I CRUSHED My ENTIRE Tiny Town World With a GIANT CYLINDER - Tiny Town VR

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this is crazy this is so crazy something else you might have noticed about trebum is that their mouths actually look like butts fire siren head you are gone cheap [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going james we're playing tiny town this place is absolutely full of monsters you guys know that we've got horrifying looking dudes like cartoon rabbits things like him should not exist we've even got cartoon spider cat or whatever it is that we decided to call him i figured there's so many monsters in this place the only thing that could destroy this place or all of these monsters would be a big giant cylinder so i'm gonna do it i'm gonna build the eternal cylinder i don't know if you guys have seen it if you've seen my other series the eternal cylinder where a giant cylinder comes and destroys literally everything on a planet and it just turns it to just flat it just makes everything flat that's what we're going to be doing this is going to be really hard i don't even know how i'm going to do this it's going to involve deleting a lot of things just like this bang bang bang all these dudes all these dudes are gone see you later cartoon cat now before you guys jump into the comments and start giving me a bunch of hate i have backed all this up all right it's backed up there's something a little bit refreshing about just deleting all these things it's like spring cleaning whoa look at all that smoke oh there's so much of it there is so much of it how long is this even gonna take me i don't know it feels like it's gonna take forever i'm gonna draw the line where i'm actually gonna put this thing i reckon right down here i'm just gonna try and delete just the road so then i can start building the land under it oh these guys are gone anything on this side is actually gonna get deleted this is crazy this is so crazy it hurts to do it it really does but at the same time it kind of feels good it's like picking off a scab or something i just deleted a kangaroo am i even australian for some reason i still had jacksepticeye stood next to that kangaroo it made like literally no sense whatsoever oh delete delete delete in a way when you think about it the internal cylinder is a little bit like an scp it's this crazy like thing you know machine almost that just rolls and rolls and rolls and just flattens practically deletes everything in its wake what kind of ground am i going to have on the other side maybe some kind of race track ground because it's got to be brown looking brown ground the problem with that ground is it looks like you could grow some flowers in it or something i need something that just looks gray and cracked space ground nope zombie there is no zombie ground military ground now yeah maybe we just go with dirt just straight up brown just a big strip because everything on this side of the place is gonna be this color this is gonna be one of the wildest things i've ever done in tiny town yet all right there we go there we go you know what i might even do i'm going to build some trevin some of those guys from the eternal cylinder i'm going to put them right down here like they're running away from it this is going to be kind of cool to build all right we're probably going to need some shapes let's do uh let's do a blue one i was going to say green and blue at the same time let's do a blean one they are sphere-shaped all right and they've also got a hose face where's the blue hose bits hose bit okay let's go like this okay we'll get a couple more hose bits there we go got a little bit of a bit of a snap going on they're basically like a tiny elephant if you cut the back of them off like half an elephant which is i guess just a faint something else you might have noticed about trebum is that their mouths actually look like butts so let's let's just do that as well some of you guys are like finn what the heck is a tribute that's because you haven't watched my eternal cylinder series and you should it's such a good game okay now let's give them some feet all right get some little feet going on i reckon that's probably a good way to get their feet sort of shaped we'll just use some cones kind of like that give them some little ball toes oh yeah that's all right that's all right let's get some eyes on this dude yes eyes and then he's gonna look like a trevor just you wait let's give this one green eyes yes yes he does he looks like one go ahead and rate my trebum out of 63. does he score a solid 63 i don't think it's pretty i think it's pretty good you guys can tell what it is by looking at it put some rings around his eyes as well there we go oh yeah i like that guy he's gonna get crushed by the cylinder it's gonna happen okay we need to delete some more stuff so let's just zoom this out a little bit a little might be a little bit more easy to delete if we do it this way if we zoom out oh man this is going to take so long this is like punching holes through everything at the moment there goes our ice siren head it reminds me of that tiny town build that i did where thanos came and snapped half of everything away oh how we looking we're getting somewhere i'm leaving some things behind because i'm gonna be using them in uh like the next bit when i actually get the cylinder in there i'd like to actually have some stuff you know what i mean like looking like it's being crushed or something like that i am gonna get rid of zombie siren head though and all these bits oh dude the game is actually running faster as i keep doing this it's fantastic oh do i delete jelly mouth i'm definitely deleting rick rick is gone not that he's dead or anything like that or crushed by the cylinder i just think that rick would have got out of here like you know straight away he probably knew it was coming he was like dude there's totally a cylinder coming i'm getting out of here that's exactly how rick sounds by the way give me a couple of these tentacles i'm gonna use those tentacles i think they'll look pretty good when i get my cylinder in oh fire siren head you are gone champ watch this i'm gonna delete him from head to toe that didn't work very well it's taking a million years to do this i think i've been going at it for about 50 minutes now okay let's grab a couple of these trees let's kind of put them like this just so like they kind of get rid of that just kind of like crush them out on the road a bit there we go just to make this look a little bit more legit oh there's a mountie strapped to the siren head's leg okay i'm gonna get this mounty and i'm gonna put him down here yes this mounty is being crushed by the cylinder put him about there i reckon would be perfect oh my god i think i have done it i think i have finally done it okay let's grab this guy oh yeah this is good this is good this is gonna be my siren head that's actually being crushed and he's gonna be kind of like this there we go let's get his neck stem oh yeah that's cool that's cool i don't even need legs or he doesn't need legs i need legs i know i do nice okay we'll get some tentacles i have some tentacles kind of coming out this way ah dudes this is looking really good let's put this car like it's crushed up getting smacked up by the cylinder everything along this line kind of has to be coming in on the right angle all right that'll be on an angle like that this building probably be i don't even know if it would really work like that maybe if i had the dyna part sticking up like that that kind of might work once i put the cylinder in i'm not sure most of these zombies have to go see you chips this is one way to end the zombie apocalypse just flatten them with a big giant space cylinder thing it's like basically a rolling pin nice okay now i need to build the land all over this side oh my god it doesn't end if i could build the big giant chompy monster oh how would i even do that i would need like half a circle do i have any objects here i could use well he definitely has eyes we know that much uh what else does he have he has teeth i think there are teeth here what have we got we do have teeth okay uh we would need to build some lips he has lips why did i just grab the poo he doesn't don't need that ah dude it's almost like this almost if you could put eyes like this right one eye there and then one eye there you've almost got the chompy guy he's just not purple that's the only problem yeah so i think i made something that's too terrifying dude that is so creepy it just needs legs oh better yet man sing as scary as i didn't even really know what i was going for there i mean i do know i was trying to make the chompy guy but i ended up with this terrifying creature oh we need to get meat horse okay hang on hang on let's get a meat horse and kind of have him like coming out this way there we go and we'll get some of his noodly parts just extend them get another one and then one like that so he's like being crushed yes yes that is awesome okay i filled my dirt in everything's looking incredibly dirty and barren and flat that's what we want completely flat the world's been flattened it's now a flat earth we need to delete this stuff oh god meat horse the guy is everywhere okay now we can put in our cylinder let's do it i don't even know if this thing's gonna fit i made this cylinder myself all right yep it took me a long time took me a really long time to make a cylinder hang on a second where is it where's it gone this is also a cylinder but this is not it this is the broom it's not called the eternal broom just sweep everything up let's get rid of that oh there it is it's right here it's so like thin it was really hard to see okay um wow it's super long it's exactly what i wanted all right hold on a second does it sit perfectly flat on the ground it doesn't what why is it like floating above the ground slightly that's really strange okay okay let's make this thing big it's the wrong way let's go like this and then i feel like i've got the world's biggest sword i can trip so many people over with this thing all right here we go we're about to get massive whoa whoa whoa it's so wobbly it's all over the place okay how big do we want this cylinder to be there we go there we go i got it i got it i've got to move it a bit closer it's not is it on the ground oh i think it is bring it this way bring it this way oh dude yes yes everything's crushed is it actually touching it is slightly hovering why why would you do that okay i think that there's pretty good i'm gonna have to bring these people out a little bit more let's grab them just to make it look like they're being crushed the cylinder is quite big there we go just pull them out there a little bit yeah nice this guy's kind of getting shoved over let's kind of move this van a little bit here we go again uh so much more funny in there let's go like that these zombies are on the ground sort of getting thrown away ah meat horse doesn't really make sense i wasn't 100 sure how it was going to make it you know look like like where the thing was actually going to be coming out to there we go that's pretty good all right these guys are making a run for the cylinder as well that's good these lamp posts don't make sense get my tentacles out there like that there we go my few tentacle bros yeah that looks cool whoa i can't wait to see what it looks like when i kind of look over the cylinder you know what i mean let's bend this tree a bit how's our siren head looking oh he's actually kind of looking all right let's just move his body a little bit more like that put his head there and then we'll move those to there have his arm like that yeah cool look at that it does look like he's being crushed by a giant cylinder i love it there we go we've basically kind of done it now we just spin the whole world around and look at this whoa yes the entire town looks like it's been crushed now if we just look up over the other side whoa that's so awesome to remember what it looked like beforehand and now it looks like it's just been flattened by this giant rolling pin of doom wow that's amazing i don't know whether i should keep it going or not or whether i should just save this world as like you know an example of what we could do with a big giant cylinder we could just flatten everything get rid of all the stuff wow that is so awesome look at that look at it from this side yeah everything is gone if there's anything crazy you guys want to see me try in tiny town let me know in the comments below and thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 342,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Tiny Town, Tiny Town VR, Virtual Reality, VR builder game, virtual reality lego, tiny town gaming, oculus rift s gaming, siren head, siren head vr, SCP, SCP Monsters, cartoon cat, Elements, Fire Element, hard to kill reptile, Pipe Head, Bugsnax, cartoon mouse, cartoon monsters, cartoon dog
Id: Tt4j8GrsDX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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