INDIANA JONES AND THE RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK | Commentary & Reaction | That music!!!!

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hey you guys what's up welcome or welcome back to my channel if you're new my name is chanelle this is a movie reaction and commentary channel where we watch movies together i talk all the way through them let you know what's going on in my brain when i'm watching them i really like to do movies that you guys are huge fans of ones that you've seen a million times and i've only seen for the first time because i really want you to get a new experience when you're watching your favorite movie you know isn't it nice to see something new in a favorite of yours in an old favorite every time i redo an intro i'm trying to think like if you were here for the first time what would i say and um each time it comes out like i'm apologizing for my channel hey sorry that i'm doing this here's reasons why you might like it here's a few reasons why you might not you still here cool let's let's get into it today's movie has been a long time coming indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark you guys have wanted me to see this for a long time probably pretty much since i finished star wars so this might be the beginning of a beautiful adventure we hope now 1981 this is definitely after the first star wars and george lucas wrote the story lawrence kasdan did the screenplay and steven spielberg directs i do remember from our new hope trivia that george lucas didn't think star wars was going to be a hit so him and spielberg went off on vacation to work on this movie and star wars was a hit so that's cool if you haven't caught my a new hope video check it check it i'm trying to think what else i should know before i go into this 1936 it's a good thing for me to know and um an archaeology professor named indiana jones i'll stop there knowing harrison ford he's gonna be cocky he's gonna be confident and um it'll be interesting to see the ways in which this movie has aged since 1981 but i always watch movies in context i never needlessly bash on them i will always take into consideration the time in which it was created and so i mean i'm at risk of wanting to look up more about this movie because i really would like to know a little more i'm not great with action sequences i kind of hate them i check out i'm like we know he wins time is money people so we'll see what i get right we like this we like putting chanel to the test um as always if you want more from me description box below for patreon information description box below for other ways to support the channel other watches and i mean without further ado i'm dying to get into indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark from 1981. this is a biggie lucasfilm spielberg raiders of the lost ark uh leads me to wonder was this called indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark from the beginning or was this just called readers of the lost ark much like star wars was just star wars before it was star wars new hope right [Music] john williams [Music] can't wait poison is still fresh three days if they knew we were here they would have killed us already don't be tasting that [Music] but does it taste good though so now we taste it south america 1936 let's not forget that tran let's let's not try to call this the jungles of new york city south america [Music] he just walks into that close-up our star that's spielberg knowing what to do with harrison ford smart smart man don't love that okay no big deal no big deal no big deal just oh my why couldn't we see indiana behind him in that last shot did you see that insert of him with all the spiders on the front and we couldn't see jones behind him spielberg loves this like misty wow these booby traps are like giving me such goonies vibes too did spielberg do goonies with chris columbus i think so let's write it down there's nothing to fit here it's what scares me wow he's so like perceptive there's no threat that's scarier than a threat do you guys remember the game show legends of the hidden temple that's this he's got to get that weight just right i don't know i don't know jones i love a prop boulder you know nice nice and circular throw me the idol i throw you the whip give me the whip phew nice and slow moving door [Music] [Laughter] i cannot with a circle the circular holder [Music] okay hope you enjoyed yourself don't know either way i do bellac i feel like the the score is on full display here i mean i just think it's the star john williams for the win [Music] i can't wait i can't wait i can't you're the wait snake i hate snake shark i hate you come on indiana jones baby i see eating stone all right let's get back to this site turkey chambers or cysts he's a great looking professor beautiful looks awesome was undisturbed and the undisturbed chamber and the grave goods that were found in another in the area i can't i really can't no that's so embarrassing and i will be in my office on thursday but not wednesday don't tell them when you're gonna be in your office alone buddy it seems dangerous for you or them see over the last two years the nazis have had teams of archaeologists running around the world looking for all kinds of religious artifacts and right now well city of tennis is one of the possible resting places of the lost ark the lost ark yeah the ark of the covenant the chest the hebrews used to carry around the lost ark that's what it is the original stone tablets that moses brought down out of mont hara been smashed if you believe in that sort of thing we know you don't indeed and if you put the staff in a certain place at a certain time of day the sun shone through here and made a beam that came down on the floor here where the ark of the covenant was kept right which is exactly what right exposition yes yes yes but i love it i need explanations badly my comprehension isn't the best that's it i love it it's so clear it's so clear what we're gonna do the staff and then the sun and the thing and then we're gonna go to the souls room and it's beautiful nearly 3 000 years man has been searching for the lost ark it's like nothing you've ever gone after before the music just kicking in supporting the drama of it all for us it's upset it's amazing i'm seeing a lot of shadow work in this each relic in his room casting a shadow the actors casting like their profiles on walls and i'm just like wondering exactly how intentional these shadows are gonna be [Music] i miss when to indicate travel we would do this in movies in like a modern day like bond film you know it would just be cut too and then it would say nepal at the bottom [Music] in my hunters he is a lover nearby or whatever because they just talked about a mary or a marianne is this her you know what this means she's not like other girls which makes her perfect for indiana shadow shadow work you see okay shame on me for thinking it wasn't intentional oh marion very intentional look at this indiana job i need one of the pieces your father collected yes i learned to hate you in the last 10 years sock'em i was a child i was in love it was wrong and you knew it you knew what you were doing no i do this is my place get out oh no he took advantage of his superiority or his did what i did you don't have to be happy about it but maybe we could title her age or something she was a child i need one of the pieces your father collected abner's dead damn we needed abner you know where it is come back tomorrow because i said so that's why yes they needed someone to go toe-to-toe with harrison ford and they got someone to go toe-to-toe with harrison ford see you tomorrow indiana jones we like her we stan what's she got she's wearing it good evening for a line the bar is closed oh yeah they sound like the germans that's an interesting part shadow shadow for your sake is not yet acquired we hope indiana's not far behind right let her go [Music] let's make a big old mess light it up what oh from behind medallion i'll be like mr indiana jones [Music] be like bro you didn't tell me how valuable this thing was going to be but i love it let's get her on the road with him great outfits lots of whites and creams the music this music what's his name bella bella there's something that troubles me what is it the ark then it is something that man was not meant to disturb death has always surrounded it do we need the monkey huh i'm surprised at you jones talking that way about our name they're playing house she'll be all right have a date she'll be all right have a date that felt weird that felt like a weird line i have a lot for you to alienate him not much just you that was such a han solo line before when she she goes it took a hell of a lot for you to alienate him and he goes not much just you it was very sweetheart world famous whip this movie is like a little bit comedic they're they're definitely playing for some three stooges-esque laughs in this oh so much disrespect so much western disrespect a gun unfair you don't stand a chance walks into the close-up extreme close-up love it i love it well we know she can't be dead so can't wait to see how she escaped also how hollywood is it that an archaeologist is doing all these stunts and whipping things and saving the day they really tried to make a superhero just the average man at this point we're gonna have to look up like politically s socially what's going on in 81 because he's he's our cowboy this is the this is the loner the hero where should i find a new adversary so close to my own level try the local sewer sewer next time indiana jones it'll take more than children to save you what do the kid does the town love him they all protect him yeah this is a bad monkey this this monkey is working for the for the bad guys right god i wish you could just answer me they made a real big show of the dates earlier so poison the dates and then have indie eat them come come look look here look sit down what is it coolest looking set ever isn't it awesome so awesome this was the old way this means six kadam high about 72 inches wait we get to watch him almost eat this poison date they're digging in the wrong place i am the ruler of the no [Music] perfect timing it's exactly how we want to find out seconds before it drops in his mouth and i appreciate the hell out of that exposition they're digging in the wrong place what time does the sun hit the map room about nine in the morning where are they digging for the well of the souls on that ridge but the map room is over there indiana jones man the confidence the confidence there's some archaeology tools there we go a brush not a whip a hieroglyphic decoder notebook awesome i was looking for this realism found the spot damn look at them making us wait for it like that and the music just like building and building they don't tease us like this anymore or maybe they do i don't really watch action movies [Music] i thought you were dead i knew it duh well i'm coming with you jones get me out of here cut me loose you can't leave me here i'll take you out of here now i'll start combing the place for us no no you can't [Music] oh my god that's it so helpful that's it mr scary [ __ ] o'clock burned okay all right what's going on here that's a set with a backdrop what is it what is it snakes spiders snakes okay all right okay i think the only thing we haven't seen so far is quicksand can't wait for that beautiful i would very much like to see you in oh my god uh she's a literal prisoner and they're like put this dress on it's like a wedding dress what do you got to drink around here oh i need to know her actor motivation for saying okay like what did she tell herself in her brain to justify her putting on this wedding dress i have no loyalty to jones brought me nothing but trouble maybe she sees an escape opportunity she's like i can tease him with my lips and a knife it's very well preserved chamber guys i don't see any decay everything looks intact no grave robbers i don't love snakes either don't love them that's a great shot the snake indy face-off oh she's gonna drink him under the table because we saw she can do that [Music] oh man this is the fake out right or is it is this the chest guess we got to open it to find out chanel i say empty [Music] [Laughter] get em americans you're all the same always overdressing for the wrong occasions [Music] again with making us wait for it the music is just drumming it up and we're like what is in there i think that's it that's gotta be it and by it i mean that's what's in the suitcase in pulp fiction [Music] now they have to protect this thing for the next hour of this movie which is making me laugh because it's so big [Music] uh more rope climbing i'd be dead can't climb a rope save my life why dr jones whatever are you doing in such a nasty place why don't you come on down here i'll show you thank you my friend but i think we're all very comfortable up here you let me go [Music] not again she's gonna die again you bastards i'll get you for this indiana jones if you got married in this wedding dress in an indiana jones costume you need a comment below and let me know so someone one of my viewers had to have done this so you're gonna have to let me know nothing to be ashamed of also if you go digging where the germans are digging where the germans have permits to dig doesn't it become a german find take this wave at anything that slithers i don't think this movie is concerned with legality but i just like wanted to say that [Music] oh yeah it should be pitch black in there as well [Music] wow that felt huge he just like scaled a massive statue hyundai [Applause] what was that scream look oh wow this is like a direct predecessor to goonies like it is just the same practical stunts real booby traps real everything [Music] the music there told me to expect a little bit of comedy [Music] i always put myself in their shoes in these moments i'm like can i pilot a plane if i don't know how if it was life or death do you think you could get a plane off the ground i don't know doubt it maybe she's not trying to get it off the ground maybe she's just using it to shoot okay i thought that was water tanks is that like oil this will know when it hits the fire okay it is no accident that it looks like indiana jones is battling like a heavyweight champion right oh that's bad like why does indy need to be battling this like wrestling's looking star shirtless that that's a statement on something [Music] okay so i'm gonna guess that that liquid was in fact flammable get back to cairo get us some transport to england millennium falcon boat plane my spaceship [Music] do you guys think it's pretty rare that an actor gets two iconic roles like harrison ford has he has han solo and indy [Music] indiana jones is our modern-day cowboy i think i said that before but he's he's a cowboy that's why we love him [Music] i'm starting to think about the end game of this whole thing is he gonna just drive it into a museum and be like you're welcome some guts on the window oh this whole car battle 2 this transit battle is reminding me of what they did with the second back to the future movie and i'm starting to wonder was this one of the first times a chase like this was done or are they borrowing from other chases before it [Music] okay indy we get it did i say back to the future too i think i meant that they did this and back to the future three right with the train [Music] that music is triumphant and positive [Music] that is for fire that is for your children and this is for you okay is a soarings okay played that that mouth kiss for comedy so that's fine by me i was like does she love him what'd you say what was that mirror flip not the man i knew 10 years ago that's not the year sorry it's the mileage not the ears honey it's the mileage where doesn't it hurt here [Laughter] here and also this is not too bad this feels iconic they're again they're gonna make us wait for it again [Music] build the pattern make us wait love it okay what don't jokes he's playing a joke this is a joke joke joke that was for real he just fell asleep after that what is it engines have stopped i'm gonna do a check did they um you know i see her nightgown hanging up the most important friends holy [ __ ] he wasn't in that much pain i guess [Music] all right [Music] now she gets to go through another escape sequence in a sexy dress when will it end guys with me should we bother my compensation i'm sure your fiora would approve [Music] he don't quit come on matt tell me where we're going where are we going help us help a sister out [Music] that looks like an uncharted [Music] fine but i'm island at least still got em jones jones i'm gonna blow up the acronym the b all i want is the girl if we refuse inside the ark are treasures beyond your wildest aspirations you want to see it open as well as i but it's not worth it in life so as you will uh called him on his bluff [Music] empty is there anything in there yes sand yes ha oh remember they said magic surrounds the case like it means death anyone who opens it is cursed maybe that'd be nice we hope shut your eyes marian don't look at it no matter what happens nothing sticks to indiana jones i guess he can go rescue it and still survive [Music] the streams in this are so funny those effects man [Music] i love a big old psych like uh just kidding you thought you had it but you don't [Music] it is no longer the lost ark it is found the ark is somewhere very safe from whom the ark is a source of unspeakable power and it has to be researched we have top men working on it right now who top men yeah who hey what happened i don't know what they've got there well i know what i've got here come on what do you got [Music] where's it going [Music] damn that is a warehouse of secrets friends [Music] can you listen to this song without pretend conducting an orchestra no you can't indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark i've never seen it oh it's so weird it's so weird to have just fallen in love with like force gump let's just say and then i watched this and i'm just like i get it it's so fun i understand why people are obsessed with it i totally get it like all of those practical stunts all the sets the skeletons the magic of it all the indie just like narrowly escaping that boulder on like a like i totally get it people are looking for this kind of like hero thing i also am out of my depth in terms of like did we have other heroes like this around i don't think so like this might have been the first of its kind for certain this is like a modern day cowboy flick we love the rugged individual we love the loner we love the hero that is indiana jones he is a hero harrison ford is a star like this it's a star-making performance it's endearing and i understand and at the same time i just don't like action movies like this where the formula is just like run away and we just have to watch him narrowly escape six or seven times and in each time we know he's gonna get out because it's indiana jones and i'd imagine if you love this movie you're the person who loves to see how he's gonna do it yeah i mean i get it and the car chase the car thing at the end was cool yeah they're chasing them down for the ark while they're all in like in motion on caravans very cool so i just feel like having not seen this in the year that it was intended i might be like a little bit maybe comparing it unfairly two times when i've liked this format better but if this is the first of its kind then holy we owe a debt of gratitude to these creators and everybody bow down to lucas and spielberg all of the moving parts are like a 10 out of 10. the score is the star for me his co-star karen allen as marian oh my god she goes like toe-to-toe with him and she does a lot with kind of her role which is to be a little tropey from being honest and she just has such a good like foil for him and harrison ford is so good and then that was so cool the mapping always took us where we were going always told me exactly where we're going did i write anything down what was going on in the late 70s was this like watergate because okay so in 81 reagan took office from carter carter was like a little bit more meek of a gentleman reagan was like indiana jones do you know what i'm saying and watergate was 72. so we were just coming out of like the watergate years maybe in 81 america was looking for a hero and we were looking for a practical hero you know not like a superhero one who was like a regular guy yes okay so we definitely read this in college and it is a scholarly article called the emperor's new clones indiana jones and masculinity in reagan's america indiana jones embodied american heroism in the 1980s although narratively located in the 1930s the political rhetoric of reaganism embodied the ideological content of the 1980s yes transcended politics and entered the realm of public entertainment and popular culture this placed cultural artifacts surrounding him including indiana jones into a moral environment in which a conservative nostalgia for a stable masculinity was united with a contemporary nod in the directive consumer in the direction of consumer capitalism i don't know i find stuff like this pretty interesting and i definitely was getting a hyper masculine feel from this movie and i'm glad i remembered this article from college so maybe i'll read it in post you guys read it let me know what you think i don't know do you like that theory movie is cultural artifact i do so much real snakes that boxer fight oh my god we have to look into that boxer fight yeah they're calling that sequence on youtube a boxing match realizing he couldn't win in a fair fight jones decided to fight dirty but was spared when the flying wings propeller blades caught the mechanic unawares yeah like he couldn't beat that man on brute strength alone it was a german mechanic played by bavarian prize fighter hmm i guess the backstory of indiana jones is that he boxes i'm just like a little too curious and a little too out of my depth in terms of the time period of this movie so let's go right into some trivia oh my god so there were some real snakes present while filming the snake scenes inside the well of souls a python bit first assistant director david tomblin's hand and wouldn't let go that is so scary i hate that i do not like bites of any sorts when my hamster bit me i dropped that to the ground during filming in tunisia nearly everyone in the casting crew got sick except even steven spielberg it is thought he avoided illness by eating only the food he'd brought with him a lot of cans of spaghetti steven spielberg what are you doing andy's lined to marion when they're on the ship it's not the years honey it's the mileage was ad-libbed by harrison ford love that line beautiful line gorgeous so in character so on point this is harrison's vein of gold this is what he does he's so good at this okay so i did see a ton of visual references to a james bond film i am just too not in tune with james bond to understand that bond was around before this i'm not a bond girl maybe i could be a bond girl okay yeah so it's all those sean connery ones from the 60s so i think raiders of the lost ark then would not have been the first to do a bunch of this stuff they're probably heavily borrowing from james bond it's sad i don't have that reference that's cool i love when i get when i can really just like put everything together in my brain that's okay harrison ford actually outran the boulder in the opening sequence because the scene was shot twice from five different angles he had to outrun it ten times ford's stumble in the scene was deemed to look authentic and it was left and oh that is so scary i could only hope that the bulger was like styrofoam whoa steven spielberg and melissa matheson wrote a script during shooting breaks on the location of this film the script was eventually called etv extraterrestrial i have chills this is the only indiana jones film to be nominated for a best picture oscar indiana jones's kangaroo hide bullwhip was sold in december 1999 at christie's auction house in london for 43 000 his jacket and hat are on display at the smithsonian this is so american of us although the nazis speak german in many scenes most of the lines were dubbed for the german version because the actor spoke very bad german with a very strong american accent on recent dvd release no german lines are wrong the majority of the german lines seem to be spoken by native german speakers with a slight south german accent giant boulder was made of fiberglass john williams had actually written two themes for the film he played them both for spielberg on the piano spielberg loved them so much he suggested that williams use both he did and the result was the famous reader's march performed by the london symphony orchestra i think indiana jones is like probably my most favorite sound of all time it's this e.t and jurassic park i mean steven spielberg said he loved the melting head effect calling it the most impressive effect he'd ever seen at the time the melting head was really cool i don't know what i thought it looked like clay or something snake handler steven edge served as double for marion's legs according to edge karen allen's stunt double refused to stand in amongst the snakes steven spielberg offered him the chance by asking if he was willing to shave his legs and put on a dress edge says snake handlers induced the cobra to hood with a toy rabbit held just out of frame edge noted that unlike indiana harrison ford is not afraid of snakes okay see i have no idea about car stones but here we go indie being dragged under and then out behind a moving truck is a tribute to yakima kinet's famous stunt in john ford's stagecoach from 1939 in fact it was a stunt that stuntman terry leonard had failed to pull off the year before in the legend of the lone ranger he was thrilled of the chance of having another shot at it but only agreed to do it if his friend and colleague glenn randle jr was driving ah on the slate we see that the camera was set at 20 frames per second instead of the traditional 24. in other words the shots were done in fast motion so the truck was not really moving as fast as depicted on screen harrison ford was actually dragged behind the truck for some of the shots badly bruising his ribs ow when asked if he was worried ford quipped no if it was really dangerous they would have filmed more of the movie first jeez you guys stun sir no joke this is scary steven spielberg was quoted as saying i made it as a b movie i didn't see the film as anything more than a better made version of the republic serials maybe that's where some of the jokey corny quirkiness comes in because it's very intentional and spielberg made it as a b movie indy's hat was made the brim was shaped to cover his eyes for protection and also to help hide faces when stump doubles were being used steven soderbergh published an experimental black and white version of the film with the original soundtrack and dialogue replaced by an electronic soundtrack soderbergh said his intention was to encourage viewers to focus on steven spielberg's extraordinary staging and editing the staging is pretty remarkable you can see him really mapping out where his characters are going to be and really considering where he's gonna put the camera this was steven spielberg's most storyboarded film of his career to date you can really tell yeah i think i need to study spielberg a little more intensely oh you see i said i needed her actor motivation for this for her putting on the dress let's talk about it the scene where marion puts on her dress and attempts to leave bellick's tent was improvised as was the entire plane of fight the script called for marion to shut her conservative egyptian garb and donna revealing dress to heighten the tension when she and india are fending off snakes but the script didn't include why she ended up in the dress in order to get her into the dress karen allen and paul freeman improvise the scene where she hides a knife with the other clothes i remember that she takes off to try to seduce bellic and escape thus giving her character a plausible reason to be in the dress allen thought it would be a good idea to call back to the drinking game scene that introduces her character in the beginning of the movie yes that is some better justification putting on the dress for self-preservation and hiding the knife is so much better than just put this dress on or else the raiders march has three upward key changes star wars has none i love a key change spielberg admitted to have had been heavily influenced by the republic pitchers serials of the 30s and 40s to make this film which is a tribute to the golden era of cereals yeah i can see that there was just like five or six little mini adventures in this big adventure you know this film has been inspired or been referenced in other media including romancing the stone the goonies the mummy national treasure television shows like the x-files the simpsons robot chicken and video games i saw so much goonies borrowing from this so much so much i actually prefer the goonies because it's like the goonies is like preteen [Music] teenaged indiana jones and i love teen movies well you've seen my reaction to indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark so you can let me know below what you think of this movie is it your favorite um i'd imagine if you saw it when it first came out in 80 in the 80s you're probably like formed like a really strong bond in connection with indiana jones and with this movie so i can totally relate there because i have that for me for certain so yeah and then let me know you know is it the same every time you pop it in the old dvd player these days 40 yeah 40 years later is it any different for you what do you think don't forget to like don't forget to comment don't forget to maybe share this video with a friend and subscribe if you haven't already because it would totally really help out me and this channel i appreciate you guys so much yeah so thank you so much for joining me here today and on that note i'm gonna go eat [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Shanelle Riccio
Views: 81,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Watching Raiders of the Lost Ark for the FIRST TIME!, indiana jones first time watchin, watching indiana jones for the first time ever, raiders of the lost ark reaciton, reacting to raiders of the lost ark, raiders of the lost ark commentary, Shanelle riccio, movie reaction, movie commentary, shanelle riccio, shanelle riccio reaction
Id: syy32l83TUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 32sec (2552 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 02 2022
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