Resident Evil Village | 2021-05-08

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how do we do how are we everyone am i going to hear myself twice i hope not how are you doing welcome everyone how are you how am i feeling pretty good i'm a little bit tired i've had lots of gamer juice promoting any company when i'm not being paid to do so i've had gamer juice uh so i it's pepped me up a little bit uh how are you pretty good pretty good pretty good i hope you're all doing well let me know how are you doing you're shattered yeah i i don't know i think i i i was doing too much coyote over the past few days because the surgeon said i could on a cross trainer because there's no impact on me old foot which is going to be bothered so i was just like yeah i'll just do loads i think i should have been more specific about how much i wanted to do um so i'm taking a bit of a break today i didn't do much i didn't do any exercise at all today just trying to let my body kind of just chill out for a bit can collab is amazing thank you i think it came out pretty good we were just chatting earlier um just via text um and just saying how well we got along together uh cinnamon toast ken by the way is the the fella i did a collab with we did like a little reaction video i think i want to do that kind of stuff on my channel as well like the really wacky reaction stuff because i just react to irish stuff mostly just to show you what irons like but i like to do some wacky stuff they're fun um i didn't realize grognac was in resident evil i was thinking that too when i was thinking of stomping katie thank you for the bits hello kevin happy mother's day thank you so much it always scares me when people say that from other countries because i'm like wait a second but it's not right it's not like can you verify this again because i'm now i'm scared actually it's it's not right in ireland uh merrell blizzard prismatic amy a rainbow marble thank you very much uh brady ickel rubian a rubicon sorry uh competence um saber oglington christopher thank you for the two subs uh marriage x game review sounds really questionable it does doesn't it anyway ldft kelly uh fat nuggets uh marky jono uh venom adam shugal thank you very much for the subs sinis thank you so much for the 10 subs it's very very kind the end ultra grief for jesus jesus they just keep they keep escalating thank you so much for the five psalms very very kind here uh captain butter love the glam hated the topic i feel ya thank you for the bits millie smith thank you for the bits as well oh no i'm sorry to hear that i i hope the the streams are a good little distraction but i hope you're doing okay i really hope you are uh this is not optimal thank you very much for the five subs very very kind of you thank you so much a savior spud cool beans that witchy woman uh echo rubicon i know i always mess up your name i'm sorry i try my best for my best just isn't very good figure thank you for the bits yeah your name is way more clear now thank you if you could all just rename yourselves to really easy to read names that would be just very convenient for me thank you thompson thank you for the two subs subway jay baxterman ashley uh leon cattle snoop um nicora manster thank you for the bits what does the monitor what the heart managers say if you look at a picture cat probably just goes off the scale it just breaks uh i like denis kaelin confused crow thank you very much for the support hello everyone joining in good to see you good to see you uh anonymous gifter there confused crow awakened waffles ladybugs killing cookies the royal drowned thank you very much for the support british thank you for the hype train as well and uh yeah flower happy birthday to you again i know i i p.m yeah dm'd i i say p.m recently for some reason no one said that for the past decade i need to stop i don't know when it changed i think twitter did it damn twitter i just gotten used to pm and now it sounds weird it doesn't even just sound wrong it sounds weird [Laughter] let me catch up here i'll do a tweet and then we can uh we can get started oh no thank you symbols for the bits i'm sorry i can't even attempt your name i apologize uh killing cookies ladybug they're all drowned cherry channel focus lv tink thank you so much for the 10 subs it's very very kind of you thank you is gone brianna thank you for the bits uh andreas thank you for the five subs very very kindly strawberry thank you for the sub and early birthday wishes to you as well first of june very early i hope i'm the first one a royal tron ickel thank you very much for the bits cowboy thank you for the bits as well look at look at a pick of soup with a heartbeat sensor no no no no no i don't want to break it uh le spud thank you very much for the five subs as well oh sorry about that that's very very kind here lantern sea valley thank you as well very very kind thank you everyone for the support let me do a little tweet here um all right so um but i am live playing resident evil village right now oh no i hope my keyboard doesn't lag oh please don't mess up um right so no video today as i continue let myself relax a bit but i'm live playing resident evil village right now that sounds good to me let's spot thank you again i see valley shattered bombay jojo little white uh bucket and meg thank you very much let me um jimmy pickens thank you for the bits as well it's very kind your keyboard likes yeah my computer is falling apart i've ordered some some i was gonna say pieces yeah i've ordered some pieces so hopefully i'll be sorted pretty soon all right um there we go that's tweeted let me start up the game i hope this doesn't cause any issues the worst case scenario i'll have to reboot but i should be fine i'd love to hear you wrestling thank you very much i appreciate that it's nice that everyone's being so supportive if anything they're encouraging it oh my god i'm so nervous now my heart rate is being monitored oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] why is it stuck at 79 does that mean it flatlined it's literally not moving that's not possible maybe i should adjust it a bit i don't know where it should be it's like right on my bicep right now should i move it a little bit maybe restart it um yeah i'm i might be i might be dead somebody pinch me drop it by 10. all right it's off yeah i think it had lost sync or something uh how about above your heart i mean it's got an armband on it so be pretty hard okay there we go and resync okay all right surely it's not that high is it in standby now well we'll see we'll see we'll see how it works i i don't what's a resting heart rate like 75 or something i don't know any tips on finding a new gpu no unfortunately i was in the same boat my gpu was fine luckily it's the rest that's the problem 60 to 100 i think mine normally rests at about high 70s mid 70s i think but it's hard to tell um gang thank you so much for all the support jesus christ is flying in there uh carrot chop clearly clear [ __ ] thank you for the pizzas thank you for that i did see the new maximum max's foot it's very good pulvey corin uh boyfrog uh she aids j2 pinstripe owl panda slow flip fatal zurok uh roku needle uh theresa uh ten teren tuller is it i hope that's right amy uh giovanna giovanna rita is it thank you for the the sub uh hmo thank you so much for the the very generous tip thank you very much for that we should play more horror games this should be fun suddenly he'll do some time we'll see how this goes because this is going to be intense hello anna how are you doing ah i'm exposed to being a vampire myself oh come on don't lag on me will mention to me a buddy of mine said that it might lag at the very start because there's lots of fire but after that it was fine so we'll see this is going to be scary isn't it game volume up hold on hold on hold on we'll get there we'll we'll see do i get the video the breakdown okay okay i'm guessing this should be low let's wait till we get into the actual game before we i think i'll play with controllers it'll allow me that sounds pretty good to me but let's see we'll see aj mo thank you again for that tip that was super generous of you thank you very much very very kind um let me check the options there's no like difficulty settings on these games is there oh god just thinking about the game lagging my heart rate is spiking it just goes off the scale as soon as i go into tech difficulties all right as subtitles are on that should be fine right yeah it should be fine the difficulty settings okay i i think i'll go i'll go on standard i'll try standard see what i do i'm not going on hardcore because that uh you know me i'm not hardcore nikura manster kyle bob uh tania bob thank you for the bits as well love the new merch got it two days ago thank you very much for that put a lot of effort into it uh tayden sir goose uh wolf porter the spud and mothers thank you for the support work but the forest greeted them with the dark cold silence the bushes empty i like the arts determined to find the berries the rascal broke free from mother's grasp and vanished into the trees mother's worried cries faded fast as the girl ran on over vine and under branch and into the forest deep feeling strange eyes upon her the girl recalled mother's scary bedtime tales and her throat became bone dry oh then the pet lord appeared he greeted her warmly very pretty his own wing come child quench your thirst he said so she drank the thick dark blood and smiled with joy passing through the graveyard menacing storm clouds loomed and the air turned bitingly cold the girl was shivering in her thin clothes then a dark weaver appeared and with a click of his fingers crafted missed into a beautiful dress come child warm yourself he coaxed so she clothed herself and smiled with joy across waters deep and ominous she went hoping a boat she found would carry her home holy [ __ ] but hunger's grip tightened and her heart grew heavy just thinking of the weller man then the fish king appeared and offered one of his many fins come child eat your fill so the girl ate and smiled with joy once more continuing on she soon entered the forest dark heart then in iron thank golden gear the creature said nothing as the girl approached and snatched her heart's done she's so good another gift the horse grew angry and summoned the other monsters [Music] terror filled the girl's heart as the wild wind rose around the beast suddenly a witch appeared dark yet regal okay it's people mentioned in cave but i took it so more in turn is due in a blink the girl was trapped inside a mirror what an ugly baby she's asleep she's just ignoring me because i insulted her she's only six months old the woman at the store said it was tradition sorry i ruined it sorry sorry besides ross i'm gonna drop kick the picture we didn't understand it thank god we moved here so that you wouldn't have to deal with any of that remember there's nothing wrong with my memory you're just being paranoid it's not never mind i'm sorry but i'm not paranoid i'm just cautious then go cautiously take your daughter to bed oh no okay this is the real horror holding a baby i've always avoided it now anytime someone said do you want to hold the baby on nah nah yeah i i don't know if i've ever held the baby and how do i think about oh god my mother doesn't want to remember well i have blamer it's the real horror uh dance uh melatonin boy creations i'll put her down uh finnish katrina dance dearest crunchy shannon kale um is it khaleesi quinn sorry keely and hannah thank you very much all right can i run just start sprinting around this house is lovely i don't know where i'm going i'm just exploring i'm just picking up interior design tips from resident evil village what do you think i'm liking this you don't have to look at yourself open this is probably where the baby goes right no okay i thought that was a baby's bed i guess i'll continue to search the baby i don't think that's an option it's like press rt to kick the baby to be fair i know it was a scary story but i kind of get her point like the child like i still wouldn't read it i don't think it makes any sense to does the baby go in here i don't think it makes any sense to read it to a baby but at the same time like the baby's not going to understand it right the baby's gonna be fine flush the child almost there honey i'm giving the baby a bath honey is it this way um god looks like more like the baby's room than the master bedroom to be honest selfish greedy don't you worry am i going to get jump scared at some point because my heart rate is at an easy 69 right now and i'm hoping it stays there there we go it changed okay a little bit scared because i what if they catch me off guard like i'm i'm so i'm so at ease right now all right let's just continue to be at ease and not suspect anything bad is going to happen in rice and evil maybe it's just a family game what's his favorite toy hmm he laughing at i like how his face is conveniently blocked in that picture it's all about her i thought this was a family album where am i god damn it she loves the baby more than me dawg for facts the baby is six months old how do you have so many adventures and not one picture of me this is disgrace i can't kick the dice all right taking the dice with me what's my next objective i got distracted because my wife doesn't love me my mind was on other things oh [ __ ] i've got it stuck in the corner i think all right fine probably won't need a giant dice in this game anyway why is why is this house not better late sure you couldn't have that otherwise it wouldn't put you on edge would it yeah this is nicely lit this house reminds me of another house so this stuff keeps like from a game and i don't know what this is it was this house in another is she okay sleeping like the photo stressed you did my heart rate spike hmm that smells good what's that oh hands off mister oh it's choba de la go that's gonna be [ __ ] hot and there's soup all over it you've gone full now all right next stop divorce local wine too but if you're gonna keep sulking all evening maybe you shouldn't have any price daily musca vegas you really have to stop worrying duncan hannah thank you very much chris moving us here military training it all happened so fast you know well at least we're all together you me rose now everything's coming seriously i think we can just forget about what happened in louisiana it happened so long ago i just i don't understand why you are so what mia get down what uh what she got shot and she didn't even react what the hell oh no is she still like supernatural from the last game i never finished it i went from being in that haunted house in louisiana to stupid i don't know which one was worse holy [ __ ] my heart rate didn't go off god much at all i i guess my wife didn't mean that much to me oh wait it's going up now but that's cause i'm in danger chris what the hell why sorry either no what chris redfield huh that's a guy from a different resident evil a few resident evils for those either don't move oh my god he looks like tom well i don't have a wife anymore i might as well go with you the hell are you doing with my daughter package secure sorry take him away sorry i said get your hands off her ethan no ow yeah it is kind of like fallout isn't it i wish i watched like uh a catch-up or something from the from the last game because i didn't see how it ended but i assume they made it out and chris and all them are pissed because you know she was like infected no problem we'll be there should i know what's going on i don't think it really matters we'll get into it next week wait so but after the cut scene i'll see can i watch the recap hey now think positively all right we talked about this i know we hardly talk about anything else i keep telling you it's not rose that i'm worried about well then what are you worried about look does she not change clothes that's a good point what else what are you talking about is there something you're not telling me come on talk to me damn it i have to take this okay let's see if we can watch the um uh the little bonus thing oh my god the child is terrified my little angel it says uh izzy thank you for the bits kev your heart rate is going up with the weirdest things yeah i think it's just like it hasn't spiked that high yet it's all just in that window i don't know why it's going up and down cry cries thank you for the sub daily sodium uh malt beautiful muffin taurus a green sweet feel gandhi bees finnish koala thank you for the tip every time your heart rate goes above 80 i take one shot of vodka i'll just start like jumping around come on come on get that heart rate going come on come on there you go come on 78 let's go let's go let's get that guy no i'm kidding just be careful honestly don't don't it's gone above it it takes a second maybe that's why my heart rate looks like i'm reacting to weird things this is spikes of 95. well at least we know it's working god i built up a sweat and i promised myself no cardio today and we're all already up to 100. we're in fat burn territory everyone what a workout no be responsible don't don't be drinking too much because i have a feeling you will be if you stick to those rules that went up so high oh it's definitely a little bit delayed yeah and rose where am i what the hell she got shot yeah she didn't need it's like a bit of pulp fiction here we're a little bit all over the place um let me see can i go into options oh it's gonna be at the main menu isn't it um there's an auto save right let me let me see the bonus thing we'll just watch it just so we'll catch up hardcore it really does let's look at the uh movies uh remembering so this is like a prequel thing just so we know a bit of context hannah okay ian thank you for the subs where to start gore and bad words are there oh jesus my name it's ethan ethan winners it's been three years since everything happened at the baker house i was looking for my wife who disappeared i got an email from her she told me to come get her and of course that's how i ended up in the middle of nowhere louisiana i remember this i found mia being held captive in a dark basement she wasn't thinking right she wasn't thinking right yeah bit of an understatement attacked me like some kind of wild animal later on i found out that she was infected by a special kind of mold i looked all over the house trying to find an antidote a vaccine anything this is the beginning yeah this is a recap the people who lived there were already infected what was left of them wasn't human they were creepy as hell the source of the infection was a bio weapon that looked like a little girl her name was evelyn i didn't get this far i fought the [ __ ] up family and was able to treat me as symptoms holy [ __ ] what the hell then chris redfield and his soldier buddy showed up and saved the both of us right okay is that enough that's enough thank you i really don't want to talk about what happened anymore why do i have a resting heart rate of 69 why does it have to be 16. thank you 68 okay all right we're ready to play folks get ready because now the real fun begins oh i don't know why i've done this to myself sorry ladybird thank you for the sub the thing all the nice in chat the thing is is like i really like these types of games but i'm also like oh horror i'm not able for it all right i hope it's just a walking simulator just 10 hours of walking in the snow till i found a park ranger and he saves me is it even this way oh it's so [ __ ] dark and everything all right kevin remain cam do not show weakness i'm not letting that heart rate go above 80. finish quality thank you for the tip holy fact you're going to get me wasted if we keep going like that yeah yeah don't do it please don't do that drinking game because you you will actually die this ian thank you very much for the five zombies as well you're very kind do not enter all right well i guess i guess we'll leave no no we got it all right come on be careful dude really we haven't even started and you're shedding blood already if i can't get past a barbed wire fence that was already open for me what are my odds in wherever it is i'm going even nature's against me the rocks are coming down and everything so far so good this this was probably my baby that did this yeah baby baby tracks here all right i'm auntie chief what was what was her name rosie oh rosie's hungry she's teething just taking chunks out of the birds oh this is normal this is normal i'm not even bothered as you can tell by my heart rate i do not give a [ __ ] it's fine no i don't care i murder the crows that's normal that's normal a murder of crows means there's been a murder okay that is a human oh no how do i sprint i feel like just running through the thing because this this stuff only gets worse but it's making me go slow but it only gets worse if you hang around your best just powering through ian thank you again so much for that oh doggie is my baby in here why did i turn around that's the worst part of horror games having to turn around affect this someone else got stuck on the barbed wire by the looks of it bernie smooth maggie thank you that's all i have to say i'm just practicing my vowels this is awful what am i up to i'm not even i'm like mid-70s that's fine jesus that's grand even that i'm like something's going to come out of the tap isn't it there's someone in here with me oh no i'm up to 80. is this a you heartbeat you lose kind of kind of perky 666 alien boy creation spoon finish koala thank you very much so you're puking bucket of pepsi max keep in good health the whole thing about that screams good health i gotta be honest with you oh look after yourself please oh [ __ ] all right get in the closet if i know anything about games it's okay i was like i don't know anything about games do it look like something was gonna jump out at me it's gonna be something there's something in the [ __ ] house gang great a basement watch what is that noise watch my heart rate dip because this is like my comfort zone in basements yeah this is fine yeah this is fine this is fine just what's this give me this please be a picture of me god damn it why are there no pictures of me i just want a real fab picture to show up with me just to boost my confidence a little what the hell that was oh [ __ ] off i might just up my sensitivity a little bit because i feel like i can't react in time if anything actually happens um wait toggle hold to run what even is run let's just push in toggle i think i prefer hold uh is there any sensitivity or is it because i'm on a controller it's not there um am i blind am i not seeing it it was the heart rate disconnecting wait it's broken is it why is it doing that let me try and resync it camera should be fine hmm i wonder why it keeps desyncing keyboard is better yeah it's it's on again now harry wasn't dip maybe i'm just super healthy and my body is like running at optimal speed oh no [ __ ] off there's something behind me there's something behind me isn't there exactly sensitive videos on game settings was it a second cam settings ah wait they're all with mouse oh oh no wonder it's that [ __ ] two all right let me just let me boost that up to two above what they were so i'm trying to get my my heart rate monitor but it's uh it just keeps saying 72. all right it's off and it's on all right all right welcome back they might be the last subs i ever seen i'm trying to get my happy thing working i don't know what the hell is wrong with it who the hell is causing a racket up there why is it [ __ ] decent one second sorry i really want to get this working because i think it's kind of neat um connected should be fine oh there we go okay maybe it's just a matter of keeping my phone on then okay let me just keep that open and i'll put my phone on charge see if it helps now it's just on 71 though okay maybe maybe i am just very very s just stable as human being the weird lou trade ophelia amnes and max wolf thank you very much cryolast adexia pastel uh crunchy thank you as well and crunchy thank you so much for the five subs again all right come on i do not give a [ __ ] let me face you come here come here where even are you coming here let me just lick this blood so i can get a taste for you then i'm gonna come get you i'll [ __ ] this seriously though i'm acting brave but like feck dude there's someone in here with me and i'm i'm putting myself on the floor what what the hell came through here a bear it just ripped its way through the wall like a cartoon character yeah i'm up to 86 i'm i'm pretending to be brave but then my heart rate is uh seeing through my life [Laughter] it makes it kind of interesting all right is this sprinting okay i don't sprint pretty fast but it is snow i guess right i'm [ __ ] sprinting because [ __ ] this feki going slowly i like to face my fears head on holy [ __ ] hogwarts dumbledore is going to be at the great the greats the gates to greet me is that don't tell me this is [ __ ] stuck no it's not stable [Music] what's this nothing i can keep moving oh horse if i see a massive fish around here somewhere i'm gonna realize that i'm in that story that she was telling uh everything in my being tells me to not go in here but i'm gonna go in here maybe maybe they're out maybe they're out yeah maybe i mean the stuff is still warm on the hub there's still steam we've not even got to the harbor oh god super oh holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay uh do we have anything useful in here horsey doesn't go it's a terrestrial yeah exactly i've seen death i saw my wife die and now i can see it it all makes sense all right an easy to pick lock i don't have any lock picks maybe i need to go find a lock pick first i can't see it anymore i must be over my wife's death that's what it means i am in danger i'm in constant denial and then my brain doesn't allow me to to believe it was it was that my character is this the way um i do the thing is i don't know which is the way but i want to i want to go the way i shouldn't be going first i'm just generally scared if they can if i can't see them they can't see me i'm not used to the sun i just want to know which is the correct way this is the way okay so should i go this way then because i want to explore the way i i like i'm not supposed to go in case i can get some items like a lock pick or something this is the way other way this is the way wait hold on that way you mean that way is in this way and it's this way this is the name this is the way okay go back to the house okay if the other way is not the way then that is the way because i want to go the way that's not the way because i think the real way is to go the way that's not the way and then progress on the way that is the way once i go the way that's not the way so that i'll have all the items that might be in the way that's not the way and if i go the way i'm meant to go then i assume i can't come back the same way and go to the way that i shouldn't go so that's why i'm going the way that is not the way i hope you can follow that after years of being a content creator i've learned the fine art of being really understandable that did actually make sense if you're able to follow along i don't see anything here defeated it's like a plowing thing reminds me of my home country of ireland the whole place does actually uh crunchy you so much for the five subs again max possibly mothman uh ref jazz and craig thank you very much tasty thank you too this no i was about to say this is actually grand i like this it was it was cool cam and collected for a second but it's no it's gone to [ __ ] is this ireland in the winter no this is higher than the summer you should see in the winter okay wait wait the way that you told me that wasn't the way is the way but the way that is the way is the way also both ways are the same way so regardless if i went that way or this way both ways go this way ah come on gang wait there was a drawer it was there i didn't see the drawer hold on let me take a look this is why it's so handy to have hundreds of people help you out in these games uh let's see um here ah nothing god damn it why are you wasting my time no i'm just kidding i don't know where it is was that the one you were on about or did i miss something else oh come on dude you've been in there for hours it's my turn is there any way in there i gotta stop saying the word way it's starting to lose all meaning there's a shrek in there somebody why i just launched through the fence cody thank you for the sub i appreciate you oh a goat's head isn't that lovely now oh this thing's on this is a recent automobile accident okay at that angle how the [ __ ] like did he back into it because there's no way that thing goes over like five kilometers an hour in reverse the way the way and the way i love the atmosphere of these games heart rate up yeah it's going up isn't it once i see a tractor i get all hot and bothered oh yes disguise my fear with humor that'll make me feel better what is this um chicken wouldn't mind some chicken to be fair me hungry oh that door opened itself can i go in this door instead looks like a good hiding spot i'll [ __ ] this okay the lighting adjusted thank you it looked really dark i mean i still don't like it but some force can break it how do i punch anyone know how to punch anyone know how to hide i don't like that oh here we go a knife all right no i don't like that it's telling me how to attack why didn't tell me how to smash why would it say attack attack is bad that means i have to defend myself close your eyes or do you mean in game i'd make it really immersive just like this is bad my feet are cold everyone i might have to end the stream just any excuse the lock pick oh can i use this as a lock pick did they just run out of the house i mean it seems like it seemed even more hot in the other place this i don't see any steam herb so kevin it's okay kevin will protect you all thank you so much there's something behind this curtain for jesus christ who are you who sent you nobody i'm just an accident one of the male thief [Applause] [Music] jesus raccoon oh no what did he shoot he tried to shoot me who is what the hell was that you have a gun what please tell me you have a gun no why would i i have a feeling i'm gonna have your gun pretty soon i thought he was just gonna take a curtain come on ethan you you should know well enough that you know there are things afoot the way they're doing this i can't even see what it is hey that is a hell of a raccoon what the get out of the blood dude come on oh i was just going to say at least it was specifically only after him oh no my heart rate has just dipped i'm just like i thought i was out of danger oh no i'm not why is your heart rate so i thought i was safe i really did your harry does not care i mean it's just the death of an innocent man holy [ __ ] a lot of innocent people i hope they disclosed this when he bought the house hmm jesus christ no i don't think that's him what do we got there are you looking at something what the hell is wrong with this place bodies oh [ __ ] that one moved oh no someone's still alive back there uh can i shoot it dude my fingers cindy loses fingers last time too oh good he threw me out okay i was trespassing he let me off with a warning that's fine oh sweet jesus no affect that affect that [Applause] just immediately run can i escape do i have to fight this this must be very frustrating for you i would imagine oh no oh can i kill it with my knife do you reckon shoot me scared i don't want to harm anyone especially myself all right fine wait no don't use that what the hell was that i tried to melee is it not rb to melee i just wasted that so much oh you [ __ ] egypt why would you waste a bullet like that i hate the aim oh jesus back to the campfire how do i melee i thought it was rb what i cannot figure it out mouse and keyboard no i can't use mouse and keyboard my keyboard effect would be easier to aim to be fair maybe it'd be worth a shot that's so hard to aim on controller without any like auto win oh [ __ ] you thank you thank you what the [ __ ] dude [ __ ] hell stubborn what the hell get your knife out so how do i ah okay can i actually kill him oh i'm actually shoot him look i'm under no pressure here i got all night and take my time nice and the shortcut okay at least i know how to use this now i wonder should i try with oh god like my aim would definitely be better maybe i should because that like it it seems awful now now that i've used that for a while and if i have to swap later it's going to be even harder um all right second back uh where was it again camera back camera um mouse sensitivity let's let's try it all the way up at eight i don't know how extreme that'll be that that's not extreme at all what the property value must be so low with such aggressive neighbors i just hope it was disclosed to that man that poor old dude that there was all those bodies under his house you know i feel bad for him but i don't think he minds anymore uh [Music] aiming with controller that's all ten is the oh wait no it's not okay that's a bit confusing why are they all such random numbers this one goes to nine this one goes up to 17. uh movement camera sensitivity with mouse maybe i'll try that i don't even remember what the default was now but let's try okay i could probably manage that it's almost as bad as finding a basement with radon yeah equally terrifying you'd be equally brave dan ashley uh melon happy birthday to you thank you for that cody and jolinko thank you very much well that was a waste of time my keyboard's broken is it yeah so let me let me try and show you this so it was worth a shot for god's sake i thought it was okay but it's not it's my um motherboard i think is a problem oh beautiful horror but that'll keep my mind off things hmm all right this is going to be kind of hard to shoot the game seemed kind of difficult you're a wizard yeah i sure am uh right we gotta i guess backtrack do we this doesn't seem to be any way forward here there's a little shovel there if i want to dig all graves for those people it might take me a while oh wait what select an item to use the family photo just cuts right through um i don't suppose i can just knife the thing no all right i'm gonna need something hmm hmm well there's still people angry down there i don't see anything that i can use do i have to backtrack is there always for controller unfortunately not drip trip thank you very much for the tip for the computer fixing fun yeah i the thing is um thank you for that i do appreciate it but uh i've got oh both cutters nice i've got uh some parts ordered but other parts are just really hard to come by right now um but i bought a really good cpu so hopefully that will help um right so that's not an item that i can equip i just have to go up examine and then use the bold cutters on it is it twist it bop it yeah there you go gb is hard to come by it sure is honestly this might be a decent weapon like a good blunt weapon with a bit of range those things can be heavy oh auto closed doors how advanced uh a little stream here lovely bridge anything over here just trying to explore get me some goodies i don't see any goodies that's a pretty nice rug that could be considered a goodie i'll take what i can get cattle thank you for the bits congratulations on graduating tomorrow i'm happy for you okay why is my heart rate so low i didn't realize that uh oh my heart my resting heart rate was so low that's to be good right you would think so that's not good that's not good there you go you can barricade why are you telling me that oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] how do i okay that's fine i'm out of here i'm out of here chief i don't like when it tells me how to defend myself because that means i'm gonna have to defend myself and i broke the person's stairs now they're gonna be so pissed off fluid oh sweet jesus get back i'm ready i've played card zombies before [ __ ] hell holy [ __ ] literally landed right in front of me all right it's fine are they here jazz thank you for the bits the strangest thing about your heart rate is that it seems to slow down at this scary moment yeah let's see how long that lasts holy [ __ ] where am i meant to go back off wrong let me get ready for a fight holy [ __ ] dude am i dead yeah you know what i don't think this is worth the test where do i go what the hell [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm gonna die i'm gonna die ah okay i can slash here and i can i can run i guess huh where the hell am i meant to go i'm so confused the place is falling around behind me use your gun but i have like no bullets left and i don't think i can take them all hey come in who is it i don't know where to go i'm just trapped in here you gotta kill it no i didn't want to it looks so precious oh [ __ ] this guy oh no no no no no oh [ __ ] i did this so badly oh wait actually hold on i might be really good at games i'm so bad with controller though this is a problem all right rusted scrap there you go let me just sit down and admire this uh is there gonna be more you backing off i like how i opened the door for this one he didn't come in over i unblocked the door not the time to be a pacifist that would seem like it [Applause] i don't have any bullets left pulls out a gun with 420 ammo yeah i like this 420 by the way a lot of nice numbers today i don't know where i got the 20 ammo from though because i had four earlier when i was fighting weird you unlocked it yeah i'm pretty clever with these things just doing a bit of exploring i think i'm gonna need the ammo uh crumb a captain zindeakin uh galen the kids in my basement drip drip uh tiashi dube danku ashley melon um navi thank you as well i appreciate it kron thank you very much again all right let me let me get going so far not too bad i i'm just very worried what the [ __ ] this oh no does the guard actually work oh [ __ ] take the gun take the gun it's telling me how to run there we go i don't really want to fight if i can avoid it hey wait wait survived it oh okay i'll just be back inside if you don't mind [ __ ] you good chief no does the block actually work folks is it effective [Music] all right can i aim for the knees i mean the shot to the knees gotta hurt right affect it's not loaded it's not loaded it's not look oh okay you go in i leave i see there's a maximum capacity in the house and i'll be on my way now oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] no no no no smash it smash it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh no no no no no no no no no no what am i getting myself into i don't know if i'm escaping or if i'm just bringing more on me at once i see the battery what there isn't into them it's this barrel wait what the [ __ ] is that did that help can you can someone open this for me jesus christ [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i need shotgun my aim is so [ __ ] bad and it doesn't help that you're doing all these zigzags oh [ __ ] am i dead give me one more chance i got this chief oh [ __ ] dude i'm so screwed is that door open yet it's not gonna open is it is this a dead end i wonder okay that just brought him closer to me what the what the [ __ ] okay did that work push comes to shove thanks for the achievement this is terrible you should craft heels how do i oh okay one second pardon me sir hold on wait wait for just a second i'm crafting the block worked pretty well it did this is stressful really stressful this is one of the most stressful parts of the game it sure [ __ ] seems like it and it's right it's just started oh my god okay key items let me just examine this sorry sir i'm sure you understand you you have a family right wait are you my child one second let me go side by side hmm it could be rosie i'm not sure similar teeth woozy azuri royal drown retro thank you the music is getting so intense i assume this is it for me right oh [ __ ] no no no no no no no no am i men no no i'm this no i'm dead i was like is this meant to happen because it seemed overwhelming but uh no i don't think i was supposed to have my intestines eaten what is that thing in the photo i know it's gross isn't it i'm stressed because the music it is it's so stressful hate the music it really is it's anxiety in a song all right i gotta figure out do i need to kill them all or not because i don't think i have the resources to kill them all okay we're back to here i had a real wait did it take my ammo over i maybe didn't no i i had about this because i 24 before they attacked me um i don't know if running was the the best option it felt like i had to run i felt like i i too much stuff to fight there but maybe maybe i should just fight i don't know the thing in the photo is called the child's gross okay shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun i honestly i think i'll use this at the stair wait what is that great scrap okay that wasn't too bad good job kevin you did something wait i should i should have stuff ready i should have crafting stuff ready right rather than doing it as the guy is trying to eat my face that's all i can make okay i don't even know how to use it i think it was rb maybe i'll just try and get across with body language that i don't want to fight he's running around to me isn't he yep wait there's a little bit of auto aim if i if i press lt i think all right oh [ __ ] hell okay this this could help yep yeah that can help there's no end to them there really isn't no no no no no no no no no no okay where's my shotgun i probably shouldn't use it on him he was already weak oh maybe he wasn't [ __ ] hell he was getting up there again ah jesus oh no no no no no yeah you have to restore health creation hold on sir i know you're the polite one from earlier and you won't mind will you yeah it seems so pathetic great gunpowder holy [ __ ] dude they just keep coming no dude come on block first i'm trying to get the the damage while i can the blocking seems to work good thing he's not using that big hammer of his what the hell thanks for the change no i got nothing holy [ __ ] oh no no no no no no no okay this is bad this is bad they just don't [ __ ] stop coming do they hold on i'll be out of your hair in the jiffy gang i'm just i'm not about this life alright i'm a runner not a fighter all right i'm retreating hold on hold on a second where the hell am i meant to go this is awful oh [ __ ] this gang i have nothing to defend myself against these people now close the second door close the door close the door okay i should be safe in here i'm just doing my own thing here oh man i don't know where to go craft i do i have enough to craft just run around and avoid them do i actually have to kill them all because i don't i don't understand you can craft pistol ammo oh good shout oh very good thank you sorry i didn't realize sorry if that was frustrating then he knew because i did not holy [ __ ] dude i'm just i'm bringing more of them on myself aren't i oh this controller is so [ __ ] hard to aim with too i don't for some reason i thought the fire oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i know probably not a good idea but i'm struggling here i won't leave if i [ __ ] shoot that one yeah just ignore them this is just the way of them making it so i can't camp the roof of the arrows they can just come up anyway i'm so confused [Applause] you weren't live long enough okay i'll turn it down a bit yeah it got a bit loud out of nowhere he's friendly eyes it's hagrid yes that maybe that's what i'm saying i'm gonna swap aaron doesn't make any difference because i feel like i don't know what what did it peak at so far because i feel like my my heart rate was actually a little bit more they just like all right i i appreciate that what did it peek at 86 was it all right it's going over there now maybe my left arm is more nervous it's already saying 85. so we'll see maybe it is a bit more nervous oh thank you couldn't help me earlier no fair enough lolly thank you for the tip i love that when you panic you call everyone chief and gang 101 was when he attempted to bring up yeah that that was the most it peaked overall but i wonder like scary-wise what does this mean i wonder like does it just mean that i can get in there at a later point i'm trying to show wait when did i bandage that i'm trying to show them my fingers hello you shouldn't be out here it's not safe what the hell hey can you hear me it's you the child's father child hey wait do you mean rose down to 62. yeah i do feel kind of calm she is in great danger since mother miranda brought her to the village we have fallen into darkness what are you talking about the monsters [Music] okay so it's my child that's the problem they're coming no wait where's rose who's mother i'm gonna blow up the barrel on her bell tolls for us all they're coming again then why are you locking me in here to be fair she's not the worst of them hopefully i got her the game just ends yeah she was funny i like that laugh it's like a laugh track and a sitcom it just encourages you to laugh along with her cyber day for the bits thank you for that uh been amazing bumblebee uh hida the phantom skip um sorry uh witcher wall street woozy uh azori the royal drown retro and navi thank you again for all that really appreciate it oh with the ambiance finally i can oh no i just heard something behind me where on my arms should this heart rate monitor be to get the best reading an easy to pick lock it's easy for you to say got nothing this place is cozy it is it's nice forehead okay on your wrist i i was thinking wrist two but i thought it would get pretty annoying so i have it on my upper arm let me try move it to the wrist um if i can tighten it if i get stuck in this thing you've got to come help me how the hell do i second thing it's really awkward i'm liking a forehead suggestion i think it looked cool with this on my forehead but i think it would also break all right jesus i don't know if this will even be able to go that tight to go on the wrist i'll try it elbow crease is also good yeah that's that's kind of where i had it but i just feel like maybe i am just a really really cam individual i just felt like it should be higher given how my body feels you know how the hell do i tighten this thing what happened to the guy's hand just some random thing bit it off it's kind of weird i don't know what his deal was uh right let's try that it's spiking now all of a sudden all right should it be kind of tight i suppose like it was tight already but it's kind of hard to make it tight on the wrist 110 yeah it's spiking i don't know why because i'm not even wearing the thing um all right hmm no that's the wrong way hold on this [ __ ] thing is really awkward calm down i know it's just making me nervous you know tech difficulties on stream because you're moving it yeah i'm just trying to get it to okay okay that's a bit tighter if that might work is that actually going to read now 103 is a new record yeah i wasn't even wearing it was it a hundred was the the full one uh i don't think it's on one second let me restart it now and then we should be good to go is that your heartbeat it's meant to be anyway it was just a little bit lower than i thought it should be so i'm just moving it to my wrist for those of you just joining us all right hand turns purple yeah it's not it's not super tight um uh let's see if it'll show up on the screen now there we go okay 82 if it stayed about that resting i feel like it would be a bit more accurate because it was like 64 and stuff but we'll see we'll see how it goes uh juni hubble jazz thank you very much wait my mom is arresting harry to 42 really low extremes do happen that's kind of neat like i know it's kind of weird but like to say but it's kind of neat isn't it i don't know like is is that good or bad because you would think it's good i i would imagine because your heart is under less stress i don't know is that a book i'll just not look for the way into that because i don't want to embarrass myself attempting to read uh oh [ __ ] um the goal lies ahead keep going along the path you're doing great okay perfect uh we got a well well well well we need an item i prefer parts like this where i just need to look for items it's fine this is grand my heart rate's fine with this um kevin's wearing a seatbelt yeah it kind of looks like that i'm strapped in all right i don't want to get hurt what if i jump out of my chair in horror okay is there anything i can do in this area or should i just move on this looks like it could be some sort of central area that i revisit hmm i don't know if i should look for stuff oh oh is that a save point sorry i'll sneeze when i find a save point allergies um okay um oh that's what i need for the big door not a pic of jim pick-ins in sight thank you for the blessies all right should disaster fall upon the village seek out the [ __ ] should disaster fall upon the village seek out the crest one is in the care of the church the other is that loses house loser um right the church is here all the way down the main path once i come out the front door oh that is a big house what is this thing this little smiley face down the right all right mary jacks thank you for the bits lower wrestling heart rate is good because it means your heart is to work less hard to move the blood ox good to know y'all they're so smart honestly i feel so stupid sometimes when some of this stuff comes up because i'm just like i have no idea uh i don't know how much i should be losing but i know oh it's mine now i'm in danger i'm doing that thing again where i try and protect myself with humor bad humor at that a dad joke day keeps this creepy bastard away at least i hope i don't think i can thank you for all the pity laughs everyone that helps kel says mrs moxie and juni hubble uh captain depression cyber thank you very much oh jesus they're in the [ __ ] car and i see them moving around all right i want that box you cannot see i'm here i want goodies this will this will pay for itself in time this horror holy [ __ ] i'm gonna bump into one yeah i should probably crouch even though they're making a lot of noise it sounds like he's literally a foot in front of me i'm sorry i mention your feet again max is going to come before phrasing but you know what i mean max is going to join the chat [ __ ] oh come on i stabbed you first holy [ __ ] that did a lot ah nah this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad i can't sprint because owie can i craft i shouldn't have come in here you know what it's still it's still good right i needed to heal anyway my health was bad see his oh god oh jesus oh god luckily i had my backup plan good luck to you now you ain't getting in here oh my god my heart rate is just like nah maybe my resting heart rate is just way lower than i thought because i've been doing cardio recently and i've i've been thinking the heart rate monitor is broken on my cross trainer but maybe my heart rate just is really low [ __ ] dude the controller is not my forte maybe i should just hold on come on go for it no oh [ __ ] i didn't know you could grab me i thought i could block the attack and then go for him i don't know if this is effective or not but i need to find out sooner or later [Applause] [ __ ] i'll just block your blade with my hands herb nice use the flower oh ah does that make them like fall back [Music] were there any questions when you calibrated the monitor i don't believe so let me take a look um it should be higher if you do cardio yeah like that's what i thought but um like obviously it goes up but i i felt like it was still too low hmm a bit of a weird one isn't it i don't know kevin gets scared kevin's heart nah to be fair it if i put my hand on my heart nothing's happening you know maybe it is correct i'm in denial like now that i think about it and i'm not making this up like all my life i've been on like in in gyms and stuff um well i haven't been in in gyms all my life i i used to live extremely unhealthy before um but anytime i was on a cardio machine i go those things are useless because they were always too low so maybe maybe i do have just a low high rate i don't know i don't think this is particularly um the stuff that scares me either um uh because what really gets me is fear of the unknown so if i'm in the house going through the corridor slowly turning and not knowing what's what's following me that's that's my weakness oh [ __ ] [ __ ] i lost it [ __ ] the combat's hard in this i don't want to i don't want to uh use all my bullets but it takes so many stabs oh [ __ ] all right at least they got him lower with that and i got chem fluid off and that's good that means i can craft one of these bad boys perfect um kevin is most calm when he's slashing the hell out of zombies yeah that's when i'm fine the combat is grand because i'm just then it's just like an action game it's fear of the unknown that gets me kajamus thank you very much for the five subs and dandelion ellie thank you for the two subs thank you very much to both of you i appreciate it a lot thank you uh can i just barricade this like i think we all know what's in there i can't coughing up a hairball jesus christ okay i did not hear you coming up with me was that not in the house the noise then okay hold on hold on hold on bear with me okay i just have to get it close and then i can there we go there we go i figured out the shooting mechanic and control or how to abuse it a little bit jesus um pajamas stand on here lily thank you very much rotten matty here's the door oh thank god a person mickey rain oofy snoof heavy what are you doing uh maggie thank you very much jaded sapphire thank you for the bits too mr biffix thank you for this whoa yes this is the game with the the big white dress lady yummy cal says thank you very much oh is it stuck again [ __ ] we're setting ducks in here yeah i think i just need to reset it every now and again just a little bit of us just cut him he's lost a lot of blood we have to get into louisiana quiet it must be away a little bit of a reset stay here be quiet don't move until i get those gates open all right they seem nice to do my heart rate spikes there but that's just because it was social interaction i don't fear the fighting i fear the small talk lovely weather isn't it [ __ ] no response nothing ah right what's that gunpowder okay i'll take that and we got some bullets i i think i'm doing okay with the bullet usage i i don't know if i should be using more to be honest it's just my accuracy the controller is so bad i'm kind of afraid of wasting all my ammo you know all right is anyone in there okay i didn't want to see anything that we couldn't unsee as i look into the outhouse like down the hall uh what are these some prophecy [ __ ] oh kevin lives and is fine um chris there could probably open it by what removing a screw okay i mean pretty sure i could just i'm pretty sure i could bust this but i'd probably just piss off the village even more to be fair can you make a medkit i don't know how do you become one of the scary people i don't know we've not really figured it out yet we don't know what's going on need to get those two inside what oh yeah then yeah i forgot the civilians that i'm supposed to be helping uh can i open this gate this is bad 48 i'm dying i'm dying dude i'm helping you i'm literally a stranger i could have just left you feminine man thank you for the song crazy chris captain chickenwing emma matty thank you very much we'll be safe in here won't we oh yeah we wouldn't we're here then out there i don't even know what's in the house your dad's about to die hey i'm having a bit of a premonition yeah about now he's about to get pulled through that door or something mother miranda has always protected us nobody's answer is he actually gonna live i really thought he was gonna die we have to get inside all right but will you say a proper thank you this time yeah gross hold on ah that thing is dying gross hello anybody home cutscene time maybe a familiar voice louisa open up it's me elena oh oh oh stop shouting you'll draw the monsters calm down who's this a friend stay back father for god's sake julian let us in oh no they'll smell the blood you'll endanger us all my father's smelling the blood that's why he caught me what's going on his hand on the barbed wire that's what i was thinking man into our home they're vampires people are our friends go on go inside i was thinking that when he caught his hand in the bad warriors like there's got to be a reason for this you're not from this village ah no and that's why you went to bite my finger right you lean go away yourself useful and check the group i said go isn't this supposed to be europe why do all the locals have american accents i mean look at me i guess i'm from europe and i sound american okay very sharp eye kevill wait here thank you and check on the others all right see how my heart rate's going up again because i'm in the social situation all right that's you uh broken again got more of the livestock i don't think we'll make it through winter at this rate ernest is still missing too we can't find him anywhere his mother miranda abandoned us so mother miranda is the tall lady right hmm what do we got here i hope there's pictures of me actually no this would be weird if i was in this one this way no i'm busy i'm looking through your precious memories uh isn't it thank you for the sub xxx thank you very much for the sub as well thank you for all the followers as well everyone i appreciate it it's not or oh no oh no i i'm wrong sorry i just assumed i don't know why i assumed i just assumed that she was protecting them all sorry i'm giving you i'm giving you false information here come inside the others are waiting hey everyone oh god damn it i see you thought jesus i'm getting all nervous now oh god the weather's lovely i i don't know what to say oh jesus the heart race went to spike thanks sake is this all that's left from your entire village all that's left all that's left there is no one left what do you mean you're here invalid a stupid whaling [ __ ] oh my god you you drag a bloody man and an outsider in here like it's nothing and expect to be all safe there is no safe every sorry bastard do the mind joke if you should hey everyone look this is mine and just takes out a landmine [Music] just like a damn husband ah dude roxanna that's enough put a sock in it jesus christ is this a reality show can we vote someone out and drunk or not you are all welcome and safe in here whatever this guy's a dick and someone please tell me what the hell is going on here we don't know one day we were a quiet devout village in the next the monsters came and attacked us and they they kept coming wait louise where is your husband did they no no he he is out there oh she's in denial he he went to get help harry spike prediction 85 that's what you're thinking you went to fetch help oh now you got me thinking is there a reason for it to spike oh no for all of us papa moon thank you for the host i appreciate that thank you sakura one-eyed mushroom thank you again let's gather around the campfire and sing our campfire song i'm taking a note that he hasn't joined in so he's gonna die as the midnight moon rises on black wings so we make our sacrifice and await the light at the end in life and in death we give you glory mother miranda now the tea should be ready are those prayers working so fast that prayer i've heard it before there was an old woman near the graveyard lost dude tarantula thank you for the [ __ ] [ __ ] is crazy i thought villagers were supposed to be friendly in her devotion though they're all hated and i hope it protected her as it shall protect us we're a much better cult we are we are what are you doing leonardo what's wrong holy uh-oh the drunk dude's ready for a bear fighter he's like i've been i've been waiting for this all night he's on the ceiling no let me go what do you mean i'm not even holding you you're just running away you're like hold me back hold me back holy [ __ ] that guy does bear fights right he's not before oh no no no no no no no no no no no why did i 360 for the montage i thought i could run away yes you better aim than me oh that's going in the taj though did you see that that 360 was sick she is a brave lady oh my god i'm so sorry no don't be that was awesome hey that wasn't your father anymore you did the right thing yeah he knows what to say [Applause] elena elena no there's nothing you can do this entire place is coming you'll be fine come on let's move on i can give you dad jokes now this is mine she's like you've already said that and it wasn't funny the first time leave me alone no we're getting out of here together yes let's save her she's a brave lady hero hero of the village all right um hey you know that guy earlier the alcoholic yeah he has a he's a vice right she doesn't like my tad jokes at all all right i i should stop with the dad jokes i find a screwdriver in here i bet hmm there's got to be one in here somewhere right funny yes yes this place is on fire by the way screwdriver screwdriver screwdriver talking about the cocktail by the way i really need to cam down as you can see i'm up to a high of 69. why is it always at 69 when i look up um i'm surprisingly not seeing a screwdriver i was fully convinced that it would be there it seemed like the place that would have it um let's see take the screwdriver out of the keyring wait out of the key ring if you need it oh i just robbed them uh out of the keyring out of the key ring out of the key ring what you growing here huh looks a little bit suspicious a little bit sus um no oh no god what were they even eating ah i gotcha the one i didn't look at so can i can i examine this and take it out or ah yeah there we go is that a screwdriver looks like a file to me um right the house is still on fire you haven't even moved back jesus you must be very cold uh right so shall we get going will we truck key oh i'm i would be amazed if this thing works you're screwed oh now you're in with the dad joke so i like that vogel thank you thank you you always got me back we can bust out that herrick gold is 420 bpm god i i'm just so surprised it seems so low i'm very calm in situations like that though i i didn't feel like there was going to be any danger hit the gas with my what i don't want to use the mouse um thank you for the bits i'm sorry to hear that i i hope you're doing all right i'm glad that our little cult can help you out in those sorts of stressful moments you know ah yes just drive up the stairs honestly gang i don't really know what the plan was here it really didn't seem like uh is there any time the the right strategy but here we are potato zone thank you for the tip as well and thank you for complimenting my 360. this was a weird strategy wasn't it like let's get the thing filled with gasoline and just drive into the wall it was weird that's why you don't drink and drive yeah i shouldn't have had that screwdriver before i got the car don't worry uh what the hell is happening with your dress i know what what the hell is going on there it's just a shadow blogging out you're kind or is that just the style of the time hope your family is safe i do too once you get out of here maybe you'll get away luckily a random car crash made the house collapse in just the right way thank you very much for for the tip potato zone and poplar thank you for the bits and again i hope you're doing well that's the main thing kevin now is not the time to criticize your fashion choices you're right i should give a compliment your fashion sense is fire hey hey don't talk like that we'll find a safe house to put you in it until i get this feels too close my hunch is she's in that old castle no that place is full of nothing but blood and death and i don't want to be alone while you're father all for [ __ ] sake dude elena no that's not oh my god not anymore he's actually so normal now wait holy [ __ ] oh no no no no elena no no no no no no no no no no he's going to grab her he's going to be the death of her no i don't want her to die i can't believe i'm saying that about a video game character come on use his back just jump up no ethan go save your daughter don't give up reach for me come on that's right my heart rate is dipping do not judge me [Laughter] get over it all right thank you so much for the fits that's very very kind here i appreciate it and legos fairy thank you for the tip as well i'm sorry you've had a rough day but i'm glad you're enjoying the little stream happy mother's day except you're my fake mother with all those bad dad jokes i got you covered i got you covered uh right i guess we're getting out of here i just don't i i kind of like i if he's saying i don't get it with her situation like that was literally her whole family and friends just died so [ __ ] is this happening i guess she was overwhelmed but i wanted to save her so bad that sucks okay anyway moving on uh no let's not go back into the burning house actually i don't think that's a good idea really i i did bring death upon their house didn't i but don't worry i got a screwdriver out of it what's eight lives when you got a screwdriver for it aha demon crest jesus christ that is a demon crest look at it [ __ ] hell maiden crest demon crest all right that's not good khaleesi quinn now you're the bits and the bullet and i appreciate all the foreign and thank you for the follows as well everyone mother miranda no i'm not mother miranda you're confused i think i got confused earlier too everyone got mad at me maggie thank you so much for the five subs that's very very kind here thank you all right i feel like the heart rate monitors at the most accurate spot now it's like a little bit up from my wrist so that it's a little bit tighter than on my exact wrist but a little more accurate than being way up my arm yes death has visited them all no my name is kevin she thinks i'm funny what a jolly person uh right where are we going now i wanted to go backtrack this way right because i got those seals uh here you go this is the castle i guess i guess this leads to the castle can i turn it okay i can't because i was like if so i hope this sculpture wasn't paid for this because it looks really bad i was a little bit confused all right that one's set and let's get this one there nice uh defense cyber thank you very much reminder for gta also went on no i uh i i'm excited to use this in different things i think it'll be fun uh sam brownlee you're the sub i'm glad you're excited for that and maggie thank you again for the five subs you're very kind okay i got an achievement i had a feeling something might happen i got money okay i was curious what would happen i know should i have tried to shoot both of them oh this is dank i feel like i'm pretty cam now because i know what's going on and that's when that's when i start to relax when i know what i'm up against it's the same in heart all horror games for me like phasmophobia was [ __ ] terrifying the first time but then when i get used to it i'm fine you must be pretty tough huh uh no the [ __ ] are you hey oh you're not local mother miranda is gonna love you have you made me magnetic [Music] what that's it game over it's over okay good game two is standing maybelline thank you for the sub as well punk muggle you're one thank you you're almost there whining he was just doing a bit of gruntings he's been dragged come on gravity shield is that what it was did you did you pick gravity shield is that it the man is of no real use to anyone else and my daughters do so love entertaining forms furthermore i can assure you if you entrust the morning to house my daughters and i shall deliver to them [Music] what what where you mean you'll screw around with them in private and where's the fun in that give them to me and i'll put on a show that everybody can enjoy oh so gauche what do we care for bread and circuses the man things suffering yeah cause a man's dick is cut off in the castle blah blah blah i've heard all your arguments some of you were less persuasive than others but i've made my decision heisenberg the man's fate is in your hands mother miranda i must protest heisenberg is but a child and his devotion to you is questionable give the mortal to me and i will ensure he is ready shut your damn holes and don't be a sore loser they'll find her food somewhere else quiet now child adults are talking you're the one who's arguing with miranda's decision responsibility if it was wealthy oh keep glory one day your head might actually pick your ego how tall is she saying this silence my decision is final oh my god remember from whence you came thank you i kind of wish i could go with the blueprints and gentlemen we thank you this is good and now let the games begin oh [ __ ] let's see get ready when my parents did the whole three two one thing you're really hesitating for that all right let's go don't fall don't fall because i don't think i'll be able to get back up for your life i'm running i'm running i would have made this far less exciting if uh if i just stood there and died which you really seem to want to do lovely basement really nice you got radon down here oh perfect sake it's you again hagrid i don't suppose i could slide through your legs how is my go to he really was not in a hurry he wasn't was he how is this place even standing still all right this is fine yeah grand grand it's just a little slide you're still alive i wonder will i reach the 90s from sheer horror because it's not been really horror so far in a well in a while it's been more action-packed uh through here there we go see cool as a breeze my words you truly are as strong as they say yeah that board didn't stand a chance are these [ __ ] bodies get i thought that was quite clever actually greed will kill kevin yeah come on i want to see the mystery box i'm in game show mode all right i got some cash i was hoping for something like a minivan or something in the mystery box i'm not gonna lie i didn't want just straight-up money i wanted something more exciting fantastic there are things following me oh [ __ ] there are traps everywhere can i climb on these no all right i wouldn't like to go under these but whatever all right is it going to chill out now because i actually prefer when it's action-packed because i know they're coming when it chills out is when i get a bit more oh that's the room i was in earlier well what a roundabout way of continuing the story where i left off uh what was i interacting with his heart's rate's going down yeah i'm telling you once the action starts and i know what's going on i'm grand it's the atmosphere that builds it for me by builds it i mean scares me like especially uh in parts where it's like dark lots of doors you know i'm afraid to turn around something might be behind me that kind of thing but i'm cool as a breeze right now uh this is cool though some cool characters i simply tall lady i like the like personality of the characters they're so vastly different i've been waiting for you mr winters how do you know my name anyone who is anyone has heard of the likes of you holy [ __ ] hero's searching for his daughter i love the characters they're so cool that castle arouses suspicion and so do you am but a humble merchant here you shop as a wardrobe when you live in it call me the duke now to business the duke weapons i like that mission healing salves anything you desire i can provide slip on some slippers i'm just going to stare at them in shock for a second yeah i wasn't really expecting these mystic vibes either i was expecting it to be just kind of like normal characters you know just straight up horror but i really like the kind of element of god he's staring off into space the elements that are coming into it and maggie thank you again for the five subs earlier that's very kind here sam brown cyber uh punk muggle nibbling uh iniksum uh ellen jd stuck in purgatory and that one weird thing thank you for sub appreciate it use biscuit thank you for the sub as well it's just sitting there yeah they're really good at like kind of is what do you call it world building um sell items um john smith is shotgun ammo gonna become like common because i i really like the shotgun but i think maybe the pistol would be the best one to upgrade first i need to go collect money badly all right i love that the upgrading stuff is in it i'm a huge fan of that stuff i i love that resident evil 5 and i love this yes yes the next time they see me they're gonna be just like ethan we're beginning to think you're not taking us seriously i buy this little raccoon attached to the shotgun uh what's the hair thing hair triggering greatly increases rate of fire okay get the free stuff yeah i like the free stuff shotgun ammo it's just free what wha why just some freebies to get me hooked why are you giggling i'm taking these off you for free why are you happy about this kind of weird isn't it free samples okay dlc items oh yes that's what i like to hear um pay me no mind i'll pay you nothing at all actually i've taken all this off you for free uh oh the mine no that's staying mine i hope he laughs uh right i think i'm i think i'm good i don't really want to spend money yet because i'm not entirely sure what's worth spending money on till next we meet yeah do you have like other branches or you just you sit here you know you're a travelling salesman but that thing can't be that easy to get around it looks kind of stuck as well is he waiting for me am is only customer now um brendan thank you for the sub kylie hutch monkey i use biscuit thank you very much for the support all right we're going inside [Music] [ __ ] okay this is where the real test will be beckon haunted mansion great uh three daughters bella cassandra and daniela is it scary oh it doesn't look very stable there's gunpowder in there yeah smashing stuff i've already pissed them off enough and i've literally done nothing so i don't know if this is a good idea yeah that's definitely gonna piss them off um but at this point i don't think it can get any worse so i don't think it matters well i signed the guest book they try to track me down and they just find this guest book with my signature in it had a lovely time lovely home you have here love the decor hmm do i have um i do have a map okay it's only on previously explored areas okay can't wait to see the fan art of this character these characters yeah i as long as it's nothing freaky i'm kind of the same this game is really cool they're just like i was saying when i went to the shop and i lost control of my thoughts as usual um i've lost my train of thought again and the world building is really cool like i love the setting of seven as well a two uh okay family photo you can't use that here where can i use it oh hmm i've seen better it's like the child's project or something uh i can't go up there this step is just too steep for me is this just a safe room then is there safe rooms in this game save point what what is this labyrinth puzzle this is a puzzle all right they just mean i gotta put something in it okay so any tennis ball i find uh craftsman of the late 19th century norshton who was branded a heretic in his homeland he wandered the lens until he settled in a remote village nordstrom then created four labyrinths the castle the house on the hill the water wheel and the iron tower upon their completion he put a gun to his temple and took his own life each labyrinth is unique and requires its own specially crafted metal ball to operate each one contains crystallized human remains which are said to be narcian's four beloved wives the labyrinths are their graves interesting dude i already saved it and now you're making me paranoid now it's one of those things isn't it uh that's so james sinnoh dark vibes brendan thank you very much kylie thank you as well um what is this haul of the four and look for rose in the castle as my objective so i'm just wondering mask the angels blight wait what oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yes i am have you seen her by any chance [Laughter] i don't know what everyone around here is laughing about everyone finds me hilarious i think they're laughing at me oh man blood okay i bring you fresh prey you are so kind to me you're not allowed to kill me i thought how tall is she jesus christ now let's take a look at it i hope she's wearing stilts under that thing she's actually really small you escaped my little brother's idiot games did you let's see how special you are yes mother yes mother yeah back in hell chloe b thank you for the sub appreciate that lazarus thank you again oh jesus yes well well starting to go a little stale yeah no good quality now now daughters she's so tall mother miranda but later well there will be enough for everyone holy [ __ ] like that can't even hold me that well surely careful what you wish for ethan it's the only opportunity i'll get to look down on her i think what are you doing how tall is she meant to be this guy's been through a lot creepy then she just turned into bugs and walked away oh yeah thank you for the bits appreciate that thank you all right now it's just me alone with my thoughts room's kind of tacky all right um all right all right my hands are being slaughtered nine foot six okay jesus christ this that's quite tall like you're going to 69 and just stopping all right this is all healed up now there you go nothing a little ointment won't solve okay that is a little bit much but wait oh you can actually watch it kind of heal can you maybe not it looked like it was crimson glass fantastic i found treasure oh wait can i sell that to the um to the watchmen call it to the vendor because i loved that about resident evil 5. resident evil 5 is my first resident evil and i know it's nothing really like these ones or four but i really liked it i think it was just because it was co-op i really really enjoyed it but i loved the like collectible aspect and finding the treasures and upgrading everything yes yeah fantastic oh oh my god there's some naked bugs wandering around here she's going around a bug farm completely naked that is gross is this my way out i should probably stop like just wandering around looking at things wait easy pick lock oh can i actually do it uh do i examine it no wait what how do i use it okay there we go i must click the wrong button or something uh are they just a one time use i'm kind of glad there's no mini game i'm so tired of lock picking mini games so done all right i guess i'm going this way so this is where santa claus comes from the poor fecker has to go through this in a red suit that thing looks pricey too oh sweet jesus where am i um got some scrap that's great how much scrap am i carrying around with me uh let's see i can make a good bit i'm too scrap nothing to make first aid but i don't really need one i think i'm okay maroon i ring is that just treasure as well no it looks like it'll come out with some effort ah maroon eye in the shape of an evil eye i think i look friendly uh guccin dominic newt wish thank you for the subs and i gotta find something where i can use an eye surprise he hasn't got some sort of disease yet you're talking about me or the character because you're talking about me me too if you're talking about the character he could well have one just looting [ __ ] everything it's like one of the few games where i'm like i'm stacking up on resources usually i just rush through holy [ __ ] uh sammy pike thank you very much for the subs wondering will my heart rate jump for just a second there no probably not enough because i did get a bit of a from that it's kind of in my own zone here sammy pi thank you very much uh katrina thank you for the sub appreciate it all right i'm still looking for rolls one second i'm getting kind of hungry now is the only thing that's the only thing keeping me back here um i something fell on the ground and i was just like i wonder did my harry go up there so interesting going to the labyrinth where was the labyrinth uh we got what do we got here should i actually pay attention to these i don't think an eye would do any good here wait how do i oh i just stared at it okay the angel sadness weeps alone in a dark place the angel pleasure appreciates art best kept behind a gilded door the angel of happiness visage looks on words of wisdom by her side the angel of anger looks down in range from on high and rage from on high okay that didn't answer anything it just raised more questions but i assume it will become clear soon and good ammo for people who don't look like they need guns they sure have a lot of ammo oh that's the door from earlier yay all right hmm looking for a place to use my eye maybe i do have to go back around i'll try upstairs i want this game so bad but it cost 70 like thank you very much for the five subs very kind yeah it is it is pretty expensive to be fair i'm not really used to paying full price for full releases anymore because i play so many indie games so it all just kind of shocks me but then i remember that this used to be the case of all games so it's not too bad uh special bottle adorned with flowers all right well i'm gonna have to find the special bottle then with flowers on it looks like i have to place it in there wait can i smash this no i gotta place it in there i guess and we'll see what happens hmm we're making progress i feel i feel like it's going well enough ooh ooh i got just the thing for you it's an eye the thing is going to start screaming just out of pain from the terrible terrible jokes by the way this is mine i just have the landmine with me at all times to break the ice i'll [ __ ] off bug lady [ __ ] hell what even are they are they just flies oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no it's like that that thing from that movie the mummy staring brendan frazier i'm just leaving i'm not dealing with you is this useful live dead which would you prefer back fact fact fact back back back back i can't hold back any longer what am i safe down here i got out of there pretty easy my heart rate didn't even really race i didn't have time to be scared these some crazy gals i think everyone this village is crazy maybe except the merchant he seemed all right uh i thought i heard whistling run forrest run thanks for the sub i think your name should be run kevin ron andrew dom the let's play it thank you very much and sammy pi ladylight thank you very much again for the support um i fear for my life i'm going towards oh no maybe if i stay in combat crawl mode she won't see me like she's all the way up there i might be okay oh that must be so annoying that is too tall imagine her [ __ ] experience on an airplane just trying to piss them off more by smashing everything um i really am attempting fade here aren't they uh the potatoes thank you very much for the five subs as well jesus a pancake charlie thank you very much potato thank you very much for that okay not good good thank you potato oh no okay what is this can i swing the fire to that is that a stupid idea no i'm not stupid well the jury's still out on that one but in this particular instance i'm not stupid fantastic oh no not good at all i'm tired but i'm not that tired i'm not sitting down i've had an office chair that felt like that once uh beautiful painting modern art um [Music] like this this is more my style of basement though this is like uh jim pickens basement oh fake what was that [ __ ] oh is that gruel oh i'd love some gruel but i can't get in stack rule oh no i would not go in one of these cells and allow that door to close behind me [ __ ] that as i do it but you know i mean in real life scary i'm keeping an eye out for that bottle no it's that's not a vaccine by any chance is it i'm keeping an eye out for that bottle because i have a feeling it'll be down here somewhere uh candidates um rejects any names we recognize there i don't think so like any any story names uh pinkbeard the uh the aliquita thank you very much she's the worst kiki and uh emilion thank you very much for the support again i keep checking these i don't know why i don't know what i'm expecting to find i just think like eventually i'll find an item in one of them okay that's fine that's fine what's this okay unstable overly alert at times i feel like i relate to ingrid the most on that list wait are those the sisters actually you reckon i don't know i'll keep going okay looks shira [Music] just want to share with you my fear you too specifically no that's not their names [ __ ] all right okay all right they're off they're nice and stable what the hell is that there's like hissing someone's like dragging some thing what's this metal scrap why did he make such a big deal about that metal scrap i found loads of metal scrap or did the same pop-up happen i don't think it did i don't know well [ __ ] i just took one quick look at it and just noped out of there oh [ __ ] dude i'm oh [ __ ] no you don't care do you you don't [ __ ] care oh my god there's loads of them is this a fight worth fighting [ __ ] hell are you the people from the list oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] this this can't be locked behind me right [ __ ] are they the one in front or is there another one [ __ ] i can't get a shot [ __ ] why didn't i take the shot i was afraid of missing but you miss wait what okay you missed 100 of the shots you don't take right damn it i also miss all the shots i do take apparently [Music] this this is going okay idiot doesn't even know how to use the door can i use the weapon i feel like that jesus christ i feel like that would be my weapon of choice affect the gun get this battle axe all right that was sick oh sorry all these like that jokes are making just like oh that was terrible i feel bad for that one oh oh no oh oh i like that there's a button to just quickly smash them so you don't have to keep swapping because that was a little bit annoying the other games i [ __ ] saw you coming through there i had a feeling there we go you did nice good going kev oh pipe bomb great let's just blow the whole thing up [Music] like i think if i had won their weapons they moved so slow and i wouldn't have to worry about aiming or ammo i could just go nuts with the thing oh that was too close the music is intense isn't it okay come here you [ __ ] come on back off please just give her one in the back as well i didn't want her feeling bad like i was not seeing her as a threat because trust me you were a threat unnecessary shot at the end there but that's fine i'm not wasting too many bullets i'm getting a bit used to the controller and and trying oh that was ingrid's necklace how many more are there boyfriend is yelling use your shotgun stop yelling at me you're stressing on my heart rate though i uh i i'm kind of saving the shotgun for for a big fight aim for the knees then use the knife okay i'll try that oh random hole let me go in oh [ __ ] okay aim for the knees oh yes this is what i like to see that's not what i like [Applause] all right i'm fine okay so i gotta aim for the knee swap to this step step run away and then swap back is this gonna use less bullet stuff oh okay i used to be a threat like you but then i took a shot to the knee hmm i wonder what they're doing in here just hanging out it doesn't look like there's much to do poor things must be bored to death that's probably how they died if i can boredom there's nothing going on down here [Music] another one of these i still haven't figured out how to interact with these but to be fair the only thing i've tried is using my family photo on them and i don't see how that could possibly do anything relaxing sausages thank you for the sub electronic uh lucky sons of gero uh sleek exorcist kaylax shera thank you very much i appreciate it believe cassandra calls all this [ __ ] off [ __ ] off okay i gotta get out of here right that seems to be the game mechanic i can't fight these but i can run ah mine's all dry and yucky it's all it's got chunks in it my blood is pulping where are you going your bullets cannot harm can you stop wasting them i went to so much trouble to save them [Music] hold on let me reload hold on hang in there wait how come that i'm afraid that the shotgun is being wasted again dare you scare your teeth that is please die don't believe it all right i got some hands go out jesus christ she closes the gap fast is this okay i kept her in here and i think it worked okay good i was just thinking when i heard that crack crystal torso don't mind if i do thank you um i i was just thinking it was cracking like maybe i should have shot her when she froze but that was good yeah the window i i get it that we needed to get her into this like chill easy easy peasy i'm the same i'm a cold-blooded creature i know what the coal does here let's see oh fancy bottle oh poor fella all right good stuff so far i'm pretty happy with how it's going like i know it could be better but it could be worse happy enough easy to pick lock i don't have a lock pick well that answers the question if they're reusable uh okay don't know why they have this here but i'll take it uh a quick part yay i figured it out menus can't spell menus without me here we go lockpick this has got to be something good if the lockpick's right there for me it's gotta be something good right his teenage mutant ninja turtle fingers is such a weird but accurate observation thank you [Laughter] all right wrap steve with the sub appreciate you all right now this isn't the room what a great observation on the thingies uh oh that was that was a big one a gunpowder let's see anything that useful here i'm just using my family photo on everything uh the only thing i'm gonna be able to use that on is the child right i'll show the child or something or i don't know um trying to remember where was i second uh the hall of the four is where i need the bust right courtyard key was that the room wait no this one was locked from the other side wait did i miss a key did i set fire to the house that'll show them but my daughter's in here oh is that just saying i need it maybe it is this house is very pretty nice open plan i agree with you it's very pretty lovely house anything to keep our minds off the murderous people chasing me oh okay i don't suppose that's cranberry juice is it i need to find that room with the uh is it this is down here merchant's room it could be it could be uh olivia thank you for the sub appreciate you thank you for all the follows as well everyone i appreciate it welcome to our little cult oh you moved silently for a man of your size how did you get in here there's coin to be made and have you i must be your only customer no if you go into this much trouble for little old me she is truly here the lady of the castle would have kept little rose in her private chambers would she not dummy trask the very same oh thank you for the hype train you take a look thank you very much you'll get lucky let's just realize what your name is i'm incompetent and thank you for the five subs rose is a baby yes that's what we're thinking anyway hold on i can actually make use of this there there she is i'm just wondering maybe more time has passed than i realized could this be you're not rules by any chance are you he's like you've solved the riddle let me drop a save all right now i know why i can't go in there it was his store all along treasure and these old treasures are treasures useless that looks tasty it kind of is protein bar nice i was getting hungry and then i realized they had it does this man scare you why is my heart my heart rate is going up i guess so maybe it's the family photo it's just the thought of settling down hmm okay 20 grand nice um what would you you just love the protein bar maybe that was it look at my heart going um what would you recommend i upgrade the pistol or the shotgun because i was thinking pistol or is there something i should buy please do take a look at my new stock trenchler thank you so much for the bids revised thank you for the sub nathan thank you for the sub kedaran say you're the sub i'm incompetent thank you again olivia thank you as well i appreciate it thank you for the hype train i appreciate it nick says shotgun pistol pistol pistol pistol you use it more pistol by the ammo recipes there's ammo recipes [Music] learn how to make shotgun ammo okay i think i'll actually get that that sounds really useful anything else i like the sound of expanding my inventory as well but i don't think i need it right now soon but not now first aid hmm no i think i'll upgrade the pistol next i think power and hmm well i do reload speed as well i'm going to do reloads i like the sound of that all right ammo capacity you think so let me do that sorry i'm indecisive one moment please thank you very much your patronage was that curtain closed earlier it wasn't no he just somehow managed to shuffle in behind there is that still your body down there i don't is that all right i'm just gonna leave him bait i'll do another save here did i do okay get everything i can you shoot him no no i can't even just thank you yeah it's a little magic trick i call it just about grazing an innocent civilian um i'm still pretty confused what these are about i thought that it's something to do with the boss that i collected or the the torso sorry a jet fire random person or well semi-pie or i'll thank you for the 500. jesus a peter major brainer uh savvy pie transfer thank you very much appreciate it break every vase in the house i've been trying i'm trying to keep my eyes open um right no i i need to not go to the merchant's room i need to go to that place with the flower thing uh but where the hell was it i've lost yeah i've lost where the wine room is so much room that way i don't think i even went this way did i wait maybe it was this way i'm just gonna start sprinting around oh that was a shortcut around this was the oh my god that sound ladylike thank you very much for the five subs very much appreciate it this was the room i was held captive in okay good to know good to know good to know lady like thank you so much for that that's very very kind it was upstairs okay thanks folks sorry i got a little bit confused sometimes it's hard when the place looks kind of the same and you got so much going on get a little bit lost upstairs it is though wine room yes good memory or good knowledge um a pie rocky party i hope i hope i got that right thank you very much for the five subs very very nice here kid a ashulu thank thanks for the bits very very kind i do appreciate it everyone thank you courtyard okay great that means we can go back down that way awesome i assume that's where i meant to go next uh a pie thank you very much again for the five subs and sharon thank you for the sub as well i hope your hangover is going okay it's been a while since i've been a bit hungover but jesus is rough the key okay i don't have that key yet so i can't hmm hmm so i i'm going to try out there what what is this puzzle does it say for angel's boss okay no i thought it might say give me a bit of a clue but no uh no thank you i'm just on my way thank you i'm just saying i thought i could run by her if i was fast enough but the game was having none of it understandably so okay courtyard key open open open open open open yes all right i took one bite that's not too bad you just ran into her i know i thought before she finished her animation i could just go and just be gone uh how does he keep surviving these i don't know i don't know yeah good karma maybe major brainer thank you so much for the bits there it's very kindly and apply ladylight thank you very much to both of you and i i'm incamping thank you as well keep thanking you just so i can say i'm incompetent uh another face i got bit i know isn't she dead i think there's three of them there's three like i'm assuming sisters they they all look the same um and i killed one of them so i'm guessing i have to take out the three sisters will this work no what a surprise but today the three sisters and then the the tall lady uh kieran thank you for the sub as well jesus at the potato thank you for the five subs again very kind of yet i appreciate it very nice oh oh there she goes watch her boy she's nine foot six oh there she goes she's a man eater i could hear her theme song to be fair i think it suits her uh i'm just trying to keep my mind off the fact that she could stomp on me and kill me in one [Music] i'm nervous he's yeah literally have you done to my daughter oh she's realized that i've killed her daughter can i come in and just explain things you forgot a desk did i oh [ __ ] did i i ah that's fine i'll find it later i don't know where i missed it she's pissed she was already pissed without me doing anything oh lovely she just comes in like maybe you and i aren't so different after all we get along like a house on fire sorry poor choice of words so many people died in that house fire earlier that was very insensitive of me uh oh hmm they're offering something hmm any clues okay this one has me a little bit stumped already the hell is that thing uh let me just turn this one and just see if anything happens and then i'll i might try and ask you for a bit of help it can only turn left or right do i not have the clues yet oh no this is a worthy one women are blind to male advances but the poor shall take their chances to give their lord their bounty zone so that soon the wine may flow women are blind to male advances okay i'm guessing you're supposed to be turned towards that oh wait no they're the ah that's the male's advances right so she's blind to that no hold on let me read that again okay women are blind to male advances but the poor shall take their chances so he should be aimed tell ya there we go ah good thing that didn't open as soon as i dropped down there because i would have just fallen straight through i used all my brain power thinking about the riddle thank you for the hype train again everyone that's very very kind yeah uh leaky pancakes a beef mer jacks i'm not sure how much of ethan's gonna be left either to be fair all the chunks seem to be coming from his hands mostly oh jesus so this is where all the blood goes when you drain the tub i always didn't really think about it you know i thought i heard a scratching gross uh call me mackie uh catsy [ __ ] thank you for the bits but avoiding the stream because it's spoilers but hope your heart hasn't exploded no so far so good actually break it all right okay i got achievement cynic that's for you because i wasn't gonna break it is he saying what the hell because i just dove into the the blood [Laughter] no no no no no no no oh jesus okay i didn't even see where it went did it walk away all right this is my strategy right keep a low center of gravity so that nothing can hurt me there we go i have balance run away no no no no no no no no bad idea i hate that idea of staying low ah jesus that was so sudden i don't like this nobody backs kevin into a corner i'm gonna hold my ground here jesus christ that was so sudden i said the thing is i wasn't even sure i was thinking that when i passed it that maybe it might be in the blood but then i was like nah i must have just left and what's the left because i ran away before i got to see exactly where it went oh no all right i think i'm oh i think i want to stick to the headshots i know the the kneecap seemed like a good way also but i'm thinking the head shots work for me don't tell okay good like how the music picked up again like oh you forgot about them didn't you but they're back crystal skull nice okay why can i block why can i block this all right i'll keep that in mind don't tell me there's going to be a boss fight down here i do not want a [ __ ] boss fight in this bloody room literally there you are come on no no no there we go stay that side of the counter and we can all be friends not too shabby not too shabby at all i gotta remember that is here right yeah that's there okay it's your box it's fine you can have it [ __ ] trying to be a bit too fast oh okay i shot it the other one five times in the head and it died and that one four times the head once in the body and it died you're not alive are you nah nah you're fine you're fine you're in a similar situation to me mortal danger oh no oh no be careful that the bodies have some respect for the dead jesus christ now let me loot your body my crystal skull i hope they're worth a lot am i wasting ammo you'll save ammo okay all right i believe you holy [ __ ] oh no no no all right this might actually be shock on time hold on let's let's gather you up come on one hurt you all in here now come on come on little charm on my gun this this is a good idea i think there you go everyone get back up i think this is good uh there you go is that one dead i'll do one more all right wait oh [ __ ] sweet there you go phew that was rough holy [ __ ] okay got some ammo yeah you're right i need to start doing the knee thing because as comfortable it is to just get head shots and slowly back off my ammo isn't doing so good then i don't like that i said that because i thought i was out of that situation i wouldn't have to worry about oh god you don't care do you okay okay i can get three hits in i think [Music] oh [ __ ] come on just [ __ ] die jolly come on don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me what a waste well i needed to heal anyway it's fine it's fine don't panic everything is under control i get too greedy with the knife that's my problem i need to cam down with that all right i think i'm still doing okay i think i like are you talking about my heart rate i don't think it's broken i think it's just bizarre uh right let me let me see yeah it's fine it's moving slightly all right i feel like i have canned down a bit it's more stress than fear but i guess that should also raise my heart rate i don't know doesn't seem as though he was at 48 at one point so he's quite low normally yeah i guess if my resting i'm gonna out of interest tonight i'm gonna start uh apparently manner isn't broken kevin is i'm gonna measure it tonight just casually and see uh morgan thank you so much for the sub i don't know what no no no no bad idea was but thanks i got it too late i'm guessing it was for the going down low in the blood thank you for attempting to warn me cater boy thank you so much for the generous tip there as well uh a beef leaky and just another mom thank you for the sub as well oh this game is so good i'm enjoying it so much it's so fun but the thing is i would not play this alone i'm like i'm enjoying the stream um i might just run to the bathroom if that's cool i'll uh take a bite out of my protein bar as i go i might just run to the bathroom and then we'll continue don't go anywhere i'll be literally a minute and then we'll continue keep an eye on my heart rate in case they fall over come get me okay what a weird thing to have every monitor on i'll be right back uh uh [Music] did it spike i just started like shadow boxing outside just to see just to see what was happening oh it's funny [Laughter] that's like the highest it's been i just started not just shadow boxing as fast as i could [Laughter] oh it's funny not one person came to help me do you like the harry monitors style by the way it's like the resident evil actual theme going on there they had a little template for it i thought it was pretty neat uh i i just like the idea of the harry modern general even if mine is like super super low but i'll find out what the like baseline is cody mischief surlia morgan thank you very much hmm okay i thought there was blood on the ceiling all right i think it's been going okay what do you think of the game so far like just in general [Music] phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone oh i wanted to answer it myself where did she get that mannequin i'm enjoying it game looks amazing it's good one love it stressful let me finish this while we're enjoying a cutscene she's got to see me like i know i was joking earlier stay low and she won't whoa your reflection's lagging that means you're not a vampire right mother miranda if if you got a reflection to inform you that ethan winters has escaped that fool heisenberg because he is in my castle and has already proven too much for my daughters to handle when i find him no mother miranda no yes of course i understand the importance of the ceremony i won't let you down to hell with the ceremony that man will pay for what he's done if only she knew how close i really was if i started grunting and shattering things maybe if i put on her dress and showed up to the meeting i was like anyway someone hand me the daughter and i'll take care of her and i can just take my daughter home i don't know why she would sound like a bad impression of homer doing a bad impression of marriage but that's the voice they go with um right we were all called by mother miranda just like the fate of the child's father just thinking that family meeting makes me shudder they think i'm treated like a sister of those miscreants especially heisenberg and riffraff wouldn't know proper manners if they slapping in the face i would have sliced him to ribbons if mother hadn't stopped me why why does she treat me the same as them she gave me this castle obedient daughters everlasting life did she not am i not her favorite am i not special i need a drink um i think she drinks something else when she's stressed though locked from the other side okay every single thing that i come up against i try and use my family photo hmm okay well that's the chambers i thought that said hall of abduction i was like well maybe that's where my kid is a little bit on the nose but whatever it's good self defense the wind seems to hurt them can i not climb through the window all right hold on that's there i can't get out i don't see a key or anywhere to lose a key so do i just go back she hung up the key in the cutscene did she oh my god good spot i would have backtracked there i completely missed that oh [ __ ] i i open the windows so you should you should run away you come into my house you lay your filthy manhands on my daughters and now you even try to steal my property your profit okay ethan is resilient he never even gets knocked out and i will break you go ahead do your worst very brave now when she's like 17 floors above you it's like face to face and then 17 floors down i almost parallel it to uh to someone being on the internet like i'm big and brave on the internet but when in reality when we're face to face once they work was i down here already no i maybe i'll see when i go through how is he surviving this i have no idea the guy he never even gets knocked out like i was saying he's a he's a granite chin i know what i'm talking about and i really don't to be honest with you i just get the feeling that one of those vampire daughters are going to spawn here it feels like an area that i have to run around you know he's got granite bones too yeah i'm sorry ethan we didn't know that was going to happen we wouldn't have we wouldn't have talked about your bones like that what's the timing on that he's got granite bones and she's like i don't think so what the [ __ ] oh my god lady okay it's worse it's worse than i thought two ribbons i thought we'd be dealing with [ __ ] wonder scissors not edward won the scissors my call process got my stuff i said i thought we'd be dealing with one of the sisters not edward scissorhands um [Music] okay she's opening the doorways i gotta get her to open this one but how the hell can i make her do that i don't think she'll do it even if i ask nicely maybe this one yeah yeah smash this one jesus christ what the hell i thought she was i thought she was at the other side i could have sworn it sounded like that use my other hand severed hand great is that opening it is okay let's just collect it you really didn't notice her no i thought i could hear it through here it really sounded like it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no no no no no no no no come on come on that is the slowest door of all time she's gonna burst through on my left yeah yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup i'm out of here i'm out of here i'm out of here my heart rate is slightly going up now the 80s is bad for me oh come on we're fine we're fine kevin relax you're ground look at this oh no no stair lift but my foot [Music] is this the key i needed please please hurry [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what is this mask of sorrow yeah i could wear that right now in fact i don't need it to be honest my face is a mask of sorrow running will get you nowhere bye-bye sell that when you get to the merchant oh no come on does that actually work can we grow a new hand maybe like a starfish it even stitched the code back together okay so obviously this is beyond just like uh an ointment this is like some magic magic horrible thing what was that what oh she's there okay that's fine all right where are we headed ah jesus christ okay okay this is fine i'm gonna i'm gonna get back to the corner here aren't i what there you go one two three four okay and then back and then one two three four okay that's not bad one two three four you can get four and if you you take their back uh okay one two three four no i thought they'd die on the fourth one i guess i wasn't counting the fact i shot the other one an extra time did i because i really thought that would kill him all right you should just die now there you go fact that was annoying i thought i handled that well bash you can bash you just block more no do they just keep spawning okay i think i can get up this way with her key one second let me see if i can just run oh [ __ ] okay [ __ ] come on open all right they can't follow me in here can they no i think i'm okay block and then again okay i'll try that it's good to know thank you castle map all right epic oh i thought it just disappeared wait i had discovered the whole thing already what was this really oh currently searching okay so there's something in the courtyard i can get um okay yeah we got some upstairs grand something's it's somewhat helpful that's fine why is kevin's heart so chill i don't know i i don't know i really don't know my resting heart rate seems to be very low i'm interested later to see uh what my resting is ncr thank you for the sub stay stay for the sub six months as well thank you very much uh justin conker high nine five not jazz and cody thank you again appreciate you folks thank you very much and that's folks not fox you're resting 69 i mean it does appear to be like the mid 60s on this game but i'm wondering like uh what my resting is when i'm literally doing nothing and wait oh what let's say please be where the mistress lipstick is missing if anyone finds it could they please return it to our bathroom it is custom made and therefore very expensive ooh treasure come on gang let's get the treasure did you ever see that video it's like a scooby doo of fred saying treasure but apparently the voice actor says it like treasure all the time oh good to think about that stuff to take my mind off the fact that i'm probably going to die examine what is this one day since treatment the three girls have stopped moving they seem almost dead an insect flew out of the eldest mountain it appears to be a common fly ah so it is them two days since treatment all the three bodies are covered in flies it appears the flies are consuming their flesh when i opened the window some of the flies dropped dead to the floor it would seem the cold petrifies them quickly close the window to avoid weakening the insects further okay all three bodies have almost been completely consumed by the insects all those left is a dark writhing human-shaped massive creatures it's just afternoon and insects have started to change color those around the face turned pale and those around the lips turned a deep crimson six days after three months the massive insects have transformed into human bodies once again all three girls awoke looking at me like newborns i sense a bond between us like mother and daughter i've already decided their names bella daniela and cassandra interesting okay where's that noise coming from there the sisters yeah i was thinking that too oh hello okay not into small talk i get it oh no oh no this is bad okay i gotta finish this one fast i can if i can if i can okay that actually works quite well hold on can i just okay so it damages me a bit does it i mean if worse comes to worst it's not too bad okay that one didn't react at all i was hoping okay same fly thing or no didn't seem like it oh it's like the labyrinth puzzle before except it's all broken up but yeah i was worried that the other one would come over to me ah so maybe i can use this one in the other one because this one's broken i just break the other one too honestly and take the reward is the sound a little bit weird in this game or is it just me hmm i don't know uh kurt thank you for the tip as well just put some disinfectant in your arm it'll fix everything cut several hands injuries on the rest of the body death even just don't expect it to grow back fingers that's absurd yeah joel thank you for the tip as well um oh okay the reason ethan winter's hand reattaches so easily is because he has the mold virus from resident evil 7. don't ask me how because i don't know that's all we needed to know thank you uh jameson and softgrid thank you for the sub as well is that liam hello liam how are you doing we're enjoying our little bit of resident evil it's been good fun i must say oh how's your internet liam ah hoping we get to play some games or something later but your internet has not been great has it it's been a little bit of an annoyance i would imagine for me i'd be going [ __ ] insane okay there we go liam can't hear you what hmm all right off they go uh kevin please i need to wave oh you can't hear me okay i'm just trying to like say help me so that it panics him maybe i can get the heart rate up a bit let's just get the heart rate up to like 100. help me uh why can't he hear me did he say i'm happy good oh [Music] if only liam could hear this beautiful music i'm making [Music] what a beautiful song isn't that nice hello henry how was it going that was lovely i could imagine the enemy just coming into the room like what the why are you alerting me to your presence anyway i'm going to kill you now also i brought a gun this time because you're a bit troublesome scientific name nun size five to six centimeters well it's not her anyway a similar body structure to blow flies although there are differences in the head they're kind of carnivorous and vigorously consume meat in order to catch unsuspecting prey they'll gather using pheromones to mimic a human body and they are produced when a cadoo lays eggs in its house but the flies themselves are unable to produce they are weak to sudden drops in temperature especially if the temperature drops below 10 degrees celsius or 50 degrees american their metabolism lowers and they go into adornment uh cryptobotic is it cryptobot cryptobiotic cryptobiotic i think state similar to the cryptobiosis of tardigrade or polypedelium i swear to god that made no sense it just gathered big words to like confuse anyone who streams this game make them look like an idiot huh that's what it was cairo thank you so much for the 10 subs very much appreciate it thank you very much for that i'm confused i have to honestly anything about five letters and you've lost me and even some four letter ones get me too uh cardo thank you very much for that uh soft girl a shiny spanner uh goose games uh f f is it frogger thank you very much as well and cairo thank you again that's a lot thank you very much all right um let's see wait will my map help me no what did this even do like i played the song but oh yeah i got the key out of it yeah i forgot immediately okay uh can we leave this door or is it locked basically could have just said cold bad yeah wait fireplace really i'll beat ambrowski thank you so much for the 10 subs as well jesus i appreciate it thank you what's in the fireplace thank you for that p dombrowski you're very very kind adriana inflater rat thank you as well you already picked it oh you were telling me about the scrap okay i thought you meant for like advancing the plot i had to go through there or something i've already been through one fireplace um carradone pete ambrowski thank you very much very much appreciate right okay i need to escape the castle now that's my goal i kind of want to get back to the merchant's room because i want to get uh their save point key lock pick oh i missed a lock pick somewhere or is that no that's just something i can lock pick i want to get back to the merchant's room to see if i can use that labyrinth puzzle so which way is it it's out here to the right okay excuse him what uh excuse me how do you say excuse me an irish you think that would be the one i'd know but no i don't know much garlic i was actually debating doing a video of trying to like learn some garlic and then maybe get like an actual teacher to give me some sort of oral exam or something but then i was like it probably wouldn't be very funny so i i still thinking about it but i don't know i just thought it might be a little bit interesting because it's my like the irish you know language but we don't really use it so i i've forgotten nearly all of it yeah it's a pleasure to see you safe how worthy bad no sign of rose i'm so sorry it turned out he doesn't look very sorry he's still smiling you'll find your way to her once you're out of this castle stan thank you for the best need of anything for the road ahead and indigo are they even the two songs welcome you're sure to find something new okay if you're already talking mid conversation just started saying welcome there we go oh oh i love this already sorry i know i'm not making it you couldn't see it okay yes this is like some crystal maze [ __ ] oh no oh no oh no wait how do i rotate okay yeah let me know if you need something i need some help with this indigo thank you again flunk thank you as well um i appreciate it uh octopus thank you for the bits be done brow skin cardo thank you again all right it's just like fall guys all right there you go yeah the crowd goes mild uh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no no no no hold on i can't see hmm i'm trying to get it to roll down i don't want to roll it into those other holes i don't know if they do anything but i don't want to be in there yeah the crowd goes mild whoo there's like a little bit of confetti there all right they went wild at least sir i might have some stuff for you uh treasure yeah i got some crystal skulls and the crimson is called oh that's worth a lot he liked it too you know what i'm gonna do i don't know if this is a good point to do it or not but i feel like i should upgrade my inventory please do take a look at my new stock what's this learn how to make mines um oh that's when my video should normally be posted but no video today uh what do you think did you just sell them something you found the room yeah but i earned it you do it okay i'm yeah i'm thinking the same because i'll have to do it eventually anyway and if i don't get it now then i'll just be thinking later like oh i wish i got that because now i can't pick this up why is your heart rate jumping now i'm really cheap so i don't like spending money right i might buy some ammo how much ammo do i have hand gland was cheap should i just fill up a handgun ammo all the time because it's pretty cheap why are you laughing did i get scammed oh oh it was 150 per bullet okay all right that's fine i knew that jesus i don't think i really need rate of fire i i i'm kind of firing like pop one shot at a time you know i didn't just say i'm firing at my pop one shot at the time by the way i'm in like pop pop pop adventure you too although i don't think you'll be going too far he seems to be just following me hmm i still don't know we got this is sadness all right we got one mask the angels blighted blinded gaze and only then you will be saved i got a lot of angels to save jesus vorak thank you for the sub appreciate save oh you are right yes i don't even know what happens when you die do you go back to your save point because there's been a lot of instances where i've been far from the save point joe thank you very much for the um for the tip as well um i hope that's not an actual spoiler uh i really hope it's not because i would be pretty annoyed if it is i've not had any games spoiled i hope that's a joke because i that's not cool i'm gonna hope you're joking i'm gonna go with that uh i'm also gonna go in general i'm gonna run away um am i safe in here am i sorry about this dude i know this is your store and i'm bringing a load of bugs in i apologize uh say the same thank you very much for the sub i i really hope that that is uh that is a joke because that is so not cool um but yeah and it's just like yeah i i hope it was a joke dude anyway let's see uh four angel busts where do i need to go now uh merchants outside yeah it's not cool um no it was it see i don't know i don't know if it was a joke or not it could actually be a joke so i don't want to overreact and if it is a joke i'm sorry i didn't if i didn't pick up on it the thing is is that if it's not a joke it seems like it's coming with malice like intentionally spoiling it so you know that that's the thing is it's not like even someone gave a spoiler unintentionally and like said something like oh yeah and this it's so cool or something it's like they literally like did it out of malice like by the text but i'm just hoping it's a joke and again if it is a joke i'm sorry that um that i'm taking it the wrong way i just it's hard to tell you know so i don't know uh fisty hell and say uh thank you very much for the sub as well um well we'll see the thing is i won't know i won't know until it gets there so look it's grand it's friend we'll continue on there there's no way of knowing it's a joke or not so is it really a spoiler who knows uh anyway that aside i can't find rose anywhere in this damned castle right i just have to escape so i'm gonna have to get the four angels red rooms are the ones i haven't discovered like i haven't looted enough yet right there's still stuff here um does anyone know a general direction to head in uh what heart rate monitor you're using i'm using a heart rate monitor called a polar oh1 uh do up like up as in up on the map or uppers and second floor i guess either way probably up uh main hall yeah you know what i think you're right regardless but this this lady is going to attack me i'm just going to run by all right anonymous thank you for the gifted sub uh and let's go to the hall of joy finally a room just of joy somewhere i can just chill it's locked from the other side let me in give me your joy i want some all right back around oh face gunpowder you hide a lot of gunpowder around don't you okay i'm gonna have to go in it from the other side so that means i have to get to the opera hall is it [ __ ] that's a long way around so i gotta go back out to the courtyard then hang left do you like panicking me because you're panicking me and she seems to be getting some sick thrill out of it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] off [ __ ] off [ __ ] [ __ ] it's this way ah back in hell these loiters outside hang left go around [ __ ] i swear i just saw her on the stairs was that my imagination i could have sworn i saw her on the stairs you shouldn't speak while bugs are swarming you might swallow and i think i've swallowed more than a few at this point that was her i saw her for like a split second does she wander the house now [ __ ] dude [ __ ] okay oh this isn't good okay uh there was a thing to lockpick over here and i need to get through the library actually so it's the other way i should be going okay so i need to go back this way and through that door yes okay that works so that was the piano key okay so i just got totally turned about but i wanted to go back to the store anyway so back back back finally back fake [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] do you want everyone fall for me no no no no no no no no no no no no no yes so mean yeah i know kind of a dick it's your house i'm the guest you're just not going to come in here are you why are you doing this i mean you're the one trying to kill me oh no no no no no no okay uh we might be at a stalemate here hold on i'm gonna look around for stuff to interact with uh what can i do i can't open it anymore it is isn't it okay that's resetting okay i chased her out okay i thought she was just fleeing okay so i should only no what the hell are you talking about you lunatic do i need to shoot her when she's cold i think that's the idea everyone else at a little charm kill me look straight at the charm thank you for informing by the way because i wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do but now that you've said you will kill me [Music] i'm just delighted i'm just waiting by the handle this feels like i'm the boss here like i am the boss fighter you really want to kill of course i do jesus christ why is she shocked by this stupid fly lady you can't be serious damn what the hell she's a bit of psycho she sure seems like maybe i need to get her on the platform is that it a dream this is a dream seems like a [ __ ] nightmare what just shoot okay uh shotgun ammo rusted scrap gun powder and chem fluid oh that's expensive i do have a lot of it though i'll see i'll see how it go i don't really want to use it all you got this thank you this is the encouragement i need come here come on come on what kind of room orientation even is this honestly do you know those fly strips i'd say just carry a load of them around with me those [ __ ] fly strips stick them everywhere and you'll get stuck in them and then i'll be the man with the upper hand all right who the [ __ ] puts the bookcases like this honestly for cover what a room oh man danny thank you very much for the sub i appreciate it um radio let's see all the joy finally i can experience pure joy in this room oh god i hope it's some dad jokes just written down like christmas crackers or uh jokes i got the joy mask that's good that's a step in the right direction and one of the daughters is dead honestly the daughter fights haven't been too bad it's been okay okay life-sized portraits in general are expensive but i can't imagine what she paid for this what's this let the five bells of this chamber ring out hmm i'll figure it out five bells of this chamber let's take a look at the inner workings of this this has got to be a door right hmm just hitting everything oh i did that one by accident okay that's one so wait are there five bells around here i thought i'd have to get into the inner workings there's a bell up there i don't really want to use my gun but i might have to that's two ah there's gonna be one under here for sure no really i don't know how sneaky they'd be i i obviously see that one i'm kind of leaving that to last uh i'm sorry i'm not looking at chat i just wanna i wanna try and locate them myself really briefly and then if i can i will enlist your help if that's cool um we've obviously got these ones i might just try these ones okay there's one here got it do we have another one anywhere i don't see any more in there uh the five bells i've gotten three there's gotta be one that i can only see from this angle or something right that probably would have been the easiest place to shoot this one but oh well i got it the other way yeah ah yes there we go that's not really in the chamber aha yeah nice epic i knew this platform must be for something so i was like there's going to be some like line of sight or something you know i'm loving the puzzles in this i i don't know they're like they're kind of like a little tricky but they're not too big brain to the point where you've to spend [ __ ] ages on them or you know you need to google them or whatever and i'm getting serotonins every time i solve one i'm just like damn kevin sheesh danny thank you for the self again i appreciate it crazy thank you for the self as well big brain kev thank you not often you get to hear that i wonder how far am i into the game do you reckon without any spoilers you think i'm like halfway quarter i'm guessing if i were to guess i'd say like a third but it's kind of just guessing off other resident evil games three percent oh god we get so much serotonin from this game don't hit a downed opponent but it doesn't apply here about 25 that's not too bad kind of hoping i'm a little bit on because i really want to stream this whole game but i'm always afraid with long games that i'm gonna bore people so by just playing the same game over and over again so that's why i like games kind of like little nightmares where we were able to complete it on streaming like two or three streams uh because i i don't know i i just changed games so much i don't think people are following me for just like a normal gameplay but i think we have fun with them to be fair so hopefully it's a good time uh there's something called the dagger that's flowers somewhere in this castle it's apparently an antique from the middle ages that's coated in a concoction of poisons from across the continent it's said to have crafted to kill demons and monsters it sounds fascinating but no one knows where it is thank you for the kind words i appreciate it yeah the game's really cool i'm really really enjoying it i was hoping i would because i really like seven um but i'm actually enjoying this even more and i think i like this i think it helps that i'm not letting myself like obviously this has been one session but you know when i played seven i left gap so long that i had no idea what was going on when i came back this time like i'm planning on trying to play more of this tomorrow after the media share stream um so we'll keep it up and we'll we'll get there it'll be fun great they fly now fantastic good for them i'm glad they're evolving maybe one day i'll evolve too i'm wondering should i have shot them down are they gonna attack me since it just gave me a rifle i'm like putting two and two together and being like should i loving the stream i'm a newbie here thank you billy i appreciate that and thank you for joining i i don't even really know what um persuades people on twitch to follow a channel but i'd like to think we just have a good old time here and the community's super nice i think [ __ ] hell jesus christ okay i might have shot too much but i was scared okay but uh yeah um my boy thank you for that uh it's we just have a good time community's lovely nice little channel i feel like uh usernames are just stressful thank you for the bits as well appreciate it trip trip thank you for the tip and kitty thank you for the sub as well 17 may thank you as well giddy cruisy thank you very much eight months as well cruisy thank you yeah um but yeah we we have a good time oh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] geez they move so fast not fast enough for all kevi though okay maybe a little too fast troll kevin here no don't fall off i want whatever goodies your body has there we go it's not too bad [Applause] are they dead oh no no no no no no they're not dead they're not dead they're not dead they're not dead holy [ __ ] got him wait did i did i get them 360 nose coat them i 360 someone earlier and it's not that effective let me tell you that much is he dead i feel like i'm getting a bit cocky now and i shouldn't be because honestly it is more dangerous than ever by the looks of it [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah how do they move like that they must have just evolved because they don't seem to be able to fly very well it's like a scream a cough and a laugh all in one oh jesus cosby thank you so much for that and the apple thank you as well we're very very kind harry immersed jasmine thank you very much i super appreciate it oh [ __ ] coach being the apple thank you very much harry thank you again sound like crying i'm not surprised just sounded like stress i think my heart rate's gone up a little bit you did just sound like you were crying really okay good damn it i thought i hid it from you where the hell am i going is this completely unnecessary i thought i was going the right way maybe i am all right roof got to be something up here come on i'm on the path for another angel i think barack obama 69 420 thank you so much for the sub okay oh no no no no [Applause] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh that was close [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] uh notorious thank you very much for the five subs god ammo gone yes i can just about reach that notorious thank you so much and giddy thank you very much for the bits as well i'm glad you're enjoying the game it seems really good so far i'm liking it uh and thank you for that kitty you're very kind notorious played the names faded see pow thank you as well i appreciate that notorious that was very generous of you thank you would i trust this is there anything around here i don't want a zipline off i i was distracted there for a second um so i don't know if i've missed anything it doesn't look like there's anything here no other roots by the looks of it jesus thank you very much for the gifted sub as well i'm thinking of ordering chicken wings but not sure you know what [ __ ] treat yourself that ain't a sign i don't know what it is oh you just [ __ ] perched here all right i got the mask of rage [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] and [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] back back back no no no no no no no no stop licking me how many people are gonna lick me today hold on hold on i meant because the lady licked me earlier by the way i'm not talking about real life before you get any wild ideas uh oh i have a lot all right it's just like i know your weaknesses i'll go into an animation where i can't be killed uh oh oh no that's not your weakness at all that's your strength isn't it come on jesus christ stop struggling you're only making it last longer please die oh my god my wrist why is his hair it's still really low i don't know i think pure panic for me is like mid 80s so i i don't know i guess keep that in mind it doesn't seem to go up that high uh all right so i found one of the things that's where i started right yeah this is where i started so i must have to go back now right back in this way it still is all red but like i kind of missed that much surely there wasn't much to be seen around here i think i'm good use the elevator oh okay thank you i'm going back just trying to break all the windows yeah i didn't even really take much notice of this for some reason god the analog sticks are so uncomfortable on this controller do i have anything else i think i have some um uh meg thank you very much for the five subs that's very very kind yeah i need to get some um some of the like pads that go on or something like the little covers what's he playing on i'm playing on pc but i'm using an xbox one controller yeah i need one the foam pads yeah exactly it's just a normal xbox one controller um but it's kind of hurting i don't know if i'm just not used to it but it's kind of rough maybe i'm just gripping it weird the thing is i'm sure i have a really good controller downstairs i should swap to that um marcel thank you for the sub be lesbian thank you very much for the sub as well usernames get acts mulcate red panda for you jesus thank you very much and make thank you for the five again you're very very kind here [ __ ] oh no that's the elevator okay i'm fine uh i really appreciate that meg thank you three daughters oh i'm back to the very start awesome i'm at the entrance hall so if we were on no that's the tower maybe that's the tower of rage uh the armory i've not been down that way the hall of joy what's the last one i'm looking for let me take a look let me not take a look you won't live long even if you run i know they say don't use an elevator an emergency but uh i gotta go she just walks out [Laughter] has i killed all three dollars now i've killed two of them two of them the jkt marathi thank you as well marcel thank you very much for the 17 months jesus thank you okay i just got back in the elevator does she just wander around randomly like can i go back i don't know there the map mentions this tower as well that just doesn't have anything on it um like there's nothing here and it merges it there [Music] all right i need to get back down there look on the map for an emotion yeah i was trying to do that earlier but i was going to try and look at the rooms first so i know i've got the hall of joy i've got a hall of ablution abolution is it well if that says it's search completed so it can't be that one right all the joy um tower of rage hmm okay that is the oh okay it's the the yeah that was the room with the the blood pond right yeah i think my resting is like 60 60ish can i suggest library sure um library okay all right i can do that let me just try and sneak past this lady if not we're gonna have to take a totally different route thank you folks yeah i i obviously i don't want any spoilers but stuff like that where i get stuck like this i'm totally cool with you guys pointing me in the in the right direction yeah yeah what kind of heart rate mode are you using a polar o h one plus stan thank you very much for the five subs very very kindly thank you she's coming back isn't she be brave kevin be brave be brave be brave be brave be brave oh jesus kevin your fierce fierce brave now aren't you oh jeez oh geekist indeed she's doing loops [ __ ] i think i should go the other way everyone i honestly think i should go the other way am i good well i know i'm not good i'm in danger those noises go and save where can i save where's the nearest safe i want to get to the merchant's room that's where i'm trying to go down but i don't know if i can make it i i think i could hmm nitty thank you very much for the tip as well yeah i think i'll do some utopia when it comes out i'm looking forward to that that's going to be good stan thank you very much again for the five awayd uh now for the jkt marathi thank you very much and missy thank you again i think i can make it i i don't think i can make it flies can't use an elevator right that would be absurd all right you know what i'm gonna go down again when the thing despawns and then i'm just gonna run i'm gonna run straight there i think i can do it i just didn't want to when the door was blocking just testing the elevators you know it's a living lonely thank you very much for the tip oh wait lonnie's mom actually i've been a nurse for 35 years don't know why chad is freaking out i'll stream your heart rate it's totally normal promise thank you thank you i think people are just surprised that it's not higher when it's scary but i think my high is actually kind of an average heart rate so [ __ ] it was the wind okay okay that can run i can run before she makes the rounds yes hey buddy welcome yeah it's actually crazy but i'm so glad to see you i really am okay thank you for the tip as well i hope your drawings are going well then feel free to ah crazy how artistic so many people in this community are i i'm always so jealous because i'm well not jealous well yeah jealous i was gonna say it in a good way like is jealous does that have bad connotations if you say i'm jealous like sorry i'm listening to these footsteps uh i mean like not in a bad way you know do you get what i mean envy wouldn't envious have the bad connotations i don't know can do but not in that context envy is which which is better envious i suppose envious would be a better word yeah yeah i think you're right yeah yeah envy but like i know envy is like a sin but i guess i'm just saying like i envy people with that skill right because i don't mean anything like bad by it but yeah uh all right so what one is this art happiness okay we have joy honestly if she was anybody away smart at all she just camped this corridor she knows what i'm up to okay you know what i'll save that again i know it's kind of pointless but the saves are so fast why not um just so i don't forget and run off so you're thinking the library uh i need to get through the main hall which is where she's going okay armory you're thinking that armory too oh i do have the key for that uh but that's upstairs so i gotta get to the main hall and then i'll try and go to the armory i think you're right um i need some ammo pretty bad but i think i could actually just craft some i don't know which is more worthwhile though like crafting ammo or buying it uh let's see two gunpowder and rust scrap like i have a decent amount i think that's fine it costs a lot like does dude scare her scares me okay wait that's the perfect moment okay she's gonna spawn in here now the sister right okay not so far up and to the right isn't it i need to check it there she is there she is so good to see you it's been so long okay take a left up here uh wait hold on haven't i been this way oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] jesus christ [ __ ] off there's no way i can deal with her at the moment right but i think oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] please open please open thank you oh there you go thank you everyone let's just immediately go on the fireplace i'm gonna hide out here a second i don't think she realizes that her sister uh sisters are dead she's gonna like sisters come get them but you know their sister's sister is in fact dead uh nothing here is there there you go silver ring i love it where am i now this is the armory all right different armory than i was expecting and i don't know why i was expecting an armory full of like shotguns and stuff but no why would i say why would that happen why would that be a thing i was worried my sister's oh oh oh [ __ ] okay i gotta just been through this you just took a chunk out of me from the same spot no [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] how do i open it can i light the cannon oh that help like that's harder no i don't like the leg please don't lag harder pipe a pipe on pipe ah [ __ ] oh i'm being bad on this fight pipe on pipe no no no no hold on pipe bomb you're going to die here yeah probably but at least you'll come with me you've ruined the hunt yeah i have a tendency to ruin things ah [ __ ] as do you [ __ ] off yeah push her into it push her into it [ __ ] [ __ ] that was bad all right reload i thought my fire rate was a little bit quicker jesus and i thought she was a lot bit slower you're done come on please die [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] she's so fast don't make me angry i'm not trying to make you angry believe it or not [ __ ] all right hold on hold on let's craft some ammo oh this is bad all right what are you screaming about just go away like nothing is keeping you here i'm the one trapped where the [ __ ] are you the room is so small how do i lose you meanwhile my heart rate is lowering i felt like it was pretty intense there oh easy clap indeed there you go i did really bad at the start of that fight but i feel like i did good enough in the rest of the fights so maybe it evened out i didn't take too much damage i had to use two of my health things unfortunately but you know yeah um sorry i missed you ever said they were heading out but enjoy your evening and thank you for joining the stream chat moves so fast sometimes it's hard to keep up um right we've gotten all of them now we need to head back the castle's getting harder and harder to get around though because of well the tall lady uh what's this mountain animal skull really that's all i had to do when the door would open i assume i couldn't do a mid-fight right mama's gonna be mad yeah but sure that's life isn't it sometimes mama is going to be pissed off and there's nothing you can do about it wait hold on a second i can't get out this way can i wait ah i see no i was trying to i was trying to figure out i was like why did i even have to go up there because i already had the mask okay you think what the hell is back there what but i can see it's just okay i guess i'm not allowed down there uh puzzle time is this even a puzzle i thought i was just getting confused um if it's a puzzle maybe i should try and analyze it a little bit more um uh the deer head oh yeah okay i get it yeah yeah i think i would have figured it out but that would have taken me another while so yeah okay maybe i can examine it and change it there we go oh y'all are clever and put that much that's the one i need i don't think it'll work i'd love to go down and check to see if the deer head would do anything i don't think it would i should be able to get out with these jesus that that actually looks kind of cooler if anything um but yeah i'm not i'm not just wandering around this castle while she's on the hunt uh right i i think these are all searched it says there's still something in the hall of pleasure maybe it's just because the the mounted head is there i don't know weird save death in italy was there a safe point anywhere near um was there a safe point in there i didn't see a save point oh wait there we go there was something was there a safe point still something in the room apparently okay i don't like that music cue okay she just left i do not like i do not like i gotta go there there like even the fact that i just have such a sense of direction now no no no no it's really handy because in resident evil 7 i took such a break that i had no idea where i was going holy [ __ ] dude holy [ __ ] blueberry thank you for the sub [ __ ] at the louis copeland nrtm thank you very much uh shy way thank you very much for the bit sorry if i pronounced your name wrong um jk bride tribal pizza thank you as well sweet bejesus um second uh jesus this is [ __ ] intense this game really really enjoying it though thank you all for watching along with me by the way i really appreciate it i'm glad we can just kind of chill together in this room never leaving [Laughter] oh it's it's really really fun to play along with you i gotta say i'm enjoying it way more streaming it with all of you than i would be if i was playing alone alien boy thank you for the bits sorry i don't i don't understand i don't i'm not smart enough would you say that you're the lichen you're like in the game get it because it's got werewolves i'm not sure if lykan is a famous werewolf i don't know i'm not cultured or educated or smart the hell was that what the hell was that was that the shopkeeper i'm saving before i leave lichen just means wolf okay all right i get it now i've learned something oh finally jesus christ i'm out of this god forsaken castle i've broken every vase that i've seen it's like the simpsons when he gets to the top of the mountain he realizes there's another peak sheesh all right this is fine oh it'll celebrate too soon yeah oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] this is fine let me just open this coffin let's that thank you so much for the sub just marcel thank you for the pits you're gonna try layers of fear on stream i might do max was saying it's really good i'm amazed this thing didn't come to life the royal drown thank you for the bits dude how many stabs am i gonna get yes yes oh god i think that may have just pissed her off even more oh no the dagger oh no that's not even her final form okay that's for future kevin to deal with is it are you flying away no it's for present kevin fantastic great that's just great i'm not one to sweep a problem under the rug or anything oh no no no no no no no i'm not finished i'm going to be fine am i good in the tower am i safe please don't destroy me i'm all i have all of my family are gone or dead no am i this doesn't feel very lucky i don't feel like this is a solution to just hide in this tower forever i don't know what the solution is i'm looking for a [ __ ] i found handgun ammo i'm crouching in case you know you think it'll actually work can i actually fight [Applause] oh what the hell i thought i just had to find a way out okay um all right i guess mines mines i thought i had to like find a way out of this but i have to fight oh [ __ ] okay uh ramyel thank you very much for the bits i'm sorry to hear about that but jesus thank thank you for being so kind about the streams and i hope you're enjoying it uh i i'm glad you enjoyed the video as well oh cut milk and tittles thank you very much and lonnie thank you very much for the the bits my mom says kevin has good heart rate variability i don't know what that means but her tone seemed positive yes yes i'm good harrowing variability thank you very much for the solvent flight thank you as well all right let's give this a go so we got the mine i'm gonna place it down here and then i'm going to run away please don't come from this way because then i'll have to run all the way around [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] am i good i think i can no i didn't buy the ingredients i thought i could craft them but no i didn't uh i can get some shotgun ammo i'll get a little bit of shotgun ammo and i've got the pipe bombs shortcut to there jesus three jesus dude okay i'm not safe in here apparently guess that but can i set off my own minds oh [ __ ] i really hope not where even is it it's there please walk into my mind can i send them all okay come on come on where are you okay good shout everyone thank you i probably would have died before i figured that out come on keep chilling i'm not a pest no i should be reloaded before i throw a pipe bomb right [ __ ] where are you going where are you going you're in the air okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait timeout i'm going to save by the bellia here for a second just give up [ __ ] immediately unequipped [Applause] very nice am i right please tell me i'm right i need a boost enjoy walking your dog and thank you for the kind words on the the stream i appreciate that a lot i wish i had a doggy to walk seemed like a dodgy shot but a hit all right i should have what i'll kill you i'll kill you can i shoot her from here i'm assuming i can i don't know is the pistol even viable gonna have to go and use it because i i don't want to waste all my supplies making ammo for the shotgun i wouldn't mind using another pipe bomb oh sweet jesus no no no no no no no no no i didn't realize should be able to turn so easily i underestimated her okay i don't think he can just rub ointment on that oh the thing decided to let me go i appreciate that a lot thank you oh no that tower's destroyed all of them are destroyed [ __ ] what's my health at can i survive another hit or should i heal now my my heart rate's going up to 70 everyone he must be very sticky i think so uh i'd heal just a nibble uh heal he'll heal okay i trust in chat all right have you got chat on your side i probably sold them around you're starting to be fair [ __ ] oh god i got a lot of ammo for this actually this might not be too bad i thought i only had four bullets don't take that the wrong way you're absolutely disgusting ah [ __ ] the corners of the building make it really awkward i don't really want to use my supplies to get chopping ammo so i'm just going to continue down this route [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that was such an easy shot come on there she goes thank you [Applause] [ __ ] that was a bad shot bad shot bad shot no don't eat me come on now i'm understanding why i have this rifle oh okay okay i've damaged her enough to advance the fight i think [Music] [Music] honestly if she was that even smart just take down the tower kill me and that i guess she wants to eat me right don't be shy [ __ ] i thought i had one more bullet in the chamber ah i have no space to even [ __ ] run anymore i can't even get it because the wings back back back back back back come on just back and die already it's not that hard i know this is like super inefficient but i don't want to crack stuff i want my surprise i couldn't heal i didn't have the supplies but if there's more to this i'm definitely just crafting some healing please be dead please be there please be dead is it done did i do it did we do it it feels like we've done it yes holy [ __ ] eat her is payback i think so yeah that'll show up just eating ash oh that was pog amazing that sucked the achievement was cursed yeah that'll sure once again wait till she's dead before laying down your your witty action lines it wasn't even like he said you're the one that's cursed my heart rate was at 80. my heart rate went highest when i was celebrating my victory oh my god uh cole thank you for the sub and why are you thinking of the song uh it's a mika thank you for the tip as well yoga cut milk tiddles thank you very much appreciate that was incredible yeah i really like that oh that was good i'm finding this game super satisfying because none of it i'm finding it easy but i feel like i'm just about scraping by getting things done and i've been doing okay you know it feels kind of nice all right i was super i was kind of expecting you to see the merchant in there just pop straight out scrap yay pog everything's pog right now i'm so happy all right save you know what i think as much as i'm enjoying this i might end it here and we can play more of this after the um the media share stream tomorrow i'm really really enjoying it and i'd love to play more but it's been four hours and uh i was not expecting to play this for four hours i really wasn't what does this note say um also i'm really tired or not tired hungry maybe i'm tired as well if i'm confusing that much i finished that item that was pretty delivered to the house with the red chimney go through the caves the ruins then down the village okay tomorrow remind me of that note because we are looking into that oh that was so good i really really enjoyed that i hope you enjoyed the stream everyone oh this was fun i really really liked it um but yeah it's it's nice to see so many people seem to enjoy it when it's like if this is not my thing i usually do like you know quirky random games and just have a bit of fun just playing game once but it's like it's nice to see people are interested in playing along for a whole game kind of thing and usually weirdly enough when i play new games like on youtube people aren't that interested because i think loads of people post like like obviously with this everyone will be posting about it and i'm not really like a let's play guy um but i really enjoy doing them like in stream form uh because normally like say a year ago i never would have thought of streaming a game like this i would have done a video on it and then probably never played it again realistically because i wouldn't have the patience to sit down and play it uh but even to just do one video on it and then stream it it's like that never occurred to me i was just like i'm gonna stream this like the whole thing it's gonna be great and i'm glad because i feel like we're all in it from the start and we we kind of obviously people join in along the way but we all kind of naturally learned the game it was really fun i'm just so happy people seem to enjoy it i really really i really really liked it um right we got more of that tomorrow for sure uh mary jacks thank you for the bits i'm glad i'm glad you enjoyed the stream i'll put this bad boy in charge again um after i find out what my resting heart rate is later i'll let you know tomorrow well we love the media share stream as normal at five and then after what's happening with my monitor okay after the media share stream we'll uh we'll play some more resident evil i think it'll be fun i'm i'm glad we seen it seemed to end at a very natural point as well because i was just getting to the point where i was getting quite hungry and we just beat her and it was just a really satisfying like like moment so it all worked out um oh god that was great but yeah um thank you very much for for joining me everyone you're very kind um i'm hoping i'll see you tomorrow i have no video uh posted today because i'm kind of trying out a new little schedule just trying to like relax a bit like i didn't record today which was nice i just got to rest up because i was exhausted today and i'm much more energized as the day went on uh but i'll be posting again tomorrow um i've got some like reactiony stuff coming up soon as well i did some reacting thing to a tlc video which should be fun i'm hoping i can post that one tomorrow if i can get it ready in time but if you want to get a glimpse into that kind of style of video i actually did a video with a guy called cinnamon toast ken um and we reacted to a woman who physically enough was obsessed with drinking blood it's up on his channel if you want to watch it i think uh i think it came out pretty good we bounced off each other very well um it was a fun one but yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna send a raid over to anna so hopefully you'll enjoy that over there they're doing like a little viewer tournament and stuff like that uh again thank you so much for joining me um soap the mineral lurker um mary jacks thank you again shay thank you for the bits and tarantula thank you for the bits as well i'm just so glad you all seem to enjoy hanging out i appreciate your generosity and all that that was super tiny and just appreciate you hanging out i hope you have a good evening day morning wherever you might be and i hope i'll see you tomorrow same time 5 p.m bst the stream schedules below but that's about it that's my ramble thank you very much for joining and bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 218,713
Rating: 4.949297 out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: GqeroQSbx4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 25sec (14305 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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