Coby is really digging RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK (1981) Movie Reaction FIRST TIME WATCHING

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ah we're straight into the bugs on the back man oh I hate it I hate it [Music] hi guys welcome back to popcorn roulette don't forget to like And subscribe I'm Kobe and this is cash and we are about to get stuck into Indiana Jones again so I watched my first film last time which was Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom now I know that that is the film that you guys saw second because it came out three years later but I decided to watch them in chronological order so because that one was set in 1935 and Raiders is set in 1936 I thought this would make more uh more sense to me to start in that way so I'm excited to see you know what was the introduction to the character and the series for everybody because this was um the first thing you all saw I guess so I know also unfortunately that kihoi Quan is probably not in this movie because it wouldn't make sense for him to be aging backwards like I think I mentioned when I was watching uh Temple of Doom but I'm just going to pretend that he I don't know I guess got adopted out by a beautiful family and and uh is happily studying in some beautiful school and still keeps in contact within me I don't know but he was my favorite I adored him in Temple of Doom so I'm gonna miss him but I'm excited to see what happens it's only a year later I don't know if K capsule's even in this I don't I doubt it I doubt that they're still together as characters but we'll see so without anything else left to do uh for the full watch along head over to patreon and let's play the movie was this 1981. I'm so fresh off the other film I'm like okay wait where are we we're not in India where this is all new and does he go back to the school ever is that just a thing that I'm imagining and making up I feel like I've seen images of him like I said you know with the glasses and uh at the University do we ever get that or is that just his backstory a lot of similarities so far uh Alfred Molina what did I just see him in the Watcher and a million other things jungle this is very like Predator I knew we were here today I love that we're destroyed back into it like there is no there's no there's no breathing space back into an adventure another map I love it this is exactly how I used to make maps as a child you know and you'd make like fake treasure maps pour coffee all over the paper and then burn the edges to look exactly like that see I know him but for you guys or for everybody that watched this when it first came out this is like the first time you saw his face like that and everything I'm like oh hey buddy another little bag see this is reminding me of like going under the palace with the with short round when Capshaw was flipping out in the bedroom I wonder what people's favorites like you know whether fans love this or the second one more or if it's neither if it's the third or the fourth so yeah we're straight into the bugs on the back man oh I hate it I hate it they're like I mean I think they're the tarantulary looking ones that aren't actually hurtful but harmful but still they're juicy spiders that's not right that skull still like has an eyeball in it that would not that would not be there I love how the booby traps always have a skeleton like skewered on there somehow forever just to reinforce what will happen oh Molina I gotta say already like even just all these locations and sets and the whole thing it just as much as I never thought I was an Adventure film fan be fun movies to make this honey there's nothing to fit here scares me you got a mustache or is that just a shadow oh no he's got a massage he didn't have a mustache before really stay here no problem these movies are booby trap Central I think I've combined like all these sort of weird memories together because this looks like this is what I thought was gonna look like when he found the egg in the in the other one you know the stone I mean some of that Indiana Jones glow that Lighting on his face that I'm used to oh he's switching out the weight like the hotel the mini bar fridges when they know you've taken something and they charge you straight away oh man I mean he has like nine lives he is one lucky dude he trusted him please don't please don't no well now I know he's a baddie so he's not the new sidekick Alpha Molina is not the new um Short Round yeah did the Indiana Jones thing again see through the garage door I'm telling you wait is that meant to be oh it is that was meant to be Alpha Molina right there the ball oh my God this is this is the ride okay so during the Temple of Doom at the end scene through the mines I was like this is the ride like a Disneyland but there's a ball that chases you this is the ball okay so the ride is like a combination of stuff again we see there is nothing you can possess which I cannot take away the way I do I'm sure he does right this guy waiting for him or is this just a civilian who he's gonna commandeer his uh plane I'll see lots of swinging Vines singing and he swings in the other one his hat wet just turned into like one of those little bucket hats that are all the rage now a little fisherman hat you oh gosh see I don't mind the snake so much I take that any day over the bugs and the spiders oh that was a pretty you know easy Escape three chambers or cysts this is what I was talking about this is the imagery that I sort of remember seeing at some point you know photographs whatever Stills when they talk about the movie the the professor version his Bruce Wayne however chamber three was undisturbed and the undisturbed Chamber and the grave Goods that were founded our eyelids say love you and I will be in my office on Thursday but not Wednesday and because this was made first it's not even going to be like he has a little picture of short run on his desk or anything forms to the international treaty for the protection of antique beautiful Marcus he risks his life for the museum what do I want to see them for he's so like klutzy and kind of you know like holding all this stuff in a little bit going on in the desert outside of Cairo we've got some information yeah so they are going to Egypt see I knew that there had to be an Egypt part well the city of tennis one of the possible resting places of the Lost Ark that's what we're looking for The Well of Souls the city of tennis was consumed by the desert in the sandstorm which lasted a whole year wiped clean by the Earth the Roth is he trying to say wrath I guess they say Roth Roth wrath no no not really Ravenwood is the real expert he's so different in his suit at work what's that supposed to be coming out of there lightning fire the power of God or something let's see the poster can I what can I get from here nothing which carries the ark before it is invincible so they're all based on like the adventures are you know based on recovering this stuff that has very supernaturally and spiritual Powers you know he hasn't just looked for something that's just worth money did it didn't she House Museum gets the ark when we're finished oh yeah so he does do it for his love of the work and stuff and he wants the museum to have it afterwards but Manny risks his life for it sorry gotta pack the jacket yeah like the jacket and the whip that's what goes into the suitcase the jacket and the whips you're talking about the book oh see that's just what I said he is in this because it came out first he is saying he just cares about it having like historical significance you know and cultural relevance and like wanting to keep it for this you know the sake of history and saying he doesn't believe in the boogeyman but we just watched Temple of Doom where you know there's a huge spiritual element and like super powers and you know so that's sort of not a not a problem but that's sort of counteracts kind of contradicts like what you know what he just experienced a year prior but when this was made didn't exist so let's go to Egypt baby Egypt is another one that's on my bucket list to go to these Indiana Jones movies are really pointing out the places I need to get to oh yeah I thought because they're so old they'd be more like recognizable faces in like smaller roles you know what I mean we're like I know that person but wait who's that I should know her who's that what are we even playing for what are we playing drinking games for what what is going on [Music] she's already a lot more rougher tougher than Willy than than K Capshaw hello cool shot with the shadow I need one of the pieces your father collected oh I learned I hate you in the last 10 years you knew what you were doing now I do this is my place I love that he's all of it he's the ladies man he's the you know he is James Bond he's the adventure Bond they're Bond movies you know where's that where's Abner who's dead was that her dad is that he's talking about 3 000 bucks well that will get me back I can get you another two when we get mistakes that'd be the equivalent to a lot more money than that right now what's he offering her like the equivalent of come back tomorrow see you tomorrow Indiana Jones a little eye shot through the Shadows again all these sets and stuff is so cool a lot of Fire [Music] she still has it uh-oh it's creepy why I know I made a Who Framed Roger Rabbit reference to the last one but this reminds me of them too that Christopher Lloyd at the end of that and a glad little round glasses a drink for you and your men yeah yeah where's her medallion the rest of them don't look German Batman look but no no no no who's gonna come back in the mustache is throwing me I'm not used to it oh does he even know that's there or does he just come back to save her like regardless of that she can't blow that and turn into fire I don't think that works Oh I thought she was gonna like spit like a molotovy [ __ ] Sally thing it was like cinematic yeah but not logical sure shoot samples I thought he said Showtime he shoot them no dude I wonder if that was hot from the fire or because he is you know bad dude and it knew that my medallion okay now we go to Egypt ah this is cool I want to see it so badly he's always just like so I mean almost burnt he's like super tan but always like so sun-kissing red shoes if I don't get kihoi Kwan through the whole movie please let me keep the monkey let the monkey stay he's a French archaeologist he knows him and it is something that man was not meant to disturb it is not of this Earth do we need the monkey the monkey staying this feels like bigger steaks in terms of like this you know the ark and everything and the power that it holds um compared to the stones we'll see these markets are insane so cool so crowded with the little Alleyways perfect for like you know Chase scenes getaways fight scenes is this guy just more Germans is this guy German I like that nothing was said just went straight into fighting wasn't like look out quicker oh they're just straight into it go go go he's gonna catch on jump on is this guy he doesn't look German either he was like right behind him like he was like right behind her you stabbed her hide in the basket hide the magic you know when they were carrying that pass before I was like that is a big basket those guys just come out of nowhere look at the size of his sword hahaha that was that that was perfect now I know why I was like look at the size of Swords so dramatic and then they're fun they are fun off the bat like it's I I must admit I probably should have watched them earlier see always flushed and red and hot and sweaty but she went the other way no no no surely not unless we're starting devastatingly again but no the basket came out before Oh my gosh for real no I feel like she's gonna just show up or this is going to be his motivation for the whole mission and because of her dad and her no way no she's gonna be there turn around she's behind you no [Music] no oh well I got the monkey apparently she blew up in the car this is Bullock we can at least behave like civilized people is that his French accent is this the French guy is that I'm doing fall down methods are not different as much as you pretend I'm a shadowy reflection of you no uh-uh I don't want to talk to God let's go see him together [Laughter] he's a hero he said he is and a monkey but I'm still not I accepting that she just blew up I thought I would find you there but I think I'm gonna have to the United States yes I know oh gosh okay unexpected but I guess that's like you know in the opening of the other one in the in like the James Bond type bar scene where he was just like Sean Connery um his assistant or his buddy died then but I thought that was going to be the new love interest but uh a little poison I already pour it on just one dish on one side it would raise the monkey just like that one oh I forgot which ball was poisoned no yeah it was the monkey I can't have him poisoned um staff is too long they're digging in the wrong place [Music] nope monkey safety oh no come on but how are they digging without having it Shine through and show them yet wait this is the this is the map room he's in right oh and that's how it shines on exactly where to go it's where to put the staff no but the staff has to go in the same oh no I was about where to put it oh that's what you needed the code for is where to right right right okay sorry bear with me and now it's Gonna Shine right where The Well of Souls is I apologize if everything I'm saying is wrong that beam though is so superb okay we're off we got a location we just skipped through getting him out it was just too hard to shoot oh it was too much I thank you that's pretty tragic and I had held that hope but then when the other guy went yeah I've heard that I'm glad she's okay all right back in still sad about the monkey but I'm back in yeah but they might kill her or they're gonna use her I was like I don't know I was bargaining later if they need to but he thinks she's dead huh I would not be pleased they're so close the Nazis are still so close though they're only slightly off I thought this thing could have been miles away not like within this little compound this guy is creepy oh he's got his crew ready to dig already oh we're just we went along quick and no one's even looking and seeing that they're up there doing that I'm like Curious or okay it's a very like Australian looking shot even though it's Egypt with that hat that could be like in a kubra it's like a very burnt Aussie desert image clear it off come on find the edges how's he managed to get up there go and get away with it this far and he's recruited dudes they're digging they're making progress nobody's asked questions they're just like Excavating away Within punity oh this isn't even a cave this is like a whole structure cue the bugs although they're snakes better but still on in that amount absolutely not or absolutely not but he should be useful oh he hates snakes I hate snakes [Laughter] remember we just left her there I would be so annoyed itself imagine that they're three weeks walk from any kind of civilization you die entirely uncivilized this is Bullock but he had a hat on before yeah oh he's perving on her although she did walk right into the site of the uh reflection [Music] she's doing well Faking It and they're all different too like that one's one of the huge ones look at this little face see I feel bad the monkey dies and I'm all upset now he's about to burn alive thousands and thousands of snakes and we're all like eh oh that's sad too I love these dudes that like capture people and then when the minute they turn around they're like yeah I like you I'm fine they fall for it they're like yeah of course you're not tricking me I'm buying it so I'm confused so this is the This Is The Well of Souls right I mean because the light was meant to shine through the staff and point out exactly where The Well of Souls is and that's what they were digging and going into so they're into that but now the ark is in that right ah and that's what holds all the power [Laughter] I mean she is drinking it so is she fake she can't be faking drunk but she must I feel like she is but she is drinking it it's not like she's pouring it out or anything and if he's getting wasted and she looks it too or I guess drunk or not she can still fight him you know it's this guy on his way to rid the world of tunes such a villain what it was to hang his coat on I thought it was gonna be some nunchuck kind of weapon and it's to hang his coat the gold lighting my fave the themes that's it right I do love all the shadow shots [Music] is this just the two of them wait no someone else now the team is hoisting it up okay I was gonna say but the rest was just the two of them this is what I was expecting yesterday but they completely got away with yesterday and they need such a nasty place I mean how's he gonna turn this around he's literally in the hole with her and they have everything they need that's a cool shot I love that because he got her to put that dress on she's now become like similar to in Temple of Doom with cake Capshaw always fully glammed up in the end she's in that you know completely Bejeweled gown now this is similar where the girls all in a pretty outfit princess outfit the snake skin has somehow help him or no the snakes are the villain still he doesn't like snakes no thanks to you how hard do you try so was she really drunk and she's just sobered up fast I don't still think that if they were really drinking the alcohol she couldn't have um pretended there are so many snakes I can't that was just to spite me when I was big talking being super fine well he's doing very well facing his fear the music restoring Faith let's go Hindi yeah I thought that might be the case all right and like some mommy were not mommies but like some Mass coffin room oh when we are very far from here so the French guy might not even be that bad of a dude but he's just been employed by the the evils and although I still he had a time no okay he's on the bad team this guy's stripping down a fight this guy looks terrifying somebody could get their head cut off in the prop she's gonna swing something out of a knock em out oh no although she seems pretty capable and able maybe maybe she knows how to fly [Music] I misunderstood I thought he had said the plan was like let's go and hide on the plane and then when they put the Ark on we'll already be on it but these are small planes it's the Art's not going on these these are like just little I don't think I mean I don't know they just doesn't seem to be the space I didn't think this was the sort of plane that he was talking about oh come on you got this finish him no not him this is what I was talking about this is the propeller don't when I first saw it I thought that was gonna happen but then I didn't I don't know I thought it might be too gory I guess you didn't see anything but I'm I'm happy they did it that looks cool the plane is still just spinning endlessly we have no time if you still want the ark it has been loaded onto a truck for Cairo truck yes we still want the arc favorite line of the movie so far wait have we even seen him on a horse yet I'm blurring you know images you see with memories with the last video no I think elephant or we haven't actually seen him ride a horse like that through there he can do anything [Music] although with other bullets and arrows and he's lucky that his opponents don't have the most you know impeccable aim sometimes because he's not like he's covered in bulletproof outfit or anything like that so I'm gonna easily I'll be over in a second [Music] there's so many guys though how's it going to be okay we're losing him one by one but still there's so many they're all there and not to bring everything back to my Disneyland ride but I only do it because it was my only Indiana Jones experience until now um they're all kind of combined in the ride because I feel like even though it's the Mind from like the end of Temple of Doom there was the ball in the beginning of this one and then what you're actually in is more like this it's kind of little trucky um you know uh thing that this truck that he's driving that's more like what you get into um on the ride oh see we have a similar cliff in the in the Temple of Doom come on so we got a couple of Nazis on here and we got the other the car with the French guy and the two main head honchos this all would have been so much fun on the big screen oh that got him have we even seen him shop before I don't know that got him in the arm but we're getting to the end I feel so it's okay we can get that looked at after we secure the arc this guy looks like Paul Newman first I mean Paul Hogan for a second good stun he's a Tuffy and he's got the shot arm he's got the bullet in his arm where it just kept going and was a graze after all but hopefully disagrees and he's in the truck he has the ark we're good is that it does he need to kill him or he just like can get away I think I'm still recovering from the girl not being dead that really that really threw me when they're like I heard Marianne died here and he's like yeah I know I bought it I fell for it they are my family I will get out of it if they are not treated well Kevin is this oh no I thought we were done and now I feel like I don't trust this guys this one more is there one last hurdle or is this guy gonna take care of them I love who are the lead women always end up in new sneak dresses at the end I don't know we're about to find out this surely is going to be the last so this is the last stretch it's lovely that's right he got shot it's all banged up at the front too so how is he meant to be in this like 40 in this and so they hung out when he was like 30. I don't need a nurse I just want to be such a baby still got the hat on here cute Jones you never seem to get a break do it I wonder if they stay together into the other movies or visit a new love every time it's a little rat I'm a rat in Chinese astrology year of the Rat power of the Ark ham oh no what is this a Nazi submarine he looks so good without the Hat I know the Hat's iconic oh that's it it just burnt the side and then then stopped destroying the Box ah you'll bring a very good prize [Music] wait so he's he's not a bad dude he's trying to it's all completely ADR with that kind of wind going on everywhere because little spin do a spin gets so stressful at the end you're right what was I thinking thinking that just getting onto the ship was going to be smooth sailing part of the pun um until the finish line I can't believe I even entertained that for a second of course this was gonna happen wow well they're not gonna kill her she would they would have killed on the spot so he knows he's just gonna rescue her [Laughter] he's too buff for the mini jacket uh-oh accomplish your mission and obtain the one true Ark if he agree and he's gonna turn around and be completely good I know like I've gone back and forth between being like oh look he's just doing his job because they hired him or he's a baddie and now he's a goodie now I feel like maybe [Music] as fellow archaeologists there's going to be some sort of like Kindred camaraderie thing we'll see because he wants him to open it I want to know why [Music] this guy's outfit that bazooka you want to see it open as well as I in Indiana it did stuff on the ship it got all riled up the arc itself this this is history maybe it's like The Sword in the Stone you know it can't go to the unrightful owner it can't go into bad hands it's only going to go to Indy okay so it's the arc and it's fully intact and fine and I was just spiraling well I don't know all I know is it burnt the Box the crate [Laughter] wait wait wait so all that ornate stuff is just the case the thing is actually inside and now it's just sand like all of that gold the two gold wingy things and all of that that's just like the but the arc itself is in that okay so for a second I thought it was like nothing but it is the swell of souls it does have a look at all this power little spirits terrifying now it looks like Ghostbusters so many movies look like other movies like just different imagery terrifying don't open [Music] Stockton oh my gosh I just got everybody that's gonna kill everybody but the two of them oh my gosh oh so it's not it's it definitely is an evil power it's not just power this is gnarly yeah so I was right in the beginning like this is a much bigger Force they're dealing with than than the stones from Temple of Doom for example that were very they're much more specific in what they were sort of um connected to this is huge all-powerful dangerous so what they're just gonna keep it in the museum and not open it and mess with it you did it of course [Music] oh you are somewhere very safe he's not handing it over oh they're not oh Andy doesn't even know where it is I wonder if these movies if it leaves you on a real hook hook you know like the other one finished and wrapped up like for an Adventure film it is such a beautiful Place very pretty wait so where did it go [Music] so he handed it over and then they took it and he doesn't even know and that's why I wonder if the next movie they went back in time because maybe this does oh this is everything that's of that kind of value and importance and secret and holy moly look at all of this stuff oh so it's not a hook as such but it's like it leaves us open to like the multitude of Adventures and stuff that he can go into next ah that was great I'm gonna take these off for the credits oh that was fun I mean I I felt like I didn't you know I didn't experience it in the same way as most people that would have you know never heard of Indiana Jones and that was their first meeting of him but I liked that I knew who he was and I knew kind of what was going to happen and had a feel for the whole um Vibe of the film I'm definitely enjoying them so much more than than I thought I would for sure Adventure is not my like I didn't think was sort of my favorite genre um but that's been wonderful so yeah I miss kihoi Kwan he was I mean he was exceptional in the Temple of Doom so that's my only like that's my biggest uh negative I guess but I'm happy to keep going I'm gonna watch uh so what do I have next that was writers I watched something that's writers so the next one is number three which is the Last Crusade I want to say which is not actually the Last Crusade um but yeah stick with me and I'll I need a little break for a second and then I'll get stuck into the Last Crusade but thanks for watching along um I'm Kobe this is popcorn roulette remember to like And subscribe and we'll see you next time for the next reaction bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Popcorn Roulette
Views: 36,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reactions, Youtubers, reactor, reaction channel, reaction videos, react, reacting to, trending, popular movies, movie reactions, tv shows, tv show reaction, movie, film, film reaction, best reactions, best reaction, best reaction channel, new movies, cinema, movie clips, clip, reaction video, honest reaction, classic movie, movie review, indiana jones, indiana jones dial of destiny, indiana jones trailer, indiana jones 5 trailer, Raiders of the Lost Ark
Id: fZIF25TlbUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 24sec (2904 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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