uh who um trey knows too brian combs who's one of our editors and one of the founders um he like had an older apple tv and it doesn't make it one m so it just said one comma zero zero zero and he's like it's pretty crazy to look at something and go wow that is a lot of views when you like just see it like all out like that okay so we're gonna drop this down here i hope oh this oh this stupid cpu thing is in the way i'm taking the cpu shroud out i mean the i'm taking the the hard drive thing out because i don't i want these cables to be straight so i'll fix that here in a minute take this out so these cables can be straight because that's super important to me this is crazy yeah it's been fun we're getting close to 4 million views 4 million views total across all of our videos and i mean every one of these views like every one of these streams i mean like when you guys watch like we have anywhere between eight and ten thousand people um who watch just one of these right like so you guys like we'll have we have a thousand fifty seven people here right now um and then but over the course of the entire show we'll have anywhere between seven and up to 12 000 and all the way down you know and then we'll have like more than that like on a pretty consistent basis so it's pretty cool like it's awesome you guys are we have a good community um and all that sort of stuff which is great i put this okay i did put this one in right i did i did one right okay you sure yeah yeah this one's right yeah yeah yeah okay i would need to put in more cable things there we're getting close here guys we are almost done with this build we've unlocked we have what two more giveaway we'll have two more three more giveaways still at the end of the stream still reset three well yeah because we have the post giveaway we'll have the seagate and then we'll have the uh we'll have the the ram so yeah well we still have three giveaways still and by the way thank you very much yeah the vertical yeah uh by the way all of the it took a little while longer than i hoped but all of the um giveaways from last month are now all in the mail so the physical prize winner so all the cooler master all the cooler master um aios went out um and then those last i think some people already got their m.2s in the last couple m.2s that uh we were i was waiting for uh them to ship that they've been shipped so everybody should have their prizes who got a prize in the month of uh uh the month of august right that was last month i remember the month the month of august should be getting your prizes in the mail very soon so thank you very much for your patience on that even though we tell people even though we sell people four to six weeks on shipping but usually it's the first week of the first week of august is when we use i mean the first week of the month is when we usually get those up okay so i am we're gonna do side camera here real quick trey side camera i'm going i'm going okay so one of the things we're going to do real quick guys is just to make sure our star cables look good is we're going to remove this drive tray down here there's just a little cable there's a little screw here just comes loose and then this all right oh i'm going to push actually just push it back never mind does it come out oh i can move it to all sorts of different places so all i need to do is just move it yeah right there it's good okay cool i'm just gonna scoot it back actually which is all i did and then we're gonna put this back on here oh nice click that's cool i like i love how i have to say man i'm impressed with this case um just in terms of its versatility and how they kind of thought through everything individual it's innovative yeah it is i mean the deep cool one but this case i think this case i i don't remember what the retail price is on this case right now right now getting it retail is really hard um just because of uh just because of uh um it's so popular but um in terms of the in terms of the uh cost the deep cool one was pretty impressive in terms of just how much they innovated for 79 case 79 bucks for cases that for that case was pretty incredible okay so there we go okay now our cables are in now we can turn this over finish our cable management and then we'll put in our psu and turn it on almost at the end trey gross we're so close trey's getting sleepy so we gotta hurry trey's getting sleepy someone said retail is 95 yeah 90 okay so 95 yeah so yeah that like that's again between this uh this the td 500 the tank costs more than that the third one oh yeah i know those are like the thing is like now there's just these really great cases that a hundred dollars like it's so competitive at 100 range now oh okay the mesh is 130 okay so that's like that's a little bit more expensive than the d cool but there's a lot of versatility here that you see in this versus what we had in the deep cool okay so the top down let's finish our cable management oops do we have a new gold to get to no we don't do the ex cause the goals above this were all gpus nobody wants a 2000 series anymore they're like oh okay so we're gonna all put it towards the 3000 series okay so what we're doing right now is we're going to quickly get our cables under control here because they're a little they're a little crazy now we're not going to be too crazy because again this build is not staying so it's just going to be enough to make it sure it looks clean is there any difference between the cable extension companies um yes and it's what the cable what the cables themselves are made out of um like for instance the the thermaltake ones i use are made out of petg um and they're a lot more rigid so if you're it really comes down to how you want the cables to look um and so it's like some like the the one thing i like about the asia horse is for the price the price wise these are really inexpensive i think right now like they used to be they used to be 40 bucks now they're 35 um for these cables and uh it's like just really yeah that's that's just like a ridiculously good price um i need to see where is my what did i do with the covers oh they're there they're all down here i want to see how the cover works here because i want to make sure the cover can go on that's the side one okay so the covers go right there okay so i need to make sure that these are not covering the covers okay so this has all got to go in the middle okay we have room at the bottom okay cool so we're going to zip tie some of the stuff together because everything's really kind of hooked up and then we're going to use some of these tie downs to kind of keep them clean i don't want to be too insane because like i said i'm just taking this pc apart so we'll use only 35 zip ties only only 35 as opposed to my usual 60 or 70 right you know and then sometimes more when you have the clip along yeah yeah exactly because then you forget they're like oh i shouldn't have done that yet there we go wow these are kind of kind of kind of crazy in terms of cabling but it's funny because like i just want to make sure that it's all hidden when i put on that one this should all be pretty hidden grab another zip tie get this done so close come on there we go there we go and one here what's what are they saying trade give me the pc please give me the pc uh some people would kill for a 2080. oh really that's good these are not all guns someone said they could commit an atrocity for a 30-70 that's coming not the atrocity part just the [Music] this this though that i was like wait this tweezer is not working was it the wrong way no it was on the right way just being hard and difficult okay so we have this i'm gonna do something interesting with this in a minute i'll show you my coolness these this needs to go up here it is uh well the clock says what time it is here it does it's uh nine it's uh just after just a little after nine o'clock right now yeah 909 which i mean that's actually like it's funny because like i think when we usually get to this point back in the day sure you'd actually be asleep already because it would be like snow it's it's like 10 o'clock you know it'd be like 10 o'clock and i understand trey trey trey actually has a full-time job that he comes to after this so it's okay he gets sleepy because like he's up what time did you get up this morning this morning i got up at 5 30. yeah see so that's like he he has every excuse to be tired guys okay um i'm gonna take oh i shouldn't have done that yet but it's fine all the verge stuff is starting to get mean i don't know i mean they made a video and then disabled comments they made a video that honestly if people would have followed would have destroyed people's pcs like what they did would create the first video no i don't want to do that because then people would watch it and be like what um i think the thing is is like truth be told like understand and then the only two is it was sponsored by capital one and then they were like what they did was super irresponsible yeah and so that's the problem right and like if yeah why wouldn't you you should know and that guy like the other thing too is it's not like that the stuff that he did wasn't available for for you to watch and learn like that's the like bit wits all of those all of those videos that people watch to learn are all up there right like he could have watched that video and really figured it out and he could have done he could have written a script like it was just there was a bunch of things that were really just irresponsible about that video yeah especially if you're learning or teaching how to people now watch it this guy is probably the one who actually wants the fridge like he was like these are getting really mean it's like he was actually him like oh man i'm sorry but not sorry okay so what we're going to do here because we cannot use this rgb cable here we're gonna use this which is our um which is actually a controller and what i'm gonna do is just to be cool is i'm gonna un white wrap it real neat here in a minute and just get unwrapped i guess i don't need to unwrap it i'm not gonna unwrap it okay i'm gonna disconnect this because we can't use that going to connect this in like so and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to put it oh is it going to reach no it's not going to reach oh never mind i can put it right here okay so it'll be in the back here in the back so we can change the color really easily okay cool yeah there we go that's neat that's something that's nice about this particular case is that i can do stuff like make it easy put this this can just go up here all right there we go so now we can open the case and change our colors and be good we'll have this out this will be out okay so everything there is ready actually ready now all we got to do is put in our psu and that's it that's we're almost done we are we are so close to done um i think i put some some things away that i shouldn't have but oh no that's them they're mine roby was saying that the verge was irresponsible posting that video because it wasn't a wasn't a good step they they made it to be like a step by step yeah video on how to build a pc one it wasn't a step by step two [Music] it didn't he didn't explain things very well in three no it wasn't that he wasn't that he didn't explain things he was just wrong like the stuff that he was telling people like was wrong and then the editor like cut steps out all together yeah it was just it was naughty yeah yeah it's like it was not it was dude if you go watch like it was uh it was brutal yeah yeah it was way way wrong and dangerous that is that you cannot put you cannot you cannot emphasize how bad that is like that pc should have caught on fire yeah like people were like when it turned on people were like how it's like he got so lucky because it shouldn't have turned on his face the psu fan was facing the case yeah it was just a lot of things like and then the reasons that he said that he did things were wrong ram was in the long wrong spots yeah it was just it was just you shouldn't you should like you should not do that and they pulled it off which was the right thing to do right but then like they then they did stuff like did copyright strikes on people who were making fun of it and it was like there was just nothing done well for that video yeah so yeah there you go um i would say i would actually say that most i i do not get a ton of negative comments on my if you look at my builds like i we i'm sure the million the million view one has a has some has a share of negative comments but for the most part most of mine ones are like hey thank you for the step by step this was incredible i do not i do not feel like i get a ton of negative comments if we do oh well yeah and the only two is like if people want it like i you know it's i i watchy i watch another youtuber um her name is catherine manning he's not a tech tuber she's just the how to youtube i i don't know why i just really enjoy her content and she said something which was actually kind of cool which was like if i've made enough of a difference and somebody has to dislike my video then hey that's awesome too because they cared enough to hit that thumbs down now there's one person i don't know who you are there's one person who just pretty much just thumbs down every one of my videos and there's always one like it's like and it's almost instantly that they go in and like i'll put it in and there's somebody i was like there's somebody who's literally hunting me that person i don't know i don't know man there's a special place for that individual but i don't like that however that is i know yeah there it is blondie's like uh the blondie's like uh going in there but there's one person who like just goes to every video as soon as i post his like thumbs down i'm like what and like because i'm like a minute i look at my video i'll be like oh look it's at 100 and then like within five minutes it's like 94 i'm like what come on you know what i mean but it is what it is uh i do you like hassan i don't know who that is um okay who do we got it'll look like hassan oh i look like i don't know well thanks i think um okay what else do we have ow i need a cpu that's the last one i need there it is okay so there's our cables i'll walk you guys through the cables i took out of this little box okay so here's the cables that i took out that i need for this build so if you are following along or building with me the cables you'll need for this particular build are as follows this is this is a cpu uh cable what you know it is it's got an eight pin on one side this plugs into psu it's actually labeled and then you also get your cpu which splits into a four pin or eight pin we're gonna be connecting that into our cable extension uh we have here this is your motherboard cable uh you can see this is the part that goes into the psu and this one right here is what goes into the motherboard or in our case cable extension this is a sata oh sorry no actually sorry this is your vga your pcie um for your gpu um so you can see it's listed a two uh four pin and eight pin we're gonna plug these into extensions and then this part plugs into the psu and then our final cable is sata this is for hard drives but it's also there's a lot of things like aios and stuff like that that use this power as well that's what we're gonna be using for that so what we're going to do right now is we're going to plug all these in so our psu has all of its required cabling here we go that goes right there so this is the oops yeah this is the first one this is your see your motherboard power so that's easy and then next to it is the cpu power which looks like this one right here so the one that says cpu that's split that goes right there and then this is your sata which is a three pin this one goes in the bottom left or anywhere the three pin then finally you've got your pcie this goes right here and there you go that's all your cables ready to go this is the longest i've had a beard before oh i don't know how i've gotten away with this usually i want to shave it off okay so what we're gonna do is just shove this in here now and then i gotta go find i guess i gotta go find i think i have some i'm gonna go find some cpu uh gpu screws these pink come with screws yeah they do but this is not i have these are all samples so i hope that i put it in the box and it's actually in here but yeah it is okay cool these are all samples so i have i i put them when i take them apart i try to pack them so they're retail again oh okay but sometimes i'm always concerned like did i do that like was that one that i didn't okay so here's our screws side cam side cam side cam side kim get your butt up get your butt upside cam side cam get your butt up it's the side cam here we go going up so we can show you guys screwing in this there we go so when you put whoo we put on our cpu uh that we're actually putting the psu in upside down so the fan is facing uh towards the bottom of the case so that's just something super important when you're putting in a psu and then you're going to grab your four psu screws and we're going to line them up here now one thing i like about these like see sonic's particular brand of psu is just how small especially their titanium and platinum psus are at smaller sizes the one thing is like it's nice if you're looking for like a much like almost less wide um psu i would definitely recommend seasonic um nzxt also uses sea sonic psus um and i've been impressed with those so seasonic is a very good brand if you're looking for a psu okay there we go okay awesome that's good go back to top down thank you very much trey welcome you're welcome okay so that's all done now we're gonna hook up our power i got the power oh mommy's got the power i've got power what happens if you underpower your gpu uh it won't work it won't just won't turn on it requires a certain amount of power you can under volt it which people do that's different but underpowering it like not plugging in the right number of powers the gpu just won't turn on okay where's my okay there okay we're gonna do those last those are gonna be the ones that need to move okay so first thing we're gonna hook up is we're gonna find our sata connections of which there should be a couple here there's one right there there's a sata connection right there and there should be two total there's the other one right here okay there we go so there's two total sata connections this is for rgb for the case and this is for the controller for the cooler there you go okay so there's our sata and again i could if i cared i know you can you won't be able to see but you can move the shroud and do other stuff like i'm going to plug these these last ones are your psu i plugged those in last main reason being is you want to make sure you have flexibility to move them um so they can so the cables look good on the front so here's our cpu extension that's gonna go right here there we go cpu extensions in okay cool and finally take our motherboard and hook that up so we're gonna turn this over because that's how it's wired the other thing i like about seasonic is um their cables themselves also are some of the best in terms of just getting them to go into cable extensions some other ones like i don't know like their clips or whatever it was they're painful to get the cable extensions in but on sea sonic they just go in like butter better like butter there we go that one goes right in there we go and then finally last one and then we'll fix the cable on the other side and there we go okay there's all our cables there's our that's for so we can uh basically okay that's all done last thing we're gonna do is put in our little awesome covers oh i guess we gotta pull this out okay there we go there's one cover there we go and just like that now it looks super clean wow it's like there's no cables whoa whoa amazing amazing zinging magic man see him how you doing okay we're gonna push this off to the side so let's just route it through here there we go now look at that look how clean that is and we only have one cable that's hanging out and that's so we can turn on we can control the this is so we can control our fan our aio we go right there and then we're good this is ready to turn on ladies and gentlemen where is okay boom okay go to that goes back in here well we might want to zoom in again put our screws away okay here we go the one thing i want to fix is these oh stormtrooper nice supposed to be this right here what i'm doing right here on the front is why you hook up oh why you stop the cable from going up why you want to make sure that you do not hook the why you want to hook up those one cables last is because you want to be able to pull these cables down and make sure that you can get the look you want with your cable extensions and then once you kind of have it it's like you feel pretty good about it after everything's kind of in then you can like zip tie them down if you want but you have some options here for this one there we go looks good right yeah that looks great okay good and there we go now we have a nice clean looking pc but let's turn it on well will it post is the question there we go okay i'm gonna put this one rear panel on just because get out of the way a little tricky for you boom you drag it for me too tricks for trey there you go zynga cool now we can turn this on how does it look looks like it looks good question is does it turn on does it turn on we're gonna find out after the word from these sponsors just kidding right from this ad yeah right after this ad which i okay there we go okay oh i see lights we got lights boom we got power there we go it's on oh wow that uh ram rgb oh yeah there goes yeah there we go post better than carl malone there we go look at that guys and then here we got those front fans right there there's the front fans for you so there's that that's what it looks like from the front uh so uh so if you guys want and then we'll go to the side view and then while we're doing that let's start the uh let's start let's go to the side camera you can get a good view of it while we're doing that we'll give you guys the uh we'll give you guys let's start the giveaway for the post post giveaway this is three months of game pass there we go starting that giveaway right now look at that that looks super good that looks super good i think the only thing i want to fix is like the these are not quite i want them to look quite yet i think this one white needs to bend down a little there there you go that is better i don't think this is actually even there this is the stuff it's like oh yeah you're going to give this you're not going to keep this pc but yet i still spend all the time to make sure it's gonna look good you know it's gonna look good there we go there you go guys it shows that you know you want quality because you take care even though it's not yeah that ramp looks super sick dude i love the way that ram is it looks super good like it's better in person than it does on yeah it's like the camera just doesn't do it justice no no it really doesn't it looks but brian's pictures always do like he does he does a good job with your photos it looks like colored crystal yeah it's it's it's so nice yes wish the intake fan yeah the intake fans being white would be nice um yeah there's a little the other thing too is that i will say this about the castle 240 ex um here i'm going to pull it back a little bit for you uh the one thing i would also say is um yeah the rgb block is awesome i will say the one thing that i will also add is that the um the castle 240 ex this is like more of a cream it's not the same white which is kind of interesting i don't think i've noticed that before but it still looks like i love this look this is like i love the way that looks um definitely one of the best looking pumps uh over the other ones for sure so um yeah and it looks really good um you know it's like because a lot of other people like really really enjoy the um the cool the corsair one um and the corsair one's nice but like uh i just don't like the the pump design i wish they did something a little bit better um versus the other one so uh okay here we go we're 45 seconds left guys thank you very much 112 subs so we're about what did we get we were at 177 yesterday so that puts this at uh just over what that puts us at 200 and 200 and almost 300 subs in 300 subs in two days that's awesome guys thank you very much for all that stuff you don't like the course air pump yeah i agree so hashtag oh and by the way i did forget about this guys by the way it did post and here is the post right there come on there it is there's a post right there we are in the uh we are in the os we are in the bios and the pc does post so we are good to go on that on the post and everything so yeah it's good to go motherboard temp sitting at 37 cpu fans are going water pumps running we're good there yeah and we got we can see all that 32 gigs of ram okay picking our winner you should work at the post office wow ha ha ha more youtube winners today ljl13 ljl13 j13 i think is what his real name is but uh that's awesome to see so many uh so many um uh yeah so still yeah so still doing that one and all that sort of stuff in terms of that thing i did want to let people know guys uh which i'll talk a little about a little bit here in a second um is that uh we do have recommendations if you hit exclamation point rtx 3000 if the bot works if you hit rtx record exclamation point rtx 3000 we actually have build recommendations uh 2 000 wow that's crazy um if you do uh there is actually pc builds put together for the 30 70 and 3080 if you're looking for recommended builds for that stuff and then here there blondie just posted them in there if it doesn't work blondie and the mods are posting them in there as well um i did want to bring this up okay so we picked that winner um okay why can't you email a photo to a jedi because attachments are forbidden that's so good because attachments are forbidden oh thank you for that one okay completing that one congratulations we got okay next giveaway is uh for the uh seagate four terabyte expansion uh subs you get extra entries if you're thinking about this you want to win this four terabyte expansion uh tier one subs you get three extra entries tier two subs you get four extra entries in tier five tier three subs you get five extra entries so we're giving that away right now and a big shout out to seagate for hooking us up with those there we go saving that out all of a sudden the third ram doesn't want to be the same color oh yeah they do that sometimes it like it'll it'll do that yeah that's not abnormal this is funny yeah hey uh did you hear about the guy who invented the knock knock joke no he won the nobel prize you don't say by the way uh next by the way you guys are going to want to tune in on wednesday because i don't know if you know this but trey is a professional river dancer and he's gonna be river dancing he's gonna be river dancing on the show uh when i the way you fix it is uh if you uh restarting it will do that i'm reseeding the ram the last thing you can also do is um you can also uh uh if you go into the addressable rgb stuff and reset you you can do it there too it's like i believe more dad jokes can we get a shot of the pc with the lights off sure can do that um where is my phone i'm i'm batting you can't tell me oh they're freaking right in front of me there we go uh so we'll get some here's some shots we're gonna turn the lights off here we go your light is on your phone oh yeah thank you but it's on is it on my phone is it on is it on my phone and here we go we're going to disco it watches [Music] ruining it for the people just kidding you're like stop little disco disco action disco disco disco there you go that's what the lights off yeah it's just it does it does look super minus the fact that the one ram is being wacky no i'm just saying it might it doesn't really do it it does it doesn't do it just like the thing is there's nothing until we take like until you have like brian who does like the really good b-roll right um you can dance you can sing you can dance if you wanna you can leave your friends behind don't leave trey because trey is too cool and he wants to be something that rhymes he wants to be something that rhymes awesome 39 seconds guys hope everybody who let me show of hands who had a good time tonight who had a good time tonight i want to see show of hands i want to who had fun i hope people had a good time there we go good good good awesome me me dad me awesome somebody was like doing like the wave like whoa yeah like the like the like the big like the big uh gosh thing what did you do oh did you knock it oh my gosh you're not supposed to knock it with the wave okay i'm gonna turn on the lights a little bit i think that's where it was oh no what happened to y'all got it yes yeah we're gonna try we're still not caught up yet okay uh so picking our winner congratulations to barking cow wow that's another we so like i know it's funny because i know youtubers have been complaining about like hey the twitch has been crazy but today outside of a single twitch winner like it's been all youtube uh this this time so uh okay so we're gonna turn this down we'll get get we'll set the lights to a lower mood sit in the mirror [Music] okay awesome congratulations barking cow you won yourself a four terabyte seagate expansion [Music] and uh i which sorry which case would you prefer so i enjoy this case this is a good case i actually i would say i have had no complaints about building in this case minus the the lack of overhead at the top for top mounting the i o that would be the only thing i still think my favorite case is the p500a or the p600s so those are by and again that comes forward just fits yeah i would say because the other thing dude couple things one the p500a has the cutout at the bottom for you to put cable control which is nice a lot more room at the top it is a bigger case but this is a very very close second yeah so this is a very very close second ruby tech what are your thoughts on the antec p101 silent i have not used it but guess what antec i just got a i just got a care package from antec they just sent me a new case psu and some other stuff so i'm gonna be doing my first antec build next week so uh that i don't so we'll be checking that out um we'll be checking that out next week um and so we'll have again we're doing a series over the next couple weeks as we get closer to the 30 80 launch of just a bunch of um but just a bunch of different new cases so we will be building in the antec case next week that'll be fun how easy it is to build a new zero one uh incredibly easy the the dynamic is crazy easy to build in with uh what zen 4 is that what they're calling or what are they yeah the 4000 series yeah the zen three so they're going now it's in october and they say they're launching this year right yeah so it'll be that's crazy i know it's gonna be fun but then again i mean we got the launch like it could be launched in october and launch i mean announced in october and launch in november well where do you get those cool jerseys you wear i get them from overwatch the overwatch league actually sent them to me and actually look on the back they're they're personalized with my number and my gamertag which is pretty awesome so um yeah it's ryzen4000 but zen3 correct yeah i'm my band no that's i'm just other people were saying that too so i was just responding to them okay last giveaway the last giveaway of the night let's get some hype in the channel hype heart part [Music] i just he's gonna work he's gonna pull a muscle i'm okay let's read a dad joke though what do you call a chicken staring at a lettuce what do you call a chicken staring at a lettuce chicken sees a salad chicken caesar salad chicken caesar salad it's a caesar salad the chicken sees a salad johnny it's just it's sea in a salad okay here we go last giveaway of the night uh started this giveaway this is a big shout out to our largest sponsor newegg um who uh incredible sponsor who i could not have done this without them and their constant support of the show um so here we go uh last giveaway of the night exclamation point new egg now uh could i request 16 gigs of d instead of you can request anything up to 150 dollars if it's more than 150 bucks you just got to paypal me or or venmo me and i'll buy whatever you want it's like basically 150 gift certificate towards ram so yeah there we go chicken caesar salad chicken caesar salad hey trey what do you think of the chicken caesar salad i love the way i want it with some pepper you want to wet some pepper i want it with some pepper pepper i want some pepper hey by the way eternal just keep them coming just keep them coming you are bae right now bae eternal's my bae and by the way speaking of bay shout out to the mods shout out to the tech specialists i want to let you guys know in november mid-november the second stream of the second week of november we're going to be doing dedicated shows to the mods and dedicated shows to the text to the tech specialists where all money that is made during those streams will go directly to the mods and the tech specialists are like holiday thank you for those guys so uh save some save some penny save some cash because like anything that i make during those ones we're going to be giving to uh the mods and to the tech specialists so um and those are mods and tech specialists as of uh of as of september 1st so we just because like those guys have been with us the longest so if we add new mods afterwards we might give them like we might give them something but the other thing too is like for those guys i want to be i want to do a bit of this special um and they're they're so incredible nothing for trey trust me trey is well taken care of don't worry trey dre is a happy man yeah roby roby tech takes care of him and in fact trey has just officially betray's been on the team but trey is officially joining the roby tech team as a staff member um he is going to be the when you go into all of the streams and you go down you click all those links uh and all of the uh all of the links and all of the um like for moving around the streams easily trey's the one who's writing all that stuff so he's getting he's dedicating some time it's coming there's some of them that are done but he's gonna be going through all of the streams of witchers a lot and uh getting all that stuff done for people so that's pretty awesome so he'll be uh you'll be able to email him at trey roby tech uh actually we all we all have ruby tech addresses you'll be able to email trade at robytech and uh drop them a note by the way a-r-e-y t-r-e-y by the way the other thing that we now have is we now have a p.o box so people uh because we've asked people who wanted to email like if you want to send stuff to us like fan art pictures of builds all that sort of stuff um we actually uh we will start putting that that'll start showing up in the descriptions in our videos starting next week uh we'll also have it up on the discord so if you have stuff that you guys want to um if you guys want to um send a sunday send us something or anything like that um you guys can do so so we're taking care of that as well okay last the winner is done the with the right the raffle is inbound a raffle chicken sees the salad congratulations to divine dragoon divine dragoon won 150 on twitch so twitch so twitch pull it out two uh two out of two out of five ain't bad so congratulations divine dragoon you are the winner of a hundred fifty dollars towards your ram of choice the song is essentially a three eight bad yeah two out of three yeah but two out of five we'll go two out sure we've changed we've modified okay so yeah anyway guys congratulations uh yes uh jinko if you want to reach out to blondie but geeky so for those who don't know blondie but geeky is our community manager she's the one who handles all that sort of stuff so if you're ever interested in being a tech specialist or getting a part of that stuff she's rubbing technology yeah she's actually blondie but geeky at like yeah so again she's uh she's a staff member um but yeah she is uh you want to reach out to her and talk to her about being a tech specialist it's a grueling process it's a 500 question quiz uh followed by a three paragraph essay um and then you also have the assignment you also have to send a video uh that's judged by over four mice and if they eat cheese while watching it then we know that you've done pretty good so you have to be entertaining like all those things and you have to deliver blondie coffee if they start eating cheese does that mean they get distracted and yeah yeah so that means yeah if they're not eating cheese that's right you're right you're right i'm sorry i haven't thought of this well enough no wonder our tech specialists are our bar is so low our tech specialists are incredible um anyway guys uh that is it for giveaway so if you guys for those of you guys are like it's bet you know we try to get those out of the way so people go to bed um here's what now what i'd like to do for the next we're going to take we'll take two five minutes five minutes so we're gonna go to 9 50. uh we just like to let people ask questions all that sort of stuff um who is this build for this build is for nobody this build is literally just so we can tell you about we're doing a series on new cases and this new case uh we just want to show you what it's like to build in these cases uh this is like a live review um and then um when we uh when we uh so we're going to take this build apart and we also finished the deep cool cl500 yesterday so romeo if i wanted to dm you a few questions and such would discord be the best for that so elites pvp um i have a hard time getting to questions all that time um we do the tech specialist we have a pc build section if you are a sub you can use the sub channel i do spend a lot of time i try to spend at least some time every day in the sub channel if i can so that's the best place to do it if you dm me i try to get to you but no promises i really do try so thank you very much a nice led rgb case that has a 5.25 in the front i don't know actually japanese if you look up japanese rgb led case japan really likes to keep their 5.25 their five and a quarter inch drives um specifically because they use a lot of dvd so that goes in there would you sell this build as is yeah if you wanted to buy it uh if you wanted to buy it i'd charge my fee um so if you wanted to buy it it's like 2200 plus 15 plus tax that would be like what 2700 bucks 27 2800 bucks yeah if you wanted to buy i'd sell the build as is and you just have to if you want to dm me and you want to buy it that's fine i'll sell it to you what's the best bobo for a 3900 that depends there's a lot of options there for that for you here it is yeah i like the aorus the auras x570 master which i actually ask you like yeah all the time you're like the other one i like is the b550 aorus pro um any of the asus strix gaming's i'm a really big fan of you when you get into like if you go into super high end like the cross hair series from from asus just missed that on across hair when they came out last year yeah they're great yeah great the ghost like those are like i settle for a strikes yeah i i look at those like around the two somewhere between the two 225 and like 270 range is like okay like when you start getting into the high end ones that's when it gets kind of hard to recommend so it goes like that andy champ i already said yes i would sell the build as is if you want to really buy it you can uh it's like 28 2800 bucks if you want to buy that um we can talk about it um tomahawk is a great bun 2800 missed out on a mag too i got but does that i'd feel bad buying this i'd feel bad if somebody bought this pc because it has a 2080 super in it it's like i'm i'm not gonna save you yeah the b550f gaming is a great one okay yeah so anyway you know that if you want to you can just reach out to me which is your favorite x570 i'd say my favorite white one is the prime asus prime my favorite just x570 board is right now the aorus master um the problem is is that i haven't had a chance to work with the tomahawk i like the b550 tomahawk use that meg i have not worked with a meg but i haven't heard good things msi i haven't heard good things about that yeah so i'm glad people who buy msi people who buy msi i'm just kidding no that's actually not true i thought you would bought one so i was just trying to no i missed out on it and that's i settled for the oh frisco brisketmar is like saying oh he got this board right here i love this board that's the board that's sitting on my uh on my uh my test bench so uh my mod squad completes me you guys oh nice uh blondie's stone loves reason for modding is roby oh thanks bernie and trey you rod for tray two i know about your secret love bernie what's the case is the lienly land cool 2 mesh that's what we did the review here on the show uh okay do you have an eta on where when i can buy a build mat so latest information intel from pops so the guy who's doing uh we call pops that's who he that's our business manager is mid-november uh sorry sorry end of november so it'll be right around black friday is the hope uh p 500 a is this is peabody is a little bit different so yeah do you have a cooler master in our 200p i do it's actually in the other room sitting right there we're actually i'm doing a build in it um it's going to be uh i'm actually it's funny because somebody said i was i have a stream i've been redoing my streaming room and i was trying to figure out what my streamer is but i'm actually going to make my nook my nook extreme i'm actually going to turn that into my streaming setup so that's going to be my streaming pc and that's in the new cooler master i can't remember the name of it but it's specifically made for the nook uh the ghost canyon nooks um any word on the founders 38 versus aib power limits uh no not that not so far there are really important differences between b550 and x570 b550 only uses pcie gen4 on the top m.2 slot in the first by 16 slot x570 has uh pcie gen4 across the board yes they i actually have that one sitting in the other room the b550 steel legend's a great board uh we got okay this is it guys i gotta cut it i mean i love answering questions um would it be all right installing an rtx three air would i absolutely need the recommended 750 watt you do need a 750 watt uh for the nine for the 39 30 90. i can't answer any more questions uh i'm married and i have two kids so no i'm not a virgin thank you for asking i appreciate all that stuff guys uh i want to give a special again to everybody don't forget september continues throughout the month potentially walk away with the 3080. thank you for the 112 new subs today welcome to the family make sure you join our discord because discord is going to be the best place for you to go talk to subs use your special subscriber benefits and all that stuff um we are back next week uh next week on wednesday thursday friday we're going to be doing three streams next week uh we're going to continue our series we're going we got the antec we've got the antec and we've got the phanteks ether pro 2. we're going to be doing a dual pc build in one of those we're going to do two pcs in a single pc that'll be on friday next week two pcs in one case and a single case two pc's in a single case anyway guys you're all incredible i thank you very much for that we will see you next week we also got some great videos msi uh pre-built that we're showing that we showed off um and then we also got uh we're also doing the buyer's guide for the ryzen 3 the rtx 3000 series outside you guys have a great night have a great weekend if you're in the fire areas be safe stay indoors worry about air love to see you back here bye bye later later my my okay shhh you
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 194,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3800 xt pc build, 3800xt build, PC, amd, building PC, custom PC, gaming pc, how to build a PC, lian li lancool 2, lian li lancool 2 build, lian li lancool 2 mesh, lian li lancool 2 mesh build, lian li lancool 2 mesh rgb, lian li lancool ii, lian li lancool ii mesh, pc building, r7 3800 xt build, robeyetech, robeytech, robytech, rtx 3000 series, rtx 3070, rtx 3080, ryzen 3800 xt build, technology
Id: uP27DGT5mRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 14sec (13934 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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