r/AmiTheA**Hole For Getting Mad At My Son?

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gidday they guys at 0z hubby machi back at it again with another episode of a slash am i the a halt now if you love me like I love you then you know what to do I want you to Chuck a like on this video sit back relax Chuck a prawn on the barbie worship Steve Irwin Chuck and Ozzy flag down to the comments why doncha and just tell me what you think about every one of these situations in the videos I hope you have a good one our first post is by user snoot n 931 titled am I the a-hole for grounding my son after he said he got into an argument with my boyfriend over something from 10 years ago now my oldest son and boyfriend H had a bad relationship ever since hey CH accidentally burned down our house he put in a pizza while me my two sons and my daughter went out to the mall and H had forgot about it and left to go back to his apartments when we got back home our kitchen wasn't file and by the time the fire trucks got there the whole downstairs was on fire our house was pretty much destroyed and our husky passed away in the fire when I told my boyfriend about it he remembered his pizza he apologized and I forgave him but my son never did my other two were too young to remember my cousin took said she could watch my kids until we got a new house and I stayed with H at his house it was too small to hold all of us a lot of our stuff was damaged but not enough to be thrown away so we got a new house two years later and my son still hasn't forgiven H it only got worse when he got older he would never say hello to H whenever he came over and would always avoid him like one time when H came over and I cooked dinner my son ate dinner upstairs instead of downstairs with the family today my son was on a call with his friends playing video games and - my son lost and said what the hell sir H went upstairs to his room to tell him look stop all that cursing you're not grown and my son pretty much ignored him until H said why are you ignoring me answer me and my son yelled at him to get out of his room after that they got into allowed arguments I ran upstairs to tell them to stop and my son yelled outs have you not gotten it yet I don't like you you burned our house down and want to act like my dad leave me alone I told H I'll handle this and told my son that he's acting like a child and that I understand he was upset years ago but now you need to let it go it's been 10 years and that H has apologized and that he needs to forgive him he said I don't care he's a stupid person who you took back after he burned down our old home with all of our stuff and our dog I'm not forgiving him I don't even know why you took this Pachi bearded idiot back anyways last week he made fries and left the oven on for an hour after he was done and it didn't get turned off until after I came downstairs and seen that it was on he's an irresponsible idiot I told him he was grounded for disrespecting him and that he needs to get over it I called my friend why to tell her what happened and she said honestly he kinda has a right to be mad he lost his childhood home when he was five and his dog so now I feel like I could have handled it better so reddit's am I the a-hole edits I read a lot of comments that called me an a-hole and to realize that I was wrong I will unground my son and break up with age you know what my take on this is yeah you're in a rock and a hard place in this relationship you always want to forgive your partner that makes mistakes like that everyone can leave the stove on everyone can leave the oven on but he obviously hasn't learned from this because it's repeated again and what if this time this house burnt down it only takes one instance for a house to burn down like that so yeah she is the a-hole glad that she recognized it and glad that she broke up with him the man seems like he doesn't care enough about this family and look I wouldn't be surprised if it happened again that's my take you're the a-hole your son has every right not to like your boyfriend sorry I know it happened 10 years ago but it killed his dog and took away his childhood for two years on top of that you basically left them for two years and lived with a guy who took away their home considering a boyfriend left fries in the oven again I'd be nicer to my kid and ask my significant other to smarten up edits I surely hope you actually break up with this guy can't believe it took a reddit post not to mention an incredibly traumatic experience which included his mother living with the boyfriend the fries incident likely triggered him he could have PTSD or other undiagnosed issues there is no mention that she ever even got him counselling and once again has been like okay boyfriend can do no wrong and son you just need to get over it ah what an a-hole rights I mean just passing by a random house burning down can shake you up pretty bad a child seeing his house burn and his dog die is definitely a traumatizing experience but what does mom do move in with the boyfriend and abandon the kids to deal it could have been a very different scenario if the kid got dealt with compassion RP you're the a-hole no but see like Opie said the boyfriend has apologized so our son needs to forgive him pic saroo says you're the a-hole even giving your boyfriend the benefit of the doubt with the fire he then had your children move in with a cousin while you lived elsewhere your kids lost their house their security all their stuff their dog and you went and stayed with your boyfriend huge you're the a-hole their second you're the a-hole was forgiving the boyfriend for something that he clearly does regularly that could lead to another fire and possibly killing you and/or one more of your children third you're the a-hole is letting him discipline your son for anything it's made worse that he's yelling at your son for saying the word hell if my math is correct your son's 15 years old there is no reason to reprimand a 15 year old for saying he'll you will not have a relationship with your son when he's an adult and it's your fault also he said you're acting like a child he's 15 he's still a child technically he may be growing up but he's not an adult yet posted by user impressive faced 4437 titled x' am I the a-hole for not supporting my pansexual friends I already know I screwed up I just want to know if I'm an a-hole as well so until yesterday I only knew of a few classifications of queer lesbian gay bi trans and questioning LGBTQ that was my first mistake yesterday my best friend 23 female of 10 years texted me she had something important to tell me I'm 23 in male I went over to her house and she seemed really nervous she told me she had to wait until her parents left the house when they left she asked me if we'd be BFFs regardless of anything I told her anything short of murder and yes we'd still be BFFs she then told me that she was coming out of the closet as butch pansexual I stupidly replied with whites all of a sudden she started crying and told me to GTFO I was still confused so I left after a few failed attempts to consult her I googled pansexual and realized that she had come out of the closet to me I immediately tried to contact her but she had already blocked me on also shows going through an alter counts I saw that she had made a few posts calling me homophobic I tried to send her an apology text where I made sure to explain what happened and also to use only facts I didn't try to justify myself just explained what happened anyways she hasn't responded to me and I think our friendship is a lost cause luckily my other friends believe my side of the story and told me that even though I screwed up I wasn't an a-hole I don't know sir reddit's am I the a-hole I'm gonna say here I don't think they're the a-hole they are ignorant of what the definition and the classification of this one is and I don't think that's a reason to just block him out of your life instantly all he said was what and I'm just gonna go off that basis that we were given there he said what he didn't say oh I don't agree with you are you sure he didn't do a whole bunch of narcissist bullcrap that a lot of people in slash entitled parents do so personally I don't think he's the a hole in this situation our piece is wow I left to do an online exam and this blew up FAQ this first one was taken out thanks to all the people who have told me that sexuality and gender are not the same thing sooo I can't talk to my parents as they are the typical religious herma phobic lgbtq+ community will rot in hell Type three I can't talk to a mutual friend as it isn't my place to out her for she didn't out herself on social media she said I was homophobic because she witnessed me being homophobic to an lgbtq+ community member five I didn't explain that I was just confused while I was consoling her because she wouldn't let me she would cut me off and scream at me and then told me to get the hell out of her house six I feel like she reacted this nuclear because her parents have told her her whole life that members of the lgbtq+ community will be cast away to hell for being sinners I think she might have been afraid I was like that and my confusion was misinterpreted as rejection 7 sorry about saying that the cue and LGBTQ stood for queer I didn't know I have edited it to question him not the a-hole you didn't know what she was talking about and she just overreacted doesn't sound like a person I'd want to be around if she can't accept you made an honest mistake exactly it's not homophobic to not be educated on every topic they didn't say anything wrong they just literally didn't know what the friend was talking about honestly all this gender stuff is confusing AF what even is pen what happened to just gay straight and by pan is the prefix all just means attracted to all people regardless of their gender identity the language is more inclusive than bisexual but it is sometimes interchangeable many by people I have met fit the description of pan and prefer the label by the more you know not the a-hole she assumed that everyone is as knowledgeable and invested as she is and that was her mistake she didn't get the reaction she wanted but life isn't scripted drama you didn't say or do anything homophobic or pain phobic or whatever you did nothing wrong exactly for example I do not care about other people's sexuality only for mind and my significant others and to be honest I was today years old when I heard about pansexuality it happens as long as there is no ill intended I'm fairly sure we are all allowed to be confused it's not like Opie knew for his entire life about her sexuality and for the 1,000th time when he heard her he went what's not the a-hole disclaimer I'm horrible is expressing myself sir if you're offended sorry I did not mean to way too many things for me to avoid not the a-hole your friend is being ridiculous about this situation she says I saw that she had made a few posts calling me homophobic red flag friends don't publicly out friends on social media over a perceived slights find a new friend and I can't agree more also kind of weird that she doesn't want her parents to know presumably since she waited for them to be out of the house but then blasted Opie's supposed reaction to on her social media yeah I found that one odd that's not weird and quite common in the queer community by your family isn't always the best edits missed sim info it is weird that she'd blast this on socials if she doesn't want it to get back to her family red it's confusing me today guys unexposed is by user red valuable titled am I the a hole for mansplaining vaginas to a woman this happened a few months ago but my brain won't let this one go so I was hanging out with some friends two guys one woman were all in our early 20s and have had our fair share of romance in life the topic of sex popped up and we start talking about some of our past experiences one guy joked about how having sex only made his dick bigger and bigger we all laughed and he said that he wished that's how it works God if only I'd be the Titanic by now guys haha right right satire Jesus my female friends let's call her Sarah wiped up and said here for women it's the complete opposites the more sex you have the bigger your labia gets and the looser you become there were some chuckles but then I asked her if she was serious and she said she was now this is a big myth I was surprised a woman who has had some experience actually believes that I basically told her this and then she started getting annoyed asking how me and my dick knows anything about that I said the same way I know anything about female anatomy I've read up on it the whole women get loose' thing is something sexist dudes made up to [ __ ] Shane women the other friends were silent on this she then just said whatever I'm not in the mood for your mansplaining so I'm at a loss here am I the a-hole for explaining something that I feel like people should just know about i'ma go with a big fat no you're not the a-hole for this that woman Suns like she has an attitude on her and you shouldn't feel bad for explaining basic biology to someone who obviously is in denial about the facts ER seems like this is a problem with this woman the friends are silent on this maybe this is something this woman brings up a lot and she starts showing and the friends know you know what it's just not worth getting into no one's gonna be happy in the end we're all gonna be sour pusses and you know it's just gonna end sloppy for everyone that's what she said now let's see what everyone else has to say are you a lava Beavis says not the a-hole as a woman I'm asking you to please keep telling it to the girls who don't know women need to understand their Anatomy sorry pet peeve of mine it's only mansplaining if you're explaining something to a woman that she clearly already knows this woman was factually wrong and does not know how vaginas work so it's not mansplaining I'm pretty sure mansplaining is a dude assuming a woman doesn't know something because she's a woman usually when she actually knows more than him in this case there's no assumptions because she sent the wrong info out loud and neither has any particular training that would make a correction inappropriate I agree IOP didn't assume anything he just corrected what she said it would be different if he had started a conversation and trying to explain something she already knew not the a-hole you're right she is not simple as that just because you know more about female anatomy than she does doesn't make it sexist I always took mansplaining as a guy automatically assuming a woman knows less about a topic because of her gender have had this done to me over computer parts before and it drove me nuts however you weren't assuming her knowledge based on her gender and you were correcting her on something very wrong and as you said pretty sexist I don't see anything wrong here the tricky part is that in her ignorance from her view he was mansplaining maybe he could have looked up something on his phone real quick and showed her or one of the other guys could have agreed but without that it's not surprising a woman could be distrustful of a man challenging her wrong beliefs about her body but yeah not the a-hole just a tough situation some people are saying no a-holes here also I disagree with that I think her attitude was not right in this situation I feel like even if you don't agree with someone you don't have to be as aggressive or passive aggressive as she was in this scenario next post is by user baby no more nine nine nine titles am I the a-hole for getting an abortion against my partner's wishes despite telling him I was going to question mark a bit of backstory I'm a trans man who is fully transitions I still have a uterus and ovaries and so became pregnant if you're planning on misgendering me I don't want your opinions My partner and I have been together for four years I'm 25 and he is 27 when we first started dating I set us down to talk about all the little things that we want out of a relationship as I feel it's important that with big issues like children you're both on the same page I told him I never want children that I don't want to carry a child or adopt or anything and he agreed I'm gonna pause here I want to know in the comments in that case is it then disrespectful as a partner to say hey can we both agree that you get a hysterectomy or something or another surgery because you're steadfast on this so we can just completely and eliminate that I want to know what you guys think down below because I still don't know where I stand on something like that is a pretty niche situation when I found out I was pregnant I wasn't hugely upset it was something that could have happened and something easily fixed but I did tell my partner just as in all this happened and told him I'd be getting an abortion he did not react the way I expected he tried to tell me I couldn't get an abortion at all and when I asked why he said because it's his also to decide what to do with which I find weird I told him that I'd been clear from the start that if pregnancy happened I would get rid of it and he supported it but he said it was different when it's our child's and that he didn't think it would ever happen he told me that he didn't want to give up on our only chance of a biological child and I told them that I've never wanted children biological or not and that he told me that he felt the same so why is he being like this and he argued that it's different when it actually happens and now we have a chance for a family he then told me I should at least carry it to term and that I'd probably be attached to it by then which I find disgusting I'm not forcing my body to go through a pregnancy just on the off chance I'd become attached to the child I didn't even once how is that fair on me or the child's my mother didn't want me and told me as a child she'd wished she'd aborted me and it completely destroyed me oh that is terrible to hear I also explained to him that as a trans person I would be labeled the child's mother despite being legally male and that medical staff routinely mistreat trans people and frankly I'm not going to harm my mental health like that I also passes mail so I would be a visibly pregnant man and people will react badly I've already experienced transphobia and medical mistreatment due to being trans the close friend also had a baby and he had to stay house bound due to the public reaction he doesn't seem to realize the danger it presents because he's not trans himself and doesn't listen to me when I tell him my own experiences after a couple of weeks I told him I'd make an appointment and we'll be having an abortion and that was the end of discussion I had an abortion and I'm completely happy however when I told my partner he called me disgust and selfish and cold-hearted and couldn't believe I'd done it I feel like as it was my body and I'd told him that this was the only option for me that I'm not the one who's wrong here TL DR I had an abortion despite my partner wanting to keep the baby am I the a hole not the a hole at all first you were the only person qualified to make this decision plus you even did him the courtesy of going into the relationship of telling him what you would do in this event he did not handle this well and I don't like how on empathy is about how triggering and dysphoric a pregnancy would likely be for you yes I think that's when I find most hurtful I can understand him being upset because he wanted to keep the baby but he completely wrote off my very real concerns and then ignored my actual experiences when in the past he's always tried to listen and understand he hasn't felt like the same person these last couple weeks before now we'd only had minor disagreements and we were pretty in tune so I'm reeling a bit I'd recommend couples therapy if you were both still committed to the relationship for me assuming that you would just change your mind on wanting kids then pressuring you when you didn't is a big deal breaker and decide that he doesn't respect you neither of you should have to compromise on whether you want kids he wants you to change your mind for him not the a-hole and oh my god I can't believe he told you to carry to term and then you'll want to keep it what a manipulative thing to say I really hope this isn't a normal thing and that you're in a safe and balanced relationship up until now we've had a totally normal and Tapie hip relationship we've had minor disagreements but nothing serious and we've been in tune so I was pretty shocked by this entire situation and I'm now considering how we go forward from this quite from Maya Angelou when someone shows you who they really are listen yes a lot of abusers first show their true colors when their partner becomes pregnant a lot of them also including getting their partner pregnant as a part of their abuse via reproductive coercion and I'm really concerned for Opie that this may have happened given the partners total switch he went from understanding appease feelings about pregnancy in termination to really pushing the pregnancy and using manipulative emotional tactics personally that kind of feels like what's going on in this situation and I would be very scared if I was Opie that does not sound normal at all and I know I might be a minority in this situation but if that was me in their shoes in the same scenario I would break the relationship off cut my losses and find someone else who would understand where I'm coming from and wouldn't switch like that that is so scary that someone would just switch like that on you that you've trusted find a new relationship find someone better for you who else knows what this man could be hiding posted by user throw away seventy six twenty nineteen titles am I the a-hole for asking for an apology from a mum in front of her kids it's got a nice little Super Saiyan a water like that one I twenty five female and traveling for work and staying at a hotel I was sitting in my room and I hear yelling and screaming from the other room it sounds like there were people running into walls and the TV is blasting I'm used to some noise in hotels it is only natural but this was excessive to say the least over the next hour the noise continued and based on it I could tell it was at least a mother into children I knew this because it seems like every 10 minutes the mom would knock on the door telling her kids to let her in until I heard the doors finally open then slammed shut and the mum yelling at her kids that sounds really scary oh my god then the door would open and close again and ten minutes later we started knocking to be let in again after an hour I heard a knock and thought it was on my door so I checked it was for the room next door it was guest services telling the mother that nine-one-one had contacted the hotel because her room number was calling repeatedly the mother didn't say anything just closing the door and guest services left another thirty minutes of this routine and I was done so I asked to be put in a different room for the remainder of my stay they were very accommodating and moved my room and upgraded me already aware of the trouble that room was causing I went back to my original room and packed my things up it's now about 9:00 at night and I leave my room suitcase in tow the mother from the room next to mine was out in the hallway she stops me and asked if I had heard her kids making noise I was honest and said that yes I heard them then she asked if that was the reason that I was leaving and again I told her yes I needed to be able to sleep for work she told me to wait because she wanted her kids to apologize to me I told her this was not necessary I understand things like this happened because I did not want to prolong this experience anymore she kept insisting and would walk in front of me if I tried to leave then she called her kids into the hallway there were four of them and the oldest could not have been more than nine then the mother lectured them about how the actions had affected me and ruined my night and then made each of them apologize individually man that just doesn't sound like the best parenting I'm not going to say good parenting doesn't some of the best to me I decided to be pleasant through this because the kids did not deserve a bad attitude from me I accepted the kids apologies but was immensely fed up with the mother then I turned to her and waited she seemed lost I told her that her actions were not acceptable and had ruined my night and I needed an apology from her she was to properly watch her children she hustled her children through the door and began telling me that I was an a-hole for saying that about her in front of her children and it was not my place to have such opinions I knew arguing would get me no further so I just walked away i could hear however as i walked down the hallway her banging on the door again for her kids to let her in this whole situation is playing in my head like one of those lonely tunes episodes where they're going in and out of doorways and just constantly appearing in like different ones than just teleporting all over the place in terms of who's the a-hole here she is Rp is not the a-hole mother sounds like she's on something in all honesty and to have the kids under nine come out and apologize I'm sure they understand that they're being disruptive but like the proper thing to do would be every one of apologize that's one of those situations where the parents like I'm never gonna apologize to you never gonna hear sorry out of my mouth every problem is your problem and I I'm gonna put this on you as the kid and that's a really toxic parental strategy in my opinion not the a-hole not only was she abdicating her parental responsibilities continually over the evening she also forced her kids to shoulder roll of the blame you were right to expect an apology from her I agree letting things like this go without an apology is not right at all and she didn't even stop after Opie had to change rooms because of her ah I'm experiencing so much secondhand annoyance wouldn't surprise me if the mother were to be a narcissist who doesn't want to actively parent our children unless others push her into the role why did why do people even have kids then why what's the points not the a-hole at all she should be leading by example as the kids are hers and she should have kept a better watch on them or at least tell them not to be as loud usually parents apologize for their kids behaviors anyhow so for her to completely turn around and call you an ass is pretty strange is there something more positive than not the a-hole this is fudging awesome good for you she tried to blame it all on the children and inconvenience to you to make herself feel better by making them apologize she sucks and I think that's where I'm gonna leave this one today guys this is the new style that I'm going with I'm gonna be doing 30 seconds of commentary mandatory after every story that I read out it doesn't matter what subreddit it is because YouTube got that ban hamma or the D monetization for reused content and I'm trying to make the content as original and is transformational as possible that means I'm not gonna be reading things verbatim I don't care if that annoys you I don't care if you come in the comments after me I don't care for those of you that love this new approach to the content and you love to hear what I have to say about things and you love my memes I love you and thank you for being here I hope you enjoy the old Marquis intro because I do I do like doing that one some people have said they don't like they say it screams they say are your hobby you're not my hobby you're a creeper I don't love you why would I love you Steve Irwin who's that guy ah I like Steve Owen I like seeing it makes me happy so that's me being me I hope you guys enjoyed it I'm gonna throw you guys to a tree monkey we'll see what he's up to today g'day there guys outro Markie here just wanted to say thank you so much for watching today's episode I hope you really enjoyed it I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed making it now with that said we have some special mentions everyone that's signed up for my patreon everyone that's a channel member you guys all know who you are I'm gonna start putting you on screen in the near future sorry I'm very lazy but I do love each and every one of you and you all know that if you want to join there is links down in the description below if you want to be a channel member there's a join button next to subscribe it helps me out immensely also I have a second channel that does memes it's called Markie - it should be on screen here now if you like memes and you want to laugh with me it's some not so politically correct content all the time hope you enjoy it click on the screen subscribe and enjoy the means that's all I have for today and I'll see you in the next episode bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 32,710
Rating: 4.8897243 out of 5
Keywords: aita, amitheasshole, r/aita, r/amitheasshole, aita reddit, markee, markee reddit, markee aita, markee amitheasshole
Id: IyJbqbJSSZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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