r/AmiTheA**Hole For Kicking 'Friend' Out Of My House For Recording Everything??

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g'day there guys look at all these chickens it's marky here and welcome back to another episode of r slash am i the a-hole now if you love today's content i want you to sit back relax chuck a prawn on the barbie a like on the video and tell me what you think of it down in the comments posted by user throw flag 5561 titled am i the a-hole for kicking this girl out of my house after she mistook my uk flag for a confederate flag and was planning to get us fired from our jobs so a bit of background we're all in our mid-20s and live in the usa me and two of my friends rent out a decent sized house and we had a get-together my roommate is friends with these two girls let's call them kate and jess and they invite with them a new friend call her ashley now ashley when she comes over i see that she's recording us i thought she was just posting to her instagram and snapchat i don't pay attention to any of it really i noticed that she is just videotaping a lot so i'm like kate can you check on your friend like what's going on turns out she thought that the uk flag that we were hanging in our living room was a confederate flag and she was getting evidence against us when she found out that it wasn't everyone just acted like it was a huge joke but i got ticked like for real you think we're racist yet invite you over to our house where you have our hospitality and our food and alcohol in the meanwhile you are getting evidence to ruin our livelihoods i don't want anyone like that at my house at all so i make a scene and get her to leave kate and jess say that it was just a misunderstanding i was like no there wasn't it's the principle behind it some of our friends have come to ashley's side but i don't see how you can support her it doesn't matter what the outcome of this situation was if you're a racist or not these friends are going to be on ashley's side because it's either they are a racist i knew it we got you or oh don't worry ashley just makes mistakes all the time she's not a crazy beer i swear to god she's not crazy trust me she doesn't do this a lot this is this is a random occurrence when people have itchy trigger fingers looking for someone to cancel because they misinterpret things in their house that's a very dangerous mentality to have and i don't condone it at all i'm 100 behind europe as well ashley showed disgusting mistrust and very much showing that she wasn't someone that you need in that household nor you should surround yourself by who knows what kind of accusations ashley wants to throw around just to make herself feel better you know i'm getting rid of the trash in the world oh it's a uk flag disgusting get the brits out of here no stupid mentality by ashley i cannot blame you for your actions i would blow up as well it's just a no-go to do that record my house what's your problem not the a-hole not the a-hole i don't want someone in my house who's secretly recorded me in an effort to ruin my life you have every right to ban her from your home even if your roommates don't agree she's not a safe person to have in your living space this right here and applies to any situation i agree doesn't matter what she was recording or how dumb she is 1. she didn't ask what it was 2. she's a manipulative monster who wants to destroy people she doesn't know 3. she clearly thinks it's ok to do this without any further evidence or proof drop that trash outside like i'm super curious what other things she was filming that she thought was further proof because it sounds like she was taking video for a while unless op had the uk flag and a whole bunch of racist memorabilia maybe she was waiting for opie to slip up and drop a few n-words chase a minority around and put on a white sheet you know normal stuff right mistaking the flags was the misunderstanding recording to ruin someone's life was intentional and not a misunderstanding at all i have to say i mistook the flag once my response was to look at someone and said is that a confederate flag they told me that i was an idiot and we all moved on as an englishman i am both shocked and appalled that our beautiful flag was mistaken for a confederate flag i mean come on how stupid do you have to be should have just left her to it and watch the fallout of her stupidity though if i was around someone's gaffe and they had a saint george's cross hanging on the wall i'd presume we weren't far off rousing a chorus of anger lands and a few cans of do as you're told you know posted by user mum embarrassment titled am i the a-hole for embarrassing one of the preschool moms this happened months ago but i'm still feeling the effects of it my husband 29 and i 26 female enrolled our daughter four in preschool last year this was at a period where my husband was struggling with work and i was working insane hours so he was the one who always took our kid to preschool as time went on he told me a lot of mothers noticed his wedding ring but absence of me and overheard him saying to our daughter sometimes i know you miss mommy and she really wishes she could be here they just assumed that he was a single dad and even when he corrected them by simply saying he wasn't they seemed to paint a negative picture of me things eventually eased with my job and i managed to take my daughter to preschool by myself or sometimes with my husband he finally found a solid job so i started taking her by myself more and the mom started talking to me once the kids were inside i wanted to try and get along with them but it was hard from the start they made comments about my absence how it looked bad that i couldn't be bothered dropping my kid off until that moment i realized they had their own click and were very judgy and they even started making comments about my marriage i ignored it wanting to be civil and this continued for weeks their constant jabs at me wore me down because they were nothing but nice when their partners appeared and were little angels when my husband was around there was one day where one of them said something to me when they thought my husband was listening and i snapped the kids were inside at this point and i just said i wasn't here because i was busting my ass working to support me and my own you spending so much time criticizing me in my life that you can't see how hollow yours are as you have to find happiness by tearing me down ever since that day i learned that i embarrassed the mom in front of her husband who realized how [ __ ] she was they've left me alone but they don't let their kids near my daughter outside of preschool the only kid close to her age is my best friend's nephew and i feel horrible because the kids aren't at fault my husband says that may be true but i would be exposing our kid to the toxic mothers i'm considering perhaps apologizing as maybe i was an a-hole and i don't want my kid to be left out am i the a-hole i don't see how any of this is your fault you called out them for their crappy behaviors and now they're upset because they judged you and they wanted to live in that little echo chamber where you're the enemy and your husband is the victim here and you're such a terrible person is there such a thing as admitting your mistakes and not continually tearing someone else down when they've proven you incorrect like the double standard here is ridiculous you can't just continue this lie behind someone's back and then get mad at them when they call you out for it just stupid god she's such a terrible person and and then she's such a terrible person for proving that she's not a terrible person god i hate her not the a-hole you could apologize and give them the moon and they would still crap on you not the a-hole plus one plus two apologizing in this situation does two things it emboldens the bullies because they interpret opi's actions as that of weakness the bullies know their tactics have worked and two exacerbates the op's daughter's misery once the sharks smell blood they tend to circle prey and fight over who will get the meat if these catty [ __ ] are as [ __ ] as claimed they'll push the limits of sane behavior teaching their own children to punish opi's child whether consciously or otherwise and this poor kid's life is even more of a hell if it's an option op needs to switch day care providers where is the owner and supervisor in all of this there's absolutely no way they are not aware of what is going on so if they're not nipping this in the bud they are condoning it if the mothers are obnoxious it's filtering down to their offspring and typically people this narcissistic will not employ any type of barriers to avoid exposing the kids to such abhorrent behavior and let's be honest they don't see themselves as having a problem in the first place so why would they sadly you know the children of these britches are likely being just as nasty to the daughter and especially during times when there's little to no supervision if switching daycare is not an option rop does not apologize just hold your head up teach daughter effective coping mechanisms bullying can and does happen so the better she can deal with it the stronger she'll be as an adult and do what opie would normally do if this hadn't become an issue also these women will never be friends and that's okay opie is only associating with them out of necessity it's like an annoying co-worker or ignorant sister-in-law that you have to put up with out of decency and having a happy life i'd do nothing more than smile and wave end of story adding that bullying starts at age four by bullying i mean you can't play with us today because you wore a yellow shirt my daughter came home from school crying because her friends didn't like her yellow shirt so she would never wear it again i think it's natural to some extent for kids at four to five who start to organize the bigger world to do this so it's a matter of what the adults in their lives do and say either nipping it in the bud or condoning it i would definitely talk to the daycare teacher to make sure that she's aware and protects your kiddo and guides all the kids in a different direction when i was four i got into an argument with my best friend in preschool by the end of the day she had made every girl in both classes hate me around 25 people probably like i look back on it and am kind of impressed at the organizational skills she displayed but the impact of having everyone dislike you even for such a short period of time still messes with my head sometimes i feel like i'm just waiting for my friends to realize they don't like me posted by user bro hub truth titled am i the a-hole for telling my sister-in-law the truth about my brother and my husband i 29 female have a husband named matt 32 male and a brother named tony 32 male tony has a wife named anna 33 female tony and i both went to boarding school growing up i went to an all-girls school and he went to an all-boys school across the country because of the distance we weren't very close as kids and i didn't know much about his life back then when tony was at boarding school he met my future husband matt and they became best friends at the time tony was dealing with depression about his sexuality and matt helped him out of it long story short they ended up falling in love and having a relationship once they graduated high school they broke up and lost touch i didn't know about any of this at the time i ended up going to the same university as matt which is where i met him i didn't mention my brother initially because he wasn't really a part of my life and since tony and i have different last names the three of us didn't put the pieces together until a family gathering a year later i'm not gonna lie it was tough at first for everyone involved but eventually we were all able to get past it and tony and matt became best friends again matt and i got married three years ago when i met tony's partner anna for the first time i privately asked tony if he told her about his history with matt tony said it was still a new relationship and he would tell her when they were more serious now tony and anna are married since tony and matt are so close they often go on boys trips with just the two of them broke back mountain what's going on buddy they took one of these trips this past weekend and everything was going fine until i got a call from anna asking if i knew where tony was apparently he told her he was going to see our parents but she called them and he wasn't there i told her that he was on a trip with matt she got upset and asked if there was something going on between them thinking she already knew because she and tony are now married i told her not to worry because matt and tony's romance ended in high school that's when i found out tony never told her tony was furious at me when he got back because anna is threatening divorce and i'm tearing up his family because i told her without asking him first apparently tony didn't tell anna the truth because he thought that she wouldn't let him see matt anymore and now anna wants him to cut me and matt out completely matt is upset too because he can't see tony and he's losing his best friend all over again my brother wants to cut me out of his life his wife wants a divorce and my husband is miserable all because of something i said i feel so guilty and can't help but feel as though i messed up am i the a-hole this is all tony's fault everything that's happened is all tony's fault he genuinely cannot be mad at you for what he's done hero p he deserves all of this fallouts he deserves his wife divorcing him you might even need to divorce your husband if it comes out that he's cheating on you with your brother that's not something i'd ever think that i'd be saying but uh welcome to 2020 but the more i think about it it's probably a common occurrence in a lot of relationships no need for you to be upset about this this is you just getting some closure because that is a crap storm and i wouldn't want to be caught in that i'd have so many turds in my face i wouldn't know how to breathe god damn tony calm down opie not the a-hole edits i really appreciate everyone's comments some of them are very hard to read but i suppose this is a wake-up call that's long overdue i know it may seem difficult to believe that someone my age can be so naive and clueless but being rational is something i've always struggled with i wish it were fake i'm realizing that this is most likely far worse than i thought it was i won't be able to respond to individual comments for a bit but i am reading all of them in the meantime and will post an update when i can edit 2 i've seen a lot of comments asking why i didn't say anything about the trip sooner and what i thought they were doing so i'll just answer here for the sake of convenience my brother has been struggling with pretty severe depression for the past few years because of this he doesn't go out much or have many friends my husband is his only close friend and the only one tony will open up to because my husband helped him through depression when they were younger the outings with mats are one of the few things that make my brother happy matt has always told me that they do regular things like play video games and watch movies and go biking so i didn't think too much into it even with matt being tony's ex i thought it was more like matt was helping his friend through a tough time i see now how stupid i was to assume that but that was my thought process edit three please don't let this post be a justification for homo and biphobia whatever happens with my brother and my husband isn't reflective of gay and bi people as a whole and edit 4 wow i stepped away for a bit and there are a ton of comments i won't be able to respond individually as there's a lot going on right now clearly but i'll still be reading before i sign off i have a couple quick updates matt agreed to tell me everything after i've given him some time and space to process all of this as much as i and probably you all want answers now that's what i'll be doing still no word from brother or sister-in-law i'm gonna give it a rest for the day and try to focus on something that doesn't terrify me i will be back with a separate update post when things make more sense thank you all also i have seen brokeback mountain evidently it's a lot more fun on screen than it is in real life i guess expect to read this story again when i do another update post uh video so i'm looking forward to see what happens here posted by user this life is out of stock titles am i the a-hole for discussing weight loss with my 14 year old step-daughter i have a stepdaughter 14 female who recently started high school in recent years she's been gaining considerable weight to the point that she's now at a bmi of 28.5 using a calculator appropriate for her age not the adult version she's also got stretch marks that are getting worse and really bad acne i know why she's been gaining weight she's pretty much stopped growing her mother is very short and it seems she's going to be short too and at her mother's house she pretty much only eats junk food drinks a lot of calorie heavy beverages and eats a lot of candy also her mother who is incredibly overweight herself and clocks in it well into the extreme obesity category fixes her plate for her and mandates that she eats every single bite that gets put onto her plate even if she's not hungry anymore now i'm fine with my stepdaughter's body looking however she feels comfortable with she doesn't need to be miss skinny to make me happy but she recently came to me and expressed worried that she's going to be bullied in high school over her weight issues and expressed concern over how quickly clothes don't fit her anymore even though she's not getting taller etc etc in response i had a frank discussion with her about food eating too much exercise etc i advised her about healthy food showed her how quickly calories from sugary drinks can add up disgust that while eating dessert is fine maybe you don't need to eat two to three portions of it just because it's available and allowed i discussed moving and exercising more and talk to her about how she might approach telling her mother that she's full instead of stuffing herself to finish the food that gut puts on her plates as a result she switched to mostly drinking water cut down on desserts at our house and did her mom's and started walking and riding her bike more she's asked me many follow-up questions about which foods are healthy and which are not and i answer her questions while emphasizing that she can eat anything she wants as long as she's moderate about eating things not so healthy i just got a call from a mother totally freaked out because apparently i'm a giant a-hole discussing diet with a 14 year old girl she said that i'm going to give her an eating disorder and her weight is not her fault at all it's all purely genetic and nothing can be done about it with diet and exercise she said that 14 is far too young to have discussions about weight and diet and that when teenagers get told about weight management it will inevitably lead to eating disorders and low self-esteem issues while i obviously don't agree about the it's all genetic parts the accusation that i might have given her an eating disorder did give me pause i certainly don't want to push her to be a young woman obsessed with unhealthy and unrealistic beauty standards or make her feel in any way that her body is a problem or she's not good enough so reddits am i the a-hole for discussing diets and exercise with a 14-year-old girl in this situation no she needs the help she's taking the help to heart she's actioning those words and she's making positive changes in her life the mother is realizing she's losing grip on her child she's losing the ability to dig her child in early grave and she's upset that she's no longer having control in her life the mother is obviously mentally ill and allowing her own eating disorder to take a hold of every facet of her life and that's not okay if it were me i would be calling cps at every opportunity that i could to report that hey this kid is struggling we need to get this kid off of that mother she is going to kill this 14 year old girl it's not okay and opie you were not the a-hole you didn't talk about weight you talked about healthy lifestyle choices at your step daughter's request and you went out of your way to emphasize that it's okay not to be perfect as long as she's making an effort it sounds like mum is feeling called out over her own choices and scared her daughter's success is going to force her to confront the fact that they are really excuses this there's a huge difference between counting every calorie and maintaining a healthy lifestyle i was 16 before i realized just how useless soda is tons of calories but doesn't do anything to make you feel full or to hydrate you i stopped drinking soda daily and started drinking water and unsweetened iced teas and as a result i stopped getting cavities and started slowly losing weight without even meaning to i still drink a soda occasionally when the mood hits but i'm so much more conscious about it i think if you told her stop eating desserts completely or do intense workouts every day or you're overweight you would have been the a-hole and likely have given her an eating disorder but she explicitly asked you and has made changes that could easily make her life a healthier life long past high school oh man i remember when i gave up soda at 14 barring no other changes to my diet or lifestyle and dropped 15 pounds like that my mum was like are you okay before she realized i was eating the exact same as before just water instead of soda posted by user cara raya titled am i the a-hole for pointing out a girl's acne scars after she repeatedly tried to sell us her mlm products a girl 19 female i graduated with joined a makeup and skincare related mlm group a couple of months ago at first it was pretty low-key a couple of products posts here and there but that was it then she got heavily involved in her uplines boss babe group and since then my former classmate has become awful she constantly spams her social media feeds and stories with pictures of the products claiming things these products can do that are blatant lies then she often posts these inspirational talks in which she tries to recruit her followers by filming herself saying how unhappy she was working as a waitress how happy she is selling mlm products and that we can also quit our menial jobs her words and start working in her team she also got caught lying about how much money she makes and she often tries to sell her products to her little sister's minor friends a big part of this certain mlm scheme is that the sellers offer free skin care consultations via zoom where they basically try to sell you their products my former classmate does that too and often texts random people to see if they want one of those skin care consultations with her she specifically targets people with bad skin one of those people with bad skin is one of my closest friends emma 19 female emma has had bad acne since she was 10 years old and she still has bad acne and acne scars it's one of her worst insecurities when the former classmate texted emma to try to convince her to book one of those skin care consultations with her the classmate basically texted emma that she knows how emma is struggling with acne and that she has just the right products for emma emma declined and told her that she wasn't interested in a consultation then the mlm girl got her friends who support her mlm business to text emma to try to convince her and tell her how amazing these products are emma declined again and she told me how awful she feels because she knows how visible her acne scars are if so many people are pointing them out it all came to a head yesterday amber and i went to a restaurant and our mlm classmate was also there at one point during the evening the mlm girl came over and started talking to emma about arachne and how her products can help her emma repeatedly told the mlm girl she wasn't interested but she wouldn't go away now this is where i might be the a-hole at some point i just snapped and asked the mlm girl if she doesn't use her own products or if her products are just useless because she also had visible acne scars the mlm girl looked shocked and hurt but she finally went away emma thanked me for speaking up but also told me that i didn't have to snap that hard at her so am i the a-hole for snapping at the mlm girl after she didn't go away look sometimes these hashtag boss babes just need a little healthy dose of humble pie and yelling at them do it i guess just make a scene get them to go away get them to leave your loan because they're just snake oil salesmen at the end of the day it's obvious the product doesn't work she's just trying to scam you out of money and she's gaslighting harassing bullying doing whatever will work to separate you from your hard-earned money don't fall for their tricks yell at them if need be do whatever you want within legal limits not the a-hole can't believe i'm saying this as i predicted the opposite based on the title but not the a-hole mlm girl crossed multiple lines and in the end it was your only dose of harsh medicine that stopped her from further harming your friends honestly i'm angered just reading the nasty aggressive tactics that mlm girls stooped to in the attempt to make a buck where does she get off as though a 19 year old cosmetic salesperson has any worthwhile advice to give about this issue what ticked me off the most is when she approached her at the restaurants she didn't go there to be sold some crappy product just leave her the hell alone not the a-hole i would usually never endorse anything of the sort but it looks like you only did it as a last resort to stop repeated harassment of your friend and you still feel terrible about it no should mean no to any kind of pressure hope emma is okay and i hope the mlm lady sees what kind of monster her pyramid scheme is turning her into okay and i think that's where we're gonna end today's episode guys as always i do hope you enjoyed it and maybe even learn something from these stories just want to say a quick shout out to my patreon subscribers and my channel members you guys should be on the screen right now if you do see yourself i want you to give yourself a little pat on the back for being amazing and supporting me on this channel this uh little journey we're going on on the youtubes i really appreciate it and you guys enabled me to do all this amazing work so if you do see yourself i love your face and i'm happy to see you also guys if you want to pitch in your own support you don't have to but channel links are down in the description below to support the patreon the channel membership whatever you want to do it's kind of like tipping me if you feel like i'm doing a good job on this channel i will be opening up avenues for content on those in the future just right now i'm kind of bogged down and stuck in ireland but you know it is what it is anyway guys with that said i do hope you have a wonderful day today whatever you're up to i'd love to know down in the comments below i do hope you have a good day night sleep whatever you're up to today tell me and i'll see you in the next episode guys bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 31,523
Rating: 4.9325299 out of 5
Keywords: aita, amitheasshole, r/aita, r/amitheasshole, aita reddit, markee, markee reddit, markee aita, markee amitheasshole
Id: mprnT3Ug8h8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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