FINALLY watching *RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK* | Film Grad's First Time Watching Indiana Jones

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[Music] hahaha [Laughter] [Music] hey everybody and welcome to another movie night I'm Jackie and today we are watching Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark now I fully acknowledge I have no good excuse for never having seen this movie this is kind of like Star Wars for me and that there are things I know about it from pop culture but oddly I've seen Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade many many times I don't know why but that's the one that I grew up watching that's the only one I remember I could probably quote you scenes from that movie we watched it so many times but I don't know why we never watched Raiders or I never watch Raiders maybe my parents watched it and I never did but I genuinely have no memory of watching this movie and all that I know about it is from pop culture things like the boulder I think the idol he swaps the weight on the idol that's been referenced 50 million times obviously the score is incredibly iconic it's hard not to know anything about Indiana Jones but particularly with the new one coming out I went to look back at the franchise and realize I have no memory of watching Raiders of the Lost Ark and I know for a fact that I've never seen Temple of Doom my mom swears we never watched it in my house but particularly with all the love for kihoi Kwan recently I have been dying to go back and watch it and see the film that really gave him his start but I would feel wrong if I didn't watch Raiders of the Lost Ark and make sure that I knew everything that I needed to know going into this franchise it has been a gap in my education it's definitely one of those iconic movies that we probably didn't watch in film school because it was assumed that you had already seen it but either way it has been on my shame list and I am finally checking it off today I am dressed on theme because you guys know me I love a theme and I will no longer be able to say that I've never seen Raiders of the Lost Ark before so I'm excited to share it with you guys and be publicly shamed on the internet for never having seen it there are probably things that I will recognize again from pop culture but also because I have seen the Last Crusade I you know this character I do know the gist of it I've just never actually sat and watched Raiders of the Lost Ark so on that note we're gonna get into this as always please don't forget to like this video If you enjoyed it drop me a comment let me know your thoughts on Raiders of the Lost Ark on the Indiana Jones franchise on the new one dial of Destiny what are your thoughts I saw some initial reviews today I'm curious to hear what you guys think we shall see redder is better so hit what may or may not be a big red subscribe button depending on your browser check me out on patreon for the full-length version of this reaction as well as all of my other content and Twitter and Instagram for other ways to follow on that note let's get into Raiders of the Lost Ark oh that transition John Williams The Legend like a young Alfred Molina pre-doc awk oh what a reveal his iconic whip not just a pretty face [Laughter] oh Jesus no no no no spiders no spiders please no spiders please I would not be as calm as him in this situation oh my god oh numb oh nope nope I'd be I'd be gone I am Alfred Molina that would also be my response [Music] again I would be Alfred Molina in this situation sorry there's nothing to fit here yeah be so sure always assume more booby traps stay here for Molina in this situation gladly [Music] how many times has that been used and referenced in pop culture yep oh dear oh my goodness throw me the idol no it's a trap no don't do it don't do it he's gonna take it and run yep okay I am not Alfred Molina anymore [Music] gotta grab the whip handy dandy whip oh I don't want to be offered Molina anymore oh yes the iconic the iconic [Music] out of the frying pan and Into the Fire again we see there is nothing you can possess which I cannot take away rude I don't know that actor's name but how long do you think he practiced that cackle in the mirror as someone who has had to cackle on stage before you practice gotta get it right [Music] already I've thought of so many references to other movies that were very obviously influenced by this so this is Pirates of the Caribbean right now I'm seeing Jack Sparrow running up the beach Tomb Raider which I know was obviously very heavily influenced by Indiana Jones there were some very specific scenes in the Tomb Raider reboot which I meant I know better than the original that were taken out of this [Music] [Laughter] always have a getaway car or in this case a getaway plane on standby you never know when you're gonna need to make a quick exit oh he hates snakes there's a big snake in the playing shark oh that's just my pets like Richie I've heard that I hate him come on show a little backbone will you there was this video that I watched years ago that was like that's one of those lines that you hear on like dubsmash and Tick Tock and all of those all right let's get back to this site oh my God he's the OG hot professor passage and three chambers he really is the undisturbed chamber and the grave Goods that were found here oh my God yeah most of them don't care about archeology If Only They knew what a badass he really was yeah the Ark of the Covenant the chest the Hebrews used to carry around the Ten Commandments and if you believe in that sort of thing if you guys ever go to Sunday school God yes that's just what the Hebrews thought the Bible speaks of the Ark leveling mountains and laying waste to entire regions an army which carries the ark is invincible please have that Marianne's the least of your worries right now believe me if they there's always a girl it's like nothing you've ever gone after before what are you trying to do scare me you sound like my mother yes he is trying to scare you you should be scared you're talking about the boogeyman besides you know what a cautious fellow I am [Music] he says as he throws the gun into his bag [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] he's on this plane hopefully I wonder if that's where they got the idea for Snakes on a Plane was literally just that so incredibly iconic line [Applause] [Laughter] and a girl bravo oh my goodness that iconic shape hell of an entrance I always knew someday you'd come walking back through my door [Music] I need one of the pieces your father collected I learned to hate you in the last 10 years a man deserve it I can only say I'm sorry so many times I will say it again anyway everybody's sorry for something truer words trust me oh no huh yep yep see you tomorrow Indiana Jones oh my goodness that shot that was beautiful that was beautiful the heartbreaker just Han Solo in this universe [Music] you mean this thing this little thing is she gonna sneak off just leave it there do you still have it no but I know where it is it's definitely not sitting on the table right in front of you let me show you what I am used to oh dear Nick you sicko [Music] Indy to the rescue that fire is concerning me though oh dear she gonna spit on him and light him up or something or she just needed some liquid courage laughs the Shadows on the wall is a great effect oh no is he gonna see it oh oh you shouldn't have taken it off sucks for you I know it was because it was hot but I would like to call it judgment on his soul [Laughter] [Music] it's a good incentive what was five grand back then that must have been quite a bit mm-hmm Cairo generous Davies is this the monkey that's in everything like one famous movie monkey how long do monkeys live they hire only strong backs and they pay pennies for rude touche it is something that troubles me hmm the ark is something that man was not meant to disturb death is always surrounded it is Indy starting as the skeptic and then he's gonna be like oh shoot yeah we all shouldn't Touch This what's this it's a day you eat them is it now I don't think she wants a date from you honey oh because yeah [Music] is the monkey an informant [Applause] oh my God even the monkey looks sneaky dad had you figured a long time ago said you were a bomb always being generous [Laughter] not much just you oh dear perfect timing oh [Music] when did these come out this must have been the 70s [Applause] yeah this is very 70 80s film violence I love it hi [Laughter] ah the handy dandy whip oh oops oh the frying pan always the frying pan [Music] never underestimate the frying pan it is one of the most iconic movie weapons of all time nice smart girl smart girl come on she's gonna give her away [Music] you little snitch oh dear final boss [Music] [Laughter] oh that was beautiful no keep screaming yep follow follow the sound yep it's like a maze oh very tight close-up oh oh shell game this man really knows how to cause a scene oh oh that was a good idea if not for that oh dear [Music] nine nine oh please tell me she got out please have that awesome moment of walking up in the moment of hopeless oh this is a misdirect did she actually die this is your fault little monkey little snitch you're making it very hard to love you [Laughter] so what's his name it's the same bathroom good afternoon Dr Jones yeah I'll kill you right now we can at least behave like civilized people ah there's a comment to be made about who's civilized and who's not you keep using the horde I don't think it means what you think it means well shall I find a new adversary so close to my own level try the local sewer mwah I am a shadowy reflection of you they go near nudge to make you like me I love that he's openly admitting that he's the bad guy Jones do you realize what the ark is it's a transmitter you want to talk to God I can arrange that snitch of a monkey oh the shots of his eyes they keep framing his eyes that's so interesting you rap bastard when they came out of the map room they gave us a new spot in which to dig is the monkey gonna eat it and die is that how they find out that they're poisoned you said their headpiece only had markings on one side you're absolutely sure a piece ah suck it Nazis [Laughter] look he's dead oh yep wow man's gonna be sad he killed his informant both snitches in this movie Alfred Molina and the monkey [Laughter] casual nothing to see here is it gonna settle somewhere oh definitely you'll know it when you see it kind of situation [Music] haha oh it's a warning [Music] nothing to say it here oh dear oh dear who's tent oh I was right it was a misdirect oh I mean glad you're alive that did seem really early to kill off the lead female of the film I know where the ark is Marion but I'll take you out of here now I'll start combing the place for us yeah yeah there is some logic to that perhaps there's some vital bit of evidence which eludes us um perhaps I tell you the gun knows nothing oh surprised to find your screamers that is not your reputation I don't think it's squeamish oh you [ __ ] [Music] does he have the side that they don't burn on his hand oh the silhouette they really make use of his silhouette in this movie and it is really beautifully done between the shadows and the backlighting it's really really beautifully done oh fine you shouldn't be here yep yep yep yeah yeah hello why does the floor move what [Music] Indy's worst nightmare oh my God to be fair that is the stuff of nightmares oh my Lord snakes why did it have to be why couldn't we follow the butterflies go first [Laughter] yeah I'm sorry it wasn't no food no water what kind of people are these friends of yours Nancy ain't got no Humanity even in this part of the world we are not entirely uncivilized there's that word again beautiful I would very much like to see you in it of course you would I'm disinclined to acquiesce request what do you got to drink around here she's a snarky hostage I appreciate it [Music] Ryan you are beautiful that's true [Music] ah sneaky oh my God no no no no no you are not Karen Gillen and Jumanji you do not have multiple lives no no no no no no huh I told you it would be all right don't speak too soon finally get down here he's like I thought I thought you're good like no you got this you got this you're you're good on your own ah there you go all right two hmm [Music] a particular skill of hers keep up dude [Music] pathetic she's gonna drink them under the table Bravo girl oh she's baking sneaky girl I grew up with this then you should be better at it [Laughter] she's good oh she is pretending to be way drunker than she is well done I have to be good now Renee perhaps we need something better oh good try hon faking too Americans you're all the same always overdressing for the wrong occasions oh says the man looking like a 1936 Lord [Music] oh my Lord all right it's glowing that's why whoa Jesus [Music] so gold is its own light source oh the shadow is more Shadow God isn't this I really really really appreciate the shadow shots all right pick it up carefully please it's more fragile than a piano [Music] we're coming they're making off with our loot no [Music] again hello ah whatever are you doing in such a nasty Place why don't you come on down here I'll show you [Laughter] what was briefly yours is now mine someone hurt this man you're about to become a permanent addition to this archaeological find a thousand years even you may be worth something son of a [ __ ] but I do not wish to leave you down and all alone oh [Music] nice catch that fall could have killed her by itself [Music] [Laughter] you bastards I'll get you for this yeah take this wave it at anything that slithers his whip huh I'm working on it I'm working on it whatever you're doing [Music] through that wall through that wall oh I respect him being so calm in his worst nightmare I feel like whips after this movie would have been like bow and arrow after the Hunger Games just everybody I want everybody training oh geez but yes I imagine whips were incredibly popular after this movie foreign [Music] nice he's good at making rocks tumble oh shoot Hindi that's definitely worth the idea for the Death Eater skull came from oh it tells our success in the desert when we are very far from here I do respect that don't catch your chickens before they hatch it's not over till it's over oh oh dear oh dear oh yep beware the propellers come on dada he's like seriously all right I'm coming the plane's gonna start rolling made you look oh [Music] oh poor Andy kicked out of him nice well done girl oh dear in a right State now [Music] dear huh oh yeah this moment feels so Star Wars the music in the background and her signing a Copic like yeah that that moment felt so Star Wars nice oh boy shouldn't have celebrated oh oh ouch oh nice [Music] but you wear the propellers yep whoa one of them yep okay at least it wasn't the whole site that would have been really sad if the whole site went up yep just the monkey in the wrench I'm so pleased you're not dead I'm going after that truck oh okay I don't know I'm making this up as I go [Laughter] and doing a marvelous job some great one-liners [Music] phonics score John Williams man nice not your ordinary professor oh hi better luck next time nice oh my God just happened to my voice oh that cheeky grin single-handedly taking down the whole motorcade he were Nazis in the world I guess [Music] I haven't heard a Wilhelm scream yet I'm gonna be very disappointed if I don't hear one by the end of the movie [Music] ouch well he was bound to get hit eventually [Music] is right oh that was good I give him credit oh oh it's a dick move but it's yeah hold onto the Mercedes logo yeah hitting someone on their injury it's a dick move but it's effective oh talk about Road Rash oh oh that looks painful that's commitment oh to the face out you go trick only works once ha you're not Indiana Jones suckers nice I don't want your fruit I'm gonna be Everything At Last has been arranged I'll tell you the same thing I told the Germans don't celebrate too soon I have a bad feeling about this it's not over till it's over that is for fire that is for your children and this is for you oh that was cute I would never see anything like that before that was cute yeah that horn that's how he's feeling up oh British star is a soaring soul still have a bad feeling about this I thought I heard a gunshot I thought he accidentally shot himself or something not the man I knew 10 years ago yes it's the mileage touche yes it hurts wow well God damn it anywhere doesn't it hurt nowhere here friends for your children [Music] [Laughter] always gets the girl don't you just fall asleep on her I mean I know you're tired but come on that's bad engines have stopped I'm gonna do a check literally burned through the ark is sending you a sign it doesn't want to go with the Nazis I don't care for these Nazis and you may quote me on that I appreciate her going for it Jones is dead he was of no use to us huh sneaky sneaky you are not in the position to ask for anything we will take what we wish he tried and then decide whether or not to blow your ship from the water Nazi douchebags it is ironic that Nazis are going after the Ark of the Covenant and then in slaving Jews just saying [Music] [Laughter] hey they're cheering from oh my goodness how could you not be incredible with theme music like this though I mean if that music played in the background every time I did something I'd feel like a badass too like I'd never give up I just want to hear it over and over and over again burn [Music] redder is not better in this situation the steel is uniform a great way to sneak around [Music] too small this one's better I'm I'm comfortable with the thought of this Jewish ritual um just another uniform always over dressing for the wrong situations sweat [Music] Jones yep your persistent surprise isn't even me it shouldn't you're gonna give mercenaries a bad name [Laughter] you win blow it up so look calling his bluff he knows he would never we are simply passing through history touche this this is history you're not wrong do as you will yeah he can't do that yeah kind of like a Hippocratic Oath he can't destroy it well this is gonna end well what did we say about the wrath of God oh the hypocrisy oh dear oh dear oh dear do you believe now oh dear not for the eyes of Mortals it's like the plague that swept over Egypt so it reminds me of [Music] is it it is not look great keep your eyes shut [Music] yeah you guys are like the modern day pharaohs nope plague is right you have been judged Nazis yeah I don't think the message could have been any clearer nope burn through the ropes I love that cleaned up afterward too no bodies no mess nice and clean cleanse the world of those Nazis the ark is somewhere very safe from whom good question hey what happened you don't look very happy fools bureaucratic [Music] come on buy a drink [Music] nothing like surviving the Ark of the Covenant together an actual plague from God brings people together oh [Music] what other stuff do they have here [Music] is this Area 51 is this what's actually there other plunder do they have that was great that was a lot of fun and yeah I definitely don't remember ever watching this there are frames like there are individual shots and little bits and pieces that I recognize obviously some from pop culture some probably of like your parents have a movie on in the background that you're not paying attention to but you vaguely remember maybe things like that but I definitely don't ever remember actually watching this all the way through so I'm really really glad that I did I definitely was curious watching this though because as a fan of The Big Bang Theory I do remember the episode where Sheldon made Amy watch this with him and she commented that there was a massive plot hole that Indiana Jones was completely unnecessary to the movie that nothing changed and nothing would have changed if he hadn't been there so as I was watching this I kind of kept watching like okay does this affect anything does this affect anything does this affect anything and I guess technically the only thing I could think would be that they had the correct head was it was it called the the correct head to the staff but did they establish that with the guy's burn hand that they wound up find getting the right information anyway so they would have found it eventually anyway they would have opened it they all would have died I guess I don't think it's strictly true I don't think it's 100 sure that Indiana was irrelevant because I don't know like mentally going through the movie now I guess the Americans wouldn't have ended up with it because in theory if he wasn't there they all would have just died in that and the Ark would have just stayed where it was but I'm no no because they couldn't have been was it the entire Nazi party how did how did they get off the island because it couldn't have been all the Nazis they wouldn't have brought the entire crew on the island with them unless the ark just killed all the Nazis but then how did they operate a submarine all by them oh they had a radio they could have called okay I don't know I'm overthinking it I'm entirely overthinking it I don't know if I 100 agree that Indiana Jones's presence was Superfluous I don't know that I 100 agree with that but on the other hand I kind of see that either way I did thoroughly enjoy this I really really did enjoy this and it absolutely deserved to spawn a franchise I can understand how this would be so successful and so popular it came out it's a really really fun movie and one I genuinely would watch again just a spectacular Harrison Ford Steven Spielberg action romp I don't think there's too much else I really need to say it's a fun movie it's a great movie I'm curious to see the rest of the franchise because I have seen Last Crusade I really do enjoy Last Crusade I think it's a good movie I know Temple of Doom was kind of the low point of the trilogy when it was a Trilogy I know King of the Crystal Skull was not received well I am starting to see early reviews of dial of Destiny I'm curious to hear what you guys think about it but I feel like this is probably one of those franchises where the first one is always the best one and I'll just have to see for myself but on that note I think that's gonna be it as always please don't forget to like this video If you enjoyed it drop me a comment let me know your thoughts on Raiders of the Lost Ark as well as the rest of the Indiana Jones franchise I would love to hear your guys's experiences the first time you saw it and what these movies mean to you because they are pretty iconic redder is better except when it's a Nazi flag so hit what may or may not be a big red subscribe button depending on your browser check me out on patreon for the full-length version of this reaction as well as all of my other content and Twitter and Instagram for other ways to follow on that note I'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: Movie Night with Jacqui
Views: 55,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AS8AzVEpyec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 58sec (2518 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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