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didn't i warn you not to trust anybody [Music] my trust issues have served me well in this movie hey it's addie and today we are watching indiana jones and the last crusade i'm so excited to watch this movie i am growing to just love indiana jones uh so far raiders of the lost ark has been my favorite of the two that i've seen so far but i've heard a lot of people say that this one is actually their favorite movie so i'm excited to go ahead and watch it this is indiana jones and the last crusade i did not notice before that they are kids do you like some things in this tunnel such a good idea what are they doing indiana young indiana that cross is an important artifact it belongs in a museum i've been brewing the sheriff okay he's not afraid of snakes right now what are you going to do with your hands are they even going to notice him [Music] well they'll notice him now oh we gotta leave we gotta get out of here because you just have to jump no come on oh good they have a vehicle they have multiple bye horse i mean they can go in there too oh no oh no no no i imagine there are snakes in here too yeah there are is this where his spirit snake starts ah no no oh no oh no no no no that's a negative okay i'm fine i'm fine i guess this could be where it starts is there one in here there is one [Music] maybe that's the end of snakes for this movie [Music] oh oh [Music] oh no there's no way out of this this isn't the reptiles again is it no please please don't tell me there's a giant snake oh okay i would literally rather be around a lion than a giant snake the beginning of his whip i had time to be bleeding [Music] can we we can't trust them they're trying to kill you they're gonna throw you back in that belongs to me this should be in a museum not done with the snakes not better than the snakes ah it just came in handy oh [Music] i brought the sheriff all right came after me you still got it i'm glad to see that can we trust the sheriff no we can't trust the sheriff you lost today kid it doesn't mean you have to like it oh this is the beginning of the hat ah hi harrison ford dr jones this is the second time i've had to reclaim my property from you that belongs in the museum drove over the side oh okay you got it they might lose it at sea yeah oh man huh does the explosives where are you going to go jones oh definitely explosives this has been an exciting beginning of this movie are all the ladies still in love with him so forget any ideas about lost cities x never ever marks this spot this is how raiders of the lost ark started too i did it you've got it well done you're gonna be well done indeed who's watching him this does not look like a good situation i trust your trip down was comfortable dr jones my men didn't alarm you i hope a little bit i know who you are mr donovan this might interest you the holy grail dr jones the arthur legend heard this bedtime story before eternal life every man's dream including your father's i believe after the grail was entrusted to joseph of arimathea it disappeared bound again by three nights of the first crusade this is the manuscript this tablet proves the night's story is true we're about to complete a great quest that began almost 2 000 years ago our project leader has vanished along with all his research not a good sign i want you to pick up the trail where he left off why don't you try my father your father is the man who's disappeared okay well now jones has to do this but if his father disappeared and he's the expert this doesn't look good for indy dad yeah god whatever it is he's in over his head today's mail and it's been opened venice it'll be it's dad's grand diary every discovery he made why would he have sent this to me do you believe the grill actually exists call donovan marcus tell him i'll take that ticket to venice now i'll tell him we'll take two oh you gotta find your dad forget to worry dr snyder will be there to meet you don't trust anybody can we trust the guy he shook hands with just a second ago though he's the one saying not to trust anyone i have a feeling this movie is going to make me want to go to venice yeah i do i knew it with you you have your father's eyes and my mother's ears the rest belongs to you looks like the best parts have already been spoken for i left your father working in the library when i got back to his table he'd gone with all his papers except for that scrap which i found near his chair the library is closing in a few moments i'll arrange for us to stay a little longer i've seen this window before dad's diary um he was looking for the tomb itself the tomb is somewhere in the library you said yourself it used to be a church look around for the ten well there it is x marks the spot wait didn't he say earlier that x does not always mark the spot x never ever marks the spot need to break this floor up they're not gonna be happy about this lower me down she's adventurous there's a night of the first crusade down here hopefully they don't take the book the journal the arc of the covenant are you sure yeah i think he recognizes it i didn't actually expect there to be literal rats i thought it would be like a oh rats thing i'd rather have rats than snakes oh they followed him down there [Music] okay look at the artistry of [Music] the grill these the shield is the second marker what's that if you were here now oh yeah never would have made it past the rats he hates rats yeah his dad would not have made it this far no no no bad idea bad idea oh they're gonna go up in flames how are they gonna get out of this this is going to be a surprise [Music] don't mind us we just have to borrow it just push him into the water push him over please don't shoot her she's not happy about that [Music] yeah they made it out good [Music] no no that's not good [Music] why are you trying to kill us because you're looking for the holy grail really to kill him through if um i don't trust him the secret of the grail has been safe for a thousand years the brotherhood of the cruciform sword have been prepared to do anything ask yourself why do you seek the cup of christ i didn't come from the cup of christ i came to find my father your father is being held in the castle of gruenwald on the austrian german border it's the name of a city the rights of the first crusade laid siege to the city of alexander for over a year he knew everything except where to begin the name of the city marcus get hold of salah tell him to meet you and his gender salah what elsa elsa my room mine too this just happened what were they looking for this you had i guess we gotta keep it you didn't trust on us at all times i didn't know you since i met you i've nearly been incinerated drowned shot at and chopped into fish bait i'm gonna continue to do things the way i think they should be done how dare you kiss me i'm still suspicious that she was in the bathroom didn't hear that her room or see that her room was like that [Music] what do you know about this place i know the groom walls are famous art collectors what are you going to do think of something do you intend to leave us standing on the doorstep all day that's his plan if you are a scottish lord then i am mickey mouse oh oh oh nazis are back we have to deal with the nazis again nazis i hate these guys i think he's in here how do you know because it's wired oh do we have to climb through the window to the other room is there anything to walk on a ledge anything i'll be right back he's done a lot worse let's hope he was right ow junior that is his dad hugh junior yeah what are you doing here i came to give you what do you think he did make a lot of noise get your stuff we got to get out of here but i thought you were one of them yeah they come in through the doors but i wasn't wrong when i mailed you my diary we found the entrance to the catacombs he's smart be proud of your son he was actually bad you saw him oh yeah they did alexandreda alexandra of course junior you did it he did you did if only i could have been with you there were rats dad oh yeah you didn't want to be there what do the nazis want with you they wanted my diary i knew i had to get that book as far away from me as i possibly could and now they're in the same room oh no i will take the books now no what what you need the book you have to diary in your pocket do you think my son would be that stupid yeah yeah he did he did he did you did why do you think i sent it home in the first place so it wouldn't fall into their hands i came here to save you well this is going well i told you oh well i think we need to get out of here now [Music] if she's one of them it makes sense because of the status of the rooms she could have searched the rooms i don't trust her yep she was the one who searched the rooms i knew it could not freaking trust her you should have listened to your father how did you know she was a nazi was she talking asleep i didn't trust him why did you because he didn't take my advice that's that's i knew we couldn't trust anyone ah i warn you not to trust anybody [Music] my trust issues have served me well in this movie there are pages torn out of this we must have these pages back you're wasting your bread now he won't tell us he's giving them to marcus brody we'll find him he's got a two-day head start on you which is more than he needs you'll never see him again with any luck he's got the grill already is anyone here speaking [Music] hi okay well i'm glad the two of them are together mr brody welcome to a scandal follow me please no don't do this disease there is no museum in the schedule run i guess no like run i hope he follows these instructions well oh no no and that's a swastika let me kill them now we'll need them alive always do what the doctor orders don't look at me like that he is betrayed i can't forget how wonderful it was thank you it was rather wonderful no no no no no no no that's how austrians say goodbye this is how we say goodbye in germany oh thanks oh i like the austrian way better so did i yeah she was involved with both of them you know why does he get lost once in his own museum through the ropes do you want to catch [Music] oh no that can't be good [Music] we have a problem does indy not notice this on fire oh this is good then we have marcus brody eliminate the american conspirators germany has declared war on the jones bombs no don't kill them oh this might help oh no they don't notice this they're still not noticing this oh they're noticing oh no okay yeah we can't turn around again oh they're gone tell me they're gone good oh nice oh no this could be a problem but if i just sit down oh oh that actually worked guess we have to go down these stairs now nice come on dude is the boat a distraction oh it is smart ah nice [Music] okay this fits for the holy grail [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay these disapproving looks we're going the wrong way we have to get to berlin there is more in the diary than just the map he who finds the grail must face the final challenge but i found the clues it will safely take us through i can't remember remember no i wrote them down in my diary so that i wouldn't have to remember this is an obsession dad i never understood it it sounds like the holy grail just shouldn't be found i think we have to go to berlin are they going to have to dress us nazis [Music] yeah where is it how did you get here where is it you came back for the book my father didn't want it incinerated i believe in the grail not this bust again all i have to do is she didn't scream though are they going to make him throw it into the fire don't know they are going to burn it oh they're going to burn it they're going to burn it don't burn this oh he should okay he's just signing it he just thinks he wants his autograph ah what did you get i don't know first available flight out of germany oh wow this was the first available flight [Music] oh no oh they gotta hide here jokes tickets please [Music] don't mind him no ticket [Laughter] jones on this seems like a recipe for disaster sharing your adventures is an interesting experience it's disgraceful you're old enough to be her her grandfather i'm as human as the next man i was the next man never talked it was a lonely way to grow up i respected your privacy and i taught you self-reliance you taught me was that i was less important to you than people who'd been dead for 500 years i'm here now what do you want to talk about we have work to do we will face three challenges the breath of god the word of god the path of god what does that mean i don't know we'll find out [Music] well he he really can't hopefully it has gas this time [Music] we've got company dad you're gonna have to use the machine gun get it ready i'm sure he's gonna love this damn eleven o'clock no no what happens at eleven o'clock no eleven o'clock fire dad come on um the landing could have been worse [Music] oh poor guy he's just fixing his car it got pretty close i'm just glad they're okay somehow [Music] where are we going now what's your plan dad okay i can't believe that worked his dad's a little quirky and it came in handy we have no time to lose indiana jones and his father have escaped they're back together again they set out across the desert this afternoon they took mr brody with them now they have the battle i see brody got a tank what do you think you're doing we're well out of range are a lot of different sides right now i'm going after those horses no camels i imagine we're gonna have to use camels [Music] now they have jones senior two thought are you hiding what does it die tell you that ghost-stepping morons like yourself should try reading books instead of not that jones the other joke oh no he doesn't realize that his father ah has been captured now we have to save the father again where's my father they have them [Music] well whoever was in there is dead oh no [Music] okay no where did they come from now we have a lot of people to fight oh well that took care of most of them no [Music] what is your plan [Music] oh oh don't hit ah nice [Music] oh good timing oh no no no no no no no [Music] this no oh well that's one way oh ow no no no [Music] oh we have to get off this indy jump anything indiana [Music] okay but where is indiana junior i've lost him and i never told him anything he's alive and they still don't know i just thought i'd lost you boy well done let's go then indeed i don't think he's okay he needs a breather and he needs his hat i thought that maybe that was like the final battle battle but it's not we still we still have more to go um what are we going to find in here maybe the nazis will go through the traps first and then they'll just all die oh no you're gonna die oh oh he doesn't have a head i'm nervous for what's gonna happen to him got his head oh that was definitely his head helmet another volunteer another volunteer i would not volunteer for this oh no oh no they might be their volunteers he's going to recover the grail for us nazis want to write themselves into the grail legend but i want the grail itself and you're going to get it for me shooting me won't get you anywhere you're absolutely right no no no no no no no no and they were just mending their relationship the healing power of the grail is the only thing that could save your father now oh i really don't want the dad to die before god kneels before god [Music] no no oh my gosh that was so close search goodnight starts tonight hi oh that was close what's next what and you must hurry it's a leap of faith he's gonna fall oh he's not falling oh my gosh i thought for sure he was going to fall whoa whoa what [Music] please don't kill indy [Music] me the okay of three brothers and he's been here this whole time you're strangely dressed i think you are strangely dressed ah he made it through ah they both made it through what is it a lot of these could be the holy grail will bring you life i have no idea what it looks like oh i bet she knows oh no she's trying to kill him [Music] no that's a no for me oh we still have to save your dad it will not be made out of gold are we positive only one way to find out oh he's gonna drink it [Music] you're either gonna die or live forever who have chosen wisely come on come on dad oh ow wow [Music] what are you going to do ma'am oh it can't pass the seal elsa don't move it's ours indeed elsa oh she's inside the knight warned us not to take the grail from here not a good idea not a good idea and that's what andy was trying to tell his dad earlier about his obsession come on we gotta get out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] and what did you find junior junior what does it always mean henry jones junior we're named the dog in the amp you are named after the dog got a lot of fun memories [Music] he's gonna fall off that horse after you junior yes sir [Music] okay i just have to say that movie is really really good i i do think that this one was my favorite out of the three i thought like maybe raiders of the lost ark like it's the first one uh it might stay my favorite but no i really really like this movie and i just love i love that he found his dad and they reconciled and learned so much about each other and like now just have such a respect for each other i really like that movie i i don't even know what else i could say other than i really enjoyed it yay that was indiana jones and the last crusade what an incredible movie thank you for watching be sure to like and subscribe and we will see you next time
Channel: Addie Counts
Views: 59,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harrison Ford, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Sean Connery, Allison Doody, River Phoenix, Denholm Elliott, Julian Glover, John Rhys-Davies, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Stranger Things, Star Wars
Id: LshS0AyWa9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 21sec (2061 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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