RANDY LEACH: Special Livestream Investigation w/Mike and Chris from PROFILING EVIL

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according to the sign it says that we are live everybody so thank you for being here tonight can anybody confirm that for me nobody's confirmed it so i'm just gonna go ahead and cruise like we are how's that sound so hey tonight i am uh super excited to be working with profiling evil we've got uh mike and chris from pro playing evil over there i'll give you give them more of an introduction in just a moment but i kind of want to uh bring everybody up to speed as to where we're at a couple days ago or last weekend we put out two episodes in regards to randy leach and i know that tonight we've got his parents are online watching uh harold and alberta we're going to be talking more about this case not just tonight bringing in mike and chris from profiling evil but in addition to that tomorrow night you're going to want to come back for the same time because we're going to be going in even deeper based upon what we're speaking about tonight with mike and chris bringing them back on as well as harold alberta as uh harold alberta betty and elizabeth that you saw in those videos so on that you know where we're gonna be taking you know the case from here you know uh where do we need to look is some of the things that we're going to be discussing tonight who might be involved and uh before we get into all that just uh kind of let's jump into some introductions so profiling evil another youtube channel where i create the creator is mike king and he's been working a lot with chris and who are these people well uh if you watch dr phil i think uh mike king is on dr phil more than dr phil is i don't know he is internally internationally known for solving the coolest at the uh coldest cold case in the world's history which is 34 years old is what i've been told mike is that true 3400 jared let's let's [Laughter] what is the oldest cold case in the entire world that has been solved by oh yeah well thank thanks for number one having us on we're so excited we just love you guys love watching what you do um i had the opportunity with uh another uh profiler to go to egypt and for several months look into the case of tutankhamun it's king tut and we did it for the discovery channel and believe it or not 3 400 years later we solved his murder it's on a discovery channel uh presentation that is you can find online and and of course you got to read the book too who killed king tut so i i have a link right here to youtube uh reopening the fbi file clip atlantic production it only has 974 views oh man we need to let the audience know about that one so they can go watch that one that would be awesome in addition to uh mike king here tonight we've also got uh chris how do you say your last name chris uh mcdonough yep jared i don't know you can say like donuts mcdonald's i'm just kidding i'm just gonna stick with this stupid all right so uh so what we have is we have mike who is you know kind of on the profiling side and we have chris who's more on the solving uh you know cold cases side and with these two are you're both retired law enforcement and between the two of you you guys have over 70 years of law enforcement experience between the two of you old i'm not gonna i'm not even gonna start doing the math there i mean i'm just like all right mike was actually there during king tuff he was actually there so so that's the introduction as to mike and chris who they are and the reason why we're bringing them on because chris i might kind of coin this you guys have heard me say this a lot of times in a lot of our videos is that this has really become open source investigations and i think that the first person i ever heard that from was you mike and i've really taken that phrase and i've ran with it so i hope you that you don't mind that i've stolen that from you oh i'm honored i mean i think it really is what it is isn't it as a collaborative effort to try to help solve crime and that's what we're doing here tonight we're bringing in we've been boots on the ground but now you're going to look at this from tonight you're going to look at this from a profiling side of it and talk about where do we where do we need to go next because although we were there for two days with harold and alberta we're not done because randy's not yet been found so whether it's us to find them or you know we tip you know a clue that somebody can go check you know tonight or tomorrow the sooner randy has found i want 20 21 or even before the end of the year i think 2021 i think that uh as this uh you know open source investigations really takes root that i think that uh we can find randy in 2021 that's my goal but wouldn't that be awesome yeah um families deserve that especially with the holidays coming oh yes absolutely and uh with this also i do want to mention that right after this show this evening we're actually going to be jumping over onto the profiling uh evil youtube channel um in fact here let me grab this link right here we have a live stream that we're going to be doing with you guys tonight over there talking about another case that we are going to be actively investigating boots on the ground with uh paula and i paul is either an aunt or a cousin i can't remember but we're going to find out later tonight for molly miller and colt haynes who went missing and believed to have been murdered uh where a sheriff might have actually been involved or his cousin or cover-up over there so quite the story that we have going on over there tonight on profiling evil so here's that link and any of you mods in here tonight i appreciate you guys being in here grab this link if you would and repost that later on if we need to when we if we uh talk about that again so we also have the link in the description we'll mention again at the end of this episode in addition to that it's not just tonight that we're going to be hanging out but like i said we're going to be back tomorrow night as well with alberta and harold betty and elizabeth for a two hour episode tomorrow night about randy leach digging in even deeper and then an hour right after that we're also going to be uh opening up another case that we're working with you guys on uh because we're meeting up with the the mom's name is francis and her son went missing last year william mckenzie all right kind of a sad story because although we don't yet know where william is we think that he's within a four mile radius and when his mom worked at denny's together uh william ended up giving somebody the last he was seen he gave somebody a ride and come to find out that this person that he gave a ride to a day or two before this that person murdered somebody and then one or two days after he killed one or two more people and we've not yet connected there he's not yet been connected to william's case but william is missing and they believe that um he was involved in this one so we're going to be talking about that case tomorrow night over on profiling evil so we're really excited to be working with the two of you so i mean you you're like hey we're honored to be here no no we're honored to be working with you today so looking forward to kicking this off in the year here with you guys and really making this a series to where we can you know how many how many of these cases can we solve in 2021 you know it's really interesting to me we watched you and sam and dan uh the last six months particularly jared and we love what you've been doing and the way that you do things i love the human side of what you do and sometimes we don't get to see that enough in these kinds of investigations but if you think about the numbers i mean it is really remarkable according to the bureau of justice it's about 800 000 people every single year that disappear in our country alone not around the world and i know we have viewers from all around the world but they say roughly uh 83 of those folks are going to come home that means that about 100 to 104 000 people every single year just are taken off of the map and never heard from again that's the size of that's that's the size of major cities in our country that in a year's time are just ripped from from the earth yeah and where do they go and how many of them end up in underwater you know and that and that's what we're doing you know and we're really boots on the ground you know sam and dan you know our 2021 our 2020 trip was such an incredible kickoff that that was the first time we've ever done that and we could not have been doing it without you know the viewers and the sport the facebook you know platform and the and the youtube platform and just the way that all of it has come together like we're just so grateful and i mean sam you got a few words on this one don't you oh yeah it was this spectacular you know just all the people that we met um all the people all the lives that we touched all the people that you know just interacting with them and just i don't know just coming together with you and dan and just going across the country you know it was it was just amazing i mean so many words i mean just just wow i just wow is that's all i got right now it was absolutely amazing yeah and we can't wait out of this either all right before we dive into the rest of this i mean let's get a huge shout out and mention 18 year old young man yeah take a gap year off and take a leap of faith it was like he knew me for like three weeks and i'm like hey do you want to go on a 2020 road trip with us two older dudes in an rv across the us and here's what we're going to do he was like yeah it was well worth it i enjoy every minute of it and and you know what people are really enjoying of yours dan is your editing and your you know the ability to have that camera this is just not you know sam and i hand in the camera back and forth and then my short edits i mean you have really brought something new to the show and and i give you full credit i mean the show would not be what it is without you you know helping us get the live streams out tonight and helping us everything you've been doing from the aerial shots to the transitions to i think there's more comments about your work than what sam and i even do at the show anymore thank you for being here yeah thank you guys yeah i agreed agreed yep um so and you know so a few things that you know topic is discussion tonight we're going to talk about you know the bag of bones and the dna results we're going to talk about you know uh best of our knowledge you know we have no idea who those belong to uh we've got you know gaining access to the underground caves you know with the underground lake is that the place that we should be trying to get into and take a look at um you know we're going to be returning to one of the ponds from our last day that we were there we had three pawns that we finished up with and in one of them dan spotted it on sonar when he was editing and he said jared i saw something in one of the ponds what is it and i took a look at it i'm like holy frick and we have to go back and we have to investigate that one so uh thank you for uh dan for focusing on hours of burning through all these videos for us and picking up on that stuff so we'll talk more about that one uh he'll be showing that on on screen tonight uh we're gonna be talking about the arson at the party house you know being burned down not once but twice back-to-back nights on that one uh flanigan's never questioned you know for two years you know randy was parked in the driveway if randy parker drive when there's rumors that something may have happened there at flanigan's why and then this is you know i really want to get the input from mike and chris on this one tonight how come flanagan was not questioned for two years on that one you know we have rumors of you know the girl that randy liked uh that was you know in the drug scene and he was trying to get her out of it was there something that happened in that you know at flanagan's on that one as well uh big drug ship and it was coming in that evening from kansas city you know being flown in was that part of it do we have devil worshipping that was part of it um you know so so those are some of the things that we're going to be touching on tonight but uh really at this moment in time you guys have seen the videos um we have mike and chris that have now seen the videos and they have a lot of the background information on this not just from what we put out there but they've all done their own investigation work so i really want them to you know dive in right now with fresh eyes and kind of give us your take your perspective and uh what should we be doing as you know your minions boots on the ground where do we need to go from here yeah go ahead chris well you know i uh and first of all thank you so much it's great to be here guys yeah there's a lot to to go over so i i think the first uh thing that strikes uh me um you know from an investigative perspective is uh the car as a whole uh all of the other things you know the other stories that you know the one-offs we'll call them for now um i think there's got to be a clarity of focus into that uh that dodge uh that 85 dodge 400 you know four-door or 600 was it a 600 85 dodge yeah it was a 600 yeah yeah and so you know i i think that's a clarity of focus right now because we i think if we find the vehicle uh then there's going to be a lot of other evidence uh or evidentiary trails uh that i think we can you know clearly go down pretty quickly that's my two cents right now you know uh jared i was troubled by a number of things and in no way do we want to cast any stones on law enforcement because these kinds of cases are so stinking hard to solve and i don't i don't for a moment uh not believe that law enforcement was turning over as many stones as they could but but going back and the beauty of time quite frankly is that sometimes it takes a little time for people to get the courage to step up and say this is what i saw i was afraid you know 30 years ago but now i'm an adult i'm no longer afraid of what i was then there is an opportunity for us on platforms like this hopefully picked up by media and other people to remind the public and i'm so proud of mom and dad and that family for continuing to bang the drum because whether this was an accidental death or it was an intentional death there are too many questions that are going unanswered and those uh there's somebody out there that knows something i remember seeing one comment by one of the sheriff's deputies or perhaps it was sheriff nye if i remember right where he said this is too small of a community for somebody not to know something and i really believe that and while we've seen a few of the people who were intimately involved in one way or another uh pass away there are people out there that know about it so i hope that that everyone that's listening in will be sharing and socializing this in a way that gets the public to to step up and say you know what i am no longer afraid to tell something yeah and no i mean just to kind of what mike said just to dovetail into it right so we've got two buckets here okay the the first bucket you know the first bucket and the question is you know did he leave the party the graduation party the second bucket is if he did leave the graduation graduation party then was he by himself or was there another individual involved and so mike's point uh thus the then now we look at the second bucket as and that's where you know do we stay at the party uh you know do we stay with all of those people that may have heard something or know something you know to that effect and so you know those witness interviews become crucial and now as time has passed you know maybe you know like mike was saying maybe those individuals are willing to you know to discuss something but um you know so there's two buckets uh that i think we can talk about pretty deeply here tonight you know two paths okay and speaking of past i mean uh mike is yeah to really taking some time to put together a path and kind of outline this as to a couple theories and directions that we can take there so do we want to pop that up on screen for you sure let me uh pull this up and we'll uh we'll at least explore a couple of things so yeah let me know when you're when you can see it because i can't see the screen now jared yeah yeah we're totally not seeing it while you're working on popping that up for sharing your screen uh oh i see it down there yeah i think it's something you got to do on your side there we go okay so is that up and now for our viewers there it is yeah so so there were a couple of things that we found really interesting i mean i always love to look at geography and g and geographically profile while i'm doing behavioral profiling and we can talk about behavior in a minute but i thought this might help your viewers and certainly helped me get a better sense of the case of course over here we've got the leech residence this is where uh this young man if if you go back to the case it's about 6 30 at night he's finished the day hanging around the house working using his new lawn tractor and the kid loads up and says hey i'm going to go check out my car and i'm going to grab my cousin and we're we're going to go um for a drive here and uh let me jump in real quick mike as there's been a little bit of uh uh confusion as the vehicles so in the pictures you know we've been showing a 66 mustang quite a bit well the 66 mustang that mike is going to talk about where they're going to drive to is not the car that he was actually in the 66 mustang is a brand new car that or a car that he got to restore with his father and this car right here is one it was his mom's car this is the car that he was actually driving that night was it a four-door or two-door chair do it i believe there's a four-door i think it was a four-door yeah okay okay yeah good so we back up and run yep you're back mike really i think that's an important effect so yeah he's in this gray uh 600 and he drives over to his cousin's house he picks him up and of course the first thing he wants to do is he wants to go and check out the car that his family's been working on and they have been restoring this little um vehicle of 66 i think it was and uh so so what we did is we went in and we plotted the most probable route that he would have taken now the real herring here quite frankly is i don't know exactly where the cousin lives so i'm taking it from his residence not from where his cousin lives so there they're making some differences and and you know the cool thing about doing something like this online is somebody's gonna write back and say hey you got it wrong he went over here first this is the most probable route and what happens is once he gets over here to desoto's body shop and they check out the vehicle from there he goes to a gas station he picks up some uh candy bars some soda pop he buys three bucks of of gas and you think about when you were a kid i mean that's that's what we did is we you know put the change in our pocket and what we could find in the ashtray into gas and he goes over to a party that according to some of the reports and this is really interesting when we think about the victimology here he goes to a party that some people suggest he wasn't planning on going this this irwin farm was actually a a new family that had moved into the area from kansas city and uh and uh they uh their daughter kim is going to school with randy and they decide to throw this party a month before graduation for all of the kids uh that are getting uh ready and and i'm just gonna stop there for a minute in case there's some things we want to chat about before i go on jared uh yeah i mean one thing if people want to you know screenshot this so real quick i'm going to drop this link that you gave me um you over on your website will you explain what you actually put together as far as a story map and i'm going to drop the link in here for people as well they can check out later oh yeah so folks um with this link you'll be able to go to what we call a story map and and we use this a lot of profiling evil where it helps tell a story but it gives you a geographic reference along the way it's real easy to follow you'll be able to go through it's interactive so you're going to be able to move the map around zoom in zoom out look at where you live compared to where this is happening all kinds of things there are videos built in uh audio so it's it's kind of an immersive experience where you get in and have a little bit of uh interaction with it but most importantly it helps tell the story in a concise way and yet it allows us to explore it further so yeah we really would be excited to have you go over and and check that out and i assume that the mods will continue to kind of pop that up uh as we go along but now they're they're at the irwin farm and they're having this party and i'm going to just wait and see jerry if you got anything else you want to chat about or if chris wants to chat about anything no i'm letting you take the lead on this one so you're you're on a good drill so i mean i think mike mike and i would uh agree that at this point you know this is normal behavior in relationship then mike's going to dig deep into that but i think you know for the party uh you know it's graduation it's it's high school graduation everybody's you know psyched to be thinking about the future so what you have to do is start thinking okay what what really could be the mindset of this young man i mean he goes he picks up some candy he buys a soda he gets some gas and now he's going to hang out with his buddies and his french and they're going to talk about the future and kind of kick it off in mom's car okay so i mean my kind of dovetail and what your thought process i know you know we've kind of chatted about some things sir what do you think yeah so i think the cool thing here is now we start thinking about victimology and uh jared i think you and sam and and i talked about this a little bit on one of the other cases we had when you were on our channel but victimology is the study of the victim it's it's almost like an uh virtual autopsy of who who this human being is this is a pretty cool kid i mean he's uh six foot two 220 pounds if i'm getting all the stuff right online he's uh athletic when you look at his pictures as a kid he was kind of a chunky kid and he grew into a a pretty healthy kid um he he looks like he's a pretty decent kid and and of course you know we learned some more things that tell us that he that he didn't mind having a little alcohol here and there or other things but but we see a kid who looks like he's pretty centered he's got a relationship with his parents which a lot of kids that are in trouble don't have relationships with their parents generally so we we start exploring what kind of a human being this is and uh and he shows up at this party and it sounds to me like the party uh was a recipe for disaster from the moment it started if everything that i'm reading online of course that's a dangerous thing to say is true this kid shows up and uh one thing that i read online was that the punch was spiked with grain alcohol whether the kids knew it or not i think they did because they're paying three bucks a glass to buy the the punch at the little party yeah i'm wondering and i don't know if i'd like some response from you jared if you did any exploration on this but the mother is is in the news talking about this party that she's hosting for her daughter what up what on earth is going on in the thinking to say yeah let's have some alcohol too uh you know for for me it's the mom that wants to be the cool mom that hey yeah have everybody come over the house and my understanding also is that this was a newer family to town or they recently moved shortly thereafter as well so it doesn't sound like you know they were really a part of the you know rooted in the community like the leeches were and you know other people from the community so that's that's my take on it is you know i mean we all know those moms from high school that they were never they were they were never able to the high school was the best years of their life and now they're living it with their daughter yeah well you you were um from what i read i think you're you're right on target that they had moved down from kansas city they were pretty new to the area i'm sure that hosting that party was a great way to also help their daughter become closer with everyone but i don't know how long they've been there and other things but but clearly as the chaperones there were some judgment questions if in fact they knew that there was alcohol in the punch and and other things and that that's the real kicker there is we don't know i mean it sounds like the mom knew because it sounds like to me that the mom was selling the punch so i mean she was selling the punch for the same amount of money that you know randy put three dollars in gas you know in his tank that night so you know but you know i also want to touch on real quick the relationship that randy had with his parents i mean from everything i've seen and from hanging out with harold and alberta for a couple days at their house and just you know the the pictures and the love that they have for you know for randy and how much you know she's never forgotten who you know about her son and she wants to solve harold is getting older and he's on oxygen now and you know and that's why this really has to be the one case that we're able to solve you know within the next 12 months so that way they have those answers but you know they they have that open relationship you know i had this conversation with alberta is that yeah they knew the things that you know randy did as a high school kid and they had that relationship that they were able to have that communication you know that randy didn't have to hide any of this from his parents yeah yeah no i see i see that i 100 i mean i i watched you know your your videos and with mom and dad i mean uh he's he's a normal kid this this is a situation that you've got a normal relationship here between the parents you've got a normal uh young man who's you know just at the spring of life and uh next thing you know it you know we're here talking about him you know 30 something years later and so i i don't see any red flags in relationship personally my experience tells me uh the young man's um now post the party uh you know in relationship to if there's alcohol involved or something like that uh i still think that's why the car is going to be critical we find the car yeah yeah yeah my only question is to as mike gets into this a little bit further as to uh randy's intoxication levels later on was there additional stuff in the punch or was it a something where randy went overboard with the punch or is it something to wear is this the first night or you know maybe he experimented before but is this a evening also to where randy may have experimented with something other than than alcohol whether it was on purpose or on accident well and that's where your circle of influence is going to come in of french right i mean you guys shall know i mean we all remember back in high school you know if you got too stoned there was always going to be somebody around you that you know you could kind of cling on to and and what about his cousin tell me more about his cousin uh did he go to the did he or she go to that party do we know i actually don't have that information that's something we can discuss tomorrow evening with uh harold and alberta yep that would be interesting and it would be good to follow up on actually taking because they also i i mean there's a lot of stories from this and part of that was who were the two kids who was last seen hanging out with you know who were his friends who who was the one that you know he drove over to see the car and at what point did he end up leaving you know uh you know randy's side yeah so that pre-incident behavior was going to be critical right i mean what did he do you know he was a he's obviously a the type of kid that thought about he was conscientious he you know he was cutting the lawn you know until 6 30 that evening he knew he had some appointments you know coming up um so you know this is not just something that he's shooting from the hip this is you know a young man that has he's he's on a pattern here he's on a consistent pattern and that's going to be crucial when mike starts and when we start breaking down the victimology of randy and you know the alcohol you know i think everybody knows that graduation kids are going to do stupid stuff they just do that's that's their nature uh you know what that at that age group um so whether it's get in the car or if it's uh you know taking alcohol like that and maybe maybe it was fight with something um but still the cars just vanished right i mean it's just gone um and so that you know i i'm gonna let you know let me let me touch on that before we turn this back over to mike again you know cars vanishing you know you guys combined between the two of you 70 years in law enforcement how often when the car just completely ups and vanishes are due what percentage do we suspect that the car is gonna be underwater as opposed to you know a chop shop as opposed to what else happens to cars yeah the real the real interesting thing about this car business is if for instance someone took that vehicle and and went over the border and into an adjoining state or even made it to the borders of either north or south um that vehicle if it's recovered within the united states is going to end up on a registry and they would have found that vehicle so this one just vanishes and yet you know what uh there's a lot of woods out there where there are things that are recovered years and years later it's it's really a challenge not to follow the conspiracy theories but follow the facts and we really focus in our profession on how do we how do we make decisions based on fact not on theory because if we first create a theory we spend all of our time trying to twist facts to fit the theory that we've got so we got to keep saying oh man that's really interesting and it's now one of the possibilities but we keep filtering down to probabilities as we go through this process mike the show is yours yeah that's frightening so so let's go to the back to the party for a second uh jared i i i'm really intrigued by the behavior of the party number one this thing grows to like the numbers suggest 150 kids now i don't know what the graduating class was but this is a pretty big sampling so they're probably really good kids and kids that are pretty troubled attending the same party it's it's uh appearing like that the the punch is spiked by design and people know it and so those that are drinking this spike punch know that they're getting a little bit of a kick in the pants there we don't know what's going on in the periphery and if there's some drug abuse or other kinds of things going on but what we do know from a number of different sources is that randy's friends start reporting that he appears intoxicated or under the influence of something either a drug or alcohol that i think even the mother at this home says he was stumbling and appeared to be intoxicated other kids including his friends that are close to him try to take his car keys away from him because they say that he's too intoxicated to drive and as the night wanes on even one of his friends says you know in effect dude i'm gonna drive you home because you shouldn't be driving and thankfully at that point in the game which is now two o'clock in the morning i mean this this thing's been rolling for five or six hours um nothing good is happening after midnight and uh and these kids are getting ramped up but now randy if it's true is intoxicated or under the influence he apparently has lost his keys because he's complaining about he can't find his keys possibly taken by buddies who are trying to protect him uh and so he finally gets to the point that a guy's gonna drive him home and that guy starts taking other people home while randy goes in to go to the bathroom and some other things and we see this thing's kind of starting to build but we see some really interesting behaviors building in the course of that now i'll just pause there for a second in case chris says something he wants to throw in or are you and sam have something that you want to chat about yeah i'd like to throw something in real quick as well i mean i've heard that uh there may have been even up towards 300 you know kids that were actually at this party we don't know the exact numbers but you know remember the family has recently moved here from kansas city and so my understanding also is a lot of you know kids from kansas city actually came over as well and so now as you you're saying this stuff out loud i'm also thinking you know somebody that's intoxicated a larger becomes loud rude obnoxious especially when you have let's just call it turf wars that we have you know you know kck and then we have you know small you know linwood you know different you know niches or different clicks of people that he's upset about not being able to find his keys that's i don't know does that come into this as well i don't have those answers but i just want to throw that that part out there yeah you know nobody has talked about though conflict in the party that you know guys were pushing each other testosterone was out of control and that's the other thing is why aren't people talking about what was going on in that party because um we'll talk a little bit about the behaviors post-party as the family tries to investigate but but that's really intriguing and what you bring up is really interesting because if there were the initial um head butting that we see i think there'd be some record of it don't you yeah i would think so yeah that a fight broke out i mean there's no no information is to any fight breaking out that night which is odd for a party at that size yeah chris what do you think well i think you know first of all this is pre-internet too okay so the conversation of that there's gonna be a party out at the farm uh started at the high school in the hallways okay and so that you know that word spread pretty quickly uh to everybody and so it was kind of an open forum uh and you know when people start showing up you know that demographic is probably going to be mostly local high school kids uh you know there could be you know obviously it's going to get to the you know to jared's point you know to the neighboring you know high school but you know who who are the rivals at that point right i mean uh we're just talking about probably football rivals and you know a little toughness here and there but you know here's you know randy he's six foot two 220 pounds if we estimate he shows up at the party between 9 30 and 10 is that right no i think he gets there earlier than that chris i think it's about 9 30 or 10 that people start recognizing that he's getting intoxicated but i could be wrong jared yeah i don't have an actual timeline as to the party when it started or when things started uh heating up over there well so if we take that as a timeline you know hypothetically let's say 10 o'clock at the latest uh you know that's kind of that pumpkin hour with parents right it's like you know well i only got a short amount of time here because i got to get home so if he starts drinking around that time i you know it's a hypothesis right now everybody says he was intoxicated but we don't know okay and so if he's drinking around that time then his ba his blood alcohol level is starting to move upward okay and so come one two two a.m you know he could be you know at that intoxication level uh depends on what's inside of that you know that alcohol but but go ahead i'm sorry yeah yeah before we move forward uh more on this i i we don't the three of us don't want to take over all of this so dan sam jump in here yeah hey give us some of your guys's thoughts sam i think uh you know um you know just everything i don't have a whole lot of facts most of the stuff i was going off with was a little hearsay and just kind of a gut feeling um you know i mean the fact that they you know they were hosting a party you know of 150 to up to 300 uh plus people to me that sounds like money and some type of affluence um you know i said there was maybe let's just pretend like something else was going on at the party um a party of you know 150 plus people would be a pretty good way to hide traffic coming in and out just a thought yeah definitely i think too from what i know of randy he was a very good kid and i i think him disappearing was not it was definitely someone external acted upon him interesting yeah and mike's not yet convinced that uh somebody external action on this so let's continue on because mike was sharing some stuff with me earlier today so yeah so so this is this is really interesting and i i appreciate it i appreciate really dan's perspective too i mean he's the youngest one in the group right here that actually remembers high school graduation and um the way i'm going to just ask him quickly dan what would your parents have done if you left at 6 30 at night everything i understand was there was no indication that uh he was going to the party he may have said something in time has clouded memories but what would have happened if 10 o'clock rolled around 11 12 1 two and you hadn't showed up at home yeah they definitely start to get a little worried it's it's out of the ordinary for me i i can definitely relate to randy a lot in the sense of he didn't really party that much and he's overall a very good kid yeah i mean look look what he did he stopped at the gas station bought candy and soda okay candy and soda okay so there you go that tells herself and spent as much on gas as he had to buying a drink so was he buying drinks his parents say he had as much as 50 bucks um in his pocket so if if he only spent 10 or 12 of that was the rest spent on on drinking and buying three dollar shots at the punch bowl that all becomes really significant uh jared and sam and we can't really answer that question because we don't have this kid here to talk to yeah i'm not convinced of that as as well i i i don't see him you know dipping at the bar you know that evening i i see a very conscientious young man who has a great relationship with his mother i mean the first thing she did when she woke up is where is he okay and i mean it was like a blast to that parent you know to mom and dad and so i see the young man reflective of that behavior you know and so as a result of that you know he's buying soda and candy now did did he go to the party potentially and you know then peer pressure said oh you know come on randy you got to have one yeah he could he could have fallen into that trap and it and that one drink theoretically could have been more than enough to put his be at his blood alcohol level you know heading in the wrong direction because he didn't have the tolerance for the alcohol and of itself so i remember my first alcohol and it was uh six beers and six hams it did me in i was kissing the porcelain god that night and i've never drink since so i mean that was my one and only you know getting drunk story when i was 16 years old so i just never acquired a taste for it after that we've tried you know i've tried it over the years with my wife with different things but for me it just i don't like the taste of alcohol for that reason so yeah well and those i mean that's really important this is the really cool thing chris and i call each other the yin and yang and by design we always try to argue with each other because we think it helps us come to a better understanding of things and i think chris is right on we don't know what level this kid tips but what we do know is that multiple people say he was tipped he he was intoxicated or under the influence of a drug as the night wanes on and so if we go a little further the idea becomes then finally uh two o'clock in the morning rolls around his buddy says i'm going to drive you home uh but i got to take a couple more people home and i'll be right back to get you and between that moment in time there's a report from mom who says he's standing trying to get to the bathroom at the house again man i really would love to interview mom and dad and when you say what do you do today that's one of the first places i'd want to go to is talk to that family because these are supposedly the most uh commonsensical people at the party are the adults that are chaperoning um but somehow this kid makes it past everyone's radar and the kid gets into his vehicle or someone gets him into his vehicle and they drive away and we don't know the answer to that either so we don't know whether someone that had the keys all along says get in your car now everybody's gone there's not gonna i'm not gonna be seen so this kind of goes with the conspiracy theory side of it is that now there's this this undertow in place that gets him in the car with somebody else driving or he ends up driving so we have to start thinking then um about what are the next scenarios and the one scenario was that he's either under his own driving or with someone else ends up at the storage caves and jared did you guys get a chance to go to the caves i know that indications online are that it's been destroyed by the sheriff but did you go out to the location or anything like that yeah we went to the location of the uh cold storage caves uh you know it's no trespassing lines you know the the doors are down you can't gain access into them unless you don't have to know somebody so the caves are still there can we get into them yes if we have permission and somebody can get us in so if you have that access somebody out there please let us know because we have also we would just love to be able to clear up a rumor that we've heard is that there is an underground lake in one of these and we would love to have that access to go sonar on it and just we'll tell you if there's a car in there or not yeah so if you're from linwood folks or you know anybody in that area here's the to do for you we we have a little thing on our our uh channel that we call the evidence room that we allow people to just kind of weigh in and we give an assignment and say we need some help this is a place where you guys could really help is get them access when they go back i think it would be so cool jared if you could go in there now my understanding is that in that cave is where one person who was under the influence of narcotics that says he was kidnapped and taken there days later said he saw a man hanging in the cave that was deceased that he was threatened with his own life so that's why he's remained quiet over the years that they um held satanic rituals in the cage or a cave and there was painting in the cave maybe of pentagrams and maybe there was melted wax on the the table all of that is possible but um one of the things that i haven't really shared with you is is i ran the ritual task force ritual abuse task force for the state of utah under the attorney general it was established under the legislature in the state to look at this area an era of time that we're talking about today which gathered and gained this name called the satanic panic time and at that time back in the 80s there were so many allegations of satanic groups acting out and committing crime that we actually formed the task force that i had the opportunity of working in and as we went through that i finally published a report back to the legislature and you can find it on the web it's the state of utah ritual crime report in there we said that while there were isolated cases that suggest people used satanism and occult kinds of things as a control mechanism especially with things like children or intoxicated people that we really weren't able to determine that satan was out committing crimes and so i'm always suspect when i hear the satanic panic claims because you can only dig up so many parking lots in a convenience store where they tell you that a body's buried underneath before the attorney general says you're not digging any body or parking lots up anymore and so i don't know chris what are your thoughts i mean you went through the same era yeah in san diego we had uh we had 43 uh it was body dumps from about 88 to 94. and long story short the fbi was hearing the exact same thing and remember mike marielle and o'toole went on the road uh and she was you know in the behavior science unit at the time and basically they it got so crazy that the feds went out into the into the field and said folks we don't have one hum ritualistic call side in this country that involves you know uh satanism now you know to mike's point obviously you know are there some byproducts of you know pentagrams and bibles and upside down you know crosses and all this other stuff you know but but remember that that was the time ozzy osbourne was was flying i mean he was taking off uh you had you know a lot of grunge music going on at the time and so you know in fact i had that written down too mike i'm glad you brought that up i had that written it down between 88 and 93. yeah yeah i think we take that off the plate you know tonight uh i mean for now right i mean we always keep it on the plate but i don't i don't think jared uh sam dan you know mike i don't think we go down that road right now we i think we stay a clarity of focus you know but yeah you know i'll just add one thing and then jared i'd love your comments on this the emotion when you listen to people that are involved in these things and the intensity i mean um there's a cult called the family in australia a case that i've looked into and worked with the elite investigator on in that case they would drug people to the point that they could then create this facade where they put bright lights up and then they'd have the leader of the group which was a woman at that time that well not at that time there was a woman that led the group she would then walk in and announce that she was the resurrected jesus christ and the bright lights were there people were under the influence of lsd they never ever changed their opinion that they had seen and believed that she was this reincarnation um so when you when you introduce um uh long-standing uh drug abuse or hallucino hallucinogenic kinds of environments it really gets tricky from an investigation standpoint doesn't mean that it's not possible we just keep kind of separating probables and they're higher and possibles which are yeah we gotta still vet it out and look at it but if you remember there also is a couple of reports online that suggest the sheriff's office made it inside that cave and they tore that cave apart looking for evidence i assume that means they also looked for physical evidence and it in a protected space like a cave if somebody were being executed or carved up into pieces there would be physical evidence to support some of those claims so that becomes kind of an interesting thing and and again i don't know the answer because if you remember about the same time somebody reports also that they discover a foot inside of a sneaker on the side of the the river so clearly there are body parts turning up in places yeah um and and with this you know we need to wrap up uh i need to give you five more minutes tonight because we are jumping over on years and then tomorrow night everybody needs to come back tomorrow night same time because we have two hours that we're dedicating to this and going in even deeper with harold and alberta are going to be here with us uh betty and elizabeth and then we've got the five of us will be back on here tomorrow night as well so before we do that and we start bumping people over to you because we're going to be talking about uh molly miller and colt hayes that we're going to be investigating on our trip coming up in january february um i just want to give you five more minutes to kind of lead people is to kind of the next thing that maybe we need to start focusing on a little bit more we need to you know look at getting the magnetometers and you're kind of taking us back to stranger creek aren't you mike yeah i am i mean i i'm sorry but i've looked at a lot of different theories so so then we looked at what are the pathways if in fact this young man decides to drive home and would he take the risk like shown on this particular route would he take the risk of driving on thoroughfares where he might be discovered by law enforcement would he take other directions and there are only a number of choices here that get him a little more on the off beaten path and still puts him in this leg right here on a thoroughfare or is there another option a third option that takes him down the backside off of the thoroughfare but this is the thing that's so consistent about all of it is that every one of those pathways home crosses over stranger creek that you guys went through now years ago there was an investigator named timothy dennis from the kansas bureau of investigations the theorized that randy actually drove off of the road and crashed into the creek um now that's been uh debunked by a number of people by saying it was a drought year wouldn't be possible the vehicle would still be there and so i went i just took this a little further and what i did is i went in and i grabbed some uh some national data on flood waters and i thought this was really interesting i brought in what the flood waters look like year after year in that region and the thing that i found interesting that makes me want to kind of revisit that area where you were jared is that in the springtime the flood waters as they start to rise and and if you look at the creek um uh stream depths in january february it's pretty low but then by march it starts to get picking up by april they're getting four and a half inches of rain now this is where i need you guys in your smart sense uh to tell me what that really equates to in a river but four inches of rain in a month over a bunch of flat ground going to bring that river up a little bit if there were any air pockets in that vehicle when when the vehicle went into the water if there were air pockets in the fuel tank inside the cab of the vehicle any place like that and the vehicle was able to be influenced by um the current that vehicle really could have made it to that uh kansas river which i think is a pretty interesting thing where i just say man i want you to to use your spidey sense and and your smarts and and get your guys out there and start looking at that and i'm gonna just stop there and uh hear what you have to say yeah i mean i i'm gonna say based upon a vehicle floating for two to ten minutes based upon you know this being you know the time of year that it was the river flow you know we were in that river i mean it's not a high flowing stranger creek is not fast flowing you know the number of bends that are in there and as well as the way that we've seen other vehicles in faster moving rivers such as the missouri and the mississippi and you know other bodies of water that has a much quicker current i'm not going to put this car down any more than 200 yards in my opinion and i'll kind of let you know sam jump in here as well i mean i would say 100 yards max on this one but that doesn't mean that the car didn't make it in there because there was a deep pocket wasn't there sam that was 15 feet deep right near there then that but then over the course of the 32 years although we're dealing with a flat muddy bottom doesn't mean the car is not being covered up because we've seen plenty of cars get covered up in six months um it's interesting yeah that that car could be there at stranger creek but we do need to bring in underwater magnetometers and really you know dig deeper into that theory yeah i'm going to co-sign jared on that one um yeah i mean there's some current you know it floats you know two to maybe 12 minutes max it's not going to go too far there is that deep pocket and just like the dunes you know out in i don't know like the sand they move you know so does you know the sand and the silt and the mud that also moves you know you fast forward 32 years later and i mean it could be sitting there but it's you know it's it's down below so we definitely need to come through with a magnetometer that way we can uh roll that possibility out or perhaps locate it which uh good news on the magnetometer um i may be working with a new gentleman who's the ceo of the company i won't say what the company is yet however uh we may have a access to several hundred thousand dollars in equipment that we're gonna be able to get in there and uh if all goes well they're gonna be with us in nashville when we're back there in january february we'll then be training up with it dan and i will be heading down to california to train on it maybe sam i don't know we'll see if we bring him along and then uh we'll have access to that that it's going to become a part of our our property that we can use that and bring it back here to kansas but in the meantime we are going to be heading back there in january you know for a day as we're heading back across the u.s we do have another road trip coming up so i do want to let everybody know we appreciate you know everybody is here that's been here that's been supporting you know from the donors and not and not just financial donors but just being here viewing watching comment and sharing subscribing that really helps out that out you know the youtube algorithm helps us out if by chance you do have the ability to donate um the first thing i want you to do is don't donate anymore to us tonight i want you to in the link description down below or one of the mods can grab this you know harold and alberta they put together a new gofundme to bring in you know to help us get you know any equipment we may need to rent you know if we can't get access to this other magnetometer you know maybe we can get one that's rented and we can check out stranger creek more but they are raising you know additional funds to help in the search to aid for grand elite so please do me a favor don't donate to us at all this evening please focus and help out uh harold and alberta on that one in addition to that i do want to remind everybody we're jumping over to profiling evils uh in fact i'll put the link here again uh the link is also in the description for the live stream that we're gonna be on in two minutes so we gotta wrap this up we're gonna talk about molly miller and colt haynes what a story we have on that one that uh you know we as adventures of purpose are going to be digging into um paula family members going to be over there tonight as well as well as we're going to be working with a group out of oklahoma jeff and his group with cadaver dogs so you're going to see dogs that we're going to be working with as well on that case uh in addition to that what else i want to mention real quick let me just bring this up and then we're going to start bouncing over um i put the link to the live stream that we have going on so make sure that in 30 seconds or 60 seconds from now jump over there to the live stream because that's where we're going to continue this tonight and then come back here tomorrow night same time harold and alberta betty elizabeth the five of us are gonna be back on so i think on that one um we have a lot more we're gonna be talking about uh for sure and it's not we're not gonna just gonna be like tomorrow only like we're gonna keep this thing going until we solve this one i mean it is my mission i think that's your guys's mission as well mike and chris that we're going to sell this one in 2021 yep that'll be awesome thanks so much for the opportunity to be with you you guys are amazing we love you what you're doing yep absolutely thank you very much and guess what guys we'll see you in uh 60 seconds after i use the restroom and you guys get things going over there use that link mods if you'll continue to post that link the link is also in the description jump over there and if you're catching this in a couple days or a month or two from now the link is in the description as well you can see the replay uh through the same link so thank you everybody for being here and we'll see you all back here tomorrow night we'll see you over there right now there's seven thousand of you on i wanna see all seven thousand of you over there that's awesome good night
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 166,825
Rating: 4.9401698 out of 5
Keywords: missing persons, missing persons cases, cold case, randy leach, randy leach missing, true crime, crime, missing car, vehicle underwater, truck underwater, scuba diving, mrleisek, adventures with purpose, cold case investigation, sonar, side scan sonar, missing persons case, profiling evil, mike king, Chris McDonough
Id: OnjDnBQnyH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 50sec (3590 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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