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mother of pearl those are snakes oh no hey it's Addie and today we are watching Raiders of the Lost Ark I am I'm excited to watch this movie The only thing I really know no I take that back I know two things about Indiana Jones one he's played by the incredible Harrison Ford and I loved him in Star Wars so I'm excited to see him as Indiana Jones um and then the other thing I know about him is that he's afraid of snakes which I if you haven't seen um in past videos I am also terrified of snakes so this should be interesting um I don't know if it's a thing where that's just very much known from Indiana Jones or if it's going to be if they're going to be a lot of snakes in this movie I don't know which is the case but I'm trying to prepare myself but I know that I can't prepare myself for what I'm about to see snake related anyway this is Indiana Jones the Raiders of the Lost Ark okay there are not too many snakes I'm just like I keep staring at the ground like trying to prepare myself for snakes is that Doc Ock the poison is still fresh three days maybe we shouldn't put that in our mouth they knew we were here they would have killed us already we're made [Music] for me Jones don't mess with him this is it this is where forest all cashed in a competitor nobody has come out of that alive please hopefully they do okay okay okay okay just some friendly friendly for some reason I saw the spiders and my brain went snakes even though they're very much not snakes I think I'm just on edge oh my mother there's so many of them stay out of the light wow oh my gosh [Music] oh stay here there are a lot of them whoever built this definitely planned ahead I feel like as soon as he picks it up something is going to happen oh the weight nice I feel like they're not free yet he's gonna happen Yep this is good I gotta get out of here throw me the idol oh maybe we can't trust you give me the word I don't no he's not going today yeah come on did he okay we're good we got it oh is that all right bye they just keep on coming on keep running foreign okay he's dead again we see there is nothing you can possess which I cannot take away for a second I was like maybe they'll just let him run off yeah we gotta get a move on we gotta go glad that mine is strong foreign he didn't tell him about his pet snake before that would have been useful to know contains a central past passage and three chambers or cysts because I understand the undisturbed chamber in the graveyard oh yeah they're in another we what did her eyes say the grave Goods that were founded oh yeah oh people to see you what do I want to see them for you must understand that this is all strictly confidential there's some kind of German archaeological dig going on in the desert outside of Cairo Tannis development proceeding staff of RA Nazis have discovered tennis city of tennis is one of the possible resting places the Ark of the Covenant the chest the Hebrews used to carry around the Ten Commandments and he may have taken the art back to the city of Tannis the city of tennis was consumed by the desert in the sandstorm wiped clean by the wrath of God the Nazis are looking for the headpiece to the staff of raw and they think Abner's got it now what's that supposed to be coming out of there the Bible speaks of the Ark leveling mountains and laying waste to entire regions they want you to go for it they want you to get a hold of the Ark before the Nazis do we have our mission I think I know where to start barriers at least of your worries right now I believe are we safe on this plane [Applause] is she gonna be okay he shot so much well she might win this [Music] down she did win come on Marion always knew someday you'd come walking back through my door so what are you doing here in Nepal I need one of the pieces your father collected oh I learned to hit you in the last 10 years I never meant to hurt you now I do this is my place I did what I did bronze piece about this size with a hole in it off center with a crystal I know it where's Abner it's dead sorry so many times again anyway I don't know where it is well maybe you could find it 3 000 bucks hmm that's not too bad I can get you another two when we get to the states come back tomorrow why because I said so that's why she might lead him into a trap though does she have that on her this is getting interesting [Music] good evening for a line the bar is closed I don't think they need a drink what do you want the same thing your friend Dr Jones wanted why are you willing to offer more do no but I know where it is why don't you tell me where the PC is right now nobody tells me what to do in my place let me show you I can be reasonable that time is passed I'll tell you everything don't do this let her go good timing I think it's some liquid courage [Music] oh man whiskey good timing you work well together even if they hate each other don't see it and he sees it okay [Music] oh man is it worth it was that worth it foreign [Music] don't do it oh damn forgotten how to show a lady a good time you're gonna get more than you bargained for they do have to work together this is gonna go well Cairo city [Music] what an adorable creature welcome well no you don't have to keep it here just because of me the excavation is enormous they have not one brain among them except one he is very clever he's a French archaeologist secondly you just look so different the Germans have a great advantage over this they are near to discovering The Well of Souls I can't find it without this can we just tell us about these markings I hope we can trust him he produced there the tonis then it is something that man was not meant to disturb death is always surrounded she's a smart little thing hey where are you going come on oh yes so it's a Nazi monkey it's not as cute anymore dad had you figured a long time ago you're being followed you know I loved you like the sun [Music] imagine he needs her help oh yikes don't go after her don't do it [Music] shhh I think I'd rather have the knife [Music] that works can she hide in a basket yep oh but the monkey knows maybe not oh the monkey does no don't no oh this is a freaking Nazi monkey [Music] it seems like a fighter oh I forgot he had a gun on him [Music] oh gosh this is good you're in the wrong place [Music] no let's not put her in there okay maybe she got out maybe she wasn't in there after all feel like I ought to kill you right now you and I are very much alike our methods have not differed as much as you pretend Jones do you realize what the arc is it's a radio for speaking to God you want to talk to God let's go see him together oh he's he's dead yes I know are we sure though don't follow them [Music] dude maybe the monkey will eat it first they gave us a new spot in which to dig not to disturb the Ark of the Covenant this means six kadam High about 72 inches wait put it in your mouth said their headpiece only inside bellox staff is too long they're digging in the wrong place [Music] good news don't don't do it but well I'm glad they had the monkey right then boy they're not kidding are they where are they digging for The Well of the souls on that Ridge but the map room is over there she's act casual we're cool [Music] is he going to be stuck in there oh and Andy doesn't know [Music] foreign [Music] here we go well we know where to look now I just don't know if we can get out of here [Music] oh [Music] probably shouldn't have walked in there oh she is alive [Music] they love each other I'm gonna be back in any minute they keep asking about you what's wrong remember the ark just married keep you out of here now I'll start calling the place for us oh he's going to oh she's going to be very angry with him perhaps a girl can have this five the perfect man for this kind of work not him again [Music] foreign oh geez oh there's just Vines or are there snakes down there why does the floor move snakes mother of pearl those are snakes oh no that's a negative for me yuck or Indiana Jones I'm with you sir very dangerous you go first that's not can we just seal it back up leave it sealed forever if you're trying to escape on foot the desert is three weeks in every direction not great odds I must apologize for the treatment of you oh you in turn to wear that I would very much like to see you in it why what do you got to drink around here soon they will come to arm you and I will not be able to stop them I have no loyalty to Jones oh I don't think we need a shepherd gosh there's so much we are there oh my mother oh my oh my gosh oh my gosh no I don't I truly don't know if I can watch this oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh you get to film with all these snakes no no no no no no no no oh I'm sweaty are all of his movies all of them have a ton of snakes oh my God oh my gosh I feel more tense than I ever have I think in any movie still on edge with the snakes are they all dead we're gonna find another snake in here I think I'm gonna get that back out oh she just acting oh she's totally distracting because we know she can handle her liquor yep she is I have to be going now Renee oh no oh no not this guy again yikes [Music] all right what shall we talk about we found it all right we still have to lift that out of there oh the snakes are not dead maybe we're just done dealing with snakes though I hope we're done dealing with snakes oh yeah you need to get out of there right now so once again Jones what was briefly yours is now mine do not wish to leave you down in that awful place all alone let me go oh no they're gonna throw her into oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh yeah don't anger the snake yes no no no no okay they really are going to seal them in in it maybe his friend will rescue him out of there oh no I don't think he's getting oh no no no no no no we are not done with snakes we are absolutely so flies are Slytherin how the hell are we gonna get out of here is there another exit somewhere oh absolutely not maybe we can blow it up [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my gosh that's terrifying no no no no no no no no this is this is like a horror movie to me oh good oh good we're out we're out of the snake tunnel questions this guy looks like he likes a good fight listen to him nice thank you oh crap definitely going can she fly ah well she's going at least [Music] that's not good [Music] ooh we're in trouble he's about here's about to run into it yep oh man oh man [Music] get the ark away from this place immediately Jones that's right friends you're not dead yeah been loaded onto a truck for Cairo yeah we need we need to get a hold of that truck meet us be ready for me we'll keep people to catch up he's Indiana Jones of course he'll be able to catch up please don't hurt the horse oh and he's on the truck [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh man we still have the guys in the truck okay both sides okay okay good come on did he get shot oh he definitely got shot just let go let go of the door oh um oh man oh man oh man [Music] hmm oh no no do not run into that car [Music] foreign heck yeah [Music] oh I was gonna do the same thing well oh his forearm idiot oh they're reading at Omar's hey thank you for helping [Applause] when they don't see where they went good wow Omar's is a good place to meet yay Mr katanga these are my friends my cabin is theirs I've heard a lot about you sir you're your help friends I am already missing you you're my good friend that is for fire that is for your children and this is for you thank you where'd you get that it's lovely oh I thought I was gonna reveal a bad guy but no I just hit it just hit Dr Jones he's such a baby go go yes well God damn it anywhere doesn't it hurt here then they're gonna kiss on the lips and he's out okay engines have stopped I'm gonna do a check what's happening [Music] don't hit it and they got it [Music] what about James Jones is dead he was of no use to us that cargo you've taken we'll go in peace with it but leave us a girl it would reduce our loss on this trip we will take what we wish no problems oh what's your plan Jones foreign [Music] that complicates things I guess you could beat this guy up and take his uniform yep that's what we're gonna do immediately oh he was very close to getting recognized is that Jones in the back hello Jones sure your persistent surprise isn't even me all I want is the girl if we refuse then your fear has no prize all your life has been spent in pursuit of archaeological relics inside the ark our Treasures Beyond Your Wildest desperation what you're gonna do this is history do as you will what is he going to do they're just going to try Jones yeah yeah well now we're in a pickle oh they're just tied up back there [Music] um well something's happening shut your eyes Marion don't look at it no matter what happened [Music] oh is that gonna work is that gonna save them [Music] something bad wow oh my oh my gosh [Music] all right oh my gosh I think it's all gonna go back into the ark or is this now like Unleashed into the world oh I think it's Unleashed or what is it over now just tucked back in us oh did you let them go wow wow your country a great service situation was totally unacceptable well gentlemen I guess that just about wraps it up where they're just not going to address it the ark is somewhere very safe from whom we have top men working on it who very happy fools bureaucratic I don't know what they've got there well I know what I've got here buy a drink [Music] who has hands on the ark now can we trust these people what all do they have ah wow I'm very intrigued with all these boxes I'm curious or like is that just so that someone can't find the one Arc or or all of those boxes just filled with potentially dangerous things like the ark I'm very interested wow that that was such a good movie like it was full of full of Adventure from the very beginning um I kept expecting mayor was a Marion Marion to like betray them at some point but I really like her and I really like that they ended up together yeah that was so fun um except for the snakes I definitely hate the snakes um I am right there within Deanna Jones on that one um I hate snakes so much wow well I'm excited to watch the next movies um and I'm sure there will probably be more snakes in those movies too uh that was the Raiders of the Lost Ark but thank you for watching be sure to like And subscribe and we will see you next time thanks
Channel: Addie Counts
Views: 67,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman, Alfred Molina, John Rhys-Davies, Indiana Jones, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Lucasfilm, Star Wars, Stranger Things
Id: 2qkUDEKbnlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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