How Strong is EVERY JoJo Villain as a Team?

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every joar as a team was incredibly strong but we have antagonists here who are much stronger than their well-intentioned counterparts and I think that there's a higher chance that you just won't win against this lineup of characters but but let's see how bad it can [Music] get first is the original Dio Brando from Phantom blood due to scaling in Stardust Crusaders this do is capable of massively faster than light combat as for what he can contribute to the team aside from strength he has regeneration abilities to take care of himself and by vaporizing the moisture in his body he can drain the heat from others on contact which would freeze them he's also capable of hypnosis biological manipulation and necromancy it's very interesting and that's a terrifying set of abilities and the fact that cars is here these two can synergize reasonably well next is ultimate cars after acquiring the Redstone of Asia cars transformed into a being that's close to Invincible invulnerable or whatever the heck he became the ultimate life form and has no weakness exactly with his transformation he gained the ability to manipulate his biology at will allowing him to shape shift and adapt to any situation he can quickly regenerate from injuries grow wings to fly and even produce a tactical protective shell to Shield himself which kept him fine while entirely submerged in Molen lava but that's not all ultimate cars can assimilate the DNA of any creature that he's like encounter or well just it's it's in his biology and most likely has to be on earth and this is giving you an example all right he can shoot his feathers at you which he's done and he can turn said feathers into piranhas and tentacles if he can turn a feather into a giant tentacle with no drawbacks whatsoever you can imagine that he has almost Li Limitless capabilities for his powers as he does not abide by normal things like all the rules of mass or energy or whatever not only that but when he had tested out hamon he became the greatest wielder of hamon instantly his hamon had an intensity comparable to the sun itself he's ridiculous he does not age he is self- sustaining he's ultimate cars and to this day I am still surprised that he was defeated next third in line uh we we have deal from Stardust Crusaders equipped with his stand of the world he's fairly similar to the other one but you don't expect him to do any of the same vampiric stuff he doesn't use his freezing powers or his space rer stingy eyes and it's potentially an ego thing but it makes sense to have an ego when he's gained the ability to stop time and unlike the joar team that we had before because Dio has himself on the team the Synergy will be at a level that we have never considered because he is himself he's also one of or if not like the only stand user who is arguably as strong as his stand so it's basically like there's three dos on the battlefield but next we have Yoshi kagira for what he's missing in combat ability he gets in his destructive capabilities uh his stand Killer Queen can turn anything it touches into a bomb which Kira can detonate at will this ability alone makes him a considerable threat as he can obliterate opponents without them even realizing that they've been marked because you know again light speed stand Killer Queen also has a secondary bomb sheer heart attack which seeks out heat sources and is virtually indestructible star Platinum who is recognized to be the most physically capable stand in all of Jojo could not do anything to sheer heart attack which was polarizing and it's great for scaling now I can also give Kira his b dust ability for just the sake of him having it but in terms of of synergy I'd say it's a good bit odd because Killer Queen uh would not be able to be used by Kira and none of the other bomb abilities while Bites the Dust is active so he'd lose everything for the use of this ability though I will say Bites the Dust can be a good fail safe but that's if everyone wants to do the leg work for Kira you know that means that also Kira would have to put Bice of dust on like guess someone like cars for example a non-stand user at the moment and cars runs into a bunch of enemies yelling that yo this man is Yoshi K Kira you know just because he told them to and then they all explode though I doubt that ever happens realistically if cars was working with Kira but you know that's saying if we're giving them like hey you guys have to synergize it probably wouldn't go down like that at all in terms of character the next antagonist here is diavo here's what he has to offer time eraser King Crimson is stand can erase a brief period of time up to about 10 seconds and to others it seems like you know time is ski but in reality diavo is the only only one who remains conscious during this erase time allowing him to reposition himself for an offensive decision or I guess uh avoid any threat as a defensive tactic anything that was fated to happen in the erase time still occurs but without anyone else being aware of it there's also his ability with foresight with Epitaph because you know this sub ability allows diavo and dopo to foresee events up again up to 10 seconds into the future which makes diavo incredibly difficult to surprise or trap so not only do they have the ability to stop something that they don't like with Di's time stop Dio can also warn everyone ahead of time for whatever is about to happen I think Dio could easily be a core member that can help a lot because he has a very synergize ability it's probably a good bit out of character but you know the potential is there next is enrio pooie and from what I understand White snake's abilities still work but I think seam Moon's abilities are what's evolved into Maiden heaven and we can't really use them anymore now with maid in heaven we have time acceleration because maid in heaven can accelerate the flow of time while everything in the universe you know will begin to move faster pooie and his stand made in heaven will remain at this constant speed or more so consistent effectively giving him super speed relative to anything else now if pooie still has access to wh abilities that means he has The Following also you know which is his disc creation ability White Snake can extract a person's stand and memories turning them into separate discs and you know a person whose stand and memories have been extracted just essentially become a lifeless husk and like an vegetative state until the discs are returned and pooi can just be like no I'm not returning them there's also his illusion creation but I guess that's a stretch to consider that he can still do that I mean I can understand that the dist stand dis still exists which means that the ability does but you know I have yet to see pooie create Illusions in his maid in heaven form but at the same time I guess he had no reason to do so for a while and it could be argued that he could have used against this andoro but you know he was winded and probably was just all around overwhelmed to the point that he wasn't thinking right yada yada yada to make this all easier let's just say that he can do the disc stuff still and that's it all right I can't confirm seam Moon I just can't next is funny Valentine of Steel ball run his stand Dirty Deeds Dunder cheep or D4 C4 short is one of the most versatile and Powerful stands in the JoJo series d4c grants Funny Valentine a plethora yeah that's a good word of abilities primarily revolving around the concepts of parallel Dimensions so there's first like you know dimensional travel Funny Valentine can move between infinite parallel universes by being sandwiched between two objects you know like the ground and the flag or between two walls and he can shift himself and others if he wants to to an alternate Dimension then he also he has dimensional doubles I guess you can call it uh Valentine can pull alternative versions of people or things from these dimensions and if these two versions of the same thing or person from different dimensions make contact then they will like be obliterate they just implode like it's it's over you can also avoid any harm or injury that happens to him because he can just pass it on to an alternative version of himself from another dimension allowing him to escape unscathed this makes him extremely resilient to damage and finally if we're adding this here let's say that it's happening uh love train with the power of the Holy corpse d4c can access love train or get into its d4c love train mode uh it's a pocket Dimension where all Misfortune directed towards Valentine is redirected elsewhere in the world it's essentially impenetrable barrier around him I can say near impenetrable but like we had Tusk act four you know like that's that's a pretty big deal but it's basically Invincible um almost any minor injury inflicted by Valentine or by any of his allies while he's using love train can become lethal by traveling over to a vital area of whoever had caused this thing so what can Funny Valentine do for the team well as long as the doubles don't touch they'll be extremely effective now what does that mean well imagine multiple pois a second cars he can just do whatever is necessary to win the fight because if he is allowed to have access to love train you know that's it's just a completely different story too like it's CU what are you supposed to do against that you're not hitting him lastly because we're not that far into JoJo lands and this is our final antagonist is our jolian antagonist toru and The Wonder of You Now wonder ofie is capable of Calamity manipulation now Wonder of You has this unique ability to harness and direct a natural law of Calamity when activated those affected by it will experience A Series of Unfortunate Events not the movie that can either be due to their own actions or environmental factors these calamities manifest themselves as harmful collisions with outcomes VAR based on you know the object's size because smaller objects like a cigarette can cause immediate harm while larger objects like a big old box might lead to severe damage but it'll take a bit to get there and there is the sensitivity for pursuing this stand because this stand's power is triggered by primarily when the intent to pursue or confront uh satoru you know like the the fake user uh even the slightest intention like planning to chase him or harm him will activate its calamities it's like gr but eil you know the mere sight of the stands back will make you a Target regardless of their intent to pursue it's ridiculous and the severity of these calamities seem to be influenced by an individual's past actions you know those with darker histories might face harsher outcomes than those with a cleaner slate which is crazy there's also for some reason postmortem persistence which means even after the users's demise say that you even got to that like say that that happened Wonder of You continues to operate and if you're a non-stand user you don't even see the guy but as a postmortem entity it retains its Calamity inducing capabilities and becomes this embodiment of Misfortune that's ingrained as a natural law of the world like conceptually this dude's crazy but uh as for weaknesses you know uh if you approach it let's say your character approaches it with just no ill action or whatever the heck you can potentially negate it but that's just you know that that's that's a whole different thing now with all of these characters considered what are the possible combinations Dio Brando from part one ultimate cars and funny Valentine combo Nation okay oh stop Funny Valentine takes Dio to the right place to bring someone back from the dead they return to the original universe and cars would have the ability to modify this person that they've brought back say it's one of the greatest fighters ever somehow they're better than everyone here if they wanted to yeah it can happen which is crazy because Kabuto and Orochimaru had to go through Naruto part one and shapin to even get to this type of thing and you put these guys together that can just happen and Dio diavo and Kira watch this this is something I thought about okay Dio sees the future right Kira Rees H his ability to place a bomb like the way that he was about to do on koi he's reading the ability Dio stops time and moves Kira into the right place he undoes the stopping time Kira sets the bomb and then diavo can erase the explosion at least it happening and it still happens anyways which essentially works as like a makeshift the hand oh yeah and you know how I said like we don't have seam moon like I'm just like not as because I'm just like look I just don't know we can't have seon well you know Valentine could easily fix that by jumping over and getting a pooi with seam moon it's very easy very possible and maid in heaven pooie has the speed to where he's not going to make that accident accidentally touch the other pooi like at all it's just not happening and even enormous Level Threats that may want to destroy all these guys at once it's like oh hey I'm going to use my giant energy ball and blow up everybody we have love train and wonder of you to completely prevent that from even happening and alongside that they have the world Epitaph and dimension hopping as a countermeasure if anything else fell through Funny Valentine could even help Dio achieve Heaven if he wanted to and while eyes of heaven isn't exactly Canon I know whatever Dio would have to offer like let's say it's not like the world over heaven like the way there was in the game whatever he has to offer it'd be completely insane if given the opportunity and pooie just in general could remove all your memories out of faster than light speed massively faster than light speed actually and then the fight would be over but you know if I didn't mention a combination like sheer heart attack for example with some sort of other thing that these characters can do dog it this team is eight people it's a lot of guys all right and there's room for more through multiple memes not just funny Valentine but through do and cars and it's crazy there's all types of combinations that they're possible to the point where I could just make an entirely whole different video about it and just be like oh man let's theorize about how well these all can work together uh but it would be kind of out of character for the all of them because they're all egoist and just crazy but you know don't put every joar or every JoJo villain on the same team man because I promise you if they really had to win that fight they will and you will not but thank you for watching I love you all uh and hopefully I'll see you all in the next one until then peace out and godp speed
Channel: Kaleb I.A.
Views: 98,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JoJo Villains, Dio Brando, Kira Yoshikage, Diavolo, Pucci, Funny Valentine, Stand Power, JoJo Stand Analysis, JoJo Antagonists, JoJo Power Scaling, Strongest JoJo Villains, JoJo Battles, JoJo Ranking, JoJo Parts 1-8, Stand Battles, JoJolion, JoJo Stardust Crusaders, Diamond is Unbreakable, Golden Wind JoJo, Stone Ocean JoJo, Steel Ball Run, Anime Analysis, Manga Analysis, Hirohiko Araki, every villain, every jojo
Id: 3vWYMzrZUSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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