What if Dio Brando was in One Piece?

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since we had to try to survive one piece as a JoJo character and got sort of far what if we were to fit within their logic what if Dio Brando had instead lived in one piece now considering the Thematic consistency between the two uh having a character like Dio transition over into one piece is actually fairly possible considering what had made Dio who he is which had been facing poverty and facing abuse from his father if that was in the same context here there are multiple ways that this goes well firstly his father Dario Brando had saved George jar the first and that's how Dio had ended up in this advantageous position because oh I'm moving on up onto the joar manor but once you put fate to the side Dio could have ended up in just multiple types of poverty without being set up for a better position in the future and in the context of One Piece there are a lot of areas in the world that are just not rich like that I think Dio would hold this animosity towards the General world but there's a specific animosity he would have for characters like the celestial dragons for se but I don't see him as someone who would want to be a liberator of sorts like the way that Luffy consistently is dio is the type of person who wants to stand above all along with his willingness to take a lot of what he believes to be disrespect on the chin and I guess that says a lot about his potential in the future so for example let's say he could take either position right either position be It pirate marine or some sort of third option of sorts but the idea is that he has to see his road to Victory somewhere down the line to be the one above all it's not even just the pirate king but genuinely the one who stands above every possible thing now to be this one above all he's going to need a power that puts him above everyone and that could be a devil fruit or hockey or both who knows uh Imagine The Killing intent of Rob Luchi for example what do you think would happen if he wanted it all for himself rather than being contracted for certain things and working for the world government like that that's what I think Dio would be like in mostly that just Falls in line with his character but I think also when it comes down to it in terms of power I also feel that Dio would most likely prioritize having a devil fruit over hockey due to the fact that it'll allow him a large power difference in such a short amount of time than training a skill over a large course so that'll be the first thing let's establish that he's going for a position first and he's hoping to find a strong power that'll help him get it over others I think that as a youth he's got to be somewhere you know I don't know who be helpful uh but considering that he's going to be some nameless character in the world he might just take himself over to whatever Pirates or Marines are willing now over time he'll learn about things that are like the Warlords yonos and all that mess I want to think that if he's a pirate first it's most likely a lot easier for him to work towards trying to be a warlord as opposed to already being a marine and then later establishing himself as a pirate but at the same time Dio is this extremely manipulative person and he's a god at playing into facades so let's imagine this right Dio starts as a marine because it's an established government job a lot easier to deal with being inside of and it's most likely a more consistent life for him to build upon now over time he's training himself to outperform all of his fellow Marines and he's working to plant his thoughts of essentially defecting from the Marines to have this do pirate crew I imagine that he gives them the idea of you know oh you don't have to answer to these Marine leaders who are extremely corny and or weak you know and instead being your own person who sometimes have to contribute here and there to helping the world government but this wouldn't be possible until Dio finds himself an acceptable devil fruit and I don't think that he's someone who' go on to try to work for a cp9 considering that Doo isn't the one to physically train to that extent as he mainly enjoys being strong about above others without the look of trying too hard essentially so over time Dio is searching for the one true devil fruit that'll help him the most while this is happening Luffy's Adventure is probably doing it all you know though I think if Dio was to hear about the straw hats defeating everyone they come in contact with he's most likely not going to try to pick that fight in the current state that he's in like that'd be too dumb of an idea for him to even go about that and Dio doesn't really choose losing battles on purpose so if he were to know that Luffy has defeated someone who ranks higher than him then it's probably not worth that attempt you know he's like I'm not going to mess with that guy Dio is most most likely going to try his best to find a loia fruit or a really high quality paramia that would most likely support him in the way that he needs I'm just not sure as to what that'd be especially if he's to spend a lot of times with Marines and found out about devil fruits and all the animals have and all that they got and it's like oh okay these are all loas he would most likely want to find a good loia fruit that's on par with that which would most likely be impossible because we've seen what the lineup has been so far like word on the street this namess guy wants a whole lyia fruit to himself who's going to help him like that's it's it's it's a it's crazy he'd have to collect some bounties here and there so maybe he'd go about learning hockey because it's needed to take down a lot of the characters with genuinely good bounties if he never finds the devil fruit that he's looking for which is very possible he'd have to go all in on hockey and or understand the position he's in and try to find someone who's willing to teach him Fishman karate for the sole purpose of having something over over all the devil fruit users which definitely sounds like Dio but I think that this would be some of the most agonizing times Dio is living in considering he doesn't care about any of these people and he's solely focused on his own goal he might just drop all this and just rank higher in the Marines and attempt to marry into being a Celestial Dragon if possible you know which I think in most cases the dragons would believe that they're just so far above him and it's like oh look at this Marine like he thinks that he's got it like that but Dio is literally too good at talking for him to not mess with the idea of this happening you know the first option of genuinely becoming the one above all in every way possible would be a damn near impossible task considering that he's not being given a power that can shoot him so far ahead of the entire world you know having a stone mask in JoJo was one thing but his stand could also manipulate time he had two of these like rank surging abilities like it's crazy that's an ability that scales over the majority of the franchise the ability to stop time and alongside he was capable of so much physical strength that he was mostly unrivaled you know besides joto one of the things with one piece is that there are no individual characters who are capable of taking out entire Crews if the other crew is on par with the characters you know that's that's that sounds like bad phrasing probably but imagine this right someone like Luffy is extremely strong because he has a great crew behind him that he trusts like that even the villains like Blackbeard roll deep like they he has multiple people with him who are also really strong now Dio has an extremely individualistic mindset in general and it would most likely improve a bit to where he can get a team to work with him but it wouldn't have the depth and the power that a lot of these actual pirate Crews have because Give an example like for crocodile right I think that crocodile has better team building and teamwork exercises going on for himself instead of Dio even though both of these characters are extremely selfish now Dio's strengths are his ability to manipulate and implant Insidious ideas that cause the world to work in his favor but this type of stuff can catch up with him fairly well and he doesn't have the facilities to stick it out for the Long Haul he just doesn't I think Dio original goal of taking over the Joe star manner as simple as it is might be the move in terms uh of One Piece uh finding some sort of Rich character marrying into it somehow because the grandio deal that we're familiar with is because he's achieved such uh such unattainable Points of Power that characters dream of if he's forced into living this type of life that he is I don't think that this would Point him towards genuinely achieving the dream of being someone who rules over the world I think that his opportunities wouldn't put him in the right areas and alongside that he doesn't have the type of greed that we recognize doat because this would be younger di transitioning over into a little bit older than younger deal like it's just not the vampire deal that we know nor is it the one in part three that we know too which isn't bad you know if the point of this to see is like oh could Dio become the king of the Pirates if that was his main goal if that was the original point that would be a whole different thing it would still play out sort of in a similar fashion because I don't think he's got it like that I don't think JoJo antagonist for the most part don't have good team building exercises and stuff like that or team building abilities Andor the mentality that's required to be a genuinely good leader of Swords that's kind of the point of them I think that at best if we were to look through all the antagonists possible you got like what poochie Funny Valentine most likely this isn't about power scaling or strength this is p L working off of how the characters work and interact with those that need uh to help them with furthering their own personal goals and pooie in this case is a lot more I guess poochie's case is a lot more self-explanatory considering that he's uh got what it takes to be like this I think for the most part because pooie a lot of the time he puts himself into the right positions to further his goals to the highest possibility and I can't say that others say the same you know a lot of these other antagonists will most likely shoots into the foot and just ruin a lot of potential that they could have had because they just don't have the mindset for it and it's not that Dio doesn't have what it takes like it is that that is true like he doesn't have what it takes but I think that it's just the fact that some characters aren't meant for this and that they' never get to that point like but that's not a bad thing because look to actual one piece right like you think crocodile could be king of the Pirates like be honest with yourself like that's it's probably not the case what about law enil kaido like it's like yes very strong characters I get it all extremely important names for their times and even then some but you sort of get the idea of why certain things won't be possible with them and they even have like character arcs in the show that you'll see like okay this is why they failed at their goals and this is why they don't have it like that and you sort of understand it like it wouldn't be that crazy of a thing and I think that for the most part it just would go down to their placement in the story about how they're going about this how are they executing their dream in general and even if the deal for example had been made the protagonist you'd most likely see how the story would just make him fail and it would just end up being a story of like oh hey this is why dial wasn't made for this job here's an entire Journey that showcases why he sucks at this and yada yada yada and it wouldn't be that surprising but I'm going to play into like the idea of this scenario right let's say that Dio does get a good loia fruit just it can be really whatever let's just say he gets a good one let's say that he's furthered his hockey in general he has to compete with the rest of the pirate world to be able to get to that point that he wants to even if he was to roll deep with certain groups and yada yada yada that's the case the best thing that he could do is be the scummiest pirate possible sort of in the way that Blackbeard is and he goes about claiming the bounties on certain Pirates and yada yada yada because he has worked himself up to be a little bit below the Warlords but the biggest thing that he could do is to find out a reason why one warlord has to be taken down and then take him down because of that thing or you know he could fall back behind uh Luffy's directions and stuff like that and play cleanup crew and go after certain people that have already been taken down which is legit like Blackbeard like but the issue is you know seeing how this works if he's following in similar steps as Blackbeard or something like that eventually he he's going to have to cross paths with him and again I don't think he would have a roster that deep so the idea is that he would most likely have to work for Blackbeard if possible and if that's the case and we know that thematically speaking Blackbeard is probably never going to succeed in the end of it all then Dio is most likely also going to be the one that falls behind and he never get to a point where he's like the Goro or U or something like that like he's he's just that's just not possible because along alongside that like all the issues that we have here they don't want someone like that they just don't like there's certain things that they're okay with like certain people can come up and talk to them and yada yada y but the whole idea that we're going to have this new joining member who's going to like they can already see how how he moves and how he's been working himself up through the ladder and they most likely just wouldn't allow for that he would need something that's literally extremely Blackbeard like to where he's like okay not only do I have a freaking good loia and have uh good hockey like not great but like I it does like pretty well he would also need the ability to have more than one devil fruit which there's only one character that does that there's not something with like a complete imbalance in this world and the only thing that would actually help that's not that that would help him get this complete imbalance in world and lets him be stronger than everybody else is the ancient weapons with all the poneglyphs and all that types of stuff and like now you'd have to be telling me that yeah no Dio is going to get all the poneglyphs he's going to find the right person for it he's going to have his own Robin and he's going to end up getting the ancient weapon that's going to let him beat everyone like that when we've already seen that yeah this is an extremely extremely extremely hard feat to even get to and the reason why certain characters like the straw hats keep on coming into contact with poneglyphs and all that is because they're realistically the chosen ones and Dio most likely isn't this would be another franchise where fate is not on his side except that he'd be in an even worse position considering that he'd be nowhere near as important considering the stakes but yeah thank you all for watching that's my take on if Dio had lived in one piece and I think that if we had chosen maybe a character like Jo rokujo which he is all about like learning and stuff like that like he wouldn't even have the mentality of oh let me be the king of the Pirates like that that's that's something that would work really really well because he could get extremely far in the franchise and there wouldn't be some sort of grandiose goal that we would have to worry about but if there is something that people want to see where it's just like could a JoJo character do this thing be sure to comment it I would love to know because you know these types of scenarios and what ifs are actually fairly interesting to me so I'm down uh hopefully I'll see you all in the next one until then peace out and Godspeed
Channel: Kaleb I.A.
Views: 27,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kaleb I.A., Kalebia, kaleb ia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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