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hey it's Addie and today we are watching Die Hard with a Vengeance this title is so intense but I am so excited to see more of my man John McLean the Die Hard movies I never expected to really get invested and to love these movies so much but here we are they're they're honestly just such great movies and it always has a great cast and the movies are just full of twists and turns along the way uh to my knowledge this one is not set around the holidays so I thought I would go ahead and watch it and also whenever I posted Die Hard 2 I just also heard so many great things about the third one so here we are going ahead and watching it I'm excited to see what happens to John McLean because he keeps getting himself into these risky situations um hopefully he has shoes in this one uh he did seem to find some shoes in the second movie so I think we're probably good there but I mean he always gets himself in these wild situations so I imagine that this movie is more of the same so here we go this is Die Hard with a Vengeance already so intense from the very beginning [Music] I really wasn't expecting that we were just having a nice friendly intro with shots of the city and then that happens okay you want to blow up a department store did you ever see a woman as a shoe cell played out by three o'clock yeah I think you better take this yeah so Simple Simon to the pyman going to the fair give me your pies is there a detective named McLean there who is this call Miss Simon what do you want I want to play a game the silence says Simon says no non-compliance will result in a penalty another big bang in a very public place yeah well that that answers my question this is how John McLean is getting involved wall skeet Lambert you know where to find McLean what is it Simon have against John McLean oh there he is next 14 dump trucks stolen from a yard in Staten Island hey what was the lottery number last night you don't know it but your badge Rick 69.91 every week I'm gonna hear him I just scared to death I want to make sure the guns are here you know you're the first woman since Holly see me through this I'm on it we're gonna drop back to 128th Street 10 blocks oh oh no no he back up ready to go back to pick you up in 15 minutes expect to be dead in four 10 after nine why aren't you in school Tony wants to sell you this I'm honestly that he's in it find him in a dumpster no he didn't steal it don't ever let people use you now where you going why to get and why is that important respect and who do we not want to help us white people that's right I'm glad he's in this it's a white man standing in the street not like this oh my gosh that's what the sign says dude Simon on the phone say he had to do this geez standing in the middle of Harlem wearing a sign that says I hate but you got about 10 seconds before those guys see you when they do they will kill you you understand sir this is a police matter for your own safety money for your own safety I suggest you hide your butt in my shop till the police get here he is the police oh okay they see they see the sign I'm on a case somebody blew up on what tellers an hour ago did you hear about that on the news yeah the same [ __ ] and do this even though it is the truth do you understand it's a friend of yours he looked like a friend of mine [Music] oh [Music] oh my gosh [Music] yeah don't mess with Zeus so Simon definitely wants John yeah who this guy wants to pound on yeah you crumbled he wants you to dance to his tune and then [ __ ] me so this name Simon is probably not an alias it's probably Simon or some variation another [Music] excited about this two liquids mix them [Music] all of that from that little bit oh my gosh okay no wonder the bombs are the explosions are large once it's mixed be somewhere else stuff is going to be pretty rare in fact he's got a double down birdie feedback loop on it Simon you've all the board walk the street and survived yeah I'm here ah there after all and your friend he's involved with this now you interfered with a well-laid plan yeah well you can stick your well-laid plan up your worldly yes oh no I hate that Zeus is just pulled in sucked into this now kind of just a wrong place at the wrong time situation I understand that you're a wacko likes to play kids games that's what I understand hardly hardly you couldn't catch me if I stole your chair with you in it huh why don't you come on down here to Police Plaza we'll figure this out like a couple of men huh come on down here 70 Second Street Subway pay for 15 minutes McLean Under the Mountain Joe this time they go with backup you got it why'd you save my one white cop gets killed today tomorrow we got a thousand white cops all of them with itchy trigger fingers got it yeah this guy doesn't care about skin color even if you do if he doesn't go along I need the phone right now I'm glad you have your badge back why was the phone busy look it's a public phone what do you want me to say simply say there was a fat woman on it and it took you a minute to get off oh he's watching them he can see her he can see them if it's a trash receptacle next to him try to run and it goes up now as I was going to some Dives I met a man with seven wives every wife had seven sacks every sack has seven cats five five no no no wait I didn't get all that say it again not a trance you're speaking so fast third uh okay he's like the freaking Riddler yeah okay we're running out of time we only have 30 seconds people a lot of numbers to remember what do you mean the riddle begins as I was going to saying as I met a man with seven wives are going anywhere just sure it's been 30 seconds give him something harder next time don't tell him that no no answer is one there's a bomb in the traffic there might not actually be a bomb you still might I don't know there might be the number three train is arriving now I left something provocative on the train yeah so he just wants 90 pounds in 30 minutes in New York traffic cop I requisition he's got proficially oh my gosh and the best Way South is not 9th Avenue is through the park there's driving right through the park yeah through the park this is wild hold on are you aiming for these people no maybe they're mine kind of looks like it oh my God north south west east how much time 27 minutes do we need a fire truck what to follow I got two officers down at the corner of 14th Street and 9th Avenue need an ambulance over do I guess [Applause] we've not destroyed this car already look at that Payphone by 10 20. what are you gonna do I'm gonna get that bomb go get my lucky day is probably the worst day of your life [Music] jumping in oh yeah that's exactly what we're doing huh this is safe [Music] [Applause] [Music] because that guy still in the taxi oh yes he is please [Music] oh my gosh and the irony that that's supposed to be a phone to the police I need that phone why don't you use the other phone because we need that one get away from me oh no we're about to get a very important call I have to answer that phone just shut up and get him in the air how much time do we have don't answer this phone all right is non-compliance goodbye no no no no but John has the bomb in his hands [Music] that's some damage hopefully everyone's safe are you laughing right now not another freaking phone with the FBI maybe not a phone call okay recognize this guy no did you recognize the voice on the phone you give us big pictures you want to hear what he knows hey I know as much as you know all right calls himself Simon for some reason he's very angry with me the name Gruber mean anything to you lieutenant yes yes Simon Peter Gruber he's Hans gruber's brother oh yeah I feel like it's probably him doing this inspector it's him no don't let him we truly cannot get a break I have put 2400 pounds of explosive in one of the 1446 schools in Guyton New York if you attempt to evacuate schools the bomb will be detonated by radio and gentlemen someone will be watching unless unless what unless John McLean that is your best friend completes the tasks I set them if you're really clever you'll learn the location of the bomb and the code to disarm it Thompson Square Park is more than two miles away so you guys ready get running no radios you take my telephone oh they bought it oh that's what he wants blind and sink are those all of the missing trucks that they were talking about earlier so basically they're getting all of the police out of that area [Music] bad news this guy's bad news somebody had fun bad news bad news [Music] this is really what they're going after we got the subway guys to shut down the third rails the emergency lights and there's still some light hey oh oh poor guy you know this guy Simon we're talking to yeah I threw his little brother off the 32nd Floor knocking Tony Towers out in L.A yeah I bet he did and you were in the flower business Mr yeah definitely all of this was thoroughly planned out whoa this was a currency exchange nope it's not oh I think we'd go straight to his trouble okay I'll be right back ah oh oh this is gonna get ugly that's cute uh-huh I think they're going to get in pretty easily wow it won't even take them that long to do all of this yeah we're clean well there's four legs and it's always ready to head that's an elephant joke out of bomb don't open it what I gotta open it oh good oh good of course we did I like how I had to start out with I am a bomb like at least it let us know feel one of the jugs with exactly four gallons of water and place it on the scale I don't get it you get it how do we go about doing it precisely and meanwhile they're just doing all of this you pour one gallon out of five gallons into there we have exactly four gallons in here come on come on oh my gosh we had five seconds to go there's a deal where's the school bomb ask yourself this question what is 21 out of 42. sending us to the home team dugout at Yankee Stadium hey hey where are you going come here what are you doing what are you doing look around man all the cops are in the Sun it's Christmas you could steal City Hall what is the Wall Street doesn't have what schools I'll be back in a minute stop toying with him and kill him now okay so be it officer let him grow understood yes sir John McLean says to give you this so thank you so much for your assistance we really appreciate it thank you please realize that he is a sketchy man I'm glad that everyone's answer to the bomb is well some kid could grab it are you all right yes laundry day no we're just gonna make a round on the Vault floor if you want to tag along sure yeah nope nope don't do it uh-huh you guys play Lottery no wife buys me two tickets every week I got the tickets right here okay that happened very suddenly ew a lot of blood but at least we have shoes on it's never about revenge oh just go yeah 14 great big dump trucks yep we almost got hit by a dump truck yep you gotta hot wire this thing of course I can I'm an electrician yeah you get us another phone so we're just gonna take this guy's phone and his car hey who was the 21st president yourself that guy was pissed when he looks in the back seat that was my gold bar oh I want him to get a gold bar at the end of this look of a dump trucks hi it's Elvis Duran you're on the air what's up first of all I just want to tell you what a great show you there's a bomb in a school every school in the metropolitan area still got airbags your side does I don't know about [Applause] oh my gosh I am surprised the car is still driving and it's still fine how in the world wait taking his truck the aqueduct aqueduct NYPD extra dump trucks come through in the last couple minutes had a dozen idiots up the tube anybody get in or out of there yeah there's a bench shaft every two miles all right I'm gonna meet you right there all right wait what am I supposed to do you're gonna go up to Yankee Stadium planning for it began back in 1954 while construction driving us 1970. come on break down Hey listen we had a report of a guy coming through here with uh eight reindeer okay that was John okay the gunshots always surprised me it always gets me is that guy dead uh-huh yes Jerry afraid he is Walter Cobb c-o-b-b he's the head of my police unit tell him to find out who the 21st president was Chester A Arthur oh thanks Jerry oh I didn't know that Jerry oh Jerry's my favorite character now good old Jer Bear hmm no the nine elegant yet there's a nine for Walter Federal Reserve yeah biggest gold storage in the world Walter yeah you gotta hear this Jerry my man I'm not at the top floor but 20 men on each floor and the other 50 men down to the basement with us we've reached the dam you can come up now attention attention news is dead I repeat Mills is dead crawl off Monday night rock you hide none then I'll drive his truck up your ass how colorful very colorful we drowned him [Music] I need to fix this buddy yeah yeah that's so much water here we are catch it okay good oh it just happens that he was passing the exact one that John was coming out of convenient you all right somebody was following you I'm telling you he's checking us around oh man fall off your search history foreign I hate that it's their school of course you got a AAA card 10 quarters the guy in the dump truck had 10 quarters with a toll on the bridge yeah how about the Coast Guard come on come on I'm in a hurry I'm going first this time all right what a great partner six more minutes oh don't look up don't look up no no no no [Music] oh that's terrified please tell me if they're gonna be okay what ah that did what I thought it just did right it just happened so fast and this scene you could call Two and a Half Men how's it work you know how to shoot a gun look all Brothers don't know how to shoot guns you're racist mother yeah okay she didn't even have to use your gun that time John said don't be the hero call in that cool don't take shape no no no okay I hate that there's like children involved in this yo where you going no you need to get out of the school and you don't go away Energizer Bunny keep going and going and stabbing are you sir you literally stopped you 30 seconds it takes a minute Charlie here are still more kids [Music] blurry no no no no no bomb in school was it of course that's good that makes me feel a soldier not a monster game over huh not quite over you know your brother was an [ __ ] oh don't forget the father oh you really oh for too long the West goes by to steal the wealth of the world today oh so it wasn't even about taking it for themselves didn't actually you don't even like your brother I didn't even know that I've had a bad headache all day long priorities betrayed us containers are filled with that wow no gold on this boat you know that I know the man I know the family but you're not gonna die yeah you know some cop trick about handcuffs is gonna get us out of this yeah here's your key you know I was just starting to like you I fight on the phone she hung up I didn't call her back how long ago was that about a year ago now oh okay definitely separated we think that's funny how you laugh at other people's responses right my wife was a very stubborn woman no just go without having your death on my Consciousness that's probably not gonna make it happy oh oh my gosh wow I think they're mad at me right now they're busy with this Salvage operation again just collecting John yeah it's John yeah I'm hanging in there it's Holly there Holly bad timing wow they still got their gold hot dang yesterday we were an army with no country we have to decide which country we want to buy take over all right listen up oh yeah yeah I didn't think that was oh okay see I thought that this is what they were gonna do and then I thought she was gonna kill him for a second interesting relationship thanks I have something personal to finish [Music] yeah I don't think you're too happy with John behind [Music] Facebook Landing it looks like it's yeah yeah okay that was a fairly smooth Landing what are you doing I'm trying to get his attention [Music] I had no idea say hello to your brother hey good shot John lots of explosions in this movie I guess at least the brothers yeah there it is I guess it has to be at every movie I guess I'm glad that the brothers are at least United now what what you're trying to call Holly Holly hanging on hold yeah I don't know Zeus a very stubborn woman oh okay I I really liked that one too and I guess not all of the Die Hard movies can be set during the holiday season okay fine but I still really enjoyed this one and one of the biggest reasons that I wanted to go ahead and watch this one was I mean one I've heard it's still really good and I need to watch it but two Samuel L Jackson is in this so of course I had to watch it and he was so great I loved his character in this I loved his Dynamic with Bruce Willis uh it was just so good this movie was very intense I mean obviously all of them are that that's kind of their thing but I mean just the whole I don't know you think that Simon is just playing with them and has something against John McLean which he kind of does um but you think it's just related to that and then you realize it's this whole bigger thing this whole distraction so that they can steal all of the gold from the Federal Reserve wow a lot going on um yeah I the the villains are just so smart in these films and of course they have to be but I just love how they're always a few steps ahead and their plans are always so developed and so thought out so that it's really hard to finally catch up to them um but finally John did and somehow they didn't die on that boat very thankful for that uh I I still really enjoyed this and I wish there was more of Holly in this one but at least at the end we're getting maybe a little bit of that with him finally calling her back a year later so in my head in in my head I'm just going to imagine that they live happily ever after and then that's that they're they're together they're together forever obviously well that was Die Hard with a Vengeance such a strong powerful title thank you for watching be sure to like And subscribe and we will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Addie Counts
Views: 41,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bruce Willis, Bonnie Bedelia, William Sadler, Reginald VelJohnson, William Atherton, Franco Nero, Robert Patrick, Dennis Franz, John Amos, John Leguizamo, Art Evans, Samuel L Jackson, Jeremy Irons
Id: ajSnJpwDNt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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