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why is there a big giant version of me in the middle here I don't know her why did I just lick my own bum why did I why did I do that [Music] this is the student game so some students I don't know how many made this game it's incredibly cool I played it for a couple of minutes just to see what it was like this frog can do this yeah he can stick his tongue out and he can stick it out even further he can just keep going until about this length and then you can like wrap around like this and he can be a bit of an idiot and then you can fall over on the ground and you can make like knots and stuff in your own tongue and then retract it and that is disgusting because he just put that it back in his mouth after it's dragged all over the ground why don't you just kiss the ground there's a trophy for doing that I'm gonna stand on this thing get another trophy so like I said this games the student game okay what are the most amazing things about this game is the fact that it's free at the moment you could just go and download this game so I'll leave a link in the description down below where you can go and check it out and download it if you've got a computer you can just go and do that it's pretty cool now I can grab the ball so I can flick my tongue out and actually grab stuff with it I just got the the noise that was pretty good I just got the air horn watch this I'm gonna swing it round really fast and then I'm gonna fall over and then get dragged around until I'm dead alright let's get back up again yeah I got another trophy so this game it doesn't look very big at the moment but watch this alright I'm gonna grab hold of this pool ball and we're gonna get dragged down here I'm gonna extend my tongue cuz that's really fun bit until we go all the way down here and look at this how awesome is this there's a big giant like sandbox open-world sort of meant to run around and do some puzzles now we've got like some challenges if I push the button you can see I've got some challenges there get hit by five cars in ten seconds I can do that I can do that no worries first before I do that though I'm gonna get some chocolate cuz it's Easter alright I'm gonna have a little bit of chocolate let me know if you got chocolate for Easter or how much chocolate you got I got an egg this is actually like a vegetarian one there's no dairy in this because I can't eat dairy I don't have a choice believe me Lord all right there we go we have some chocolate let's push the button let's take a break some calls I'm spitting chocolate out of my mouth stand back up again dude that's straight fool come begin again boy nice we actually got hit by six that's good alright we've got that challenge let me know if you want me to play this game again alright hit the like button leave a comment all that cool stuff let's jump on this I'm guessing this is a fan yeah yeah it's a fan nice good job let's jump on here and then go over this way can we land on is that they cards their cards all right crying I'm gonna grab that crayon yeah nice find all ten crayons I can do that right I didn't know that was a card trap all right no worries I'll drop that crayon there was something here what is that was that hey it's me it's like it's like a knitted version of me only that one's got a mustache whatever one of six okay find them what's this oh that's all the stuff that's here find and draw with ten cranes okay was this secret challenges spin around in circles okay I can do that spins ten all right decent decent find six frogs it up what's that thing hit something or must be ice hockey good nice sick radical spin tacular spin cadelec spin cycle spin paya nollie dankey no I got legendary is that good I can't tell if that's good or not I'm gonna grab it it's my trophy now what if there's a better trophy than that I'm gonna keep going until my thumb falls off I'm gonna try and get like some chocolate while I do this so I I don't know I just ruined it maybe if I do it with like another hand yeah you do it with your other hand that's not too bad so I don't really have the problem of like eating too much chocolate at Easter time and getting sick because I don't have that much chocolate cuz I can't eat it a lot of people buy me jerky for Easter which is pretty awesome cuz I like jerky all right keep going spin Mountain gnarly legendary dizzy yet absolute mad lad true Beulah unbelievable there we go oh we got a gold one alright I'm happy with a girl one so this bit there's glass here maybe I can yeah I can pull that down okay let go of it let's go up here alright man this truck was pretty good let's go Oh wrap here I can see another one I was a little stuffed guys I'm gonna grab him what's the same Brad it rad dick cool Radek I don't know Radek rocks yeah two out of six nice push the button get to the top of the rock slide easy then it rocks dip pool balls and cans Brown what I just died are you serious man this is intense alright oh hang on I know I know I have to get the pain of gloss pull it up pull it up quick that is so cool I love this game this could be a game on its own oh this is so cool I feel like I haven't played like a decent platformer in quite a while thinking like one of the last ones I played whoa well like a 3d platformer I mean was probably like maybe like grow home you know to me we're gonna have a long we had to grow stuff and your little robot guy that was a cool game oh look yeah dude look at all right I have to run over there and grab that pane of glass as well oh god they come in waves so if I can go before the end of the wave like now Wow jeez that hurts oh god oh god oh god I'm just gonna lie here and get crushed over and over again all right quick run up the side run aah hey Cap'n thank you thankfully they bounced quick quick yes quick pull that up pull that up we need a chocolate breather all right I'm not gonna breathe the chocolate that's a choking hazard I'm gonna eat it what are you wrecking is like the best brand of chocolate back when I could eat dairy I loved elite remember you know everyone knows lint are they're really good and they got like the balls with the soft stuff on the inside I just grabbed the ball instead there's no what I want to grab let go of it grab the gloss yes winds pretty good a breeze no bad Gabi's not bad come on dude all right go out get up get up okay don't get up yet it doesn't seem to knock you very far if if you're lying down quick okay quick grab it yes I grabbed it oh man stand up dude stand up oh nice to see that okay wave room too old go and then run honor honor honor yes we made it that was really cool I really enjoyed doing that I'm going down this way okay grab that let's do it let's go cheap dragged all the way down okay number four reach a height of 500 meters okay whoa dude no let go whoo okay you have to be careful of those nice nice yes great I'm off the map that's not where I wanted to be all right let's not do that again hit the baseball out of park I can see the baseball right thing it's right there what's this cereal cookie it's cookie box and there's pencil in name okay I'm gonna leave the pencil in there for now all right number four can we walk on this it's a thing of cards and it's actually falling down are you serious what's the deal with the physics in this game they're awesome and we've also got some dominoes that is the best okay there's a crayon over here as well I'm gonna grab this crayon is that paper that's paper I'm gonna draw on this all right let's draw a bus here we go all right we need to lay it out tongue out a little bit draw a butt draw a but I can't draw but it's not working it's really hard to draw but oh there we go there we go that's kind of a bus big round circle with the line in the middle that's a butt that's a butt right there looks a little bit like a walnut as well oh that's not how you do the Domino thing close enough though they're gonna all fall down it's gonna knock that tower over his neck yes do it do it that was satisfying as heck okay so I don't think I can run over those cards I might need to walk around why is there a big giant version of me in the middle here I don't know why did I just lick my own bum why did I why did I do that now I'm swinging from my own bum I don't know why oh that's cool yes yes I can swing from my own bum that's great okay I'm gonna let go of that man this tongue has been some places that's disgusting all right there's a big ball of here can we grab them yes we can there's a baseball there but there's also baseball over here what's this one and it's got the foosball coin all right Frank good enough okay does that that counts all right what's the next challenge get through the maze I don't know where the mazes all the mazes over that way it actually says there's a giant sign that says maze man this game is so cool I really like this game I heard like they actually make a game out of this like a fully polished game you know what I mean that would be great I play it all right maze oh there's the hey we can slide around okay there's the hockey thing what's this there's the switch we can change the music okay I don't know if any of that music is like copyright or not yeah hopefully the students who made this game didn't use music that had copyright okay don't fall in there hey we found him all right defend the little dude so that's what the maze was a bad okay we found him don't fall down the holes there's a couple of holes around here oh go to get random got to get random and then we'll go the other way I think if we go this way over here there's another cramp oh yeah watch out for that watch out for that so close ah dude what what there's a crane around here is it this is just a home hey the Koran okay cool alright so now there should be a trophy those so to actually complete the challenge I think maybe go down this way what's done in oh yes yes we found it okay do we grab it cool man that's the beginning I think there's like another section here though if it goes straight let's know it's a hole alright don't go through their door find six gold trophies okay oh it's a picture of a gold trophy thing maybe there's a gold trophy around here somewhere is this the earthquake bit I don't know uh earthquake I'm not sure oh there might be another crane behind here I just got darts does that count as a crayon nope alright it's hit this get through the earthquake section okay what hang I don't have to stand on this yeah that's cool that is so cool toss rule no ice okay stand on this thing what what what do we do here oh okay you have to be careful not to get knock a there's a little buddy where's the other crayons though all right keep going this isn't too hard go check yes well that is so high careful okay ease up ease up don't get knocked down there we go any crayons there no got some darts Thor hey we did it nice okay so that was the earthquake section ride the slide without flipping the sled I'm gonna try and swing from this that's cool out oops what do I have to do with this can I do something with the hockey puck like can we go for like a hockey shop or something oh that's hard to do yeah yeah it's going in it's going in yes that was cool dude all right got another trophy all right what's this bit is this the slide like it might be alright I'm going in I'm gonna stay on the button we're gonna go up at the fame let's go all right yep we're up here I feel like I'm missing some crayons though oh I see actually have to grab my tongue on the Oh God okay a miniature it's a third thing George flip the slit okay hang on I need to retract my tongue so that I'm closer to the oh god this is insane I can't cannot reflect it we were so close oh my I'm so dead what happened how do we end up here we busted through a wall and here we are there's a cramp why is there a cramp yeah yeah dude we got us up a crown now that is so cool all I had to do was break down a giant wall and I got myself a crown we going again this time I'm gonna try and grab the middle yeah yeah that's a good spot that way we can kind of stay within the center and hopefully not flip it alright yes stand there dude yeah keep the tongue nice and taut so that we don't fall off come on champ yeah don't flip don't flip oh jeez I feel like we could pop yeah we're flipping no we didn't we didn't flip please don't flip yes that was good that was so good okay so I haven't been able to reach a height of 500 meters or find all 10 crayons yet that they're out there though I know they're out there there's a bunch of balls named crik crik pull that down oh nice that's cool man was there another crayon in here like another one think so okay all right what about behind here no oh wait a sec alright reach a height of 500 meters here we go yes it's it dude it's a rocket is this something else up here I can't tell I feel like there is there's a clock and everything that was awesome oh did that dude over there he has something in his hand I don't know how I'm gonna get that how am I gonna get that golden trophy in his hand um I have an idea I have an idea I need to swing from his butt again alright stand here whose swing I need to retract ourselves ready and then who and they slow down ah that's so hard to do yes alright I got I got like he's armories head or something I need to get round onto his shoulder get up there this is really difficult if you retract your tongue and then extend your tongue you can like land on stuff yes yes I did it I'm the king of me okay now we let go of the tongue now we liquor the trophy alright here we go which this it's gross but we're gonna do it yes dude got another 110 trophies so like I said this game is free you can go and grab this game I'll leave a link in the description below so you can go and grab it let me know what you think about it though in the comments and thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us some of these ones I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 1,546,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, frog game, frog, frog download, frog indie game, student game, game jam 2019, new indie games 2019, frog gameplay
Id: PJBBlYzj4uA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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