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hey it's Addie and today we are watching Silence of the Lambs [Music] I'm so nervous for this movie I I am not lying when I say I kid you not I have never seen a horror movie in my life horror is not my thing I don't want it to ever become my thing I don't see myself enjoying any aspect of horror movies at all um so this is going to be something it's going to be interesting um I did watch the trailer for this because I I don't think that I could walk into this movie without having an idea of what I was walking into so I did watch the trailer um I think I'll be creeped out for sure um I think I will be disturbed but you know we're going to do it I have heard it's a great film so I uh I'm I'm ready to watch this great film um I'm honestly just stalling because I'm so nervous to watch this movie I think I've probably sat in this chair for like 10 minutes before even starting to record because I'm nervous so so we're just gonna do it you know you know it's only a two-hour movie so it's only two hours of my life and it's only a movie I mean there are still serial killers um in the world um that that is a thing but we're just not gonna think about it oh right now we're just going to say that this is just a movie um okay just gonna jump in this is the Silence of the Lambs all right oh you're by yourself you're totally gonna die I'm scared for you darling why is even this shot creepy why I think I'm just on edge I think that's all it is good morning good morning Mr Crawford jobs come up and I thought about you we're interviewing all the serial killers now in custody most of them have been happy to talk to us you spook easily Sterling I spook easily I want you to go after him again today on the Asylum the psychiatrist Hannibal Lecter panel the cannibal I've heard that name so if you won't cooperate I went just straight reporting copy of our questionnaire and a special ID for you all right all right be very careful with Hannibal Lecter believe me you don't want Hannibal Lecter inside your head never forget what he is oh he's a monster you know we get along I can't ever remember one is attractive um in Baltimore overnight this can be quite a fun town if you have the right guide no inappropriate let's make this quick then oh my does he hate us sometimes he's Nemesis well I I don't necessarily like you right now so far I don't believe an actor's even seen a woman in eight years or you ever his taste so to speak yeah do not touch the glass do not approach the glass use the sliding through the carrier no exceptions in July 8 1981 he complained of chest pains and was taken to the dispensary when the nurse leaned over him he did this to him his pulse never got above 85. up I know for certain my tendency oh so she's just locked into how fun well we know which one he's in his cell is definitely different oh my gosh hi can I speak with you just waiting you're one of Jack crafts aren't you may answer your credentials certainly oh he did give her a fake badge okay okay closer please is there any personal information on that and Andrea FBI are you I'm still in training at the Academy I'm here to learn from you maybe you can decide for yourself whether or not I'm qualified enough to do that said please say he's a psychiatrist or psychologist he knows what he's doing too what did Minx say to you he hissed at you I can smell your see that you use heavier skin cream you do all these Rollings Dr that is the Duomo scene from the Belvedere memory is what I have instead of a view Jack Crawford must be very busy indeed busy hunting that no one Buffalo Bill Howard why do you think he removes their skins most serial killers keep some sort of trophies from their victims I didn't yeah yeah yeah you think you can dissect me with this blunt little tool why don't you look at yourself and write down what you see it's time to test me I ate his liver with some fava beans nice candy okay what you fly back to school now little starting oh he's not going to green eggs oh my gosh go seek out Miss muffins an old patient of mine oh Daddy hey um [Music] it was just loud just a loud noise it makes us dead what they found him at bed check he'd swallowed his own tongue what I'd like to do it to amuse himself Moffat any follow-up on her I looked in the phone book and there's a your self storage facility oh no what are we gonna find here miss Hester Muffet nobody's been in here since 1980. knowledge I think this is Hannibal's do you know my backups actually yeah I would not want to check this out by myself at night if this door should fall down or anything else they know that you're with me people do this no you need another person here and also maybe check it out in the daytime yikes is there a smell smell of dead bodies no one could be in here right because the door hasn't been opened in so long the door's gonna shut yeah yeah no no is it ew okay okay that's gross the rest of me meaning that you rented that garage where is he no no it's too dark in here no where is he mother trucker your bleeding has stopped oh he was just you can smell the blood his real name is Benjamin raspberry I did not kill him I assure you merely tucked him away very much as I found him if you didn't kill him then who did Sir best thing for him really his therapy was going nowhere how did you feel when you saw him Clarisse scared at first then accelerated could we turn the lights on earlier what happened to your drawings punishment you see for migs I've been in this room for eight years now I want a window where I can see a tree far away from Dr Chilton I'm offering you a psychological profile at Buffalo Bill I'll have to catch him Clary a voice ah you know who it is don't you our little Billy must already be searching for that next special lady is this the next victim I don't want to see this happen hmm I don't like these goggles I don't like this little Masky thing okay I don't want to see her die dang this movie is going to make me scared to get out of my car at night [Music] no this is a trap this is a trap this is a trap this is a [ __ ] trap don't do it don't do it don't do it can I help you with that no no this is literally a truck dude I want to push it all the way up no you're about to get kidnapped or or died at least kidnapped that's great what [Music] why did he ask her size dude don't skin her right now are my literally about to see him skin her while she's alive no find a girl's body down in West Virginia it's been in the water about a week keeps him alive for three days we don't know why all the muted Lake you see there is post-mortem so what's the significance for the three days that's Frederica bimel the first one after her he got lazy Jack Crawford FBI this type of sex crime oh they're not letting her way to make it weird boys oh I see okay that's a huge funeral are we at I assume that was her dad excuse me gentlemen there's things we need to do for her go on now let us take care of her right as big as the body will smell like that cover it oh he doesn't he doesn't need it but they're they are showing some of this Hoover fingernails were broken off it looks like she's tried to claw her way through something something in her throat lots of times there's like leaves and things in the mouth I imagine it's not just leaves and things like that somebody shoved it in there huh why it should be easier to print when we turn her over what are you making these little two large diamond shaped sections above the buttocks they told us sure if we shouldn't talk in front of a woman it really burned you didn't it yeah I had to get rid of them cops look at you to see how to act point taken still my turn we're researching the bugs where the heck did this come from it's Buffalo Bill isn't it I'm afraid I can't tell you more about that but I think it is always a big sucker you forgot for cheeseburgers and beer is this a pickup line [Music] not the time [Music] around here sticks the dust had moth from imported eggs oh somebody grew this guy kept him warm somebody loved him okay oh is this the serial killers like place it's just like Buffalo's Buffalo Bills layer he has a dog too you don't deserve a dog oh he's just keeping her in a well what this is the number for the U.S attorney's office please discuss this with him if your profile helps us catch Buffalo Bill Senator promises he would transfer the VA hospital at Oneida Park New York and there you have it Buffalo Bill case File copy of the Senator's offer Catherine Martin Dies you get nothing sounds Charming it's probably better than this room if I help you Clarissa the Bobby turns with us too I tell you things you tell me things no you're not supposed to do that you're not supposed to tell him personal things what is your worst memory of childhood death of my father one night he surprised two burglars coming out the back of the drugstore they shot him when he I think it would be quite something to know even private line are you in private she had an object deliberately inserted into her throat butterfly yes a moth how would he know that the significance of the moth is change our belly wants to change too after your father's murder you were often I want to live with my mother's cousin and her husband in Montana how long did you live there two months twice a briefly I ran away oh tried to be a lot of things his reflection I wouldn't be surprised if Billy had applied for sex reassignment Billy hates his own identity is he it rubs the lotion on its skin it does this whenever it's told it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again I don't know what is happening oh that's terrifying that she's just being kept in a well oh my gosh oh there's so much blood [Music] I call Senator Ruth Martin she never heard of any deal with you they scammed you animal I was all fake there never was a deal anymore but there is now he's gonna get that oh here's a Buffalo Bill his first name is Louis I thought the rest of the senator himself but only in Tennessee clean him up and get him ready to go him up is all I think he said did you have a trainee make some sort of phony offered elect during the Senator's name well she's mad as hell the mask is very creepy ah this is the creepiest he's ever looked shine right here will have us illegal transfer he doesn't have to pay [Music] hi nice to meet you I brought an affidavit guaranteeing your new rights let me help you now and I will trust you when it is all over you have my word Paul Buffalo Bill's real name is Lois friend how would he knew that I met him just once he was referred to me murdered a transient done things with her skin did you nurse Catherine yes sir what did your breasts feed her that's a very weird question amputate a man's leg and he can still feel it tickling when your little girl is on the slab where will it tickle you Baltimore what is wrong with you with you maybe about 35 now he said he lived in Philadelphia but may have lied oh and Senator just one more thing I love your suit my name is Dr Frederick oh you're just making all this about yourself okay access to lecture is strictly limited we've been getting death threats you do know the rules ma'am yes Lieutenant Boyle I've questioned him before oh wow good evening Clary good evening I thought you might like your drawings back doctor or did Jack Crawford send you for one last Weedle no I came because I wanted to people will say we're in love [Music] pity about poor Catherine though Tick Tock your anagrams are showing Dr Lou's friend iron sulfide also known as as fool's gold what's your problem is you need to get more fun out of life yeah because you have a lot of fun in life for sure I was the first and principle thing he does what needs does he serve sexual frustrations no he covets We Begin by coveting what we see every day don't your eyes seek out the things you want why did you leave that ranch please listen to me we've only got five no I will listen now what set you off I strange noise what did you see Clary well they were screaming they were slaughtering the spring Lambs I opened the gate to their pen but they were what the game of your land Glory still make up sometimes don't you hear the screaming of the loud well the movie isn't called the screaming of the Lambs The Silence of the Lambs do you think if Catherine lives you won't wake up in the dark ever again that awful screaming of the Lamb thank you now you have some information to give too are they going to get interrupted I'll be pissed let's go sorry ma'am I've got orders she was so close before he rudely interrupted her help find parents yeah no he wrote the name down somewhere or gave her a clue I will say you're a very good artist congratulations on that ready when you are duck just another minute please oh something's gonna happen good evening Jackie same drill as before please what you gonna do you're gonna have to move fast to do this what oh my gosh what are you about to do okay so step one get out of the handcuffs oh my gosh my heart is racing right now they're not gonna care about his drawings oh my gosh the anticipation of this scene oh oh whoa oh ow oh oh oh that was a little gross [Music] oh you're about to get knocked out are there cameras on him or anything oh my gosh ah he definitely enjoys this you'd want to try to like get out of here right away ready when you are searching memory what are you gonna do to him what is this a lot of security I don't think he could get out of the building shots fired on fire repeat Bobby get the best I don't think Circle would be bold enough to go all the way down with that many of them waiting seal off a 10 block radius give me the SWAT team or an ambulance double quick honestly surprised there weren't more guards on him oh oh that's what he did he definitely made a whole spectacle about it lectors missing and armed what Sergeant Tate how is he alive remember can you hear me the oil's gun looking good where is Hannibal I'm on the elevator bringing family down we think he's on Tube what what is above them what is above them right now [Music] is that confirmed or maybe he just put something there's a gun by his hand I don't think that's him situations that's Hannibal I thought there was something that I thought it looked like it I literally thought it looked like him when he was lying on the ground but I was like no that's stupid of you Addie that's stupid crew is dead he killed a tourist too he won't come after me oh really a lot about you he would consider that rude are you sure he's here ordelia [Music] doesn't this random scattering of sightseem Desperately random desperately random random because of the one girl Frederica first girl taken third body found what does this guy do we covet what we see you know hands are a little sweaty right now oh hello I'm Clary Starling I'm with the FBI Frederica went in Chicago on the bus to see about a job her bedroom is how she left it everything is creeping me out right now it might seem to help a woman's suit Mr Crawford out of real women he has to keep them alive so he can starve them a while are you sure that's great news Sir Charles Hopkins came up with some names Jamie gum AKA John Grant live caterpillars from Suriname see if we can dress up with velvet here I'll do my best thanks for the scraps [ __ ] I got a better idea is this today's gonna kill her come on girl [Music] oh is she planning on pulling the dog down I guess that's what her plan is [Applause] didn't work he is the start of a skin suit Stacy did Frederick ever mention a man named Jamie gum no sewing was her life she used to help her do alterations for all Mrs Litman can you give me Mrs litman's address I need to talk to her yeah yeah oh she did get precious she's in a lot of pain don't you hurt my dog don't you make me hurt your dog keep it right now now would be a bad time good afternoon um I'm looking for Mrs litman's family I really need to speak with you oh my gosh and she has no backup she has no backup well I'm investigating the death of Frederica bimel there's no one here Jack yeah Jack Gordon did you know her no I read about her in newspaper Mrs Lipman had a son or maybe he could help you I got his card in here someplace come in while I look for him don't come in don't come in don't go into the house we are hundreds of miles away from her okay this is good it's around here don't seem to have the First clothes I hope I hope she's putting a few things together description for your friends like that okay she okay she she realizes good here's that number he's about to grab a gun put your hands thumbs up the gun he's gonna grab the gun ah oh he's going downstairs oh no no you need some backup for you where is he he could be behind either door either door oh it's too dark he could be anywhere he could be literally anywhere [Music] oh that's the suit that's definitely the suit she should not be here by herself okay for Martin yes FBI you're safe I don't think you're safe yet oh my heart is racing where the f is he I'm gonna get you out of there but right now you listen to me I gotta leave this room I'll be right back the other officers will be here any minute now that's not true but that's good for him to think that it's true where is he there are too many doors in The Sting place he could be anywhere oh my gosh my heart is crazy you you no no no no no no no no no no no he's in this room he's in his [ __ ] room oh no oh my gosh she might die oh no I don't know if you survived this oh he's he could touch her he could literally touch her please send but he's right there he's my mother oh oh no oh no no oh my gosh she shot him first foreign [Music] congratulations my heart is still racing but congratulations I'm happy for you looks good at this kind of thing so I'm gonna duck out of here thank you your father would have been proud today don't forget your phone call starling have the lamb stop screaming because I won't be on long enough I'm having an old friend for dinner is that [Music] oh my gosh he's about to eat him he's going to eat him oh my gosh that's how the movie ends okay ah I'm definitely freaked out right now um from the end I guess I was just on edge for Clarice because I didn't know if she was about to die at the end because it looked like she was very much about too watched it oh it was a it was very well done it was an incredible film I don't think I need to watch it again it was so creepy ah I think just the suspense the whole time is really what got me like I guess it wasn't as scary as I expected just very very disturbing the whole time and just not knowing what's coming next hmm yeah I don't think I need to watch it again although um joke's on me because I do kind of have to watch it again while I'm editing this video wow that was very intense honestly I forgot that it was Odin himself who plays Hannibal Lecter he was incredible so creepy his delivery of just all of his lines so creepy and that's the point but uh like it was just so different than obviously Odin what I know him from Fantastic actor very creepy uh I truly like I walked into the movie thinking oh maybe because I know he's Odin maybe that'll help me through it no it didn't help me through it I completely forgot until I see his name uh in the credits he's very creepy so like such such a great movie that I don't need to see again but acting phenomenal um the shots really just added to the whole suspense yeah I need to watch something happy now something I don't know what oh well that was the Silence of the Lambs again I'm glad I watched it it's such a a classic horror Thriller psychological Thriller I can now say I have watched it but while I am creeped out I am disturbed thank you for watching along be sure to like And subscribe and we will see you next time
Channel: Addie Counts
Views: 66,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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