My FIRST Time Watching Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) and NOW I'M TRAUMATIZED!

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hey everyone welcome back for another movie reaction and I hope your day is as bright as my shirt is I know I'm gonna get judged super hard for this but if I would have seen this movie already then this video wouldn't exist anyway today I am going to be watching Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark for the first time you are probably wondering how the heck have I not seen this yet I mean it's one thing to have never seen Back to the Future and like all these other classic iconic series but yeah this is just another one of those I'm sorry okay I must have been completely sheltered as a child it's not my fault okay so you can't even be mad at me also I am 110 joking like I have done and seen so many things as a kid this is just something that for some reason I never got around to watching it but like I said I don't apologize for that because now this video gets to exist for you guys it's a win oh my God I'm sorry my dog just scared five years off my life okay great start come on in come on in yes yes welcome make yourself at home oh I have to show you something so funny not me not movie related yesterday I got Toby hair trim if you guys have never seen this he used to look like this and then I went to go pick him up from the groomers and the lady was like I hope you don't mind but I gave him a mohawk his hair is seriously giving Alfalfa from The Little Rascals and oh man what another great movie that I could have reacted to here on the channel if I hadn't already seen it what I wouldn't give to go back and like erase my memory so I can watch that for the first time again 10 out of 10 would give you this haircut again like can I speak for myself here but this is the greatest thing that has happened to me in the last 24 to 48 hours so I just thought I'd share that with you okay bye buddy go yell at some kids to stay off your lawn or something like you normally do anyway back to the movie reaction thank you guys so much for watching this video today I'm very excited to watch the beginning of the Indiana Jones series here on the channel because I'm pretty sure I have never seen any of them I think there was one that I might have seen forever ago and I want to say it had something to do with the skull and that's the only one that I think I might have seen and to be honest I don't even remember so I could probably watch it again and be like yeah I have no idea what this is one thing I will tell you though is that I am aware of the theme song for the Indiana Jones movies I feel like at this point you cannot watch one of those movie shows movie award shows where they kind of take an orchestra and they play through all of the iconic Movie music just like Jurassic Park Star Wars you know Lord of the Rings Indiana Jones is always included in that so I am very very familiar with the theme music but that's all I gotta say about that again thank you guys so much for joining me in the video today I really hope you guys enjoy it I am very very excited to watch all of the Indiana Jones movies with you guys again shout out to all the patreons and members of this channel thank you guys so much for everything that you do thank you to everyone who has ever subscribed to this channel up to this point I cannot believe the growth on this channel it's been kind of overwhelming and extremely humbling and it just makes me really excited to see where this channel goes anyway that is enough rambling for me without further Ado let's jump in and watch Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark lucasfilm of course I just want to see a young Harrison Ford I almost forgot his name for a second maybe I should just quit now right there I should have just waited that's embarrassing [Music] I'm sorry if I heard that noise coming from the trees I just nope right out of there we're good I'm fine we can leave the rest to the imagination oh this reminds me too this is so embarrassing I still need to watch the Jurassic Park films don't hate me don't hate me dude nice hat though I don't know what's a better find that hat or that statue okay why would you put it in your mouth why why are people's first instinct to put things in their mouth rule number one keep things out your mouth um yes crusty old map check gun check oh my God the sound effects oh the magic of being able to see this for the first time in theaters as it's coming out I envy anyone that got to experience that I hope you know [Music] Harrison Ford Harrison Ford um hope it has come out of their life please challenge accepted oh she lob or wrong movie the giant spider just hello what's up yeah that's a no for me dog movies are great because I get to watch other people do this and not do this myself no that's no oh yeah ah no I could have gone my whole life without seeing that no we're good no I don't I don't even mind spiders but like I got a number limit there that is an absolute maximum we're good [Music] there's no chance that is still alive is there a curse oh my God I love this movie already horrifying terrifying disgusting is it too soon in the movie for my butt to be clenched like this okay like it's it's almost just the the pondering of of the possibilities of what could go wrong is the most fantastic part Indiana Jones is so cool you're just like yeah this man knows what he's doing I'm only traveling with him [Music] statue holding its own butt yeah let's switch it with a sack of sand no one will notice that's right not so fast he's like oh do you know what show me the idol oh no no no we all know how it's gonna no I told you they went give me the whip no adios yeah I didn't think so oh so is that the guy who plays Dr Otto Octavius in the Spider-Man movies with Toby Maguire yeah it is right yep I don't know his name [Music] leave Harrison Ford behind [Laughter] this gives me flashbacks to playing Tomb Raider how cool that would have been to film though when acupuncture went horribly wrong [Music] I feel like I'm also giving off evil laughter Vibes that was too funny oh the cheesiness God I love this already why can't we make movies like this anymore the charm it's the charm [Music] priorities [Laughter] oh that music gave me chills as I knew it would [Music] just hearing the music is like oh wow even though I've never seen the movies like The Music still has that effect on me I hate snake shock I hate you come on oh my God you said 20 spiders crawling on you but that that's where you draw the line I'll take one snake any day I see cleaning Stone stop contains a central past passage and three yeah we all know what the girls are thinking okay they don't care about what he's talking about was undisturbed and the undisturbed Chamber and the grave Goods that were founded enough love you that's amazing that is a that is the funniest thing don't forget Michaelson chapters four and five for next time you know growing up I thought history was the most boring subject like I couldn't give a shh about it but now I'm suddenly intrigued professor of archeology oh he's a professor of archeology we're basically physical history right the Lost Art yeah the Ark of the Covenant the chest the Hebrews used to carry around the Ten Commandments duh dude kit with it it's the original stone tablets that Moses brought down out of Montara have been smashed this is so interesting you guys ever go to Sunday school like no where well nobody knows where or when however yeah like that what what would be the point of this movie if they knew obviously the Nazis are looking for the headpiece to the staff of raw and they think obviously the staff is just a stick I don't know about this big he has to describe a large stick to this man that's funny in the center and what you did was you take the staff you've never watched anything fantasy you've never played wow the ominous music oh fire the power of God or something or something you know the power of God an army which carries the ark before it is invincible so cool Biblical history occult treasure hunting now you have my interest and my attention that thing represents everything we got into archeology for in the first place it's cool I'm going after a find of incredible historical significance you're talking about the boogeyman who o cautious fellow I am we're going we see a gun it's got to go off that's just the rules I don't make the rules so clearly I love that when there's people that don't like believe in the more Supernatural stuff and then they're clearly going to be hit with maybe some sort of curse it'd be they come face to face with the very thing that they don't believe in right now oh this is the stuff I live for also that Marcus dude I know he said they've known each other for a long time but I just want to State for the record that I don't trust him I hope I'm wrong [Music] also another massive bonus I get to stare at Harrison Ford for the whole movie that is one heavy duty looking plane and did you see how much room he got on that plane if only [Applause] she's about to put you to shame huh yeah look she looks bored still standing next let's go drink this man under the table [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] I like her she's my new favorite yep love her already that's it all right [Music] that's a cool shot hello Marion oh this is Marion oh I need one of the pieces your father collected oh shh now I do this is my place get out Mohan there we go what did he do because I said so that's why now she's power tripping she's like I got something you want now I'll make you work for it 3 000 bucks tomorrow Indiana Jones oh the one I shot that was on purpose 3 000 bucks she made it off that guy who passed out drunk [Music] oh this Medallion that I just happened to have on me devious yeah there's a curse I'm calling it [Music] I wouldn't just leave that there it was probably safer on you but you you do what you want yeah that's exactly foreign [Laughter] oh my God you [Music] oh he is freaky yes fine oh oh my gosh [Laughter] oh that's amazing whiskey coming right up oh yeah that's teamwork turn on him so quickly oh does he see it oh man I'm Italian yeah don't touch it okay well at least she thought that through [Music] oh my gosh look how pretty that is what is this where did this animal from can we keep it oh cute on her white outfit well no you don't have to keep it here just because of me I'll keep it if you don't want it that's adorable yep yeah we know him [Laughter] we go way back I'm surprised at your job stocking that way about our baby no don't go the monkey's like I got some errands to run I'll see you later it's a day oh a date like the fruit Oh I thought he was like we're going on a date the monkey a spy it it is who can you trust I'm literally on edge with everyone I can't I can't trust anyone thanks a lot movies and video games you figured a long time ago [Music] can't go shopping without getting into a fight [Applause] she's just whacking him oh boy oh [Music] oh that's unsettling to watch how easily that little needle sword went in oh nasty right probably still taking with that frying pan [Music] so I'll do oh you never underestimate cast iron okay [Music] yeah what the heck no more treats [Music] dude brought a knife to a gunfight and he found out amazing I'm an American I don't know if that holds out [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just can't believe they're lifting her with such ease like I'd be rocking around in there they would not it would not be that easy [Music] um oh aquarium no there's no way I don't believe it nope didn't happen she's fine I wouldn't trust I'm sorry trust is gone it is damn cute okay maybe we can Overlook what it did oh it's got no business being so cute to make you like me to push you out of the light um you know it's true oh nice the classic we aren't that different but I take it I buried in the sand for a thousand years it becomes priceless oh good point I've got nothing better oh Let's Love Me you know and I really want to trust that damn Monk I really want to trust this monkey but I am not [Music] I'm sorry no you're kidding I there was not an ounce of me that believed she was dead there's no way we didn't actually see a dead body and we all know what that means she ain't dead I will not believe it I want to see a charred dead body and I want to DNA test it it's him again oh [Music] do you just poison the food oh no no no and then are those dates that he poisoned no away from no no no ah how do you know what how did he know oh no I was afraid that was gonna happen no oh [Music] I'm devastated now oh whenever I see excavation in a desert I am immediately am teleported to the Dreadful day that I watched The Exorcist for the first time what even though this is completely unrelated to that movie I still get a little bit of trauma come back up from that experience and I don't know how to feel about it horrifying still to this day one of the most terrifying movies I've ever seen also one of the best scary movies I've ever seen oh man it also kind of goes with that whole like digging up something that they shouldn't be messing with and then they're being a supernatural take on it oh God that's why I don't mess with that stuff but I love to read about it oh well looks like you're on your own why don't you just brush off the whole thing [Music] oh the anticipation would be killing me inside [Music] so we found it he found the location [Music] oh that nope that's not how you think it is oh yeah [Music] I knew she wasn't dead I told you there was no way knew it we always got to see the body he's leaving her behind oh no wonder she's pissed at it only keeps doing this to her but I mean I get why I get why it makes sense but I'm the perfect man for this kind of work oh no not him again [Music] ew no thanks keep your hand to yourself [Music] don't you love when the very thing that they're looking for is right under their nose thank goodness for the storm or else the vibe would just be way off here sorry indie it's okay I forgive you does the floor move [Music] oh that's what he meant yeah I'll take the 12 spiders yet you could not pay me enough there is no amount of money in this world not naughty no Henry Dangerous go first yeah that's what friends are for the desert is three weeks in every direction so please eat something I'd take my chances frankly I would very much like to see you in it super weird do not have much time what a bizarre request it's brought me nothing but trouble [Music] okay it's it's oh that's pretty though [Music] whoo the back she is so pretty aha I'd wear that now that's really pretty that back was beautiful [Music] those snakes have been trapped for God knows how long it's kind of like spiders you know I'm indifferent but like do I want to deal with them no I I don't that's one way to do it drinking contest here we go does not know how experienced she is come on drink him under the table [Music] she's like how cute you know with them throwing torches around like they're gonna start so many fires to wonder anything is still standing [Laughter] acting or is she being serious Who's laughing now oh still him I'm about to butter your bread buddy I have to be good now Renee thanks for the dress yes we need something under better circumstance hi sting I'm wasted Americans you're all the same hey don't let me in without an instant stab gonna say a coat hanger foreign oh so this expedition was fruitful let's go I like all the use of Shadows in this movie really cool like little artistic thing that they do let me guess they're gonna find this do all the hard work get it out and then it's gonna get stolen am I right China cup yeah like I said like I said then they lifted the treasure out they're gonna get left behind there's probably gonna be some betrayal in here somewhere please no hold it what was briefly yours is now mine Thousand Years even you may be worth something all alone let me go oh no oh my God she did no she's not dead [Music] oh that would break your back get your hands off of me no she's like never mind give me your hand give me your hand Diana Jones I literally said adiu in my head and then he said it out loud I would like to think that I am psychic no oh it's sound proof take this it would be a horrible way to go oh thank God it's all Blazers Slytherin I instantly thought Harry Potter reference okay watch it Without fire I love how he ripped off the lower half of the skirt when he could have just shaken the giant useless bow on her butt to teach their own I mean that thing seems like more of a hazard it could get caught in something oh he just got bad luck one after another after another he's like at the end of this she should just be like I'm done with all you I'm done I'm going solo get ready and she's about to have a statue fall on her too I go back to the drawing board after this think about my life Hindi I absolutely not a group hug oh God gross oh my God if I would have seen that part as a kid that would forever haunt My Dreams live in my head rent-free I don't like him being so close to moving propellers I don't like it I don't like it I hate it this does not make me feel good [Music] look at that let me take my shirt off so my shirt does not get caught in the propeller obviously exactly yeah I where's your whip when you need it you have it on it on it kid okay I get I get it you you two want to fight that's fine can we move away from the propellers please [Music] [Laughter] at least they they happen to have enough spatial awareness here literally there's an entire circle for safety fight outside the circle no they're like we'll do you one better we're gonna fight on the plane oh good oh Lord okay I knew it now no no no no no yeah didn't need that mental image new fear unlocked no these movies are gonna kill me holy smoke my friends I I'm so pleased you're not dead holy smokes that was funny also I'm so glad that someone else says that I say holy smokes all the time I'm like does anyone say that anymore they do not care about the safety of their friends they just be shooting all willy-nilly about to take out those poor camels [Laughter] is that called The Wilhelm scream I love it no action movie is complete without that scream for some reason I I tend to associate that scream a lot with Star Wars too so it's funny that this is a Harrison Ford movie as well that's why we have guard rails I've been to countries and places like I remember driving on the side of a mountain in like Croatia most narrow roads no guard rails horrifying that is always what I imagined was going to happen [Music] oh we did get hit he's like quit it that's my bad arm you jerk oh my God yeah [Music] is he gonna is he gonna actually climb underneath the truck I would love to know how they filmed this because it actually looks like someone's being dragged that would have to hurt so bad yeah now you have no Mercedes logo to hang on to so many ways of of going out that I I didn't necessarily ever want to think about any oh my God he did all that with a with an injured arm idiot idiot [Music] those are bad guys always like turn on each other like you idiots it's like not like at least you guys are alive that's all that matters there's like idiot I am already missing you he's like watch out for the arm bad arm that is for your children and this is for you okay thank you no thank you [Laughter] [Music] he's giving gimbali from Lord of the Rings for some reason I'm cleaning up from him fantastic clothes out of this can I raid your wardrobe please I'm not the man I knew 10 years ago it's not the yes the mileage [Laughter] oh it's kind of cute [Music] [Laughter] I really like how a child like he was being about it it was really that was really genuinely cute he's like I'm Healed oh Jones no you okay it's gonna say you can't die oh I forgot about a potential curse don't you touch me he does not listen and then decide whether or not to blow your ship from the water trouble but at least she's really well dressed every time [Music] well that was bad fast I'm about to single-handedly take out the submarine [Music] Quick Change right you gonna steal the clothes [Music] yeah blend in with everyone smart [Music] is it too small does he not does he not fit into the guy's clothes they're all wearing all these clothes wouldn't they get so hot she's the only one dressed appropriately a billowy sleeveless dress yes please [Music] oh the RPGs pointed at you too girlfriend [Music] I wouldn't run into this yeah persistent surprise isn't even me did a bug just crawl into his mouth I really badly want to rewind and see that does he will is he gonna do it no he's not yeah ah [Music] is there a curse inside gold [Music] a body sand oh the creepy guy with perfect teeth has a laugh to match okay [Music] is it like Pandora's Box don't look at it shut your eyes Marion don't look at it why why [Music] oh my gosh they're like Spirits or race or something [Music] beautiful not the adjective I'd use how will that keep you safe [Laughter] I didn't know I just I I once again could have gone my entire life without seeing that and now that is forever burned into my head it's what happens when you try to 1v1 God glad they're fine though [Music] I just can't believe what I just saw that that was horrifying on every level the ark is a source of unspeakable power and it has to be researched yeah we have top men working on it right now and their faces will melt too a drink thank you how about a therapy appointment I'm coping oh there's a lot to unpack there [Music] that seems like something that um you might not want to just place amongst a bunch of boxes boxes that look identical and it's probably something you want to keep track of but that's fine there is just a history will repeat itself and more people's faces will melt off and we're gonna have to see it again this was a fantastic movie though I absolutely loved it so entertaining the entire time and also absolutely horrifying well I think the best part about that movie was that I had an eyelash stuck in the middle of my eye for the maybe the last 20 minutes of the movie but the good news is I think it blurred out all the nasty I'm sorry I gotta be quite plain about this the scene where their face is melted off that I was not expecting that was genuinely terrifying and traumatizing and will I be okay I don't know tune in next week to find out that terrified me and disgusted me as an adult I am so glad that I did not watch this as a child seriously though this eyelash be jumping in front of my pupil like now we don't need to see this doing the Lord's work here all right I have good and bad news the good news I got whatever was in my eyeball the bad news is that I had to touch my own human eyeball today is a good day all right now on to the movie review pretty much I I think you guys can expect this but the movie is fantastic from start to finish absolutely entertaining as hell it gripped you the whole time and then it Harrison Ford like that's it that's all I have to say once again crushing it as every character that he portrays he is also a fantastic actor a superhero on the screen just born performer and another thing too I just I love Harrison Ford like as a person I don't know him personally obviously but I have seen a lot of like interviews of him throughout the years especially more recently because obviously he's been promoting his new Indiana Jones movie but what I really love about him is that he truly seems like he loves acting just because he loves acting he loves it as an art form as a creative Outlet because whenever you see him be interviewed by people and they ask him like these you know these random questions like I remember seeing this one interview with him recently where I think they were questioning about the the dial of time or something I think in this new movie that's like the the artifact that they're searching for and I think the interviewer was like if you could have the dial of time where would you go with it and he just looks right at the camera he goes home if you had a community style where would you want to go home I haven't been home for a long time and then just 30 seconds of awkward and it was absolutely glorious and that is one of the main reasons I love him I love actors that take their job seriously that just want to put everything that they have into their craft because you can see it come through in the movies that we watch and this is one of those characters this is one of those movies and he is that actor where no one else could have done Indiana Jones better than Harrison Ford I feel like this is one of the few movie series that they really can't and shouldn't do a remake of because nothing will ever capture the magic of these movies when they first came out and even to this day they hold up I am still able to enjoy it it is still extremely immersive extremely entertaining the effects I think of this movie are really what make it awesome there is a part of me well not even a part of me there is the entire whole being of me that almost prefer is this kind of filmmaking even though the effects are older even though the sound effects are very obvious there's just something so Charming about this way of filming and this way of directing I love feeling like the movie that I'm watching is just meant to be entertaining and really that's all it's meant to be it's meant to take you on a little adventure for one and a half two hours but thank you so much yet again for giving me a wonderful scene that will just live in my head rent free and continue to traumatize me to the grave and I'm gonna be honest I don't actually know how many Indiana Jones movies there are so I feel like I got a couple more I want to say I have two more of the original series and then I believe they did make more later on there's Raiders of the Lost Ark which we just watched and then the next one is Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom from 1984. usually add another one from the 80s again all these 80s movies the next one after that is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and then we have Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the Crystal Skull and that sounds familiar familiar I don't know if I've watched it all the way through or maybe I just saw bits and pieces of it but I remember something about a crystal skull but honestly it's as if I didn't really watch it in the first place and really most movies for me give me like five years and then I'll re-watch it and it's like I have it's like I'm re-watching it for the first time all over again and then the one that's most recent the one that is about to come out if it hasn't come out already is Indiana Jones and the dial of Destiny so my apologies I think I called it the dial of time just like five minutes ago and anyway I cannot wait to watch all the other movies I love when I have like a Trilogy or a series that I've never watched before to watch on the channel so like I can actually do all of them in order and you can kind of see the progression so I'm really excited to react to the rest of these here on the channel and if you guys are looking forward to those reactions as well make sure to leave a thumbs up on this video subscribe to the channel and click the Bell button to get notified for all those videos thank you guys so much again for all the support on this video thank you for watching to the very end if you made it this far once again thank you to all the patreons and the members of this Channel and thank you so much to my editor for editing this video and doing a fantastic job I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your day and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: The Mirandalorian Reacts
Views: 141,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indiana jones raiders of the lost ark, indiana jones raiders of the lost ark trailer, indiana jones raiders of the lost ark reaction, first time watching indiana jones, raiders of the lost ark (1981) first time watching movie reaction, first time watching raiders of the lost ark, indiana jones 5 trailer, indiana jones and the dial of destiny, indiana jones 5, indiana jones movie reaction, indiana jones movie trailer, indiana jones reaction, raiders of the lost ark reaction
Id: aKoa51-Kvd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 22sec (2842 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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