r/AmiTheA**Hole For Calling Out My Own Mother?

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Guinea there guys it's your Z hubby Maki back at it again with another episode of our /m IV a whole now if you love me like I love you then you know what to do I want you to tackle that like button like what Steve ohm would tackle a bloody crocodile that's the one maybe even Chuck and Ozzy flying down in the comments now with that said I want you to sit back relax Chuck a prawn on the barbie and get ready for some bloody good content posted by user but there ain't crap captain titles am I the a-hole for asking my mom to stop telling people about my boyfriend's butt crack this is ridiculous but my mum thinks I'm being a stuck-up meanie so here goes due to recent events the uni dorm closed down and my boyfriend 19 and died 19 female moved in with my parents we do our part to contribute and mainly stay in our room when we're there anyways so there hasn't been any problems we bought a new bedroom door handle with a lock many moons ago but sometimes forget to lock it's well we used to forget but now we always lock it because a few months ago in the middle of the morning my mum busted into my room while we were sleeping to retrieve a pair of her shoes that I had borrowed the day before and we were half naked obviously and my boyfriend was wearing only boxes and allegedly had a bit of a booty crack poking out she was in and out of there before either of us could wake up cue the next day she tells me I saw boyfriend's butt crack and I am traumatized that is just not natural and she recounted the entire story from her perspective she wasn't serious he was laughing a lot like it was the most hilarious thing I was a little annoyed that she didn't even try to knock or anything but I figured it was my fault for not locking the door whatever but then she proceeded to tell everyone like my dad my brother my brother's wife all the auntie's her friends random people with those same two lines she told me laughing like it was the punchline of the year it's been months and she's still telling people my boyfriend is so shy and this is really embarrassed him and creeped him out he doesn't like that she's so obsessed with his butt crack sir I in an admittedly annoyed tone told her to stop and that it's weird and she got offended and thinks I'm stuck up and I the a-hole notes she's Heike very predatory and makes sexual comments about us a lot like she can't help but comment on my boobs if I'm wearing a tight shirt and she talks about how I have a fat ass and she said she'd date my boyfriend if she was my age and she brings up the idea of my boyfriend and I having sex a lot the list goes on so this was basically the icing on the cake of inappropriate comments edits my boyfriends butt crack is a standard butt crack I think my mom was referring to her witnessing it as unnatural not the butt crack itself not that that makes much more sense but yeah I think it's pretty obvious here that Opie is not that a hole in this situation that mom is overstepping her boundaries by saying all that stuff and I think she needs a little bit of reality check of what is appropriate because she seems to be pushing a lot of boundaries here not the a-hole your mom seems a little odd I don't want to wildly speculate why but you're right to tell her to stop and it's weird she keeps bringing it up the fact she makes sexual comments about even her child so often is pretty strange not the a-hole yikes Opie your mom sounds like a real piece of work having a bit of friendly banter is fine but having that much of an obsession is disturbing as hell I don't know how much she actually responds to confrontation but I'd say maybe take her aside and have a calm serious conversation with her talk about how uncomfortable it makes both of you feel and how it doesn't seem normal that she acts like that if she's still being stubborn maybe talk to the other person she's told ask what they think of what she has said and how she acts you may be able to find assistance or even just support from them I hope you and your boyfriend do feeling okay though no one should have to feel uncomfortable about their own body like that I'm pretty sure she's a narcissist and that means everything will get twisted or she will suddenly be the victim if I try to confront or she'll even Gaslight us honestly but thank you to everyone responding that I'm not the a-hole because that makes it harder for us to feel guilty even when guilt-tripped for getting upset she really makes me question my sanity men making sexual comments and sexualizing your own children is not normal it's abusive your mum is abusive and you are right to be angry I hope you move out soon and if you don't have a therapist please contact someone in the earliest opportunity not the a-hole call her out in front of people she says oh my god I saw boyfriends buts God mom I knew you liked younger guy as being a fetish for boyfriends but is borderline obsessive yeah I can't think of what else to do given opiez already told her to stop we get it you barged into a room of a sleeping couple without their knowledge or permission saw something completely normal that you wouldn't have seen if he had a shred of normal decency and just knocked and waited and have been telling everyone you know about it ever since like it is the most exciting thing you've ever experienced have you considered getting a hobby so that seeing a crack isn't the most exciting thing that happens to you in your adult life posted by user am i the a hole when funeral throw titled am i the a hole for refusing to leave my 24 year old brother's funeral after cursing out my auntie 55 female I'm not a good storyteller so I'll try to keep this short and sweet last week my family and I 24 male put my twin brother to rest he crashed his motorcycle and the EMTs were not able to arrived in time to save him it's been a lot to deal with since we were making plans to hang out now the restaurants and bars have begun opening back up the funeral was a pretty small family gathering two of my brother's friends came and offered their sympathy which was nice our mum was inconsolable dad did his best to comfort her I stepped out for a minute to have a cigarette before the service trying to decide what I wanted to say about my brother my auntie 55 female came out to say hi then brought up how awful she feels for my parents having to bury their own son I noted and started to say something but then she was like do you think it's really appropriate for you to be here I was so confused like um that's my fudging brother I didn't say that yet I just stared at her like she must be telling some weird joke I settled for are you kidding me then she said with you two being identical twins it must be like seeing a ghost I really think you should leave it might make this easier on your mum I completely lost it I tried to stay firm but calm saying she had no right to say something like that to me but my emotions got the best of me and I started screaming I called her some choice words and my dad came out as I was calling her an evil [ __ ] I admitted that may have been too much and my dad yelled at me not to talk to his sister that way he pulled her back inside and looked at me with this disappointed expression I went back in before the service my aunt sat far from me and didn't acknowledge me for the rest of the day my parents didn't bring it up either a few days later my dad calls and says he wasn't sure what happens but there had been no need to cause such a scene on a day like that I explained myself but he's not replied my cousin thinks I'm a douchebag am I the a-hole absolutely not she absolutely should not have said that to you what was she thinking she's banning you from your own twins funeral why would the mother not want her own son to be there you would regret your whole life if you missed that funeral just because someone told you not to I don't get why everyone's so angry at him maybe that one's twisting the story and that makes me mad absolutely not the a-hole Opie what the hell was your auntie thinking not the a-hole and she was way out of line that's your twin brother you have every single right to be there even more than she would since she's extended family not the a-hole I'm a twin I have no idea what in God's name major aren't think it was appropriate to tell you to get lost from your own twins funeral but the fact that you didn't immediately nuke her from orbit is testament to your kindness I don't think it speaks very well of your family that none of them seem to realize that you need support too as a twin myself I know exactly what it's like to be treated like a duplicate of a person instead of like a person I know how common and infuriating it is but the fact that your aunt actually went so far is to tell you that you shouldn't be around the rest of your own family because you aren't around anymore my head is exploding really not the a whole three times and I'm tremendously sorry for your loss sadly I've seen this crop up a bunch on here and on the various relationships herbs people have a really strange idea about what's appropriate when it comes to identical twins definitely don't blame her pea for losing his cool I'm an identical twin and people ask inappropriate crap all the time oh how far apart were you born one minutes Oh mom really shot y'all out huh what's like what in the hell in what world is that appropriate to say to anyone just because I'm a twin it's okay to ask for invasive questions not the a-hole she was out of line when saying you should leave for a stupid reason if anything that kind of negativity doesn't belong at a funeral and it would have been best had she left what astounds me is the audacity to say something so insensitive at a funeral of all places I'd have snapped back with much worse if I was Opie posted by user he jus titled am I the a-hole for making a birthday cake for my daughter when she asked me not to my daughter turned 16 today and she told me not to make a cake she has been on this diet and has asked before if she can go to therapy but since body issues is something everyone goes through she didn't need it but now I'm reconsidering because she looks fine she asked me not to make her a cake but she hasn't had any sweets for over two years and I planned on making her eat it when I brought it out she looked like she was about to have a panic attack she interrupted us singing happy birthday to yell at me she said I told you I didn't want that crap I put the cake down and told her to watch her language because we also have an your own son and twelve-year-old daughter I told her to just have a piece because the rest of us would and she said well I'm not gonna be fat anymore just like the rest of you none of us have facts ends my 12 year old daughter has been struggling with thinking she is and started crying I began yelling at my 16 year old and she picked up the cake and threw it on the ground I told that it go to her room and she did I didn't tell my husband about the cake either because he's taking her side and he told me that I screwed up big time I told him that now because of her we have to spend the next couple of months convincing my other children that they aren't fat nobody can agree on anything and I can't talk to my 16 year old right now am I the a-hole for making the cake yes yes you are that's borderline extremely abusive to do that to your kid when she's made it abundantly clear that she doesn't want that and doing that between the ages of 14 to 18 in my view kids need stability and supports during those years especially 16 of all and you're going to war with your kid by making that cake for them do you not see how abusive you were being Opie and then not apologizing at all disgusting parenting behavior disgusting I don't I don't condone that at all definitely you're the a-hole Opie I don't blame her for how she reacted you're the a-hole she asked you for therapy you dismiss it she asks you to not bake a cake and you dismiss it maybe you should try listening to her but then she couldn't be a control freak bet you five bucks we're gonna read about Opie on are slash raised by narcissists in the future RP you don't give a damn about what your daughter once that's probably at least in part why she wants therapy you're the a-hole you're the a-hole you're not the a-hole for making the cake you're the a-hole for refusing to listen to your daughter and willfully ignoring the glaring red flags she's been throwing up she asked you for therapy you declined because you think that body issues are normal and now you're all shocked Pikachu the both she and your twelve-year-old have body issues also you were going to make her eat how well did you actually see that going your kid is displaying some serious disordered eating signs and apparently has been since she was 13 or 14 but yeah forcing her to eat cake and denying her therapy is the way to go the fact that she planned to make her sixteen-year-old eat birthday cake is pretty insane I see two possibilities here either one the daughter has an e d or two the family generally eats unhealthy food and the daughter is just trying to diet because the sixteen year old has been eating no sweets at all for a while now though and because she asked to go to therapy I think it's way more likely that she has an eating disorder which would not improve by her being forced to eat cake unexposed is by user snoo four five five four eighths titled am I the a-hole for choosing a birthday restaurants when my vegetarian girlfriend couldn't eat anything this happened back in February and I really don't think it was that big a deal but my girlfriend still brings it up whenever she's annoyed with me for my birthday my girlfriend offered to take me and my best friend out for dinner she said she would pay for everything as her treat our city has a very hole-in-the-wall type place that specializes in chicken dishes and is pretty popular and I really wanted to check it out and first my girlfriend was on board but then she checked the website and Yelp reviews and found out there was nothing vegetarian on the menu the only two side dishes were rice and refried beans which were cooked with the chicken broth and lod respectively she asked me if I could please choose a restaurant that had a vegetarian option but I said I really wanted to go to this one my girlfriend and I met my friend at the restaurant and had a good time or so I thought but when my girlfriend and I got home she was in a bad mood and said it was really rude of me to pick a restaurant that excluded her she said she didn't enjoy having to pay to sit there for an hour and watch us eat obviously I wouldn't have chosen this restaurant for a regular date night but it was my birthday and I really don't think it was a big deal to go to a restaurant I wanted to try it for a special occasion it was just one meal am I the a-hole I don't think that this is a real post but I'm still gonna say that Opie is definitely the a-hole for this situation I think they know they're the a-hole think that just in denial and they wanted to strong-arm a decision without the partner being a part of that decision so you suck Opie there you go you're the a-hole if she is paying for the meal then she should be able to eat birthday or not you were super selfish honestly if I were dating a guy and he pulled such a selfish and inconsiderate move I would seriously question if I wanted to remain in that relationship Opie is a massive a-hole I have a vegetarian sister and even when the family gets together at a restaurant for my birthday I still always make sure to pick a place she has plenty of options at it is just part of being a decent human being you're the a-hole you could have checked that place out literally any night with your friend and without your girlfriends how do you think it was acceptable to eat in front of her when there wasn't even a single side dish she could snack on she had to watch you a-holes eat pay for your meals then figure something else out for herself you were incredibly inconsiderate she was nice to still pay for your meals I would have told you to either pick a place I candied something or kick rocks Arpi doesn't seem to understand that gift wasn't the food the gift was a fun night out with her appease girlfriend and best friends instead of picking the venue herself I'm taking you out to dinner at place X she lent her peaches I'm sure she won't make that mistake again Oh P you would definitely the a-hole and you need to work on your boyfriend skills you're the a-hole you were a huge a-hole you could easily have just gone to a restaurant on your own or with someone else and picked any other place for that night expecting your girlfriend to just sit in what she eats was incredibly crappy if you want to celebrate your birthday with other people you have to take their needs into account it's not an annual festival of narcissism apologize posted by user chance creator titled am I the a-hole for telling my stepdaughter to stop using period products in the bathroom she shares with my teenage I've been living with my new wife and stepdaughter for about six months now she is 19 almost 20 and I have three sons aged 18 16 and 15 she's a really good kid and she's a good influence on my son's I really enjoy having her around my wife and her daughter moved into my house and sold there's my stepdaughters father isn't present in her life nor is my son's mother all four children share a bathroom my sons have never lived for a long period of time with a woman nor have any of them had long-term girlfriends they had short visitation periods when they were younger but never longer than an hour so living with two women has been unusual for them my eldest son 18 came to me last weekend and told me that his stepsister disposes of her used sanitary products in the trashcan they share but doesn't use toilet roll or sandwich bags to disguise what they are and it makes him uncomfortable which i think is reasonable he's 18 my god my son's a teenage boys and don't want to see their stepsisters period products on full display he's a bit older than teenager at 18 but whatever a few nights ago I went into the kitchen to grab a snack and she was there doing some work for University my wife had mentioned that she knew she was on her period sir I took it as an opportunity to have a wide with her I told her my sons were uncomfortable and asked if she'd mind putting her used products in diaper bags while flushing them down the toilet she laughed and told me it was rich coming from a man who sheds like a gorilla and has produced three skid markings sons which I thought was just an unnecessary attack I've been nothing but nice to the girl and it's hardly a comparison my son's shouldn't be subjected to her on hygienic products if it makes them uncomfortable she went on to lecture me about how tampons can't be flushed and that it's bad for the environment if she uses diaper bags for everyone which i think is just an excuse I called her a scruff and told her that this was my house and that what I say goes I later asked my wife if she could have a word with her and she told me I was being ridiculous and that her daughter has had a period for ten years and knows what she's doing when I told her what was making my son's uncomfortable she said my son's needed to get a grip and turned over and went to sleep this is a genuine issue to me and she didn't care enough to have a discussion about it I asked my stepdaughter again in the morning and she did the same as her mother completely dismissed it both of them have told me to stop being so silly but I don't see how I'm being unreasonable when it makes my sons uncomfortable am i the a-hole yes okay no more words yes update not even two hours after I posted this my wife and stepdaughter gathered my sons and died and gave us a full intensive period for pricks course powerpoints and all it was a hoot they made an interactive quiz and everything my sons and I learned a lot and apologized to my stepdaughter thank you for your inputs you're the a-hole sorry but what I'm a guy and realize this is ridiculous you need to help yourself and your sons become better men and accept that it's a natural process are you uncomfortable with your wife's use of the same I assume not so teach your son's to be better hijacking the top comments inside out Opie will edit to add this in he said in his replies that she wraps the pads and tampons in the packaging before throwing them away so the sons can't even see any blood and the garbage bin has a lid this is beyond ridiculous I'm not surprised the stepdaughter snapped you're the a-hole how about you have a talk with your son's about periods instead of trying to shame a woman for bleeding wish there was a disclaimer or tags for posts you don't need to read all the way through the title of this post is clearly meant to bring as much shame to a biological function as possible the post itself somehow makes it uncomfortable to imagine someone so dense freely walking the earth without supervision yeah titles like these of 50/50 why weren't this disgusting creature walked the dumps and there's no sign of her filth in my house and I've provided her with a trash can but she says I'm shaming her when I ask her to stop leaving used tampons on top of my son's toothbrush I'll guide you're the a-hole dude instead of saying that a woman can't help having a period and they should be more understanding of her throwing away sanitary products in a place she's lived in without you for two years you doubled down on the sexism how dare you talk to a grown woman like that girl my dad has seen my mum and me handle our periods four years and the most he ever interferes is if I'm struggling with pain he reminds me of some litte solutions that might help that I sometimes forget that's it Opie you have zero knowledge about this stuff you cannot talk to her like that posted by user lucky crow titles am I the a-hole for telling my male friends but he's crap at sex one of my 24 female male friends alcohol jack 25 male is a bit of a lad and very good-looking jack basically thinks that Ladd points our importance he's always going on about how many girls he's been with and how high his body count is I lived with him at a house share for a while and whenever he brought a girl home he'd make sure to parade her around by introducing her spend 15 to 20 minutes in his room having sex then come out and strut around naked or in its boxes yes he really would I remember seeing a few times why are you out here you have a beautiful girl in your room and you're not in there with her this behavior was pretty common for him and even though he was an almighty douche we were still friends anyway after about eight months of living together after a drunken nights me and Jack ended up in bed together honestly it was terrible and having slept with him I realized something Jack had a big dick which I knew because of his strutting but he thought that having a big dick automatically meant he was good at sex like it just immediately made him amazing in bed our sex was crap like hands down the worst sex I'd ever had no foreplay he left the lights and TV on then unceremoniously shoved himself inside me the whole thing was basically a race for him to get inside me as quickly as possible maybe ten minutes of uncomfortable jackhammering then he was done the next morning I was really sore because one I wasn't wet at all to his dick was big but because I was sore he took that as him doing a bang-up job anyway that experience was a few years ago and even after all this time jack is still the same lad he was and still screws girls like they lined up on a conveyor belt for him recently my husband and I hosted a barbecue in our garden as gatherings are now allowed Jack came over as he's in our Mutual's group of course after a while Jack starts going on about the girls he's screwed and showing up another girl at the party by telling people he'd screw de it's then he turns to me and asks if I can prove to the lads how fire he is at sex slightly embarrassed but also angry he even mentioned me I straight up told him he was crap basically worst sex I ever had I then went on to say what happened and that he only has sex just to say that he's had sex it wasn't fun pleasurable or enjoyable and for the record I didn't come amazingly enough to other girls also backed up what I was saying saying there nights with him were pretty much the same - how I described it Jack got defensive and angry but we wouldn't drop it he eventually left absolutely fuming my husband who knows I slept with him years before said I was insensitive especially as it seems Jack relies heavily on the lead and sex guide persona that he's created I don't think sir it was about time Jack was called out for being crap in bed and maybe use this to learn how to actually have sex all the boys in the group think I man asked for calling Jack outs me and the girls disagree edit holy cow this got way more attention than I thought it would thanks for all the comments should clear a few things up a lot of people asking why I was or am friends with Jack I was back then because honestly at times he was a decent guy just blanketed by a douchey exterior after I moved out of the house we fell out of close contact but still hovering and mutual friends circles I'm not directly friends with him now but he's still a friend of a friend and we normally civil added to I really don't get why people are misunderstanding the story for the record I did not cheat on my husband Jack and I had a one-night stand together years ago while we were at uni I wouldn't consider him my friends now but we still have Mutual's from different social circles and we do still occasionally see one another not the a-hole mother-fricker asked for it point-blank he asked you to talk well actually he fudging put you on the spot to talk about it exactly he put you on the spot in a public setting and doesn't like the answer he got in a public setting he gambled on your response and lost public setting in front of her husband good point that's even worse way worse if two friends have slept together and moved past it which is totally fine I've done that with some of my friends you has some fudging tact around to their significant other I'm not sure if you're an a-hole or not but I like you Opie same I'm a fan of Opie not the a-hole I knew plenty of jacks in fact one of them was actually cold Jack and he was absolutely the worst sex I ever had he was also a lad who liked to gloat about all the women he had slept with I was intrigued so I slept with him and it was the worst sex I have ever had and again for exactly the same reason he was crap at sex but had a big dick Jack needed a reality check and it was his fault for bringing you up he should have known better the only reason your husband said you were insensitive is because he can relate you hid Jack where it hurts all men right in the sexual performance your husband was just feeling secondhand shame Jack deserved it though some people need a splash of cold water funny you say that I was annoyed my husband wasn't on my side but he said he actually cringed throughout the whole thing saying it was secondhand embarrassments exactly we got all the men where it hurts all men are self-conscious about their sexual performance so they all felt that crap I'm a woman and I'm self-conscious about my performance too most people go into sex wanting to make sure that you know they both having a good time you know I didn't cringe from that story I thought it was just funny I don't know about you guys anyway let's see what else your monkeys up to g'day there guys outro marki here just wanted to say thank you so much for watching today's episode I hope you really enjoyed it I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed making it now with that said we have some special mentions everyone that's signed up for my patreon everyone that's a channel member you guys all know who you are I'm gonna start putting you on screen in the near future sorry I'm very lazy but I do love each and every one of you and you all know that if you want to join there is links down in the description below if you want to be a channel member there's a join button next to subscribe it helps me out immensely also I have a second channel that does memes it's called Maki 2 it should be on screen here now if you like memes and you want to laugh with me it's some not so politically correct content all the time hope you enjoy it click on the screen subscribe and enjoy the means that's all I have for today and I'll see you in the next episode bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 33,427
Rating: 4.8951612 out of 5
Keywords: aita, amitheasshole, r/aita, r/amitheasshole, aita reddit, markee, markee reddit, markee aita, markee amitheasshole
Id: m6riOXni_XE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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