Fall Guys (with Irish lads) | 2020-08-16

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[Music] oh all right how is everyone doing you guess the color of my shirt i'm impressed you just got bim sinned why ah why not you know just give you a little bit of a a little bit of a jump scare oh god i was playing game earlier scrutinized it was very scary i actually was like a few minutes in going i don't know i don't know if this was a good idea like maybe i should stop why do i do why do i hate you i don't if i hated you i wouldn't be sharing bimson with you like the fact i'm sharing bimpson with you is huge to me um mellow thank you very much for the sub uh oh you've changed it i only read the first four letters change your username so it's in english now i see making any easier on me thank you georgievoid thank you for the sub as well deadline thank you for the sub and alenia thank you very much for the sub too appreciate it thank you very much um bear with me i gotta change something here in my settings uh how is everyone doing though how are you doing sorry i just thought i'd make some noises for you in case you might like that let me know how that went over i hope you enjoyed it all right that's that that's that and i think i'm good now i'm i'm trying to record this as well as stream it and it's just it's a whole hubba blue it's quite complicated if you want to try and record it using different software as well as streaming on obs um thank you for joining me everyone we're going to be doing some fall guys today um with some of the irish lads i believe me sean brian and nogler orti is afk for the day so he won't be joining us unfortunately um ali monroy thank you for the sub uh ashley bunny thank you for the sub and the bird root favor the sub as well does that mean i'm the only irish lead with a hundred percent attendance because i think so far yeah everyone's missed out on something except for me because i got nothing else going on with my i'm i'm really busy a lot of the time actually like it's just luckily worked out for me because if it was like a minute later a minute less i'm so busy i probably wouldn't even made it but um yeah i may i uh emily thank you for the result katy monkey thank you for the bits can you do a solid change into your shirt i can't unfortunately i don't have any i need to do my laundry um mandalorian and thank you for the bits good evening mr kevin how are the vibes tonight also you ticklish i would like to know no [Laughter] uh the vibes are good though other than people asking me if i'm ticklish because that's worrying is max in the chat hello max if you're there um kartoffeloflow thank you for the resub sir the giraffe thank you for the sub captain dicken thank you for the resub free hand acts dave of the sub pretty demented thank you for the sub as well adore kevin thank you for the bits just wanted to say you've brought so much joy in my life and i can't thank you enough thank you so much for being this wholesome and bringing this amazing call i mean community together close up no more cruel world it's got brad thank you for the subs and just uh just to let you guys know i'm going to be going live with the lads in about 10 minutes so i'm just going to kind of chat with you guys for the 10 minutes and then we're gonna jump in and hopefully it'll all hopefully it'll all work out um but i if i'm getting alerts throughout that i won't be able to really address them that much so apologies about that but i'll try my best um shiny even wonder thank you for the bits hey kevin just wanted to show my support your content and the call have helped me so much over the past few weeks while going through personal things you can start to write again after such a long time you drive me neutral thank you very much for that i'm glad to hear you've got back into writing um it's good to to pick up a bit of a passion during this time uh but you know thank you for the bits i've been having what you call one real shitty day so having you in the live stream fall guys is going to be my sadness cure of the day i hope you're doing well today as always thank you very much i'm sorry i've been having a rough day though uh warland writer thank you for the resub uh hey streams love the kevin i'm really glad uh sorry i moved really glad i got my new credit card in time to continue my substrate you're a great stream and i love to keep supporting you thank you very much for that julie and sam brown thank you for the subs i'm glad ryan enjoyed the happy birthday message sneaky boo thank you so much for five gift subs there's way too kind you thank you so much jesus thank you for all the hype guys i appreciate it that can help um uh maracas thank you for the resub five months too thank you so much kelly thank you for the resub julian thank you for the sub uh both four months there thank you very much evil fury crash lobster thank you for the subs nighthawk thank you for the resub chris o'clock thank you for the sub as well alien boy creations thank you for the bits it's because you're 100 irish kev you've got that irish moxie that's why that's why i make every every stream smelly jelly thank you for the bits and kaylee navy the bits as well i played fall guys today but it was at work and it was falling down the stairs oh jesus christ i hope you're all right kaylee [ __ ] in hell uh cesaria pete rhombus uh gret the doormat azaleas um one nerdy pineapple shellster thank you for the subs the killer thank you for the resub uh i ordered a chicken nugget from amazon i'll let you know which one comes first the age-old question will be answered i'm looking forward to that i have to cue thank you for the bits on a scale on on a scale of one to ten how how well would rate existing i i guess ten i'm not sure bumblebee thank you for the bits i got gifted a sub i'm finally a cult i mean channel supporters thank you for that drumroll tiger jackal gray gem lou tattoo thank you for the subs blender thank you for the sub as well uh failure earned dylan malin chloe upbeat trombone tyson snake steel roses thank you for the subs i appreciate it uh barry gloom thank you for the tip turk in the ufc game terrifies me i've had nightmares ever since about a terrifying man just getting kicked in the face i know it's only been a day but it feels like years of nightmares uh winry thank you for the bits as well i hope you're all okay i keep tweeting at you but you're ignoring me sorry sorry i don't really use social media uh jk i know you're busy sending you good vibes sweaty yes you're sweaty now that's sweetie thank you very much for that and uh snowflake thank you for the sub right let's get volga started uh we got about six minutes before we start it's all timed down to a t very professional setup we got here we got a very professional stream of very professional videos um jesus red panda thank you so much i'm trying to see now thank you so much for 10 gift subs that's too [ __ ] kind thank you so much for that you're always too kind uh omega vixens thank you for the resub act jenkin thank you for the resub as well time flies when you have fun i'm glad you're enjoying it i sneaky behavior the bits had the worst few days in a row at work glad to get home to you in the irish lounge just makes my day that's really nice thank you katie's emo trash like even the result um i've been having the worst time lately but your videos single-handedly kept me going thank you so much kevin you're bringing a lot of joy these awful times thank you very much for that kitty i'm sorry to hear about the rough times though and jesus christ guys thank you for the support magician chips uh thank you for the sub christian allen thank you for the sub bye and i'll tell you for the five subs mystery thank you for the five subs and again red panda thank you for the ten subs jesus christ almighty level five as well thank you so much for the hype jesus christ i appreciate it folks thank you very much for that and we will be starting soon i'm just getting everything set up and we'll see who is the earliest um i think brian's stayed up because he's in a different time zone but i think he stayed up so he should be here relatively soon and nogla will be here soon and sean will be here soon rt is not joining us today um jesus basement cool thank you for the 10 gift subs and sneaky boo thank you for the five gift subs jesus christ guys thank you for all the support uh shasta call it thank you for the resub the lord g-man thank you for the sub gouda panda uh christian alan thank you for the resub winry winrate favor the bits it's okay i'll just spam you until you notice me sorry sorry clammy pacquiao thank you for the resub chair thank you for the sub 80 sushi thank you for the sub red panda thank you for five more gift subs and libby grace thank you for the sob christ almighty gang um red panda thank you so much for those 15 subs now mister thanks for the five binaural thanks for the five basement goal thank you for the ten sneaky booth thank you for the five there as well jesus christ almighty thank you very much uh mentat school libby grace and [ __ ] luke thank you for the subs [ __ ] hell uh i appreciate all the support that is uh that is [ __ ] insane thank you so much and astor borovic thank you so much for the five gift subs as well i had test card that you for this result man hand up good thank you for the resolve creepy one thank you for the sub they're just coming in as i read them and have brazil thank you so much for the gift stuff as well guys thank you very much i appreciate it you're being way too nice i i appreciate it back in hell um i love bear noises think you're the reason snakes and i fell down the stairs thank you for the reset as well okay we'll be starting with five minutes and then i may not be able to read much alerts i'll try maybe i'll be able to mute or something um if if i die or something like that i i don't know i'll try my best is all i'm saying oh my god [ __ ] hell um the paddy dukes thank you for the 1000 bits this is howdy pardner i said howdy partner i mean i can't respond until you send a message uh jim p picon name for the donation that's very generous fall guys but kevin is falling because the sociopath has kidnapped him and his friends to reenact the sick irl version of fall guys until everyone is dead great streaming video by the way okay that is oddly specific jim p pecone verber thank you for the sub lifetime guarantee thank you for the five subs and sad trash goblin thank you for the 10. that can help thank you both you're too [ __ ] generous thank you so much jesus christ we're so delayed on the alerts it's insane good lord um thank you so much folks i i appreciate it that is crazy crazy generous shout out to lifetime guarantee for the five and sad trash goblet for the 10 again little gabby yeah sorry i didn't use the voice oh my gosh said here thank you so much for doing the five subs as well like seriously thank you oh my god i'm so far behind because they're coming in as i'm reading them and a private reign dr a uh nadia irsui uh laurier love thank you for the subs lexi lupin thank you for the gift sub ally monroy thank you for the five gift subs caldino gaming and smidgtastic thank you for the subs and austrian thank you for the gifted sub set here thank you so much for the five gift subs holy crap disgusting bliss thank you for the 10 gift subs hr farrison thank you for the sub as well mlan thank you for the bits i've been able to join streams lately because i got a new job so i'm glad to join today i'm glad you could make it uh basement cool thank you for five more gifts what the hell is going on this is the craziest train we've had in so long uh i feel like seven seven pablo thank you for the uh result i'm glad you're enjoying the content uh phyllis shady thank you for the gift sub lady glitter titty thank you for the sub steel roses thank you for the five gift subs i stand sterling thank you for the five gift subs as well and uh and be great thank you for the sub um men dad school thank you for the five gift subs these are literally coming in as i'm reading them um mint at school thank you for those five subs and johnny inferno youtube thank you for the sub holy crap uh how to go dave the bits what's the sub count you don't have to answer i'm just curious i'm not actually sure how to go i have no problem saying i've said it before um i can't remember what i said when i said it before but uh i think i'm not sure i'd have to check but i can't look at it now because i've got so many windows open for recording i'm afraid to go messing with anything but if you remind me either the next stream or maybe the end of this one i can tell you guys um but uh yeah it's i guess a lot because you guys are just way too generous um oh my god ally monroy thank you for the five gift subs that's jesus christ uh my salty surprise thank you for the sub red panda thank you for another five gift subs jesus christ anonymous gifts up there as well tetraweb thank you for the result um kind of addicted to no pixel gtrp i will be doing that soon tetraweb i will be uh bonnie chintava the resub and smelly jelly thank you for the bits there's so much happening yeah there really is that was a lot that was a lot like a lot a lot a lot uh it's humpster drew thank you for the sub as well alright we should be starting soon um is do i have music i'm not sure i hope this all works okay i'm gonna try my best at the start the audio might be a little bit all over the place i'm gonna try and balance it out and just let me know in the chat if it's too loud too low and if it's their voices are too low a specific person is too low too high whatever i'll try my best to to figure it out as we go um jesus christ this is very overwhelming um uh dumpster truth thank you for that stop andy weird thank you for the bits of streaming you and my story yesterday no men were hurt in the conversation when i locked the door at your suggestion thank you tired you thank you for the gift sob katelyn thank you so much for the two gift subs miss trx thank you for the bits paypal is having an issue letting me continue my sub for some reason so here's some bits thank you very much dexter frosty rain and battle toaster thank you so much for the subs christ almighty this has been insane uh jim people thank you for the donation how many days do you think you'd survive without water and being exercised at a high altitude on a platform dressed in a fall guys costume maybe half an hour or something yeah i have to sorry i have the music off every time i click off it it just turns off um lazy cyanide and fat thank you so much for the gifted sub seal the deal thank you for the bits just finished working my seventh day in a row and i haven't been able to catch a stream in a while thank you so much for the content kev really got me through the week no problem i'm glad you're enjoying it dj becky boop thank you for the sub all right let's see if anyone's actually around um oh no glaze fantastic let's uh let me start up all this hopefully this all works if there's any lag at all you guys let me know uh oh my god i have so many windows up to try and get this working hopefully it'll be okay this is too much you're way too much um uh casey catalyst thank you for the sub as well i'm sorry i won't be really able to address the alerts from here on in but i'll try my best if i can to stop at points um right i hope this doesn't lag fingers crossed basement cool thank you for the subs again let's let's give this a try gandalf thank you for the sub and sneaky boot thank you for the gift itself too hello yo how are we doing dahi de nobler thank you call me kevin arse zzx no regrets ah very formal of you thank you i appreciate that no problem not a problem man how are you doing i'm not talking to you in a while i got called but i don't know wait is for real or no no but i i have had a cough okay okay well stay safe falling over that'll cheer you up exactly exactly thank you thank you and do you want to start playing or shall we be polite and uh wait for the others for the guys uh i i think it's a game we can kind of hop in and out of pretty quickly so if we just want to play we can play like yeah i wouldn't mind having the edge on them yeah let's go for it uh sounds good i'm not i don't think i'm friends with jack on steam i do i think i'm only friends with you actually i was thinking about that earlier maybe maybe brian's friends wouldn't um just we even play games with him and it's tough to be friends with yeah like i i add him when we have an exclusive man yeah i just remove him afterwards because i only like playing him on stream but uh yeah he's always hounding me you know yeah a bit of a fanboy i guess yeah yeah yeah uh okay doc i mean we can just we can just get ready i'm ready we're just going into it like let's get a bit of a warm up i like your little fish tank that you had on there thank you yeah yeah i said i saved them they were abandoned they were sad hello oh hello it was sound lovely doing a bit of vacuuming while streaming all right the fan you guys can hear that it's it's it's not crazy fan is in your microphone yeah it's i forgot i can noise gate my stream but i can't noise-gate you [ __ ] yeah sorry about that oh good um how are the lads we're grand we're actually doing a bit of a jogging we're all fall guys at the moment now oh fair play tina we're getting we're fair play fair play everyone in my chat is saying daddy kevin so i am assuming you can hear him congratulations wait what are you a dad kevin i congratulations i guess it must be true fair play fair play thank you so much uh okay all right i've got to adjust some volumes here uh are you in the game by the way because i'm in the game you know kevin me and kevin are in the game sorry oh yeah i never knew are you in the game i am yeah i had to stop for a second i was trying to adjust the volumes but that's not something you want to hear when you're playing fall guys i'm going to be all right qualifying here oh [ __ ] okay i might not be this may have been him oh you're all right you're all right you're right wait wait till it goes around the other side now you can go you can make it no careful catch me dive there you are are you now you're going to die well okay i'm gonna mess with people then let's this sounds very inappropriate when i'm not seeing what you're actually doing oh trust me it's worse if you could see you're beating die you have it it's getting a bit out of line you can hear how much you guys are [Laughter] focusing i log in lads and we'll see what happens do you have any of those added on steam jack because i don't have you and kevin doesn't have you do you terrorize her uh i think i have brian we usually all just went through daniel that is true actually i think you should add me to all because i'm in ireland and i don't want to play on that u.s lag to get me i get you oh no i have you yeah are you you must not you must not be online and steam then no no i'm just logged in now that would that would explain why that would explain it lads mystery shoved all right i'll turn down the audio a little bit a little bit a little bit it's still a bit okay yeah brian you're trying to figure it out how about what are you doing a mod what more we are now yeah what are you doing now gay crash ah that's easy yeah yeah if you feel like that you'll have to close down the stream you're a failure in life really pretty much yeah they're too quiet god damn it okay we're able to do like an individual db increase on obs that's what i did um i'm just changing it on discord oh really made it over there have you guys got many wins on this yeah between pc pc and ps4 i have about 12 or 13. oh jesus okay i have three two playstation one pc okay good that's right but i don't know actually it could be more i just i haven't i wish it was like cross play or something that we could just have one it would be nice i wish you i wish it was on the switch so this one switch is perfect it would have been easy mode people on pc are definitely sweater and ps4 yeah whatever you do that roll out one with the spinning cylinders people go out and playstation so quick yeah but on pc they just sweat their dicks off that mode lasts for like 10 minutes on pc and ps4 would be a minute this just shows you the difference in iq really okay okay i finally got you all to a good volume roll out speaking of roll out this is actually a very easy game mode but i will be honest i stayed up till 7 a.m last night watching the ufc and i woke up after five hours i've only had five hours of sleep so you're just trying to tell us why you're going to be shy yeah even though you've probably beat all of us and and you know we usually stream for up a few hours don't we when we stream together about two three hours i have to stream after this as well i mean you have to i i i i promised courage i'd play fought guys with him because i replied to he was tweeting about it i was like i'll play i'll play five guys with you and uh i forgot that we organized to play five guys today so i don't know exclusively you're gonna go insane by the end of it you're gonna be seeing colors everywhere yeah so i'm gonna be taking it i would five hours of sleep as well it's gonna be wrong you're a madman five hours of sleep oh yeah you've had none brian and you're whinging about five hours of sleep first thing brian does is whining this this yeah at least why not you whining i'm not whining i'm just looking for sympathy yeah yeah yeah we know you're going to get mad at this game like you do every other game look who's tired um well tail mode's [ __ ] we're all going to get mad at that yeah that's right yeah tail mode's the main one and uh spleef i hate i think that's it you know what uh hexagon octagon oh no i like that one that's like the best level i don't like that one at all yeah not when you're terrible at it but when you fall face down 20 floors into the pink face down ass up don't tell that's the way we fought our turf kevin are you still in this game i have no clue yeah i'm still trying to adjust my volume so i'm still in it somehow you should be spectating me then no i'm still alive how are you alive uh just really quietly winning it kind of are you on the which team are you gonna be on here you'll be on my team i think so i'll run on up ahead i'll be an inconvenience i'm really good at that i'll annoy you are you red team then dude you're still alive yeah look at me yeah let's go let's go let's go honestly i prefer if you were helping us no no no you you wait and see now i'm going to ruin something i know what you're planning but you can help us and then go no no can't multitask that much hold on okay all right you're going to be stopping the the blue team then i'm stopping the yellow team okay i think we're good i think we'll go kevin i think we're good no one's going to stop that ball okay i'm moving to the blue team now but yeah i think we're good too no yellow yellow and blue are going to go through now they disappear once we qualify i see i see oh wait hold on there's a big battle here with the blue and the yellow there's a lot of confusion yeah yeah so oh they're right next to each other like a [ __ ] ball sack oh yellow one hmm oh my goodness i think we're nearly in the final first game easy it's not yeah easy actually to be honest using keyboard or using controller kevin controller same same i think it's just i don't think i've actually ever played it with keyboard i wouldn't if i were you i did i wouldn't yeah it doesn't sound good oh jump shot on oh this one i've not done this one much i have no i haven't played this is the first time i've played it actually it was in the beta and then they removed it when the game came out i think you know oh jump showdown yeah yeah the floor is going to disappear on your dahi be careful wait it disappears on you it sure does it like vibrates when it's going to disappear it vibrates for ages vibrates like it shakes and then it vanishes i saw an example of it there oh jesus oh no oh no you're on the small side yeah this is bad you might get lucky could go either way i i i would have to get very lucky yeah we gotta be two over here now i think you can make the jump if you really want to risk it but oh jesus no you're on the right side oh no you're you're fine oh no no we're looking like we have a lot of platforms oh you're in trouble oh no oh no die you catch me [Music] jesus christ oh my dance is both mad oh no oh no get over here jesus christ dude this is too stressful the vibrating kind of felt nice though you're disgusting [Laughter] starving me like i'm i'm so intense oh god gone that's enough wait is this the final i'm gonna hold him i'm gonna hold him kevin wait you won't you oh my god you lunatic you're a hero what i have never seen such a selfless act kevin's got a crown already yeah i'm wearing a cave you are the kindest man i have ever met in my life god bless you you won on your very first game what the [ __ ] man well to be fair there was three of us and dolly just grabbed the other dude and jumped off with him yeah that mode is kind of [ __ ] when you get grabbed because it takes ages to correct yourself wow i don't feel like i earned this crown but i'll take it all right are we ready to be added uh yes no i can't i actually don't see you though that was some win i was pretty amazed to be honest we'll join you now i mean i just johnny boys thank you so much for the passage of contact way too kind gifted thank my game somewhere sneaky boo thank you so much for the fight your subs as well jesus christ guys thank you all for joining that's a lot of viewers jesus i'm not used to this a man thank you weird we're weird hey you all look sorry fancy compared to me well you have a crown now you just won you can buy yourself is that your first win kevin no no i've got a few wins now but my my face is slightly pinker than the default if you notice that but that's true that's i thought you're a little sunburned a little bit you know you're like a bit of it you're like a dildo or something all right i prefer sunburns but if that's the way you want to go yeah i don't know what [ __ ] dildos you're looking a weird place i'll make a dildo out of anything for five dollars shouldn't gone with the premium version just take that out of country jesus red panda thank you so much for the 10 gift subs as well thank you for all the support guys [ __ ] hell uh we're ready there daddy whenever you are i'm actually doing fantastic your doctor is going to have a heart attack when you check on your next it doesn't sound good are you okay [ __ ] never been better good hearty lungs there yeah it sounds like your heart's coming out through your lungs for sure [Laughter] glad i missed you it's been [ __ ] ages since i played it's been a while the brain's in good order so don't [ __ ] it up on me we'll see okay my brains ain't good my brains are good no pressure so don't demolish me okay yeah we left youtube i got bounced brian are you the burger yes i am oh no i got blood jesus christ oh no no it's all gone it's all gone downhill right side right side right side i'm through oh jesus okay just about just about thank you now are we all in we all in marquis thank you so much for the 10-year subs [ __ ] hell thank you for all the generosity guys i appreciate it so much l as i was sliding down the pink slide and i had to do i had to run back and do a run-up and dive across and i barely made it i was like 40th he's competitive man oh no it's the [ __ ] seesaws this mode [ __ ] sucks i never understood seesaws black magic the brain don't work it's okay kevin it seems like most people who played this game don't realize i fit in really well on this game mode all right balance slides rising tight that kind of made him a big mistake maniac absolute maniac quite quickly just wait for all he made to go no no no no no no i'm gone i'm gone i shouldn't have jumped someone hit me in midair you get a better one please don't come up you always get knocked down all right i'm true ah are you the the smoothie thing the slurpee [Music] [Laughter] just like some of the people here you just look so lost all the time it's just confused all right everybody balance each other out now we can all help each other good luck with that every god save me save me yeah i was going to do it myself no no no no no i didn't why did i jump there it's me and you oh all right we're true it's always better to play things safe in the seesaw book that's all i'm saying yeah you have way more time than you think you do okay you just have to be patient that was a nice little snake did everyone make it yeah just about oh yeah if we're all in where's the least amount of wins and that would sacrifice ourselves for them i think there's a few what were you doing i think it might be do you have more than tree kevin i have six okay you've more than jack i definitely have one on pc all right so we'll help jack at the moment and he's comparing crowns lads are you i just see who we sacrifice to let them win he is [ __ ] 12. it's crowns in this jellybean game who cares yeah okay so people sound bite that and play it back for whenever brian gets pissed off later acting like children but you suck your thumb and go to sleep yeah take that brain thing to do got me forgotten god i'm never gonna lie to the man and hubba bubba forever again i'm taking it nice and easy on this one i'm not a chance no you gotta you gotta people are watching you gotta look impressive that's a big ball on that last one though the hell is happening i don't care about looking impressive because it'll never happen can you not like push oh my god you actually stopped the ball because i've never seen that tough eating positivity right there it's like school dude i wasn't in school to do well oh [ __ ] i was just there to pass oh i might be out lads i'm trying to get a boop off these little uh sprinkle donut yolks there you go oh slime climb can be a bit of a dodgy one but it's all about staying cool oh and sausages oh no how do i get out of here you gotta go back around kevin no no no no no i saw that you actually got knocked because some guy jumped in i felt bad for you man i'm only like half looking because something's going on with my chat i don't know what it is don't there we go there you go there you go there you go ignore your chat they're not dude are you looking to check spammed with hosting messages i don't know some okay [Music] there you go are you all right jack how are you doing murray i'm alright are you all right are you alright i'm fine brian what are you talking about the vein honestly no no no i hit that pink thing and then the ball hit me yeah they could be worse i got three dolls there's one some guy who really embarrassed [Music] i should have been out earlier i [ __ ] up the the thing i think it's better i should have been there this one's oh this is where your teammates do nothing yeah brian listen to you look watch watch this watch this first blood we got one are we all on the same team we are aren't we yeah we're right oh we got this then it's in the bag easy i'm not even gonna do anything to the end of the round there we go get this nice someone stay and stay away from my area listen okay no no trust me all right oh wow i stole that one i'm gonna come at least look in here trust me you want to stay to certain areas okay yeah so you don't want to be in the same area yeah yeah we're camping you want to spread out and go to hot spots where are you i don't know which one is you no [ __ ] okay nice we're doing all right yellow are terrible they have no thumbs we're fine it's okay yeah blue are actually kind of busted to be honest this blue team yeah i'm not super comfortable with this teammate nice come on i'm kind of camping on the ramps oh here's one here's one here's one oh take this one oh i think i made a mistake boys oh i made a mistake doing that one don't worry a teammate that wasn't dumb you're doing great nights i love you thank you thank you so much thank you [Music] the one who just missed the ring in front of blue no i just fell in general there i wasn't near any hoop okay is that you going through the hoop there now no come on come on come on okay i'm the naked one that's good because that's embarrassing i'm running backwards on the treadmill if you can find me ten seconds we got this dude we're good we're good we're good we're good and i'm gonna hit this one the hoop just spawned on me there we go just landed right in front of me that was an amazing look nice 50. that's good and then last that's the most i've ever gotten in that game nice job nice fair play lads pc is [ __ ] thank you so much it really is uh sneaky boo thank you so much for the gift subs there the 10 gift subs you're way too kind sorry about the confusion there my chat was getting spammed i don't know what it was but it's fixed now so it's all good um marquis thank you for those 10 gift subs too he holding people down who wants to win who wants to win a win kevin you just got the win last time i got a sacrifice myself just hit me straight away oh stay away from that one no [ __ ] thanks coach don't fall in the one time he tries to help he's just ridiculous sorry guys it's okay man can't go [Laughter] 50 chance now yeah well you can make it to the other one still but if one of these goes oh yeah you can you can yeah you can oh jesus squeezed him oh no what can i do we're in the good side here oh you're we've got your friends last time i tried to grab people on this i don't know yourself you grab when you're the last you grab when you're oh oh lord oh no six to [Music] sensation you used to get when you drove over a bridge in temporary oh oh willie's bites i keep [ __ ] getting oh you're [ __ ] oh kevin how did you do that i don't know dude i just believed it's two of you left there's two of you left i got this i got the camera angle now what if it's only the two of you left and you have to say it's off right and simba i don't like to say though goodbye brian [Music] come on come on [Music] oh that was great commentary that really felt like i was at the [ __ ] lansdowne road or something every irish person understood it spectating you when you have 150 being there you're in and you every time you jumped you fell on my screen he's dead he's dead he's dead he's back he's dead he's dead [Music] we chalked that one boys it made the manic commentary even better though just flipping and falling all over the place as you're screaming it was fun hit the last chicken guy was like thinking holy [ __ ] what's he doing he's probably doing that for everyone well he thought i was hacking long live the king all right easy next time on your feet soldier soap soap let's go yep it's still just one crown for me but i don't care oh ah that's what you lashed out about the crowns when you're talking about them it's a bit of a sensitive topic isn't it the crowns i'm not competitive out of my way you [ __ ] i'm going to try a speedrun strategy here all right i've seen it i've seen it hit by the thing around now yeah there there we go look there you go oh yeah i pretty much did it yeah it didn't really work but uh that didn't work for actually no no not really ow oh no okay climb your little bean oh i'm true actually i did quite well there was lucky oh right next to each other lads look at that orange guy on the left oh he's dressed for the laugh i'll do for the laugh i'll let's go middle middle man it didn't work oh [ __ ] okay i didn't even hit the other side i just actually fell off it's a disastrous decision all right lads we might not qualify on this one actually actually oh [ __ ] just doing it for content okay i forgot about camera angles there for a sec oh nice jumping oh we're all here there we go that was too risky [Laughter] i was saying about your jumping not mine might not be nice oh i think i'm gonna make it though um which one's you i'm the default one oh did everybody qualify yeah yep the three of us did did kevin yeah yeah look he's right there the default it'd be nice if we could see each other's names yeah pity about the human race just being you know oh there's a couple of defaults there kevin there's another uh pink one oh but your pink face i've got a slightly deeper shade of pink on my face so that's how you excuse me fears quiet just shy you've been gone so long i've forgotten how to talk to you i don't know what you're interested in you know what did you work for me today though i never get alerts from um what was it it was like instagram but it came up it was like since you followed jacksepticeye you might like the rock and i was thinking you know what instagram yes it was a very high opinion of you i did shake his hand so we're basically best friends i talked to him face to face so i'm coming over for christmas let's just show up i mean that's how it works in my head as it does with most talkers i imagine did you guys watch takish when you were younger oh hell yeah because of this game oh oh that's not headlines [ __ ] oh no oh no i'm right at the back and this one you do when you're psychic what the hell when you're right it has to be this one no you can see the path clearly yeah yeah exactly i can see everyone else going through it too i'm right at the back nice nice nice nice come on pick one go on yeah you always think you're further back than you actually are though yeah i'm kind of catching up now oh jack yeah i don't think you made it a bit of a tip at the last door jack if you jump and dive you go like an extra like five ten feet i mean i did i was just too far back anyway jd mac lads and stuff i think there's a hacker in this lobby yeah i've not seen one yet in this game i saw one really early on the speed hack i had one there's a guy that was flying around the map he got the tail in the final and just flew to the top of the map flying yeah he just grabbed it a little right about youtubers uploading hacker content and it's true why why didn't i message oh no i'm talking about in college duty and stuff like that i've done that too oh but then you're just scum oh no worry about your own lane brian let other people do whatever they want you've got you've got no excuse now my reason was people people who upload videos about hackers are just educating scumbags about hacking and then more and more hackers happen that's what i was saying i'm educating people to spot them so you're to what and expose them or to spot a hacker oh no oh no i'm not going to make it oh no a big orange oh kevin oh no that's sad yeah maybe our conversation would have distracted our kevin it did i was getting so upset at that mere thought of someone hacking at a video game i just couldn't on youtube i know i had to put my controller down now for a second i couldn't tell if it was the controller shaking or me jesus christ [Laughter] even me controlling i was angry at it yeah yeah yeah who's left i mean you okay yeah so we'll be surprised if uh nogla grabs me and chucks me off at the very end no no i will help you win mm-hmm it's true he did it he's very nice that's what i'm here for kevin he likes [Music] i love all poor people um i don't know thanks okay i think i'm spectating saw some guy do a great little trick where he jumped up on a block and he just stood on the side rainbow there on the right and left side i just watched it it's an exploit yeah i think you can jump on people's heads yeah i think so yeah i thought it was very good i don't think it's an exploit i think it's just an explorer i think i think no i think it's skills i appreciate his his uh this one isn't even that hard this is probably one of the easier ones yeah some people get cut out though i have died at this oh yeah i have nothing has anyone ever died to that one yes but he's so sad just the one thing i feel like i fall off on this when other people knock me over by them falling over yeah yeah that does happen see that guy grabbing me yeah and it does the shuffle deck of cards at the end that's when yeah they also added a new one that comes in like a box so there's no way left or right yeah yeah i love that just to try and make it a bit harder i think that's very good i also got you know that one at the end the jump showdown where the spinny things go around and you have to jump over i had somebody cheat on that one and get up on top of the spinny thing so they couldn't get hit by anything so i couldn't win like why why are you cheating this yeah you don't really get much out of it dude no no no no oh no after all we said brian is he gone a guy i got i'm dead a guy hit me over and my guy just could not get from his morbid obesity he was just stopped you know i just i imagine getting mad at this game lads it's just the lag you know i'm just a little horse jelly bean game like come on no you can't take this game seriously do you guys want to see my troll strat for this yes hell yeah what's your strategy are you going to fall down immediately rings down the bottom because that's usually what i do and take everything away from everybody else and then i still fail actually you know what since you know what the idea is i'm not going to do it wow but i still wanted to see it just because i know the idea doesn't mean i can do it okay fine fine fine i'll do it oh this mad bastard i can actually just go all the way down like this oh my god oh there's someone down here already down here oh no oh they have the strats hey [ __ ] i'm gonna close this box up there you go so you're just oh you're just gonna cook someone when they fall down i'm doing this because this guy's doing [ __ ] as well but can you actually win doing this or is it just a screw-up yeah i've i've won you've won okay i've never met yeah i came second once but i don't get it [Music] sneaky boot thank you so much for another 10 gift subs jesus christ jasper thank you for the donation until we grow older thank you for the sub as well sorry i can't get to everyone because i'm doing multiplayer but sneaky but thank you so much for that you're too kind again jumping oh that doesn't always work i just thought i'd give you that like gamer information real quick absolutely what we're doing now for some reason i think i actually lose here to be honest with you oh he jumped off yeah i don't know what it is yeah you're good you're good you can get across yeah you're okay and then go left and take that whole entire line yeah yeah you're kind of actually not that i should be telling you how to play because you're actually killing it oh it's just you and one other guy just one guy where is he yeah yeah he's running out of platforms yeah you're screwed goodbye he's got a bit more that was good it would have been better if that one guy wasn't down there with me the first guy it would have been better if everybody else lost it's so true you did better than i would have man foxy pop thank you so much for the five gift subs you're pretty [ __ ] fine yeah yeah i'm a bit of a sweater all all the water that my fish is living is for me sweating at the game your fish are just dead that explains why they're dead though it just looks like a plastic fish no my sweat is salty they're all right salt water that's that's how salt water is naturally produced yeah chat solely from fish living sweat if you actually think about it though rain is just cloud sweat yeah and then the ocean is just clouds get too sweat and then they have to sweat the ocean is just earth sweat no no no the ocean's more of like the earth's bladder and then and then you know when it's peeing it evaporates and goes into clouds and then the clouds get too hot and they swipe all right now you're just making no sense you lost me you had me open you lost me you lost me bladder look man that's just how it is okay clouds sweat and then it rains i'm gonna go along yeah the ocean is a collection of cloud sweat there you go spot on huh see my chat gets it well what came first the water or the clouds sweat through the walls there we go first i'm legitimate first i'm not competitive i'm not competitive minus the hacker i flipped out over it all right everyone ban him everyone report him everyone banned fall guy one seven five two guys [Laughter] yeah how can you actually report people in this you can't can you there's no existence oh my god someone would be sad enough to hack in this game they didn't put in the report and aspect they said they have a new thing on their end that can actually detect it pretty quickly okay because if people were mass reporting individuals but they said you didn't need to do that anymore well that's good but it makes me feel good though if i can report them yeah i'm pretty sure on most games that report button does nothing anyway it just somebody in my chat said ask ask jack to say something that'll offend dahi why would i do that say sweat isn't real it's a conspiracy you should have read the earth sweat it seems that seems to get at him brian you've known dahi the longest what's the one thing you can say that'll just like get him riled up to be honest with you nothing really bothers him he's like he's kind of like a fantastic dimwit that doesn't someone just jumped like a stallion over that i'm 100 sabotaging that [ __ ] but how can we i guess i mean that's the thing hacking in this doesn't really help you most times we get tiptoe and then he won't be able to do it hey [ __ ] grab me fries [ __ ] ridiculous like i hope he's not my i hope he's on my team for fall ball yeah if he's on our team let's sabotage him go out take him score on goals he's uh he actually has a skin that he's bought as well that's not the pigeon he's a pigeon if you get enough winds you can just get enough to i'm pretty sure he's a pigeon i saw yeah i think he was a pigeon a purple pigeon right yeah yeah well if we're playing any mode that doesn't require speed he's [ __ ] roll out he actually might have a problem in this one if he doesn't turn off the speed hack yeah if you see the float though we're [ __ ] yeah that's that's the other thing able to float yeah there's floaters that go through this one where they don't actually fall they literally just go watch watch a pigeon fly look for a pigeon going straight up okay two pigeons are on the purple here yeah there's four pigeons total yeah oh is that him i don't know i'm too busy looking at him i'm going to fall off yes i'm going to go back and focus on me here it's a good uh methodology for life yeah i'm going to focus on making speeches and focus on yourself yeah let them do them and you just focus on yourself i feel like i feel like he might have died i can't see him i see a few pigeons still there's three pigeons left so oh no there's four second pigeons [ __ ] birds oh you kept come on okay i think oh crazy astronauts i'm so stressed this isn't worried more scared oh i'm getting grabbed oh my god people are pushing the [ __ ] out of me i'm just getting knocked into it but still five more to go i mean this is where everybody's oh my god man i just don't want people to [ __ ] push me dude let's get the crowd in here oh that's you brian okay no that was a friendly grab that's all right i thought that was not gone for a second like this game mode makes me want social distancing to stay a thing even that's what i mean a bit of distance and should probably stay just so we don't let it happen again no when it's condo i think we should wear masks in general i think uh yeah foreign forever just so we don't that way i don't feel uh obliged to smile and publicize there we go good job good job good job come on boys optimism we all made it we all made it yep we all made it and our main goal hacker take it down the picture a pigeon died okay it's got to be him maybe that's the hacker maybe that's the hacker then maybe get the hashtag going pigeons are over um somebody in chat saying we beat the hacker i don't know i don't know it's hard to tell there was a good few pigeons there's one pigeon left so let's we'll know if he's cheating fairly quickly in this game mode there's always a bunch of them he's over there oh the hacker's on our team let's go hacker now you're cheering him on i love hackers they're great fireside crap one guy's afk on the yellow team right we got six points hackers doing his bit i'm on the treadmill double oh okay we're not doing great i gotta help [ __ ] nice i think we got that i'm gonna get us another point here we go oh come on i got it 22 grand that's a grand old number lads oh we got that one nice go milkshake brings all the boys here get that one good man they're like i i yeah they're you're making the blue team feel bad come on come on come on i can't tell from the shadows where these hoops are coming we're good blue is getting destroyed here gotcha that was all over the place that was great i think that game mode is literally about [ __ ] in other people oh no there's a pigeon on our team oh gosh yeah yeah yeah yeah no we won fair and square i know i never saw him cheat though i think he's gone yeah i think he actually did beat him maybe yeah yeah we came first it's whatever we're just gamers it's gonna be your finals the tale he just flies up okay how do we how do we help each other on this one whoever's in the league hold back the pigeon brian you're right next to the pigeon or kevin okay whoever is in the lead whoever takes an early lead just let him go right it's between me and noble it seems it's just i'm here as well you swear to god if this pigeon goes flying no it's okay well i'm in the back okay we seem good all right here we go winner for the irish boys winning for the irish nice oh [ __ ] i got nailed okay i'm probably out very good i could be in here no we're gonna doing well oh no we need to get that scout we need to get that scattered in the left strategically moving oh okay i'm out i can't even grab anybody for you i'm sorry oh communism see we beat the hackers boys hashtag cancel the pigeons it's over there's your technical title we beat a hacker the owners beat a hacker in fall games what did i say about promoting the hackers and you're click baiting you're going against everything i said we did beat them yeah no don't my video's gonna be that too i'll click i never agreed with you in the first place right now the thing is i don't know either your title is going to have that or thanos in it one of the others has been in the video but i said his name now so it has to be in the video now i've been gone for a month i need something okay you're right up there brian video the thing is i don't see the benefit of hacking i don't get the the fun out of it in this game but man it would be depressing to hack on this game and still [ __ ] lose that's gotta be crushing it's weirdly well designed where hacking doesn't really help like speed doesn't work [Music] without a driver's license or something you know i wouldn't buy a car without a driver's license exactly why would you buy a cheats just do it like that i think it's more like i think my analogy of aggro without being able to get hired is is a perfect technology i mean it works it's just a weird place to go it's a sign of impotence right guys let's go let's go the phallic guys let's go want to break down my analogy no stopping my analogy i'll be honest with you i don't need you to draw a diagram of crayons i don't need it so what you're going to do is fall on purpose yes jokes are funny when you explain them god i was in first and then all the badgers had to come through oh johnny boys thank you so much for the tiny of subs that's far too kind thank you very much [Music] oh geez dude you should have taken your viagra this morning i should have taken my my yeah i just gave up on that sentence [Laughter] blood left his brain he needs brain viagra i just got hit by the ball i thought i might have beat it or something i should have jumped i was still thinking about my analogy trying to make sense of it [Laughter] trying to see if even he understood yeah all right well you're out for see-saw so consider yourself lucky i'll spectate you jack then don't no because you're just judging me for everything i do look that's what i should do i'm in the third row jesus christ i'm in the back left corner uh who did i piss off where's jack he's the slushie i'm in the middle i'm on blue i'm jumping to yellow now this is oh i shouldn't be jumping i shouldn't be jumping thank you if you jump and dive on them you kind of stick to them a little bit and you get an extra chance there you go oh okay oh oh oh no like the titanic saving it from breaking in half where's kate winslet for grand prize [Music] i was trying to be kind to put the cease-fire [Laughter] look we still have 20 at times no we're still going to get correct come on correct correct slow i'm done brain i'm good wait up guys oh oh oh oh oh oh oh never kevin you pull me back again i'm coming check hold me back i'm right behind you [ __ ] run he's coming for me slushy i always have that moment where i'm like i should just [ __ ] around like that and have fun but then i get real sweaty i want to win anyway oh bye-bye run brian so you saw a lot of people make seesaw pretty late he threw kevin almost oh and give him finish line hugs this people sometimes definitely not hacking jesus yeah this one's not a hacker he's [ __ ] again you're just gonna get kicked out now okay you forget what number you're on which one it's kevin 21 kevin i made a little friend though he's 15 28. come on there we go i finished yeah i made a little friend who was happy to have him hitting is absolutely brutal at the game is he on the yellow one yeah he's terrible he's watching he's gonna mess up he's gonna mess up somewhere here hey calenony thank you so much for those five you have subs that's pretty kind of you thank you so much you're always so supportive there you go [ __ ] sake pigeon i thought you were playing i told you [Music] oh that's so mean you know what kevin i respect it i respect the content respect just grabbing people and knocking them off i want to be able to do it but my my desire to win kicks into her you don't understand i was genuinely trying to help you i'm just that much of a [ __ ] off it just threw you off inside we got a nice hug before i died anyway yeah it's kind of nice oh no oh that's not so boring just follow the crowd just cheat what answer did you get i got cherries can i look at your homework i got abraham lincoln for some reason is abraham lincoln on the map you know do you know how this game mode works oh no there's two there's too many oh oh that guy just jumped off the map and in fact myself i'm coming for dinner all right i'll stay with you kev watermelon dude i think don't you push me you little [ __ ] no one ever goes out on this one oh [ __ ] i'm going to be out now [ __ ] sure orange don't say them out loud you'll [ __ ] us all up yeah all right where are you how are you right now okay okay don't push me do a few hugs you all did well hooks forever all right i've played this game on ps4 once where 10 people were on a platform and they all fell oh [ __ ] mentality oh [ __ ] rips okay i'm on it oh okay oh big group yeah i'm doing i'm doing higher level math over here no ordinary level for me he's from a county he's embarrassed to say he's from oh it's southwest huh [Laughter] silence speaks instead of petrol oh you guys have a really important game ahead of you guys stay focused on that listen listen i just practiced on the lag here you can have it my tail you can smack [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] yeah probably i need a drink [ __ ] obi-wan kenobi over here stephen kevin 20 seconds right kevin right now right kevin oh keep running your tail's gone i'm enjoying are you [ __ ] kidding me do i have one come on no you don't keep going get out of there oh no i almost had him didn't grab oh my god that's like [ __ ] childbirth me as a man would know that's like and i'm over generalizing but me as a cis white male i know what it's like [ __ ] hell 13 13 my lucky number let's go i swear to god the lag in that is broken and the the tailgate mode oh yeah yeah yeah i didn't notice it i wasn't paying that much attention to be fair it just grabs you from like a meter away yeah i have noticed that a few times okay here we go and then it doesn't work when you try to do it all right who is it me and brian yep redemption yeah yeah all right i'm terrible at this one though oh my god i'm struggling with the first ones going two months an hour oh here we go i always mess up the coordination on this one this music is unreal [Music] [Laughter] here we go there's only one person left and two of you you know what to do i'm not nervous my heart's actually pumping right now i don't like you slow down i don't want you to take another break off youtube i don't want you to have an angina oh [ __ ] oh no oh no oh oh my god [ __ ] oh you stressed me out there oh no my dogs are on my lap no dogs no focus focus focus that's it oh back it up back it up [Music] no there's a cat big big meow cats meow meow cats outside oh my god spectating you as a nightmare i'm getting second hand stress i'm sorry come on brian oh smack him oh that's just me yeah grab the rewind switch switch oh my god this is the worst [Applause] you grabbed him you grabbed him he let the boy supremacist win you're getting sick he's getting sick he's got a white hood jack it's pretty obvious ah [ __ ] it i tried to jump but nothing happened oh my this that's twice now you've been half rocking there brian f for brain lots of amps this is the one finding your dogs this is the one i'm sweating boxes right now it's pretty it's from the clouds i've heard i hear that yeah reliable source i opened up the window there to leave the clouds out of my office this might be great all right all right this is it this is our one i just saw people in my own chat calling me moist thank you all for um popping in guys i appreciate it it is really warm at the moment so both from the stress and the heat i guess you could say i'm moist okie doke all right through the middle through the middle down the hole over the hill and away we go that was the nice little limerick i learned it for watching teletubbies marquis thank you so much for jesus 25 subs [ __ ] hell thank you so much that was five and i was like oh thank you so much because that would be super generous but jesus 25 subs thank you so much for all those jesus christ thank you very much i don't know what to say to that i will i will win this whole game for you yeah launch me that worked as well [ __ ] yeah we're true bites through the middle now through them no go to the side not through the middle jess you like making life difficult don't you i do it i'll catch you too [ __ ] people are grabbing me god damn it stop grabbing just play normally i like how one of the most popular games it's been a game where you're punched up with other people and you're dragging out of them and pulling them back and stopping them from succeeding oh you [ __ ] oh what a [ __ ] what did he do grab me just before i was jumping the little [ __ ] round i came fifth not bad not bad i'll get ready to catch you when you come across daddy oh god dude all right i've i'll just give you a little hog instead because i come back god damn i'm just qualifying man people on pc are [ __ ] 12 more people qualifying they ain't going to be this guy marcus thank you so much again for that that was way too kind 25 subs back in hell thank you so much he's walking backwards yeah this guy didn't deserve oh yeah it deserves to lose that's what you get for being a party are we all true i think i thought so i haven't heard brian be angry no he's there no my dog was getting sick she was struggling she just got sick here and i had to i somehow qualified i stayed for a good while at spawn she's okay sure she's okay that's good yeah she was struggling to bring it up so yeah she's all right yeah she's at my feet she's okay i made sure she was okay give her a bit of knuckle no okay remind me maybe she's sick of seeing us lose to be honest we've won twice and i've only been playing an hour that's pretty good that's true it's not too bad yeah yeah it's mode yeah i'm not a fan of this one i hope for yellow though i've only lost sound bunch of lads there we go there we go red stays winning oh man i just swallowed that one nice so what's our strategy here do we defend or do we attack pick on the blues jesus christ i has is it isd is that it i asked jesus christ thank you so much what the hell today is insane thank you so much for 100 gift subs back in hell now i gotta dedicate this win to both of you no thank you so much jesus christ that is way too much thanks for the stuff anna jesus though i has i i'm not sure how to pronounce the diq but thank you so much for 100 gift subs [ __ ] hell today is insane thank you so much though jesus christ i appreciate it i i will try to win even if that means sabotaging all my fellow irishmen i will give up the whole country's loyalty well thank you very much for that ain't no balls coming out of my land okay yeah you want some nyquil all right yellow get [ __ ] yeah we've got it yellow carson all right good job good job confirmed goodbye yellow team yeah you threw up on daddy i can't even pay for his why is it always the yellow team that loses no it's hufflepuff oh even though i am awful i'm a bit of a hufflepuff myself must admit i have been known to be a bit of a ravenclaw now few exorcists get me going bit of a ravenclaw you know put a few drinks in me and i'll start talking i feel like i feel like there's no [ __ ] strategy for this i'm off the map yeah i'm off as well all of us fell except kevin and i almost fell no noble had a good one going right side normally seemed to work yeah but sometimes you just get a [ __ ] banana do you know like that actually know oh [ __ ] blueberry no no no no no no i can't win that one [ __ ] the left side i got hit three times in a row tell us how you really feel that's how i really feel oh okay fair enough as bad as i thought then who made it through me jack and i yeah uh congratulations yeah i'm delighted thanks just random chances oh god it would be [ __ ] fall this is no glow's like he's like he's like messy at this really all right give me tips then cause i hate this mode uh you want to stay laggy too this won't be good okay it's it's eight v seven i think in their favorite i'll i'll spectate you stay in goals though yeah sweeper you know oh no it's not gonna be good you wanna jump and dive at balls to get the best momentum so you want to time it on the sweeper sweeper play behind the action you play behind action so that when balls drop i have a goal here you can respond to them [Music] thank you so much you've been way too supportive [ __ ] hell thank you very much for that 20 gift subs that's insane thank you so much and thank you for all the support coming in here as well oh i has diq i'm going to call you thank you for those subs again i just saw you posted a message here on a donation as well got me through a lot of tough times i watching youtube every day and i want to thank you so much for everything you've done for me without me thank you very much jesus christ way too kind folks thank you very much jesus the ball is that you want to be inside the balls there so you're already all right there you go there you go on the bike get another goal there get back go back go back don't don't don't chase that don't leave your team do that no no i'm just going to center your roll is just a sweeper all right you still want to center tennis rules you know there's like a closet that's where the balls are [Music] you can also hold people as well you can hold them and stop them from hitting the ball that is true i completely forgot to go left go left go left go left go left nice nice i'm going to go for the further rolling go back up too many balls oh no this is the good thing oh no no that one's going [Music] go for glory hit it hit maybe trying to listen to you was the [ __ ] problem possibly possibly oh well [ __ ] that mode carry god thank you very much for the bits appreciate it kenny bad bee hearts anime rock chick pay for the subs sorry i've missed so many alerts guys it's just one of the few streams that i can't get to them all uh we back them out already yeah sorry i was muted um when the first star all right okay firm ready i'm ready ready brian did we get two wins in a row at the start or was it two out of three it was one win and then we won like basically i think it was the third game then are you mumbling an incantation there nobler i can hear you speaking in tongues oh [ __ ] sorry i was trying to die that's all right that's all right i just thought you were putting a curse on me or something that's really unnecessary no i only put curses on furries launch me launch me launch me oh yes i'm speed running oh [ __ ] i am doing the speed running guys my speed ran all the way back to the start oh yes i mean technically you're still speed running i got launched to the very end so i was like then it launched me back are you well what do you how do you grab uh shift right trigger oh okay [Music] good thing i died there yeah same it's all right lads i'm cracked whatever oh no oh god i'm so screwed oh [ __ ] come on come on is that way brian this way get off me a little cheese are you doing there kev it's good getting my hogs in at the end there we go very good making some friends at the end yeah they're all waiting for me to celebrate me um we all made it yeah yeah everybody very good happy days very heavy it's just this this is like probably the sweatiest game i've ever played like in general huh this is like the sweatiest game i've played in general probably yeah again it's just stressful sound like you got some tiny little head on you can you hear me appears quite can yeah my mic must have a mad [ __ ] noise get or something oh yeah yeah okay all right i think you're just talking calmly i think i think i'm just shy you know i think that's what it is i think i'm just hard of hearing right now [Music] things that only have ever lost on this one i just find it stressful i only i only just i don't like it when people push into me that's what it is i have a tendency to just like look the camera the wrong way turn around and then i fall yeah camera angles are important all camera angles matter man every time i fall and this one is in other gob shades grab me yep and now they're going to another platform and they push you yeah and off like this is a bit of a [ __ ] show here like i would consider moving over to yeah skinny platforms with lots of people is a bad idea [Music] ten people have gone wow yeah this one's actually ending pretty quick oh god i don't want to mess this up i don't want to mess this up let me true don't grab me you [ __ ] oh this is a [ __ ] recipe for disaster here what's happening it's off me you [ __ ] why are they all grabbing you specifically it's dreams strange racism man against people with fish tanks and stomachs i'm sick and tired of you aquariums coming and taking our jobs don't be portioned there's enough for everybody you sound like a teacher at a field trip a very angry teacher daniel stop at this [ __ ] how do you know yeah p.e teacher i get the wooden spoon what kind of school did you go to homeschool oh i'm sorry that's sad mom i didn't but i was good he's good before an article gets written jacksepticeye reveals he went he was homeschooled that's why he's a gobship all right all right i think we all qualified i didn't hear anybody crying no we're good no oh it's warm far true we have a 20 chance of winning or four of us 19 left or 20 chance yeah i wish you could do like a squad or a win for one as a win for all [Music] right tell me how to play this game mod then i'd have loads of crowns oh i just do nothing in this one and it always works out yeah just wait for someone to do like taught me how to play this game mode and ever since i've been unreal okay teach us please because i'm terrible what he told and it works you just look look for the things that are not vibrating and you plan out the path wow that guy nearly knocked me off it was heaven the real strategy is do nothing and just wait for others to do the work yeah exactly you know what it is just don't stay near the front busy lads why am i so bouncy lag oh my god i hate it i hate it here can i leave oh [ __ ] i've been pushed everywhere oh oh [ __ ] that's the end that's got to be the end oh no it's not oh no i got pushed i'm out oh that might be no that's not the end i think the end is oh my god i don't mind oh my god i can't believe we all qualified that one jesus you were the last three you were 15th 14th and 13th place ggs oh man you're blessed you're blessed boys when you're a legend you're a legend yes okay i don't have to be keeper then right you can just stay there i got the sweeper all bro you don't have a blast okay it's my time to shine let's go boys give us yellow [ __ ] there's more people oh let's go foul ball baby let's go irish are you gonna watch it look at that we're renowned like so good night we're just trying our best all right you're happy we're not sideways you stay holy he's that wally geez you're really [ __ ] [ __ ] up okay just you [ __ ] go back there [ __ ] you if we lose it's your fault he's fun isn't he manchester united sweeper for the la liga sweeper is not goalie jack you stay goalie don't put it into your own goal oh no okay i'm not the one who was back there and let it go in the last time so [ __ ] off i wasn't back there i was clearing the ball no i just got a tip to that damn it was a good hit oh all right get in there kev yes [ __ ] timing what where are you listen i'm gonna go back and have a flooring with him kevin's actually getting angry i've never heard kevin's saying no i'm gonna go back and have a word with him where is he i've never [Music] i'm going to grab you the angrier you get the more huggy i'm going to get come here you're crack across the skull in a minute he's like [ __ ] toxic [ __ ] off sorry sorry you got in the way of my honey [Laughter] you do something mainly shut the [ __ ] up i literally stopped breaking all right are you the kid who was like this this is brilliant i actually stopped like three [ __ ] goals when there was like five yellows in front of me and you are all jocking each other off that's great doggie good for you he was the kid at the bowl he was the kid at leisureplex that ruined everyone's birthday for them yeah [ __ ] biting his own tongue with anger we'll all be crying go hit a pigeon do me proud oh i'm getting a hug from the enemy team now at least someone loves me yeah i'm getting daddy's words are hugging me no it's not no this is all me and not you no you ruined it that's fine i know my parents shouted [ __ ] kevin go it's not working a very bad encouragement i'm going to [ __ ] finish this please do i'm sick of it oh it's been overtime for so long head or not headed at you dumb [ __ ] my god kev i bought a cave oh what a header look at that thank you so much i think i set that up you did we won but i walked cost honestly i don't know yeah i feel like we should all just quit and leave no i think we should yeah come on come on let's go get it right i'm fine solo i'd rather have somebody come and pull our hairs out all of this can be arranged oh can it be done pulling ashers yeah oh not this one again i don't mind it okay we wanted to try something there's four guys there's only what six people in the final and four of us are o's we can just sabotage them straight off the bat that's just to screw them all up i'll [ __ ] it up i mess it up every time i try and grab people i need a win for i need to win for me okay i mean i'm all about teamwork hello little man he's waving at us kevin is nice is he which one the the guy here with the later kitchen oh no he's my friend from the last game we were hugging the guy here it's the jacksepticeye hairs right now every time you get a new haircut it's like ah the jacks there's a bald guy next ah i know i can't really fall off at this i'm going to stay over here and [ __ ] this guy up i don't know when i was born i had that hair eventually at some point i have all of these hairstyles oh my gosh oh i like this he got scared but two platforms stay in that la that was the last one to go oh my gosh go forward attack adventist nice oh gosh i just want to say it it's been a pleasure serving an honor it's been an honor it's jesus violence the titanic's going down is he actually a villain he's a villain he seems so friendly how [ __ ] a plot twist oh my god did he call you he grabbed me he touched me here and here and here on the doll i'm trying to grab him now oh my god oh my god no your bollock's gone come on i have the power of irish spring on my side kerrygold and irish spring i'm nervous i'm seeing white i mean knuckles are turning go go guys i'm actually gonna faint jump oh [ __ ] oh no we're grounded oh i hate this this is crazy this is intense i [ __ ] hate this oh no oh you're right you're back you wanna dance there buddy you wanna this all day he dance i could hear the [ __ ] breathing it's getting faster i need that music from gladiator back when i was a kid i'm tapped into the [ __ ] matrix right now we're going to have to get you drug tested after this check stephanie's there's something you're doing here oh my god i'm actually i'm actually light-headed just another 10 or 20 minutes and you've got it he's gonna screw up oh [ __ ] oh my god it's so [ __ ] fast no no no oh my gosh i think the president should write me a letter anyway oh i'd sign that petition you deserve it michael j jack that was absolutely brilliant i tell you guys oh it's amazing thanks albert oh jesus let's take a breather that was legendary that was that bastard one what an ass wipe i need an exorcism after that one and he's a young priest and an old priest oh i i can do i need a priest and a subway sandwich specifically in that order i can do one more and i'm gonna have to call it quits because it's getting so hot in here all right sweat just too much i'm able to keep going for another hour or so yeah same i've never had that mode go on for that long i've never had that i've never i don't think it's ever gone on that long world record fall guys should put me in the game now ed give me a skin i think they might they did reply that's true driving you there bro oh man that was crazy ending there what's that at all now three wins or four i think it's still two yeah i don't think we will anymore we got the final yeah we've been in the final a lot though i think i think nearly every single game we won our very first game and then didn't you win one that was it yeah that was it was it why did i take with way more yeah maybe it is just because we've been in the finals so much oh my oh no no no no no no pick off your little pink wobblers hey leave the pink guys alone oh now i'm talking about the bubbly oh that's okay we did it jesus this one barely made that one to be honest with you one guy's at the very beginning no i didn't give any hugs did i that time what is that paul moist what are the options oh it is really warm though i think it's a combination of it being extremely hot in this game being really stressful i'm going putting it down there i've a wing counter in in the title of the video so people people know they're clicking on to a winning stream a winner stream no one wants to watch a bunch of losers exactly i hope we get fall yellow yellow is the most uh players here we lose yellow and blue i don't want to be red thanks nobody fair play we've had good luck as red though we'll be grand we've got it in the bag as they say as long as you don't get fall ball again i'll be happy i really want to play anything i like i actually i saw five balls lads five balls six fighters i'm holding on to that [ __ ] stop touching my balls oh no come back get back bastards oh all the blues are in our zone we have to defend yeah playing border patrol here for a play fair play oh here that's not go oh here i'll let you uh go way out of that will you make sure we have four fours a good number five five is pretty good blue's getting [ __ ] on here yeah i'm just getting blues getting the [Music] hit i saw a red guy literally pushing it over blue is getting [ __ ] on right now i'm just going playing the border and keeping it out of blue yeah this is [ __ ] chaos we're on the left side on the left side being grabbed by blues all over the show there it is back over boom oh kevin boom there you are oh oh my god give it a nice quack as well as that pure that's athlete on blue team they got definitely cyberbully let's just press and escape twice get rid of the mouse because i don't trust chad it might kick me out of the game no no no no no no no i just have the controller and and the mouse goes away oh smart i should do that controller and plug that in and when i moved it even if you're not using it no that's no i don't know what you said oh not this one again no if it's use a massive keyboard the mouse will always be there yeah just move it somewhere it's when you when you tab in and out i can't use it from a camera you'll be fine don't worry go right side go right side watch out for the right side yeah right side okay right side is the bright side okay god [ __ ] thank you for breaking it down to ryan i know you need that kevin every now and then oh grab me mother of kevin you got bitter random chance in this one no no just not notice that watch out for the perfect [Music] jack you were literally the last line in line with someone else yeah i know i was like she has to dive for this i was looking at the guy in your left-hand side i was like she has to die let's go back to the spectator booth there jim yeah yeah like an actual like rabbit hair kevin you didn't make it but we'll win for you all right i'll still watch along and see how you do oh so this game mode you just want to push the ball you don't want to grab it or anything like that you literally just want to stay behind it and walk into it run off too many cooks so i'm going on ahead yeah no don't go ahead do not forget ahead we need people do not want to hit wrong there's way too many people pushing you through the speech people are pushing it [ __ ] push it [ __ ] stubborn [ __ ] all right you want to stop yellow at the moment shut the [ __ ] up kevin i'm helping if you're dead thanks kevin kevin right you can get a nice stuck in the corner there get help brian don't be [ __ ] watching you're in the background look what happened oh my god stop the blue stop the blue we're [ __ ] trying shut up look at this wow that's some good blocking what's back up here very good now it's almost like me being there on time because they were beating the [ __ ] out of us actually helped dahi ah how do you have friends you should have seen me on the under 11 soccer team bye yeah you're the only player on the team they all quit oh body motor and [ __ ] oh you should go back to him you should go coaching 11 year olds beat some character into them thank you so much for that tip jesus christ you're always way too supportive congrats on sean's crazy jumping gameplay thank you that means a lot to me you know what thank you so much trying enough you're always way way too kind [ __ ] hell alien boy creations thanks for the bits and sneaky pay for the bits as well i am looking moist aren't i thank you so much trying enough that can help but and sugary uh actually i was talking about that you're [ __ ] you're literally right huh oh he looks like oh i'm me i'm [ __ ] no no you can make it you can make him jump at the middle of it oh little rock get off your little pig oh i'm gone i'm gone i'm gone i got hit and then stuck into it struggle [Laughter] come on man that was his last round you could have won it for him who's the last round is that kevin's yeah yeah [ __ ] off kevin yeah stop streaming you're going to struggle without my advice man can you stay and i leave look if you can just continue my legacy of giving him good support and giving him a few hugs especially in fall ball i'd appreciate it playfully tripping him over yeah and you kindly [ __ ] off now since he said kindly yes man kevin i think you're great thank you thank you i'm glad you're back and get to play games i've not been against you i just want you to please [ __ ] off i think you're great thank you two out of three a majority is all i need my ego is fulfilled goodbye i am going to peace out because i i'm way too hot i might stick around and watch a few wee though and see is anyone streaming on twitch are you all on youtube now or whatever no we all sold out man okay i'm going to make sure myself oh i don't know i could look at that all right enjoy guys thanks for the game see you later kevin oh that was fun that was a hardship that i inflicted let me stop this all right [ __ ] hell oh my god it's so warm it's actually boiling i don't know is it just the heat like i don't think it's particularly hot today but um it was uh it was it was starting to get really [ __ ] hot let's see um is i think are they actually all on um watch them call it now they're all on youtube aren't they oops yeah i think they are actually are all on youtube so i can't actually read any of them what can you do but jesus christ thank you for all the support guys oh sorry that was a random one playing um all the support's been insane today like the hype train was not trying enough thank you for the 100 bucks there the donation and thank you for the all the gift subs everyone um i has thank you for the 100 gift subs as well that's [ __ ] crazy um but yeah jesus it's it's been super overwhelming i i appreciate it i feel bad when i do these streams i buy and i'll thank you for the bits um bon appetit i hope you sleep well yeah i am actually pretty hungry uh is he strange today with the bits you was supposed to tell him for winding up die yeah i don't think he realizes that i just feed off this screaming oh christ almighty it's um it's bacon peach thank you so much for the donation love your stuff here's for cooler days yeah hopefully oh it'll um it'll start to cool down even though i won't be streaming tomorrow so i wouldn't mind a bit of sun but the worst thing about it is it's all the equipment heating up the office but uh it's not even sunny here it's just been super humid and it's really gray and uh really really warm um it's frustrating because you don't get any of the like good parts about it uh from getting the heat you know i'm not even making any sense anymore i'm aware of this but thank you so much guys for the support it's been mad um thank you for spending your evening with me as well appreciate it um obviously the other lives are still streaming dahi terrorizer and sean if you want to go over on their youtube channels but i can't rate anyone because they're all over on youtube so we're going to do a raid on a talented musician instead whichever way you want to go um what was the other thing oh yeah i have a video going up in 10 minutes as well we're finishing off the harry potter and philosopher stone and uh we beat voldemort i don't need to spoil it but it's the last episode sneaky boo thank you for the bits when are you streaming sims again maybe tuesday i'm not i'm not a hundred percent um sub count oh hold on let me see if i can get it open past here uh sorry i completely forgot about that as of today we just squeaked over 6 000 subscribers it's [ __ ] insane like i think it's way more than a channel of our size to have that many subs usually i think your community is just like way way way more supportive than average um yeah i might stream sims on tuesday uh lexi thank you for the bits um oh you did change your name yeah i i read lexi and then the l and i just assumed it was looping because it was so close uh miss bethany save the bits um the baby yellow the call of karen scrutinized i played scrutinized today it was [ __ ] scary also pleased by a fan i have a fan on but it's still warm i'm getting like a [ __ ] headache now i gave it tonight thank you for the tip hey kevin the diy hawaii stream is when again i've bought the timber i've got my workshop kind of set up i just need to set up a few wires and whatnot because i have to run wires through walls um and i've got to get the wood plane so i'd say if i'm lucky thursday if not the weekend um saturday maybe saturday sunday it'll probably take two or three streams to finish it so that'll be once i start that it'll probably be all the content will just be woodworking streams so two or three streams um but yeah that should be that should be fun right i'm actually going to go now because i have a pretty bad headache vito mache thank you for the sub pure games thank you for the sub as well and uh we're going to drop a raid on live guys thank you for all the support again video up in 10 minutes if you want to see it the lights over on youtube if you want to see them or live here who's really talented musician uh who we're raiding now we've rated her before so i'll see you tuesday on the stream i don't stream mondays so jasmine thank you very much for the sub and pure games as well thank thank you for joining me bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye please don't cry we both know
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 88,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: -AhJHeUr8Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 42sec (7542 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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