Which JoJo Villains Can Beat EVERY JJK Sorcerer? - JJBA vs. JJK

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let's take every main JoJo villain and put them into jiujitsu Kaizen who would be the most formidable opponent I did this with the main JoJo in the last video and here I'm going to do something kind of similar but change the criteria of it in that video I simply made them Sorcerers basically part of a joar clan here I'm going to up the stakes we'll be using the same ideas in terms of how their powers are translated to jjk just like last time where their powers got turned into cursed techniques and shikigami as well as covering potential domains that they might have if any but since most villains have abilities that would make them special grade by default we won't just theorize their grade we're going to give them a challenge too we'll be seeing who's the most Unstoppable and who has the most potential to defeat every sorcerer in jjk one thing people mentioned for the last video is that I shouldn't restrict strong abilities to domains so I'll clarify that here too we'll only be doing that if their technique specifically is befitting of a domain but for anyone without something like that will theorize something unique for them for example like in the last video with Johnny where he had very specific conditions to reach his maximum power those are cases in which we can limit those powers to a domain because they're not going to have them all the time although with the villains it's kind of different because they're they're pretty overpowered in terms of their hacks thanks for the feedback on the last video too it really helps and it's going to make this one better for the first section we'll cover their abilities and for the second we'll cover how far they can make it in jjk mainly we'll be looking at who their toughest opponents are specifically if there's any hard counters to them or who they hard counter the best at the time of recording this video we don't really know much about the part N9 antagonist so we'll just be going Parts 1 through eight and no other stuff like Heavenly Ascension di it's just going to be the cannon villains and as a disclaimer just like last time this is not a power scaling video this is basically us making original jjk characters from the JoJo characters We're translating their abilities into jjk and it's not representative of actual power scaling this is just a fun theoretical video let's start with Dio from part one we will be covering part three Dio later but let's separate the two of them especially because everything we cover here will apply to part three do as well I had two ideas for how his ability could work either he has some sort of heavenly restriction that makes him a vampire by default with the Restriction being that he's weak to sunlight or he becomes a vampire through the stone mask a cursed object but let's go with the first one his heavenly restriction is vampirism he's granted all the amazing powers that he has and he's exceptionally strong although his critical weakness is that he's weak to sunlight and instead of hon being a weakness I guess we could translate it into a very specific weakness to curse energy in the last video we translated hon into being perfect curse energy control so how about here for one of do's weaknesses alongside the fact that he can't go out in the sun he's exceptionally weak to Black flashes with other cursed energy attacks it works just like any other person but given the concentration of energy within a black flash and how strong it is by default part one dioh here has an extra weakness to that that's also an Achilles heal for him part of his Heavenly restriction black Flash's weakness is one good option but there's something even better and more fitting to give him a weakness to reverse curse technique his restriction can essentially just treat him as a cursed Spirit rather than a human his regeneration would work with a cursed Spirit too rather than a sorcerer so it's not going to be reverse cursed technique regeneration given that Dio has the properties of cursed Spirit here while not actually being a cursed Spirit his restriction in turn would make him weak to reverse curse technique when used defensively against him and that fits perfectly with how he treated in the last video translating it into perfect cursed energy control as well as reverse curse technique and now that I'm recording this it's really weird how well this fits and the similarities between hamon and RCT as well as how we're applying it here in this video and the last one both offensively and defensively keep an not of this going forward it applies to do through his restriction as well as two other characters that will cover but thanks to that Heavenly restriction he gets some great abilities with it surprisingly no blood manipulation was part of his abilities in the actual JoJo story and I almost thought maybe we should give him that here because that's fitting for jjk but he already has a ton of to work with as a vampire he has some crazy abilities such as temperature control hypnosis necromancy and chimea creation and the fact that he could even survive as a severed head his regeneration will be so Advanced that you have to specifically destroy his head so even if you decapitate him he can still regenerate and even with the Heavenly restriction that makes him weak to sunlight he can overcome this by creating a veil which basically turns the sky into nighttime or obviously he could just stay inside interestingly enough he basically has kaku's ability Too part of his vampirism allows him to cut off someone's head and replace it with his own which he eventually ends up doing with the Sorcerer of the joar clan Jonathan joar as for a domain there's two things we could do here we could either limit the world to a domain because he hasn't fully manifested it yet or we can give part one do a unique domain such as having his own castle allowing him to summon a limitless Army of Undead chimeras I feel either of those examples for domain work but before we go to part three di let's go next to cars and since we're only covering Cannon stuff this is going to be main series cars no George joar although it would be pretty funny to cover novel cars considering that cars isn't technically a human how about in JJ K's vers we consider him a cursed Spirit Dio and a lot of the other villains later they'll be actual Sorcerers except for cars and someone who will get to later who will be considered curs Spirits here we'll say cars has a binding vow with himself this can actually be used by curs spirits and let's say cars makes a gamble here just like in JoJo have the pillar man wanted to wipe out anyone who used hon here cars aims to wipe out any jiutu users and as a curse Spirit which tends to come out at night anyways he decides to limit himself it'll be like a more severe version of nmy overtime in the daytime or more specifically in sunlight he's weak but in exchange he has way more power at night time or rather under the effects of a veil one thing to note for cars is that he could heal as is without reverse curse technique and he'd also be weak to it as well cars here is actually a cursed spirit so by default his hmone weakness from the original series it translates into RCT weakness here once more perfectly fitted he would just regenerate through other means instead of using RCT given the fact that he's not actually a human Sorcerer And rather a cursed Spirit which also explains why his regeneration is so crazy and his goal is to find two cursed objects the stone mask and the Redstone of Agia and these two cursed objects combined come with a great power although it requires stabbing your face with the stone mask which is pretty painful for cars no issue though with his goal of getting these objects it'll retain the great power of His binding vow but remove the weakness from it there would be a price to Breaking this vow but this gets around it essentially which would mean these would be highly coveted objects by any sorcerer except for the face stabbing part the Redstone will Empower your curse technique and when wearing the stone mask it gets around The Binding valow but the two of them combined can completely count counteracted so you won't even need to wear the stone mask I guess we could also say the stone mask and red stone combined they give him the properties of a sorcerer rather than a spirit which is why he loses his RCT vulnerability and the weakness of sunlight as well it basically lets him get the upsides of being a human sorcerer while also keeping the upsides of being a curs spirit the best of both world not only are we translating cars into the series here but also these two objects which I think is pretty fitting for him and his abilities on top of the great power he has from his vow his curse technique would be something like mahito combined with megumi with the power to trans parts of his body into animal parts but on top of that he can create actual living creatures that are separate from his body and with both of these objects not only does he counter his binding vow but his abilities increase significantly as for domain another good comparison would be chimera's Shadow Garden from megumi but a better version actually more like Dagon if anything and he'd probably be the type to have a domain by default given how smart he is and how powerful he is he'd be able to figure out how to create one pretty quickly his domain will let him create Limitless life forms that could also transform themselves too coupled with a guaranteed hit effect of course this is is pretty much something he can do naturally anyways but in this domain he can do it a lot more efficiently and he can control the animals a lot more effectively like remember in part two how his feathers turn into piranhas to attack Joseph it's going to be like that but these animals will be a lot more intelligent and they could transform on their own too he can do some crazy like have a crow fly into someone and then have it turn into a piranha and then into a shark he'll have raw power great abilities and have this all boosted by the stone mask and Redstone of Agia overall a pretty deadly cursed Spirit even when his vow still has the downside now on to part 3 di he's pretty easy to sum up so we won't spend too much time on him because he has all the abilities we explained for part one Dio plus everything from Jonathan that we explained in the last video the only big issue with him is that after he takes possession of Jonathan his possession takes a little bit more to kick in unlike kinjaku he has a condition with his whereas kinjaku is that he has to show his scars Dio's condition is that he needs the blood of someone else from the same bloodline he's still powerful as is but if he wants to awaken his true potential when taking possession of someone specifically Jonathan in this case he's going to require the blood of someone else in the Joe star bloodline thankfully he has a lot of sorcerer Joe stars to fight and similar to what we did with jodo the world will function as a domain for him here too although one thing people point out in the last video is that I completely Overlook the fact that the domain should imply he has some sort of Base technique related to this too so there's a couple ways to go about this one time stop is a domain and the world's actual technique is simply super speed and super strength just as it works in JoJo two Di and jodo are like karuma or hakari whose powers are dependent on actually using the domain this is kind of what I was going for with jodo in the last video and I think this is the most reasonable way to go about this three time stops a domain and the world simply has some sort of separate ability related to time stop and it's something that could be used outside of the domain or four time stop is the curs technique and the domain is simply a more powerful version of that with a guaranteed hit not that a guaranteed hit would really matter in most cases since the targets just stopped in time I think options two and four are the most reasonable for this and they fit with the mechanics of domains in jjk as well as not drastically changing the abilities as is but let's go with the explanation to the world is a domain as well as his curse technique it's like hakari or higuma where he has to activate it when wants to use its power outside of his domain of course he has the great strength of the world plus his own vampirism abilities and in JoJo it's made clear that jodo and do by extension they can't just Spam time stops otherwise they could just chain time stops together and they'd be able to stop time indefinitely so this kind of fits with domains too where they can't just simply spam them although given how differently his curse technique works from others he's able to use domains more than the average person without completely overloading himself but it's not like he could just Spam them back to back essentially here he's more comparable to sakuna if anything just as sakuna needed all his fingers back for full power up Dio incarnates into awaken Dio when he consumes part of the joar clan more specifically taking their blood and he's the Ultimate Enemy to the joar clan of sorcerers next yoshik kaga Kira and for him we will be ignoring stay cat because that's not his ability that's a separate creature entirely so none of stra cat's abilities will apply here yes we could use St cat as a shikami or something but we'd basically be covering a separate character entirely it's its own living being after all of course it's curse technique is Killer Queen anything that a shikami touches will be turned into a bomb if he desires he could also deploy sheer heart attack which will be a durable shikami based on heat it's going to be a powerful attack I guess similar to May's crows that most people can't simply counter you either have to defend against it or outsmart the heat seeking somehow pretty straightforward abili part of his technique here but then we get to bites of dust which is a little more well specific this ability is kind of strange to put into a cursed technique especially because one it required him to be stabbed by the arrow again and it's also born from a very specific desire to be anonymous although even with the specifics of it there's no point limiting it because of how specific the circumstances are just like the other characters we're going to use him as full power so we will look at Bites the Dust I was wondering whether or not for cira we should have the arrow be an actual cursed object so that's also an option but then we'd have to change how the arrow works for everybody else at least for those who've used the arrow before so it's simpler to just not include that as a thing I guess and if Kira is still a serial killer in this verse then I guess we could say this ability works the same even with how specific Kira's desire was in the moment to Manifest this ability whites the dust is a technique he can bestow on someone but instead of a Time Loop that basically affects well everything let's let's say it activates a remote domain instead and just like how bit the dust Works normally we'll say that while this is active kir can't use Killer Queen unless he withdraws this when he's fighting regularly and he activates a domain it simply causes the target to be bombarded by explosives it'll probably be some domain that lets him spawn a bunch of sheer heart attacks ones that are faster and aren't based on heat plus it's similar to mahito in the sense that once he gets in contact with you you're dead and the guaranteed hit effect of this domain will make this a lot easier on top of that but when he activates Bites the Dust it restricts him from using his domain or curse technique as part of a vow when it activates we can say it goes by the same logic that it stops people from finding out his identity or instead of making it so specific we could also just have it so it activates a remote domain with the trigger being that someone finds out his identity so this gives Kira two interesting ways to fight he could either use killer queen as is and he has a domain where he can make a bunch of sheer heart attacks or he sacrifices that in order to make this a lot longer ranged so even when he's not near you his curse technique can activate at any time which would leave him vulnerable but also it makes it a lot easier to sneak attack people but again due to how specific everything is with the circumstance ances here this is still a bit strange to put into a domain or technique so comment below how you think this domain would work specifically Bites the Dust there are a lot of specific abilities in Jojo and this one's really specific in terms of how it activates how it works and what the effects of it are that's at least my idea of how we can translate into it but I'd like to see what you think so let me know below you have to kind of Tinker with this one a lot more by the way if you're enjoying this video and want to see more like this be sure to drop a like and hit that subscribe button next is a pretty interesting case in dio and doio and yes we're including doio here because I had a pretty interesting idea of how this could work so obviously in JoJo dopo is an alter ego to conceal his identity which actually did work pretty well once again we can make use of a vow here The Vow is diao can completely conceal himself assuming the identity of doio this manifests a new personality for him and even somewhat of a different build for his body plus an instant change in his facial structure in his hair so this vow lets him create a completely separate identity which helped him stay Anonymous with the downside of The Vow being he can only lend parts of his curse technique to dopo and when he communicates with dopo doio has to use some sort of object as a phone this feels pretty fitting for a vow and and it lines up pretty perfectly with how Dio actually acts in JoJo so that at least covers the dopo part what about the actual curse technique his curse technique is King Crimson and it's worth mentioning here he does have Epitaph 2 because some people theorize that this is part of Doo's ability but it's just a sub ability of Kim crimson and it's not something exclusive to having doio be a separate person sorry for the tangent but it's worth mentioning because someone will probably bring it up here but epap is just a sub ability of King Crimson so it still would be part of his cursed technique here too even with how doio Works differently here in this theoretical video it's like how Killer Queen has sheer hearted attack as a sub ability anyways tangent aside we all know what King Crimson does and once more this feels like something that fits perfectly for a domain and it would be one of those techniques that activates with a domain outside of the domain he could use Epitaph which although up to interpretation it still lets him see events in the future but when he activates King Crimson it activates as a domain where he cuts out time of course outside of his domain he still has the power of King Crimson as a shikami but for the most part he's going to try and conceal himself and act as dopo and while he's not going to be using his raw destructive power naturally he excels in stealth attacks anyone one caught in his domain won't realize they're caught in domain because by the time it deactivates well they're just dead the downside to his domain is that it's more expansive than other ones so while it does have guaranteed hits if he catches multiple people in the domain and they make it out alive they could actually figure out what happened so diao would prefer to trap one person in a domain at a time this is basically what happened in part five as well where he was mainly fighting Bruno but everyone else was affected by King Crimson and they saw the strange effects of it firsthand it's an incredibly deadly and stealthy ability especially with the fact that he's going to maintain anonymity sure he's not going to have raw destructive power outside of the domain but if you're within his range and you don't realize he's there and for some reason you get on his bad side and become a Target he's obviously a very formidable opponent and even more so because no one realizes he's an opponent pretty straightforward at least unlike the next person poochie who is not going to be a straightforward because he essentially has three stands yeah of course they are part of an evolutionary line but for him we kind of have to cover three different versions of pooie as a sorcerer but we can make it fit pretty well in this verse too especially through the use of cursed objects again especially with how we unlock C Moon and eventually made in heaven version one of pooie will be White Snake pooi his shikami could actually take people's curse energy not just their techniques their energy too and he could also transplant them between people we could also have it work like G's curs Spirit manipulation in the sense that he could do this to people weaker than him for curses this kills them instantly and as for Sorcerers it turns them into normal people Plus on top of this he has the ability to create illusions that white snake has this may sound overpowered especially because he's basically higuma without any limits of how he actually takes People's Energy but the downside for him is that anyone can take their disc back so he would have to safeguard these pretty closely and this doesn't just apply to their disc they could take someone else's disc if he happens to have it and for this first version of pooi we could say Seamon actually does come into play at least when he has a domain Seamon already kind of works like this anyways because it's a specific area where he can control gravity his domain wouldn't actually have a barrier and it have a massive range kind of like malevolent Shrine does plus to some extent he could be able to control his speed in this domain since that is how madeen Heaven works by speeding up gravity that's him controlling time and speed but for this first version of him it would be to a much lesser extent but even with this this being the weakest version of him he'd still be a very terrifying opponent he can create Illusions he can flat out stop your abilities and your energy and he'd have a pretty impressive domain the only downside is unlike G it's not like he's going to be able to deploy the disc as actual cursed Spirits because he never did this before he needs somewh to actually plant it into so so this is useful for killing cursed spirits but it's not like he can deploy them after the fact unless he gives their ability to someone else really it's best for canceling out other people's abilities and he'd have to rely a lot on white snake's trickery here for version two we'll use C Moon as as a base this is obtained after Dio gets the cursed object of Di's bone and is able to successfully mutate it into the green baby so in a way Dio's bone kind of works like sakuna finger eventually incarnating into the green baby and then empowering poochie's curse technique or anyone else who's able to do this so in this case it leads to se Moon so instead of the SE Moon abili being restricted to his domain it's actually part of his regular curse technique I'm noticing a pattern where we could translate a lot of Jojo object into cursed objects in jjk it does translate pretty well anyways for this version of poochi his domain will be made in heaven which is restricted to this domain and this domain is basically SE Moon turned up to 11 he can control gravity so well that it speeds up the flow of time and it could speed up himself as well not only does he have the guaranteed hit in this domain but he'd be nearly impossible to hit as well and anyone trapped in this domain will be subject to his time control as well as his gravity warping of course this version of pooie feels like the most sensible translation of his powers too because we get to have Maiden heaven but it's not just going to be his base especially with how specific the steps are to actually achieve ma in heaven but we will do one more version of pooi version 3 with ma in heaven as his base curse technique Poo's final ution and obviously his most overpowered one now one thing that might inhibit it when we translate to this verse is the fact that since his technique would just be dependent on how much cursed energy he has Maiden Heaven might not actually be as crazy as it was in Jojo If he had the six eyes or something sure but even though in JoJo he was able to speed up the entire universe and give himself infinite speed if we're making an curse technique here and it's actually dependent on curs energy it may end up being limited to some degree at least when he's not in a domain having it rely on a defined energy means that it can run out but still even if this limit does exist to it he's one of the most terrifying opponents by default and just like with pooie we could do the same for Valentine where we make two different versions of him hinging on the use of a cursed object as well and don't worry I'm not going to spoil part seven just the specific abilities that Valentine's able to achieve version one ahead gives him the curse technique Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap as for domain it could be an area where he could freely travel Dimensions instead of having to be between objects he could just do whatever he wants here basically letting him teleport infinitely and exchange with other versions of himself and one thing we've done so far kind of like we saw with pooie is the fact that all these cursed techniques are going to rely on cursed energy since everyone's now abiding by JJ K's rules and the way they use their shikami or their techniques actually will drain their cursed energy rather than just actual stamina but for Valentine this actually won't be an issue through technicality he could basically have infinite cursed energy so if he's ever injured or if he just runs out of cursed energy he can simply swap with another version of himself and if you get caught in his domain you're basically screwed because if he's able to do this infinitely with no limits to where he could actually teleport well once you're in his domain he's unkillable and has infinite cursed Energy Plus guaranteed hits on you granted he's not going to have any crazy offensive techniques he's just going to fight regularly but one offensive technique that he can't actually rely on is having people interact with their alternate selves which would insta kill them and again couple this with the domain if you get caught in his domain he could just introduce you to a parallel version of yourself and instakill you outside of his domain he'd be really hard to kill but it's not impossible but in his domain he basically wins by default and then with version two of him which is where we give him love train as well this is a version of him where he evolves his cursed technique and he does this by getting cursed objects parts of the Saints corpse essentially working like sakuna fingers here besides the fact that the Saints corpse can actually give you access to a stand some of them give you their own unique abilities too which would apply to him here so this is how we'll translate it here and explain how he gets love train eventually if he were to achieve that in this first if you thought he was overpowered already with this curse technique in addition it basically gives him an offensive version of a Gojo's Limitless at least to some extent it blocks any Misfortune coming his way and directs it elsewhere albeit at random plus it has the ability to make any other attacks fatal by having them travel at somewhere in the body where it would be fatal and it can even warp the environment around him to his favor at least for that ability I think that would be fitting of a domain so in this domain once he has love train he has The Misfortune redirection but on top of that he has a barrierless domain where anything around him at least anything without curs energy it could be shifted around to his favor so in simplest terms with love train he basically has a version of Gojo's Infinity that teleports any Misfortune away and for its domain he has the same abilities plus he basically has a lws of room from One Piece One Piece videos are coming soon by the way and finally we end off with tou and since he's also from an unadapted part we're going to keep the spoilers light here but there is one spoiler I kind of have to mention and it's the fact that he's a rock human so just like we did with cars we can consider him a cursed spirit because he's not technically human here just like cars and Dio toor is also weak to reverse curse technique here given the fact that he's going to be a curs spirit here rather than a human Sorcerer And to explain his ability in short anyone who pursues him is attacked by Calamity a force that he controls his stand is basically unluck from Undead unluck I just wanted that reference in there and also on top of him being a cursed Spirit he's kind of like the disaster curses because he's representing Calamity here given how prevalent Calamity is as basically a force of nature that would translate into him having a lot of cursed energy as a cursed Spirit given how much people would fear Calamity so physically he might be on the level of mahito or Joo which would mean he's definitely outpaced by the other people later in the series but his ability itself is pretty deadly if anything this is a true offensive version of what Gojo has except there's no defense here the defense is offense if someone tries to attack him they're then attacked by Calamity any object in their surroundings can be turned into something deadly and then used against an enemy and since he's unique in the sense that he's a cursed Spirit here while also having a stand of his own unlike cars instead of Wonder of you being a shikami for him we could say Wonder of you is more like a transformation for him kind of like how mahito has his transformation and that would be his true Essence here and when you think about it he actually doesn't really need a domain because his ability as is kind of works like one anyways it'll summon any object from nearby and turn into a weapon even something like a light bulb could be turned into a weapon or a raindrop if you had a domain it would just be this but stronger so in this sense Calamity basically is his domain his curse technique is essentially one that's always active around him and when someone enters the domain that's when they're attacked by Calamity so that's the way we'll translate into jjk here so now that we've translated everyone into jjk and shown what their abilities would be like who'd make it the farthest and who would be able to actually eliminate every Sorcerer And cursed spear we'll start from the top with Dio Brando from part one of course he has the weakness to sunlight so there's multiple ways of defeating him that way plus the weaknesses to Black flashes that's going to be really tough for him to counter he has a very versatile move set but special grades can take him on or someone can give him a nice dose of RCT the issue is circumventing his regeneration and again some the special gra here should be able to do something like that UDA en r with a love beam Yuki with a black hole Gojo with Hollow purple or his domain or suuna if he hits him with the dismantle to the head or just puts him in his domain someone like AR might even be able to actually defeat him because yes while deal can manipulate heat it requires him to actually take it from somewhere so what's he going to do if AR just freezes his head just like any other strong person in jjk the best way to kill them is just by destroying the brain there's also plenty of culling game players that could stop him too kosimo has a good shot same for higuma actually especially higuma given all the crime Crimes de was committed next on to cars while he might not have some crazy hacks his raw strength helps him a lot and since I just mentioned higuma cars would be a perfect counter here because yes heara could just take away his cursed energy and such but his raw strength would still be enough to counter him there for someone like Gojo it might lead to his stalemate because he doesn't really have a way to get through his Limitless although interestingly enough I think there's a chance he could counter infinite void because while this overloads your brain his brain's not a normal brain he's so much smarter and more developed than a normal person that this might not even affect him he could probably just tank it funny enough so even go would have a tough time trying to defeat him and unlike Dio sunlight's not just going to kill him it will just turn him into stone the question is how far his regeneration would take him here if we go with the statement from stroheim that cutting someone into 1 cm squar pieces could actually kill him then sukuna could actually kill him this manle would be perfect for this but he might actually need to be completely destroyed because there's also a statement saying that the dust in their body is alive and this was for Santana the weaker pill cars is the strongest of them even before he gets the stone mask and the Redstone of Asia his ability itself isn't too hard to fight against the issue is killing him because of how much raw power he has and how how good his regeneration is his regeneration makes aari's jackpot look like nothing in comparison which is stated to be the best regeneration in jjk the special grades would have a really tough time with him but they might be able to find out some way to kill him especially Gojo who still won't be affected by him and might be able to kill him with his domain but even that's not guaranteed given how much better his brain is than a normal human car's major weakness of course is RCT but when he becomes the ultimate thing that's really a non-factor although if he's caught before that any sorcerer that could effectively use RCT offensively should be able to deal with him pretty easily same goes for both versions of De but at least for cars once he gets both objects and becomes the ultimate life form he completely loses this weakness but beforehand that leaves him weak to people like UDA for example or anyone like him who could use RCT offensively as for part 3 do is basically everything we said for part 1 do and since we're still connecting to the last video you'd either need one of the special grade Sorcerers or someone like Joseph of course there's no Jonathan here because in this case Jonathan's dead but if we have the sorcerer Joseph here given how we translated hamon and how it works with Doo's weakness here sorcerer Joseph would be a good counter for him he'd be a much tougher opponent than part one deal especially with access to the world but if he could predict that the world is coming you could fortify yourself enough to maybe withstand one of his attacks and in terms of killing him there's multiple ways of going about it that the special grade should be able to do and also a couple coling game players once more higuma especially is a good counter here because if he gets Dio in a domain that could be an insta win for him next on to Kira who'd be one of the easiest to counter on this list he lacks the raw power of someone like cars and his hacks rely on very specific circumstances here for the most part he'd have to rely on his bombs or his domain and just like mahito all you'd have to do is avoid contact and then Killer Queen won't really be a problem to you sheer heart attack is another thing but still there's ways to counter this while it is highly durable it's not completely indestructible jodo even did damage it a bit so maybe some of the stronger special grades could just simply destroy it or a more easy scenario try and just guard against the explosion or outsmart the heat seeking or in Gojo's case just stand there that doesn't affect him his domain is an issue too and the fact that he's going to be sneak attacking people with the remote version of it but overall pretty easy to counter but to be fair with him it still was kind of hard to translate how Bites the Dust worked here so again leave your comments Below on what you think he'd do here depending on your guys' interpretation of his ability he could be way more formidable than I'm giving him credit for here at least with how I did it as for Diablo the issue is no one's going to know he's a threat his whole goal is to be anonymous like people might know of his existence as the boss but no one will really know who he is and especially thanks to The Vow that lets him turn into doio and the fact that he could just catch people off guard with King Crimson he might end up killing you when you least expect it if you actually know when you're fighting him though that's a different case and you know to expect his attacks coming especially if you could figure out how his domain Works although it's weird to theorize how his ability would work with something like Infinity for example since he's cutting out time how does that affect Limitless here with do at least he's completely stopping time so against Gojo he actually might be able to get through Infinity since the effects of it would stop with time itself I didn't really mention this with the di part but while Gojo's ability is automatic it still does require some process in his brain to go on to activate it so technically it is still manual in a way and with a time stop that would mean it would just be negated and Di could get through it as for King Crimson though that's different while he is deleting time he's not just stopping it there things still do move and act in that deleted time but it's basically on autopilot so he might not be able to get through Gojo's Infinity there and as I mentioned before he doesn't really have the raw strength to carry him through some of the higher tiers and the sneak attacks is a really big issue but if he's going up against people who actually knows who he is and he's not concealing his identity they'd have to first survive and figure out what his ability is doing first and once they do some of the higher tiers could actually counter him the special grade should have enough destructive power to stop him and a good amount of game players too and unless he hits you directly in the head and just completely destroys it people with reverse curse technique can still survive through this somehow I'd even say that people like Yuji could figure out a way around this at least if he could figure out what's going on with King Crimson and some of the really good Fighters like Toto could even figure out a way around it too in this delet of time Dio basically is Untouchable so it's not like someone could figure out how to attack him during this they'd have to do this after the fact the trick is just surviving it when it happens he can see Destiny with Epitaph he could change where he is and he's basically just becoming a non-factor in this fate that's supposed to happen but if if someone is faded to dodge him for example like I guess Toto using a boogie wogie that's the biggest hurdle here plus if you're too strong for him to kill in the first place you're not really at risk here someone like sakuna for example and not to mention if he gets caught in one of their domains it's still a guaranteed hit even if he's removing himself in time so there are a good chunk of characters that could actually defeat him or at least survive an encounter with him now on for pooi he's too fast for most Sorcerers to hit especially at his top speed even something like curs speech is useless here because he outspeeds sound and at the higher end he's even going to be able to dodge lightning from kosimo and any other attacks that come his way in a way he's also a direct counter for Yuki somewhat because her ability might be useless here since he controls gravity he could just remove all the virtual weight that she has so yeah she gives herself virtual Mass but then he just reduces the gravity on her and essentially cancels it out pooi actually has a couple ways to defeat Gojo too and this applies to each version of him version one's Illusions might not work due the six eyes seeing through it and he can't touch Gojo unless his domain lets him counter Infinity through gravity control Som hell another way pooie could kill people which would include Gojo is that maybe in his domain he could just speed up time for them specifically he would accelerate the flow of time only for one person or even just the area that they're standing in to get around goa's Infinity for example this is something he's done in JoJo he did it just for a watch he did it for some eggs he did it for fingernails so he could use this in a localized area which would mean if he traps Gojo in a domain for example he could speed up time just for Gojo now it won't instantly make him an old man or anything but his time acceleration grows exponentially so at first it would be slow but eventually Gojo would be aged up so much that he just die from old age and if he could just survive long enough without taking any attacks in his domain he can kill pretty much anyone this way which is really stupid when I say it like that but that sounds like a really funny way to kill Gojo he also might be able to control gravity to a point where he reverses the infinity that Gojo is doing or he can change the gravity on Gojo himself turning him inside out which is a very gory and disgusting way to kill him but still a way to kill him granted that would require him to actually touch Gojo plus since he infinitely accelerates time even though he's going to be slowed down by Infinity what if he just infinitely accelerates the time around them so Gojo's Limitless will infinitely slow him down but he'll infinitely speed himself up through time even if he doesn't necessarily have infinite speed right off the bat his infinite acceleration should at least counter Gojo's infinite de acceleration making a Nolan void and letting him get through Limitless essentially he's doing to himself the inverse of what Limitless is trying to do to him so there's probably a few ways for him to get through this although they're still our ways to kill him and even with his feed if he gets trapped in the domain still a guaranteed hit there and given he doesn't have the destructive capabilities of some of the higher tiers in jjk they would at least be able to resist some of his attacks the issue is if they're hit directly by SE Moon and then parts of them are turned inside out he would be really hard to hit by most though but when trapped in a domain you should be able to hit him and a lot of the higher tiers should have enough destructive force to kill him so any of the special grade Sorcerers they'd have enough power and intelligence to find a way to actually counter this in some way now on to Valentine he can kill anyone by bringing their altern itself towards them the only issue would be Gojo the two versions of Goa would pull themselves towards each other but they'd be stopped by Limitless which might just completely immobilize them but it would lead to stalemate because Valenti would have ways to protect himself and he can't kill Gojo here but for everyone else he has ways to kill them the question is how other domains would interact with him because while he could just replace himself with an alternate version of himself since the domains would have the guaranteed attack affecting his soul which one would it go after couldn't he just nullify this by swapping his soul into another version of himself and if he does achieve love train of course he's going to be Untouchable by most it would essentially work as a barrier against guaranteed hits as well overall he's going to be one of the most fearsome opponents really because his defense is a bit concern he has no massive offensive attack besides the variant merge but he's also basically unkillable and has Infinite Energy and finally tou in a sense he's also like Gojo except offensively no one could attack him or even pursue him without Calamity activated now the question is the upper end of Calamity it's been shown to turn even harmless things into something harmful but how far could that go because grade one Sorcerers and above might actually have Wast to counter This calamity and might even resist the destructive forces of it depending on its upper limit although Calamity does negate durability so maybe there's a way to resist it but again the question is the upper limit of it could this just kill anyone who pursues him and like the others with the even get through Gojo's Infinity not to mention people could probably counter this just by regenerating with a reverse curse technique not to mention imaginary things are able to bypass this again not going too much into part 8 spoilers here but this is one weakness of it and you know it's imaginary in jjk Hollow purple it's an imaginary technique given the fact that it's an imaginary Mass it might actually be able to harm to without affecting Calamity actually in a way this might apply to Valentine as well with love train but at least there he could just create another version of himself with toou this might be able to just kill him right away plus domains might actually be able to counter this ability thanks to a guaranteed hit and going to the joar clan of sorcerers Johnny and gappy would be able to get through this easily they're perfect counters for him he's Untouchable by most but someone like Gojo might be able to hit him or mahara could even adapt to this of course this all applies to Valentine as well but unlike Valentine to is not just going to be able to replicate himself here once you hit him you actually hit him Valentine might actually find ways to redirect the damage or at least just create a new version of himself and interestingly enough since Calamity ties somewhat into luck he also could perfectly counter hakari who wouldn't be able to hit jackpot Not only would Calamity be able to kill him him but wonder if use Calamity could actually affect luck as well hakari would have a hard time killing him anyway but this is just worth mentioning because he'd be a perfect counter for that too and would negate that ability that makes him a luck negator where have I heard that before but that basically covers everything so it seems like cars and Valentin would be the most effective here given their specific abilities and strengths as well as with Valentine how hard it is to actually attack him and with cars how durable he is pooi is also very formidable too but there's still ways to get around him to some extent this pla turu as well but not to the extent of cars or Valentine who's a ities would be much more overpowered in this verse as for the others they still would have a good chance but there's a multitude of ways to defeat them and multiple Sorcerers capable of doing it and I guess that's all and remember this is all just a fun theoretical video of putting JoJo characters into jiujitsu Kaizen it's not accurate power scaling at all but let me know what you think below would any of these people have different abilities are there people who should be stronger are there people who should be weaker or is there anything I miss in terms of characters that should defeat them be sure to drop a like And subscribe if you haven't already cuz it shows me you want to see more videos like this thank you all for watching and I'll see you on the next video video
Channel: The Salad Bar
Views: 246,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salad, saiyan, anime, manga, jjba, jojo, bizarre, jojos, adventure, jjk, jujutsu, kaisen, sorcerers, scaling, powerscaling, versus, vs, battle
Id: RTmu1_pBAP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 58sec (2038 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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