COLD CASE UPATE: Ghost Grandma (Helen Kelly) Sioux City, Iowa

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black that way there's a tea there used to be an old farmhouse and supposedly somebody was killed in it and no matter what everything i've heard is that whoever has owned it are you good with being on camera yeah i don't have a problem i hope so because we're live right now yeah we're live yeah we're not talking about that murder yeah but we are thinking that the case that we're working on today may be foul play we're not sure who knows so can you confirm sam we are live then let me check real quick all right what's your name you just you just showed up my name's ethan ethan are you are we live now let's see what's going on on your phone yeah um no you're not yet just buffering buffering horizon for you yeah i'll check mine too yes oh no we see us i see us here we are okay what's up guys we are live 2021 first quarter adventures with purpose trip yes and we're testing out all this uh new gear new equipment so bear with us and what we want to do is bring you into the story today anyway several times now today we've already been like stopped he saw it wasn't more than like five minutes ago that i put up that we're doing a live stream less than five minutes away yeah and so what we're gonna do is we're going to give an update as to today's adventure in sioux city iowa is where we're at with ghost grandma sam's trying to get the rv door closed though i'm trying not to break it broken i walked into this problem the problem didn't exist until you tried to close it earlier today yeah looks like it's i think maybe because of how we're sitting has the whole thing kind of wonky so i'm gonna try to give it a real nice solid push i'm gonna do like a karate chop i'm gonna try to push through push through the chop so here we go see if it works all right i want to i locked the keys in the in the rv though all right that's cool so so so we're at here come over here with me sam yeah so we're in uh sioux city iowa and we have three cold cases that we're working on today we have some problems we have some yeah i won't say we had any problems today what we have is we have a problem we're not be going to be able to move forward tomorrow with some of the locations that we needed to search and the reason for that is because if you look behind us here we're dealing with frozen ponds and lakes and quarries everywhere that we need to turn after we search the missouri river today missouri river is a beast you guys have seen us in the missouri river in the past it was no different today but the main search that we were working on today was helen kelly kelly helen kelly who we uh have coined i we didn't coin this ghost grandma yeah the news actually coined this ghost grandma years ago because the story goes is that she went missing around five or six in the morning her husband noticed around eight o'clock lloyd when he woke up that helen was gone from the house and that helen and her vehicle were gone a 2000 honda i want to say honda accord golden color and with this she never leaves the house without her purse and that morning her purse was still there in the house all of our belongings except for the car keys and the car now here's where it gets interesting is because you know we went to the missouri river today we did our little search it wasn't a little search it was like a big search like we went down a couple of miles so yep so helen 2000 yeah 2000 honda on the accord so uh with this we went down to the river had some incredible people come meet up with us um so a big shout out to kevin who is kind of in the security background arena he used to be a officer a police officer he came and gave us a few tips as to our some of our security holes that you guys already know that we don't always have like proper like protocol yeah we're learning we're learning yeah because here's the thing we put up a picture like five minutes before the stream went live yeah bam yeah and bam it wasn't even five minutes man i think you were here in like four minutes i left the house at eight after eight after yeah yeah yeah and so it's right now it's a fourteen so yeah like right away he's right right yeah yeah yeah i know where that pond is so by the way guys i'm not ignoring you i'm gonna be watching the chat so if you see me like looking at the phone and seeming like i'm distracted i'm actually engaged and following along because we're also testing out this new software this new live streaming everything that we got set up here um because we don't want you to miss the 17 cards we're going to be pulling out in nashville back to ghost grandma um at the end of the search one is we're dealing with the missouri river and it was like the kansas river where there was just sand everywhere and sand bars underneath like we have that new garmin life scope that we were really excited to show you in the upcoming edited video of this one or of ghost grandma but you had underground sand mountains that were like five feet tall and they went in dips like every 10 feet or so and you can see that on the live sonar like here that's really nice sonar was working really good really good so ringo and czar thank you for that top notch donation on that one we are using that side by side with the garmin like this does not replace the uh i'm sorry this does not replace the hummingbird unit that we're using we use the side scan and the down imaging on the humminbird and we use the lifescope the garmin lifescope and those two in combination we're going to be able to cover so much more territory and be more efficient and so speaking of more efficient being in the missouri river and the sand if by chance helen is in the missouri river long gone 15 years buried under the sand like the car is not going to be seen and the tow truck driver taylor came down today in fact here's here's another good story is is that you know you saw how quickly we got noticed you know right there by just putting up a photo well we have a local tow truck driver taylor who we didn't reach out to him we never knew him before but he was driving to go to a uh wreck yeah he's on the way to the job and he looked down he saw the rv okay he i don't even know if he knew that we were the iconic apparently the iconic rv apparently yes it's already iconic so thank you for that for making it iconic and with the iconic rb he's like oh i got to get back there after this wreck to see if that's really them and so anyway so he circled back around and he gave us a lot of information knowledge about the local river here how quickly even after a week when a car went in four years ago the levels dropped after one week this is i'm talking about 40 pounds a couple years ago when a family of four went into the river here it wasn't more than a week before the front of the car and the hood was already buried so that's how quick the sand moves so that brings me back to what i'm really excited about is we have troy from skyfront just look that up go look at them because that in combination with a magnetometer is coming to nashville to do some testing with us and if everything goes well with all of us we're going to be playing a lot more with a drone that can fly for like two to five hours lift a big magnetometer and instead of us being in the river where we can only see what's on the river bottom this thing will actually penetrate through the water and through layers like feet like 15 feet down below the surface just amazing equipment to tell us if something's under there so really uh um thankful that you know troy is also a viewer of our of our series here and what is we do and he wants to be involved with it so so we finished our search today in the river did not find grandma in there but here's where i got to switch arms with you here come over here because that one sides that yeah that one is getting tired holding the camera out here i'll take a turn camera here so with that our story goes back to why is she called ghost grandma you want to jump in here on this one yeah uh so the reason she's uh called ghost grandma is um after she had passed away and the husband had moved a new family had moved in i really don't know about this type of stuff the husband passed away four years later so he stayed in the house for four years right correct so yeah yes yeah so anyway after the husband also passed away some new people came and moved into the house and uh there was a little there's a young kid there the young kid kept saying that he saw an older lady just walking around the house and hanging in the area of the kitchen um that there's a crawl space there and the kid kept on you know seeing you know seeing this and i really don't know a whole lot about that type of stuff but um that's how the name ghost gam ghost grandma was coined because you know the kid kept on seeing her yeah so with that uh here i gotta switch i gotta switch this army good too yeah so that one still went out there we go um so that's how she became ghost grandma with us or that she became coined ghost grandma is because the young boy saw her and they and so they accepted you gotta back up a little bit here so that way you're in the shot um so they accepted her that she lived there in the house now here's where we had kevin from the nomadic um i just subbed his channel hold on wait wait tell me what it is i'll look at the mac expedition no the nomad experience oh yes so there you go no mac experience yes so go check him out n o m a n o m o c the nomak experience and we check him out he's a retired law enforcement came out to do security with us he's going to be working with us a lot more um but he gave us his um like you've seen mike king from profiling evil on our show and it was really good to have that law enforcement perspective of this and he said you know several things you know could have happened one is yeah there's a possibility that she's in the river there's a possibility that you know whatever medication she was on because she'd recently been diagnosed with a medical condition but it was not a life-threatening medical condition and but however what medication was she on yeah so that's where we need your help like if there's any can anybody track that down as to helen kelly what medication may she have been on and what might that have done kind of effects they have on her brain because the article says that it wasn't uh it wasn't life-threatening um but it was super vague so that could have been a number of different things you know i mean she could have had you know decline in uh you know mental cognitive power um that's not necessarily life-threatening but it does change someone's life that mixed with like you said you know the possible effects of different medication you know so if you guys can yeah you guys are a part of this too so if you guys can do some research for us let us know but then in addition to that going down the detective uh side of this is the husband i mean i and i'm not saying that lloyd did this and lloyd has long gone and i don't know any of the family members we didn't speak with any of them to see if there was a potential on this one but we have ghost grandma in the house who he says lives under the house and there's a crawl space area to get underneath the house and it sounds like it's kind of fairly large to get under there and we did try getting a hole of a you know some cadaver dogs here in town that was recommended to us however you know we can't come out unless law enforcement tells us to i don't agree with that okay i'm just going to call it for what it is i think that if we have a potential to solve a cold case jump on it with us you know that's what we're that's what we're out here doing you know we're we're boots on the ground stomping the brush and nobody's saying hey you can or cannot do this in fact you had a comment a comment here yesterday on yeah and the commenter said so they said um that we should just leave it alone let the law you know do their job or let the law take care of these uh these cases it was something along those lines you know that we needed to back off and just leave them all alone yeah but but here's the thing we the two of us with your help we were able to solve for four cold cases yesterday yesterday i mean i'm sorry last in 2020 in the last 14 last 14 months we've solved four cold cases yes and so if we would have left that for an agency would they have been solved to this date probably definitely not tim robinson oh absolutely not yeah um and the other ones the agencies didn't want to touch it so that wouldn't know no the other one the agencies wouldn't step in on it yeah so no and then the other one was seven years old and they'd already done their research yeah so they've they'd already done their job so that's where we came in so anyway so that's my little rant as to being a little upset that they did not want to be involved but i can't take it personally i'm not i'm not taking it personally i'm just saying if you have made the conscious decision to get into that industry and then you have your red tape protocols that you're only going to work with if law enforcement calls you in that's what i don't agree with yeah because i'm at the end of it you know at least for us it's about you know helping the families about helping the people you know we're here for the people we are the people you're you're you're the people you know just you know so that's that's at the end of the day it's about you know getting the answers man you know i mean you know make getting a paycheck or making you know a little money i understand that people do have jobs and they do sign waivers they do have protocols but at the end of it we just want to all want to do good yeah you know that's what it's about you know so if you guys have a skill or a talent you guys have dogs you can get a hold of us you know let's uh let's use our skills collectively for the greater good yeah um so we're so where that leaves us also another gentleman by the name of tyler came down as well another viewer that reached out that knew the area and so he worked out well with us today as well and so his feelings was grandma's under the house yeah yeah i've been getting a lot of that kevin's feelings was i think she might be under the house i'm sensing foul playing this and that's coming from a retired law enforcement this has done a lot of investigation um the all the news was down today as well yep and i think that both of them i mean they they really couldn't stay on camera they're like we're we're under contract we can't say yeah we're on a contract we can't say nothing yeah so i won't say which way that they were kind of leaning but i'm just going to say that the majority was kind of like yeah anyway big shout out to channel 4 news by the way at five o'clock iowa iowa time sioux city iowa time in 35 minutes um they're running a short piece as to why we were in the area and then over the next couple of days they're going to be uh sending out a larger a larger in-depth interview that we did with them as well um what else have i got to say on that one i think this kind of thing yeah i think you covered that with some questions let's take some all right let's get some questions questions there see we got going here yeah so thank you everybody for uh being here and supporting us as we're out here on the road now so as i kind of mentioned going things flying i got to figure out how to slow this down so going going back to the pond here we had planned on being in the area for two days because it wasn't just helen here i got to switch arms again so charms again yeah so so it wasn't just a helen yeah you're getting strong man i know i'm holding that up man look at that like a beast so it wasn't just a helen kelly that we were working on we were also here because del robinson lives over in mouville but he was last seen here in sioux city so we were looking for his pickup today as well and another case from 1961 for thomas dowdery little doterra amputee and double a wm amputee uh proud of his service he's 45 years old so same age as i am now um he would you know very proud of his uh service he would dress up when he went out but him and his vehicle went missing one day and nobody saw him after that one so helen kelly how long has she been missing since 2005. all right that's the only question so far any other questions please uh send them here we have a couple of shout outs so thank you to the members who are a part of this that are donating as well this uh definitely puts gas in the rv because this thing is costing me like 105 to 110 15 each time every time we fill up and i think we've already filled like five times just to get here yeah in the last two days um so uh donations like uh matt uh australian there ostrander yes thank you for that uh members as well so if you become a member we do have videos for you ahead of time once they're edited if you're on a desktop there's a little join button on youtube next to the subscribe if you're on a phone i don't know the best way to get to it that's but in the link in the description down below there's a link to become a member so really appreciate your support there uh other people say thank you to is chelsea uh 25 donation uh hope it helps every little bit admire what you do thank you very much we have a new member is john hess welcome to part of the team thank you to always told i shouldn't shout out dollar amounts um so i'll just say thank you to bat that damn bad danny hey you guys you're doing a real good job if you're ever in south florida um give me a a holla holla retired firefighter um and i'm just going to do one more um pharmac oh i see them quite a bit uh pharmaceuticals thank you for your donation today i also see allison just became a member uh darcy just became a member paul just became a thank you guys so thank you for that um you want to read a few more of those questions any other questions go ahead and send in your questions and i'll try to see what i can to yeah find them so where does that take us from here um as you guys know we're not really releasing much of our trip details um again for this uh we call it security concerns but it's kind of security concerns yeah security concerns that's the thing yeah although i'm really not worried about anything but i might what kind of car was ghost grandma in when she vanished uh 2000 honda accord it was gold in color um so where does that take us from here we're actually going to jump out of here a day early we're looking at some other cold cases as we're moving south but i think that we're going to run into a frozen ponds because the other the other location is only about an hour and a half from here and then we have another one that's like two hours from there as we're moving further south so here here's an interesting one does it ever freak you out to mess with spirits like maybe she doesn't want to be found it's interesting uh i think i i believe that at the end of the day as a spirit that you would want to eventually have those answers answered as to what had happened yeah yeah my take on that you know i really don't uh know a whole lot about that type of stuff at all i'm so i don't feel educated enough on it to even comment one way or the other i know at the end of the day you know our goal is to find people and if a certain area hasn't been searched then we need to search it and so that's kind of where i where i put that in my mind um you know as a as a human in the flesh you know we're here we have this ability to you know mark this area off you know if there's a and if there's a concern uh that you know of any type that you know like helen um you know went missing i mean it seems like one of the places you would look would be the last place someone saw her or so i don't know so that's kind of where i'm at you know so no i think that people uh or places need to be checked um i don't even i try not even really think about that too much because i really don't know anything about it yeah that makes sense yeah we're not here to find out the the wise or the who's donuts we're here to find the answers as to where the individual is or is not and to provide that answer for the families that's our own only mission and i know that a lot of you have said you know we'd love to hear more of the story afterwards or more of the lead-ups in fact my wife even says you know can you tell us more of the story leading up what type of a person was she you know how long were they married you know how long were they married um i need to be a little more conscientious about that in fact leave a comment down down below you know what is it that we're missing in these stories that you would like to know more of that we need to take just a little bit more time to share this information with you you know in the edited version you know the build up to or the closing of we have here's the thing though you know when we move on from this one we're moving immediately tomorrow morning we're going to be working on another one and we're only two people that only have so many hours in the day and trying to tell the story that day and bring you into this for you know what we've kind of coined you know and stolen from mike king was you know open source investigations have you ever had to testify in any uh trials i have not due to what we're doing in the uh the nature of what we do i like how you define that as to this particular yeah not to this in my own trial my own defense yes listen i haven't always been perfect i'm gonna throw that out there right now you can if anybody wants to find out any dirty laundry first of all i i tell you most of my dirty laundry just go to um forward slash my dash story or just google search my name jared lysa and it should pop up as like one of the first things listen i've been in trouble before i haven't always been you know a good person um you know i grew up as a you know i've been in the foster care system you know i felt the unloved i've been you know i've had the depression you know i've had problems in my own you know relationships but where am i today you know who are you today compared to where you were 20 years ago i'm a much different person so absolutely man even even just five years ago when it comes to me yeah totally man that you're here only five years i have like this 15 to 20 year rule like like if you've only changed the last five years bro you might still mess up no no no no it's backwards okay um so what can we do what can people do in their own area to help others with things like this so many things you can do um one is i mean if you have a boat and you have sonar that's one of the biggest things that i've been trying to push and promote lately i guess switch arms again switch which yeah so you got to come over here now we're here now yeah so that's one of the first biggest things i try to promote is if you have a boat and you have a trailer yeah a boat and sonar get in the water at these boat ramps and start scanning them you know 50 to 100 200 feet out depending on how fast the current is you know is it going to be 100 yards down is it going to be you know 500 yards down some we found 500 yards some are you know 100 or 200 feet so that's kind of the first thing um what's the next thing there's a there seems to be like a lot of ground searches you know we are not a ground search specialty team you might see us doing a ground search coming up in oklahoma at the end of the month but that's because we kind of already committed to we thought that this would be more of a water search but we'd already committed the day we're not going to not go to the area we are working with uh jeff a cadaver dog team that's also going to be there so we might end up in the uh in the woods in the forest or we might end up in the water we don't know that one yet um sam's phone went off and i forgot his password i got to go back there did i get it you got it oh all right super complicated um it's not your birthday by the way for your password some people are there it's not my birthday so if you find my phone you enter my birthday it's definitely not that but and how do we know this you know when sam's birthday is because i'm going to tell you right now sam's birthday is coming up can i tell him yeah in two days sam's birthday january 15th so we're releasing some of that kevin would probably say don't release this information because it's part of the security yeah probably so the security breaches you now know that he's going to be 39 in two days and his birthday is on january 5th and your mother's maiden name again i forget last for the social roberts so so that's what we have going on there um what else do we want to mention thank you guys thank you appreciate the happy birthdays oh and uh additional for the new members and the donations thank you very much that means a lot to us that that helps us get out here speaking of uh donations as well um they're a little muddy right now but look we have new tires thank you to uh donors in fact uh my ups store where everything goes to they called me up and they got a little mad because there were so many uh donations and gifts that came in that are they're helping us on this trip so we do have a amazon wish list as well in the description and down below and if you're looking for a little bit of merch we do have a merch there as well so the awp shirts as well as the water four shirts what are the questions oh right now it's just a just a lot of happy birthdays guys thank you oh wait you know let's do this let's jump let's jump over um we were thinking about going back to bill and mary because it's a little further south but some of those ponds are still going to be frozen and i feel like we really did our search in the missouri there so it was on the table today we did discuss it it's actually not off the table no right now like we could go hit it tomorrow are you guys gonna get under the house if you get those dogs hundred percent i i will make i will make sure that we talk our way in and with the owners of the property you can't just you can't just be barging into somebody's house with dogs so yeah we gotta definitely get the permission yeah i'll knock on the door knock on the door tell them what's going on yes if somebody has dogs that is can come to sioux city and i will make sure that we get permission from the owners and let's let's get that answer you know that's what we're doing that's what you're doing here with us is one of you i can almost guarantee is going to track down somebody with dogs that will come to sioux city that we can come back with you or or come on you're out you don't even need us all we need to have you do is go to the house and knock on the door and say hey you know we're thinking about there might be ghost grandma under the house do you mind us checking that way we can just check that one off the list i'm going to start setting up my live yeah well yeah let's do this yeah since sam's birthday is coming up and a lot of you are wishing him happy birthday we're going to set up sam's life over there but you took the questions away from me so let me get my phone so i can answer some questions since after all the hard work of cutting that door now that door is open again um some of you may be wondering where dan dan the cameraman is at um he will actually be joining us on the 18th in tennessee um he just had some other uh obligations sam and i left early so if you've not been catching some of our other live streams that's where dan dan the cameraman is at let me see if i can jump in here as well as i appreciate you guys hanging tight with us as we are testing out the new um software here and the new camera setup and making sure that everything works properly so it's a little bit of a challenge for us especially without dan here should have seen us in the boat today yeah yeah all right here let me go here turn this on silent okay i'm in here now i can now see questions so let me say uh thank you to a few more new members we have uh shorty one two three four one is a new member thank you very much oh came on as a philanthropist i appreciate that um oh i just lost about live chat there we go we also have another donation how cold is too cold to dive if the water is frozen oh somebody says i'll see if our dog people can help out that way if we haven't already tried um to answer your question how cold is too cold to dive if it is ice and frozen i can't dive in ice yeah it's a safety concern but in addition to that like ice on top and if we were to drill a hole and get through there do you want the camera yeah sure all right we're taking a picture oh wait wait wait we're taking sam's thumbnail yeah we'll do we're going to take a thumbnail real quick for my live we're going to go ahead and uh was that good enough or do you want no that's not good enough okay you look blurry like normal i don't think it worked for you that didn't work yeah all right keep talking i'll sneak it in yeah so to answer your question on that one um we have what you're not working no it's not working um a couple days ago or last week there was a diver that actually passed away at this time okay there was a diver that actually passed away last week i believe it was in canada or new york somewhere the two younger men they were diving in the river and one of them kind of got they ended up underneath the ice got turned around his buddy came up was looking for him realized he was under didn't know where he went had a passerby call 9-1-1 unfortunately by the time the rescue got there it was too late so long ago i made a conscious conscientious decision is i don't dive under ice because you have one hole one hole only you may have had a line but what if you accidentally dropped that line and how are you getting back out um so that's one is no ice diving for me the second is i won't go into caves same thing for me if anything happens i like to just come straight up and that is my out so um and then also with shipwrecks you won't catch me going inside of any shipwrecks either for the same reason is there's just simply no out you're you're kind of the same aren't you sam yeah all uh yeah i'm definitely the same with ice at least at this level um with where i'm at diving i i don't believe in you know i definitely believe in expanding your limits but i don't believe in being uh you know just pushing it too far like like slow gradual growth and i'm just i'm not there um my diving is not i can i i'm just not there you know so i recognize where i'm at and that's not who i am or where i am at this point in my life i'm not saying it won't become a possibility as far as the here and now yeah i'm not comfortable diving it under ice that is not a thing and sam's setting up his uh live because we're going to jump over there in a few minutes i wish him a happy birthday and i'm going to be driving so he has a new phone that has the floor yes yes guys so i ended up so as you guys know on the last trip or many of you guys know i had a different carrier that was real spotty i had hardly had bars anywhere i went so every time i tried to do a live it was always cutting out just real real spotting i switched carriers i'm actually i went with verizon i have a i'm also running a new phone that has 5g connection where my other one was 4g so i'm going to give this a shot um i have a new set up so i just want to make sure that this is working and so it's kind of my test it'll be like a test and then a little bit of a q a while jared's driving so uh come on over here shortly sam sam the adventure man all right so while you're setting that up still here come back in the background here because you're a much prettier face than me um we have another uh member that's all the makeup yeah another member connie thank you for becoming a upgrading uh to an air sponsor happy birthday sam from lou lit louis lithuania lithuania lithuania there you go uh we also have how far is lithuania from romania um i have a lot of uh a lot of my ancestry comes from romania uh mindy thank you uh for your donation today as well um and as many of you know it's the it's because of you and your support whether you're a viewer whether you're a financial supporter of what is we're doing we could not be doing it this without any of you so if you do have the ability you know we do ask that you become a member for five dollars a month if you can that really helps us out to help um with our budgeting so we can get out here on the road and we know what we can spend on you know gear and there's we have so much more new gear that's in this in the trailer that we kind of showed a little bit on your show a little bit yesterday but we'll show more as we're out here on the 2021 trip so if you if you're not yet become a member please do so by clicking on the join button if you're on a desktop if you're on a phone in the link description down below click on that link and it'll take you over to become a member so with that one our way of saying thank you the only thing we can do is bring you videos early and but that doesn't discredit everybody else that's here that cannot do so we appreciate every one of you and that's why we do release every single video eventually within a week or two we try to within a week or two to everybody um i'm i'm flirting with 50k right now by the way for his birthday can we get him to 50k by his birth that's two days away yeah yeah two days away so right now i think i'm getting close i think i'm about sneaking up on 49k right now i don't know what my numbers are i think we should see if we get can you get sam to 50k tonight that'd be crazy that'd be like a pre-birthday let me answer a few more questions and then are you ready to go live yeah i'm all set up all set up ready to go live so can't afford a member but we'll always hit that like button do that man kennyboy67 kennyboy677 that's exactly that's all we ask of um you know and i receive several private emails from time to time as well it says you know i really love what you're doing i wish i could but i can't 100 please make sure that you take care of your home life before anything else that's most important especially in the uh you know the i won't say pandemic it's just the situation situation that's you know we're all in different situations you know and if you go read my story like i said you know some of my dirty laundry go read it over on jared lisac forward slash my dash my dash story just google my name um anyway some of my dirty laundry is over there and you know i've been bankrupt twice and i've had a couple of run-ins on my own and i've been in trouble sometimes so anyway we uh we all go through things in our lives but what is it that you learn from that and you're able to move forward from and who we become tomorrow from those experiences that you had um i'll answer two more questions and then while you're answering those questions i'm gonna kick mine on yes and so we'll uh uh ben paulie is really excited that he finally caught a live stream he's never caught it before because he's in the uk another person from the uk um says would you ever come to the uk 100 once the world opens up i want to go to canada i want to go to the uk i want to jump down there into australia with uh down under dan if you've not yet seen him go check him out because i just shipped him three lift bags that he's going to start doing like a sister awp down there he has 14 vehicles that he has now located he hasn't cleared them yet and he's going to start lifting some vehicles down there and we're going to take some of his footage and share it on our channel so i'm really excited about that um what else we got anything in arizona nothing on this trip but we will be close by in texas if we call that close by uh jared just wants you to be shorter than him that's right yeah there's a little hill there so anytime i can make sam shorter than me it's perfect have you ever thought about going to everglades the everglades doesn't the everglades have alligators like i don't think i'm really interested in alligators so um i know that i'm gonna miss a lot of shout outs tonight but i just want to say a few more you know thank you ray for becoming air sponsor thank you angie for becoming part of the team thank you for the private paypal donation that just came in as well from gil thank you to julie scott for becoming a part of the team and there's so many people who come in here lisa thank you for becoming air sponsor thank you to sugar and penny for becoming part of the team thank you too i'll make this my last shout out um this evening happy birthday to sam uh from minnesota we have plenty of lakes for you ten thousand lakes up there so again thank you to everybody i'll answer two more questions and then let's bump everybody over to sam's live stream so uh brock the rock i see you're in here if you can grab sam's live stream link start dropping that in here and let's start moving over there have you looked into the sarah burton case um i've not heard of that one um any word on randy leach yes we're going to be working on randy leitch in the next couple days so we'll actually be back with harold and alberta we have a couple of uh leads and places to check we may even do a live stream with them in the next couple days as well so hang tight on that one uh we've we've we have seen some of your dirty laundry on the last trip yeah right now as far as dirty laundry we're fairly clean in here so what are you saying here well they said we've seen some of your dirty laundry before jared and so sam has made a conscious decision that anytime we go live he's just going to close that yeah absolutely that's my that's my plan but truthfully it's not that bad what's behind the curtain there what's behind the curtain yes that's the wizard of oz is behind the curtain yep um and then let me just answer two more and then everybody over to sam's hello hi from sweden i just subscribed to sam sam yes please do thank you very much um i finally got a magnet for magnet fishing oh you're gonna you're gonna have a good time with that toxic blood flow jared's email jared atrovari yes how can i do a donation olivia in the description down below there's all the details on on merch on how to become a member on places to send donations let's go let's go kind of look at this pond yeah go look at the fun how about helping the boys in california they're missing we've looked into it unfortunately we're just not in california at this point in time we have other obligations we've already made so i apologize that we're not there also the update on the boys that are missing on the mississippi um it's one of those things where because they weren't wearing the life jackets they had you know hip waders on the way that that river flows the amount of square miles hundreds of square miles now at this point with you know 40 plus days uh now passing um and we're also not in route on this trip either um it's one of those things i feel really bad and i'm a little upset also here's the thing is i have a really hard time with i understand that there's been an organization that raised some money and that did not show up i'm really upset about that that they raised money on behalf to go the money was not used for such it has not been returned that i know of this is all hearsay but that stuff really pisses me off what does the there was some for the boys in mississippi from my understanding all here say okay is not proven about the money being raised from an organization ended up not actually going and using the money for what need to be done this is why sam and i we don't charge these families for us to come in we're coming in on our own dime with the gratitude and the benefit of you guys helping us so that's what your dollars have helped us get here to sioux city today it helps us that we're going to be working on randy leach and you know in a couple days it helps us with you know the other 16 17 cold cases that we have on this trip that we're going to be working you know and fingers crossed at the end of the day we're able to you know one we're providing answers as to where these missing persons are or they are not so i do hope that on this trip we're able to solve at least one yeah yeah yeah we do one and that's the whole thing's worth it i really hope to solve them all it's just not a reality i really want to solve randy leaps this year for sure bill simmons incredible support we have there like we have so many teams are coming in from boat support to other divers other youtubers spreading the message and the word that if there's any chance of bill simmons being found it wasn't because of local agencies it was because of the power of what's going on here yeah and the collective yeah and and each and each one of you are a part of that so with that we thank you in fact the local nashville pd doesn't even have their own dive team so they're actually meeting up with us on the 20th is my last understanding so they can discuss how they can go about putting together their own dive team so here's the thing you know not every agency even in big cities they don't have departments able to go out and do what we collectively are doing so for that i want to thank you i'm going to end on that note so please jump over to sam sam the adventure man youtube live stream happening right now wish him a happy birthday we're going to jump in the rv we're going to start driving we have hours to drive tonight we might end up in that one case i was talking about the one along the way and then the other one and then but if not we have a third backup plan so it sounds good to me we're gonna see how far south we need to go to get away from frozen you know the size and water yeah so thank you everybody very much i got to figure out how to end this live stream because i'm using all this new software and programs and all that fun stuff so so come on over guys over to sam's right now come on over sam sam hang out adventure man brock and other mods thank you for being on here tonight drop sam's link and again thank you everybody for everything that you do for us that's it for now i'm gonna go figure out how to turn this off yeah we could do that just keep it going forever keep it going all right here i'll just all right let's see if jared can get this thing figured out how did you turn this off oh i think my computer went dead so now i can't turn it off oh you have the vortex yes my computer's stuck on so so get on your phone then like no i can't where's your phone because i have because it's not through youtube it's through the live view solo oh that's stuff okay so here you're just gonna have to talk wall yeah cool i'm plugging in i'm the talker now here here hold this on you that was terrific that's exactly what i wanted and then i'm gonna try to plug this in yeah yeah some power to that so it's gonna take me like two or three more minutes to try to get all right guys let me let me set this down so we can get some stability real quick um oh wait i think i might be able to just hit the in button on this the end button imagine that no wait wait
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 398,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kflJ6vFIz3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 23sec (2603 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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