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hey it's Addie and today we are watching Jaws everyone welcome back to my channel and if you are new here welcome today we're watching jaws and I have to say I'm excited but also a little nervous I mean obviously I'm excited I know that this is such a huge movie such a popular movie and I've heard it still stands up today it still holds up so I'm excited to see that but also it makes me nervous because if it still holds up today that means the effects are really good and I believe it's all practical for the most part so that makes me nervous that I'm going to be very scared in this movie but obviously this movie is so iconic I mean the theme of The Musical theme of Jaws I feel like literally everyone in the world knows this theme and the fact that it's still so popular and that theme is still used so much today it's just crazy that the Musical theme of this just holds up it is so popular still today and it just builds up that anticipation so I'm excited to see it finally in action in this movie I feel like I don't necessarily think I'm scared of sharks but then again I don't put myself in situations to be around sharks so I if I was in an ocean and a shark was nearby I would obviously be terrified but I just really don't put myself in those situations so I'm curious how I'm going to take this movie in I'm curious how scary it's going to be I don't know I really don't know I I don't know how scary this is obviously as a kid I used to think this movie was so scary so I don't know as an adult how scary it's going to be but we're just gonna have to watch the movie and find out so let's dive in this is Jaws this this video today is brought to you by skillshare now you may already know skillshare for their classes in photography film and video editing and illustration but did you know skillshare has hundreds of career-focused classes too this year is the perfect time to reinvent your goals and yourself I personally was interested in skillshare to learn more about video editing and branding for the channel but I've really been drawn to their creativity classes that help silence that inner critic and just find fashion projects that I really love one class that I have loved is the perfect 100 day project your guide to explosive creative growth by Rich Armstrong this class helps you discover the perfect project to make you smile and make your imagination come alive I've been using his inspiration and tips to help find my perfect 100 day project and I can't wait to get started and remember no goal is too small I know that thinking about the future can be pretty intimidating but you can always take that pressure off yourself by starting small whether you want to learn productivity tips or to start building a personal brand style skillshare teachers are there to take you step by step now is the perfect time to try skillshare the first 1000 people to use the link below will get a one month free trial of skillshare thank you skillshare for sponsoring this video and now let's dive back into the movie get it because because it's jaws and we're done okay okay you get it start out with that theme at the very ending here we go is the shirt gonna like pop out of this it's a shark I've seen sharks before I'm fine no sharks yet oh we're going off together where are we going swimming oh no is this the first shark attack oh well I don't think she's going to be coming back back oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't think she's gonna make it back to shore oh here we go here we go our first attack how exciting yeah here we go can he not hear what's going on [Music] good guys and he has no idea well I want doggy there's somebody feeds the dogs that's not the best thing I've ever seen in my life yeah can I go swimming no don't go swimming don't go swimming kid no no there are sharks I don't want a kid to die she must have drowned look I reported to you didn't I oh oh gosh cause of death yeah where do we keep the beach closed signs well we better make some oh if I can't get service oh we have to we do have to make some signs there's a bunch of Boy Scouts out in April day doing their miles swim for their Merit Badgers I couldn't call them in this they need to get out of there okay Charlie take me out of those kids yeah we have to get them out of the water Martin you're gonna shut down the beaches on your own authority we're really a little anxious that you're uh you're rushing into something serious here Amity is a summer town we need summer dollars I think you should listen to him though or more people are going to get attacked that doesn't mean we have to serve them up a smorgasbord we've never had that kind of trouble in these Waters well you do now I was wrong we'll have to amend our reports and you'll stand by that stand by you you yelled shark we've got to panic on our hands on the fourth of July you're just trying to protect your money people's lives could be at stake geez just let me go out a little longer just 10 more minutes oh no oh yeah oh not the dog I feel like she might be an ex though I don't want it to be the kid yeah yeah oh no that's a person I think that's a person I know you got a lot of problems downtown and get down to the office and that garbage truck next to the office there's so many false alarms in this scene we know all about two teeth you don't go in the water at all dude [Music] come on dog no what are you gonna get next oh that oh oh my gosh it's so bloody okay so no one is safe [Music] okay here it is is the kid who has well I don't think you can avoid a panic now I feel like dogs are pretty safe kids are pretty safe nope not at this one that's kind of a fireplace that three thousand dollar bounty on the shock and cash a check a very important question right now we're going to put on a summer the extra summer deputies as soon as possible are you going to close the beaches well he tried to do that yes we are I didn't agree to that they're all just worried about their money and not the safety of the children that sound is awful Oh that's oh gosh that sound is awful but that's a way to get uh someone's attention for sure I'll catch this food for you but it ain't gonna be easy it's Sharp what are you holding we gotta do it quick I don't bring back the tourists so to put all your businesses on a failing basis find him for three but I'll catch him and kill him pretend ten thousand dollars for me by myself the whole damn thing who curious if he'll actually catch the shark or if he's just gonna die trying he made their signs surprise you scared me I think you scared him too when I get drunk to fool around sounds like a good time is he in the water [Music] boat it's not on the ocean he is in a boat he's not gonna go in the water I don't know on the ocean after what happened yesterday but I want him to read the boating regulations the rules you know before he goes out on his own did you hear oh my wife's holiday should your wife will be very happy with you um we found ourselves a shark [Music] oh and you two might be the next victims this shark is getting three for the price of one oh it's coming back it's definitely coming back I wonder if for the mo for most of the movie We're not gonna see the shark I'm so nervous for you oh you actually made it can we go home now okay I'm worried for all of you please help me get those guys out of the boat will you please shoot with me the officer asked me to tell you that you're overloading that boat and they do not care they're all gonna die between now and then it's you and me uh you know those eight guys in the fantail launch out there yeah well none of them are going to get out of the harbor alive listen can you tell me how I could find Chief Brody Matt Hooper I'm from The oceanographic Institute oh for Christ's sakes you're the guy we called I'm Brody I'm Brody oh yeah nice to meet you [Music] highest point of the victim can only be estimated from the partial remains yeah very partial room the Torso has been severed in mid thorax there are no major organs remaining may I have a glass of water yes this was no boat accident did you notify the Coast Guard about this no and portions of the rib cage or intact do not smoke in here thank you very much okay this is what happens however the attacking squalus must be considerably larger than any normal squalus found in these Waters it was a shark now this is the shot I want with everybody and the fish in it okay guys could we please get off he's gonna know right away that this is not the right shark what kind of shark it's a tiger shark a what it wouldn't stop breathing again yeah I think this guy he probably knows his sharks but the fact is that the bite radius on this animal is different than the wounds on the victim let's cut it open whatever it's eaten in the last 24 hours is bound to still be in there and then we'll be sure okay that's one way to know I am not going to thank you and see that thing cut open and see that little Kettner voice spell it out all over the dock that's fair that's fair I don't think any of them want to see a a dead Child come out of the Sharky yes what you knew there was a shark out there you knew it was dangerous but people go swimming anyway it's not his fault he tried to close the beach but she's going to blame him for still my boy is dead now yeah my boy is dead I wanted you to know that I think I yes you're grieving this is a horrible tragedy but I think he knows your son his dad he wants to be just like his dad oh your husband's home yes I really like to talk to him how was your day not great I got uh red and white I didn't know what you'd be serving oh that's nice that's very nice is anyone eating this be my guest my husband tells me you're in sharks excuse me well yes I I've never heard it quite put that way but uh yes not quite like that but yes I'm gonna go to The Institute tomorrow and tell them that you still have a shark problem here which I wanted to prove today by cutting the shark open but you know you want to let that breathe for nothing nothing you're gonna be the only rational man left on this island after I leave tomorrow I am going on the Aurora pure research 18 months at Sea Food needs boats when it's water why do you live here live here oh my gosh my dog is gonna scare me now this shotgun that that swims along bro what's it called Road row it's called territoriality and why don't we have one more drink and go down and cut that shark open okay open the type of gestive tract I don't know why I'm feeling a little queasy today oh geez normally I have a little bit of a stronger stomach than this but a lot of things in this movie are making me from Southern Waters oh no no body that's it yeah this wasn't the show still got a hell of a fish out there with a mouth about this big oh yeah bigger shark I'm gonna find him right now he's a knife feeder on the water right now if we're looking for a shark We're not gonna find him on the land I mean that's fair I'm telling you the crime rate in New York will kill you in 25 years there's never been a shooting or a murder in this town shark attacks some face for all this stuff government I pay for this mostly myself actually I'm kidding you rich yeah how much well personally or the whole family oh good for you good for you and your family they pay a guy like you to watch sharks doesn't make much sense for a guy who hates the water to live on an island either it's only an island if you look at it from the water that makes a lot of sense there's something else out there take out a boat that's Ben Gardner's you know him it's all banged up sure I know he's a fisherman look Martin I've got to go down there and check their hoe oh yeah that's a bite you're not actually going to get into the water are you no I'll be back in two minutes famous last words buddy this looks like a shark attack there could be one nearby and we kind of need your expertise oh I'm nervous for you oh that could tell us what kind of shark it is no is there gonna be a shark at this water oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh gosh that scared me that's not the scariest thing in this movie so far oh get the get the F out of here [Music] the shark is still gonna this is a great white guy that was a little oh that was a little scary I think a great white shark a steak to claim in the waters off Family Island and he is going to continue to feed here as long as there is food how big do great white sharks get I know they're pretty big it was the Tooth of a great white where where is that tooth did you see it bro we're not only going to have to close the beach we're gonna have to hire somebody to kill the kill the shark for Christ's sake tomorrow's the Fourth of July and we will be open for business oh yeah they just keep on coming [Music] what do you think nothing here Martin for hi Larry why aren't you in the water nobody's going in please [Music] your life's at stake here oh they're so scared I would be too I think it's going to be a shark attack today do any other guys take the boat and put it in the pawn instead ponds for all ladies but just do it for the old man for your safety so much food for the little Sharky so much food right here I'm pleased and happy to repeat the news that we have in fact caught and killed a large predator and the people having a wonderful time until someone dies oh that's a shark fin that is definitely a shark fin [Applause] red one [Music] [Applause] here oh oh it wasn't a shark there were two kids with us cardboard fin dang it I really thought there was a shark no but I don't think those are Jokers please tell me a shark doesn't get his kids we saw what the shark did to the much bigger boat we are not gonna be okay [Music] oh get out of the water oh yeah that's a big that's a big shark oh my gosh always away from the shore Ah that's a leg oh no no no no please get out of the water please get out of the water you are not safe in the water [Music] he's in shock guy it got away maybe after today um no one will want to get into the water that's my big kid I'm all right you are you gonna miss me tonight you can watch television and he's the one that told people to get into the water truly sorry you're gonna sign this vouchers so I can hire a contractor I don't I don't know if I can do that without I've got a higher Quinn to kill the shark acting in the in the town's best tension that's right and that's why you're going to do the right thing here we go maybe now you realize the severity of the situation the mirror of my pack so I don't have any more of this zoning craft two cases you get dinner when you get back okay so maybe he knows what he's dealing with wow he finished made himself pretty good stuff gonna be strong it's just swimming with bow-legged women yeah he's done this a few times this is Matt Hopkins I'm talking about working for a living I'm talking about Sharky well I'm not talking about hooking some poor Dogfish or sand shark I'm talking about finding a great white give me your hands in that City hands Mr Hooper I've been cutting money all your life all right all right hey I don't need this I don't need this Working Class Hero crap you're on board my vessel uh and I'm Kevin you got him all right Jesus age Christ they got here portable shot or a monkey cage anti-shark cage to you fair Spanish lady let's see who survives this by the end of the movie did you take your drama yes poor guy tell him I'm going fishing yeah he's going to be a hero oh that's a big mouth that Chum line go and see if we get five good miles on him see let's drop another Chum marker what a guy just screw around with these tanks and they're gonna blow up that would not be good for us to Hoopa anytime you just asked me which line of pool right ended do we have something [Music] it's likely not the shark though this is a whole Contraption here hey I got it [Applause] got your head down deep with swinging get behind me again no more okay yes sir yes sir I didn't know achieve I don't know he's very smart very dumb I feel like he's probably very smart yeah it's too easy he is a smart Big Fish he's got under the boat he put your gloves on both of you it's not a shark the wire's showing the wire's showing but it's definitely a game fishy don't you tell me my business again proves that you wealthy college boys don't have the education enough to admit when you're wrong yeah it's so Southeast now Full Throttle [Music] again with you I hope or take a turn oppa drives the boat Chief yeah this is stop playing with yourself Hoopa go ahead if you please I can go slow ahead come on down and jump some of this oh my god oh no no I thought he was going to go over that's what I was worried about I didn't expect to see the shark right there oh I feel like I've heard that quote before shark that's a huge shark that's a 20-footer twenty five twenty five oh three times three times oh my gosh how do we handle this I think it's used put her on because we might die from a shark [Music] attacks you just care about getting a photo oh man if we don't work together this is going to be a disaster [Music] all right let's see how long that battle takes to bring him up [Music] one barrel on him so we stay out here till we find him again I would like a bigger boat personally and you worry about you you want to see someone permanent happy some more eel entered an arm wrestling contest and Loki Bar San Francisco you see this no I can't extend that shiny fella pull me right it's a bull shark I guess oh we're still okay how long is this going to go on why should we drink our legs I got the creme de La Creme Marion Muffet you broke my heart [Laughter] what's that doing I got that removed don't tell me don't tell me mother Jehovah that's the USS Indianapolis what happened Japanese submarine slam two Torpedoes into our side Chief I'm under the water this will win down in 12 minutes which our bomb Mission had been so Secret no distress signal had been sent hey this got very serious very quickly Jack comes the nearest man that managed that balance all the dream and sometimes there's no way sometimes he wouldn't go away lifeless eyes black eyes like a doll's eye doesn't seem to be living in those black eyes roll over white oh and you hear that terrible high-pitched screaming yeah you have a thing against sharks that makes sense Thursday morning Chief I bumped into a friend of mine he'll be robbers of Cleveland are you still gonna wake him up yeah it's like a countertop he'd been bitten in half below the waist oh three years later a big fat pby comes down and start to pick us up timeline was most frightened waiting for my turn I'll never put on a life jacket again 360 men come out of the Sharks took the rest June the 29th 95. Last Story alone would make you terrified of sharks [Music] maybe we have more in common than we thought here we go [Music] guys guys guys oh yeah we're in trouble the chief was right we need a bigger boat he was so calm about that oh gosh [Music] excuse me well this shark is pretty smart oh please don't fall off the boat oh my gosh what was that across the sky well we made it to morning we're still alive somehow oh it's back there it is what do you say Chief he's back the barrel is up it's right to start the boat thank you you can get close enough I've got things on board that'll kill them come on I don't think it's attached to this oh my gosh oh gosh okay okay yeah I'm on edge oh Mayday Orca postcard what are you doing why why that you use a fireball Queen you know this oh boys I think he's coming back for his noon feeding hook me up another Barrel oh boys [Music] [Music] thank you all right two barrels attached they're up again now what no watch those battles boys watch you daddy time to just turn please give him room Brody he's about to go oh no oh no this is bad oh that's really bad too at home we got a taxi Jeremy man he's gonna have a heart attack when you see when I'm from him look at that oh there it is they're both going he's eating his way right through that line out of my way oh it's a big one oh my gosh that's awesome it's impossible yeah the shark is definitely stronger than you guys are there we all died okay we're gonna sink aren't we keep an eye on the barrel too quiet right now no it's too quiet whoever have one do this before nope I don't know this is a strong boy oh how far away are we from Land right now okay I see land okay okay [Music] he's putting the pressure I break the instruments don't push him overboard okay okay oh [Music] if the boat goes down we're all dead this is good swimming away I don't trust it I think it has a little shark plan [Music] too quiet he said he would never put on a live jacket remember when he messed up the radio that one time we probably could use that right now you know things are bad but he's looking to him strictly nitrate into him if I can get close enough but if I can get him close enough to this cage I think I could get him in the mouth right you got any better suggestions fun not nervous at all for you everything else really worked there's no way we all survived this right I mean maybe we do and it's a happily ever after but I don't know let me tell you I could not do this I would not swim with sharks no way okay okay I'm ready it's going to go wrong I don't like like this oh and he can't really see oh he can see enough that the shark is coming at him [Music] gosh now it's like way too quiet the pop out I'm not ready for it oh my gosh are there is there any way that there's two of them is that a thing oh your hands are just out there oh buddy oh no is dropping things just your thing is that just what you do no and now there's an opening oh buddy uh uh but if you if you have to swim up there you have no protection buddy the shark has the cage oh he threw him down [Music] doesn't mean he's dead yet not yet thank you it's so big no no oh gosh she is gonna die by shark oh geez oh gosh yeah there's no way we were all gonna survive this oh is that gonna explode oh my oh my gosh okay but our our buddy don't know his name but he's still under the water right hiding and that she hates water as it is poor guy you're somewhere yeah there it is [Music] oh but you're about to be in the water [Music] get the tank get the tank get the tank it's right there why are you son of a that's the one that did it oh shark guts everywhere you did it hope you're safe I really hope you're safe now hi I'm still afraid that this movie is going to have a dark ending they're gonna be pulled under I used to hate the water I would still hate the water oh I really thought we were gonna die do we see them get to shore in these credits live shark footage filmed by wow they did have some live shark footage I'm waiting to the very end to see if they make it to shore hey they made it they're able to stand up thank goodness oh my gosh yeah I was afraid that this movie of course one of the three of us did die but I was afraid that this movie would have a um even darker ending than that and like they would not survive that even when you think it's over they get pulled in oh we're good we're good the shark was killed after all oh my gosh it's always interesting to me there are definitely movies out there that when I was a child I just thought that they were super scary and so I still hold that in me and I was still nervous to watch this movie but this wasn't all that bad I I mean I was definitely scared throughout the movie and there were definitely some jump scares I mean whenever you see the body in basically the shipwreck in that one scene that got me a lot of times when the shark appears out of nowhere that gets me but this was a really good movie it was shot really well I loved all the performances in it and it definitely had me on edge the whole time but despite that I would definitely watch this movie again this isn't a movie that I would avoid because I was too scared but this movie was really well done and it's amazing it really holds up the effects are still terrifying yeah a lot went down in this movie I definitely did not think that they were going to survive but we have a somewhat happy ending after all I mean people died along the way uh several people um definitely a child and maybe a dog um but we got the shark after all this was a lot of fun I'm glad that I finally watched it it seems like with the Fourth of July movies I'm watching this one and then independence day they they I don't know there's just a lot of um tragedies surrounding this holiday I suppose yeah um it definitely I am I'd um I wouldn't say I was afraid of sharks before this I don't know I I I'm not as afraid of sharks just because I don't swim in the ocean all that much and I stay very close to the shore so I just don't think I put myself in situations where I need to be afraid of sharks but um after watching this movie I definitely have a healthy dose of a fear of sharks for sure I also don't think I like just deep water like the open ocean that kind of freaks me out in the first place so a lot of the scenes where you could see the boat you could see open water and then you don't see land that makes me very very nervous so I think that kind of added on to my my fear my anticipation for what comes next because if the boat goes down there's not much you can do if you if you can't see land you're in trouble but this movie is a lot of fun it was shot very well it still holds up today and I am so glad that I've now finally seen Jaws well thank you for watching be sure to like And subscribe and we will see you next time thank you
Channel: Addie Counts
Views: 78,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: th0fshwJFqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 52sec (2512 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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