Raft (with Jack and Daithi) | 2020-11-26

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hello how are you yeah the hair is on show today hat I should be wearing my hat today cuz it's cold but oh well I've committed now if you don't start with a hat you can't you can't continue with the hat it it's all or nothing really when it comes to hats in my opinion anyway what do you guys think no hat tweet the stream I will actually you know what I will I will tweet the stream when uh we get going I'll leave it open for um waiting till we actually start because I have to wait for what is my own URL uh I have to wait for dohy and Jack of course but we said six so shouldn't be that long I just like to start a bit early to say hello how are you and then there's two of me um bear with me little song I'm working on hope you like it it's dead metal it's a bit of a change from my usual things we could count hair as a hat technically I mean at what point does hair become a hat because if you cut it off your scalp like if all this was detached I like cut it from the rout and kept it in one piece it would be a hat well know be a wig but it's same thing essentially what differentiates a wig from a hat because if it's just that it's meant to look like hair you could get like a hat that looks like hair or you could get a wig that looks like a hat you get what I mean probably not but you know I think I'm on to something there uh oh thank you for the hype Train by the way what the hell did I just join sorry it was a conversation between myself no one else is getting involved uh valy thank you so much for the five Subs idle breakout spotnik uh azreel Becky lonie thank you for the support there I appreciate it and lonie thank you for the five Subs there as well Lonnie and Valley appreciate that um as usual uh we'll be doing H the co-op stream in a bit of a different way where I can't really address the alert as much as I'd like to on cage Songbird thank you for the sub um but I appreciate them Georgia P thank you very much for the sub as well uh and I'll try and get to them if I can it's just you know how it be there's a lot going on so it's kind of difficult um please make the raft streams into videos I probably will um on the clips channel the Hat really was a phase no it's not it's not a phasee I just I have to clean it at some point um Big Daddy Box Meal thanks for the sub uh end Gamers thank you for the two subs rigid Rose B ah sereni thank you very much for the subs as well you're very kind do the headphone thing the little it's not as uh impactful when it's not just a little zoomed in clip uh J thank you for the bits hope the hat is not feeling neglected it's not it's up here and I give it some pets every now and again it's fine nephew Jazz thanks for the bits again uh that's two separate people by the way I'm not just proclaiming you are my nephew Jaz nephew penguin thank you for the bits Nadia thank you for the sub Miss Oliver thank you for the 10 Subs that's super kind to you uh spotnik Lauren Jesus Becky thank you very much the support Miss ol bear thank you again for the 10 that's very nice here hat start crawling over Sol shocks Papa and Lauren thank you again thank you for the kind uh words folks I hope spot neck gez I hope you're uh all right speedy recovery I hope that must be weird not having taste or smell you're saying uh youve zero sense of taste and smell due to co I hope it goes away soon and you're on your way to a swift recovery um Lord s uh Ginger Charlies thank you so much for the six Subs Charlies shell meow T Jazz wck Amy Big Daddy Box Meal thank you for the subs easy cash thank you for the 10 Subs that's super kind thank you so much um lonie J loud and uh mmy thank you very much for the sub as well what is the Hat's name oh it's h it's it's ham with an m ham I just looked at the chat saw someone say I also got hit by a car just in the middle of the chat I hope you you're all right I'm glad you we have something to relate on it's nice uh let me join this um uh okay I just uh let them know what the story is that I'm chatting away to you guys for a bit uh while wait for them no rush you know I think uh Sean's G live now anyway so it shouldn't be too long uh uh raldo thank you for the sub massu Jeff fritzell Mar Jack thank you for the bits Miss ol thank you for the bits as well oh yeah Happy Thanksgiving I forgot it was Thanksgiving obviously it's not a big thing over here so it's something I don't really think of but Happy Thanksgiving to all the American viewers you said can you we get a gobble gobble sure gobble gobble I hope that was what you wanted Elon thank thank you very much for the gifted Subs hi caves asuda uh where was I where was I jamanda uh shiny just a demig god Valkyrie boy Ruru man uh mmy thank you very much I appreciate it thank you so much guys appreciate the support what a cold gobble gobble was it not enough energy V gamer bird thank you for the sub and Han thank you for the sub as well Nathan thank you for the uh yeah I'd say we'll be going live pretty pretty soon it's looking like um it's looking like things our proceeding is planned so I'd say give me another minute or two and we'll be uh we'll be starting up going be continuing on from the raft last time if you missed it me Jack and dohi have been trying to survive out in a raft um oh and and bran of course I forgot the four of us have been trying to survive on a raft in the middle of the ocean collecting plastic wood and leaves in an effort to survive and reach the ultimate kopia 100 so we can finally get back to land Janda did I get your name wrong I apologize if I got it wrong uh Evelyn thank you for the sub mster Ellen w w wow Nathan thank you as well um wait hey Kev I ordered I ordered your poster set four I've been waiting two weeks I need my gym pick poster I must wake to our Savior every morning Destiny I'd say contact the support if you've been wa waiting that long I'm curious if that's off the new store or the old store I wonder but yeah it should get to you I apologize it's been slow Lua just said Kevin's been getting my name wrong for two years and I never told him why would you do this to me what is it then I don't understand what could it be I don't understand I'm so [Music] confused oh no there's a new store yeah there's a new merch store if you click on the merch button below there's actually um wait there's a Code there's a sale on at the moment uh it'll go live tonight at midnight until Tuesday morning it's Kevin bf15 so like Black Friday 15 It Won't Be Live Until um uh until midnight tonight though I sah Ellie thank you so much for 10 Subs that is super kind you thank you very much uh herp SHP thank you for the sub T thank you for the bits three shy horses Amira Divine dogus uh hiccuping duck tofe man hi caves Tech teally R thank you very much for the bits as well I'm I'm a nurse in the states that working at Co ICU and I unfortunately made the decision to spend the holidays alone so thanks for streaming today so it's something to look forward to well Jesus respect for what you do it cannot be easy I can't even imagine but I'm glad you can join the stream and watch us get lost at se instead no but uh all the best for you that that is a a tough situation hopefully on this weird situation will all be over soon though godamn box Cinder puff Evelyn mom St thank you very much guys I don't think I missed anyone but sorry if I did a hi uping dock thank you for the five Subs bonsi it's Nick uh it's easy sing snakes Chewbacca totally Wy whisker and uh louisian thank you very much for the sub I appreciate it let me see oh doi's here let's will we say hello to D sure let me get my game started up first I um it'll be the same situation as last time where the audio levels might be a bit their levels should be like balanced so just let me know if well just let me know in general if Jack is too low he's too loud or vice versa let me know um or if in general both the voices need to go up just let me know and I'll be balancing it I keep an eye until we get it right um let me just start up the game uh and I I won't share my screen until um we set up the lobby because I'm not sure what the the deal is with that um Tyre je thank you for the bits uh wck Emma Legos fairy and King mie thank you for the bits Shan even wonder thank you for the bits as well um and as usual I can't really um oh wait I can actually Swap this around now rather than doing it later so I can just go to the stream deck uh I can't really look at the alerts too much but I'll try my best um right there we go and what was the last thing there's something else I can't remember I can always mute if it comes up Pokemon thank you for the tip silly Tilly thank you for the five Subs shiny even wonder thank you for the bits uh Satan Gemini and Country Dairy thank you for the sub as well but thank you for all the support guys I appreciate it the hype train is is very very kind I need to get a new arm or something well this arm because it's sore um beanie is Kevin on the ra yeah it sure is I can't wait for it to see bran again um right let me see uh country da thank you for the sub again um all right I think I'm good to unmute uh so I'll try and keep up with you guys let me know if there's any issues or complaints and I'll do my best to address them let me say hello to uh is that is RA a bit loud H you'll you'll let me know you'll let me know hello Dari hello how are you shy how oh hello how are you howy how you doing I you know good average if at best ah sure that's the peak really slash Grand yeah when Irish people say Grand it could be any sort of emotion at all lost a leg yesterday but Grand you know got to hide the pain um Jack I think your mic might be wrong by the way I might be wrong is it on my end or your end sounds might just be away from the mic he sounds like he's away from it there we go there that's it right in my ears Jack the B even better now are we ready for some ra I'm ready to see bran I've missed about him Bran Bran and anram of raft yes I Kevin where are you all at my end I'm just shy uh hold on Kevin your mic's been [ __ ] I have it like 200% really I don't know what it is with [ __ ] Discord it's it's change your settings make sure you have all I turned them all off in the noise look we learned nothing from last time it seems we had this issue last time we talked about it nothing got fixed we just played anyway yeah we didn't really address it it just kind of kept going I have you at 190 and you're just about the same I think but God Only Knows um you sound fine though I by the way you're in the land I'm in the land I'm in the land by land I'm coming I'm going to get you oh I've been missing this game mainly because of brand but in General the game was very fun I missed it from the fun last times we had yeah I I played it for about half an hour after you left and so I built a couple of new things and we're ready to build some new big big things all right big big responsible things oh yes I forgot I had my Shark thing thanks for building the bathroom Kevin no problem did you use it uh I didn't I was nervous sh four times in half an hour I got scarvey okay we're working on a flush system for now you'd think it would just be cut a hole in the raft but yeah I didn't think about that before I built it Kevin look at our brand new water yes this is our new water our new water this I thought you meant the ocean in general I was like it looks the same water like I think I remember this from last time it's all point of the game uh it's it's lovely is it is it from multip cups of water at the same time yes oh yeah go for it go for it lots dude Lots I just took one you can take one I also made like a stone spear like a metal Spear and it kills it kills the shack in like four hits we have so much I don't even feel bad about just throwing it away there's so much of it Kevin all right I'll get to work on filling it up again here we go again not wor the joke I think we need a a theme song for [Laughter] Kevin it look we can't be turning on each other all right no no no no bran will be the mediator is the shark that bastard is it still finnbear II uh I don't unless die he killed him what you mean did you kill the other shark uh who gosh I've killed a few actually wait do land there do we do we want to stop here yeah if there's an island let's stop there I've fallen down hold on I'll drop the anchor oh my God I'm fallen and I can't get off okay I've dropped the anchor i' I've turned it back there we go you've never lost it Lance what are these yolks uh Birds you want to explain what these Yorks are ah keep well they're important they're important what's going on with these what's what's in it barge Landing them but birds birds land in these and then and then you kill the birds and you get feathers and stuff off them so play fair play oh my God and they're infinite they're infinite well you just pull out a ball I have a ball and uh you just show them you you can't really get close to them that's this water thing is Amazing by the way I love it it makes it so much easier you're just enthralled I I'm Amazed by the amount you accomplish without me being here in such little time too yeah weird happen 5 minutes after you yeah um I made storage boxes as well um um well I don't have well there's beetroots in here and that'll keep me going if you don't mind there's a few potatoes hanging around put these on very good wait should I be using the new grill huh I feel like you guys have evolved since I I was gone you've upgraded everything is the new grill better than the little bonfires where where did my spear go yeah you can put like four fish in it oh my God can we finally cooked catfish now yes oh this is amazing where did where did I put my spear did I drop my spear somewhere um the [ __ ] is it hold on I think might have it somehow oh no this is a stone Arrow never mind is there a point of me getting out here where did I put my dad I just realized they can't swim wrong game for you then I'm afraid no that's a wooden spear just make a new one where do I put it maybe I oh it's a [ __ ] Stone spare you just don't you don't make these out of no the top of the line I'm pretty sure we could probably make them fairly easily now honestly I've got pineapples Lads yeah there's it was a metal spear I need an OT a bolt yeah this ain't this ain't getting [ __ ] Made Easy Peasy where' It Go ah [ __ ] I need I guess I'll use the axe on you the axe doesn't work on him [ __ ] sake she's going to fight the thing it's going to be back have spear where is it Chad what are you watching and you're not doing nothing he reminds me that video of you know the Irish guy looking for soup and he just starts screaming about soup up here up up here he's our diey already oh there's a a bird up here do I kill it kill him where where shoot it shoot it it'll Fly Away didn't it flew away a for [ __ ] gra you're doing your best I knew i l chucking better there's a first time for everything all right raising the anchor so I'm not there what what what you at what you at did you hit the trees over there yet this anchor is right next to the this it's very [ __ ] cramped is it we do have everything in one spot there are removing this shoe the shoes getting now come off of that you're removing me shoes are you right in the head at all are you where my potatoes removing me shoes not more ballocks are you yeah I pineapple uh Advance William thank you for the five Subs Al thank you for the generous bits as well bench don't listen to them they're lying then where is it then I'm going to check to make sure I don't actually have it you're you're pissing oh there it is it's right here [ __ ] I'm blind all right well there's a metal sphere here if anybody wants it was it right in front of you the whole time keep is that ra is it the anchor it it is but we're not moving yeah s's not oh there we go okay The netting begin do we have more nets for the well actually we only need one can I cook pineapples or should I just eat them raw like R and all c yeah it's say eat them all no waste okay Jesus I'm going to have a sore ass after this yeah but we'll think you're really cool pure fiber it's like eating sawdust I we have a good out a little bit I like the sound of that I'm going to start building like Mad Men boys all right where I want a second story for like beds and stuff I'm down let's do that well don't be down go up oh up sorry yes yes up I'm up will we just add on to where we we're doing some serious extending boys we're doing some serious extending this I like this now I feel useful boom look not like all those other times now we can move sh around how do I build upstairs why can't I just attach to this you can just put floor on all right now what do we need for more Nets that's Foundation Nets I need to learn how this [ __ ] game works Nails ropes and nails if you go into the um Foundation section and then go to the third one it's wooden floor and then you just build it on right your Kevin right your I'm going to be extra helpful today you is that a Father Ted reference it is that would be an ecumenical matter T what it's not it's not letting me expand though hold on do we need like some support you're right no oh we need we need support yeah might be a bit far out a triangle raised a raised floor oh look at this all right that a how far away do we need pillars oh yeah oh yeah it didn't work there [ __ ] he's trying to get fiber as well but I don't have enough wood bomed likely story extended it's working look at this boys chy boys we're speeding it today we're [ __ ] today to make Ireland too [ __ ] regular Ireland any of you who live there now move away now was the time for Ireland to this is where it's happening I need Nails how do I uh oh my God we tree storage and two sharkheads I want to be like Kevin uh well actually looks hilarious oh fing [ __ ] on with you I'm coming for you I'm [ __ ] coming for you God get Man versus wild come on where you going right after right after yeah yeah yeah yeah bite me bite me again where where did he go don't know don't take a little peek uh we are Shi he's just in the ocean fight I I want my arrows back go Aquaman I'm going to die I'm going the raft is getting away and no one is on it [ __ ] you dick head hold on I'm almost there don't die too far away because we won't be able to get youu here I I got you I got you I got you come here come here come here find a bed I'll find the bed for you ARS don't do anything to me come m board legs ch ch do we have any food all right let's get back in there fish where is he I know fishing rod I think he's been a bit of an e my where the [ __ ] do I get nails again okay I've forgotten where everything else is um fishing rod I need rope oh Jesus likely story no no I've got it now I'm self-sufficient once again I mean for the first time far away can someone remove my pillars with an axe I don't like where my pillar there oh [ __ ] this is amazing honestly all the Nets getting us every I love it does anyone have any food just to keep me going for a little bit and then I'll be self-sufficient um here there's a beat thank you you didn't pick it up hold on hold on I'm just fishing all right there we go I'm coming back for to be or a shark head on I need wood I need planks pleas not plank oh firing up the grill serious lack of Timber going on Lads what are we trying to build here gentlemen um just a second story oh okay we need a bedroom and an office for bran yeah the overseer well um yeah yeah keep going sounds like you were about to say something really good something wise how do I here it comes H never mind is it a raised floor you put up here just floor wood floor yeah Why didn't it work thund oh you need uh pillars no that's a beit no I think I put too many pillars down and it's not really Min maxing our uh raft here oh looks I think uh is that enough is that enough space is it fishy how do I rotate it oh we can put a wall here want privacy look at this boom how do you like that how do we like that little wall it looks lovely I mean this be like a this could be like uh our bedroom we could all sleep in here together okay and what about then upstairs will be hello Brand's office I think he just doesn't want to answer because he doesn't like I've been thinking he's pretending we should mute n oh okay fair enough whatever that means no I didn't want to say it but I I really wanted to think oh gotta thank you thank for announcing that to tens of thousands of people we couldn't hear so don't worry about thousands like 15 people watching you die you C down uh yeah you know I was just trying to you know [ __ ] off feel bad now yes I didn't feel bad at all now he feels bad I'm the winner [ __ ] will we get rid of this these old grills cuz we're not using them are we no no no it's Grand to have it's Grand it's just so I mean bless this mess and all but it's so crowded it's hard to walk around we need to start moving some stuff around like some stuff into this area all right we should make a I'm going to like loads of stuff away does our bad have health we're going to move things away oh [ __ ] off C on knob head oh you're getting it this time you're [ __ ] leave alone coming back oh God I I jumped in to try and see what was going on and I [ __ ] stuck in the hole I got stuck in the hole I'm so slow get me out get me out get me out it's going too fast shark my God I can just see the shark head coming off to a raft oh God [ __ ] sucks I hate this game stupid it's a baby game for babies yeah I agree mixed emotions on this game so happy to back guys flip flopping Janie I'm telling you this little this little item Gathering thing we've gone in here Bo it's beautiful isn't it it's something else oh it's something all right can I build a a room for bran up here on the top is that okay with everyone sure thank [Music] you if this stuff could cook a bit faster it' be lovely what's the point of having a giant grill with more fire in it if it doesn't cook any fast [ __ ] this little area up what area cooked Herring that looks Grand oh that wasn't me surprisingly I think maybe it was me I don't know I don't believe that for a [ __ ] second I'm like I don't remember doing it but it does look like something I would have done so willing to take the blame uh not the net can fix I guess I'm cooking a big catfish for you sure D on your no bu right what furniture can I make build a like a sofa couch I'm hoping we can get like a proper pad for him yeah like a double couch yeah all right yeah I've got a whole idea in my head for what I'm going to design for bran what does bran deserve honestly he deserves so much more than we can give him he deserves a proper makeover like a giant room and we're all like move that boss at the end of it and it's a big reveal we all cry brand call home happy yeah we have a blindfold on them oh there's land over there he wait hold on oh yes there a I have no ammo I put my arrow ammo away where's my ammo how many arrows do I have I have 10 and I have a shitty candle bottle I've seen you shoot arrows before Jack it wasn't [ __ ] pretty okay either his M that that's not too good either oh [ __ ] you saying oh he to look at him look at him more more more look at him oh I [ __ ] missed oh right in the head get it to the door oh we bought Miss that's just sadad embarrassing oh we got some raw drumsticks boys KFC tonight did you get a bird wa did you get him yeah he landed right in this and I shot his head off from what distance I shot his head off M oh [ __ ] fuing proper me what happened to Ireland I'm going to land here and I was like [ __ ] off right there's a here as well let me just shoot in the head there we are we still haven't settled on an accent for the raft it's a new civilization after all we come up with the perfect multilingual multi accent multi faet it's like the United Nations of raft uh we crashed into the land a giant catfish and I just want to say it thank you cuz I'm about to eat this fat [ __ ] you're welcome oh I think you die you know you really are the glue that's hold in this raft together I put a drumstick in no and all right we're heading in we're heading in Bas a sure let's go I'll drop the anchor sure it looks like we're Stu anyway a sure ke just in case now just in case buddy if that sh comes for me know you tell you what he's [ __ ] getting it oh je hold on getting a bit of sand bit clear you know bit St pleas oh you Fierce [ __ ] G justed to K me Kevin what's a what's a good bit of slang from where you're from what a good like sentence slang kind of like slang is Langer just a cork thing or is that an all very cork Langer is very south of yeah some Langer or I was langers last night yeah yeah it's kind of a universal word you can use it for many things then you [ __ ] go come on that's it though come on where you after yeah on you [ __ ] be yeah now what now what oh I'm going to shoot an arrow under water at your head oh at your head like to straight between the bu M me m me there'll be more than two holes in your face I you um can I smelt anything I [ __ ] killed them B fair play fair play proud of you tell you what you talking to my anytime soon you know what I mean Kevin what sorry I was looking at your sorry no yeah yeah that's that's great everything I have [ __ ] head off you Bo that's great good for you I just try not to cause tension you know you not trying cause tension is that a joke I would never do that die he oh [ __ ] drumsticks B let's go chicken nuggies oh clam yeah what did the clams do did you figure it out oh no yes oh Jesus thanks for letting me know yeah yeah I answered your question I don't know what else you want from me I where is my where's the hook so you usually find oh there's copper under theground plank bolts scraps yo crate let's go pogers dude POG POG and CH get a Pog in the chat not the chat in it yes accept PO is in how did I need to make bolts God there's so many things to make sand you love to see do we need flowers or will I just throw them overboard when I get them I'm not sure if I'm clogging the inventory or not okay okay well I don't have any need for flowers I don't know about you don't need this anymore they're in touch with your feminine don't need that anymore not me though I'm a man brand loves flowers and he's the manliest man I ever met I'm right here you want to double check that one sorry hey you're a close second really close does anybody have three planks Kev do you have three planks that you can SP in here oh fa you fa D you're some lad yeah yeah yeah I am indeed oh flowers are for bees oh oh that's kind of cool you break something it goes to the top [ __ ] yeah metal hook baby let's go oh you can't wait what what's the metal hook dude that's better than the normal hook last longer lad that's it uh that's very disappointing what do you mean that's it did you wanted to do your [ __ ] taxes as well I mean it would be nice do we have taxes on our new like raft uh Utopia TBD TBD yeah you have wait you guys haven't been paying them I didn't I didn't know we had to Pam to Jack uh the taxman who is who is it you know when he shows up he shows up and he goes shark oh [ __ ] yeah the sh I got a metal axe I'm going to build us a new world all right there we go oh the new hook longer distance we should move out how far I want to I want to test okay longer distance is good you see that's that's worth just oh and it comes in faster ah sure okay now it's starting to sound better we've been playing a [ __ ] kids game this whole time sure we don't even know what we're doing someone paddling us out of here we're just letting the wind take us but we're getting kind of stuck again I think let's go let's go this way first all right we're we're out and then we um can I [ __ ] there and then we go this way oh jeez I fell into the hole Yeah I keep falling down those things I got to patch them up Kevin it wasn't look I don't understand buite watermelon these aren't really needed anymore we can just do regular things here I mean they were never needed I built ramps on the side of the raft quick doubt Kevin n never give me that yeah benefited it out is just like playing Satan's game with Kevin that'll do that'll do we start doing the cool [ __ ] like building antennas and finding signals and going toland we can do that we can do that that's [ __ ] goal is there an actual story like a goal in this cuz I didn't think there was but I think you mention it last flower oh that's yeah there's an ending in everything I think huh all right so we we want to make things we haven't made yet well maybe not a full ending chap we can make a cooking pot now oh that's that's very useful I would like that well what can that do we have enough to do we can make a sprinkler we can make a we can make a large crop plot a sprinkler a cooking pot uhoh we can make a bucket a clay ball um a clay ball we can make a hammock oh I do love a good lie down yeah yeah we could we could treat ourselves to hammock we have been working is legit we have been working hard I could make two hammocks for us in over there that' be lovely all right I'll go make plank Pam feather nail so plank can I just eat from my inventory why do I have to put it into my heart bar okie dokie thank you my love after the star now I place I don't even know if you're talking to us or I assumed us it was a close call oh I ate it instead of putting it in oh what's wrong with this bow okay so I didn't want to bring it up but ooh we're missing oh there we go you're lucky I'm not that sensitive Kevin you can tell me when I'm being a go all right here we are You' ruined it you've ruined it all on Jack Jack come that wasn't supposed to be there Jack what are you doing I'm building a balcony that BR can look over us son he's going be looking down we'll be sleeping tonight yeah yeah go for it go over it go over it and in wait wait this is Bran's room not anymore I hate this this raft Hey Kevin go sleep in the bed downstairs sleep in the bathrooms it R to be alone anyway look at us looking at the night sky next to each other Jack AR we having so much more fun with this is lovely of course of course say you can't friendly fire people when they're sleeping oh good to know now we can't fall asleep because it's daytime really a good 10c window there yeah I got to stare up at the sky for 10 seconds and realize my life is Mindless thanks hey now you're going to go blind I could sleep and dream of a different reality you just stare at the sun now and burn your retinas so when I destroy these hammocks can I pick them up again and put them somewhere else or will they just break [ __ ] can't or El say spike will find your B look we didn't even put up to a [ __ ] in your ass like this this was to be BR Bel is that another raft over there BR stop anchor stop Anor stop Anor stop anchor okay okay wait why is that floting away like paddle over to it or I got it I got it he's an absolute [ __ ] lunatic right now he is all sh's at the other end of the thing I see him I'm getting give slap give me a slap I got two arrows in his [ __ ] ass it was actually in his head but J talk about it they made me climb up the whole thing it is is that all they gave me that's all they gave me what'd you get yeah [ __ ] all actually [ __ ] all couple of planks that's it okay now I got to shark up my hole I hit him at the perfect time and it didn't hurt me what the hell you full unch charged me and because I hit him at a certain time I like parried his teeth or something yeah you get to like send them away again but I've never been able to do it how do you make a circuit board plastic I just just circuit board Jesus yeah copper ignant you need for you need to thrw on this fella and then Copp oh got it got it got it and there's that we already have one copper ignant Saturn thank you for the gifted Subs you're making me laugh in the chat just looking looking at crops you [ __ ] shark meat that we're about to have we're going to be eating fine tonight boys wait did you kill another shark be good no that's the fell from earlier oh okay jeez you should feed us for generations for a generation I don't know I keep coming back to be honest with I need two copper ingots and then we're good uh cook faster cook that metal well there it's good we have a [ __ ] ton of copper now there's 12 copper there was buckets of copper someone in chat says sure J say he learned a Parry a sharks bite from underwater with a [ __ ] spear then Lads what a sentence everyone's turning slightly more Irish as starts going D and D and do do and tree sharks and oh you move Dan or sorry BR yes he's going to look over us while we're working away down here the US the little people he's the royalty of the ship I think he's great I do too a a monarchy is that the way it goes I think we should uh move his sign well if I remove this it put it in my thing or do it Destroyer okay I got it J I see you coming shark stay out of here I don't think anyone wants to know how my brain works I'll donate to science yeah um did we raise the anchor uh no that would explain why I'm not getting any more planks keev was just sitting waiting still like BR Ary sitting there looking for planks oh shark meat oh you've got it now Fair player good draw K you I'm getting better at ITW good nice arms on you thank you cute thank you working out you should be throwing slitters with those arms that's a shame you're not but why oh I like where this hammock is sh comes and bites this area def I didn't even think about that we should probably move it that looks intentional but it wasn't I'm I'm willing to take the RIS no I I'm I'm willing to yeah take the risk I was actually thinking how nice it was and then thought about it afterwards might take a l down oh you just look up when you're down like do you think all of these crappy modern houses make sense it's true they're not practical to look good exactly preab houses at the end of the day aren't they yeah yeah ORS ORS is character mhm personality there's binoculars he can see far with him there's uh what do you want to see nothing even closer apparently we need shears God knows what I haven't seen wool anywhere so I don't know well I didn't want to say it but I think we're going to have to shave Kevin soon I've been dying for a shave to be honest getting a little hairy now there's too much wind resistance anyway CER we can make oxygen bottle flippers see the problem with the oxygen bottle is that I don't want to be in the water for long what what oh I see a raft let's go we need battery and circuit board okay I'm making a circuit board now for a receiver what's a wet brick for to put it out in the deck and then you make dry bricks and then build the smelter with it oh you know just ra things plastic hinge bolt grab looking like we need a couple of copper ignet almost there well actually we have enough for it oh he's eating it he's eating the bird thing no oh stop stop stop it stop it you stop you dick stop uh let's heal this D nature is healing we need that yes we need that big time actually all right where's the goo where's my goo who who has theine goo I did because I'm making a receiver to progress the story not build a shite that you're trying to do I'm trying to build a that too I'm trying to build the same thing oh okay I my one's better I put it I put I put I put the ignot over here put it in this one which one first one there feel like we should oh no dying circuit board is made and it fell out into the ground okay [ __ ] now what do we need to make the receiver is plastic and a hinge ooh hinge no hinge is going to be a hard one now isn't it oh we only need a metal ingot for it yeah we have a lot of metal actually Hing is going to be fairly easy or we have a lot of metal but we have a lot of uh ingots yeah we have no met metal ore I have it here now T you're a [ __ ] wizard on a raft do you know that right CH if Harry Potter was lost at sea he'd look like you is that an insult no it's actually a good thing it's a good thing Harry Potter is great is he though oh [ __ ] loser the raft again so you you're good at go into the rafts oh yeah off I go hey D go off the RAF there you [ __ ] rafter well I was trying to like make sure that you felt useful and accommodate your making me do the [ __ ] jobs last time you said hey drop the anchor I'm going to the raft now I tell you hey D do you want to go to the raft there's a raft right there he say time it just gave me the most useless [ __ ] oh hold on I don't know what you want out of life die sometimes I don't know what's going on sometimes all right stop your wiing look sometimes I try and benefit him sometimes I try to just do what he wants to do and then he just [ __ ] it up anyway therapist look go up and talk to play to his standards and then he calls me a right anyway bran will mediate go upstairs I don't know what to do with your die hold on now simmer down are you back can I raise this anchor oh bollocks we need another circuit board actually how do I get nails we need another circuit board my dude for what oh we needed two oh oh [ __ ] uh I okay so I I I just need Chet board so I need copper oh we do have another copper have it yeah you have it you have it you have it you have it I only have one copper ore we need two for a circuit board don't we no you should have more copper left over you should have more I'm making one now oh no no no here yeah that's why I'm saying um where'd it go here wait oh oh here we go moment the TRU here are you building it receiver are we doing it craft it [ __ ] yeah let's go all right where we're putting this where are we putting this bad boy I think bran should have it to yeah bran should be in control yeah give brand control of the receiver excuse me boom Oh yes look at this YouTube setup boys yeah here we go do YouTube out in the middle of nowh just need a bit of w here's my canza [ __ ] Monster Energy on the ground yeah yeah g fuel whatever brandish shite you drink I like to drink top of the morning coffee actually whatever again still stands whatever sh you look at like I'm trying my best here I'm trying my best to just be nice and like you know I sell out a little bit just get a little bit going you know it's hard out here but what a ball Just Jack steps he has these therapist on standby in the background of he streams why am I making chat mad [ __ ] you chat yeah that'll Che you're making me mad and I'm venting to them there's another ra right right right what what fine fine I'll go fine bu not your place oh there's a lot of barels I Ain G no are we drifting kind of weirdly not kind of not with that talk you a going get me look I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I the transgressions of my actions hey guys just see how he treats me you know what I mean just see how he treats me you know [ __ ] bastard all right I'll do it right now Jack look at him trying to [ __ ] steal my bit thinking that he can do it as well but he doesn't even have a second camera set up to make it look good either I don't have a camera set up oh go I can't even see the despair in your face how else you're going to [ __ ] clickbait your thumbnails that's very true man I guess explain lands a lot really did the shark eat a lump out of our boat could have been doy he's nowhere to be seen where actually is he you could frame me yeah frame frame the guy that's been going he went to the raft and he didn't even need the anchor he's a [ __ ] M oh my God I thought he put bran out on the other raft I just saw the Scarecrow dipping under the water I nearly had a heart attack oh my God was gone I he dead yeah this is very Christ this is very underwater Rocky rocky shores at the moment all right so we need a battery uh what do we we have a gr bed oh we do maybe I should oh I can't take make the antenna which is more soccer board and scrap so there we go there we go there we go yeah there we are there we go how many just one soet board so that's not too bad Glo uh do you have any more Go Jack I have two I would can you drop them in the box yeah drop in they're they're here they're here where is here where bolts where bolts please tell me one of you pick them up what was it I got it I got it made me nerv you know this ocean pretty much it's just almost swep it off the deck this water is freaking me out God yeah it's gone really high I'm scared let's go to bed guys don't be scared it's all right it's all right all right sorry could we go to bed yeah all right bedtime bedtime down here on the bottom my bed I guess I'm on the edge sh oh that's nice first sleep after about a month at se we wake up and the half the RAF is eaten by the Imagine oh the copper ignot gets done as well when you go to sleep sleep why haven't we been sleeping this whole time Lads how how much copper did you Kevin I'm very hungry yeah there's there's sh meat being cooked I might have some of that who who wants the fish I'll do it I'll do it I'll do it I'll do it I'll do it I'll do it I'll do it for one you're [ __ ] go out that b anything for the anything for the parish you know for the lights for Parish that's right for the parish there's no Parish Parish oh I'm growing SPS as well I'm a real [ __ ] Irishman wait you are yeah I got two raw potatoes and I'm going to plant those and get even more and then [ __ ] stonks you know stons potato St STS yeah oh that water bed them this is this is a great isn't that a form of torture I thought he said waterboard too the waterboard [Laughter] all right here we go here we go SPS the where where you making the spuds though I'm growing spuds sports are Fierce easy to grow unless they got blight and then they go down and the whole country dies yeah that's one bad thing about right think we could have grown cabbage or something else but my character simp F we're simple folk that's why it is we just you know we like to chill out have our thing shouldn't our raft be floating better now that it's bigger oh no more surface area I God Only Knows God only knows what I'd be without you Morale on the ship has just increased if you would ever leave me we trying to make a b oh we need some scrap oh dmca [ __ ] I'm too [Laughter] good boom battery is made boys come on up to the [ __ ] receiver put on TS though will you boom batter is placed turn on oh we need antennas we need antennas okay don't turn on don't use up the batteries don't use the battery no don't to the battery like what I me [ __ ] Finbar Come Away out of that we need more circuit boards more scrap my god do you want [ __ ] bone marrow as well game is that what you want do you want my blood honestly yeah this this we need ohland there's an island we need three antennas yeah definitely stop there actually paddle you're going have to paddle over to there there's a paddle somewhere camera which one it in a load of stuff in here which one is the paddling how can I do this walking paddle paddling I got me little Spade I'm ready to go to [ __ ] Dingle with this thing what the is that funy out there is it I Leave You figure out the the island situation there I'm figuring out this yeah all right all right so if we want an antenna we need a scrap ccer board and a bolt now bolt is made from Iron egg oh it's a nice little island yeah that's what uh the British said when they came to Ireland I think I'll keep it that's mine now H [ __ ] birds eating our SE leads here just going to kill him fair play fair play I shot an arrow by accident keep my arrows trying to eat our We're stopped at the island should we make our raft a bit more symmetrical I don't know if I like this AR that's sticking off the end of it we could do it looks really cool now from like looking at it from the island it looks like a nice planks P leaves mango seeds that's got a whole I got a whole [ __ ] wallgreen make sure to use your your axes and all that jazz that's what I'm doing I'm going open I'm going to open up a Tesco in this island not much foot traffic but might work go Build It Anyway let's be honest it's I do I do have an axe in in real life as well like I'm I'm [ __ ] ready to go what are you ready to go for what are you waiting for invading all oh just that's the Viking what's the point of having all these subscribers if I can't take over a country with them you know you probably could be hon countries you definitely yeah you definitely could do something Jack I think I said that I said i' come back to Ireland and take it over and keep it yeah I think you're shooting oh [ __ ] me I think you're shooting a little bit low with just streaming on Twitch you got to shoot bigger [ __ ] bir eating our spots yeah shoot them in the head with an arrow that oh I am I am oh I can't hold to pick him up cuz I'm full [ __ ] sake did you get say I did but he's ah look at him look at him up there pick him up [ __ ] there now can I harvest these can I have some food hungry yeah putting some down for you now oh thank you very much like a child hungry hungry why aren you making H Kevin I'm trying buty s Tomy Sora W wumbly and belly you me that's just a you can you can take care of uh Kevin you know better than I would I will I will I will I'll take care of that that child all right now I have four spuds so now I can plant three spuds and get six what the [ __ ] it's like taking a math lesson I know simple spod math as all Irish people were thought does the lucky cat have a name uh no should we name it you're not allowed to name him we're not allowed all right why Brian told us we're not allowed oh then case no questions asked we will not name the cat need fresh water for the potatoes brand has spoken Grand [ __ ] tubers boys oh here's some scrap let's go let's [ __ ] go diey where are we going uh well we need scrap for antennas um currently working pretty hard here this look looks awesome once we get home I claim vice president this looks [ __ ] great vice president thank you I was hoping someone would say something I think it's coming together nicely I can help you out if you want uh if you want to I no pressure like I'm happy enough working away on it sounds like he's PR you Darren oh you did it thank you I was waiting to get some PL I completed it great I'm thinking I can put some pillars in the corners say that I complete you um I mean you could say it wouldn't necessarily be true but you could say it get a raft get a raft we have a raft and we're leaving without you now oh Bri has most people here he does I mean he has a balcony the copper ingots ready I'm going to put it in the first storage our storage is an absolute mess Lads shall I raise the anchor are we done on the island no we're definitely not there's on the ground stuff underneath I just don't have enough HP to go for uh where'd you put that where'd you put that copper EG there for I I'll back out of it there now there you go I need I need to make another ccer board Boom the second ccer board is now made we now need uh bolts so we need to get the metal ore where the metal or where the metal ore where BR thanks for the tip and thank you me for the room space get out uh Al thank you very much for the bits as well what okay I don't I don't like it as much anymore I just unmuted and came back to that what are we screaming about somebody has the metal or and they're not shagging saying it ah metal ore I sure you'll figure it out Kevin it's [ __ ] you it's not going to be me I don't even know what metal or does in this game I just figured out w uh no not me somebody has metal or there was [ __ ] oh metal or you mean or is in like a paddle ah we need to put it we need to put it in the the the thing the thing oh I have Stones yeah a scrap boys there's some bollocks in here now are you sure it's not you yeah I'm getting flashbacks to the spear thing where you blamed everyone and it was just on the floor floor yeah oh well if it was on the floor it's been on the floor well and it's not [ __ ] there no more so someone better find him okay did you go up and ask Bren I made an antenna do you guys want to thrw it on see if we can get RT oh that' be good yeah yeah let's do that the Toy Show oh I'm starving though but yeah let's do it I got some fish on I'm just going to eat some mango there we are there's the antenna now nice turn it on now too close to receiver okay we have to put the antenna somewhere else [ __ ] maybe on the Roof oh yeah that would look good actually put it up on the roof can we do that yeah will it connect I'll let you know cuz it'll show a little sign uh let's see here it can't be too close though I think it has to be further away from the receiver okay just put it up put it up like right up there yeah no it's I can't that's the thing I can't jump up to it like if there a St okay hold on hold on hold on hold on I'll I'll sort you out here now um all right um that no okay that's not going to work I need I need two Nails um okay okay well look here um all right um all right um [ __ ] it's only stairs it's not rocket science what about what about this that work might we'll see oh my God that's lovely it did it did it did bang oh it's connected it's no wrong altitude [ __ ] wrong altitude need to be the same we change this no no the antenna is the wrong altitude so we got to put the antenna we're going to we're going we're going to put it uh we're going to put it over okay we're just going to throw it down here no turn on what's it say we need three antennas by the way yeah I know it that too far from receiver wrong altitude oh you're [ __ ] me I am not this thing is I assure you I'm not this thing is [ __ ] trolling how about you just put it like right here okay let's try again let's try again yes perfect that worked and 10 of1 is figured out 101 is figured out gentlemen way good job lad good job one Dev one Dev now where is this metal ore someone said the metalore is at the you found it okay I need to go uh some under [ __ ] with me right now I assure you I'm not because as weird as this is I actually don't enjoy you yelling at us I know that's hard to believe okay fair I enjoy it a little bit but it's not me I didn't do anything I'm way too busy doing this room I'm having a a blast to be honest okay all right all right all right fair enough fair enough fair enough it's Kevin it's in your inventory what are you talking about chat that's Stone if it's in your inventory I vote to kick you off the boat that's raft and boat together coming out my mouth I with the thing it's [ __ ] with ah there goes the bird's nest you say these things like it's our fault when something goes wrong instead of realizing that you're looking at it and the power is definitely in your hands uh uh how's it at the research table chat you're calling me blind but I'm looking at the research table is in the research table oh you're what the what the [ __ ] you're right chat wait it was actually stored in the research table it was in the research table oh that's crazy I didn't know you could do that I wonder if you leave oh oh chat oh poggers chat poggers oh you lik that noise no small brain not about the size of your brain it's how wrinkled it is no smooth brain no one cares how big your brain is anyone who says they have big brain is just being stinky smooth brain my character starving and I'm not doing any anything about it oh [ __ ] I'm going to put on some food now by the shark thank you thank you I'm cooking spods right now oh yeah I have fish here when they're done anyway I swear I always get the dangerous jobs with the shark ow oh come on fish a ra tilapia [ __ ] yeah that feels good now uh what are we looking for a bolt uh I'll just eat this one to keep me going for a little bit oh raw potatoes give me that [ __ ] starch that's it that's it we're looking good we're looking good we're feeling good another antenna has been built gentlemen you're an absolute machine diey [ __ ] on a roll on a roll uh you know what Daddy you must be butter cuz you're on a roll right now oh fairy nice I like that I don't like buttering My rolls but yeah well it depends on what's on the roll if it's just the roll I feel like I feel like the bathroom's a little incomplete Kevin um sure I can fix it actually I had one more thing I needed to do on it no no no I got it I got it it's done I finished it okay I'm I'm leaving this place cuz I don't like that's not hygienic we can't do that it is it just goes right down and it's gone forever this this look watch Kevin this this is it this is it come out come out I mean with my solution you didn't there was no maintenance oh I can't put the bucket down here I'm trying I built a bucket to put it is the bucket just for water can you not put it down on the ground it's a bigger cup oh what the what does this bucket do it do [ __ ] it's a bigger cup you just fill water and then pour it in no this bucket's [ __ ] useless bu a bucket for nothing tell told you what it did it's not for water is that the thing yeah you just it's just a bigger cup you feel more water and then put it in the water thing this is or for milk that's true for milk as well whenever we find cows yeah how do we find cows I where' you see a cow Kevin no I see cow oh yeah I don't see oh Jesus bunch of comedians on this [ __ ] board can we sleep by the way it's getting a bit dark in br's office I can't build a lantern yet true true I'm I'm off by The Edge my turn to be eat I'm drowning all right second antenna gentlemen second an our beds are going to kill us what would we like what would we like for the second antenna well we're going to need some space for it so I would say put it like where I'm standing here pick up some she C her there there there we are as if no anyone's going to be watching next wrong altitude too far from receiver really wrong altitude oh maybe we need three floors maybe you need antenna two needs to be down lower or up top I had this one lower but uh okay I'm going just you know what I'm going just put it here let see what it says yeah you like antenna God too close to other antenna take a look at br's office there antenna maybe some feedback on how it's looking maybe like tips and tricks yes yes that anten worked I feel like you're too preoccupied with the antenna and you're not giving me feedback on the office that I worked very hard on br's desk dude honestly his place is looking sick yeah it's got a rug shelf I got the little candle okay I I'll give you some feedback um it looks great I feel like you saying that it's Bran's desk kind of I feel like it's redundant your suggestions rejected ooh o talk to your chat about it sorry I felt like I was just giving some honest feedback I felt like his design was a little redundant you know I felt like it was I felt like it was good but it could be better but I mean what do I know I'm just a fisherman look I'll compromise I'll make a suggestions box and I'll put it in Bran's office and then you can put your suggestion in there uh did we leave is I needed to stay at that Island we left it like [ __ ] 20 minutes ago L well for [ __ ] sake St I needed go the only place you get go is that Islands I see an island over there stop handling stop hand oh my God what we're sinking are we what the hold on nah this raft is just a mad bastard yo Kevin there's an island over there can you pedal over there please I don't have a paddle chain I'm working on the office say he doesn't have things like he doesn't have the power to make things I've tried P that's [ __ ] lunacy tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas wa wait where are we paddling where's the island we need a bolt scrap that's a different Island okay let's go that way you know what we need copper egot I know I rejected it but I think you're right I think having a Bran's desk is a little bit on the nose I think bran is a bit above that he doesn't need to label his own desk yeah I feel like it's Bran's office so obviously it's going to be Bran's desk yeah yeah that's all I'm saying yeah you know what you have a point no printer needed for that one I put a lot of effort into it and I feel like I took the feedback too personally um instead of thinking about it rationally so it's okay it's important that you've recognized that in yourself yeah and that you'll never talk to me again about it okay I thought you were just going to say in general I just never talk to KCK him out of the raft I Say No Mercy cancel cultur bringing on wait that's enough to kick him out but all the shite you've pulled is not what shite have I pulled qu you know what Kevin or yeah Kevin had the the where with all to like recognize his mistakes and learn from them I'm just going to leave that up to you oh you're in denial you'll get there soon I was there a while ago is that what you call it Den okay see when there's another abandoned ra who's going to it we'll see we'll see we'll see who's going to get the goo at the islands we'll see see we see I don't even know what the goo is seaweed smelted but why do I want it why is it good uh receivers antennas circuit board I've just figured out would I don't need that the antennas we need one more antenna and then I can finally get Wi-Fi and ignore Society there's a calendar up now that says how long we've survived do we have a hinge that I could use y 17 days at Sea and we didn't sleep for 17 it's only been 17 it's we didn't sleep days we didn't sleep for 15 of them 14 years [ __ ] years dud I feel like my calendar Lord morale when it was intended to do the opposite honestly I'm surprised that the calendar even has a purpose I didn't know what it would do yeah I'm kind of experimenting here just kind of making everything except the useful stuff where the island go Okay so we have enough eggot we just need go and we go where's the island there's an island around here oh we [ __ ] past it I'm [ __ ] paddling to it will you put on the binoculars that you pointlessly made and go look I didn't make binocs cuz they're pointless only talking all right I'm I'm starving again does anybody have any phone they require empty bottles I think I put some on which also take goo all right all right calm down like we're all friends here yeah we are actually just chill out it just flips like a light switch sometimes actually that's what true friendship is there yeah go against other gas lighting and the other minute then you just you're not bics you know yeah I think true true friendship is being trapped with friends that treat you badly and you're too friend to make new [Laughter] ones cuz you know you'll have to cut off the old ones it's all it's all very wholesome yeah your your [ __ ] chist Almighty I thought you said fighting with each other just in unison I'm so confused oh my God how do we repair this Kevin you're [ __ ] precious H go to the bottom the bottom part of your hammer oh that's kind of go there's probably many boards around the raft that need to Beed oh you are a forward Scout what is this all about wait we're talking about I'll See You Someday I'll see you someplace dry sis we're only on the first page Ty this is a book is it has the ocean Madness kicked in no I pressed R like so I pressed something pressed T press t you are a forward Scout your raft is your home your hook is your friend and for Pete's sake watch out for sharks what the [ __ ] I told you I told you and then there's a p picture and the right if you see some place dry happy is it a picture of our raft that's me in the middle that's doy on the left and that's Kevin the little child on the right wait where can I see this sounds about right press see an angry father a mother is holding it all together and a child that caused all the [Laughter] problems child is so depressive I'm not depressed anymore though I found out you before we get here yeah this is I can make another P nuber Pro somewhere in the middle uh forward scope that's what I am where's the shagun pad where do you make a paddle wait you can't it's near the bottom it's in a weird tab all right got one though all right we're almost there we're almost there this paddle will just run out and then I'll drop anchor I'm going much quicker all right that's Grand that's Grand that's Grand oh oh no come here y barel bastard come on over here will you okay so we have to get goo which is from Vine from seaweed yes sir so we're going to need everybody in the water okay I'll be in bren's office I'm making some furniture fantastic great to have you okay I got a bunch of it I got a bunch of it a lot of it I I got two every time D talks to me he's either angry or depressed every time you say anything to me Kevin do you do okay A little psychology here Kevin do you think you do things that may entice that sort of reaction out of him or do you feel like the fault solely lies in dah's hands I as we saw earlier I'm willing to admit when I'm at fault and this is 100% dah's issue okay okay we're just we're just working it out here just [ __ ] you see I don't do anything and he just lashes out I'm trying to stay see what he [ __ ] does you guys you guys can leave I'll stay in the island I know you're the mediator but you got to take my side here I think you bought gas like me the entire time can't just suddenly the mediator like all about them this is beautiful honestly yeah it's so gr where's the where did you find that goo at Jack B you got a Euro you got a Euro for the AE a Euro for the AE J used to get asked at all the time in Lim when I was in college yeah Li and Dublin I find it a lot asking for a Euro for the off license I'm surprised they were that Direct yeah yeah that's questionable at at at the least to be honest I always found it was money for the bus they wanted I don't think I've ever had someone directly ask me for money for the r yeah [ __ ] boss well that's limeri for you straight to the point they're a different breed down there t you're from Li aren't you unfortunately not anymore have you ever you've never been stabbed though so I feel like no I never left my house it's a good strategy sted would have been my own family okay we're working through something you see I'm just jokes over here D all right getting some good material here all right I know we have metal ore and everything for okay I have two Vine goo do you need it yeah just yeah just keep keep going on them dude I I ran out of seaweed do we have a I know we need the metal in me right now so I'm just going to my it would be nice if we had a metal ingot so I could build a hinge but I understand all stuff comes first I I have LS but I'm just trying to get more Vine go first I I got the seagull and his feathers now I feel like that's a [ __ ] win-win situation all right I think what do I need there we go more you want Ross Eagle Kevin Boom yes that's a test and you're supposed to say no why because it's raw bird meat a lot of protein in it so it get salmonella a lot quicker give no it's like trying to keep the child's fingers out of plug sockets oh I used to like stick the fork into the toaster when it was on I didn't even realize it was dangerous I don't know how nothing happen so [ __ ] the goo there Jack um I still have it on me I can drop it here for you no D appreciate you what did um does anyone need food someone made a poop sound did drop it here you go oh that's metal don't he that no there's one you can eat this is cooked wait you just picked it up again you just put it in front of me let me have a smell and then picked it back up actually stole it wait Did he how I I had it as well Wiz there's little drum stickies here you can have them oh thank you uh skin all M no water I love this purifier how the [ __ ] does this ball work fix your [ __ ] game one more antenna boys actually that's it boom last antenna last antenna I don't even know what this does what last what does this do for us it work did it work did it work we got two online close antenna who [ __ ] are you [ __ ] kidding me with this is this a fake seagull do you want me to build some more floor out or are you good come back here did this work did this work yes yes yes yes yes you got it yeah hold on no and then where am I where am I where am I [ __ ] I jesus I need uh I need ow let me just pick it up Sherk [ __ ] off wood I uh I have seven planks here wood and you know what I might have enough okay as long as you think so does anyone have a b long as you're living your truth how do we oh we need pillars [ __ ] I can probably make pillars I can make pillars ow [ __ ] we need Nails I've got pillars here lad don't even worry about it yeah yeah yeah but build a we need to build a out of goopy [ __ ] [ __ ] go maybe I might get a I get lucky I get lucky here and maybe one here will do okay so we need to leave I think cuz we need to start getting resources again oh no we are leaving the island is that okay yeah yeah how do we make uh how do we make uh Nails uh scraps nice okay need to make a few Nails yeah why not I have six oh Nails good and then we need wood and we need to make more pillars does anyone scrap I could have uh no we need it for the nails why do you scrap paint okay that's not very important it is to me there you go Jesus thanks chair we were lost there you can find goats in big Islands what oh and can you take can we have a friend for br oh that would be so nice yo we could also just get home if we build out enough that's not to get home hi knobhead there's a lot more to this die we don't we don't get home that easily oh yes supplies finally I've missed them just want to get back to my interior design are you sure we actually have to do more than just antennas yeah then we go and we find islands that have like little Labs or something on them and then we just this is only the beginning oh [ __ ] I thought you were enjoying the game yeah it doesn't sound like it are you already die yeah should we sleep you'll feel better in the morning yeah yeah I sleep on it my bed ah come on all right okay you can have it you can have it no no that's fine I didn't want that bed anyway okay fair enough fair enough fair enough I'll sleep here and look at the cat you get all wet in that bed [ __ ] he's right it wasn't cuz I pissed [Laughter] myself oh yeah oh yeah look at these [ __ ] barrs oh no yeah I think these are worth swimming to we seem to be going in a weird like trajectory we're not picking up much of the stuff should we correct it a bit yeah I'm we're just facing forward oh there's a bunch of why is that or should we be going against the way this is going I don't know we don't have a flag anymore so I'm confused yeah I'm not sure you good out there you're a bit far I'm a little worried I'm all right at to seems to be chilling out shar's not doing anything at the moment uh Marcel thank you for the tip caramel storm toaster waffle thank you for the sub space kette thank you for the bits Matt thank you so much for the the multiple Subs there sorry I miss that appreciate it Matt thank you very much I'm hungry I'm hungry okay so I think we've got more planks we need to do more pillars oh there yeah there we go that I might do the trick uh uh what does the net launcher do aim at an animal to catch it o I'd rather just shoot them honestly yeah that'sit of a weird one okay let's see how we get on here maybe we can uh we're in a little bit of a pickle here gentlemen why so um we need to uh see we how did someone build out here how did someone bu this how cuz we pillars there wait can you just start building wooden floors now where did all the supplies go all of a sudden I don't have enough I don't have enough Nails here here's a bunch of nails where are we going the right way the supplies have kind of stopped all sudden uh probably not I'll just try to keep it straight let's go [ __ ] let's go [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah get the fu out of here yeah we I see a fin bar fck off and then uh maybe we should build a little flag again to see where we're going oh that requires nails and planks and R [ __ ] that how many how many pillars do we need how do the pillars work you you just put down a bunch of them you just wa wased everything what do you mean how did I waste them cuz I think well I wasted some earlier as well I think you can leave two spaces between is that so wait does that mean I can actually just break that one yeah are you telling me that's what I can do I see more stuff that's actually a lot smarter than what I was doing I don't know man it's hard to know really you can tell if you can put down wooden floors or not if you can put down a wooden floor then you're grand I can't I can't put down a wooden floor you're ruining balcony it's not a balcony if it's just in the middle of the floor it's a viewing window now Kevin the oh I see this is outrageous can we put something here we can't outrageous it's cuz the balcony you didn't get planning permission where where's floors no no no you did this already oh I am you're what oh Island ahead let's get distracted and stop ruining the balcony there's an island over there bird way that's your fault chat kin sometime sometimes things are your fault and that's fine noticing a pattern here this is also your fault Chad build wooden floors will you I'm trying there you go there you go now you're [ __ ] fing there all right thr the antenna out here now and we'll be done surely be to God yes yes all right we got to go to the right we got to go over there where 4 519 whatever that is I think it's just the distance that's it let's go let's go chat let's go boys let's go chat we we leave this look chat didn't help you we did yes [ __ ] chat [ __ ] can you not smack the birds with an axe no they all seem to get away Beckers all right we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it this is like looking for a [ __ ] Manor in Minecraft I know a topical reference oh I get what you mean though it works I like it 700,000 blocks away yeah it's like I guess I'll go this way for like [ __ ] 3 hours and then edit it into 3 minutes in a video it is depressing and then everyone's like why isn't this video as long as the others and I'm like look I'm going to come to your house that's it I'll just come to your house and stare at you until you feel bad oh I can't get that bar get this one though oh come on we're going to that Island guys fell in no why not cuz we're going to the other one that's on the [ __ ] antenna how do we know we're going right away cuz it's to the right isn't it yeah it's getting smaller look at you turn off save the battery now we only have one I sure J I'm just looking at it stop using up all the data Lord Jesus I mean only lad here who can read numbers it's not my father n the balcony is ruined it's all over the place it'll be grand Kevin it looks awful Bran's depressed is he look he won't even talk anymore he won't no he's looking happy actually what are you talking about but he won't speak a word he hasn't made a peep since he ruined his balcony he said me happy me love Kevin that does sound like friend yeah no Barrel's mine no God damn it I'll get one eventually ho dick it Where'd you go where'd you go you're in the water chasing them F an annoying Sherk that is where do where did he [ __ ] come from wait if we build two sails with the boat go faster I was thinking that earlier it might be worth a shot yeah get [ __ ] on [ __ ] on oh no it doesn't Okay well never mind then my smart ID is actually stupid dude you can just use an arrow and put it right to his jaw that's what I'm doing from now on Shar wa do his job on right how far away are we boom shark meat baby oh my God only 1,200 what is this thing do we're actually doing really good we're doing really really good 4 519 I don't know what that means oh you can build engines that's when the real [ __ ] fun begins f sake what was that I'll take that off your hands there Kev I hope it was nothing goodam leaves Get Wrecked yeah what are you going to wipe your ass with now I got some scrap here I don't need to wipe I have bran I don't like the sharkhead cuz it covers like loads of your your head screen that's why I like it yeah I don't blinders for a stupid man much I go for everything how's the Bran's the CEO now that's gr yeah he got a promotion unanimously passed uh himself it's a bran Archy he gets to decide what happens when you're CEO you get to promote yourself yeah you're a YouTuber you're Your Own Boss you can promote yourself to whatever you want understandable me I'm Executive Vice Lord of Jack sepy what a title how distinguish I'm only Vice Lord though I need to like work harder to be promoted again you can't just promote yourself to the top immediately because then you have nothing to work towards yeah you need something to motivate you right now science really I like to have a Target to aim for there's thousands of languages and you decided to speak facts right there Jack I can see why you're vice president you're so wise thousand of flavors D and you decided to be salty all the time also once [Laughter] again I tell you what though I'm the one who K cooked some shack up oh can I have some you can have this one oh thank you and a potato oh my God you're the best sometimes yeah do we have any metal can somebody build a hinge oh we've load we've loads in there we've loads in there you should be able to build it yourself loads of what metal ingots oh nice yeah we do [ __ ] yeah let's [ __ ] go all right I need I need three Nails there should be scrap in here oh no one left the battery on you know where the [ __ ] bill is 1,000 1,000 away Miss Holly thank you for the bits I just looked over the chat and sawy going I wonder what a happy doy would sound like are you ready all right this thing [ __ ] sucks get out of here can I remove this do we have a lot of a lot of [ __ ] we have scrap we can use uh how do we use the recipes as well I don't know how they work oh [ __ ] yeah bu what is it what have you done oh baby look at this God Heaven what are you growing need to remove this one oh yeah we need to plant potatoes ASAP wait we've seeds we've seeds no you plant bigger things in that I've already planted potatoes in the little one this this Lads is where we're growing [ __ ] watermelons hold on I'm getting all the seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds or not I don't know how to use this oh seed time baby time to plant my seeds did it work wait what needs fresh water what what what what what goes in here CH what we plant in that oh coconuts and mangoes oh oh P we coconuts don't we I I have a mango seed here try needs fresh water yeah there you go there now it's watered and now one a day it'll grow and you'll have a nice little friend we're Kings of the ocean now I can cook some SPS uh for a second give me this I'll eat that what what do we need to do I need a bottle I need a bottle you haven't made a bottle yet a you're not living The Sweet Life of Zach and Cody I had to sacrifice my bottle for something hey hey F off those are our Sports just shoot him just shoot him just shoot him I don't have any arrows I have them just give him a shout just give me a shout and [ __ ] shoot the [ __ ] uh no I feel like you'd be able to hear him he he's all like I did hear them but you chased them off yes n I'm not risking spuds two seconds that's them spuds and he has them ruined fair enough how far are we I 831 oh wait hold on what get him get him stabbed him in the butthole there's a metal spear over there Jack actually if you need one one of the boxes give me give me Fe I would I would take the middle Spar if I were you uh hold on a second I know oh there they [ __ ] someone cook some potatoes there I'm already they're already cooked yeah eat them eat them away I sure they're for everybody oh probably shouldn't be wasting that should I go okay metal arrows I'm going to kill that shark in like two hits I need to we need more storage this is not on oh okay I see there we are let's go this is great what's this it's for paint I'm going to make paint God I'm I'm going to page br's office PRI PR you all want to sleep we all want to sleep we got this thing it's for paint we're going to make paint oh that's for paint could at least like get us somewhere I mean I'm in bed I think it'll improve the morale I'm going down on to bed now I think it might I think that's what to do in Japan anyway what make things all cute and colorful because society sucks I eat paint honestly I would love that yeah I would just love colors everywhere you know look at this little tree growing little mango boy oh [ __ ] no way how the SPs are done I'm putting more in look at this PL PL PL [ __ ] Lads I poured liquid on I don't know if that's what I'm supposed to do on the SPs you're a [ __ ] Legend it's exactly what you're supposed to do I love that you did that I I [ __ ] up I I I [ __ ] up all right time to go in and kill this guy where you going where you going NAD something about calling a killer great white shark knob head that's hilarious oh I dropped something I [ __ ] dropped something I keep pressing Q by accident on my hammer yeah oh we're 650 away let's baby let's go let's go po Dude fers where's this shark do we want to oh there it is come on [ __ ] oh are you mixing pant right now I am mixing paint don't eat it oh got right I feel like you said that to yourself did you build a mirror as well is that what you were testing oh again did someone take my paint no something back here wait where oh yeah I'm sorry for blaming you it's okay uh but don't do it again or I'll kick you off the boat that's fair wait where did it go it's not in my inventory anymore oh it's okay [ __ ] I'm putting a lot of arrows into you you better die are you actually hitting them oh oh yes but it keeps [ __ ] coming back like a rat When I Look Away I see I thought never mind never mind never mind never mind why so many arrows in him [ __ ] I don't understand come on I'm about to die can you slow the boat down I'm about to die I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead pick me up pick me up pick me up before the ball floats away wait where are you I anchored us before disaster thanks ch ch ch and there's a couple of barrels that I want to get all right back into the fight are you [ __ ] I'm dead can you I know you don't come back at full health I thought it' be more than one hit that's all you know what you have number one written on your shirt number one [ __ ] AG hey stay in the ball at this time oh I've used so much arrows on that [ __ ] I don't even think you're hitting them I don't think you can hit him in the wall you can you can you can can you just use something else like a spear like the metal spear that I didn't take that you said that I should I had no I was using B I was using B I just need I just need leather armor that's my main thing technically we're all using both jeez we have so amount of uh these leaves things see how far away are we should be fairly close though 519 God it's going slow oh my God the tree is growing that looks amazing yeah we get wood and mangoes out of it that's amazing I love it yeah that's actually really nice I think one of the mango stand gr real real nice there all they grow up fast they sure do all right let's go fat boy this is that your new name for the shark no that's the catfish it's name of the catfish a chunky lad oh I'm too I'm too full I'm too full up oh put that away put that away this away that away what's this box I feel like we need to put down the other cookers again so we're not just cooking on this big grill I think it might be a good idea and I know exactly where to put oh boys I'm going to die again what's wrong I you f can you stop oh can't put it there just don't die I saw you getting eaten alive oh wait are you actually dead can't yes I'm too hungry I can't go fast enough to get him why are you doing this when we're trying to get to the thing why are you trying to kill him at all F not head give me a reason and I'll get you back in the boat otherwise you're staying out there my pride okay see that's all I wanted was the honesty now I'm going to take some lumps get into here oh let's not do this again okay but I just you don't want to leave me alone with Kevin now do you definitely not all right sh's eating the ARs yeah I saw that all right there you go there you go fair play come come here catfish there you go there you go eat up eat up Lads we have a long journey ahead of us and I don't know what's going to meet us when we actually get to this location so we need to be a tip top shape yeah why are we even going here I missed the the memo uh to further the story okay but we don't know what's actually there do we I think it's like advancements and things or like the next steps on how to get stuff like engines and [ __ ] I'm not sure I'm kind of hoping for the surprise wait wait wait wait wait no don't break it no oh this shar's pissing me off dude why didn't you just shoot him he broke or what yeah there we go all fixed all fixed I'm putting edges on this cuz I don't want them to eat our aner I a shovel as well what's the shovel for does anyone know digging you can dig on the islands I think mhm and then what uh then you jump into the grave that you've made for yourself and then we don't have to to deal with you anymore sounds about right sounds about right a you're so much faster than I am cuz I'm dying you should eat I just I saw the barrel and I I thought it was my lucky day what there's going to be what like McDonald's in there like you maybe some pain oh F I'd love a [ __ ] Big Mac right now I wouldn't mind to be fair I a ma fill it last night and a ma chicken [ __ ] ma sex more like it yeah if that's how your sex is sure do we have any flowers Lads uh McDonald oh we we might actually in some of the storage yeah we did you did throw away flowers as you saw them redundant I asked to they a purpose I wasn't sure he did that okay I'll admit fa and nothing then we chop this down don't we chopped this down no I don't think you Cho down I got some mango off it was it fully grown I don't know I chopped it just cuz it says that you can chop it doesn't mean you should now plant more mangoes why oh and chop it down fully yeah I think you just wait until they're grown and then you can pick them off and then chop down the tree for wood hey you [ __ ] I'm coming for you oh here he goes dying again I want I sorry why are you obsessed with attacking them do you just want the meat or what is it oh guys 395 going straight going straight St way all right all right wait straight forward or to the right straight straight now straight is [ __ ] relative on a circle plane all right boys the world's not flat there diei are we learning something about you king of the castle King of the castle uh what am I making we need more storage I need a hinge King of the castle bopy we've lost them [ __ ] mad who that is he going to after that [ __ ] shark again no I leave it alone I leave it alone we're close though B we're close I can feel it I can feel 400 is a lot should we be ready to fight or are we okay we were 300 390 something or 390 are we actually getting closer no we're not we're going very very slow I think it's time to paddle I think it's time for some paddling I don't have a paddle i s like [ __ ] like Yogi Bear or something is M we're going to ped let's go get there I'm padding right Jack P I'm paddling like forward a little left oh fcker we pad uh yeah I'll actually go look and then you uh I'm stilling yeah [ __ ] is that uh yeah a little left forward and a little left like 45 degrees yo I see something huge in the distance that must be it yeah paddle to that okay I don't want to use the paddle how yeah that's it that's it that's it that's it yeah [ __ ] yeah let's go and they said we were stupid that we didn't mount a n Mega raft full stream ahead boys play wind worker music oh no I'm out of paint who cares about your paint oh no the office looks stupid here Wind Waker Music Land can't play that I'll get copyright CL no you want the Wind Waker music that's true oh oh I'm full of fish pick you painted orange I painted it orange and black and now it just looks like some Halloween theme oh here we go boys oh what's this this is all B going off [Music] now oh my God what a moment great fuing love one this is [Music] amazing I'm ready nintendoe look at this we're going to find out who our parents are I can't wait why am I not moving I dropped the anchor a while ago when the song Started what the [ __ ] is wrong with you I just wanted to ruin the moment you definitely [ __ ] this's half [ __ ] gone now I swear to God Kevin I hope your chat enjoys your sh they do oh to be fair I kind of love it as well kind ruined the [ __ ] music it did ruin the mood I'm sorry ruined it yeah it did definitely it's okay that that's your thing Kevin made a different kind of moment stay within your wheelhouse that's that's what you're good at oh my God why we don't even need to build a [ __ ] raft anymore can we just live here look at this thing wind turbines oh my God can we learn to make this geez we've been living very much in the past okay we're kind overshooting it here a bit got music for this no uh Prince let's [ __ ] go oh this is [Music] lovely oh all look nice okay Anchor's down all right let's explore everybody and have fun oh how do we oh [ __ ] sher's killing me get up hell of music to die to [ __ ] sake okay we need to go a little yeah I can't get up [Music] either I can't do this I hate this [ __ ] game okay I did it I got you Bruce that's what it says can you turn off the music and stop ruining my VOD fair enough I'm sorry that sounded a lot harsher than I actually meant it fair not I didn't actually care I don't know how loud it is for you that's the main thing oh did you just pick those up oh caught a shark named him Bruce we oh we named ours what do we name ours finnbear finnbear finnbear Robbie boat's gone Bruce is after me going to stay here and she'll find a way off this place Mike oh so they got stuck on huh oh I got you Bruce I Pi a crate it had loads of [ __ ] on it nice nice uh if someone can carry some of this stuff oh yeah I should have been emptier before coming here FU oh yeah my inventory is completely full I can take one thing for you I got a hinge oh I need a hinge give me that go he was holding out on you he had it the whole time I I just picked it up there holding out on you okay can I can I have that hinge I have a very good use for it yep there you go thanks Kev you're some you're some lad I know he's G Janny isn't he our lad yeah yeah oh he's our Kevin all right oh yeah yeah unfortunately oh thank [ __ ] God okay here we go B here we go more storage oh let's oh you you're a [ __ ] genius oh thank God that that could have gone anyway honestly I was waiting for some sort of punishment I thought he was going to get angry sh no wait is there a is there a faster way than just clicking and dragging it out look happy music Happy music oh this is lovely see happy music happy content look why is this oh I have no planks see happy music happy content everybody's happy yeah everybody's happy happy the cat's happy happy happy I got happy happy happy let me jump up here and we just so happy on our island of where people probably died well we're not going to it cuz we're [ __ ] expert explorers this one this the guy wrot in the wall and said took board want be back oh oh no then he didn't die here he's a grand lad yeah he just stra up said deuces on a w wall pain how do we get higher sounds like something Kevin would do what take the boat and leave oh we've got a we've got a North so two notes so far there been let's see a note up here and there's been a note somewhere else distress call received establish Rapport language unknown Malay get tan there are supplies in the pantry thank you Anonymous gifter for the five Subs it's very go again how do I climb this this is like you're way ahead already can we build on this yo no we can build on the raft oh [ __ ] I fell oh no scared the [ __ ] out of me oh we go over here oh figured it out where' you go uh so you go over here I'm behind you oh I see go over here and then you go up the stairs gotcha gotch you there you are a [ __ ] it's a tricky [ __ ] did we both mess it up yeah yeah [ __ ] egots whoever does it gets to play on the Xbox first Mom oh get [ __ ] I'm playing Valhalla and you can't do anything about it fell oh I'm all the way up um H you're going to have to watch me I'm going to spoil the story for you as well what the [ __ ] honestly I feel like this place should be built a little better I missed K Kevin you're awfully quiet sorry I'm fishing feel like he's planning something I feel like there's going to be no raft when we get back come back and him and BR have just oh [ __ ] oh what' you find Utopia yeah yeah I saw an achievement thing oh finally made I feel like I'm missing out what's going on describe it there's like a water City that we can go to no [Music] way no way I got no wait which way if you can understand you're reading this isn't the end we gunned the engine as hard and as fast as we could but I think it burned out we barely made it out of radio tower all said the boat's useless but I can fix it they're probably way ahead of us but I think they're headed for Seline huh okay I found my notepad but I got back better okay I got a headlight headlight headlight you see this you see this look at this this is where we're going right here yeah all right I wonder if we can just calabanga into the water calabanga dude oh oh that didn't sound good may have broken kneecaps do we have health endurance um is that all the stuff I can get here I think so I checked all the other rooms is that there is like materials we can get underwater just like materials that are good wait did you guys explore the rooms underwater there's more I Haven been there there's more rooms underwater can I open these are you sure Kevin I don't think there is though that's the thing please believe me I did something good for the group for did say to go underwater I found a briefcase under here I kind of feel like both of them are lying like chat and Kevin have a lot in common we do POG just POG oo oh wa that went through the floor I don't know what was in the briefcase I just picked it up I didn't seem to get anything we might need more storage yeah I think we might like I'm not even kidding it might be good to make one just for wood and plastic or something cuz I have quite a bit Yeah Yeah yeah might have signs leave that up leave that one up the cave I actually did you cook fish uh yeah it's on I don't have anymore I guess I'll do a bit of fishing while I'm chilling oh man plowing true plowing through you forgot to take the sticky note on the top office yeah I'm going up to get it what about the rooms underneath will I go explore or someone else want to do okay I'm going to do it then you can do it you have explode yet get up you know what I don't want that oh God now I'm [ __ ] thirsty put stuff away though that would be handy yeah my I'm always angrier at the St of playing you know what I mean my question is at all what do you mean a oh finb you got him you got him I think so yeah yeah I got under just make sure Hees take the P don't let him bully you okay no I won't I won't all right I'm going underwater Oh my God Jesus Christ the raft guys I got coordinates to the next area nice sick wait wait we for were you able to jump into the water we forgot to battery forgot to turn off off the battery oh no we're here is it is it is it dead is it done we're oh [ __ ] off shark I'm just trying to figure out how to get out of this place I think we destroy this tree to be honest with you he destroyed one of our cookers scrap scrap scrap scrap was I supposed to destroy that ch destroy what nothing oh no what are you doing diey this honestly it's my fault for leaving these right at the edge what am I doing what a pineapple seed what what other seeds do we have uh let's put this somewhere else H we have more mango seeds ah oh I'm being attacked by fin bear did somebody just fall on their computer sounded like it um I think I've gotten the stuff under water SE work there okay fair play good man oh no I'm dying I I can't explore underwater anymore finnbear hates me okay you can you can come back I guess I can go yeah I think I got most of the stuff but I'm not 100% oh yeah there's a lot of stuff down here yeah there is a lot ow ow oh he hates me as well I know I'm a sexy piece of ass but but looks like you got pretty much everything Kev yeah I think I got everything but I'm not if there's anything under the platform I didn't get that but I think I went through all the rooms uh we might as well get the materials that are in like the deposits yeah that's what I was thinking um maybe I'll see if I I'll see how I feel after a while I might get sick of it right no 100% we have we do actually have a lot of materials now that's good I mean we could always use more who knows when we'll ever get back to this place yeah okay I'm going to go put the new coordinates in want to figure out how this thing works son of a [ __ ] oh Jesus sometimes the swimming doesn't feel right you know what I'm saying got him kill the nice good job with an arrow to the ey another sharkhead dude why does it always give us a sharkhead [Music] 20 uh 9 yeah three need another store yes I have new coordinates Bo let's go very good good job delighted stuff now great [ __ ] time we're doing lovely F did you want that goo the vine goo I think I found some yeah I put some Vine goo in the storage what did I need oh yeah so we have new coordinates next M uh that we can go to so if you want to go there we can are we done here do you do you like input them oh yeah the 1,881 that way yeah so I'll just rotate this and head on rat Kels thank you so much [ __ ] hell 50 gifted subscribers thank you so much I apologize if I've missed them coming in by the way anyone who's subbing or bits or anything thank you very much hku mofa Leon Wright a the Blessed V good thank you very much Anonymous gifter there again thank you right girls thank you so much that was way way too much but thank you that's very kind to you thank you very much show and uh I gave us a bit of an extension lights can't go wrong with that can't go wrong with an extension nice nice nice maybe we should just extend all of this area and put another set of Nets in between that cuz n can get full oh can they I didn't know that and then they're not really picking up anything scrapers the surprising difficult difficult I have three bits yeah we're struggling with the old scrap boys foxy thank you for the five subs and again rat kills thank you so much for that I'm in the zone man uh Leo thank you oh this is mine God damn right girls thank you very much one just one please just lot more than one mate I take care of mine diey uh let's see where's the wood massive raft where's the planks massive rafts planks are being used what do you need I need uh I need planks how many four planks there's two there's three and there's four got it got it got it yeah this this is good now we got loads okay so I'm making a lot more storage and I'm going to put like storage boxes like here in this row and then we can start like separating things and naming them now that we're uh Advanced humans I feel polock thank you so much for that as well that was very kind of you thank you this one's mine I need it thank you very much for that Pop Lock and rats thank you again Kell only thank you for the gifted Subs as well thank you for the hype train guys thank you very much Alan thank you for the bits too Mar jackon than you for the bits no all right boom I get half back well let's let's not do that then there we go did we get new coordinates are we're heading out that way yep very good I think we should be anyway all right boom new storage boxes if anyone wants to be the designated storage box organizer feel free to do so I can do that what do you want do you want like uh wood in one and leaves in another or do you want like wood leaves and plastic in one and then food and stuff Kevin yes you scared the bird away I'm sorry I thought I'll be I'll be in the office if you need me God the B physics in this game broken oh wait we passed something oh no that's the other one never mind I thought we passed something else but it's the one we've just been [Music] at is there any way to kind of like turn the ship a bit so we're you know we're going at it and catching everything rather than coming at the supplies at an angle cuz we're missing load I think that's kind of just the nature of it like uh I think we just need a bigger more extension Maybe between between me and you I think an extension will solve a lot of our problem yeah are we moving slower because of a we have a bigger boat I I would believe that I don't know if we should keep extending without engines we can make a clock now if been able to make a clock yeah I wanted to make a clock for um br's office if you could put it up there it' be great we need a battery we need a battery and then we can make a headlight useful when exploring dark places B Jordan thank you very much for the five subs thank you for the cheer as well Jesus Christ [ __ ] thank you for the bits right KS thank you so much for the bits [ __ ] hell 10,000 bits on top of the 50 Subs you gifted that is way too much but thank you so much for that super super kind of you that's very very nice to you thank you very much alenia foxy polite Beach Zen house thank than you very much guys very kind get engines though at some point oh I'm dying I run out of potatoes like this though I need uh food here where you oh one second there's a a barrel J you hungry and walking that's not yeah it never stops sure it never stops I thought it was the cooker have you got something yeah hold your horses now I'll give you a glass in exchange for food boom two shark meat oh thank you very much yeah I appreciate that oh I do it's nice we need what what what's wrong with you Kev I my hook is just messing up I don't know what's wrong with it yeah hook I lost the barrel now because of it a sure what harm what harm there will be more barrels plenty more barrels left in the sea for me way to look at y yeah this raft is a [ __ ] nightmare right now it's huge it is pretty massive I'm not going to lie I need scrap to be fair we could probably get rid of this extension which one we're standing on here I just buil that but the thing is I think it's the aerodynamic purposes of it I think we could make it more Square I mean you may have a point you may have a point I don't know does that have anything to do with it more sales make it go faster so apparently we can make more sales yeah I earlier in chat said no not by much they said but it does help yeah so it's to build there we need tree scrap um scrap leaves and planks yeah I I much have the planks I just need tree scrap okay I have I have the scrap and the leaves I sure you got it then can I have the planks there's planks everywhere like I have some planks if you need them yes please I'll put them in this box good lad no problem at all there Lads there Lads there Lads uh then we make a safe another is that's a new one oh another Island yes oh I need flowers we haven't seen any animals in all the islands we've gone to though can I put another sale here [ __ ] hell guys thank you for the support Jordan King thank you for the subs twice actually you gifted five subs thank you very much for that Jin thank you for the five Subs rats thank you for 10 Subs again on top of everything you already did thank you very much for that you're way too nice thank you very much a Direction okay you know what I'm going to start separating the the plastic out yeah our storage is kind of all over the place yeah specific storage for specific items would be nice yeah all right so going to put Stone in this one I just realized I never even tweeted the stream even though I typed it and had it ready to go but there's no point at this point God damn it in the right direction the same as that one kind of and I think we could probably put all pretty much the stone sorted here we can make this the leaves drawer should we put Stone and clay and stuff all into the same one that makes sense right and and or so yeah I need earthy things yeah sand too oh you can just shift right click yeah my God yeah you can do that in Minecraft too wait and what does it do it moves everything automatically ah okay good to know good to know I feel like a [ __ ] OT honestly well I learned it last so don't feel that bad to be honest a little how do I how do I fill the bucket some more the Pam trees though ah ah how do I fill the bucket wait are we not going to the island I think it's just for milk wait it's wait do we forget the island we're not we're we're moving away from it will we move towards it I'll adjust the sails yeah yeah I kind of got I kind of forgot about it to be honest with you wait there's a raft over to a right as well okay there is a raft over there we got a lot to do yeah this is a bit overwhelming gentlemen to know about you but uh I'm WellMed it's not too bad yeah that's what I need [Music] okay so I'm going to go make another storage oh that bird that bird oh nice did you stab him I thought he always flew away no no he just walk up and stab his ass fast oh okay there some drumsticks uh scrap again bro dude actual depressing that we' so little scrap yeah it's pretty hard to come by what do you need it for again shouldn't be doing that why do you need scrap what are you building storage all right right um I got two for you there out of barrels put in one the chest mhm you'll have to find it searching through the storage I'm dropping the anchor there we've arrived beautiful oh nice thank you if you see any flowers if you could pick them for me me I'd really appreciate it I only chop need FL pass the flow I need white flow specifically but I'll take any DeForest this tiny Island yeah I don't think it's called uh deforesting where there's only tree trees oh no he's breaking your H what dude I saved your oh my God I can see it just floating off the side good work out there D good work holy [ __ ] dude fair play you yeah you did well oh I thought this is a little cave I would love that go exploring yeah it' be nice they were a bit more interesting somewhere the devs are crying yeah like we put a lot of work this is really hard it's hard to make a video game I want more Las game that's fun it'd be better if it was better yeah um I'm just looking for a scrap at this stage Tire I'm tired of picking up Stone ah you would be wouldn't you where's the white flowers I was picking up am I blind it's a boring after a while yeah did I leave home scrap under the water yeah that's where I find them Metals underneath the water H usually usually they're on the floor and then like metal ore will be clinging to the side of things so metal ore will be on the side usually on the ground you see clay and I dropped them okay but uh generally speaking you find like better materials like uh copper as well you find them um on clinging to the side of what things they're not flat they're yeah no keep going that's about it really it's just if you don't understand it know you [ __ ] everyone like no no did anyone see a box of white flowers I dropped them somewhere on the island I think they could have drifted away no don't say that yeah they could be I need false hope yeah okay they didn't drift away oh thank you can you guys help me look for them they they must be on the island somewhere I found one at the top what how could it it can't be gone it sounds like it's gone k no no it can't be it might be gone no I'm I'm just saying it might be gone don't say that sounds like it's gone Kev I can't find it I'm going straight to br's office negative attitude on this island just just fing just go have a just go have a have a cry about it he'll see it my way he always does cuz you made him yeah is that it for the island are we done no there's stuff underneath the water we still have to stuff underneath the water we have to get so for instance right now I'm getting copper yeah but that's that's not like a cool new thing we do need it though it's not cool but we need it like 1,00 uh somethings away and we got even cooler [ __ ] we need the copper and metal ore I can like I know I I understand the importance of it but I'm just thinking about how I want to do new things right I'm about to die see that that is an old thing and I don't want to do that anymore I'm about to [ __ ] die what's wrong with you he's are [ __ ] dancing with the Sher again no I was getting jocky then how are you dying cuz I was getting materials to [ __ ] jocky yeah but what what would kill you a sh trying to kill me while I'm get materials a [ __ ] jockey all right so I'm not a [ __ ] jocky I'm a man who speaks facts uh we have lots of go I have a scrap for you now if you want it yeah we have a good I think we're oh yellow color I could use it to make a clock if you'd rather have a clock on the ship no I think a clock might be nice in friend's office yeah it over end it over uh hinge where's my hinge uh just use this there's a hinge in this box if you want it no we're fine okay okay I a hinge where's a hinge I need a hinge there's a hinge here I'm okay boom boom hi I hear where is he [ __ ] you come on then come on party yeah you better swim away let's party let's [ __ ] go all right so I've made four boxes now um this is what rocks this is what leaves so this could be for planks all right let's uh and then this one can be food and seeds and all that sort of stuff plastic we need to get plastic its own box a million billion Plastics okay oh well never mind then gotcha gotcha gotcha there's a ton of plastic in that one yeah yeah plastic at the end plastic at the end I'll just take this one out yeah there you go I love Shadow I love s niceu where's the SE there I got him dead [ __ ] him up beautiful pretty sure he supped this down I'm fairly certain you're supposed to cut this down uh maet thank you very much for the tip alny thank you so much for the generous tip there as well that was way way too nice thank you very much right KS thank you again I hope the spam be meain Al thank you very much for the bits as well very very kind folks thank you for the nice messages too and mango seeds am I supposed to see that's why I think you're supposed to wait oh there's another there's another bir you can just stab with the spear as well Jane you're on fire you're on fire I just like I just like [ __ ] [ __ ] up no you know you know me like I like to just [ __ ] go for it shall we set sale jents are we ready yeah I'm trying to figure out our situation here how we're going to organize things okay I'm going to run to the bathroom real quick I'll be up in bren's office there okay fair playok Okie doie fair play aren't you a great loud L yourself aren't you I have drumsticks [ __ ] did I put them uncocked drumsticks where did I put them that's what I want to know I think we can put feathers and seaweed in here as well uh where we put the seeds seeds need a box as well yeah yeah I'm just uh I'm taking things out right now so I think we should put all the seeds in here so let's see we need signs for them seeds and fruit can go in here seeds [Music] fruit and flowers I guess [Music] I don't know how to do this I'm back and I can help you what do you need oh [ __ ] I'm I'm done I'm done organizing I'm [ __ ] done organize I'm done done organizing give me a headache oh it looks lovely though it all kind of worked out didn't it looks like it was all planned yeah don't sound enthusiastic we have to bring it back up and head off to the spot B off to the I wanted to do that ages ago and then you said we needed to explore more and then you didn't explore I I got no I did get stuff I got I got pretty much everything there's a a raft off to our right as well where see the way you're pointing yeah how do you all see it you better PCS or something oh there it is over there on good good I think we're I think we're [ __ ] not to use a pwn there I think we're sailing there you are sailing yeah yeah no I clapped I clapped for you didn't I I don't get it Wait no that's not what I need all right and just to make sure that we're really [ __ ] sailing I'm building another one what another storage box no another sale I just I just really like them I have a I have a sale problem been look at that I don't even really care if it's not doing anything I think it looks [ __ ] great 360 Let's see if we're going faster now beats we actually are I'm not fast enough to kill fin ah he got a piece of the ship a fcker why are you always dying I don't know dude I just put things on the long finger it's a it's a good way of putting it have you made a water bottle for yourself no could you make me one uh no why just glow in front of me instead drinking out of it what you don't have one it would be nice though please tell me whoever's uh taking out the Beats is actually planting all of them again oh my [ __ ] god this is why you're dying Kevin all the time if you die of hunger I'm just leaving you why plant them and eat later when I can eat now and I won't be hungry my [ __ ] god me hungry now just like that picture just every time Kevin just press T oh wait and click first page there we are we're at the vaza Gat sure I love the V gten it's new story it's all information from the radio tower went into our notebook I see I see anything interesting no it's just I've lost the ability to read after being out here with you 20 days 20 days is all it took become a literate 21 actually I can read that it's the only thing I can read now nothing else can be read by my illiterate mind all right what was I doing again uh playing raft with me and Jack oh yeah s sorry the madness is getting to me oh yeah I was going to birth another scarecrow oh yes Yes actually that's what you doing nice that worked out nicely that [ __ ] Lord of food bu chicken Dr SS and potatoes Bo can't complain can't complain it's actually Grand I love [ __ ] chicken and SPS right now be fried chicken mashed potatoes I just just go to KFC KFC in Ireland so much better than everywhere else Max no printer there we go yeah they call it Kentucky Fried Chicken but they might as well call it Irish is better than everything mhm and at everything 860 M and we are flying it I'm just saying we got some steam going boys um I built our new friend [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah our new friend is on the edge of the ship there so keep an eye on him don't let finberry get him who what's his name H glash knck he's our PR officer glash knck I don't know glash KN or'll introduce yourself then see if he keeps the shark away [ __ ] Clash KN what a name um Clash go oh okay L sh for a second there see GL is our public relations officer he talked out thought you were holy [ __ ] we just submerged there for a second yeah we were well it like goes over your head I'm going up top this is crazy I don't know how our our lanterns are staying on I think it's cuz we're going like really fast well we're also in a storm are we are we that storm it's raining it's like typical Ireland if you ask me really oh wait wait wait Jack look there's two points now there a okay well we got to go to that other one first oh we can go to that one and then make our way across what does the yellow do though oh what's in the yellow one the yellow what that's not yellow that's green [ __ ] whatever I'm red green color BL from the blue one on the left yeah but I feel like we should go to the the Bluer one and then we go to the greeny yellow one after that I have no ammo left that's actually [ __ ] wait people are saying go to the green one why apparently it's something really epic and I I tend to believe them they they haven't been wrong yet yeah let's do it I'm all in on that one like forward left a bit are we closer to the other one though no doesn't matter doesn't matter go away from gln ah perfect f sake knob [Music] head wow knob [Music] head okay we'll go to the other one first then you're right efficien efficiency is key cuz if we go to the the green one then we're going to be [ __ ] way off course B yeah let's go to the closer one then go green yeah yeah yeah yeah you're right you're right you're right when you're right you're right yeah and when you're when you're yeah that's what it yeah you're you're right you're right how's glash KN doing he's Grand I'm making him a little uh box for an office okay yeah I think it's nice it's qu humble ah I keep falling in the water though unnecessarily weird but I like it keeps morale High though and it keeps Kevin busy that's most important how did you walk around really slow what what do you mean is he starving Jes you have a lot of fish what are you doing oh no you [ __ ] Billy bass fish from the wall singing in your hand help what what what have you doing I've trapped myself inside the office oh I'm out I'm out I'm out oh glad we got out of that one guys think we all panicked there for a moment we sure did yeah was so happy for once I thought I thought prayers were finally answered thought it was over thought finally there is a God okay we're 5:35 away we're close we're close I like to hear that that is good news come on cook salmon or FK or the [ __ ] bu yeah you know what I actually love to eat right now is super max I haven't had supermax in like four years that's a yeah that's an oldie that's an oldie but a Goldie I want a Mighty Mac the garlic sauce is lovely they W their L suit against um McDonald's actually Superman did they yeah yeah play to them for play to little guy the small businesses out there I don't think uh Johnny Supermac is the little guy probably not oh there little than McDonald's [ __ ] most people are little than McDonald's Ronald's a big lad have you spotted land or are you just freaking out this is a fully grown tree look at this [ __ ] look at that [ __ ] oh you're right I was cutting them down too early now I can cut it down yeah will we sleep and then we'll wake up and we'll be at the location can we we can't cut it down oh God too powerful did I grow this for no reason I guess I mean it looks nice I Tak up a [ __ ] space that's all right does it grow anything like coconuts or something oh it's not fully grown okay all right and mango trees are smaller okay different trees different sizes you're not wrong wrong chat you know when you're right you're right that's all I got like I'll just say oh there's four things on the map now oh [ __ ] two greens and a blue will we sleep and we'll be there in the morning uh we can chance it yeah I think we should sleep I'm done to sleep I'm worried that we'll overshoot it no glash knock's awake yeah let's see well how' it go uh 340 we only went like 20 what how much for 330 we're we're flying it though we're Grand barrels oh a few few barrels there my dude [ __ ] off shark yeah no one cares go bother someone else you're not in but a fcking EG oh do I keep growing no I need to [ __ ] grow spuds instead oh raw potatoes are the best potatoes they'll grow nice and big and then everyone's [Music] happy you have a lovely Vic head you know you know what you should in the spring under attack under attack yeah about it I'm I can't oh oh well sometimes I wonder why we bring you at all talking to Glass no friendly fire when I'm sitting down you can't hit mein I'm immune oh he's gotten too powerful oh no oh he's he's standing up just immediately sit down I guess I'm sitting for the rest of this game oh [ __ ] oh God boys please don't hurt me please don't fin the not a shark hold on it's me whoa whoa whoa we're here wait are we oh yeah holy [ __ ] oh my God it's huge you Jesus you know what this means [Music] what oh that's the cruise ship [ __ ] yeah let's go uhoh I drank salt water drinks on me bud drinks on me we head to the P first thing [ __ ] yeah let's go pop time boys let's go there's definitely a pop on there she's beautiful we're going to get [ __ ] L we going to get [ __ ] sheltered by absolutely l [Music] oh this is [ __ ] legendary Irish lives do what everybody else failed glash KN look it's land there you go he's never seen land before it's no it's new to glash knck W he's also never seen um smart people I mean that's true but he's not going to he probably think we a SM oh now we can break this actually yeah if he's never met anybody else then we're Geniuses to GL yeah I mean glash might be a little bit smarter than us why can't I pick up this Barrel Hello is my game lagging what's happening I don't know everything's fine on I am everything is way off what's wrong with you look to the right of [Music] it this is [ __ ] great oh um all right oh my God look at this all right don't forget to empty out your inventory and be like full of food and stuff why food just in case you die while you're out I don't know I want to be full while I go I like adventuring on a full belly gotcha gotcha fair enough fair enough all right I'm going if you find any flowers let me know specifically white ones okay I think I'm fine what's wrong about the other ones I want to mix them and make a gray cuz I want a nice feature wall on the back huge bro yeah it's [ __ ] massive oh my this this thing is massive [ __ ] how do we get on it though they definitely have a pub there has to be like a [ __ ] oh yeah the re anchor uh e my SPS back there what do we got on this thing I'm guess the back I'm going over there to take a look yeah I'm on it right now can somebody go put the anchor down just in case it'll be fine I'm sure no it won't and then the series will be ruined and be sad yo no no added we got crates oh this is CR oh they sank thanks Kevin that was a nice one now nice familyfriendly joke there thank you Kevin wait I got a recorder a pool I don't know what that does a pool guys we have the ocean why would we use a po pi up a mechanical part see that I see that okay there's a thing that that I can click use on and it doesn't do anything like a light box or something oh these mechanical Parts must be really important oh maybe you can use them on the thing downstairs you got to use it to make an engine I picked up a bullet oh it's [ __ ] over for you guys use it on me yeah after I use it on myself though you can use it we all line up door is locked from the other side SI yeah I've seen a lot of that now a fck oh my God Jesus Christ there's a rat up there it scared the Jesus out of me there eye level with me there could should we catch it it could be our our like pet oh trying to make friends out of everything kill it kill it need it it's kind of get in there how do we get in here door blocked from the other side can I break the windows ah come on I can break Windows I'm a strong lad I made it up here made it up here this like you got a bullet so oh my God what is that oh there's rats in here dude it's not a rat oh [ __ ] it's a rat that is not a rat that's bigger than most children do someone echin was it me yeah I've been echoing Kevin's thing the whole time oh I didn't know sorry you're Fair too polite Lads hold on let me fix it [ __ ] off Kevin all right that's balanced it out thanks there you go I got you bro how do I get in there we go cwar yeah does what do you mean was that what we needed a craw bear wait I don't have the crowbar on me didn't me pick one up where'd you pick up the Crowbar there's a crowbar downstairs oh that plas oh wait is that a n can I kill the rat from here hello oh wait what do we need to use like every door is locked oh okay I got one in the second level oh I'm oh guys I think this is where we're supposed to be and I think I see why we needed a head oh guys go around the back this is definitely content this is content wait around the back what are you talking about go around the other side and go down it's content here wait I can open the door for you Jack come here open the door I'm inside ah ah what's attacking me what the hell was that how did you open the door I came inside it was locked from inside oh I got a key card I don't know how I got in here gentlemen I'm going up to the top where are you D back on the ship I got hungry H stop that we need one bomb to get through the final door the [ __ ] one bomb it say is God oh God [ __ ] rats o lots of cool stuff ow oh no I'm dying [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] we need a Green Key ow I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm literally stuck [ __ ] I'm running away I'm running away I need to get some water they [ __ ] rats chasing me oh no oh no I can't walk fast wait don't leave me oh no wait diey where are you I'm back on the ship just had to come back over for a bit of water fing Wolverine all right the thing is huge Hi how are you you see where this is where I in come over here Lads um Mother of God our boat is all the way under the [ __ ] water yeah it's not looking so good also this shark is probably devouring chunks of our boat while we're gone so we need to be careful did you come around the back uh we were we were in there but I'm dying I need to get water oh no problem do do whatever you need to do then uh uh we have no food this is bad wait we've none okay hold on no the all the potatoes [ __ ] oh no we should leave glash knock near the farm next time yeah I love how we made scarecrows and didn't put them anywhere near what they're useful one has an office [ __ ] what are we supposed to do now what fish goow it all what those fish what there's no food on it oh yeah fish I no I'm going to starve well I guess this is the end standing there fishing rod in hand I guess this is goodbye I got a candle bottle great nice eat that up wait die what are you doing don't do everything on your own no I haven't done it actually us anything okay thank you fish one more I probably should have put this one on to Coke while I'm waiting um come on to Fork will you I've got the grill full anyway with fish so you can have one of those good man good man I'll fill the other two um I going to do oh yeah water oh oh it's hard being a human sure is just waiting for you sorry hold on will be right there uh wrong one it's going great oh lovely lovely Grand be food now Grand be yeah I'm feeling much better now I still need more I'm still moving oh no it's going up once these two are cooked I'm on my way yeah I'm just going to catch one more and put it on the grill for when we're back and then I'm good that's not a bad idea there we go I'm on the way yeah why are the waves so high this is weird I don't know it feels like the game's glitching out to be honest I don't know if it's meant to be like this okay I'm on my way that feels good oh full as a boss on the way to bingo yeah I got a little hungry while waiting for you is that what did you want to show us don't go up there don't go up there Kev what do you mean you're not going up Kev why trust me you're not going up we we've already been up there I'm going in here okay let's go boys we were in here too when a while ago we found the fuse box what oh yeah it didn't do anything what did you find oh there a door I have a crowbar apparently I just open that uh that was my I'm closing the door I I hit him I hit him there we go there we go there we go whatever the [ __ ] that was oh my God how did I use your crowbar cutter it's a story craw barar it's not just it's for everybody yo B B big big question where is a bolt cutter oh yeah a bolt cutter oh for this Locker just get get the rat and use his teeth again he break that easily could fair enough I mean like I don't really get it but fair enough feel like we should have like some of the headlamps one blue key this is why we needed the headlamps found a red key no I need a blue one the green key uh is needed for the top layer as well so that's probably something good yeah all right I feel like it's just a puzzle that we need to figure out use oh there's so many items in plastic unfortunately and we already have okay got notes gas tank I can be trust build our engine after this buys oh red key open this door oh my God there's so much scrap this is great oh [ __ ] yeah go [ __ ] we could make like 16 clocks ball cutter nice yes requires five mechanical Parts yeah I don't understand one electrical wiras tank one bullet I got the bullet we need mechanical Parts I found some mechanical Parts in the water as well I think I've gotten like three of them okay I'm going back to the room with cutter okay that felt like a big like guys are so disgusting they only want one thing I was walking into scrap scrap oh yes dude I got the blue key I just open [ __ ] yeah let's go yo this is so dark dude yeah [ __ ] brightness can we oh no uh who the [ __ ] is [ __ ] with the to [ __ ] you oh here we go we're uh okay okay whatever wait it's night time that's why it's there we should all go back and sleep will we sleep yeah let's all go back and sleep we're here now though we are here now so scary it's not scary at all there's nothing in here scary I'm [ __ ] myself oh I can see our raft from out here or from inside the ship that looks so cool it's it's all over the place thumbnail potential maybe thumbnail uh it's not that cool oh fair enough um I'm going I'm going back to sleep though for real it's so dark in okay yeah I'll go too the rats just come out of [ __ ] nowhere like I could use some water anyway okay well I'm still in here and I don't know how to get out and there's this [ __ ] hole in front of me I picked up a crate holy [ __ ] got glass hinges planks more mechanical parts do we I got a ton of food let's go yeah yeah okay this is very scary when I'm on my own I don't like this you're grand you're grand just come home how do we get into this room come home come home Jack come home how the [ __ ] do I get out of here come home come home wait scrap mechanic dock no Kevin don't make that I've made it we need the scrap oh my God we need to scrap to build here we go it's going inside his office my God I found it I found it fishing I literally fished it out of the water oh you didn't use scrap the no no I didn't will I put it here or up on the Shelf what do you think looks better that's it I think it's there that is awesome I found it's nice isn't it that's cute I love it I like that all right he needs a name what's his name um can okay yeah you name him you've not named anything yet schacky schacky schacky all right like that okay that's how you spell it yeah schacky he's the VP to bed bu shacky really get the slack get her slack going all right do we have all the mechanical parts now daytime all right so the mechanical Parts can be in the water or inside I found one in water but I would suggest that we do have a look around uh around the other side and see if we can find some scrap so I'm hoping you guys are like full of water and food now oh yeah yeah yeah I'm I'm topped up on up big time I'm just getting a bit of food before I go in but work away that honestly that scrap room made me not dude wait until we build an engine sh up dude wait so I have a key card I think I picked up like a yellow key card I need to find a room for that there we go so we need to get um I guess we just keep exploring right yeah I think so did we get everything in this area uh the thing is there might be some things outside um I hear you I hear you like in the water that's where I found the mechanical pair so like I'm getting some scraps right now but there might be a mechanical paed out here somewhere I'm going to go to the table and see if it works see if we have the five yet all right yeah we do one carjack oh we what the [ __ ] does a carjack do for us I don't know but we need it for the we need it for the other table oh I got another mechanical parent yeah unfortunately my hook is now being uh destroyed I don't think we need a carjack for it I just got another mechanical PA so like that should do something no we need electrical wires lighter gas tank and a bullet I got a bullet gas the gas thing I think we just need to do a little bit more exploring then sure I have a feeling that my car jack is going to lift something and then we'll get into an extra area or something oh right got the key card room oh look at this room oh my God I got the Green Key by the way that's for the top nice look at this little room oh [ __ ] he's [ __ ] me up that was that noise didn't realize it was from your mic I like what the hell is that oh [ __ ] I just realized oh my bad my bad there we go no you're fine I just got heart attack I got another mechanical part nice where is the Green Key room uh it's up on top oh so we got did you explore all of here Jack you got to check uh not really I I'm don't really know what parts I explored and what I didn't like some that our doors kind of open yeah she that's a weird P oh no oh no help me out what's wrong rat Boy Oh I thought it would be hard to kill sorry oh you get meat on him yeah yeah I cooked them at the meat earlier oh well someone did actually I didn't uh where's Green Room I think it was at the very top right you're right you're right some [ __ ] a [ __ ] safe [ __ ] safe boys oh a rat oh [ __ ] okay stick together because I have no idea where anybody is right now okay I was on I never left the floor around requires four digit code oh my God this rat oh Jesus okay I'm coming to you ow [ __ ] this is can't even see them half the time a headlight would be nice my uh my weapons oh my God yeah him [ __ ] hitting you moves your cursor so you can't hit him easily all right so see anything more else downstairs um wait we need okay we need to be where we going first who found something that's needed I found something cool oh someone got four digit code come down come downstairs Lord thank you so much for that come down to the floor me and you met on the pool table with the couch and just come downstairs okay let's hop this I'm just jumping down no all [ __ ] you could walk down the stairs you're right next to them there right come here that's easier to jump I like jump it spices up life all right content here boys content four digit code oh here we go anyone go ahead Jack you have the honors I did it yeah electrical wires and a pickup and more noise do we have all so now we need the no we need one more thing with the we got the the gas thing the electrical wires there's one more thing that we need and I can't remember what it is uh I'll go on and have a look there's more to loot upstairs as well but the rat scared me so I came down understandable okay I'll go with you thank you have no weapon but I'll I'll bring you to where you need to go oh I have a metal spear yeah my spear is about to break oh Jesus there's a rack behind us Kevin run oh there's a r here too need [ __ ] hell a lighter a lighter a lighter way this way oh lighter yeah yeah yeah here we go here we go go okay this way this way this way got it all memorized look at this room new North a lighter yes you come down now we can do it okay should we look at the final Flor I'm jumping off the it's very bottom oh that is a good idea Jesus Christ they're everywhere very Oh my Jesus y yep okay yeah we're coming we're coming we're coming a sure no PO no PO t [ __ ] dirty rat bastards everywhere gr gr dude we're [ __ ] flying through this area yeah let's go we're good team that's why we're a good team as simple as that you know what I said that we shouldn't split up that we should M remain together but you know what it worked out yeah just come uh come downstairs and then I'm here here we are and then we're waiting for you right behind me I'm right behind you hold on yep I'm here and we'll leave we leave Jack do this one now you done on this one no Kevin can do this one I did the other one I did the safe okay I'll do it then it's done baby oh where is the bomb where is the bomb where's the bomb you I assume I think it's just a story thing so we don't actually physically have it but where do we need the bomb again it was upstairs top no you said it was at the top I don't know if it's at the very top I top Kevin I didn't reach the top on the stairs somebody said Kevin where you going ah rat rat boy Kevin the stairs are here running away yeah I'm running away I can't remember how to get up further oh you oh [ __ ] I would love to help but I don't have a weapon I'm Sor there's two rates there's two rates there's two rats in it jump my ass yeah why' you run off on your own can't help you if you're on your own oh my God just run around them yeah I'm running off run in circles oh God I'm about to die I'm about to die I don't oh my pick up their meat you any cook me no oh oh God oh God I do not I am sorry all right we can use a carjack over here o oh I found where we Ed the bomb I I remembered it oh I won't use it yet I'll wait that's very convenient that all the stuff we needed was here yeah we go our way out of this I'll I'll [ __ ] take it dude I ain't complaining oh I have cooked beats if you want them yeah yeah it's all right we're we're nearly done here it's all right I think no no eat I don't want you to die and be all Sicky in the middle of it you know uh Kevin where are you hello where are you Kevin I'll you the bomb door bomb door bomb door bomb door bomb door bomb door that's going to be our next door all right we ready door okay I'm I'm staying down I've used it I want to see this up CLA you know what oh yeah that was nice wait dead I'll take them why did you stand looking at a bomb lots of scrap in here a cassette I didn't think the game would be that [ __ ] accurate and now he's [ __ ] dead how long do we have to get into a bed because oh engine blueprint [ __ ] yeah let's go whe this what we need oh never mind I got it let's go let's go should we bring DOI I already have let's [ __ ] go all right would have preferred a vote but that's okay D you're literally being carried right now literally dude literally bro oh I hope our [ __ ] raft isn't have chewed on now uh [ __ ] yeah very good job gentlemen very good job what is this engine learn pogers dude pogers very POG pogers big pogs in the chat big pogs Metal Ingot rope circuit board plank that's all easy [ __ ] do we have all oh he bro he's breaking he's breaking glash knock's house I don't have a thing oh thank goodness we moved glash KN no we moved him to the island so we could see the land oh my God thing you moved him you would have died oh man good man glash KN You Live Another Day glash knock's always one step ahead [ __ ] yeah good job gentlemen I just realized the one he's standing on is a weakened board so I'm just going to move him a littleit again there need to make a spear as well do I don't have any planks what the [ __ ] there should be a box full of them I think there's a lot uh oh my god there so much [ __ ] plastic um are we able to make the engine do we have the yeah nice I mean I we don't have it on us right now but I think we can make it pretty easily we' got to make a steering wheel an engine is CER board plank rope metal eggot so we got to start cooking metal I think we have metal we do but we don't have uh well how do I well yeah we need a good bit though that's the thing and we need an engine ah and a steering wheel we need a lot of metal because I have been getting a lot of metal you know what our raft came along nicely this episode look at the a for sure dude I actually crazy oh you can middle Mouse click with the hammer to repair oh oh I was to repair okay that's good to know um so helpful well where is okay we actually do need more more metal we have a ton of metal don't we no no no we don't actually come on oh I'm cooking up steaks tonight boys oh here it is here it is we actually do actually Stakes are on me actually they're on the grill but they will be on me the WT of Jack seai is what makes him a top tier Top Class s absolutely excellent stuff thanks D it's that's really nice yeah um I'm going to get a a nice look at the ship CU I need a thumbnail oh that ship's too big I won't be able to get a picture of that no unfortunately you should have Kevin you should have Kevin next to the duck in the room like s sitting in a chair is that exciting enough this is it's pretty funny though he looks lovely look look at it is a very lovely room beauti beautiful put a lot of effort I think if you made it the thumbnail he'd appreciate it the dog sit in there Kev you sit in there get in the thumbnail get in the thumbnail I know I it couldn't do it you do it it looks really cool get in there get in there Kev go on get in get in get in there Kev I don't like pictures I'm telling you this is a thumbnail here staring at me can we is it bright enough though can we go to sleep we I there not a thumbnail oh that's Lov slack in there you got light that's a lovely thumbnail thanks Kevin it's one it's one for the family album anyway if nothing else for sure yeah there you are what I tell you what I tell you ju SLS I think that might be enough for me today I feel like I got a lot done now the interior design I think so too I'm very hungry in real life iries don't be lazy keep walking no we need something for the next time diey we got a lot done I'll be the one then I'll be the one walking then that's it now at least everyone go to bed once okay that's true that's true that's true that's true nice there you full morning time metal or is done Bo I'm dying you know what I'll leave that as a surprise for next time will I Sur I'll just join dying all these steak should [ __ ] fill you up a ton they don't do we have more oh what the do we have more oh we do more there will he die not click bait not at all he did yeah yeah yeah he did yeah I feel like that's [ __ ] wonderful progress Lads I think it's great from Zero to Hero real fast yeah 3 hours and this is what we've done that's actually crazy progress compared to last about other people who did better than us in a shorter amount of time I don't want hear it no I don't they don't matter they just make me feel bad no they just don't matter that's the their reality we have the Record for fastest any% speedrun on rats um so we'll take that put it up on the leaderboard I think so yeah oh we did well Lads we did well I feel like if we say it then it's true and it doesn't matter yeah yeah who's GNA fact check us on that exactly chat don't tell anybody else we just say that we have it that if anybody else plays it and kills rats just say that we have the speedrun yeah spread the LIE spread it if enough people say it it's pretty much true create rumors uh propaganda will be the death of us all so have fun with it yeah just L you know what I mean l lol pog all right guys I'm going to head off but thank you for the game that was very fun I'm loving the r it was extremely fun it was good to have you Kevin and I enjoy looking forward to the next time me too me too all right have fun Lads enjoy your evening goodbye easy boys byebye take it easy all right C all right there we go I hope you enjoyed that gang that was a fun one that was very fun Clash knock thanks for the sub H Dragon Lord thank you for the 10 warping slab thank you for the five bucks there as well guys thank you for all the support throughout Miss fluff thank you for the bits H there's loads here I can't read them all out but thank you so much for all the support Alan that was huge donation as well thank you very much and rat gals needless to say it's way way way too nice thank you very much well this has been very fun I'm loving this rft miniseries we got going here it's very very satisfying the time just flies like the 3 hours 15 minutes that's insane um BR got an office glash knck was introduced to the world of raft they don't understand that it's not just a scarecrow it is a sentient being which is also a religion but they'll understand in time um new video went up as well among us but I'm a bodyguard it's fun one uh I think it's fun anyway I kept getting imposter even though the the idea was I was going to protect people so let's open the channel um what else did I want to say um is there something else oh I got a cool video going up tomorrow which is like a mafia Style game and I got to do a little Mafia intro with like a narration stuff I think it came out pretty good I used my new camera to do it and I think it was quite cool I'm pretty proud of it so I'm looking forward to seeing what people say um but thank you so much for watching I'm not sure when we're doing raft next but I'm assuming we're going to do more cuz it's so good I think we're all enjoying it um but uh yeah we got merch up on the store yes sorry merch and it's you can hit the the thing underneath um and the there's a Code uh what's the code I don't know I know what the quote is it's Kevin bf5 if you want to try it um let me uh we're going to raid oh yeah there we go thank you luxar I really need to know how to say your name right I apologize I feel bad if you want to get um a discount over there uh we'll have more stuff coming as well I'm working on two things for there but it's just it's slow process with that stuff um Miss Olli bear thank you so much for all the bits you just gave 2,000 bits thank you very much for that and thank you for the kind words as well we're going to send the Love on to KI she's streaming over there I feel like Ki is like always streaming um so hopefully you'll enjoy that uh jum thank you for the bits but thank you very much for joining me I don't stream on Friday so I will see you again on Saturday um not sure what the plan is I have a few options that I'm thinking about there's so many things I want to stream um but yeah enjoy it over there guys thank you again for joining me you've been so nice and I don't just mean the subs and all that I really appreciate that but I've been watching the chat obviously I can't intera act as much when I'm playing with people but so so nice I really appreciate it uh yeah we need to do some twitch things before it goes away new in the New Year all right um thanks for joining me guys enjoy your day evening morning whatever it might be bye for now bye bye bye I don't know why that's the goodbye message but yeah enjoy your evening
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 793,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: KhxVbd03uIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 17sec (11897 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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