r/LegalAdvice - Trust Destroyed By Disgusting Friend...

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g'day there guys it - main man Marky back at it again with our slash legal advice now if you love this video like I love you I want you to sit back relax Chuck a like on the video prawn on the Barbie and enjoy the contents posted by user stinky furniture titled brothers friend wanted a place to store a couple of wardrobes and a bed while he moved back in with his parents until the co-ed crisis is over my house is now packed full with urine stinky furniture what can I legally do with it country New South Wales Australia I get on OK with my brother and his friend hadn't shown any hint of being an idiot over the last 15 years so I went along with this I'll call my brothers friends Doug my brother found me a while back and asked me if I could do a favour for Doug and he put Doug on and Doug told me he's got to move back in with his parents because he lacks work like all of us and needs a place to store a couple of wardrobes full of clothes and a bed for about six months until things open up again my brother told Doug I had a spare room with not my chin it's which is true and I was happy to help so I said sure bring it over the spare room is more than big enough for a couple of wardrobes and a bed three miscommunications and a shift change at work I couldn't be there when Doug moved out of his old place and put his stuff in the spare room sir I dropped my spare key to my brother and he supervised Doug on Friday afternoon I came back home to a house packed full of what looks like every possession doug has ever owned packed into every room of my house and almost all of it is urine-stained and covered in mouse droppings a couple of wardrobes full of clothes and a bed has turned into two wardrobes full of mouse droppings clothes and boxes a dozen garbage bags of more clothes six chairs and a kitchen table a bedside table a dozen boxes of books two bookcases boxes of kitchen implements half a dozen wall hangings and paintings a house door covered in stickers a credenza a single bed and a double bed in which both of them reeked of urine and bloke four small chair of drawers three kitchen cupboards a pair of card tables and two refrigerators with food in the freezers and plugged into the power and more bags of bedclothes electronics just about everything to fill a regular small house everything in the house stinks and I can't do this I don't mean it just has a scent on it it stinks badly I can taste the stink in my mouth even when I'm out of the house with the heater on now that it's winter it's nauseating I found Doug and he told me he has to come and get this all out and he can't he's already 600 kilometres away on his parents property and has no money left I told him I'm going to dump the Lots if he doesn't come get it and he told me I'd made a binding verbal agreement with him and if I damaged anything he had come down on me like a ton of bricks with legal action 10 minutes after getting off the phone with him his dad phoned and made more threats the same with what money guys with what money I can't reach any of the shelving in my spare room I can't use half my couch or my art desk I can only just reach my own clothing in my bedroom drawers and they can only use one chair in my kitchen I've contacted my brother and he made a stupid shrugging noise and said that he thought that's what I agreed on what am I legally allowed to do with all this I agreed to a couple of wardrobes and a bed I did not agree to a house full of stuff I want to at least get the worst of it out of the house immediately but it's been raining and we have a week more rain forecast I can't afford to put it in storage I'm slowly draining my savings the last few months as work has been cut back Judah covered I don't have a garage or shed I have no undercover place to put any of this best I could to was borrow a tarp and wrap up the worst wardrobes and cling wrap to the bed but that's only a minor help as it all smells bad oh my god and mspaint roaring yes I did a house plan drawing sorry it's rubbish on the left is my normal house TV is the lounge s spare room D desk room B bedroom and K kitchen on the right is the same with all of Doug's stuff in red we've got quite the artist on our hands here edits okay this has gone beyond the legal advice and beyond a joke I think I just went around taking photos and Doug has a dried up used cat litter tray in the bottom of his wardrobe underneath clothing the bags of clothing have Mouse nests in them and there are cockroaches I've found friends and we're dumping it on the front lawn tonight's it's 11:30 p.m. here and I'm texting Doug's parents with the photos and if they want any of it they'll come get it I'll deal with the consequences of that later my sanity and sanitation is worth more so some people in the comments recommends before you do anything make sure to take pictures thanks for that good suggestion doing it right now also take a video walkthrough narrates have another person there to witness during the video in your video describe in detail exactly what you were seeing and smelling I did this here in the US for a lawsuits when the judge saw the video we won damages good luck Doug lied and broke the agreement first when he dumped far more than what he claimed he was leaving into your home therefore you have no legal obligation to him verbal or otherwise they can make all the legal threats that they once you never agreed to let him use your entire home as a storage unit and the fact that this stuff makes your house unlivable should be enough for a judge to say you have done nothing wrong here I'm an attorney but in the u.s. there are several common concepts in contract law that are not met here first you must have a meeting of the minds as in you must both agree to the same thing here you obviously did not second for a que to be valid you have to receive something in return called consideration Hugh and not third you have no determination for how long this was supposed to last you have to establish that for a que to be valid also his junk is brought vermin and pests into your home hell no if I were you I would do as you planned texting the photos etc and what in writing that you have no contracts that the personal property is infested and if it is not picked up in X amount of time giving the good-faith effort of allowing them to retrieve the property you will consider it abandoned property and dispose of its do not use the word return or returning its to him that could imply you're willing to make the effort to return it to him this is all on him to retrieve damn dude I feel bad for you please update us good luck you can skip to the update if you want this one's really interesting is a little bit long first up I'm in the UK and I am a lawyer I would say this is a prime example of no good deed going unpunished assuming your jurisdiction is contract law like the UK for a contract to be binding both people get something out of it and this doesn't sound like a legal contract to me as you were doing him a favor and no money changed hands second it seems to me that what actually happened is unreasonable in terms of amount of staff and its conditions and well outside of what was agreed initially to such an extent it is affecting your ability to live comfortably in your home I think this could be deemed illegal nuisance which you did not consent to do you have any free legal advice centers where you live or say law students that do a uni clinic if you deliberately Chuck his stuff you might be committing criminal damage so you do need to be careful so I would write to him and his dad to say I agreed to X items in my spare room I did not agree to Y actual items and the unpleasant stage of them this means Z effects to me ie smell can't get to my own stuff etc add photos for effect I am no longer willing to store these items for free indefinitely and therefore give notice that you must collect the items from me or arrange alternative storage with an X reasonable number of days if you do not a daily charge of money will be made measure how much space it's taking up and compare it to a storage units failure to collect or pay within X 28 days will result in items being sold to offset the charges and any unsold items will be disposed of he might come to collect or move them but if he doesn't you can then get rid of it's never do anyone a favor like this again without being there to supervise and RP gives us a reply saying I just looked up about contracts here being valid and consideration counts I get nothing out of this I'll take that tentatively meaning I'm not bound by any verbal contracts I imagine that doesn't mean unprotected if I put his stuff out in the rain and it is destroyed all the same just that I don't have to keep it here that's one step ahead updates brothers friend wanted a place to store a couple of wardrobes into bed while he moved back with his parents until the current crisis is over my house was packed with stinky furniture and it's all okay now New South Wales Australia it's all solved on Monday morning I sent photos of everything disgusting I could and of Doug's furniture on the lawn to Doug and his dad telling them it's beyond foul and I wouldn't be keeping any of it inside my house and I'll dump it this week if I don't come get it twenty minutes later I got a call from Doug's mother she asked if it was so bad could I send her some evidence like photos I told her I'd already sent them to her son and his dad she yelled out in the background to one of them she says she did send photos then she gets off the phone half an hour later she called me back and said they'd be down to pick up Doug stuff and apologised she asked if his books were okay apart from the mouse knowings and droppings yeah I'm not a barbarian they were outside under the eaves this morning they turned up from 600 kilometres away Doug and his dad wanted to begin packing in their pantech but Doug's mum wasn't having any of that they dumped 90% of its at the tip and came back and just took a few things home even the food in the freezer was off his mum apologized and offered to make me good with cash but she's already solved enough and I declined she left it open-ended and said if I needed anything fixed to call her I know I didn't follow legal advice but this was the equivalent of someone asking you to hold on to a small keychain sized box for half a year but instead they sneakily cover you in 50 kilos of feces you're not allowed to wash off until you get a lawyer and fill out all the right paperwork and wait a month I just couldn't do it I got lucky I've had words with my brother and changed the locks to my place to he'd opened up and let Doug and Doug's mates in then they left the key behind with him he didn't know how bad it was either my brother is an idiot's and doug is a 32 year old baby and hopefully I'm a little wiser that was one disgusting story but I'm glad that it ended amicably posted by user Darth rubber duck titled someone claiming to be my wife scheduled a vasectomy for me I'm single and have not been to that hospital in four years health care law including HIPAA so the hospital in question I had not been to it in roughly four years I had gone to the ER after an accident at training with the National Guard in another part of the state today I received an automated text from the urology center about an appointment tomorrow afternoon I called them and they told me a woman claiming to be my wife had scheduled it with my name date of birth and cellphone number I told them that I'm not married and have no interest in vasectomy ever they canceled the appointments the last doctor I saw was a local urgent care that's not in the same health care system as that clinic they're two separate entities do I need to file a HIPAA complaints nobody outside of the healthcare organization my chain of command and battalion would have known of this ER visits back then what should I do honestly I would guess there was a mix-up and an employee put the appointments on the wrong patient record it is the simplest explanation and nothing else really makes sense if someone was trying to get a vasectomy on your dime they would have used their own cell number for follow-up that's a good point but others have suggested the possibility of identity theft and I would say it's worth Opie following up just to be safe you can contact the hospital's privacy office and file complaints if someone called and provided your info though then the hospital did nothing wrong can the hospital take action against the individual on my behalf if I request it they can take action for a HIPAA violation if the hospital or one of its employees or former employees is at fault they can't if that person found out some other way if the latter is true do I have other options like some sort of fraud law no because you have no damages keep a record of this though in case it is stalking behavior you will have to establish a repeated pattern of harassment to get a restraining order and making weird medical appointments for you definitely falls under that heading they can prevent them from using their hospital emergency services excluded the odds of them doing so is practically nil they will probably investigate that there were no internal breaches and move on more likely option there do you have any friends that would pull a prank one year outside of people I know in the guide no that's a yes then updates I contacted the hospital's privacy office and told them what happens the lady on the other end said that when I went there in 2016 they misspelled my last name too one that's much more common I get that a lot actually and she suspects the Clark handling appointments got mixed up that said she said she would contact the clinic have them contact the lady who called them for the appointments and verify that this was just a clerical error and not fraud posted by user Azula always lies titled my dad is trying to take my car so my grandfather recently passed away his name along with mine is the on the title of my Kia nothing in the will specifies that the car reverts to me or to anyone seeing as the will hasn't been updated since 2014 my grandfather outright paid for my car in full from the dealership and took out a loan that I was to be paying him back for since I could not get a loan myself due to the lack of credits the car was bought in 2015 the loan was paid off by my grandfather due to the situation he took the car away from me in 2016 because I got a red light tickets they turned into a warrant before I had the money to take care of it's the will is in probate he and my uncle split everything including the vehicles my father cannot be the executor of the will because of a past felony so it reverts to my uncle who lives in Hawaii and we're in Texas I have not contacted my uncle about any of this just yet I wanted a bit of real advice seeing as I'm broke and have no options my father wants to buy my uncle out of his half of my car and have me pay him the ten thousand dollars under certain conditions I have always intended to pay that back to my grandfather we even had a discussion about what happens when he died and I would owe the estate my dad wants the car fully in his name until I have paid him back in full I have a problem with this the exact reason he wants my name off the title is so that he has full control of the car meaning if I'm not doing what he thinks I should be doing he takes it away the exact reason I want my name to stay on the title peace of mind security the car is completely paid off and has no ties to a contracts loan or dealership my grandparents loved me dearly even when they didn't exactly like me or the life I lead and this is the only thing any of my family has been able to do for me I don't want to fight my dad on this but it's looking like my only option I need that car to get a job so I can start school so I can start my life small backstory I have been diagnosed with C PTSD from prolonged abuse as a child 13-year old neighbor kid I was seven on top of having my family fall apart at sixteen when my father was arrested for trafficking war across the internet I was not a victim of this along with constant emotional abuse from my mother and verbal and physical violence from my brother at one point in my life I was actually so terrified to be alone with my brother autism Asperger's bipolar disorder borderline mentally invalid that I made up outlandish stories to get CPS involved because my parents either didn't care or didn't believe me my parents treated my advantage the situation everything that happened afterwards as a burden having CP STD means nothing to them ten years of in and out psychiatric institutions they still give no crap about how they affected as a child or throughout my life and as a result I'm only mentally functional for maybe a good eight hours and have to have heavy sedation to be able to sleep at night like a normal person and that knocks me out for twelve to fourteen hours I can't just go out and get a job like someone mentally stable in my situation I can barely ride a bike to my friend's house and back less than two miles from my home without feeling like I am physically dying this car is literally the last thing in my life that I'm holding on to it's the only hope I have and my dad's trying to sabotage that please any advice you could throw in my wake would be greatly appreciated tell your dad to freak off he's trying to control you and you're an adult now sort this out with your uncle don't speak to your father about this at all you could possibly receive the car as your inheritance and should ask your uncle about that how old are you 26 just the title say you and your grandfather or you or your grandfather what kind of agreement did you have to repay your grandfather where is the car now yes both names are on the title the agreement was to pay him a certain amount each month for the loan payments that he was making and my insurance through his policy I got behind we had worked it out verbally and I was catching up I honestly cannot at this point remember if anything was put in writing other than rules like no smoking no using a cell phone etc the car is currently sitting in my father's driveway my grandfather's residence before passing you missed the point of the question the title will either say and or it will say or between the two names the difference is important if it says end then it belongs in part to your grandfather's estate if it says or then it belongs to you now that he has passed although the financial interest in it may still have to be dealt with I see thank you for pointing that out as I did not know there was a difference I don't have my hands on the title but I'm working on getting a copy from the dealership updates on dad trying to take my car from 2017 sir after all has been said and done I have my car back last year I got so tired of dealing with him that I gave the car back to him and told him to never speak to me again between my last person now I got into a wreck and my father told me it might be a good idea oh okay not gonna say that my mental health obviously spiraled and what he said wrecked me for another two and a half years I had planned on taking him to court over the car and emotional damages but that is entirely unnecessary now my father passed on in April from covet his wife decided to sell it to my mother for a dollar so that she wasn't technically breaking her promise to him my mother has turned around and sold it to me for a dollar and as soon as the death certificate is in we will switch the title to my name I have my car and I don't owe that monster $10,000 anymore thank you for the advice that was given on my previous post it was a huge help while the car was always in his name man I'm really great that it got solved like this but that was a emotional roller coaster my word I'm really happy for Opie but I'm really sad along the way and that my condolences Opie I really hope that everything's getting better for you posted by user Baba Dook Dook Dook titled Manitoba Canada my cousin lives in the basement Suites his landlord has recently enacted a new rule in their home that states lights out by 10:00 p.m. which is enforced via circuit breakers to save on power and Louis landlords power bills except my cousin is paying for his urn power as the title states my cousin is currently renting a basement suite in the house of an older gentleman who owns the property legally the renting situation is done by the book and follows the law to a tee however three weeks ago my cousin received a notice stating that there will be a new addition to the roll that says lights out by 10:00 p.m. my cousin isn't overly bothered by this as he is usually in bed by 9:00 anyways and he can understand his elderly landlord wanting peace and quiet at nights unfortunately he realized immediately when it first came into effect that this is enforced by the landlord by physically turning off the power to the whole house by use of the circuit breakers aside from the break is for the refrigerators Andra freezes this leads to a few problems one my cousin is unable to see where he is going when using the bathroom or getting water at nights without the use of a flashlight or phone candles are forbidden in the basement Suites to my cousin is unable to charge his phone overnight which is a major issue as he needs it for an alarm and worries about it dying leading him to potentially sleep in he can't even run an extension cord from the same socket as the fridge and freezer because he might blow the breaker and the new rule specifically states that extension cords are not permitted if they are going to be used to circumvent the role 3 the landlord rarely turns on the power at the designated time of 8 a.m. due to him either sleeping in going to church or just straight up forgetting this leads to craps showers and shaves in the dark no bathroom window and is generally an inconvenience my cousin pays for his own power and therefore he should be allowed to use his power as he sees fit instead he has to live with this situation because his landlord wants cheaper bills we both understand that this is a silly first world problem but he's tired of feeling like he's living the Amish lifestyle and wants to know if there's any legal recourse he could take to find common ground with his landlord he isn't looking to sue the poor man he just wants to use his own power and is willing to make compromises so both of them are happy if he could just have the breaker for the bathroom lights and the one for his nightstand / phone charger he would be a happy camper however his landlord refuses to budge does anyone have any ideas on how to approach this what kind of lawyer will he need in this situation thank you so much for taking the time to read this and offering advice it is greatly appreciated take care what the landlord is doing is illegal the landlord not interfere with essential services by this Gotham V California rule I don't believe he can legally insist on lights out by 10:00 p.m. either your cousin should report this as soon as possible to this websites your cousin should phone the local police or RCMP if you don't have local police they should be able to get the power back on immediately for him no lawyer should be needed at all in this situation thank you so much for the advice I'll get these links to him and let him know what steps he can take to fix this he honestly doesn't want to get the men in trouble because he's apparently a very kind man who was simply lonely after losing his wife to cancer last year and started renting out the basements to help pay the bills and to also have company as he has no family left in the province they get along pretty well and they frequently have beers together outside by the fire birds and this whole power thing is the first take up in a decent-enough living situation if anything he just wants to warn the landlord about which laws he's breaking so he doesn't get in trouble as the man has had enough crap go wrong in his life my cousin is going to try and get him to see reason and if that doesn't work he will unfortunately have to report him and let the law vix the problem this is why you never rent from family or friends he let things go on for longer than necessary until it inevitably turns into resentments anyways thank you once again for your help no matter once he needs to understand that he gets money and in return he rents out a part of his house that means he'll have to have something very specific that does not include having power over his tenants life if he wants to have the lights out by any time whatsoever he'll need to stop renting if you sell an apple but only under the condition that you pissed on it first and the buyer still has to pay full price something wouldn't be right either whoa whoa is it not the duty of a good lawyer to help a client avoid such escalation when possible I mean I don't know that you're a lawyer I know I'm not there I've worked for several and opie definitely isn't your clients but I think the principle is still valid here opiez friends should first try talking to the landlord peacefully and politely fully acknowledging the landlord's concerns in the metal while advising him first of how it personally inconveniences the tenants and how it may also threaten the tenants safety well-being and job and therefore ability to pay rents while also advising him that these measures and methods violates prevailing law that if something should happen to the tenant as a results a court would probably find Samara Lee for the tenants and against the landlord for that reason and if it was something like stumbling in the dark and smashing something expensive it could be costly to the landlord the landlord doesn't seem like a jerk to me just kind of a hard-nosed doofus who probably just doesn't know better at least he should get the benefit of the doubt before resorting to calling in the cavalry it should be a last resort to rely on enforcement's to solve problems whenever possible negotiation should be tried first I've gotten good results myself from just talking to people I will show them the prevailing law as a backup to my arguments but I very rarely had to actually use it or even threaten to this is a silly first world problem a first world problem would be his phone dying while trying to do snapchats being denied access to an essential service like power water health care etc is literally a third world problem people have mentioned potential illness on the landlord's parts but I would ask your cousin to look into the landlord's power bill cutting a total electricity in half is a big step to save money is this man having financial trouble is the power company gouging them due to some kind of change might be an avenue to look at elder abuse can often be financial and if his landlord is now scraping by your cousin may be able to report it on his behalf if it's just your cousin and the old man living in this house this is either a hostile act against your brother or maybe an early sign of dementia a call to whatever is your local Adult Protective Services would not be a mistake having exclusive possession is a requirement of any valid tenancy meaning it grants the person renting and leasing freedom from any sorts of intrusion like the landlord entering the premises to clean things up as well as from any onerous terms such as the one your cousin is facing particularly if it was not agreed upon on contracts C parole Evidence Rule there are definitely grounds for suit here I would speak to a lawyer if this doesn't work out harmoniously but I hope it does updates my cousin's landlord enacted a new rule that states lights out by 10:00 p.m. and is enforced spidel landlord using the breakers to shut off all power despite my cousin paying for his own electricity sir my cousin and I want to thank all of you for the incredible amount of advice and support that you have offered him he couldn't believe how many people cared and was touched by the very kind messages we've received by you fine folks thank you so much this situation was resolved rather quickly so thankfully it's all over now for the updates my cousin is moving out this weekend he spoke to the landlord several times citing several laws he was breaking and tell my cousin pays for his earned power and therefore he shouldn't have his electricity shutoff just because the landlord wants to save a few dollars also one of you messaged me to let me know that breakers aren't meant to be turned on and off frequently and that he's going to burn out all of his fuses if he continues the landlord refused to listen and told him he shouldn't believe everything he reads on the Internet's my cousin went ahead and printed out many comments from you folks as well as copies of the laws he was breaking and he told him that if he doesn't stop he would get authorities and lawyers involved needless to say the landlord did not like that one bit after an argument the landlord stated that my cousin should move out as he didn't trust him anymore question mark and my cousin was genuinely sad as he liked this man and had considered him a friend before all of this the landlord said that he will not change his mind no matter how hard my cousin fights it's and that it's best that he just moves out anyways the landlord told him that if he moves out he will just avoid the lease and return the rent he has paid up for June July and August as well as these security deposits all under the decondition that he moves out by the end of month and doesn't get lawyers or anybody else involved my cousin decided to cut his losses and move on luckily my cousin is a minimalist and has very little to pack and move he's going to be moving in with his girlfriend which she is very happy about and he will not be pursuing anything against a landlord as he got all of his money back about $33,000 and he doesn't have to deal with James ever again while my cousin didn't get the outcome he wanted he still got a pretty good deal he was planning on living with his girlfriend sometime in the future so this events just sped things along my cousin and I honestly feel bad for him as the man has gone through a lot and has had a pretty rough life still this doesn't excuse his behavior and nonsensical rules and that's it thank you all again for your help and supports it was honestly overwhelming take care you beautiful people edits since I'm getting nasty messages I figured I should edit this to let everyone know that I've finally convinced my cousin to report him he will be reporting the moment he has moved out which is Saturday we are also looking to get him help for his declining mental health also my cousin already received every dime owed to him in cash and received a revised contract stating that the lease was voided as of June 1st and that no further payments will be required there you go folks stop insulting my cousin and die alright guys that's all for today's video I hope you enjoyed this one today tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below um if you're not subscribed to the channel I would love you to subscribe because I love your face and I love seeing you here every single day that you are here in this video I don't know what else to say today guys I hope you enjoyed the content I do have a second channel that's called Maki - link should be up on the screen somewhere here if you don't have ad block installed if you don't know where to find the channel you can go to my main page just click on the marquee face and it should be on the right somewhere there or on channels if you're unfair I hope you guys have a good one I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 20,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LegalAdvice, r/legaladvice, r/legal advice, r/legal, legal advice, Markee legal, Markee, Markee Reddit, Markee Legaladvice, Reddit
Id: W6n8-o5bNXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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