Ranking the JoJo Villains on EVIL

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ranking the JoJo villains on even now evil itself is hard to quantify not as simple as you know something that people say is black Air Force energy because you know what I wore those they were like the cheapest air forces at a time and you know I'm not a world Destroyer well as far as you know as far as I know see evil is multifaceted nuanced and all those other keywords that are used in video essays but these are anime characters so you know it's JoJo also we're gonna go off of what they did for their goals and what they did just because that's how you define evil at least in this case so first off we're starting off with part one deal his goals as the years go on it changed a lot here and there because of the situation that Jonathan keeps putting him in oh well more so he keeps putting himself in originally he was going to take over the Joe star fortune and then use that to do whatever really he most likely still wanted to take over the world like he did before but the scope was on a regular level of people evil it wasn't until seeing the power of the stone mass that he upped the ante and he saw his sights and he was like yes let me put this out into the entire world because in that moment it was attainable so what's the stuff that we do see him doing for his goals well ruining Jonathan's life alongside poisoning George Jones Star both contributed to his game there are some stuff that he did under the guise of this is my plan but you could tell that that really wasn't the case and sometimes he just really hated Jonathan pretending to be his brother plotting on his downfall both evil things yeah but anyone could do that I could do that you could do that if you wanted to and then there's taking out the Joe star Manor drinking people to repair his body and experimenting to further his knowledge about uh biology and all that we're all evils that he believed that he needed to do uh well especially the last part because that's how he needed to splice his head onto Jonathan's body but yeah but let's be honest you know there's a lot of stuff that he did want to do just because but it just did contribute to his goal he was enjoying drinking people he's a freak like that uh as for what he did on the side he was basically harassing women that didn't want him and he killed the dog that's not as evil as we thought it's kind of weak sauce by deal but yeah next We have Cars Cars wanted to overcome the sun oh you know that's not a bad goal and he's a genius I wonder how I'll figure that out experimenting lots of experimenting now uh his fellow pillarmen didn't like this and he gave them the ultimatum you know stand with me or die the proposition that cars gave them was basically uh allow me to help us tap into immortality or die try to stop me and that's the thing pre uh ultimate cars wasn't even exactly in a disadvantageous uh position but I think we can understand you know his people have everything intelligence strength and they live for an unreasonably long amount of time they have all types of stuff they can do with their body all this and more but they can't embrace the sun you know something as simple as that if they were to ever make uh strides in general they could be susceptible to Conquest if their enemies use the sun against them you know and that could be easily done because you know referring to the Art of War and all the stuff that they had going on there most likely people would be like oh yeah let's fight the pillar men in the Sun so yeah I get it cars wanted to embrace the sun because at that point he has no weaknesses that the rest of the world could produce with that he wanted to establish his position over everyone as the ultimate life form that I don't agree with you know which is not only Global it's more it's biological domination you know how evil is that well I mean Humanity currently like establishes itself over everything else you know so if dogs got smarter and took over we'd probably call them evil but they probably have a lot to say too about us I imagine there's someone out there that's like oh that's so real dude come on man let's be real uh anyways he wiped his people off of the face of the Earth uh last time I checked that's genocide he also killed a bunch of ham on users and various other people which yeah evil but that evil ah kid we wiped out like everyone on Earth you know cars can't be that bad but Caleb kid who said an unreasonable standard yeah I know that's the point uh next do in part three well you know it's confirmed that Dio's reach and flesh buds have reached a ridiculous range he has power in the Underworld he has power and politics if you wanted to to say so on insane things he most likely could have done those things but he didn't because Dio was mainly focused on regenerating researching and ruining the Joe Stars uh honestly speaking we don't really have that much to go off of because Dio wasn't even in the part like that the stand users he sends out and hires are Bonkers but I guess it's not really anything to care to pin down uh before the later retcon of Dio and the addition of Heaven what we knew is that this guy wants to take over and will if left unchecked evil yeah he had the tools to do everything but did Kitty and no you did a lot though I think Phantom blood Dio did more on paper but yeah next up yoshikage Kira evil unfortunately about the the upbringing and all that sure of course but the whole Kira family's cooked completely cooked let's be honest here yoshikage is cooked for even getting to start up whatever the heck he was doing and yoshihiro his father is worse for letting his kid do this evil there was no purpose in this he really wanted to kill those people evil evil man with a pretty cool stand send him to the top of evil next up diavolo and yeah you know as for Diablo's case you know let me just tell you what he did and we'll conclude at the end you know but first there was no goal yes diavolo wanted to keep his identity hidden later on but that wasn't important before as he was already a nobody no one knew diavolo he was a nobody after stealing a bunch of stand arrows selling all but one to Enya for you know more money uh Diablo created pasione most likely uh had a gang that wasn't really enough so you know to up his stuff he had the goal of erasing all of the other mafia families in Italy uh and how diavolo moved you can honestly describe him as one of the most ruthless gangsters out there but you know honestly speaking aside from the stand stuff you know this stuff could have just happened you know like it's one guy on Earth if he was just to be like Oh I'm gonna take out all the gangs I don't know it's very possible they could do that like yeah he had chocolata do some crazy stuff but this isn't like evil you've never seen before you know these are possible things very possible so I'm gonna say this is probably on the higher end but yeah and finally poochie because y'all aren't caught up so what's the point of me mentioning other two you know you're not caught up bro I so the goal with heaven was so that every human knows their fate and is able to accept that I guess Also let's just get this straight all right made in heaven didn't kill everyone in the universe that's literally not even how it works made in heaven only works on inorganic materials and anyone who died in the transition you know like that wasn't really a plan that wasn't like his goal to let that happen but it was bound to happen if everything was going to go all freaking fast also his entire plan to take out the Joe star lineage so that they wouldn't carry over and mess with his plan and all for the fact that he just wanted to get his get back too you know that's that's that but his organization of stand users and the all-out plan against Jolene does say a lot about Pucci and in terms of evil I'd go on to say that Dio and Pucci are most likely comparable but only if we count the entirety of Pucci he didn't really get onto real world damaging stuff until later on meanwhile Dio and part 3 had already had a lot in place in the world so how would I ring kit well firstly the entirety of Dio's character all of Dio is exterior he's the he's the most like no one is is hating more no one is putting more freaking numbers on the board than Dio especially as long as he's been doing it you know that many that much numbers over this amount of time do you always like the evil LeBron of Jojo straight consistency points on the board the goat as for the characters in their respective Parts I feel like Dio Brando or part one deal is at the bottom with the potential to do more in the future which he did diavolo should be right after that because he had people carry out the worst possible things for the most part and rather than him deal with it or do it if you want to gauge on what I mean for example I think chocolata off of how chocolate is most likely above diavolo in terms of just straight like chocolate is sick all right off of intent and enjoyment alone chocolate is disgusting all right after that yoshikage Kira only reason why it's not higher is because of the other care characters being as wild as they are poochie is next up I feel like this goes without saying since we talked about it earlier and the heaven plan is not as bad as what's next which is cars in the number two with the potential to be higher but at the same time everyone else had potential to and they could also be higher the only thing I'd see like you know like changing up is if people got to their full potential Kira would still be most likely at the bottom because of how limited his evil was and like the range Dio had a worldwide scope diavolo was down to do more if he got King Crimson Requiem but he didn't uh cars cars would have legitimately taken over the world uncontested and it would have been terrifying and at number one even though I did say he ain't do that much it's do in part three yes we didn't see Dio in part three act out as much or do much and yada yada but his range is undeniable when he was underwater he indirectly got George Jo star killed he also destroyed the lives of the niji moras in his death and that most likely happened with a lot of other families that we'll never know about his Joe star Hit List is wild he's the reason why Pucci even exists right now it's it's almost as if you couldn't escape Dio and in Scottish Crusaders you can honestly see that with how many of deals mercenaries would just pop up that was true now we could look further into the other characters and really gotten into the case of like you know like yoshikage here for the sake of nuance and just yada yada but you know that's not that's way too extra it's way too serious and that's it so this is my lineup enjoy it if you don't I don't really know what are you gonna do thank you all for watching hopefully I'll see you on the next one until then peace out and Godspeed
Channel: Kaleb I.A.
Views: 147,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jojos bizarre adventure, stone ocean, enrico pucci, jojo villain, jojo antagonists, jojos bizarre adventure fight
Id: Iz6cMNbUUt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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